Paradise Found

Story by Kirek on SoFurry

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#6 of Metal-Heads

"Good morning, Kirek."

"How are you this morning Mr. Flint?"

"Oh just fine, bud."

"Are you going to walk today, or take a cart?"

"I'm gonna walk like always. How've you been doing lately?"

"Oh, you know. Work's been keeping me pretty busy and school just started up again. But overall it's been pretty stable. Also, I have my significant other to help keep me grounded."

"I know, she's such a sweet young woman. I don't assume you need me to tell you how lucky you are to have hooked up."

"I remind myself of that each morning when I wake up in her arms."

"Well, as I said when you first broke the news to me, I'm very happy for the both of you. I guess I'd better get moving, my tee time is in five minutes."

"Alright, I'll see you when you finish."

Dragon and human exchanged a parting handshake before the latter began walking away with a bag of golf clubs slung over his shoulders. Kirek smiled to himself; he really did love working at the country club. His job wasn't all that hard. He was what was known as an Outside Service Staff Member, or bagboy. He helped all the golfers with their needs applicable to golf carts, golf bags, the driving range, and the maintenance of their clubs. The dragon enjoyed it greatly.

Almost all the members there were exceedingly nice and a pleasure to associate with. Mr. Flint was an exception to this general rule. Over the past year that Kirek had worked there the two of them had become extremely close friends. The dragon just thought he was the nicest person in the world and their personalities just meshed so well; but not as well as his and Veronica's. He still worked as a lifeguard as a summer job, but his position at the country club would always be his favorite vocation. He was also awarded with playing privileges for free, which he took advantage of as often as possible. Kirek was actually a pretty good golfer, and had even gotten Veronica into it when he had brought her out as his guest.

The dragon and otter had been seeing each other for close to a year now. The love between them had only grown, as Kirek had hoped it would, until it dominated their actions and frame of mind.

Their sex life wasn't anything to be ashamed of either. The two of them just couldn't get enough of each other; they made love whenever possible. They had tried every possible position they could think of in every possible circumstance. Through each other, they continued to discover things about themselves that they hadn't known before. Veronica found that she enjoyed being taken from behind, to be submissive. Kirek didn't share this preference as much as she did. Although the position was intensely pleasurable for the both of them, he just didn't have a dominant personality. He still liked the missionary position the best. The dragon enjoyed the closeness they experienced while making love face to face, where they could kiss and lick each other as much as the desired. Even though she didn't have to twist his arm TOO hard to get him to acquiesce to her needs, the otter didn't like to force her lover to do anything he didn't particularly want to do. So they would compromise and try what the other wanted every so often. That they were willing to make sacrifices for the sake of the other's enjoyment only served to strengthen their bond even more.

But the dragon had been having thoughts about their relationship. Even when they had first kissed, he never could have imagined them being as close as they were now. He loved her more than anything, and he wanted to remove all barriers that separated them.

And he had a plan.....

But these machinations were put on the back burner as a rather short man entered the bag room where the dragon had been cleaning some golf clubs.

"Kirek, can I talk to you for a minute?" he asked.

"Oh, hey Mike. Sure...let me just call Ricky and make sure he can handle things up here." Replied the dragon as he reached for the radio he carried at his side. "Ricky do you copy?"

There was a few seconds of silence before the other end crackled into life. "Go ahead, Kirek."

"Hey Ricky, I need to go talk to Mike for a while. Can you come up and watch the bag room for a little bit, please?"

"Sure, I'll be there in just a minute, you go ahead."

Kirek had always thought of Mike as a nice person to work under, but something about him was slightly intimidating. He was one of those people that could be nice or mean depending on your actions towards them. Most of the time if he wanted to talk to someone, it was to tell them that they hadn't been doing something right.

"Close the door, please." He said as Kirek came into his office and sat down in a chair on the opposite side of his desk. "Kirek, how long have you been with us?"

This made a knot begin to form in the dragon's stomach; he hoped that he hadn't done anything wrong. "Umm.......let's see. I think it's been just over a year now."

"I think it's time we discussed a promotion for you." Replied the man with a smile.


"Kirek, let's face it. You have a great relationship with all the employees around here, you're a hard worker, and all the members seem to love you. I think that deserves at least a little recognition. Have you ever wanted to work in the pro shop?"

"Only every day of the week!" the dragon exclaimed uncontrollably.

Mike smiled, "Well, how'd you like to start? I think you've more than earned a little increase in status."

"Thanks so much, Mike! I can't tell you how much I appreciate this!" Kirek said. He knew that the position came with more perks; he could use the driving range when he wasn't on the clock, could play golf on more days of the week, and it also paid better without having to work as hard.

"You're welcome, Kirek. This is just thanks for all the hard work you do for us around here. Starting next month, I'll begin putting you on the pro shop schedule."

Once Kirek had clocked out, he waited outside for his ride. He didn't have to wait long; several minutes later a car pulled up to where he was sitting.

"Hi there sweetie. How was your day?" asked the otter in the driver's seat.

"Hello my beloved. I had a pretty interesting day." He replied as he got into the front seat and leaned over to kiss her on the cheek. "Mike promoted me. Next moth I start working I the pro shop."

"Oh Kirek, that's wonderful!"

"I feel the same way. It's good to know that he appreciates what I put into that job."

Veronica drove them to 'their' house and pulled into 'their' driveway. Because they now lived under the same roof, they spent almost all of their time together; and neither of them would've had it any other way.

Kirek opened the door for her like he always did. "Do you want something to eat, love?" asked Veronica as they walked into the kitchen.

"No thanks, dear. Since I worked the opening shift today I clocked out about an hour after I had my lunch, but your gesture is appreciated." He replied.

"Speaking of work, I think we need to celebrate your promotion somehow." Said veronica with a smirk and eyes shining with mischief.

"Oh really? How do you propose we do that?" he asked, already knowing the answer. One of the things they had discovered about themselves in the past year was that they loved to tease each other unmercifully with innuendo and sexual puns.

"Oh I don't know. Maybe we could go out to dinner. We could see a movie. We could have hot, passionate sex." She said nonchalantly while counting on her fingers.

"Well, Tropic Thunder IS still playing....."

"Just kiss me." breathed the otter as she pressed her lips to his. Kirek chuckled into the kiss, knowing that he'd won this round of their little verbal foreplay.

The lovers began to make their way to the bedroom. Their journey was delayed by a few minutes because of their frantic kissing and attempts to undress each other. By the time they reached their destination Veronica was already down to her black bra and lace panties. She pushed him down onto the bed and began working on his shirt.

"I swear, you use the weirdest segways for sex." He laughed.

"I can't help it." She giggled as she pulled his shirt over his head. "You're just so hot, I can't get enough of you!"

"I'm not the one wearing lingerine." Said the dragon with raised eyebrows.

She held his gaze for a moment before she got off the bed and pulled the clasp on her bra, exposing her luscious breasts to his hungry eyes. She then turned her back to him and slowly pulled her panties down her slender legs, knowing it would drive him mad. Once Veronica was fully nude she turned and regarded him with a grin almost as evil as his. "Neither am I." said the otter as she straddled him and resumed their kiss.

"You.....have got to be......the sexiest woman.......on the face of......the earth." Kirek murred between lip locks. By this point both of them were very aroused, but another mutual fetish they had discovered was that they both loved kissing. The dragon and otter were both perfectly content to lie there and melt into each other's lips.

But after a while, their desires and love-fueled lust became overpowering and they had to break the kiss. Kirek helped her to remove his slacks and boxers, exposing his rigid member. Veronica took it in her hand and aligned it with the moist lips of her pussy before slowly dropping herself onto him.

"Ooooohhhh." She hissed as his cock filled her so wonderfully. Kirek also let out the breath he'd been holding as she hilted him inside her.

Veronica began to slowly ride him, her breath beginning to come slightly faster as she made love to him.

"Nnnnghh. You sure do...mmmmmm....get right to the point, don't you." Asked her lover from beneath her.

"Again, can't help it." She answered, but this time the humor in her voice was absent, replaced by pure passion and love. Kirek put his hands behind his head and let her have her way with him.

Over the next thirty minutes her pace increased with each orgasm she experienced until she was slamming herself down onto him. Kirek was moaning constantly by now as his own pleasure increased to unbelievable levels. He put his hands on her hips and began to pull her down as he started to thrust up into her.

"Oh YES!!! You know just what I need!" cried Veronica as her moans raised in pitch in anticipation of another climax.

"It's's hard not to with.....ohhhhgod....with how much we do this." He managed to say, his hips rising off the sheets with every incredible stroke inside her tight passage.

"Oh, oh god....I....I'm gonna cum. I'mmmmmmmmgonnnnnnaaaaaacccCCCCCCUUUUUMMMMM!!!!!!!" she screamed as she was pushed into her most powerful orgasm yet. She fell forwards across his chest and shuddered through her release.

The contractions proved too much for the dragon as he thrust his cock as deep as he could.

"I LOVE YOOOOOUUUUUUU!!!!!!!!!" was the only thing that he could yell as he hilted himself and finally released his seed inside her.

The two of them clutched each other close as their mutual climax inundated their bodies with waves of intense euphoria.

One thing that continued to escape Veronica was the fact that they always seemed to reach climax at the same time. She didn't see it as a problem, though; her orgasm was made much more intense by the sensation of his warm semen spilling inside her.

Their peaks ran their course and left both of them panting, but feeling just as fulfilled as they did whenever the made love.

"Hah.....hah....whew. It just....never gets old." Breathed Veronica as she lay across his chest, a content smile on her muzzle.

"You said it. I love you so much, Veronica." Said Kirek as he nipped at her neck gently.

"Kirek, I can't imagine my life without you. There are not, nor will there ever be, any words to describe how much I love you." She whispered.

Following their lovemaking sessions, they would usually reaffirm their love in this way, it was just another part of their relationship that they both enjoyed.

Their afterglow was interrupted as Veronica's cell phone began to vibrate on the nightstand. "Hmm, I wonder who that could be." Her face brightened almost as soon as the phone touched her ear. "Oh, hey Sheela! What's new?.............uh-huh..................really?......let me check with him."

Veronica pressed her hand to the phone to stifle anything they might say. "Sheela and Victor want to meet us for dinner at The Dolphin at the end of the wharf. You wanna go?"

Kirek smiled. "Sure, that sounds like a great idea." Veronica raised one eyebrow as she thought she detected something in his tone of voice, like he had a secret. She dismissed it and got back on the phone.

"Sounds great. When should we meet hour? We'll be there." Said the otter, hanging up.

"Well this sounds like a lot of fun. I love eating at The Dolphin, it's such a nice little place. And I haven't seen either of them in a little while."

"I agree. It still surprises me, I never would have guessed that the two of them would get together."

"Anything is possible, my love. That I was lucky enough to find someone like you is nothing short of a miracle." Said Kirek

"Awww, are you trying to get on my good side?" asked Veronica with a lick of his nose.

"Nope, just telling you how I feel." He said truthfully as he kissed her softly, helping to get his point across.

Ten minutes later the both of them were dressed and just getting into Kirek's car.

"Hey honey, can we listen to All Hope Is Gone?" asked Veronica.

"The album or the track?"

"The album, preferably track number two." She said while rubbing her hands together in eagerness.

Kirek grinned and turned on the CD player. The otter immediately began to bang her head as the opening riff of Gematria started. "I love this song! It's so brutal!" she exclaimed.

"You don't have to tell me, this is my favorite song on the whole album." He replied as his head began to nod right along with hers while they drove off to meet their friends.

After a short drive, Kirek pulled his station wagon into the wharf and parked as close as he could to the restaurant. As soon as they exited the car, Veronica spotted a wallaby leaning over the rail watching the sea lions under the pier. Standing beside her was an avian with red feathers. Kirek whistled and both of them immediately looked up, smiled, and began to walk towards the otter and dragon.

"Well, fancy meeting you here. Small world." quipped Sheela as she and Veronica exchanged a friendly hug.

"Hey, Victor. How's life treatin' ya?" asked Kirek, clapping him on the shoulder.

"A lot better now." Answered the avian with a sideways glance at the wallaby.

Then they switched, Veronica released Sheela and gave Victor their old handshake while the wallaby gave Kirek a hug. When pleasantries had been exchanged the four friends made their way into the quaint little building at the end of the pier. They chose a seat by the window so they could watch the surf at Steamer Lane.

For two hours the four of them sat there, ate and chatted. The food was delicious and they all cleaned their plates. Victor and Sheela appeared to be quite smitten with each other, which made both Kirek and Veronica happy. By the time their bill came the sun was beginning to descend towards the horizon.

"So Victor, is Derek still in a stable situation." Asked Veronica.

"Oh yeah, I just talked to him a few days ago. The job he took up in Oregon is holding up just fine. I know he doesn't want to sell copiers for the rest of his life, but it's a good source of income until he gets his degree and can pursue what he wants." He replied.

Sheela stretched her arms above her head. "Well, how'd you guys like to take a walk out to the lighthouse, it looks like there's some good waves there." She said with a glance out the window.

"I'm all for that, Veronica?" asked Kirek.

"Sure, why not." Answered the otter.

"Great, let's go." Said Victor, getting up and they all began to make their way to the door after Kirek footed the bill.

It was a nice walk, they passed all kinds of people along the way; bike riders, joggers, surfers, dog walkers, and couples. The four of them occupied this last category; Victor and Sheela were holding hands while Kirek and Veronica had their arms around each other's shoulders. Once they reached the lighthouse after about an hour of walking, they all took a place by the rail and watched the surfers try and catch the waves without slamming into the cliffs.

But after only fifteen minutes Victor appeared to look at his watch, and then at Sheela who nodded.

"Well guys, this has been really fun. Thanks for the dinner, but we need to get going. It was nice seeing the two of you again." Said Victor

"Alright guys, if you have to. See you later." Said Kirek. Again Veronica thought she heard something in his voice that suggested he knew something she didn't. As Victor began walking away with Sheela, he turned his head and gave Kirek a wink.

When the avian and wallaby were gone, the dragon and otter just stood by the rail and continued to watch the waves.

Kirek was the first to break the silence. "I love you, Veronica."

"I love you too, Kirek" she responded. The dragon suddenly embraced her in a warm hug. She was a little surprised, but nonetheless returned the gesture. She couldn't understand why he was being this loving all of a sudden, not that she minded, but it still perplexed her.

"Veronica, I don't know where I'd be right now if you hadn't happened to me. I can't tell you how wonderful this past year and a half has been. It's like a dream."

"Kirek, there are not, nor will there ever be, words to describe how much I love you. I can't fathom a life without you." She gushed.

That was just what he'd been waiting for. Kirek pulled away from their hug and looked deeply into her eyes. There was a long, thoughtful pause before he spoke, choosing his words carefully.

"If you'll let me, I'd like to make it so that neither of us ever has to." He whispered.

Veronica's eyes slowly widened as it dawned on her what he was talking about.

Kirek placed his hands on her shoulders and spoke again.

"Veronica, I'd never dreamed that I could ever find someone like you who loves me for who I am. I feel liberated by just your presence; it makes me so happy just being around you. You're the most special woman I've ever met."

Veronica's eyes welled up with tears of joy as he poured his heart out to her.

"I want to remove all the barriers that separate us. I want to spend the rest of my LIFE with you." He continued. The otter almost whimpered in happiness as he dropped to one knee, his hands holding one of hers. He looked into her eyes and spoke once more.

"Veronica.......will you marry me?"

She was speechless. She could barely breathe after this emotional bombshell, but she was happier than she could ever remember. She gently pulled him to his feet and gazed deep into his eyes, his soul, her own vision distorted by the waters of her happiness. The otter slowly brought her face closer to his, her features sparkling with restrained emotions. As her mouth hovered just over an inch from his, she uttered one word in a barely perceptible whisper.


Then all her passion and love for him exploded out of her in the form of a crushing embrace and an incredibly fiery kiss. Kirek kissed her back with strength and passion he'd never displayed before, a single tear of bliss and relief rolling down the tip of his muzzle.

This went on for ten minutes before they broke apart, both of them crying silently in sheer happiness.

I'm sorry I don't have a ring or anything to offer you. I've just never liked the idea of proposing with something like that. It's like 'I already went to the trouble to buy this, the least you could do is say yes.' I think it provides an incentive to accept apart from the person themselves, and all THEY have to offer. That should be the only reason anyone says 'yes'. Said the dragon.

"Kirek, I love you. You could propose to me with a bag of dog shit. I'd still marry you." She said, her voice still cracked slightly with the sheer emotional strain, just before they began kissing each other again.

Abut three hundred feet away, hidden to those who weren't looking for them, a wallaby and avian watched the couple and smiled to each other.