Help From Beyound

Story by BlakeRedFox on SoFurry

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So it been a while since I posted a story and I apologize for the long absence. However, I'm hoping the long wait for the next story more than makes up for it! It took me forever to find the time and inspiration to write this. My college English classes were such a pain. The first one that work with grammar and writing was decent but I felt like I didn't really learn that much besides a few things. The other one which focus on reading comprehension and a bit of grammar.... Yeah I felt like that was a waste of money. Oh well, anyways this story is for my BF Gurin for his birthday! Go wish him a happy birthday please! I am honestly really proud of this story, it took me a long time but I think it was well worth it. Enjoy! <3


Help From Beyond

I was resting in the shadows, trying to get some rest before I continue my search for some place to stay or even a place for food. I lost everything in the same night, three weeks ago and ever since then I've been out on the streets, looking for help.

I'm a red fox, about five feet, four inches tall. I had brown fur all over my body expect on my chest, neck, underside of my chin and tail and at the tip of my ears where they were covered in bright white fur. I use to be a very healthy fox, I even had a lean body but due to recent events its been reduce down to the point where my bones were easily visible. I haven't had a place to stay in weeks... all of my friends were gone or too busy. I'm all on my own and I wasn't sure how much longer I would last.

I haven't eaten in days, maybe even a week and I had no money. No shelter, clothing, money, etc... I lost it all, and I was just trying to get back up onto my feet. Sleeping was very hard because it was too cold at night and it sometimes rain, but worse of all, the sound of car driving off very fast could be heard very easily.

If I could go back in time to change one thing about myself, it would have been to stop being so kind to everyone. I did what everyone wanted me to do, not what I wanted to do, and because of that I got taken advantage of. I was always told to do things last minute and, being the kind person I was, I did it without complaining.

I was taken advantage of, used and then when I needed help I was pushed away. No one really cared about me, they only cared about me when they needed me. I was just some toy to them, for them to use for their enjoyment and then tossed away when I was no longer fun. My true friends did care for me and did offer help but the help never came. For all I know their help could have came but I just never saw it because he wasn't able to find me.

Unable to sleep, I groan and stood back up, looking around for some place warm. I didn't think I was going to find anything but I was determine to try. I walked along the sidewalk with my paw in my torn up coat, as I see cars rushing by in the flooded streets. As I was walking, one of the cars drove by me and soak me in the cold water. I groan and shiver trying my best to stay warm but it was hard now that I was soaking wet. I walked for as long as I could on the streets, looking for anything that might help but nothing showed up. Unable to stay up much longer from the crippling coldness and my soaking fur, I collapse on the sideways, thinking it was the end.

-Hours Later-

I groan as I hear the constant beeping ringing in my ears and I slowly turned my head and open my eyes. I could easily tell that I was in the hospital because of the huge change in temperature and the fact that I had bandages wrap tightly around my legs and arms. Only thing that was on my mind was, did someone bring me here or did an ambulance picked me up? I looked around to room to see if someone was in there with me but it was empty.

"I guess ambulance picked me up then," I whispered softly before laying my head back down on the pillow and looking out the window. I could see the city lights and the cars passing by on the freeway but because of my distorted vision from lack of energy, everything was just a lot of blurs. After a few minutes, I looked away because the lights were starting to give me a headache.

I perk my ears up as I heard the door open slowly and the sound of footsteps walking towards the bed before pulling away the curtains on the left side of the bed.

"Oh, your awake. I wasn't expecting you to be awake so soon."

I looked at the nurse, a female husky with gray fur all around, standing nearly at six feet tall. Her voice was soft and smooth, which felt calming. It reminded me of when my mom used to read me bed times stories when I was little. She had a very nice smile that made you feel at peace and I hate to say it but I thought she was sexy. Behind her was an empty bed which made me wonder why she needed the curtains but I guess it was just something the hospital always does.

I slowly lifted up my head a bit before looking at the husky's blue eyes, "Nurse?"

She quickly place her paw on the side of my head and gentle held my head there before moving the pillows up a bit. "Yes?"

"What is your name?"

"Call me Lauren."

"Lauren, how did I get here?"

"Oh, some kind stranger brought you here."

I sighed and closed my eyes, "I don't have heath insurance, or any money. I lost everything. Why can't I just die?"

"That no way to talk mister."

I opened my eyes and looked at Lauren straight in the eyes with no emotion on my face, "I've been out on the streets for three weeks now and I haven't eaten anything in about a week. No one cares about me. If they did they would be helping me. I don't deserve to live."

The nurse sighed and place her paw on my cheek and rub it lightly, "Someone does care for you, otherwise you wouldn't be in this hospital."

"Or someone who just thought I was dead and carried me here to depose of the body."

"Maybe your right, maybe not but he didn't seem like he was trying to get rid of you."

"Well do you know his name?"

"Um...I don't remember it off the top of my head. I will get it for you later, but first I need to run some test to see if you are okay."

I groan loudly and looked at Lauren's eyes, "Alright, what do I need to do?"

"Can you stand?"

I nodded and removed the covers off me before getting off the bed and standing. I felt light headed from the lack of food but it wasn't as bad as before because of the water being pump into my vein slowly re-hydrating me.

"Are you okay?"

I gave a nod before looking at Lauren, "Yeah, just lightheaded from the lack of food."

"After we are done with the test I'll make sure to bring you some food. Oh, I forgot. Can you give us your name? We couldn't find a ID on you."

"It Blake."

"Full name?"

"Blake Kyle."

"Thank you Blake. All I have to do is check your ear sensitivity and eye sight for this first test and your done."

"Can I get something to eat first please?"

"I'm sorry but regulation states that eating before tests make them invalid. I promise I will get you a good meal once we are done."

I sighed and nodded lightly. "Alright. Do I need to take this as well?" I grabbed a hold of the metal pole with the bag of water on it that was attached to my left arm.

"Yes please."

"Alright lead the way please."

Lauren walked out the door and I followed her slowly. Each step was disorienting but I fought through it and followed Lauren into the room at the end of the hall. Lauren open the door and turn on the lights and had me sit down and than look through what look like a microscope. She was testing my vision and it was a pain because of lack of food was causing my vision to blur up, making it really hard to focus clearly.

I looked back at Lauren after the test and sighed, "Can I please just get something to eat? I promise you my results will be much better."

"I believe you but it regulation, I apologize Blake."

I groan and sighed loudly, "Alright, how many more test?"

"Just one, put on there headphones and tell me when you hear something by tapping the table," Lauren handed me a pear of headphones that was attached to some device. I had no idea how it work but I didn't care, all I wanted was get done with testing and eat. It been a whole week since I eat and my stomach acids were killing me.

-Front Desk-

A large tiger-bat walked into the hospital with a small bag of food in his paw as he walked up to the front desk and smiled, "Excuse me nurse?"

The nurse at the reception desk didn't notice him until he spoke to her. She turned her head and smiled, "Ah, you are that kind gentlemen who brought in that poor red fox in here yesterday are you not?"

"I am, do you know if it okay for me to visit and see how he doing?"

"Let me check," the nurse grabbed the phone and called the Intensive Care Unit (I.C.U.) to hear any news about the red fox. She smiled when she heard that he was just going back to his room after finishing some test. She turn towards tiger-bat and smiled, "He awake and he doing fine, you can go visit him. Go to the end of the hall and make a right turn. Third door to the right."

The tiger-bat smiled thanked the nurse before walking over to the fox's room. He knocked on the door and than heard a feminine voice saying come in. The tiger bat turn the handle and walked inside, first seeing the husky while the fox was behind curtains again, laying in bed.

The husky turned around and smiled, "I remember you, you are the one who brought Blake here."


"Blake Kyle, the red fox you brought in here yesterday. He improving a lot faster than we though he was going too. I was about to go out to get him some food but I see you brought food for him. You are a very kind stranger."

The tiger-bat blush lightly and rub the back of his head, "Thanks."

The husky smiled and was leaving the room but than stop, "Oh, I forgot your name was."

"It Gurin."

"Thank you Gurin, I be back in about an hour to check on Blake progress," with that Lauren left the room, leaving Gurin in the room with me. Gurin walked up to the curtains and pull them away slowly and smiled at the sight.


We slowly made our way back to the room and on the way back I had to lean on Lauren for support. It was really getting hard to control my body movement but I knew it would all be over with soon. Once we made our way back to my room in the I.C.U. Lauren gentle help me get back into bed before adjusting the bed so I was sitting up a bit. She smiled and rub my head softly, "Alright, I will be right back with food. Stay awake on me okay Blake." I nod and watched as she slowly closed the curtains to the bed before hearing the door opening.

I turned my head when I heard Lauren and someone stranger talking in the room but I ignored it, since it didn't seem important. I closed my eyes until I heard the curtains open, and slowly opened them. I was surprise to see a tall and well muscled tiger-bat. He had long green hair that flowed down his back that match the color of his eyes. His fur was dark gray all over expect on his tail which had green straps going across it.

I wasn't able to get a good looks of his wings but they were massive because I could see the end of his wing by his feet and the tip of his wings by his head. He looked at me and smiled, showing a bit of teeth as he smiled at me. "Hello there Blake."

I tilted my head, wondering how did he know my name before responding a bit softly and shyly, "Um...hello. Do I know you?"

Gurin smile grew as he placed the food he got for me on the bed, next to my feet and nodded lightly, "Sorta. I'm the one who found you and brought you here to this hospital. I'm glad to see you are up."

I blinked and looked at the bat, many questions flooding my mind but only one struck out. "Why did you rescue me?"

"Because you look like you needed help and I wasn't going to let you die when I could have saved you."

I sigh and look at him, "You should have just left me to die. I've been a pain for everyone that grows close to me. They all abandon me because they don't want me in their life anymore. I'm just a no good person."

Gurin gentle rub the side of my cheek and lift my head, forcing me to look at him in the eyes. His bright greens eyes helped calm me down a bit as well as his soothing voice as he responded back to me, "I don't see it. I see you as a kind person. Besides I barely know you."

I looked down and sighed softly, "I use to be able to help all my friends and family but once I wasn't able to, they pushed me away, since I became useless. I tried asking for help but they refused. I been out on the streets for three weeks now, and I just want to die. I want to feel the sweet salvation of death."

Gurin look at me, thinking deeply before he gently rubbing my cheek again, "But there so much more that you can do. I don't want to see you die after I just rescued you."

"It where I'm going to be heading anyways.... I have no place to live, nothing to eat. No way to pay for the hospital treatment. I might as well be dead already."

"You do have a place to stay Blake. You can stay with me, I working so you won't see me much doing the day but I be back to help you back onto your feet."

"Who are you?" I was wondering why this stranger was being so kind to me even though I didn't know him and he didn't know me.

"My name is Gurin and I am a friend, now let get you something to eat, I bet you are starving. I brought over some Chinese food."

In that moment, I didn't know what to say. I wasn't sure if I should accept his help and consider him a "Friend" or if I should just push him away. After some time I decided to trust him, hoping that he was going to help me and not make things harder on me. I saw him grab the bag he had by my feet and open it, handing me a box with a plastic fork.

Next Week

It been a week since I've been in the hospital and I was already showing huge improvements in my heath. I was no longer lightheaded when I walk, my vision was much better and I got back my high keen sense of hearing. Although I was still relative skinny, but at least I weighed more than when I first got to the hospital a week ago.

Gurin still visit me every night which made me feel better knowing that I had someone who cared about me. Gurin always seem cheerful around me and that how I felt better. After the long week in the hospital, Lauren smiled at me and rub my head softly with her soft paw. "Hehe well Blake it seems like you are as healthy as you can be, besides your weight but that will come with time. You are free to leave the hospital with Gurin when ever you wish now. Just promise me the next time I see you it because you are coming in for a check up and nothing serious."

I couldn't help but giggle a bit and smile at that request and nod, "I promise." At that exact moment I could see Gurin walking in through the door and my smile grew brighter and he looked at Lauren and myself. He blinked and rub the back of his head, "Am I missing something? Why are you both smiling so brightly?"

I quickly went up to Gurin and hugged him tightly before realizing that I kinda jump into his chest. I blush deeply and quickly let go before looking up at the taller male wondering how he would react. He couldn't help but chuckle and looked at Lauren when he felt me jump into his chest and hold him tightly. Lauren let out soft giggle before leaving the room to give us some privacy.

Gurin looked down into my bright red eyes before he rub my head like a little pup, "So what are you so happy about?"

I continue to blush before looking once Gurin stop rubbing my head, "I'm healthy enough to check out of the hospital now."

Gurin smiled and rub my head again, "Good, I knew you could make it."

"I couldn't have done it without your help. Thank you so much Gurin."

He smiled and gentle moved his paw to rub my back before moving to my side, "Come on, let's go. My house isn't to far from here."

I blush deeply and nod and slowly followed Gurin out of the hospital before following him to his house. I was surprise that he walked here everyday instead of taking a car or even flying here even if he only lived about a mile away. I was kinda glad we did walk to be honest though, the fresh air was really refreshing and I was able to get to talk to Gurin a lot more.

Once we did arrive at his place I was shock at how beautiful the front yard was. The path leading up to the front door split the yard up in two and on side of the oath was a inch high fence with lots of different flowers. There were 3 main type of flowers that I was able to recognize right away, the brilliant crimson red roses, the beautiful peach flowers and the breath taking marigold flowers. It was arranged in a pattern, starting with roses, then peach flowers and finally the marigold. In between each of those was a small patch of stargazer lily to help organize the garden.

I was speechless, each time I open my mouth, nothing would come out. Gurin couldn't help but chuckle and open the fence and let me walk through first. The fragrance coming off each flower was intoxicating as I walk closer to the front door. Once I did got to the door I could see Gurin was chuckling behind me. He slowly open the door before gentle patting my back as I walk inside.

He turn the lights on before I even took more than three steps into the room as I was quite surprise to see how roomy it was. On the outside it look almost like a one bedroom but once inside it was a bit more roomy. The kitchen and living room were on the small size but it was understandable since it was probably only meant for no more than two people. The kitchen had a plane white tile through it and the table was a small round table. There was only three cabinets, one above the stove and two right besides the sink on the other side. The color of the cabinets were dark brown but it was still easy to see the wooden texture. The refrigerator had a nice black polish finish as it was sitting next to the stove.

The living room wasn't much bigger with a single love seat against the wall. The two person couch was a warm and inviting red. Right above it was a portrait of flowers but it was only of roses but if different colors. Some of them were red, others were white or black and even yellow, but it never seem to overpower any of the other colors making it nice and balance. Right across from the couch was a black TV stand with a forty two inch television resting on it.

There wasn't much else in the room but I'm guessing Gurin didn't have the time for much else since he was busy with work and then visit me when I was in the hospital. As we made our way to the back of the house he pointed out a small room to the right and he smiled, "Sorry it isn't much but this is where you be staying. The bed might be a bed hard at first since it hasn't been used in ages. It was my old bed before I moved out. Make yourself at home, and if you need me my room is to the right. Oh and I almost forgot the restroom is right across the hall from you."

I gave a soft nod before turning around to face the larger male, "Thank you so much Gurin. I don't know how I could eve repay you. I don't even know where to start."

He chuckle and rub my head as if I was a kid and I couldn't help but blush as he was rubbing my head. "It fine Blake, I know that you can get yourself back up to where you were before in no time."

I slowly look into Gurin bright green eyes and smile, "Thank you again so much for just believing in me. It really means a lot to me. I will try my best to help you out once I get a job to help pay for some of the bills. It the least I can do for you."

He smile and gentle rub my head some more, "Alright but take your time. You just got out of the hospital, no need in rushing and getting your old room back right away." He joke before slowly making his way to his room and closing the door behind him. Once I was alone in my room, I thought I should look around to see what I was working with for now until I got a job. I saw there was a laundry basket in the closest which I was thankful for and a few hangers in the closes but nothing else that I could use.

There was some old clothing that I assume that Gurin was planning on giving to someone special since there was a red blouse and some black mini skirt. I couldn't help but chuckle at the sight before slowly closing the closest doors. I slowly made my way towards the bed before laying down on it, and Gurin wasn't lying, it was really firm but I didn't mind. It was a lot better than sleeping on the floor outsides. I blush deeply though as the scent from Gurin filled my nose, smelling a lot like roses. I smile pop at the back of my mine as I thought of something I could surprise Gurin with. However it was late and I still wasn't back at my full peak so I quickly passed out on the bed before I knew it.

Few Months Later

It was starting to get near the middle of spring, a few weeks after my birthday passed in March. It been about two months since Gurin saved me from the streets and took me into his home after I recovered in the hospital. I was doing a lot better now, and was currently looking for a job around town without much long, not that I could blame anyone. No experience, and no references since almost everybody thinks I'm dead.

Thankfully some places would at least call me in for an interview although I wasn't the sharpest dresser. Gurin kept trying to get me more clothes for around the house, and for interviews but I felt bad taking anymore of his money. He always away at work, the only time I get to see him is during really late at night. I guess I shouldn't expect more since spring was always the busiest time of year for since was a botanist for a green house, as well as running his own flower shop.

After I was done handing out résumé to just about everyplace I can think of, I would head home and start cleaning up the house. The place didn't get dirty but I always wanted Gurin to just come home after a long day and relax, not worrying about what the house has to look like.

Tonight was different though, as Gurin came into the house with some fresh roses that he grew at the greenhouse. He handed them to me and I blush deeply, being thankful that my fur was dark enough to hide it. He look and me and smile, "Been growing these the past weeks, I think this is the best I've done so far. What do you think?"

I smile and took a deep breath before looking up at you, "They are really nice. Why did you give me roses though?"

Gurin chuckle softly before rubbing my head, "I wanted to see what you think of them. I think we are going to sell a lot of roses this spring."

"If they continue to grow like this, then it be no problem. So how was work today?"

Gurin slowly sat down on the love seat before gentle rubbing his head, "Busy. It hard taking care of the greenhouse as well as running the flower shop at the same time when my co-workers call in sick. Are you sure you don't want a job at the flower shop? I can get you in with ease."

I shook my head and giggle, "Thank you but I couldn't. I have allergies and well... I don't think it be a good idea sneezing every single minute while I'm at work."

"Well you aren't sneezing right now."

"I know but this is just a small batch, just imagine being in a flower shop with allergies. It be a nightmare for me," I joked. "Think about it, my eyes will be so watery that I'll be crashing into everything with each step."

I could hear a soft giggle echoing across the room, "True. Anyways, any luck with finding a job?"

I shook my head and sigh, "Not yet, but I keep getting called for interviews so I guess it only a mater of time."

"Just keep trying, you will get one soon."

I sigh softly and slowly walk to the kitchen to grab a vase and filled it up with water before gentle dropping the roses into the vase, "I know. I just wish that it was a lot easier to find a job. It seems like no one will even look at you if you don't have at least two references."

Gurin slowly stood up from the couch before walking to be and rubbing my head again, messing around with my dirty blonde hair. I couldn't help but giggle each time he did rub my head though just because it just reminded me how much smaller I am than him. "That may be true but once you get a job it be well worth it. Anyways I'm gonna take a shower and head to bed."

I slowly lifted my head to look at him in the eye, "Night, sleep well."

I could see Gurin looking back down at me with his bright green eyes, "I doubt it."

I blink and answered, "Why? What wrong?"

"I think I need a smaller bed."

"Why do you say that?"

"It feels to empty. I need someone or something on the other end."

A blush quickly rush to my cheeks and I was extremely glad that my fur was covering it. I couldn't help but think what Gurin was implying but before making it any worse I thought it be safer to ask. "So what now?"

He grin at me and I couldn't help but blush deeper, wondering what was going on in his mind. "Actually I already did something."

"You did?"

"Yeah. When I woke up this morning I just went to the garage and filled the other end of the bed with pillow. Gonna take a shower no, see ya." With that Gurin quickly ran off to the restroom.

I couldn't help but giggle softly before whisper under my breath, "Tease."

A few days passed by and each time it felt like Gurin was teasing me just right before he head to bed. Sometimes it was being to cold and wanting someone who could keep him warming but then getting more blankets. For the most part though, I couldn't help but let out a soft chuckle because I honestly thought it was cute. Gurin was being a bit more silly and I like it.

Sure going to bed felt a bit awkward because I could almost swear that Gurin was hitting on me but at the same time I wasn't sure how he felt about me since he only knows so much about me. There was more he didn't know and I honestly wasn't sure how he is going to react once he finds out.

Later that day though, about an hour before Gurin got home from work, I was in the backyard watering some roses that I was trying to grow. Mine didn't come out nearly as good as Gurin's but it wasn't bad for my first try. The roses were red, yellow, black and white, or at least that what I was aiming for. The red was a bit faded as were the blacks but the yellow and white came out decent. I was trying my best to match the portrait that Gurin had in the living room with the roses to surprise him for letting me stay even though I haven't been much help.

Once I finish cutting the thorns off, I walked back into the kitchen and place them in the vase filled with water before putting them on the coffee table in front of the love seat. I looked over to the clock and it read six thirty, about thirty minutes before Gurin gets home. I looked at myself and groin a bit, noticing that I was covered in dried mud and dirt. I looked around the floor to see if any of it fell out while I was walking inside the house and to my relief, there was only a small patch of dirt near the side entrance to the backyard. I decided to quickly clean up the mess before rushing to the shower, hoping to make mo more mess before Gurin got home.

I quickly washed up and made my way to my room to get dressed up in something nice. As I was looking through my closest full of clothes that Gurin got for me, I could see something in the back that I don't remember him buying. As I moved the clothes away, I giggle, remember the red blouse and the black mini skirt. I pushed them away and just got myself a pair of shorts and a t-shirt before walking back to the living room to double check to make sure the place was all clean.

When I looked over to the clock though it was already seven thirty which caught me off guard because normally Gurin would be home. I dismissed it however and just watch TV on the loveseat until he got home. But as the night was passing by, Gurin would still not show and it was already eleven at night. I shrug it off though knowing that Gurin would sometimes go out with his coworkers. I yawned loudly as I got up and slowly made my way towards my room. Once in my room, I took off all my clothes and jump on the bed before covering myself with the bedsheets, letting the warm embrace of sleep overtake me.


Gurin quietly walked into the house as it was pass midnight and he stay out much longer than he anticipated. He slowly made his way towards the kitchen to put away the take out. As he was putting the food away, something caught his eyesight on the table not too far from him. He slowly turn around and smile as he saw the roses in the vase. He slowly close the refrigerator door before making his way towards the side door and opening it, and walking towards the backyard.

Once he reach the backyard he could see a small batch of roses that I left there to continue to grow. He slowly reach down to rub one of the roses before making his way back towards the house. Once he was in, he lock the door before making his way towards the back of the house. He gentle pop open my door and chuckle softly as he see me sleeping with the covers almost kick off me. The covers were all bunch up near the middle, just covering my backside. Gurin grin grew wide as he pounce the bed and held me down before nibbling on my ears.

I squeak as I was woken up from the bed shaking violently before squirming as bit as I was being pin down. I tried my best to turn my head before squeaking again even louder as I started laughing as my ears were being nibble on. I tried my best to move my head so my ears were being nibble on anymore but it was hard as Gurin would follow me.

I started blushing deeply when I heard Gurin speak into my ear softly, "Thank you for the roses."

I smile and pant softly as he finally let go of my ears before looking back at him, "Well you seem cheerful today, what up?"

He gentle poke my nose and I gentle shook my head in response before he spoke, "I don't know. I just feel happy here with you."

I giggle softly and smile before looking at Gurin in his eyes, "You know I can't wait for you to get a girlfriend. I can't wait to see the look on her face when you tease her as much as you have me."

Gurin chuckled with me before rubbing my head before gentle speaking, "That actually the reason I was out all night. I think I might have found someone."

I smile brightly, "Oh is that so?"

Gurin nod softly, "Yes."

"Do you think she likes you in return?"

Gurin chuckle loudly and grin, "Oh I'm sure of it."

"Then go for it then."

Gurin grin widen before smiling, "I think I will." With that Gurin quickly moved his paws onto my chest and started rubbing them. I couldn't help but blush deeply before looking at Gurin a bit confused. "I don't understand. I thought you like girls because I saw that miniskirt in the closest."

He gentle went to bite on my ear softly before rubbing my chest some more. I couldn't help but close my eyes and smile, enjoying the rubbing before perking my free ear up as I heard him whisper, "That true but you just seem different."

I blushed deeply and quickly whisper under my breath, "Aren't that the truth."

Gurin perk his ears up and slowly let go of my ear as he turned me around so I was facing him. He look into my bright red eyes and blink, "What was that?"

I quickly pretend that I had no idea what he was talking about but he was buying it. "I heard you say something Blake. What do you mean?"

I blush deeply as I slowly look down and whisper softly, "It a bit of a long story."

Gurin gentle lifted my head before kissing me on the cheek, causing me to blush even deeper, a bit of pink starting to break through the fur. He chuckle loudly and smile before poking my nose, "Cute. And I have time."

"Well... when I was born the doctors told my parents I was going to be a male but when I was born everybody thought I was a female and that the doctor made a mistake. It was only until I was able to talk that my parents realize that the doctors were correct and that I was a boy because my voice was much deeper than that of a girls. However they were confused because instead of being born with a a penis like a male, I was born with vagina. My parents took me back to the doctors to see what went wrong during the pregnancy but the doctors couldn't figure anything out either. The doctors went to change my gender on the file from female to cuntboy... To the normal eye I just look like a male but when they get closer they think I'm a transgender but that where things are different. Unlike transgender I'm fully loaded down there."

I slowly look back into Gurin eyes, wondering how he was going to react. My eyes shot open wide as I felt his lips press against my eyes before I slowly closing my eyes and relaxing a bit. I gentle wrap my arms around Gurin and rub his back as best as I could. As Gurin was pulling back, I open my eyes and blush deeply and before I could talk he place his finger on my lips and smile.

"I love you Blake, no mater what. I don't care if you are a cuntboy or male or female. It your personality that I love. You are a kind hearted, sweet loving fox and that always helping out and that why I love you."

I smile and gentle rub Gurin's back some more slowly looking into his eyes, "I love you too Gurin." I smile brightly before burring my head in his chest as I whisper softly to myself, "Wow."

Gurin chuckle loudly before lifting my head up and poking my nose, "Why the wow?"

My cheeks a bright pink now, easily showing through the fur as I slowly lower my gaze, "That was.... my first kiss."

"Wait really?"

I quickly hid my muzzle again back in Gurin chest before he gentle lifted it again, "Well I'm honor to have been your first kiss. I'm also assuming that means you are a virgin aren't you?"

I gave a weak nod and look into Gurin's eyes. He gentle lean down and kiss me again but this time it was just a quickly kiss before he gentle pull the covers off my lower body. I blush deeply as the covers were pull off me as I was wearing nothing underneath. I could see Gurin looking down in between my legs before moving his head back up to nibble on my ears. I started squirming again as I was ticklish but this time I wasn't squirming as much as he was running his paw up and down my stomach.

I slowly close my eyes and let out a soft rumble from the belly rubs as I started to gentle wag my tail. Gurin chuckle and slowly moved his paw up my sides before slowly climbing on top of me and kissing my nose. I squirm a bit feeling a bit of Gurin weight on me as I looking up at him, a bit nervous. He chuckle softly before gentle licking my cheek before moving his muzzle up to my ear and whispering, "You know you are cute when you squirm. Oh and don't worry, I'll be gentle."

Gurin grin before moving down to nibble on my neck as he rub his paws down in between my legs. I let out a sharp gasp from the soft, smooth and warm paw pad rubbing against my slit softly. I bite down on my lower lip as a soft moan slowly escape my lips. Gurin slowly lifted his head up to look into my eyes and smile as he started to rub a bit harder on my slit, gentle rubbing one of his digits in between my lips.

I squirm a bit more as I let go of my lower lip as I moan out a bit louder. I slowly move my paws behind Gurin and gentle rub his back before pulling him down a bit to give him a kiss, just happy that he has given me so much. I continue to rub his back deeply and tried my best to control myself, still not use to the sensations. I close my eyes and started to pant softly, just enjoying the soft rubbing against my sensitive slit before letting out a loud squeak as I held onto Gurin tightly as I felt his finger slowly slipping through my tight sex.

I bite down on my lower lip again as I squirm and grunted softly, letting out a soft cry as I feel it pressing against my hymen. Gurin grin as he felt his finger pressing against my hymen as he gentle rub against it with his finger tip as he use his other paw to gentle hold me still. I look up into Gurin eyes and slowly took a deep breath as I tried my best to relax. Gurin slowly pulled his finger free from my pussy before he slowly starts to strip himself of his clothing.

This was the first time I got to see Gurin this up close without wearing much and I was surprise to see that he was quiet well muscled. He had a very noticeable six pack and I couldn't help but rub my paw across the hard but smooth muscles. I look up at Gurin to see him looking down at me and grinning, "Like what you see?"

I nod before slowly moving my paws up his sides, "Of course. Why wouldn't I?" I slowly lick Gurin's nose and smile before blushing as I see him pull out a condom and a bottle of lube from his pants before throwing them off the bed. I slowly look down in between Gurin leg and gulp at what I saw. He wasn't small and being a virgin I was scared but I trusted him and knew that he would stop if it starts to hurt.

I slowly move my paws back down to gentle rub Gurin groin softly, gentle rolling his balls around as I use my other arm to wrap around his neck and pulling him down into a kiss. I giggle at the back of my mind as I heard him letting out a soft moan through the kiss as I continue to gentle play with his sack softly before moving my paw up to gentle squeeze the base of his hard member.

He gasp and slowly broke the kiss before licking my nose, "I thought you said you were a virgin." He joke softly before running his paws up and down my sides as I gentle pump his shaft. I giggle softly and slowly move my paw up to the very tip and gentle run my finger tip along the head, wondering if it really did feel as good for him as he said it was.

Gurin quickly didn't waste any time though as he slowly moved my paw off his hard member before slowly opening up the condom and rolling it on. I heard the bottle of lube being open before seeing him rubbing the cool liquid around the condom, making sure that it was very nice and slick before opening up his paw and rubbing it into my cunt. I squirm from the coolness, not expecting it to be as cold was but before long I was letting out moans, feeling his fingers rubbing the lube all over the outside. Once he was happy with how wet it was, he slowly push his finger into my tight pussy again, rubbing the lube around the walls to make it as comfortable for me as possible.

He slowly pulled his finger out before slowly climbing back on top of me as he quickly pressed his lips against mine. While he was climbing on top of me, he used one of his paw to gentle line up his shaft with the entrance of my pussy, gentle poking it but not quite ready to penetrate it just yet. He slowly broke the kiss and smile at me, "Ready?"

"Ready." I blush deeply before pulling Gurin back down into the kiss before parting my lips to run my tongue along his lip like he was doing to me earlier. Gurin part his lips as well and slowly ran his tongue along mine, as he place his paws on my hips as he push forward. I grunted softly through the kiss, feeling my entrance being spread out much wider than before it was pressing against my hymen. Gurin slowly broke the kiss as he look into my eyes, "This might hurt a bit but just try and relax. It will get better."

With that Gurin pressed harder against my hymen until he felt himself breaking through. I quickly threw my head back as I let out a loud cry, feeling pain and pleasure soaring through my body as my claw and toes curl up from the mix reactions. Gurin slowly rub his paws up and down my sides, trying to help me relax as he rest himself inside, not pushing himself deeper until I said I was ready.

It slowly took me a while to relax but once I did I gave the nod to Gurin and gasp as I felt my walls being spread apart as he push himself deeper. I bite down on my tongue, trying to ignore the pain and let Gurin enjoy himself since he already done so much for me and I wanted return it to him. Gurin was slowly pushing himself deeper and deeper until his hips finally pressed against mine, which is where I met my breaking point. I threw my head back and let out a loud cry of pain, trying my best to relax but it was hard as tears slowly start to leak from my eyes.

Gurin slowly moved his paw down to gentle wipe the tears away before leaning down and kissing my cheek. "It okay Blake, the worst part over. I'll wait until you feel better, I don't want to cause you any discomfort."

I nod and sniff a bit as I held onto him tightly. Gurin gentle wrap his arm around me and rolled us over so I was resting on top of him before rubbing my back. "There we go." He grin as he pulled me down so I was laying down on his chest before nibbling on my neck, "Better?"

I blushed deeply and nod, feeling Gurin cock shift around inside my pussy causing me to moan out softly. Gurin gentle lick my nose and smile as he held me on top of him, as he very softly and gentle started to pump himself in and out. I gentle rested my head on Gurin's chest, letting out a moan after another. I don't know what it was about the new position but it was much more enjoyable for me this way.

I could even hear Gurin moaning out which made me happy. I rub my paws up and down Gurin's side softly before gasping as I felt him starting to trust a bit harder. As Gurin was thrusting up into my hot pussy, he could hear a loud squirt each time he trust back in. He grin and look down at my as he poke my nose, "Oh is someone getting wet?"

I blush deeply, never realizing that I could leak juices as it was quickly soaking up Gurin's hips and balls. I gave a nod as I lifted my head and look into his calming eyes. Gurin grinned and smile before quickly flipping us back around so I was on the bottom again. However unlike last time, he turn me around this time only and lifted me up so I was on fours as he was kneeing right behind me. Gurin slowly lean down on my back before quickly trusting himself back into my hot and moist sex. I gasp as I nearly feel forward on the bed, not expecting him to trust in so hard.

I cried out in pleasure, feeling him trust in hard into my sex and into my g-spot. I threw my head back as I cried out as my juices start flow like a river around the thick shaft. Gurin slowly bite down on my ears and nibble softly as he rub his chest before moving it down to my thighs to hold me secure. He quickly didn't waste any time, thrusting in fast and hard into my g-spot repeating . I bite down on my lip, feeling pleasure building up faster and faster with each trust before quickly throwing my head back as I let out a loud howl. My inner walls gripping onto his large shaft tightly as he was buried balls deep inside. My walls massaging his cock all over as my juices splash and squirt all over his hips and balls before dripping onto the bed.

I could hear Gurin groaning softly, as he was getting near but wasn't able to hold back much longer as well. He placed his paws on my thighs and pull me back as hard as he could as he push himself forward. He let out a long and moan into my ear as I could feel the condom expanding inside my sex before he gentle pull us down onto the dry side of the bed. We were both panting heavily as he gentle moved his paws up to rub my chest.

We rested there for what felt like hours but was only a few minutes before he spoke softly, "Oh god... you were... tight."

I giggle softly before turning my head softly, "And you were....thick...and big."

He smile as he continue to rub my chest a bit deeper, "I'm only eight inches."

"That a lot to me! I was a virgin...remember?"

He giggle and gentle kiss my cheek, "I remember." He then grab the bed sheets with his foot paws before reaching down with his paw and covering us. He smile and gentle kiss my cheek again, "We should probably get some rest."

I nod softly as I let out a loud yawn, feeling drain of energy after all the fun. "Night Gurin... I love you."

"I love you too Blake."

The next Day

Gurin was slowly and quietly getting dressed for work but was interrupted by the phone. He quickly answered the phone, trying to keep the house as quiet as possible since I was still sleeping.


"Hello, may I speak to Blake Kyle?"

Gurin blink, wondering who it was who was calling before answering, "He not available at the moment but I can leave a message."

"Sure. My name is Nicholas and I'm the hiring manager at Downtown Steak and Grill. Can you tell Blake if he can come in later today to pick up his work uniform and that he starts Monday?"

Gurin gasp and smile before nodding, "I'll be sure to pass the message. Thank you so much Nicholas."

To be continue?

Please leave comments! Also I'm honestly not sure if I should continue this or not. Part of me wants to continue this but the ending of the story can go either way. Let me know what you think and thank you so much for just reading.