Secrets of the Fae, Chapter 5: The Ritual

Story by thelastgasp on SoFurry

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#5 of Secrets of the Fae

Secrets of the Fae


Chapter 5: The Ritual

?The bright afternoon sun made me squint for a moment as Brightstep led me out, holding me as a groom would hold his bride as he takes her back home. My eyes adjusted to the sunlight, making me squirm more as I could see the growing number of people circled around a strange, well, nest of blankets and pillows. It seemed that every combination of animal and human was represented, from what looked to be in all ways a cat girl pulled straight from animation, to centaurs and satyrs like the bucky one that was holding me, to some that seemed more apt to be on all fours then ever stand upright. The clearing around them was laid with blankets and petals of flowers, while intricate lines traced the outside in arcane patterns. Brightstep nimbly walked over the traced lines with those long legs of his, delicately stepping into what was best described as a nest. Soon I was set on all fours before everyone, nude in this unfamiliar, young body, smelling the thick scent of lust on the air despite the perfume of flowers around us. Shyly I peeked around, noticing the obvious state of arousal of both males and females around us, making me nervously shift while the satyr's firm hands rubbed my arms. The scene felt surreal, like living in a wet dream as I felt the warmth of Brightstep's body atop mine, my twin tails flitting and flicking nervously against his thighs. Soon he was settled, his arousal pressed lewd against my thighs, inches from the slick entrance of my sex as I breathed heavily, held intimately before the crowd as I waited to see what would happen.

There was a long pause as I shyly held myself kneeling down before him. Two young bodies nestled together, the heat of lust strong in the air as he held me, kissing my cheeks. The gentle hints of sweat on our bodies and the naughty musk of arousal strong but pleasant in my newly sensitive nose, making me tremble a little more as the older teen held me. Soon he began to sing as much as proclaim me to be the candidate for the newest Lover, the flow and strangeness of the words hard for me to follow, as in if an older, archaic pattern. This may have been hard to understand wasn't for the sudden, vivid images of my slender, young body heavy with life. Giving pleasure and affection to a dizzying number of people and creatures, both male and female, of all shapes and sizes while I received just as much in kind. I trembled, slumping my head to the ground submissively as the erotic needs of those images began to grow in my head. It was hard to keep up, the song growing more strong as he continued, proclaiming to all his intention to make me the newest of Lovers, and to be the first to sire me. I crooned softly, just pawing the thick blankets, helpless but to listen as the ritual slowly grew more intense.

There was soon a pause as I felt the question of whether I would be able and fitting as a Lover, to be accepted and join them. I bit my lip, strangely afraid, but eager to be accepted, torn between the strange, erotic world I have been thrust into and the want to go back to my normal, boring everyday life as johnathan. Not Snowfall, soon to be heavily pregnant harem girl. The heady scents and vivid lust of my new body had was making that boring life seem less enticing, and the heat of a mate atop me was soothing and encouraging. Tossing my head to try and clear it as I felt warm hands brush my sides and back, slow and steady, relaxing under the warm touch of the sun upon my bare skin. My breaths long and slow as I gasped out with the affirmative response of the gathered group. I gave a little whimper of nervous energy as I felt the firm touch of a satyr's arousal shift and rub upon my belly. It seems I've indeed fallen much further into my fantasies then I ever expected to. Those young hands of Brightsetp reached up, giving my small breasts a loving squeeze as I moaned, anticipation strong in the air. The large group watching us prepare to breed making the moment all the more exciting. The buck's proud voice began to sing an enchanting, haunting melody that made shivers run up my spine, feeling him getting into position behind me.

That powerful, young voice began to call out to me, urging my ready body to blossom before him in full readiness. A soft, tingly warmth began to flutter in my loins, already shivering with arousal. The gathered group following in chorus, each verse flowing through me as the growing instincts and needs within me swelled. I could vaguely think of the term Heat as I whined with anticipation, knowing my day as a virgin was soon to be ended. Steadily and inch by inch that slippery arousal dragged back upon my lap, preparing to fill me with his virile teenage essence. I felt that slick cocktip tickling my new folds, not quite pressing in as he rested it against the smooth, creamy skin of my rump. The closeness of his arousal was driving me wild, the urgent instincts to breed and fill my body with life began to feel like a hunger, a need only that young buck could fill. It was a strange, wanton need, all the more curious as it began to feel more normal, just an instinctual knowledge of readiness to breed and bring life forth from my fertile womb. I grasped the blankets tighter, feeling my tails flicking upward and flaggging against my back in an inviting display along with the slow, rolling melody of the magical singing. My scent thick with readiness now, announcing to all my fertile heat blossomed fully within me. My hips shifting, growing a little wider, while my breasts felt a little heavier, the magic of this moment transforming my body to be more ready to be mated. I presented myself, panting, lost in the sensual pulse of our bodies so close, ready to join in that intimate bonding of sex as a vixen in her heat.

Steadily his voice lifted higher, then with a groan I felt that slender, cervine flesh fill my aching folds with one stiff, hot motion. I cried out, a sharp pinch as I was claimed for the first time before all, losing my virginity as the older teen held tight against me, his lap nestled against my rump. The urgent instinct within my sex already beginning to be sated with the incredible fullness this brought me, but I knew what I truly desired. Those full orbs pressed to my lap, ready with his seed to be planted deep within me as I crooned out softly, matching his song with my cries of pleasure to be filled with his seed. Soon my desperate moans matched his singing as it raised towards a climax. I could feel sweat tingling from our hot, intimate embrace, eager and ready to be impregnated by this wild boy. The song ends with an echoing note as we hold, feeling the pulse of life between us as our hearts race together. Then with a shared moan between us he begins a much more lewd, but much needed dance, long legs beginning to propel his arousal within me.

The slick squelch of mating took over for our chorus as I panted beneath the quickly bucking satyr atop my back. His hands pinching at my pert nipples, firm and sensitive to each touch upon their pink flesh. Each motion sends that long, slender arousal burying deep within the plump folds of my heated sex. Tickling every inch of my cunny as his lap slapped against my butt with each thrust. The erotic motions and swaying of my hips steadily filling my lust as I panted and cried out with pleasure, full of trembling new pleasures. I bit my lip, a sharp pinch trying to ensure this wasn't a dream as I listened to the hot, pleasured breaths of the male atop me. A wonderful shiver of pleasure building up within my lap, replacing that hunger with a growing, tingling enjoyment.

The tense heat filled my womb with another growing need as I pawed and bucked my lap back into him. The steady, slippery squelch of mating hips making that pleasure quickly rise. I cried out, panting for breath, as the realization of our mating, being claimed by that wonderful buck just drove me on more. Soon that tightness was too much, a loud moaning of my pleasure and love called out for all to listen as I felt a spasm between within my sex. A musky, rich scent of girlcum welling out from my folds as the buck continued his steady, rhythmic breeding. Slick juices dribbling down our thighs as he grasped my hips, a bellow of enjoyment from him marking his release to be very close. I just let myself get lost in the rolling waves of pleasure running through my orgasm. I clenched my eyes shut, concentrating on the image of my belly, heavy with life in his arms, keeping my climax going as I shivered.

With a sudden finale Brightstep's hands grasped my hips tight and pulled them onto his lap. I felt that stiff penis flare within my loins, causing me to gasp out as he cried out my name proudly for all to hear. A sudden, gushing warmth splashed deep within, the sticky pulse of his semen making me shiver down my spine. Knowing that virile heat was buried deep within my fertile body, guaranteeing my imminent pregnancy with each firm motion of his hips. I grasped the ground tight as he continued to moan and shudder atop me, pulsing that sticky essence again and again to my eager womb. There was a blissful, tense moment as our bodies came together in climax, then the wonderful, soothing softness of afterglow rushed through our bodies. Panting for breath, sticky with sweat, cum from both of us oozing down our laps and thighs, marking our mating as definitely complete to the approval of the others present. A gentle pinch and slick touch of his lips and tongue tickled at my eartips, making me squirm and sending electrifying tingles of pleasure to rush through my sated sex. My heat quenched with that life giving seed as I panted, resting with his lap proudly atop mine, still buried within me to ensure every drop would fill my needy folds.

And I was quite at ease in that moment, savoring every little touch of his hands and body upon as well as within my body. The strong scent of sex and breeding mingling with the sweat of our exertion and perfume of the flower petals that we rest on. The warm, pleasant high of our afterglow being shared together as the audience began to slowly leave us together, in the middle of the village to rest. I knew for once I had definitely found that adventure I wanted, though definitely not in quite the form or body I expected, and that this would be just a taste of what was to come...