The History Of Zato

Story by Zato on SoFurry

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#9 of The History Of Zato

((Zato copywrite me, 18+, yadda yadda.))

Zato awoke far earlier then normal to find his raptoress still sound asleep on his chest, Veon and Ruby on the bed. He chuckled to that, he wasn't going to here the end of this for some time. Gently, he moved Pink up into his arms and carried her over to them, before gently setting her down and covering them all with a blanket, then giving a kiss to each of their heads. As he did though, he realized Osia was not with them and set about looking around, before seeing her white tail sticking out from the next room. He chuckled once again, Ruby and Veon must have told her not to look in.

With that, he gave a stretch and cracked some of his joints before moving off to the ledge and shifting back into his feral form and gently sat on his haunches, looking out over the kingdom. The sun had barely began to rise over The Dragons Coils, and he smiled to the sight. He truly could not think of anyway to describe the scene before him, other then his battle. He held his smile for some time before a large flash caught his attention, and he looked right to the Elders Tower, letting out a gasp as a large explosion sounded out through the kingdom and everyone quickly set about waking up and looking to the noise. Zato, who had already taken flight, flew straight to the tower. The tower didn't seem to take any damage, but that explosion didn't sound like a failed spell experiment. He one of the first, as side from the others who lived there, to reach the tower, but everyone was frozen in fear and he looked to them all before letting out a roar to them all, making them jump.

"Our elders are up there! Why do you all just stand around like hatchlings scarred of the night!"

Everyone just began to mutter, stumble, make up excuses before he bite the air and charged inside the tower. The inside of the tower completely took him by surprised. It was utterly ruined, bricks and gems all over the place, smoke clogging up rooms but seeming to be held inside, something strange was going on here but he was not going to stop. He looked through the smoke, trying to spot the stairs, before seeing them and smiling. He quickly rushed to them and stumbled as they crumbled away. He growled to himself and bolted back outside, his scales heavily covered in ashes, as well as his wings, before he gave them a few flaps, sending the ashes onto the others before bolting up to the top of the tower. Half way up it, his wings began to tire, but he was not going to stop. Riil had saved him, he was not going to just let him die. He forced his wings to continue until he finally reached the stop and felt his jaw nearly slam onto the ground.

Standing before him was a huge dragon, scales darker then his own, with one of the elders neck locked in his maw while the other elders bodies thrown about, gashes the size of Zatos tail on most of them, and Riil...the only thing he seen of Riil was his head, laying on its side staring at him with a cold, lifeless stare. Slowly, he moved forward to the head and closed the eyes, before glaring to the dragon who was now staring at this new arrival and let out a mighty laugh.

"Well, if it is not a Demon Dragon! Another I might add! Would you like to join me in this wonderful slaughter, my brother?"

This dragons tone was that of Zatos in his own demonic form, but older, stronger in tone and in presence.

"No, I would not, brother. I'm here to kill you, just like you have done to the elders."

Zatos tone shifted to match the others, while his eye shifted to black and his aura formed around him, sparking over to pitch black with neon blue thunder shooting out from him now and then.

"Ha! You've taken control of your demon and use it like magic! I honor you! I thought I was the only one! Now, let us test who is stronger!"

Zato charged as soon as he had finished his sentence and lunged at the dragon, trying to bite into his neck, but the other nimbly dodged the blow as if he had practiced it a million times over, before slamming his tail into Zatos back, causing him to slam into the ground and gag a bit before instantly swinging his own around and contacting it with the others face, only to have a smile spread across his maw.

"One to one."

He said out before Zato let out a searing roar as the other sliced his claws into his tail, shredding it into three pieces as Zato weakly staggered away, having a hard time standing on his legs.

"Ha! You call yourself a demon dragon! Your weakness is your tail! I've already won! Look at you, you can barely stand now!"

Zato moved his head back before drawing in a long breath before moving his head forward and blasting the unsuspecting dragon with his flame, a pain filled roar filling Zatos ears before the other dragon rushed, burnt badly but not gravely, and slashed at Zatos throat, the slash was true and deep enough for flame to erupt from it before he stopped the flame and gasped.

"I win."

Muttered the other as he turned around, making the biggest mistake of his life as Zato lunged forward with what strength he had in him and locked his maw around the others neck, a roar greeting the truly unsuspected attack before a loud crack filled the air. Zato gave a smile as the others body limply fell onto the ground, twitching now and then, as he lowered down onto his belly, knowing his own life would end soon. Though, for some reason, he knew that even his immortality wouldn't save him this time.

As he laid there, his vision blurring, he looked to the ledge only to see Osia, his mother, his father, Veon, Pink, Ruby, and the king all land before rushing over to him. He looked to him with his eye slowly losing its color and fading to white, before muttering out in his mind speak.

"I love you Veon, Pink, Ruby, mother, father, Osia.....forgive me......"

He said as he felt deaths cold hand upon him, before his body completely fell limp, all life out of him now.


"He fought to his dieing breath, Elder Riil. He actually beat the Shadow Dragon."

Said a sky blue elder who was smiling, he truly not seen someone beat the Shadow Dragon in eras.

"I see that Skee. He did it to protect the kingdom, and mostly his mates, since we had already died in the illusion."

Riil said while walking over to Zatos form, who was unconscious and in a dream world being created by the elders. He then looked over next to Zato to see Osia, Veon, Ruby, and Pink.

"I want his three mates to have different illusions. However, Pinks I want special. I will do hers myself."

The elders nodded as they now set about doing a test to Osia. The explosion on the tower nothing more then a lure to get this five all here, the whole kingdom playing along with it.



Osia screamed out as she landed on the ledge, only to be met with the Shadow Dragon with Zatos lifeless form hanging out of his maw, grinning to the young dragoness as he threw it off the side.

"A mercy dragon! Are you here to kill this demon dragon, or was that one your target? If so I have already taken care of him."

He smiled as Osia charged him and slammed into the side of the dragon, him just laughing at the small hit.

"Not even big enough to make a ram felt, and not big enough for me to use."

He said before flicking her away with his claw, chuckling as she rolled.

"I shouldn't even waste my time with you. Look at you! What do you possibly think you could do to me, that your own brother could not? He lost the instant he landed. Didn't even scratch my scales."

He laughed as Osia charged him again and this time tried to bite around his neck, her teeth barely sinking in before the other just ripped her off of him and smiled.

"You might actually make a good snack."

He said as he opened his maw, only to have Osia bite onto his tongue and rip off one of the prongs before she was slammed into the ground by the other as he let out an annoyed growl.

"You little pest!"

He yelled out before biting into her neck and instantly ripping out a chunk of her throat before flying off. And she laid there, gasping for breath as tears streamed down her cheeks. She couldn't even save her brother, couldn't avenge his death, barely made a scratch on the one who had killed him. Least now she would join him.

"Forgive me my brother....I tried..."

She said as she laid her head down and slipped into deaths embrace, her brother standing at the end of a dark hallway, smiling to her as she rushed to him and hugged around his neck.

"Brother! Forgive me! I tried..."

She cried out against him as he rubbed along her back and nuzzled her.

"My sister, do not cry, the pain is over. We are together now, I will still protect you in our death."

She smiled weakly and followed her brother off into the light, happy to be with him again.


"Well Riil, what about her, does she passed?"

Said a Dirt brown dragon who was standing over Osia, with Riil on her other side.

"Even with her size she tried to attack the Shadow Dragon, actually managed to hurt him. Yes, she does."

He looked to the others and smiled.

"I changed my last one, change my statement from before. I want Veons, Pinks, and Rubys all to be the same. And instead of the Shadow Dragon, make it Zato. Make it as if he had given into his demon, I want to test their will. Will they fight him for their own safety and that of the kingdoms or let him kill them?"

They all nodded and set about their last, and strongest, Illusion as the King, Kizna, and Ryu all walked up onto the top of the tower, looking to Riil.

"Well, how goes things?"

Asked Kizna as she looked to her son and daughter, before his mates.

"Zato passed with flying colors, as well as Osia. We might have made hers too strong though, Im sure she will be ok though. Veons and the sisters are about to begin."

"Going do all three?"

"Yep, here, Ill let you all view."

He said as he waved a claw and a small, fog like, circle appeared over the three as their illusion began to emit on it.


Pink, Ruby, and Veon all landed on the ledge in their dragons form before shifting back to their normal ones, looking around at the massacre that laid around them. Each elder torn apart piece by piece and a large black dragon torn a-shred laying in the middle of it all. As they continued to walk, their sights fell upon Zato who was currently with his back to them, sitting on his haunches, covered in blood.

"Zato, love, did you kill that dragon who did this?"


His tone was dark and cold, each of them giving a shiver as Pink moved closer and closer before resting a claw on his side.

"Love, then who did this?"

A dark laughed filled the air as Zato turned around and his aura erupted around him before he looked down to Pink and instantly pinned her underneath a blood soaked claw.

"I did, that dragon over there just helped me trigger my demons release to a far greater level. It felt wonderful killing them all. Hearing their screams, pleading for mercy, oh why did I not start doing this sooner!"

He laughed as Ruby and Veon launched at Zato and shifted to their dragon forms, instantly forcing Zato to roll back next to the edge as the two helped Pink onto her feet before they shifted back to their normal forms, each of them getting their magic ready with Pink in the lead, hers the strongest.

"You are not our mate! He would never let his demon out! He would never hurt Pink!"

Veon yelled out as Ruby moved forward, glaring to Zato as he stood up and reared his head back. The instant he did, brick tentacles wrapped around his maw and legs, locking him in place as Ruby balled her fist and formed ice around them before shaping them into spikes and shooting them at Zato, while Veon instantly lifted her arms up before bringing them back down, a large bolt of lightning striking out of no where and instantly frying Zato, who immediately fell onto his side as he panted and blood pooled underneath him. His aura fadded away as he looked over to Pink and the others, smiling and gently signalling for them to move closer. Ruby and Veon shook their heads to each other before both looked to Pink and gasped, she was already next to him with his maw in her lap and gently petting over it.

"I'm sorry I gave in Pink. I gave into my demon, I never meant to hurt you and the others. Though, you three did a great job hurting me."

A weak laughed left him as he gave a weak kiss to her lips before resting down back into her lap, tears streaming down her face.

"Forgive me for giving in you three....or I at least pray you will think about it....I love all three of you, and thank you for freeing me."

Pink cried out as his eye fadded to pure white, instantly hugging onto his head and yelling at him to wake up, pounding on his neck as she did. Ruby and Veon could only look away now as they too cried, they had truly thought this was an imposter, but they had killed their mate.


"By the gods, those three are relentless together. Together they team up and could probably take you down, Riil."

The king said as he looked to Riil, who was standing over Zato, and nodded to his statement.

"Now, you three might want to move back. He will most likely be mad."

They all nodded and moved back a bit as Riil gently waved his claw over Zatos head, who instantly awoke and locked Riils neck into his maw.

"I knew it was a fucking illusion from you! Why! Why did you do it! Why did you make me go through that pain!"

He yelled out in his mind as Riil struggled only a little, not expecting the bite to be this tight.

"Let me go and I will tell you."

Zatos bite tightened, which caused most to grow worried, before Riil pointed over to his mates and Osia. He instantly let go and ran over to them, bumping against them with his maw before glaring to Riil.

"Wake them up, now!"

"It was a test."

"A what?!"

"I was testing you....we need protectors for the elders, but we need the right ones. Its the highest rank one can achieve in the kingdom. You, Veon, Ruby, Pink, and Osia have all passed."

He glared to Riil before letting out a long sigh and bowed down while the others slowly began to wake up and look to Zato, as a slight pain in the legs hit them, only to see the same emblem Zato had on his thighs form on them, before looking up to Riil as he gave Zato a kiss to the cheek.

"You are from now on known as Zato Sagarana, which translates to Zato the Fearless. Osia Teena, Osia The Pure Hearted. Ruby Cassta, Ruby the Relentless. Pink Oshina, Pink the loving. Zato the highest of you all, followed by Osia, Pink, Veon, and Ruby. Each of you hold more power then the king in the kingdom, but please do not abuse it."

"Who do you think we are, rebels?"

Veon said as she gently bowed, as well as everyone else, before everyone took off to the castle, save for Zato.

"What I seen after I had died in your illusion was truly uncalled for. Seeing my mates die like that was not something of your position forces upon others to view."

The elders looked to each other, confused, as Zato jumped off the tower and flew home with the others.

"Elder Riil, did you do anything?"

"No, I left his vision black after he had died....or I thought I did...."


Zato gently went over to the nest and laid on his back as Ruby and Veon jumped onto his belly, getting a groan out of him before chuckling.

"Now what does my snake and raptoress want, hmm?"

They both giggled out as they began to rub over his belly, causing a loud murr to emit from him as he laid back and squirmed a little. They continued this for some time before moving up and down, now rubbing his entire form before moving back and giggling at the sight of their mate on his back with his tongue hanging out of his maw.

"Belly rubs, is what we wanted to give you."

Ruby said with a smile as she looked to Veon and got a nod and smile as she moved out into the other room with Osia and Pink, shutting the door as Ruby grinned and looked to her relaxed mate.

"Now its my turn, you took sister's virginity yesterday, now you will take mine."

Zato blinked and then it hit him as she shifted over to her dragoness form and moved ontop of him while making her tail rub over his own, the feeling causing him to relax and go numb just like Pink had done the day before.

"But unlike my sister, I am far more dominant, and plus on you I have something to exploit."

She giggled and murred out as his length slowly grew and rubbed over her thigh.

"Who would have thought you were big as well in your feral?"

She gave another giggle as she locked her jaws around his neck in nothing more then a mating hold before slamming herself down on his length, groaning out loudly as she broke her own virginity on his length.

"How sister did not scream out when you broke her yesterday, I'll never know."

She tightened the bite now as she quickly set about riding his length, gripping her insides around him as he began to let out small dribbles of pre and her cunny began to release more of her juices, the two natural lubricants allowing her to move much faster now as the sounds of their scales hitting each other filled the room. She loved being dominant over her mate, though she knew even though this was the first time, that he loved. How he was panting and moaning, squirming in the bite, all showed her.

She picked up her pace a bit more as she felt her cunny begin to tighten around his length as her tail slowly began to curl around his own, his slowly returning the coiling, showing he was able to control himself now, but letting her lead. Which she blushed deeply too, he was so protective, loving, everything one could want in a mate. Never rose his voice to them, never even grew angry. Gods how she, Veon and Pink loved him.

During her thinking, Zato had grown so close to his own limit that he was currently weakly thrusting up into her wet and hot depths which she smiled to as she lowered down and hilted herself onto him before slowly moving off of him and getting onto all fours, lowering down onto her chest with her rear up and her tail high, offering herself to him. And quickly, he was mounted ontop of her with his length to her cunny once again before he slammed home into her and instantly locked his jaws around her neck. To her, the feeling of his jaws there felt so natural and they fit so perfect. Though, her instincts kicked in the minute he bit down and she slowly lowered down onto her belly and stopped all movement, save for her insides as they rippled, gripped, and tugged at his length, already trying to milk him.

It was growing too much to him as he began to thrust harder and deeper into his mate before his limit hit him hard and slammed himself in, hilting her, before emptying himself inside of her. His climax triggering her own as her juices rushed out of her and around him before spilling onto the ground. Both of theirs last near a minute, before both slowly died down, letting Zato slowly pull out and let go of her neck, as she shifted back to raptoress form and smiled to her mate as he gently pushed her with his maw before licking her clean, which after he had finished, she gladly returned by cleaning him. Both smiled to each other as Zato gave a soft chuckle.

"Let me guess, tomorrow is Veons day?"

Ruby nodded to him and giggled.

"Of course, sister hasn't had you yet."

Zato shook his head as he bumped his maw against her rear, causing an eep to sound from her as he continued to push her out into the front room, where all of them were looking to the two and smiling.

"Brother, you and Ruby stink!"

All of them let out a laugh as Osia said that as Zato moved to her and rolled her onto her back and doing something she utterly hated, he began to bathe her with his tongue as the others giggled to the sight, while Osia tried with all her might to get away, blushing.

"Brother! Stop, I hate tongue baths! You know that!"

"Oh, I do, why I am doing it."

He smiled as he gave a kiss to her nose and smiled before she returned it.

"Evil brother."


He smiled a bit more as he moved to the middle of the room and balled up a bit while all the others moved to him and gently snuggled against him, all falling asleep next to him, as he just lay there, thinking of the vision he had had during the illusion.

"Riil created it.....its not true nor will it the gods it will not come true."

Gently, he wiggled out from them and looked to make sure they were all asleep before jumping off the ledge and gliding straight to the smiths and landing just as Boros was leaving, the two nearly colliding before Boros let out a laugh.

"Just the dragon I wanted to see. Your stuff is done."

"Perfect, enchantment's on them as well?"


"Runes are awake?"

"Of course."

"Help me put on the armor."

Boros laughed and went back into his shop as Zato followed him in, a huge smile spread across his maw as he looked upon his armor, it was exactly how he wanted, down to every detail.

"Even though you really don't need help putting it on."

Zato tilted his head to Boros as he smiled.

"Snap your claws."

Zato did so and gasped out as his armor flew at him and instantly locked itself into place, covering his entire form, wings, tail, not one open spot save for the slit in the helmet to see out of.

"You made it excellent! It fits perfectly, barely feel the weight! Where is a mirror?"

Boros pointed his tail to the left as Zato moved over and smiled to himself from under the helmet. Other then being made for his feral, it looked just liked his old armor, but much more refined and heavily enchanted. As he looked, he shifted to his anthro and smiled as the armor shifted with him, still covering all of him.


He looked over the armor once again, the dye a deep black just like his scales and the various dragon tribal patterns thrown on it in a neon blue. He smiled as he shifted back to his feral and gave another snap of his claw, his armor sinking in under his scales as he smiled.

"Its truly perfect Boros, Theirs will be the same?"

"Of course, currently finishing up Veons, then Rubys."

"Oh, add another. Osias, white scaled. Early whelpling years."

Boros nodded and smiled as he gently added it to the parchment as Zato wiggled around a bit and snapped his claws again, his armor reappearing, before snapping again and making it sink under his scales.

"I'll have the king send gold later."

"No need."

Zato looked back and tilted his head as Boros gave him a deep kiss and chuckled.

"You and your mates, and Osia, are all challenging my skills, I love you all for doing it. I haven't worked on such high grade armor in hundreds of years. I wish at times I was my grandfather who made a lot of the armor during the Great War."

Zato gave a laugh and smiled to Boros before walking out of the smiths and snapping his claws, his armor appearing as he walked down the streets, wanting to see how most would take to it. And he got just the reaction he had hoped for, everyone froze to look at him as mutters began to emit. Most never seen a fully clad feral, specially in armor that looked like it belonged to a demon. With that, he tested one more enchantment. He opened his wings, the armor following, as he took off. The armor on his wings enchanted in such a way that it blended in with his membrane, giving it the protection the armor offered, while letting him fly with ease still.

He laughed to this, this armor was perfect in every since of the word. Pushing that aside though, he made his way to the Elders Tower and flew up along the wall before landing, all of them asleep, which caused him to growl to himself before laying down and resting his head on the stone, looking ahead to Riil.

He stayed like this for some two hours before all of the Elders slowly lifted their heads and smiled to him, before Riil did the same. He smiled a wider smile then the rest and slowly stood up before making his way to Zato and trailing a claw over the armor.

"Splendid armor Zato, we all agree on that front."

All of them nodded as Riil spoke, as he continued to move around the armored dragon. As he did, he began to draw runes and shapes into the armor, making it neon blue to match, and smiled.

"This enchantments and runes will show what they do when you need, I will do the same to the others as well. Just one more thing we need to do."

Zato gave a tilt of his head, blinking under the armor, as Riil moved back to his spot and the others slowly stood.

"Blend your armor in."

He blinked again as he did, making his armor go under his scales, as he looked to a Dark Green dragoness elder as she approached and locked her maw around his neck, before letting go. A circle of dark green flowers tattooed into his scales, as she moved away and Skee moved up before placing his claw on Zatos right shoulder. A sky blue leaf tattooed there, as the Dirt Brown elder moved up and put his claw to his other shoulder, leaving a dirt brown leaf. The last three moved up and held his tail gently, before tattooing cherry blossoms along his entire tail.

"I feel like a tree now....and what about you, Elder Riil?"

"The marks on your thighs are from me."

He gave a soft nodded before his Zanbatou suddenly slammed into the ground inbetween him and the elders, all looking up to see Boros laughing.

"Sorry I was late Elders! I had to make some adjustments to that beast!"

With that he flew off as the dark green dragoness stood back up and looked over the weapon, trailing a claw on it as all moved their claws to her tail before the same markings on Zato appeared on his sword.

"There, we are done."

Riil said as Zato lifted his sword and made it vanish, putting his armor back ontop as he smiled from underneath and bowed to them all.

"And so you know Zato Saragana, the markings show on your armor as well. And only you will have them."

He gave another nod before jumping off the tower and gliding to the training grounds.


"Commander Ragna! The Wall is crumbling!"

Yelled a messenger on horseback as he rode over a hill, only to witness an army ten thousand strong with a man clad in silver armor in front, Ragna being that man. Still wearing Zatos armor.

"Then we move out now. We'll be at the Dragons Coils by nightfall and attack during the day."

"Why not attack during the night my liege?"

Said the messenger, only to receive a brutal smack with the side of Ragnas blade, drawing laughs from everyone as the poor messenger slammed into the ground and his horse took off.

"Because we are not cowards. We shall fight in the day, let the dragons prepare. I know we will win this."

With that, Ragna made his way forward as the rest of his army followed, as the messenger glared to him before standing up and held onto his jaw as he went after his horse.

"You will not win you sorry excuse for a man....I'll make my way to the kingdom and tell them about your little army."

With that, the messenger got to his horse and quickly mounted it before bolting off to the kingdom through the forest, easily passing the slow army.


Multiple roars filled the air as Zato took on five other dragons he knew by himself. They all clawed, bit, blew fire, everything at this armor but nothing was able to penetrate it. But they all continued, as did Zato. He picked these five because they never gave up and would fight til they were killed or fell over in exhaustion.

Zatos tail swung around multiple times, each of them dodging the blow before he managed to hit one in the side and smiled as he tumbled over and rolled. As he watched, another tackled his neck and sent the armor clad dragon down onto the ground as all of them pounced ontop of him and pinned him down as he struggled all he could to get back up. As he did, he did not notice his armor slowly fade into his scales before one of all of their maws locked around his neck, showing he had lost.

He laughed as he heard the crowd that had gathered clap at the fight as he got up and joined the others in a bow, showboating, before each of them looked to him and laughed.

"Thats some serious armor you got their Zato, wouldn't mind getting me a suit like that."

"Heh, Boros might do it for free if you get to him soon, Raga."

The bright red dragon laughed as he punched Zatos shoulder jokingly as another that he had fought against came up, this one a bright orange dragoness who seemed so timid, a stark contrast to how she just fought.

"W-why did you....make your armor fade....Zato?"

"Truly Oli, I did not. It did that itself. I think it feeds off magic, must have used it to much.

Zato turned and smiled to them all.

"Oli, Raga, Muhada, Lian, and Tuy. Thank you for this fight, you all tested my armor to the extreme. And we sort of broke the grounds as well."

They all laughed as they all dog-piled ontop of him and smiled.

"Just like old days, eh Zato? Out by the river near your cave."

Spoke a grass green dragoness, Lian.

"True Lian, but back then I beat all of you."

They laughed even more as a loud roar filled the air as a gold armor clad red dragon skid to a stop near the pile.

"You five, wheres Commander Zato?"

They all giggled as Zato snaked his tail up and waved it around.

"Down here Rayjita."

"Sir, what are....never mind that! You are needed at the castle, immediately. Darkness rises over the kingdom."

All of them moved off of Zato as he gave them a nod and instantly took off with Rayjita, both of them flying straight to the tower as Zato looked over to the red dragon.

"Ray, why the rush, whats going on?"

"The king told me not to say anything, he will tell you in person. I now must go get the army ready, forgive me commander."

Zato gave a sigh and watched as Ray took off to the barracks.

"A war...after all this time....maybe we should have been like the humans and trained. How many of our forces have actually seen combat?"

Zato gave a graceful land onto the ledge as he looked out to the sky, his eye closing as he did. A strom had began to form, a violent one from the look of it. He shook his head, this was all hitting him fast. Peace the morning, blood tonight. He shook his head once again before a voice entered his head.

"Come to the kings chambers, and wear your armor."

He knew it was Riils voice and dawned his armor before making his way past row after row of royal gaurd, each of them bowing their head to him as he pushed his way into the kings chamber, only to be met with a strange smell and a girl that seemed to come from human child, but none in his view. Only the king, Riil, and a human with a wet spot between his legs greeted his view.

"W-what is that thing!?"

Yelled the human as it looked to Zato, the king giving a soft grin.

"Commander of my royal guard, now repeat what you just said to him."

He gave a weak nod and looked to the dragon, still visibly shaking while forcing himself to talk clearly.

"Ragna Freehaven, king to Silver Sword, is making his way here with a ten thousand man army. They plan to attack you in the day and he is confident that you and the other dragons have grown weak during your peace filled time."

The name caused Zatos eye to widen, it has been near five hundred years! How can he be alive still! He moved to the human messenger and glared from underneath his helmet.

"Repeat that name, now!"

"Ragna Freehaven!"


Zato yelled out as he gripped the messenger in his clawed hand and lifted him up as he yelled out in pain. Before the king moved up and gently forced Zatos arm down and him to let go of the messenger. Zato just kept his glare on him, growling now.

"He died 500 years ago, do not lie about this all!"

"He did not die! He is somehow ageless! All of Silver Sword knows it! We live happily under his rule, so we do not care!"

The king and Riil moved back, a grinning spreading over Zatos maw as he lowered his head again.

"Lying scum of a human. I do believe an army is coming, from the Elders look. But Ragna can not be leading it, I witnessed his dead body myself five hundred years ago!"

The messenger was about to speak, but Zatos claw ripped through his throat and instantly silenced him as he gurgled out and held his throat, as he looked up to Riil.

"Did he speak the truth? Is an army upon us?"

"Im sad to say yes."

"I've seen them myself! Ten thousand strong! Lead by a man in bright silver armor with hair as white as snow."

A voice sounded behind Zato and approached to his side, a gasp leaving him as his eye fell upon Arthur, clad in armor like Zatos, just no wing and tail platting, and bright gold.

"Nice to see you too Zato. Im back to normal, do not worry."

He gave a weak nod before looking to the king, glaring.

"I am heading to speak with the enemies general."

The king just nodded, not much he could do since he held more power then him now, even though he wanted to stop him. Riil felt the same way, however, he didn't want to stop him, he knew why he was going.

"Zato, before you go."

Riil moved up and began placing gems onto his armor, one on the back of each hand, three along his tail, and for down his neck.

"There, now they will feed off these gems. You wont have to worry about your armor vanishing on you now. And Zato, please, be careful."

He nodded and moved to the ledge before the sound of the door opening caused him to look back, all of his mates running into the room, before he jumped off and flew out over the kingdom. Everyone looking up, the news spreading through the kingdom, and a few cheered out seeing him flying off to the army.


Yelled Pink, Veon, and Ruby as the king and Riil stopped them, each of them struggling and screaming.

"Stop, he would not want you three to put yourselves in danger, he will be back. You know he will."


After a hour long flight, he found the approaching army and circled over head, making his presence known before slowly descending down in front of the army, none raising their weapons. He stood there, a hundred feet out, looking to the leader. He knew the armor right away, changed, but that was surely his old armor. That much he knew, and the wearer could only be one person. As he looked, the man clad in his armor moved fifty feet closer before he did the same, the human looking up to the dragon before taking off his helmet, causing Zato to go wide eyed for a moment.

"My name is Ragna Freehaven, I take it you are a messenger from the king?"

Zato shook his head and laughed to himself, causing Ragna to look confused.

"They cherry blossom trees are best viewed upon during the early spring days, their beauty knows no limits during this time, nor equals."

"Zato! Is that you!?"

Zato smiled as he slowly made his helmet vanish, smiling to Ragna.

"It is my old friend. There are many questions I would like to ask you right now, but my mission is not for that. Why do you move your army towards the dragon kingdom?"

"Because my old friend, your kind slaughtered my kingdom five hundred years ago. I seek revenge."

"We killed those that did that back then."

"Yes, I know. My weapon and shield are inlined with their scales, but the point is that I did not kill the ones who did it."

"You were dead, I seen your body on the pile they had made. You were facing me, eyes blank with death. You were next to Hollow and the metal man."

"You mean them?"

Ragna said motioning back as Hollow moved up alongside the metal man, who let out a moan of annoyance.

"For the last time, the name is Derrik! Derrik! Remember it you thick headed dragon!"

Zato smiled, still easy to annoy, as he looked back upon Ragna.

"You found a way to cheat death."


"If you truly seek to battle my friends, so be it. But it will be out here, in the plains, and not the kingdom. I do not want innocents drawn into the blood shed."

"I know Zato, we never planned on it. My revenge is with the king, not you or the people of your kingdom."

"It is with me, I am Commander Of the Kings Royal Guard, and warrior-protector of the Seven Elders."

"You hold a lot of power now."

"I do."

They looked to each other in silence now before Zato made his helmet reappear before he turned and was about to take off before looking back to Ragna.

"My army will be here by noon tomorrow. No surprise attacks, no cheap moves. An honorable battle between us. One last thing though. During this fight, I would rather me and you fought each other."

"So be it my friend."

With that, he took off and as he did, all of the archers raised their bows, only to have Ragna yelled at them to lower them

"But sir, you said...."

"I said if it was a messenger, NOT him."

A few archers gave a weak nod before Ragna watched the silhoutte of his friend vanish over the mountains, before looking back to Hollow and Derrik.

"I think we wont even end up fighting tomorrow."

All around him gave a shocked look as Ragna gave a wide smile and slipped his helmet back on.

"Forces! Set up camp!"


"So it was him?"

Asked the king with a worried look plastered on his face, shivering at the thought humans had found out how to live for thousands of years and revive themselves. After a long while with nothing but a pause to answer his question, he looked to see Zato leaned heavily against a wall, panting underneath his armor.

"Zato? Whats wrong?"

He said as he slowly moved closer, before Zato pushed himself off the wall and shook his head.

"N-nothing, I'm fine. Yes, it was Ragna. The same one that cared for me."

Godaris quirked an eye ridge to him, wondering what was wrong, before shaking it off. He was about to speak when he heard his door open and both Zato and Godaris looked to see Riil walking in with all seven of the elders. Zato instantly bowing, and Godaris soon following.

"Bah, theres no need for th....Zato, what's wrong?"

Riil said as he looked to Zato, his posture was different now.

"Nothing is wrong."

The dark green dragoness from before moved up and gently placed a claw to his helmet, his form relaxing down onto the plates on his underside before the dragoness backed up and giggled.

"There is something wrong, he has a fever. You should go..."

"Do not finish that sentence my elder, I am not going to. You seven know that by now."

Zato slowly stood up and blended his helmet in, his scales covered in sweat and a dull shade of black.

"I'll be fine, I am not hiding from tomorrows battle. Godaris, make sure Pink, Veon, Ruby, and Osia do not fight tomorrow. They will be here shortly. I am going to Dragon Claw peak to watch the humans."

With that, he was out the window and quickly fading into the now darkening sky as Veon and the others burst into the chamber, causing everyone to laugh.

"Whats so funny, where is Zato?"

"Shush Veon, he is alright. He said you four are not to go into tomorrows battle."

"What?! Why!?"

"I do not know, but he said you all have to stay. So stay you will."

"Godaris! We will not just sit here in the tower while..."

She was cut off as her, and the other three fell unconscious, thanks to Riil.

"There. They will be asleep for about two days, I hope."

"Elder Riil, may we speak in private?"

Said the dark green dragoness as she moved off into another room, followed by Riil.

"I take it is about Zatos fever Jeezii?"

"Yes..I know I should have got you to stop him...."

"What is wrong?"

"His fever is near crippling right now, by tomorrow he will be lucky to move. I don't know how it hit him so suddenly, maybe the humans somehow did it to him..."

Riil just laughed and smiled.

"We're talking about Zato here Jeezii, he'll be fine."

Riil said with such confidence, that is almost disgusted her. She watched as he walked out back to the king, as she looked out a window.

"Zato...please, be safe. All of us elders care for you."


Zato did a shaking landing, nearly tumbling over himself, as he moved over to the edge and peered down, chuckling weakly as he looked into their camp. His gaze never moved, he rarely blinked, and his movements were slim to none. And the camp was almost the same, no movements, lights on in the tents and figures moving around. Hell, in a few tents he seen the tell tale shadows moving, showing the two inside were having.."fun". He continued to scan the camp and it finally dawned on him, there were no guards! No patrols! Nothing!

"Ragna, you know me know I wouldn't attack at night...."

He thought to himself as his gaze finally fell upon the largest of the tents as its flap opened, revealing Ragna moving out wearing a white robe with black trims, his hair down past his shoulders in a pony-tail, as his head lifted and he looked straight to Zato. Zato went wide-eyed as he made a "come here" motion and he just laid there, he couldn't truly see him, could he? Soon, the question was answered as Ragna pointed straight to him and yelled out.

"Zato! I know you are up there! Come down! Why not talk to your old friend!"

This caused everyone to poke their heads out of their tents, even the ones who were having sex, before looking up and gasping as a few went for their weapons, only to have Ragan tell them to lay them down.

"He got me..."

Zato thought to himself as he opened his wings and did a slow glide down to their camp, landing in a circle of humans and looking down to his old friend.

"Ah, my friend. Why must you be in that form?"

He gave a long sigh and shifted to his anthro, cringing as pain shot through him, this fever made the shift painful. He shook it off though and looked to his old friend, still staring down, at a eight foot two, to Ragnas six eight at best.

"Because your companions here seem all to eager to attack."

"Oh, they are. However, they listen to me over...."

He was cut off as a loud tink! sounded through the night and an arrow fell to the ground from an archers bow, some twenty feet away, in the forest. Which caused Zato to sigh heavily, atleast his armor blocked arrows.

"Nice armor Zato, and Roy, please kill that archer."

A deeply tanned man nodded before bolting off and dragging the man into the forest, his pleads sounding through the air before silence.

"You've gotten rather ruthless, Rag."

"I know, I had to. Being king is hard. It would be a lot easier if my friends were still around, you included Zato."

"Im with my own kind now Ragna. However, I see no reason why you can not become friends with us dragons and we can try to live in peace....or even...."

He stopped his sentence and began to pant, he was utterly burning, his scales felt as if they had gone ablaze, and in his clouded mind he blended his armor in and fell onto his knees, shivering. Although his mind was not all with him, he heard a few people step closer, and seen Ragna kneel down in front of him.

"Zato...? What's wrong?"

"I...I must...g-go...."

With that, he instantly shifted back to his feral with a growl before launching himself into the air and flying back to the kingdom. His wings kept giving out on him during the flight, and he was rapidly descending. He forced his wings to keep going as the tower slowly got closer and closer. Though, as he got near the tower, his wings finally refused to listen and stopped moving all together, and as they gave, so did his conscious and he passed out before plummeting to the ground like a ten ton boulder before slamming into the ground, a few dragons he landed near nearly jumped out of their scales before letting out screams upon seeing the bleeding, crunched heap that was once Zato. In his unconscious state, he managed to let out one word.
