The Newest Recruit

Story by Minsc9 on SoFurry

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Another muscle-focused Kronthyr story! Yay! This time we see the party having recently recruited a dwarven guide to help them travel through the mountainous region of Kirggar. While taking a break at a rest-stop though, things get rather steamy. Enjoy!

The party was travelling through the treacherous landscape of Kirggar, a mountainous region in central Kronthyr. The dwarves made their home in these mountains, and that's why the group had hired the dwarven runemaster Horgann Gravelhammer. He knew the passes and cave systems of Kirggar like the back of his hand, and with his help they were easily managing to avoid the more dangerous parts of the area.

The dwarf himself was the usual height of his kin, but more than made up for his short stature by being built with titanic muscles, easily bigger than the rest of the men currently in the group, Garv included. James caught himself watching the dwarf on multiple occasions, he couldn't help himself. Even the more weedy human must have been at least two feet taller than the red-haired stud, but those goliath muscles, coupled with the fact the dwarf wore only a kilt and sandals, even in such a cold climate, meant those immensely-thick slabs bulged out proudly on full display. After looking over those cannonball-sized biceps of his, his gaze was soon fixated on that chest, so massive it almost looked comical on such a short man, but to the cleric it was breathtaking, giving the rippling dwarf an air of dominance and masculinity, the likes of which he'd rarely seen on anyone, the full, red beard resting over them was just icing on the cake. After catching himself eyeing those huge, thick nipples of his, he turned away in embarrassment, focusing now on the long stretch of snow before them.

"H-How much longer until we r-reach Kol'angaz?" Garv asked, the dark-skinned hulk shivering terribly, clearly not used to temperatures so low, even after living in Harath for years.

Horgann scoffed at the human's weakness to cold before answering, "Oh ah'd say a good six ta eight hours at this rate. Should probably find a place to rest though, with 'ow chitterin' you all are," he smirked around at Lance, James and Hirlef who made up the rest of the group, all of them visibly cold, though not in quite as bad a state as Garv. "Ah know a nice little place not too far from 'ere, can have a short break," he nodded as he led the band of men onwards.

'Not too far' was probably pushing it, it was at least another 30 minutes of hiking through the cold before they even saw it in the distance, and another ten on top of that to reach the place. It was a rather large, domed building with two large doorways at the front, one leading inside, and the other leading downstairs.

"'ere we are! If ya've not been to Kirggar before, get used ta these places, they're rest stations, dotted around the place to give travellers a place to stay and recuperate. Should be stocked with a good amount o' food inside, don't eat too much though," he narrowed his eyes to the group, looking intensely serious, " Should be some beds downstairs too," and with that he headed down into the cellar, most of the other men quickly heading inside.

James didn't find himself too hungry, which was surprising after the long hike, perhaps he was simply too cold to focus on much else. He settled on heading downstairs to sort out his inventory before getting some sleep in what he hoped was a warm, toasty bed. He couldn't help but let a smile cross his lips as he descended the steps, immediately blasted with warmth, and soon he emerged in a large, open room that had six beds resting against the walls. It was well lit by multiple fireplaces and stoves which Horgann was in the process of lighting, James placing his pack down beside one of the beds and going over to assist the runemaster.

"Need any help there Horgann?" the robed human smiled warmly down at the dwarf who shook his head, stepping back from the stove and holding out his axe. He swiped it through the air a few times, and a second after he was done, a glowing glyph appeared just before the fireplace, and the wood within it abruptly caught fire, Horgann beaming smugly.

"Ah'm alright, lad," he winked as he moved on to the next, James watching intently as once again he traced a rune in midair, the wood in the stove erupting in a strong but controlled fire.

"That's really impressive, I've never seen anyone in Sunsliver do something like that," the priest was standing particularly close to Horgann so as to get a good look, not quite realising just how close at first until he caught a whiff at the man's heavy musk, a deep redness crossing his face.

"Really? You got no runemasters down in human-country? Well, I suppose it takes a special kind o' man to master rune-magic," he raised his mighty arms and began showing off by flexing those massive biceps, James' eyes widening as those tremendous muscles bulged even more massively, he could feel a tent forming in his robes, so he awkwardly distanced himself by heading over to his bed, "You certainly are very ehm...strong, I mean I knew dwarves were well-built but you're certainly something else", he sat himself down, happy now that his arousal was well-hidden.

"Well ya've gotta be big to survive 'round these parts," the dwarf grinned and sauntered over toward the priest's bed, eyeing the slim man over and licking his lips, "But I -am- one o' the biggest dwarves ya'll probably meet, and you haven't even seen the biggest part o' me," he chuckled lewdly after this, climbing onto the bed. James was shocked the conversation had taken such a turn, and so quickly, he just politely nodded before looking away.

Horgann wasn't too happy with that reaction though, and pushed James down onto his back, climbing onto him so he was straddling the cleric, murring lowly, "Don't be so nervous, laddie, ah know ya like me, ah've seen ya starin' all day," he began bouncing those mountainous pecs of his, James unable to tear his gaze away as the mammoth mounds rose and fell in turn. Soon the dwarf leant down so those colossal slabs of beef were pressed right against the young man's face and chest, James having to hold back a moan as he felt the ridiculously-oversized muscles undulate against him. "Still fightin' back? Well then...", he grabbed the back of James' head and forced his mouth against one of his huge nipples, the priest latching on almost instantly, surprising himself as he was already sucking on the fat pad of flesh, Horgann moaning out, "Oho! There we go! The boy's got -some- fire in 'im".

The dwarf stopped bouncing those behemoth pectorals and instead just flexed them hard, squashing the taller man down into the bed as they pushed out forwards, James now stroking the warm, solid muscle he was trapped under, still suckling vigorously.

"Gyahaha, look at ya now! Ya wouldn't think yer the same quiet one would ya? Well, how about something a little bigger, eh?" Horgann released James who panted quickly, still staring at that chest until he saw the redhead pulling off his kilt, revealing his -massive- member which stood proudly before the priest, James gaping at it, watching the thick globs of precum dribble from the head. Horgann swept some of it up and started stroking his extra-thick shaft, slicking it up well, "I'll need ya to ditch that robe though," he grinned wickedly as he climbed off the cleric.

James blushed heavily, well, more heavily, his face was already a deep scarlet at this point. All he could muster was a faint nod as he clambered out of his pristine white robes, taking some initiative and slipping of the lighter clothing he wore underneath, until he was fully naked before the dwarf, the runemaster hungrily eyeing over his slim, smooth body.

"Mmhm, been a long time since I had any fun with a lad like you, c'mere," he patted the space in front of him which James obediently moved to, Horgann taking ahold of him by his sides and lifting him with ease, moving him closer and lowering him onto his throbbing manhood. The human gasped as he felt the huge head press against his rear, harder and harder before a sharp cry left him as it began to push inside, stretching him open widely with it's sheer girth. "Thassit, take it all, then we can get to the fun part," he pressed him down more quickly now, eager to cram the entire beast inside him, James just letting out long moans as he was filled by the fine dwarven meat.

He'd soon feel himself being guided back on the bed, the human now laying back on the sheets as the dwarf once again loomed over him, despite his lack of height his colossal size in all other areas made him an intimidating and dominant sight, and James could think of nothing more hot.

"This is takin' too long fer my likin', I'm gonna speed things up a bit, hold on tight!" Horgann took a deep breath, his muscles bulging out as he tensed, and after letting out a fierce grunt he forced every inch of his hugely-thick cock deep inside the priest, James screaming out as he was entered more deeply than ever before, feeling that dwarven tool plunge so deep, unloading it's torrents of precum. "Gah! There we go! And 'ere, this'll quieten ya down, don't want the others upstairs hearin'," he gripped James' head tightly and forced him back onto his massive teat, James moaning into the dwarf's chest as he suckled.

The dwarf grinned widely at the sight, starting to pull out of the human, then without warning he slammed the entire monster back inside him, building up a quick rhythm already as he pummelled at the healer's hole, James' cries muffled by the gigantic pectoral smothering him.

"How ya doin' down there? To be honest I thought I'd be a bit too big, hah," he grinned and grunted as he fucked the priest mercilessly, his supersized cock ploughing James' tight hole harshly, all the human could do was weakly grab at the slab of beef he was latched onto, and keep up with his gentle sucking. "If yer doin' good, how about we add a little magic?" Horgann lifted a hand and traced a simple shape in the air with his finger, it glowing faintly and both men promptly roaring out, the dwarf's incantation adding extra size to his meat, stretching James more and pushing in a few more inches, the runemaster revelling in just how tight this young man was, and how much tighter he was getting around his growing cock. "Oho, but I'm not done yet, I save this little gem for only the most insatiable guys!" he traced another more complex shape in the air, after it glimmered, the dwarf let out a guttural yell, his muscles ballooning in size, his chest almost overwhelming the poor priest at this point. It would seem the spell was a blessing to enhance Horgann's strength, which he more-than-happily used to speed up his pounding ten-fold, James now just draped over that titanic mound of muscle, the sheer ecstasy flooding through him made it too hard to concentrate on anything; that gargantuan dwarf cock fucking him faster and faster, it was only a few seconds more before he let it all go, shooting his seed over himself, the dwarf then thrown over the edge as the man's hole tightened even more around his beast, a bellowing shout filling the basement.

"NNNNGH, GAAAAAAAH!" the runemaster threw his head back and hilted himself as deep in James as he could before unleashing his deluge of thick, potent cream inside him, some of it blasting out around the base of his meat, but most of it filling the cleric who had actually passed out by now from the pleasure. Horgann sneered as he pulled out, letting the rest of his spooge slather the human until he was coated in an inch-thick layer of his musky seed.

He grabbed his kilt and slipped it back on, his softening shaft still making an obvious bulge though. He climbed down from the bed and took another, longer look over the cum-drenched priest, Horgann grinning smugly, clearly impressed by his own sexual exploits. He turned toward the stairs, only the find all three other party members gawping at the scene, Lance with his cock in hand. The dwarf just barged his way past as he headed upstairs, turning to the group briefly, "That'll be you three one o' these days," he flashed a smirk and disappeared around the corner.