How cheating on you improves your life

Story by SlowChu on SoFurry

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Hello everybody, here we have another sticky-gooey love story, filled with the clicheé coming out, but what the hell, it's all about love, right? x3

I really didn't know what I did at first, as the idea of the story wasn't there until I wrote the first sentence. But I still think it's quite readable as I enjoyed the time writing it. And please, if you have time and any kind of tip or constructive criticism, comment on the story. I really wanna be a better writer.

Now for the warning thing: Acts of 2 males having sex, if you aren't 18 or not into gay writing, please hit the back button.

With that said, I proudly present:

How cheating on you improves your life


Rubbing his paw against his forehead, he groaned in pain. Another time Sam managed to bang his head against the low hanging lamp over the cafeteria table, glaring at it.

"Scheiß Lampe..." he muttered to himself, noticing the laughter of his friends near him.

"Calm down Sammy, it's not like it's the first time your head and the lamp met," a voice laughed from the left. "Besides...what did ClumsyMcChu just say?"

"Oh...I spoke german again?" A blush over his yellow muzzle appeared "I just said 'fucking lamp', nothing else," the Pikachu said with a grin.

Sam Müller, an exchange student from Germany, couldn't refrain from speaking his mother tongue whenever he made a sudden exclamation of joy, frustration or any emotion alike. He came to the USA 6 months ago and entered a boarding school.

The main reason for choosing that certain type of school was to be independent of his parents or host parents, as he loved managing life on his own.

The first 2 days for him had been kinda lonely until he ran into Jake Ramwood, an extremly outgoing, energetic wolf of 170 cm, grey-brown fur covering his main body which would turn into a grey and white shade near his facial area

and dark grey on his chest and belly. His figure could be called slightly above normal weight.

He wasn't exactly athletic but not even chubby or anything. All he had was a small bulge attached to his belly, but it just made him look like a really friendly fur.

Sam on the other hand looked rather special. A rather small Pikachu for his age of 18 years, as he was just 150 cm tall. His head was covered with tousled red hair and the tips of his ears were colored in the same copper red tone. And just like Jake, he didn't look muscular or anything, just well nourished.

And he was proud to look like he did, making him interesting and standing out from the rest. The rest of his looks were as usual though, yellow fur covering his body, the red cheeks, the lightning shaped tail and the brown stripes on his back. And being as open to new things and curios as Jake, them becoming friends was inevitable.

Sam had been walking over the property, listening to his MP3-player, when he felt a tap on his shoulder. It was Jake, smiling. Obviously Jake heard that the Pikachu's music machine played a Rammstein song and wanted to ask if he had any albums. After about 5 minutes they already were friends, both of the boys sharing a passion Rammstein and Sam even being able to understand them. Ever since they'd often stay in Sam's room and listen to all kind of music he brought over from Germany and he would translate them for the canine. And from that day on their friendship grew and the wolf introduced Sam to his friends...

"Yaaay" Jake cheered when he got report card and an B showed up next to the subject german. "You got an A I guess?" He looked over to Sam who examined his own report.

"Of course" he boasted with a wide grin. "Let's check out what Jenny got!" Sam went on, glancing over to his girlfriend. They have been dating for 6 weeks in that time, Jenny being a Pokémorph herself, to be exact a beautiful, slender Raichu girl. She was smirking self-contented, her brown eyes waving back and forth over her marks.

"Hey hun, show me what you got," the rodent said, reaching out his paw. She followed the request and handed the paper over. "Wow...with such impressive grades you will get a scholarship, for sure!"

"I hope so, 'cause if I get one, my dad will buy me a new car." She kissed Sam gently on the lips. "And my german grade is on your credit, sweetie."

A sheepish smiled covered the muzzles of both Chus until Jake entered the conversation, thanking Sam as well for his grade. Indeed, having a german friend who will study the language with you, will always raise your grade.

"So, since it's the last day of school...Should we go out tonight and celebrate our grades?" the wolf asked.

"Uhm...sorry I can't...I have to pack for my summer trip with my family," Jenny answered with sad eyes.

"Oh I see...Sam, you wanna hang out with me and some buddies then?"

"Sure!" was the reply of the electric mouse. "Unless you want me to help you, sweetheart." He turned his head to Jenny but she shook her head.

The 3 of them went out of the class room to their respective rooms and the day passed by...

It was 7 PM and Sam got ready to meet with his grey furred friend, but before he wanted to drop over at Jenny's room to kiss her goodbye. The small Chu sauntered to her room and knocked twice, but got no reply. Opening the door, he heard some muffled sounds and creaking. As Sam got closer and closer he could identify the familiar voice of his girlfriend, moaning. His heartbeat increased, a knot formed in his guts, hoping it wouldn't be what he expected.

But it was. Just as he opened the door to the dorm room, Sam heard an outscream of ecstasy, followed by an wheezed 'Oh my god'. Staring into the room, his widened eyes caught his naked girlfriend and an unknown Raichu, panting heavily. The blue Pikachu eyes filled with tears as he made up his mind what to do or to say. In the end he settled for a very simple reaction, a scream of pain.

"Fick dich! You slut! Packing, huh?!"

Now it was Jessy's turn to stare in fear, her lower lip quiverring. "Honey, it's not what you think!" she cried.

"What is it then?! It's fucking some guy or did I miss something?!"

"No...No... It's just..You know..."


"How the hell could I ever have sex with a Pikachu?! It would kill my reputation!" She sounded more angry than sorry now.

"Ahh...I see how it is. Let's see how you like your reputation as slut!" Sam shouted and stomped out of the room. He heard her crying and cursing for the rest of his walk out of the house.

Once outside he started to cry, his heart broken into a million pieces. All he wanted to do is run, run away from the stinging pain. And he did, the cold air drying his tears as they flowed down from his eye sockets.

Even though it was dark, Jake could see his bright yellow friend dash towards him, paws covering the face. Instantly his happy expression went to concerned as he almost knew that he needed to care for his friend as much as he could during the next minutes or hours. Luckily, the other guys couldn't make it as they went to a bar to get drunk, so a little private talk could be done. With each step Sam got closer, he could hear sobs, ensuring his suggestion that he needs to solace his Chu buddy.

"Hey Sam. What happened?" The sorrow in his voice couldn't be clearer.

Through all the sobbing his speech became an unintelligible blabber. ""


"She....fucked another Raichu...'cause sex with me...a Pikachu...would kill her...reputation," Sam whined, still twitching, with his eyes bloodshot.

The shock caused Jake to open his eyes so much, it looked painful. He just didn't know what to say, seeing the usually cheery and laidback rodent in such a pose almost made him cry himself. The silence, only broken by the sniffing noises, carried on for a while. Finally the wolf leaned over to Sam and hugged him.

Sam just kept on sobbing into the blue T-shirt in front of him, his paws clutching and twisting it. They stood there for a while until Jake rose his voice.

"You know, if she's such a superficial bitch, she doesn't deserve you anyway." A weak smile formed on the rodent's muzzle, followed by a soft 'True'.

"But I have one question though... Why don't you evolve into a Raichu? I mean normally it's like hitting puberty between the age of 12 and 15, right?"

A second later Jake regretted his question as Sam let out a loud howl, crying again. A canine paw patting on his head calmed him down though, now able to answer.

"You see, Jake...After I still didn't evolve into a Raichu after my 16th birthday, we went to the doctor. I went through a couple of tests and the result stated that

I have a metabolic malfunction. It causes a certain thing in my brain to stop producing the hormones needed to get a step higher. The doctor also said that it's already a wonder I'm no Pichu. I'm still proud of myself but I'd really like to turn into Raichu. So unless you know a really good hormone therapist for Pokémon I'm bound to stay like this until I die."

A gigantic grin formed on the grey wolf's muzzle, his teeth shining to Sam, who in return just looked confused.

"Dude, you look really cute as a Pikachu," he said, flicking his middle finger against the copper tip of Sam's ear "but I see your point, though."

"And why do you grin like a jerk then?" the Chu asked, glaring with evil eyes.

"You have to be a really lucky Pikachu. My parents happen to be the ones in charge for a medical lab where they experiment with hormones, helping those who can't evolve. I bet they have something to help you."

"T-they could?" Sam's jaws dropped, seeing a glimmer of hope. If he had just told his friend earlier, maybe the events of that day wouldn't have happened.

But it didn't matter for him any longer, anyway. The sadness of just a moment ago was replaced by excitement, joy and hope. Unable to express his feelings in a verbal way, he just yipped and hugged Jake. A reassuring hug later, they pulled back from each other, the marine blue Chu eyes sparkling in happiness.

"Uhm...Jake, just another question."

"What is it?"

"Could you please sleep in my room tonight? I don't feel like being alone..."

"Sure!" was the cheerful reply. So they made their way to the house where the pupils had their rooms. They quickly undressed and went to bed, Sam in his bed and Jake on the couch...

It was 2 AM when Sam woke up with the urge to pee. Rushing into the bathroom, he released the pressure.

He sighed as he passed by Jenny's room and felt how a void began to rise from inside. Shaking his head, he made his way back to his room.

Back in his bed, the yellow Pokémorph put his paws under his head and stared against the wall, thinking about Jenny and how happy she made him.

His eyes got watery again when he heard a mumbling voice. It wasn't understandable and maybe not even interesting, but at that moment Sam would do anything to put his mind somewhere else. He tiptoed to the couch where he found a sleep-talking wolf, shifting and mumbling.

"Oh forget that bitch...I'll make you happy...I love you.." Jake whispered in his dreams, making motions that looked like hugs and kisses.

The electric rodent only gazed, wondering if he was meant with the loving words. After all Jake said things that would fit in the situation Sam was in.

He remembered what he learned on Discovery Channel once. You could influence people's dreams by whispering anything and since the canine obviously made his dreams public, Sam wanted to give it a shot.

"Who do you love?" his soothing voice said in a whisper. The response was a cooed 'Sam'.

"" he thought to himself. Was Jake really gay? Or was it just his overcaring personality? "And if he is gay, could I love him back?" The rodent was riven between his own sexuality and the oath of love he heard. After some thinking, Sam came to the conclusion that he would wait until the morning to confront his grey friend with all this and just went back to bed.

Never before, falling asleep was so hard for him.

With a snap his eyes flung open, his thoughts immediately revolving about his task he had to fulfill. He walked to the couch and saw that Jake was already dressed and ate a bowl of cereals while watching the morning cartoons. A short wave over to Sam and he continued to eat. But the Pikachu had other plans than letting Jake watch his toons being smacked with hammers. He switched off the TV and settled himself next to the wolf, whose face had a puzzled look.

" you remember what your dreams last night were about?"

", not really. Why you ask?"

"Well I know it..." Sam took a deep breath, still concerned whether his next sentence would kill their friendship. "In your said you love me."

The following moment was perhaps the most awkward for both furs ever, Jake blushing deeply, his muzzle changing into a crimson red color.

"Uhm...Really? I did? That's" the embarrassed canine snickered nervously, not daring to take his eyes of his bowl of cereals.

The change from the cheery, hyper wolf Sam got to know to a stuttering, sheepishly looking one, indicated that the suspicion indeed was true.

"So do you love me?" Speaking those words to a boy felt wrong and right at the same time to Sam, but what the hell, he always tried new things so why not exploring his feelings for his best friend?

"I..I don't know what you're talking about.."

"Oh for fucks sake Jake, just say it, I won' hate you just because you're gay." The mouse rolled his eyes. In fact, Jake being gay wasn't that much of a big deal. Him being in love with Sam again was kind of strange, but at that moment it didn't matter. First things first.

" wouldn't feel weird hanging out with me?" His eyes were filled with fear, switching left to right, from Sam's left eye to the right.

"Uhm..why should I? You're just gay, I don't think you will rape me now." Sam chuckled, raising a smile on the wolf's muzzle. "Besides, you are such a great friend, I wouldn't wanna lose you...I mean, hell, you might even be the one fulfilling one of my greatest wishes!" he exclaimed, assuring that he really didn't mind Jake's sexuality. Those words were like an enlightenment to Jake. His slight smile turned into a big smirk, feeling relieved and sure that the yellow rodent would stay with him as a friend.

"Well, I think you got a point there." The canine Sam knew returned, a happy one with a always wiggling tail. "You really are an awesome Pikachu, dude."

Sam smiled as the tension faded, pleased with the outsome of the conversation. But his expression quickly turned into a grave one when he realized that he needed to ask one more thing. After all, Jake didn't exactly answer the question whether he had a crush on Sam or not. And the Chu was too curious to leave it behind. Another long intake of breath and he was ready to solve the last mystery.

"Jake... I need to know one more thing, though." By now Sam was slighty shaking in anticipation, another time questioning if it was the right moment to ask. "Do you really love me? know...real love?"

He expected anything, crying, denial, anger, simply anything but what Jake did. He smiled and pecked Sam on the lips, leaving a paralyzed Pikachu behind.

"Have you ever wondered why I took the german classes in first place? Just for two simple reasons... one being close to you and the other one to be able to say 3 words." Now he really beamed at Sam, the wolf's eyes sparkling. "Ich liebe dich."

Still blinking his eyes rapidly, the baffled rodent tried his best to comprehend the situation. Jake's last sentence didn't even reach his brain as he was more eager on finding out whether he liked the small kiss. Questions like "Could I be gay? Did it feel better when Jenny kissed me? Can I love him?" filled his mind.

But he found a solution.

"Another one." Sam demanded.

"Huh? Another what?"

"Kiss me one more time." An expression of determination covered his face, his paws placed on Jake's shoulders.

Jake granted the wish and their muzzles met another time, this time longer than before. For the little Pokémorph it became a moment of revelation.

He liked it and couldn't deny it, melting in the feeling of their lips connecting. Without his consent, his head turned left and his muzzle opened. Yes, this was a truly overwhelming moment for Sam. He never felt so unable to control his body, not even when he kissed Jenny, his paws groping all over Jake's back and his side, squeezing and brushing over his fur.

Jake on the other hand welcomed the invitation to a long french kiss, loving the massage provided by his electric friend. He let their tongues unite, a feeling he had given anything for earlier this day. A single tear of joy ran down his cheek as he finally could engulf Sam in his held back emotions. He enjoyed the kiss even more when he could hear a muffled, yet moaned 'Chuuu' exiting into his muzzle. Slowly he pulled back, smiling and blushing. Yet he was curious why he got such a great offer.

"Uhm...why did you do this?" the grey-brown wolf asked.

"Hmm...let's call it a test." Sam answered, smiling from one cheek to the other. "And you passed." Both boys giggled a bit, followed by a big hug.

Silence shrouded them until Jake began to speak.

"You know...Please don't get me wrong now...But I actually was kinda glad when you broke up with Jenny...Everytime you kissed, a little bit inside of me died.."

"I understand...You don't get to kiss such a fine piece everyday, I'd be glad myself if I were you." Sam laughed, nuzzling into the furred chest.

This remark made both of them just smile, forgetting any trouble they had before...

2 weeks passed since the fateful event, redefining Sam's sexual preferences. He and Jake decided it would be best if they kept their from then on daily kissing sessions a secret from the others. But not 'cause they were embarrased, rather liking the feeling of doing something 'forbidden'.

By then Jake had called his parents and had portrayed the situation of the small mouse.

Luckily, they needed a tester for an evolution-hormone for Pokémon of electric nature and they were glad when Sam accepted. However, there was a certain risk,

as it wasn't known how it would affect Sam, let alone if it worked.

"How do they say? No risk, no fun." The yellow murine grinned, showing no sings of fear as a box, containing the treatment, arrived.

The wolf snickered slightly and opened the package. Inside they saw several syringes, an equal amount of small bottles containing a glowing blue fluid and a manual on how to use the hormones.

Sam read the paper while Jake sorted the objects into a small box he prepared earlier.

"So...I need to inject the stuff once a day until I evolve." he explained.

"Any side effects?"

"Hmm... blah blah blah...Ah, here it is... Possibilities of nausea, vomiting, blurred vision, abdominal pain, dizzyness, disorientation and... diarrhea...eww..."

Jake cracked up when he saw the disgust on his secret lover's face. Squirming and wriggling in laughter, Sam tried his best to resist the urge to burst out, as well. But it was useless and a second later, both rolled over the floor laughing until they bumped into each other. They stared into each others eyes and kissed.

"I can't say how happy I am to be with you, Wolfie."

"I can only give this back."

"Well...I think it's time to give it a first try... Uhm, could you help me, please?" The Chu pointed at his bottom, making Jake smirk.

"Sure, but you need to remove your pants." Both boys grinned and Sam did what he was told, revealing two gorgeous, slightly plump cheeks to the astonished canine. He couldn't withstand the temptation to run his hand over the soft fur, making Sam blush. And Jake's pants showed how much he liked it, as a tent built down there, not visible to the Pikachu who looked the opposite direction.

"Jake, the shot I need, remember?" he commented, waiting for a sting in the region.

"Oh yeah..right." With a swift motion he grabbed the needle, sucked the blue fluid into it and gave Sam the wanted shot. A small yelp and it was over. He turned over to Jake, instantly noticing the pole which caught his eyes.

"Hehe, seems like you like what you saw," the rodent whispered.

"Hell yeah!" was the cheery reply.

"Then show me what you got."

The white-grey facial fur turned bright pink and the wolf sniggered a bit, but he gave in and pulled his pants down. For the first time in his life Sam saw another erection, notably longer than his with around 16 cm in length. A unknown feeling rose inside of him, something between warm and aroused. As if he was guided by an unknown force, he stretched out his paw to wrap it around the hard flesh in front of him. Jake let out a low moan, loving the touch in his private region.

The sensation topped itself when the Chu started stroking the throbbing cock, causing the canine to fall on his back and groan.

"Oh...god...Sam I've always dreamt of this moment, I can't say how much I love it."

But he got no verbal reply. Instead Sam squeezed a bit, his eyes pinned to the genitalia in his paws. As a bit of pre trickled down the shaft, his other paw caught it and tasted the somehow sweet liquid. Since his mind didn't work, he just followed his instincts. Increasing the speed of his movements, his only intention was to get more of the delicious nectar.

Jake squirmed and moaned in overwhelming emotions, groping for the member in his lover's pants. He wanted to give him the same he had, fumbling on the pants to pull them down. The stroking Pokémorph realized what the aroused fur tried, so he helped him by wiggling his hips, making the pants slump down.

There they were, both naked from belly on, Sam pawing Jake off.

Now it was the canine's turn to return the favor, while Sam craved for pre like hell, running his paw all over the sticky dick in front of him to collect every driplet.

Jake reached for the 12 cm long genital, receiving a squeeze on his own and a gasp from the yellow fur as he touched it. Just like Sam, he began stroking, feeling his own climax coming.

"Oh my thing ever," the Chu thought to himself, moaning and breathing heavily. No matter how much he appreciated the taste of pre, being jerked off was over that, making him shiver slightly. The result of this stimulation turned out to be faster and faster rubbing on the cock in his paw. Suddenly a loud 'Ungh' echoed through the room and a white, gooey liquid was sprayed over Sam's shirt and his crotch. With a look which could be best described as 'Did I do this?', he examined the cum, licking up some of it. The salty taste was great, washing through his muzzle. It was enough to induce an orgasm of unknown height to the lustfilled Pikachu.

With a loud 'Chuuu', he spurted all of his seed over the wheezing wolf below him, who was relaxing in his afterglow. But instead of sinking down to the grey furred chest, he felt how his guts twisted and turned. He was about to puke and he knew it. The bath room was to far away and even if it wasn't, his private area was undressed. So he ran to his bin and let it all out, his eyes getting watery again from the strong reaction.

Once he stopped to empty himself and finally breathing again all he got out was a 'fucking side effects...'

Jake, whose senses slowly returned, glanced over to his friend and found it, for some strange reason, quite amusing to see Sam muttering over the effects.

But it was too cute to see the exhausted Pokémorph bowing over the trash bin, raising his tail into the air, still panting from the mixture of puking and release.

After Sam was finally able to breath in a normal manner, he rose his voice.

"So...did you like it?" He grinned broadly.

"Oh god, I love you more than ever!"

"Hehe, awesome." The Chu's grin got even wider. "But we should take a shower," he snickered, pointing down at the cum stains from their act.

Wiggling with his tail, Jake picked up his boxers, grabbed a towel and the two furs went off to the showers...

Another week passed by. After their first intimate act, more followed. Just like a ritual, the things always happened in the same order.

Sam mooned Jake, followed by a shot and ending in another act of lust. Unfortunately, in the end, a side effect of the hormonal therapy would set in,

leaving a worn out electric rodent behind.

But there was another concern for Sam, far bigger than puking. He would be out of the serum he injected soon and still he didn't evolve.

He wondered whether the worst result would set in and he'd never become a Raichu.

Often Sam would stay awake a long time, staring at the wall and hope for a wonder.

With a annoying beeping sound, he was ripped out of his dreams and opened his eyes. Rubbing the sleep out of his eyes, he suddenly froze.

Through his blurred vision he you see that his paw wasn't yellow anymore. He focused his eyes and...

It was his pair of boxers he picked up in he sleep. This sudden letdown, the split second of hope destroyed, made him scream. He started sobbing heavily and watched his paw, still bright yellow, while tears flowed down his muzzle. Sam simply couldn't hold back anymore. All the years he accepted his fate and made the best out of it, but after Jake yielded his hopes and only one more syringe left, his dreams now were shattered.

"This last injection won't help either..." he thought to himself, rubbing his eyes to wipe away the salty water.

Noon came and Jake arrived to give the Chu his last shot. But today it was different. Normally Sam would act in a seductive way, shaking his butt and strip off his shirt, turning on the wolf. But today, he just scuffled into the room, pulled his pants down quickly and waited for it to be over. Suspicions awoke in Jake, noticing how phased out his murine friend was.

"Hey Sam, anything wrong with you?" he asked full of sorrow.

"Nope...I'm fine." Sam sighed back. "Shot, please."

The worried canine put the needle down and turned Sam around, piercing him with his eyes

"Oh please, something's wrong, even a blind fur could see it, so tell me. Now!" Never before he was that aggressive, demanding to know the problem.

" know...I don't think it'll work... I mean, c'mon this is the last syringe and what happened up to now? I puked and pooped more than ever..."

Both heads sunk, watching the floor. Jake couldn't answer now, knowing that Sam was as depressed as when Jenny cheated on him. Any try to cheer him up would fail and he knew it. All he could do was to give him the last shot. Sam pulled his pants back up, disappointed that, again, nothing happened.

"Jake, would you mind if we leave out the fun today?"

"No, no...I don't feel like it anyway." And he wasn't lying, letting his sad eyes wander over Sam to see if anything happened.

"Thanks." the rodent muttered.

"But I have to ask for a favor, though." A sudden happiness was audible in the wolf's voice. "Would you like to go to the cinema with me tonight?"

With a weak smile, 'Yea' was the reply Sam gave.

At 8 PM they met in front of their house and went to the movie theater. Jake had reserved tickets for Scary Movie, hoping it would brighten Sam's mood. And it did. When they walked out of the cinema, the rodent constantly imitated his favorite scene, screaming 'Wassuuuuuup' through the streets, laughing at the irritating looks he earned. Yes, the canine's plan worked out great, happy to see Sam happy.

However, the redheaded Pikachu had a surprise for him, as well.

Walking through a dark alley, Sam suddenly grabbed Jake's paw, pulled him close and kissed him on the lips. Amazed by the show of affection, Jake tightened

his grip, looking into a warm smile.

"Jake...there's something I need to tell you..." the bashful Chu started. "Over the last have been the greatest being I've ever met, cheered me up and gave me hope...I just wanna be around you, so...I'd like to ask whether you want to be my boyfriend?"

Overwhelmed by the emotional speech, the wolf's eyes filled, joy washing through his body. He could barely bring out a weak 'Yes', before he hugged his new boyfriend and started to cry. Now Sam could finally be the one to calm the other fur down, brushing his paw over the light grey cheeks. It was the perfect moment for a tender kiss, filled with love for another.

"Ich liebe dich, Jake."

"Ich liebe dich auch, Sam."

Holding paws, they walked off into the night, imaging a bright future for them...

This night, Sam slept better than ever before, his dreams filled with visions of his bright future, unimportant whether he was a Pikachu or a Raichu. All that mattered was Jake, his incredible teal eyes, his body covered in the most beautiful grey-brown fur, his perfect personality, simply everything about him was amazing. In his imagination, the rodent saw himself loved, loving back just as much.

A shining world, where even the sex was nothing more than a proof of love.

Feeling the careful thrusts in his tailhole, smelling the scents of them, the low moaning with a whispered 'I love you' or 'Ich liebe dich' inbetween.

There was no pain as the wolf sunk deeper and deeper into Sam. He was hitting all the right spots, making both shuffle and squirm in delight.

Nearing his climax, the Pikachu began gasping rapidly. The world around him faded away into a rainbow color, leaving only a feeling of fullness and the awaited climax behind.

With a loud howl, Sam jumped up in his bed, feeling how his cock twitched and emptied. He looked down at the mess in his crotch and smiled, knowing that even without his physical presence, Jake had pleased him.

The sun shone already, filling the room with its warming rays. The Chu quickly jumped out of bed, got himself new underwear and ambled to the showers.

Since it was such a beautiful morning, he decided to go to a café to eat breakfast, enjoying a nice cup of coffee and maybe a croissant in the sunshine. But it was way too early to wake his lupine boyfriend, so he'd be on his own. Anyway, at 9 AM Sam sat there in the street café, stirring in his cappucino and just watching the furs who walked by.

"Wonderful." he thought to himself, smiling. Soon he'd be at Jake's room and wake his boyfriend with a soft kiss, gazing into the slowly opening teal eyes. But suddenly the electric rodent was ripped out of his imagination. A pat on his shoulder, followed by a qiuet, female-sounding 'Hey' and he froze. Jenny had returned from her vacation and now she was staring right at the Pikachu she cheated on 3 weeks ago. Usually Sam wouldn't bear a grudge against anyone, but what she did, was beyond forgiving.

"Why would you talk to a Pikachu?" he sneered. "Don't you think it will kill your reputation?" The anger brewed up in him and he wouldn't care if he hurt her.

"Sam...look...what I did was really stupid. But I'm sure you would understand it as well, if you were in my position. Anyway, what I am here for is to say sorry and ask if you could give me another chance." She looked sorry, but what frustrated Sam was that she still didn't get the point.

"If you would really love me, you wouldn't care about what others think about you," he said. But what came next, shocked Jenny deep inside. "Besides I already am in a new relationship."

Her jaws dropped and her eyes widened. "Who the hell is that bitch?!? I fucking kill her!" she screamed like a fiend.

"Oh it's no girl, it's Jake." The satisfaction, feeling that even though he hurt her, he still was the righteous one, made him grin. A moment late he felt bad, though. It wasn't his nature to be vengeful, but she humiliated and destroyed him like that, as well. She ran off, angry and screaming things like 'fucking fags' and 'Oh, you will see'.

With a shrug of his shoulders, the small murine continued to eat and drink, payed the bill and set off to Jake. Humming a melody, he arrived at the pupil houses.

He pushed the door open as quiet as he could and sneaked up to the bed where the wolf was snoring. Sam leaned down and put his lips on the grey-white cheek and whispered 'Good morning, sunshine.' Just like he imagined before, Jake opened his eyes slowly and smiled when he saw the yellow muzzle, the marineblue eyes and the glowing red cheeks. 'Hey' he spoke back under his breath and reached his paws out to pull the Chu in his bed.

They lay there, cuddling and kissing until Sam positioned himself right next to the canine, resting his head on his paw.

"I dreamed about us tonight..."

"No way! I dreamed the same."

"Oh...I bet you didn't." The blushing Pikachu snickered. "You and I made love.." he cooed.

"Why just keep it as a dream?" The grey paw cupped the red cheeks and pulled them close to a kiss.

Examining the teal eyes deeply, Sam gave low 'Mmhm' as response and removed his clothes, slowly, giving him a look of a sensual dancer.

Seeing him strip him, instantly tented the wolf's underwear. Sam felt the erotic atmosphere on his own, loving how he was watched, which in return made his member erect as well. He murred slightly, finally removing his fabrics, showing himself completely naked to the hungry eyes.

Laying down in bed again, nuzzling the fluffy chest fur, his paw slid down Jake's boxers. Both lovers moaned when their rockhard dicks rubbed against each other. Lifting the blanket, the small black nose was instantly intoxicated by the musky, sweaty scent that streamed up. A new sensation flooded his body when Jake crawled down and licked the tip of the pink flesh. The tickling, yet strong feeling was almost unbearable for Sam, holding back as much as he could.

Squirming everytime another lick was placed on the shaft, Sam's senses became blurred. All he could clearly feel was the need for Jake to love him. But he wouldn't stop soon, seemingly trying to cover every single centimeter in his saliva. His task was even more of a turn on when pre trickled down the pole, tasting the sweet fluid. However, once the cock was drenched in pre and spit, the wolf abruptly stopped and returned to his original position, smiling at the overwhelmed Chu.

"Sweetie, if you still are sure you want this...the lubricant is in the drawer below you." Jake murred with a soft voice.

Sam fumbled around and found the drawer, opened it and took the lube, pointing the tube right at the horny canine. Without hesitation, he grabbed the chemical product and turned the shivering rodent around. The cap clicked open and with a bit of pressure, the colorless, clear paste came out, covering the index and the middle finger on Jake's paw.

He returned to the bottom parts of Sam again, now looking at the cute butt cheeks in front of him. As he split them open, revealing a small, purple pucker, Sam gasped in anticipation. An even louder one emerged him when he felt the cold, wet fingertip on his hole.

But a second later it warmed up by his own body heat, so he enjoyed the incredibly voluptous massage of his most private area, groaning in lust. He wanted Jake inside of him, now, no matter if it would hurt. Unfortunately, his wish wasn't granted too fast, as Jake wanted to make sure that his entrance wouldn't cause the least bit of pain, rubbing his paw everywhere inside the cheeks, slowly stretching the tailhole hidden between them.

But after a while, what felt for Sam like millenia, the wolf was done, looking at his work like an artist. A silent 'Please' escaped the yellow muzzle. Like he had been waiting for confirmation, Jake firmly took his member and made first contact. Another time both groaned, but way louder than before. Thoughts like 'Oh my god, I'm about to be fucked' and 'And I will love it' rushed through Sam's head, who still couldn't quite believe that his dream, only from a few hours ago, was about to become true.

A loud 'Nnghn' and a push and Jake was in. His brain was unable to work, now that it was flooded, twisted and filled with the warm, tight feeling around the the head of his cock. Sam on the other hand wasn't less pleasured, the lubing work his lover provided proved to be sufficient to avoid any pain.

It still felt like he would burst, but in a strange, positive way. This pressure elicited more moans, arousing both more and more. This very special moment for the Pikachu caused his mind to shut down, as well. All he wanted was more of the wolf inside of him, filling up every single centimeter. This time his desire was fulfilled a blink of any eye later as Jake made his first, very careful thrust, causing both to shout out a united 'Gods!'.

Oh yes, it was the paradise Sam dreamed of. He wasn't simply fucked in the ass, he was made love to as the thrusting canine was careful enough to not go in too hard, hitting all the right spots and even took care of the roden'ts throbbing and pre spilling member with his paw. These perfect minutes, loved by both of them, seemed like hours, every movement, scent, sound just placed there where it should be.

"Such a tender one and yet so strong, he is perfect." Sam thought to himself, since he couldn't say a thing, as only a moaned 'Chuuuuu' would come out.

However, he felt that he would cum soon and tried to express his dislike of his first gay sex to end soon in a verbal way. But still his body wouldn't want to do as his mind wanted, only allowing him to stutter 'I...can...cum'. So he just closed his eyes tightly, hoping the feeling of his boyfriend inside of him wouldn't disappear too soon.

But his tries to not explode failed, the stroking and the stimulation from behind were simply too much to take. With a squealed, high-pitched 'Chuuu!', his testicles were drained, covering the sheets below him in the salty, livegiving liquid. His orgasm would send Jake ove the edge as well, as with each shot of sperm, the fleshy hole around his dick would tighten and squeeze on it. An excited growl on his own and he washed the inner walls of Sam clean with his seed, thousands of colors and feelings waving through his entire body.

Both boys collapsed on the bed, holding each other now and cuddle. Only noises left in the room were the heavy panting and the clock ticking.

", this little Chu.."

"Y-yea...I can'"

The exhaustion set in and in their afterglow, they steadily fell asleep, feeling the warm fur of the other one...

The darkness covered them when Sam and Jake woke up, still covered in cum but happy to see each other's muzzle first when they woke up.

"Hmm...It's evening already? I think we should clean ourselves." Sam giggled, pointing down at the still visible mess in Jake's crotch.

"I think you are right." He laughed back.

They showered, put on fresh clothes and decided to take a walk around the school property, as the air was still warm. To Jake's surprise, the Pikachu took a light bulb with him and constantly sent electricity through it to brighten their way with a very damp, almost sunset-like light. He leaned his head against the canine shoulder and Jake placed his paw on the murine hip, giving them the look of a perfectly happy couple.

They were near the main street, when Jake's stomach growled, showing the obvious that he was hungry.

"Hey Sam, I just go over to the grocery store and get us some candy bars."

"Ok, but why candy?"

"Only sweets for my sweetie." He smiled. "Just wait here on the bench, I'll be back in like 2 minutes."

With that said, he ran off into the store just on the other side of the street, while Sam sat down on the bench. And really after 2 minutes, the wolf returned, holding a Snickers and a Mars in each paw.

"Do you want the Snickers or...Aaaaah!" A loud roar of an engine and a bang cut him off, catapulting Jake at least 5 meters through the air, crashing hard on the

ground and laying there, lifeless. A black car with lights turned off just crashed into him. As it drove off, a few voices screamed 'That's for hurting Jenny, you fags!' through the night.

Sam, completely shocked, just stared at the body of his friend, not able to move. A scream, unable to express it, rushed through him. What did just happen?

All emotions were wiped away, the only perception being the seemingly dead body of Jake. After around 5 seconds, his brain finally figured out what happened and he jumped up, now putting the scream inside him to the outside as an agonized, helpless 'Neeeeein!'.

He dashed over to the body, screaming and crying. Even though he was only 10 meters away, for the Pikachu it felt like 1 light year.

"Jake! Jake! Jake! Live, you stupid wolf! Live!" he shouted at the not moving body, shaking it hard. Then he got the idea of checking his pulse.

Shivering he searched for one on the neck, but he couldn't feel one. His heart stopped beating.

"Nonononononononono, you can't die now, not yet!" Sam shouted, feeling his own powerlessness. Fortunately, he had been in a first aid course, so he tried to reanimate the wolf, Chu tears dripping on him and the cold street. Another time he touched on the neck to find a pulse. Still none. Feeling his guts twist, unable to do anything, Sam puked, emptied himself on the streets. However, he had one final idea.

He'd use himself like a defibrilator, just like in the TV. So he rubbed his paws against each other, creating some electricity and placed them directly above the heart. But unlike in TV, Jake didn't jump up and thud to the ground again, showing that he lacked power. In a last, hopeless attempt he repeated the procedure, rubbing his paws harder this time to create a more powerful electric shot.

But again. Nothing.

Now he just sat there in despair, howling and sobbing over his loss, not daring to move away a single centimeter.

"Why can't I change a thing?! Why?! Why?! Why?! I need save my love!" he screamed into the night.

As if it had been a trigger, Sam began glowing in a unbelievable white light, brightening the whole street. His body now hidden in a shining appearance began to change, the yellow body becoming orange, the belly beige, his paws and ears brown, his tail stretching and becoming thinner, his body becoming wider, taller and chubby, his ears extending into a curl and his hair changing into a deep marineblue tone.

Not willing to believe what just happened, Sam , the Raichu, eyeballed himself. Now he could do something, able to build up more electricity. So he gave it a last shot. If this wouldn't do it, then Jake would be doomed.

Brushing his brown paws against each other, Sam could feel that it would work this time, feeling every single volt. He put them on the chest again and let loose.

But what came, shocked him. Jake didn't twitch slightly, no, he'd jump up and scream, holding his chest.

"What. The. Fuck. Sam?!" the revived wolf shouted at his lover. Through his blurred vision and his shock induced amnesia, Jake still thought he just came out of the grocery store and was looking at the Sam he knew.

"Oh my god! You live!" the Raichu yelled in joy, crushing his boyfriend in his hug. This caused a stinging pain, because several bones were broken in the crash, but Jake didn't notice up to now, since his chest still hurt. The hug ended in a painfilled outcry of Jake. "Fuck, I'd better get you an ambulance. Just lay here, I will run over to the grocery and call one."

The confused canine didn't know what was going, but he just accepted. 20 minutes later, a transporter with a loud hooter arrived and took Jake to the hospital.

Sam, however, had some buisness to take care of. His peaceful, open personality vanished into the depths of himself and a thirst for vengeance rose. He would get them, no matter how unlikely it was to meet them now. He followed the skidmarks and ,as if it was his lucky day, after some minutes he could hear laughing voices coming from a dark corner.

"Dude, how he flew! I mean BANG!"

"Yea, but what was best was the other fag's expression."

A united laughter concluded the comment. That was when Sam stepped into the darkness.

His new appearance promised him to be incognizable to the several furs as 'the fag with the expression'. He was determined to strike terror into their hearts just like they did. But first he'd play a bit with them.

"Hey there guys, what you laughing about?"

"Who wants to know?"


" of the covert ones..We just RAN INTO some fags." a coyote snickered, putting emphasis on 'ran into'

"Ah I see...not that funny if you ask me." The Chu was about to go overboard, making his best efforts to stay calm for just one or two more moments.

"Huh? What do you think is funny then?"

"Oh...I rather like frying some assholes.." And he did, unleashing every single moment of fear and agony he had that night into a gigantic lightning strike of rage, burning and charring every single fur in that place. After the flash faded away, he went to the coyote, who told him what they did and just whispered one sentence with all his disgust for him and the rest.

"You ran into the wrong fag..."

He took a cab to the hospital and informed himself where Jake was. He was sent to room 136 and there he found his love lieing in a bed, dazed by several opiates.

He scuffled into the room and was happy to see that Jake was still awake.

"Hey sweetie."

The wolf was trying to make out who the Pokémorph was that called him 'sweetie'. "Excuse me, but you must be in the wrong room."

"Stupid, it's me, Sam." Sam smiled.

Jake's eyes widened, racing all over the Raichu's body. ", is that really you Sam?"


"You're gorgeous..." he muttered, still staring in awe.

"Thanks sweetheart."

"But could you please tell me why exactly I am here?"

The rest of the night was spent with telling Jake, what exactly happened, how Sam was lost in his sorrow and how the wonder of his evolution happened. Even the events after the canine was taken to the hospital were revealed to him. But he didn't judge Sam for that, knowing that he only did it for their love.

In the end, both were just relieved and happy that they were together.

They kissed one more time before Sam had to leave since visitor time was over. As he walked out, Jake made one final remark.

"Hey, do you know that your hair is blue?"

"So? I've always been special." the Raichu replied with a grin and closed the door.