The Lion King 1 - Simba's Conception

Story by Mirri on SoFurry

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#3 of The Pleasures Of Ruling A Kingdom

The Lion King - The Pleasures Of Ruling A Kingdom

Simba's Conception

by Mirri

The rain was falling heavy on the Pridelands. It was the season for it and it just seemed to pour down every single day with just a few hours of sparse sunshine here and there.

All the lions were hurdled up in the cave, watching the depressing weather outside and trying to entertain themselves while they waited for the next break in the clouds so that they could get some hunting done. No insects or birds were chirping outside, all the animals that had the possibility to do so were tucked away in hiding.

Far from the comfort of Pride Rock under a lone tree on the savanna that offered little to no protection from the rain at all, Mufasa was clinging to the back of his Queen, mating her with determined strokes of his hips while water was running down his mane on all sides and obscured his view.

Sarabi was grunting and wriggling underneath him, getting close to climax from the continued tickling of his barbs through her sex. She felt the water drip down in heavy torrents onto her neck and back, especially from Mufasa's muzzle.

The Lion King snarled out and let it go inside his mate, his potent seed squirting into her with jerks of his barbs inside her that made the female peak as well and echo his snarl even if the rain drowned out most of the sound. He backed off her and rolled onto his back next to her for the 20th time today. Or something like that, honestly he had lost count by now.

While panting for breath and recovering again, the rain suddenly stopped for just a moment before it ran down the sides of his body again as Sarabi had climbed up on top of him. She smiled and brushed his soaking wet mane out of his eyes and face with her paw.

"Are you sure this is such a good idea?" Mufasa rumbled and kept blinking his eyes to clear them each time another drop of rain fell into them.

"Well, I'm in heat now and you want an heir to the throne, don't you?" The lioness grinned and rubbed her rump down at the male's bulging groin as she was straddling him.

"Yes, but.. it's cold and wet."

"Oh stop complaining, Muffy. You wanted some privacy, so here we are."

Mufasa smirked up at his Queen.

"Actually... I wouldn't mind pounding your tail while the rest of the pride was watching in the comfort of the cave."

"Alright, *I'm* the one who wanted some privacy." Sarabi admitted and reached down with a paw between the male's hindlegs, grabbed his still stiff lioncock and pointed it upwards. The lion watched with some satisfaction, still blinking his eyes at the falling rain while his mate slowly started sinking down on his liondick. She put her paws down on either sides of his shoulder and began rocking herself back and forth over him.

Mufasa rumbled deeply and leaned back in the wet grass, taking the chance to relax his aching hindmuscles a while and let the female do all the work. He closed his eyes and his ears perked up at the wonderful little whimpering sounds from the lioness as she impaled herself again and again on his thick lioncock, already going at a fast rhythm.

"You know, I..*Mmm*..wouldn't mind getting muzzled too." the lion grinned sheepishly.

"Oooh.. but that's not..*uuuh*.. gonna get us any cubs." Sarabi panted and bounced herself on the lion's groin, working fast towards her orgasm.

"No, but.. It'll let me feel your tongue on my cock." Mufasa's barbs flared and he started lifting his hips up a little. After all these matings the natural endorphins had started kicking in and both of them were just a bit numb all over, but still had the stamina to continue.

"Yes.. oooh!, I promise I'll..*pant*..I'll suck you off first thing in the morning." Sarabi groaned at the barbs in her tight little tunnel and felt the lion's hips begin slamming up against her more and more fervently.

Mufasa grabbed her rump with both paws and held her in place, taking over all the work now as he humped himself up into her sex with a growling crescendo. He felt the familiar surge in his spine and with a last thrust buried himself as deeply into his mate as he could, holding it there and just letting his balls contract and spill their contents into the groaning female.

Sarabi waited till the paws on her hips slid off her before she stood up, pulled the shrinking lionshaft out between her hindlegs and rolled over on her back next to her lion, purring and satisfied in her afterglow for the moment.

The Lion King stayed put on his back, eyes closed from the hailing rain above and feeling his maleness slowly retreat back into his sheath for protection from the elements.

"Come here, Muffy." Sarabi smiled and reached up with all four legs. Mufasa gave a low rumble and with some effort managed to roll himself over on his side and then drape his top two legs over his mate's chest and belly. The two lions nuzzled each other with affection and pressed their lips together in a kiss, Sarabi scritching the back of his ear with a paw in the way she knew he liked.

Mufasa felt her break the kiss and squinted his eyes open a little, his mane still clinging wetly down over him. The paw scritching his ear pushed his head down the length of the lioness' body while she spread her hindlegs out wider.

"Mmm, lick me." she purred in a whisper that was hardly heard through the rain, but her paw easily demonstrated her desires.

Mufasa smiled to himself and slowly got up on his feet again. He stood above her and shook himself powerfully, sending droplets flying everywhere in a cascade of water that made his fur fluff a bit, if only for a moment before he was drenched again from above. The lion put his head down between his mate's hindlegs and started nuzzling and licking her pussy.

Sarabi purrred and kicked her hindlegs in a the air a little at the first eager touches to her already over-sensitive place. She felt him slip his tongue into her slippery tunnel with ease since she was pretty loose from having been mated all day, and the lion was soon lapping away at both his own seed and the juices of the lioness. He had emptied his balls into her so many times earlier today that she was overflowing every single time and most of his virile lionsemen was just running down her hindlegs, but the rain quickly washed any evidence of that away.

Just as Sarabi had suspected, the rain had been drowning her aroused scent to the male and it was probably the reason why he was not deliriously horny at this point, even after a full day of mating. Now that his entire muzzle was engulfed completely in her muff, however, she could feel his licks and tastes grow more urgent and his sheath started bulging out firmer right in front of her eyes.

Sarabi licked her muzzle at the sight, trying to keep her eyes open to watch even as the rain fell on them, so she could see how the lion's sheath thickened to the point where his red shaft spilled out powerfully and stiffened up while water running down his rump dripped off his heavy balls and off the tip of his lionhood.

When Mufasa pulled his muzzle out of her pussy again, it was an expression of lust that met her gaze. He licked his lips and repositioned himself to get behind her, his angry red liondick swinging rigidly between his hindlegs as he moved. Sarabi quickly spun around and got into the traditional mating position on her belly with her rump lifted invitingly in the air and her tail held aside for the male.

"Mmmm.. come and get it, big boy." she growled playfully back up at him over her shoulder as he mounted her again.

"If my Queen wants cubs, then cubs she shall have." Mufasa bit onto her neckscruff and rammed his invigorated rod straight through the moaning lioness' heated cunny.

"Grrrr.. I'm gonna fuck you till you *beg* me to stop." the lion snarled behind her and pounded his lover's rear, starting their whole wet adventure all over again. This was going to be an eventful next few days indeed...