How To Train Your Dragon: Control

Story by GryphonWings on SoFurry

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Toothless the Night Fury has needs, and makes sure his rider is well aware of them

This story was a gift from the wonderful Atlas86


The freezing wind bit at Hiccup's face, whipping his short brown hair out in streams behind him. His knuckles white around the reins, he yanked up and pushed down against the foot straps, his mechanical leg clicking against the mechanisms built into the saddle. Up he shot, pressed tight to the saddle as everything spun around him. Yanking his leg up, the world snapped into orientation, the milky clouds and shimmering ocean far above and the endless sky below. His forward momentum ground to a halt, and he began to plummet towards the water back first. Blindly he fell, unable to tell how much altitude remained before the water rushed up to meet him.

"Ready?" he cried out above the blaring wind.

A trumpeting gurgle was all he got in response, before he kicked out his leg and his world began spinning again, head over heels and topsy-turvy. The wall of corded muscle between his legs curled and compressed into a tiny ball, spinning faster and faster while Hiccup held on for dear life. He heard a crack against the roaring wind, and his unsuspecting right foot was suddenly fluttering violently in the wind. He yanked it in and clenched tightly with his thighs and shins against the saddle.

"Now!" he shouted, and grunted as his downward drop was suddenly redirected forward and the horizon settled on its standard plane. Glancing down, past the thick neck that supported his harness, he saw the waves breaching over each other some fifty feet below. One thousand feet to fifty, in a matter of seconds, and without splattering against the ground. It was truly a marvel, and he owed it all to the dragon keeping him aloft.

Toothless grumbled and released a short, piercing roar that broke the incoming wind and gave a brief moment's respite from its deafening screech. His wings pumped lazily, wobbling back and forth from sail to sail as he compensated on the turbulent seaward breeze. The southern cliffs of Berk jutted from the roiling sea at ugly angles, casting stray gusts of strong wind down from the mountain and out to sea. It was never a smooth flight on Berk, regardless of how lazy the flight was.

"You want to go again, bud?" Hiccup asked, leaning forward to scratch down the side of Toothless' neck and in behind his ear. "Come on. I think we can go twenty-five feet this time."

Toothless grumbled in response, shaking out his body in one long, serpentine motion. His movement didn't seem quite a snappy as it used to be, and despite Hiccup's prompting, the dragon drifted upwards and angled in towards the shoreline. Hiccup sighed and continued to stroke his dragon's side. He could feel the knotted muscles under his fingers, clenching and relaxing under his tender pressure. Sometimes he was afraid he pushed his best friend too hard, performing stunts that were too dangerous or tiring for his friend to handle. They failed some of their stunts sometimes, to be sure. A few cuts and scrapes amongst themselves, but no major accidents had happened. The dragon rarely complained or stopped before they were both ready to stop for the day, but some days weren't quite as rigorous as the others.

"Okay, bud. Let's turn in, then," he said, patting Toothless on the forehead before returning his hands to the reins and steering them back towards home.

The scalded cliffs threatened them with their sinister crags and jutting spikes, but it took no extra effort on Toothless' part to tuck between the obstacles and burst over the precipice. The nesting gulls along the cliff face squawked and took to the air, shrouding them in a swarm of enraged birds. Hiccup yelped and threw his hands up over his face as the sluggish birds battered against his body. Toothless didn't have as much trouble, the lighter birds no match for his bulkier frame. His mouth opened wide and caught a single gull inside his lips, letting it flail and squawk in fear before he decided he didn't like the taste and spat it back out. Once they were clear of the pesky airborne rats, Toothless turned his head back and fixed him with a silly grin, his gums pressed together as his teeth sat comfortably inside. Higher and higher they soared, until the sparkling sea once again lay far beneath them, and even the gulls could not reach. The black volcanic rock gave way to fertile soil, at first only studded with shrubs and lichens, but then gave way to the thick pine forest that spanned almost the entire island. Toothless danced and played among the treetops, flitting back and forth between the peaked caps and with Hiccup's help, spinning to duck and weave amongst the high-hanging branches.

"Wow! I thought you said you were done for the day?" Hiccup asked, ducking under a thick branch as it whizzed through the space his head had just been

Toothless gave a trill in response, and threw himself into tight turns that Hiccup had to pick up on and match. With the mechanical tailfin of his dragon under his complete control, it was up to him to keep them straight and even on their turns, or else they would fall out of the sky. The turns were the hardest thing to match, as they both liked to take them as fast as possible, with sometimes very little room for error. There was no question about their desire to push themselves, and each other, to new extremes, and very few of the other riders on the island could keep up with them. Astrid and Stormfly could follow them well enough during lazy flights, but in a true race, there was no contest.

"You just wanted to take a turn picking the tricks, huh?" Hiccup asked as the dragon straightened himself into an easy angle well above any branches. He rubbed against his heavily muscled flank, rippling forward and back with pent up energy. He patted the dragon's shoulder and redoubled his grip on the reins. "Alright, Toothless. Show me what you go!"

Doubling back towards the ocean, Toothless led them on a wild slalom through the treeline, in and out, back and forth, up and around, in every direction that his wings could take him. All Hiccup could do was hunker down and match his partner perfectly; the flexing and contracting muscles of the dragon's back telling him which way he would go, whether to add or decrease altitude, or whether it was a bank or a spin. Flying was an art all on its own, even before stunts or tricks came into it. Perfect harmony between rider and dragon, so no matter who led the flight, the other always knew where the other one would go. Hiccup knew his dragon well enough now, that very little of Toothless' behaviour could surprise him. The dragon was always erratic and playful, but he was used to that by now. He expected the dragon to lure him onto slippery patches of hidden ice, steal the food straight from his hands, and drench him in coats of viscous, fishy-smelling saliva. He could be a handful sometimes, but he wouldn't have it any other way.

Toothless oriented himself inland, and flapped his great wings to send them upwards. The sounds of the sea faded under the faster winds at that altitude, closer to the high mountain peaks at the center of the island. Puffy, white cumulous clouds were cast out from the scarps and across the rest of the region, keeping Berk a dull and rainy grey most of the year. Today, however, the clouds were large and well-spaced, perfect to flip and spin around with the blazing sun at their backs. The wind grew faster as they rose to match their clouds' height, but it was clean, straight wind as it passed around the long eroded mountain faces. After coming about, putting the wind at their backs, it provided the perfect environment to practice larger aerial maneuvers at higher speeds. Rising up into an almost vertical stance, Toothless flapped madly against the wind, keeping them hovering high above the ground while they surveyed the path ahead. All of the clouds were white and free of rain. The horizon was clear of incoming weather from the sea, so no sudden storms would kick up during their fun. The birds could not fly so high, and no other dragons were flying. For that one brief moment, the whole sky was theirs.

"Okay bud. You want to do that other one we've been working on?" Hiccup asked.

He received an excited chitter in response, and the dragon dropped from his hover and began to shoot forward at an amazing speed. Hiccup could both feel and hear the wind blowing across their backs, whipping his hair up and against his ears, muffling the blaring sound.

"Hold on there, Toothless! I still have to get ready," Hiccup cried, working fast to reconfigure his harness while the dragon sped off along the track they'd planned together. Reaching down to his left side, he pulled the connecting line between the tail fin and his foot pedal, and connected it to an islet tacked into the hide. With the wing fixed into its extended position, Toothless could keep level and perform some basic right turns without him to direct it. Once that was done, he unclipped his foot from the harness, and then both his legs, freeing all his restraints. "Okay! You ready?"

Toothless warbled loudly and flapped his tail, rocking his whole body with a quick loss of altitude. Hiccup didn't wait to stabilize, and threw himself up out of the saddle onto his feet. He stood there for a brief moment, his arms outstretched like wings as he stood upon his dragon's back. He watched the misty trails off the tips of Toothless' wings every time they clipped a cloud, emblazoning their path for anyone on the ground to see. After an annoyed growl from Toothless, Hiccup turned on his heel and ran, sprinting down the dragon's back and across his tail. Just before his foot touched down on the very center of his tailfins, Toothless flexed his sinuous tail and threw it upwards with all his might, catapulting Hiccup straight into the air. He yelled out in triumph as he soared another ten feet over Toothless under his own power before rolling over his back and plummeting headfirst towards the sea far below. He watched Toothless flip up and roll, a difficult maneuver with half his tail locked into place, but entirely possible for the skilled dragon. He oriented himself towards Hiccup and gave a mighty pump of his wings, throwing himself forwards towards the small, flying boy. Soaring down in a short arc, Toothless quickly covered the horizontal and vertical distance he needed to come face-to-face with his rider, a silly grin of pure excitement stretched across his cheeks. The dragon looked at him and mirrored the picture, putting on his toothless grin with his tongue flapping wildly in the wind. Hiccup reached forward and stroked along the dragon's cheek, causing him to warble and squeak. He angled his aerodynamic body inwards suddenly and caught Hiccup against his chest. He was hugged tight to the soft underbelly by strong forelegs, keeping him pinned at the dragon slowly angled himself out of the dive and inland.

"Um, hey Toothless? You know it's easier to fly when I'm on top, right?" Hiccup asked, trying to catch the dragon's eye from above him. Toothless only trilled and hugged him tighter, pressing the side of his face up against his soft chest. Besides the soothing sound of the dragon's heart in his ear, there was a pungent odour that filled his nostrils from the dragon's scales. His whole body felt oily wherever he touched Toothless, his clothes feeling slightly damp and sticky against his skin. His lips touched against the scales when a patch of turbulent air buffeted them upwards, which tasted strongly of salt. It was almost like sweat.

"Eugh, Toothless. You smell even stronger than usual," Hiccup said, trying to distance his head from the scales. "You need a bath, mister."

The dragon warbled out what sounded like a laugh as he angled himself across the vast forest, flitting across until a vast hole opened in the canopy. He angled himself downwards, gently drifting down towards the soft grass below. They had entered the bowl of their hidden pond; the one where they had first become friends. The clear body of water glimmered in the sunlight, reflecting off both the surface and the backs of the fish that swam within. The stronger winds did not reach the basin, which only let a light breeze drift in. The soft pond grasses waved in the wind, and insects buzzed about within in. The whole place smelled gently of the forest, moist, mossy, and crisp on the wind. It was still their favorite place to escape to, where no one would bother them.

Hiccup cringed and pulled himself tighter to the scaly chest as the ground rushed up to meet him. Toothless pumped his wings at the ground, bringing them into a shallow hover before dropping onto his hind legs, folding his wings, and finally falling forward. Hiccup yelped as he was dropped from the dragon's arms to the ground a few feet below, and opened his eyes just in time to see Toothless catch himself on his forelegs, saving him from being crushed.

"Okay bud, that was a fun little ride," He said, reaching up to try and wipe the dragon's oil from his face. It was far too slick to stick to his hands, and he only managed to spread it further across his cheek. "But you really need a bath."

Toothless warbled in response, and backed up a step so his large head hovered over the smaller boy's body. He leaned in and pressed against his chest, nuzzling up into the crook of his neck and snuffling about affectionately. Hiccup only laughed and got his hands up under the dragon's chin, trying to push him off to the side.

"Playful today, huh Toothless?" he asked, giggling as a long, sloppy tongue licked around the back of his neck and up his side. "Come on. Let me take your saddle and tail off. Best not to let the metal get rusty."

He pushed and pulled at the dragon's persistent head, trying to move it out of the way and give him room to stand. However, Toothless seemed more interested in bathing his rider than bathing him. He licked all around his head and neck covering him in a thick layer of sticky saliva. He took his hands back from the dragon's chin to cover his face, trying to keep the dragon's curious tongue away from his thoroughly coated face. As the appendage swiped over his clothed arms, Toothless seemed to shudder and recoil, clearly not impressed with the taste of the woven cloth. He growled and backed up a step, giving Hiccup the room he needed to spring to his feet.

"Toothless! You're going to make me have to take a bath, too," he said, rubbing the dragon up his snout while he traced across his flank. "Let me get this saddle off you now."

His hands ran up over the leather straps of his saddle, buckled down tight to keep him firmly in place. As he began to pull at the metal buckles one at a time, he realized that they were loose with the thin oil as well. It was soaked into the edges of the absorbent material, darkening them slightly and spoiling the leather's perfect tanning. Hiccup held one of the soaked straps in his hands, squeezing it softly to release so of the liquid onto his palms. It shimmered in the sunlight like a tiny coating of ice, but when he brought it up to his face, it had the same strong, pungent smell he had experienced before. With a gag of disgust, he let the strap slap back against Toothless' hide, and went about undoing the others. As he worked to free the dragon from his saddle, Toothless seemed to be busy trying to free Hiccup from his riding armor. The dragon tugged and bumped at the buckles at his waist, nudging the entire body around with it.

"Toothless! Would you quit it?" he asked, finally reaching over to pull the saddle off the dragon's back. The loose straps slipped up from under his belly and over his back, until the large plate of leather was entirely free, at the same time that the dragon caught one of his buckles in his mouth and yanked, sheering the garment clean off and causing it to sit lopsided on his body.

"What has gotten into you, bud?" Hiccup asked, sighing as he pulled the jerkin up over his head and inspected the damage. The leather was fine, but the buckle wasn't salvageable. He'd have to forge a new one when they got back to the village. Putting it together with the saddle, he left both pieces of leather in the soft grass for later. "Have you been getting into the dragon nip again?"

Toothless warbled and bumped him again, this time around the small of his back. Hiccup lurched forward and fell to his knees, at which point the dragon was upon him again. It was as if the dragon was trying to get under the rim of his shirt, reaching for the bare skin that lay beneath. Toothless nosed up to the small of his back, sniffing around for an entrance to his clothing. Once he regained his balance, Hiccup spun around and put his hands up to the dragon's snout, managing to hold him at bay.

"Toothless? Come on, bud, talk to me. What's going on?" Hiccup asked, struggling to keep the dragon at arm's length as the much stronger creature pushed against his palms. "I don't have anything for you."

Toothless bounced his hindquarters back and forth, causing Hiccup to lose balance and fall as the dragon pushed him in different directions. Landing face-down in the loamy soil, the boy could feel the dragon snuffling around his back again, and with the fall kicking up the rim of his shirt, he soon felt a set of fangs wrap around the edging and pull upwards, taking the shirt up his back and forcing it over his head. He yelped and struggled against the dragon as his arms were pulled over his head, and with a triumphant gurgle, Toothless wrenched the article from his shoulders and began to parade around the clearing with it. Leaping to his feet, Hiccup began to chase the dragon in circles, watching his shirt billow in the wind from the dragon's slobbering mouth.

"Toothless! Bad dragon! Bring that back right now!" Hiccup shouted, trying in vain to chase down the vastly more agile dragon. With an amused glimmer in his eyes, Toothless jumped and spun in the air, waving the green cloth from his mouth like a flag. It didn't take much longer than a single lap of the pond to tire Hiccup out; the dragon leaving the thin boy to pant in exhaustion while he continued to prance. He ran, spun, and leaped his way around the pool three times, batting Hiccup playfully with his tail on each pass, until he finally released the article and let it flutter down to rest on his saddle.

"You're insane. Did you hit your head that last time we crashed?" Hiccup asked, watching the dragon with one eyebrow slanted as he pirouetted around the end of the pond and stopped in a crouch in front of him. Hiccup put his hands up defensively, the same way he normally did to calm the dragons down, and made a few steps towards the dragon. Toothless seemed uninterested in his hands, however, and immediately tackled the boy a second time, pinning him to the ground and licking over his face once again.

"Gah! Toothless, you crazy lizard!" he shouted, pushing against the dragon's head again. "You're supposed to be taking a bath!"

Toothless only warbled and shook his head back and forth, breaking Hiccup's grip and throwing his arms down to his sides. Unimpeded by the stringy human, the dragon began to nuzzle and lick over his bare torso, coating his chest and stomach with sticky saliva. He shivered as the dragon's warm breath washed over the wet saliva, making his skin tinge as it evaporated off of him. Then he began to slide up his sides, licking up his flanks and into his underarms. Hiccup had never seen a dragon act like this. He thought he knew everything there was to know about Toothless, but it seemed that he was sadly mistaken. Unfortunately, none of his techniques seemed to calm the dragon, only encourage him on. He tried pushing the dragon aside, but he only managed to egg him on. He tried scratching under the dragon's chin, something that usually caused him to collapse in pleasure. This time, he only warbled and licked harder. He was afraid of what Toothless was doing, and what would happen if he couldn't stop it. He wasn't used to having a misbehaved dragon after so long, like some of the others had to work with. Toothless always had a cool head, did what he asked, and only did something against his directions when it was a better idea than what he had said. Maybe Toothless thought he was doing something better. Maybe he just had to trust his dragon, like his dragon trusted him. With Toothless keeping him completely pinned, he didn't have many other options.

"Okay, okay, Toothless," Hiccup said, sighing while he let his body relax against the soft grass. "I trust you. I won't fight you anymore."

Toothless smiled and warbled down at him, placing a single lick upon his body that ran from navel to chin. The dragon locked eyes with him, staring intently into Hiccup's wide eyes. He'd never noticed how warm Toothless felt before, his scales black scales radiating heat from the bright sun high above. He didn't realize how soft the dragon's belly scales were, the wider plates that ran across his underbelly much more malleable than the rough scales that ran over his back and sides. The way that Toothless pinned him wasn't that of a hungry predator, but of a caring friend holding him close. He could feel the dragon's heart beating against his body where they touched; the powerful muscle beating a soothing tempo over his skin.

"Toothless...I-," Hiccup began, but the dragon's head rocked forward and pressed his scaly lips over his own, locking him in his first kiss. The dragon's mouth was kind, yet forceful, like the dragon himself. It caressed his lips and cheeks in a passionate embrace, unable to line up properly do to their vastly different jaws. However, that didn't seem to hinder Toothless as he pressed the tip of his wide tongue against Hiccup's closed and startled lips, hoping to gain what little entry it could. Unfortunately for the dragon, the size difference was far too large, and even when the boy's mouth finally released the gasp of surprise he'd been holding, he could do little more than jam up his lips and leak a little of his saliva into his mouth. Hiccup found himself lost in Toothless kiss, his eyes fluttering to a half-lidded position. He found his mouth hold itself up of its own accord, allowing his curious tongue to wriggle out and meet his dragon's. The was an intense burst of flavor as the much larger tongue took up his, wrapping it in a coating of fishy saliva, but that also made him tingle with a different feeling all together. Toothless loved him. He could feel it in his very being, streaking across him and amazing speeds to tell his whole body. Love, not like that between a boy and a dog, or between brothers, but the real kind. After their kiss slowly broke apart, with thin strands of saliva connecting them together, Toothless began to chuckle in his soft, throaty manner at Hiccup's strangely dumbstruck expression.

"" Hiccup stuttered, a flurry of emotion dancing around inside his head. "You kissed me."

The dragon smiled at him again, a small, gentle smile of reassurance. He nuzzled in around Hiccup's neck, rubbing his soft cheek against his collarbone and slowing down his rapid heart rate. The wide tongue's tip began to poke out between the dragon's lips and dab across his shoulders and down his stomach, more like small kisses than the longer licks he was used to. Finally, after following a long, winding trail down his stomach, Toothless stopped at the small leather strip that was his belt, and looked up to Hiccup. When the human did not move, he leaned down and clamped his teeth around the buckle, snapping it in two. Hiccup blushed as his pants loosened dramatically, and in one quick flick of his jaw, the garment was caught up in Toothless' mouth and on its way down his legs, revealing fresh skin to be tickled by the soft grasses below. Only a small pair of linen underwear remained between the boy and total nudity in front of his dragon, which he had never done before.

" you really need to take off...all of it?" he asked nervously, shuffling up a few inches from wear the dragon's head hovered above his pelvis. Toothless looked up at him and rolled his eyes, annoyed by his rider's constant hesitation. Ready to show the human who was in charge that day, Toothless grabbed the small pair of short and yanked them off, leaving the boy's groin open to the wind. Hiccup gasped as the fabric was torn off him, and his blush grew to a ruddy crimson as his uncut cock was bared before his best friend. Toothless didn't seem particularly disappointed by his size, warbling softly as he leaned down to snuffle at his gentle musk. The running and riding had built up a slick coating of sweat between his legs, which seemed to draw Toothless' attention as the dragon nudged his legs apart and dipped his nose in. Hiccup's breath caught as he felt a warm nose brush over his taint and lift his testicles slightly, allowing the dragon to inhale his soft scent. His heart fluttered with every little shuffle between his legs; the dragon gentle, but still a large presence no matter where he stuck his nose. Hiccup's breathing became more of a nervous laughter, unable to tell how he was supposed to feel about this. His best friend had pinned and stripped him of his clothing, but it seemed like he knew exactly what he was doing. His laughter suddenly degenerated into a deep, bass moan, as he felt a wide, warm tongue slip up under his balls. They cupped him softly, undulating just enough for it to tingle inside him. It was a feeling unlike anything he'd ever felt before, and he heard his breath catch every time that tongue wriggled beneath him. It wormed its way into every nook and cranny, into the spaces between his sack and thighs, underneath, and down to his taint, tasting all the spaces no one had ever touched before. Toothless hummed in delight, relishing in the slightly salty flavor that his rider gave him, and the way the tiny scent tickled his nostrils as he inhaled the young human's musk straight from its strongest source.

"Toothless...bud..." Hiccup panted, his legs clenching together slightly to better hold the dragon in place. "What is this?"

Toothless chuckled again, sending a soft vibration through his groin. Hiccup moaned throughout the treatment, loving this new feeling that his friend was providing for him. His usually soft cock was hardening rapidly before the dragon's eyes, a rather small thing for him to work with, but something he knew would make his rider feel very good indeed. With little flavor left to be siphoned from the proportionately well-hung sack, he moved up to the solid shaft that he had brought to life. He barely needed to extend his tongue to engulf the entire organ in his slippery warmth, which in turn caused Hiccup to yelp in surprise. It didn't take long for that sound of confusion to warp into a sound of lust and desire, which only egged Toothless on as Hiccup's moans sang through the basin. Hiccup found that he couldn't help but thrust his hips up into the dragon's warm, wet embrace, the direct sensations on his cock feeling strange as they shot up his spine. It was perhaps the greatest physical feeling he'd ever felt, and a persistent pressure was beginning to build in his shaft as his muscles clenched down automatically. Toothless continued to lick and suck, using the tip of his tongue to play with the thin foreskin that tipped the boy's head. He chuckled around the shaft as his rider's hips tried desperately to thrust up into him, although with limited results. He slid his paw down from the boy's left arm and onto his hips, stopping the rampant movement in its tracks. Hiccup began to whine weakly as his involuntary moments were blocked, leaving him entirely in Toothless' control. His rider's pleasure would be from him and him alone, like any good friend would do.

Hiccup cringed and groaned again, his hands sliding across the bridge of the dragon's snout, pushing him down into his groin. The soft tongue and velvety lips that enclosed his shaft were amazing, sending thrilling spikes of pleasure with every tweak and shift. Toothless looked up into his eyes and smiled softly, his lips awkwardly pursed around his small shaft, as he began to bob up and down along the sensitive flesh. Hiccup's hips clenched and thrust against Toothless' paw in response, an amazing pressure building between his legs while his balls clenched up tight. He pushed down on the dragon's head as hard as he could and threw his head back, releasing a moan into the long grass as his muscles began to spasm. A feeling of tightness and heat filled his groin, and he clenched down tight on it as he tried to contain it, but to no avail. With a great clench and shake of his muscles, his first spurt of semen ejected from his shaft and onto the dragon's tongue. Toothless' gums locked down tight around the base of his shaft while his wide tongue cupped along the underside of his head. A deep moan rumbled from the dragon as well, enjoying the flavor of his rider's first orgasm. He chuckled softly around him as the exhausted youth flopped back onto the grass panting wildly. Toothless curled his tongue over the boy's softening shaft in one last lick before he pulled away and stepped up to his slim chest. Leaning down, he unfurled his tongue and placed a long lick over his rider's skin, smearing the small, milky-white puddle over his chest.

"Toothless...that felt amazing," Hiccup gasped, smiling weakly while he stroked over the side of the dragon's face. He looked down over his chest to see the creamy fluid left behind, and curiously dipped his finger against the smear to pick some out. It was difficult to make out anything over the distinct scent of fish, but there was definitely something else there. Something warmer, and fuller. With Toothless watching him intently, he put his sticky finger in his mouth, and let the mingling taste of dragon and human slip over his tongue. The natural saltiness of Toothless' saliva mixed with the warm, subdued flavor of cum that he'd provided. He smiled as he pulled his clean finger free with a wet smack.

"Toothless? Did we just...have sex?" he asked. Hiccup knew perfectly well what it all was, and what it entailed. He'd had the awkward talk with his father before, when he began to spend more and more time with Astrid in and around the village. He'd been told about where everything was, where it went, and what it was supposed to do, but this wasn't quite the same. He'd seen some of the other villagers doing things similar to what he'd just done through the windows they'd left open on accident, but again, it was just a little different. First of all, he'd only seen and heard about it done between two people, not between a person and a dragon. He supposed that because their peace with the dragons was so new, no one had ever done it before. But secondly, he'd never heard about sex between two men. His father had always said that sex happened between a man and a woman, but Toothless was a male dragon, as far as he knew. He supposed there was room for error; Fishlegs had mistaken his dragon as a male, too, until it laid eggs.

Toothless chuckled at the wide-eyed expression of his rider, staring at him while his mind turned itself over. He smiled down at the confused boy, and cupped his right cheek in his scaly paw in much the same way his rider had done for him. He warbled and hummed soothingly, rubbing his warm body down against the smooth skin of the boy's stomach. He loved the way it felt against his scales; soft, warm, and yielding. For someone who looked scrawny and without muscle, his rider was actually quite squishy and resilient, which Toothless appreciated. It would make what he was about to do much easier on both of them.

"Toothless. That was great, bud, but I think we should go back now." Hiccup said, wrapping his hands around the dragon's wrist. He pushed and pulled, but the scaled palm never left his cheek, and Toothless never stopped staring down at him with those sparkling yellow eyes. The dragon's weight lifted from his body as Toothless stood, moving his paws to the soft grass as he began to step forward overtop of Hiccup. The boy's head curled backwards to follow the dragon's head, but jerked up suddenly when he felt something soft and warm bump his chin. His eyes trailed down Toothless' chest, each plate of belly scales dully reflecting a slightly warped version of his face, until his eyes fell upon a long stretch of matte black flesh, cylindrical and hanging limp under its own weight. It dangled from between the dragon's hind legs at about five inches in length and slightly wrinkled as it shifted slowly. As the blunt tip waved and occasionally nudged against the bottom of his chin, Hiccup could feel the heat exuding from its end, which appeared to have an opening. His nostrils flared to take a deep breath of air, but when he did, he was surprised by the aroma that overtook the fresh pond air. It was deep and earthy; tickling at Hiccup's nose as it wafted in. Pungent and bitter, he found himself oddly attracted to the odor, and in the back of his mind, desired more.

"Toothless? What is this stuff?" he asked, propping himself up onto his elbows to get a closer look. He reached out with his right hand, drawing across the side of the flesh with his fingers while drawing a growl from Toothless that vibrated all around him. He immediately jerked his fingers away, afraid that he'd hurt his dragon somehow, but his growl only seemed to deepen once the contact was severed. Hiccup quickly replaced his hand on the tube of flesh, pressing his palm to it this time, and was intrigued to here Toothless' growl soften, much more like a groan of pleasure. He stared the soft flesh down once more, and a realization suddenly crossed his mind. This must have been Toothless' cock. It was so different from his own, but that wasn't such a stretch considering how much different the dragon was from him in general. He took another deep breath, drawing in the deep musk of Toothless' groin, before the dragon moved once more. The cock was dragged forward from his hands, and instead replaced with a large sack of similarly loose flesh. He didn't get much time to look at it, however, as it was pulled up his chin and dropped over his face, causing Hiccup to flop back against the ground. The flesh enveloped his face, wrapping around its contours and covering him in a blanket of warmth. Two heavy lobes rolled over his cheeks, each roughly the size of his fist, and kept the skin taut over his mouth and nose. His hands went up to push at the dragon's hips, around where the flesh connected to his underbelly and cock, but the dragon would not budge. He was trapped under his weighty balls, and there was nothing he could do about it.

He yelled out to Toothless, but the skin muffled out all his words into something unintelligible. As his mouth opened and his words tried to form, the flesh drooped slightly between his lips for his tongue to lash against. He was immediately filled with the slightly bitter, earthy taste of his dragon, which overwhelmed his every taste bud with a tingling sensation. He tried to close his mouth, but he could not spit the hot skin out from between his lips, and only managed to squeeze his lips around a small portion of it. He was forced to breathe in through his nose, where the skin was just loose enough to form little pockets of air for him. However, the air around him was saturated with the scent of the dragon's balls, which only increased the buzzing sensation that traveled through his face and into his head. He felt oddly relaxed by the warm scents and close contact he was experiencing, and found himself now unwilling to try and force Toothless to release him. His arms slowly sagged down the sack, idly massaging the balls inside as they trailed down to the ground, leaving him relaxed and unmoving. Toothless growled above him, slowly jiggling his sack back and forth over his face. The friction against the smooth surface was minimal, and he enjoyed the sensation as the slick, fragrant oils eased his friend's movements. He found his tongue idly passing out of his lips to press flat against the thin flesh that rubbed against him. It gave way under his pressing, curving upwards as his tongue poked and tasted at it. Hiccup moaned quietly beneath the musky sack as it ground back and forth against his taste buds, while Toothless repeated a similar groan above him. Each moan of pleasure the dragon released vibrated all around his body, even reaching to tickle at Hiccup's skin through his soft balls.

Hiccup's hands drifted back up to knead and massage around the firm testicles inside the dragon's sack, drawing them in closer to his face so he could press up into the cleft between them. They were heavy, and awkward to lift at that angle, but he managed to lift them from his face and slide himself forward until they sat heavily over his bare chest. Without Toothless pinning him down, he was free to explore the sack as he wished, seeking out new crevices filled with the dragon's potent and addicting musk. He leaned in to press his face against the front of his best friend's balls, licking up from bottom to top in long, firm strokes. Every time he reached the top, where his lips pursed to kiss the tiny crevices between cock and balls, he felt the thick end of Toothless' cock bounce against his head, much firmer and heavier than before. He cast his eyes upward to see the small, pink tip that was emerging from what he'd thought was the dragon's cock alone. He now realized that it was only a sheath to protect his sensitive nethers, and there was far more of the stiff organ still to come. He wasted no time in doubling his assault, licking up and down the oily, musky sack with wild abandon. All the while, Toothless moaned, rumbled, and shook above him, occasionally humping forward to rock his sack into Hiccup's face like a battering ram. All the while, the much smaller male moaned in pleasure at the thick tastes and scents that were being pressed so thoroughly into his body, surrounding him completely in Toothless.

The dragon groaned out, and he suddenly felt the sack being wrenched away from him, away from his massaging fingers and probing tongue. He tried to follow it, but whenever he moved his head forward, the heavy balls would knock him back. Hiccup soon understood that the dragon was turning in place, rotating his sack around to give him access to its fresh, untouched backside. Smiling with delight, he pushed his face up into the new flesh as soon as Toothless was resettled, burying his nose and tongue into the deep groove between body and balls. The oil and musk were thicker there, creating a noticeable coating over his tongue that his saliva simply washed over. He reached forward and wrapped his arms around the soft sack to hug it closer to his face, pressing the thick-scented and hot skin tighter to his face. Meanwhile, Toothless began to slowly rub forward and back, rubbing his taint down against the boy's face. He bent into more of a sitting position, rapidly closing the free space between Hiccup's head and the ground. Snapped from his musk-induced stupor by the increasing pressure, Hiccup had just enough time to shout out against the folds of skin and move his hands out to wrap around Toothless' thighs before the dragon sat completely upright, pinning Hiccup between his heady cleft and the soft earth. Toothless warbled and shuddered in bliss as his rider pressed up between his legs, making his balls and sheath tingle with desire. Already his shaft was beginning to fill with blood, rising from its long-dormant state. He had never felt such pleasure before; it was all so much more than his own claws or lips had been. The rush of dominance that flooded his body, taking his rider, the one who commanded him, and shoving him into the dirt with his sack. Having him lick his balls, worshipping his body like the dragons of old commanded from all men. It was all so new to him, and he loved every bit of it. His lips curled back in a snarl, and a low growl rippled from his throat while he shifted back and forth. Every time he moved, Hiccup slid further down his body, deeper into his hot, musky taint. His slick oils helped lubricate the human's delicate skin, allowing the dragon's scaly rear to easily slide up around his head. Further and further he slipped, deep into Toothless' crevice, until the dragon's eyes shot wide open and he pulled his hips up from his rider's face. A bolt of pleasure had shot up his spine, one that he had not been expecting. Hiccup's nose, which had been pressed up into his crevice, had brushed over his pucker. He'd never felt anything so good touch him there, and he'd never thought to include it in his self-pleasure. The contact had been electrifying and exotic; something that he could never have anticipated.

"Toothless! Bad dragon!" Hiccup shouted from below, drawing his attention back to the sputtering human. He was coughing violently, as fresh air replaced the thick musk that he had been inhaling moments before. "You can't do stuff like that. You're heavy, and could really hurt me. You reek, Toothless. Get in the water."

Toothless just stared back at his rider, locking his eyes on the glaring boy. He was right, he could very easily hurt his friend under his weight. Only he hadn't. He'd sat completely on Hiccup's head, and besides the discomfort on his part, he'd been no worse-for-wear. If he was careful, his rider would be just fine, and he could truly explore what feelings awaited him. Just feeling the boy's hot breath against his rump was making him shiver in excitement. His blank stare switched into a devious smirk, and he wrapped his claws around Hiccup's left ankle, holding him in place.

"No! Toothless, no! Bad dragon! Don't you-" Hiccup could not finish, as the black expanse of the dragon's hips began to lower onto him once again. The smooth scales pressed down around him, trapping him beneath his best friend's pliable bulk. He would have to give Toothless a serious talking-to when this was all over, but for now, he had an entirely different problem to deal with. With his head compressed tightly between the dragon's cheeks, he had trouble breathing through his mouth. This forced him to inhale through his nose, sucking the dragon's thick, pungent musk straight into his lungs. It was heavy and rich, tingling inside him like hot spice. It even made him feel a bit numb inside, like he was going to fall asleep. Meanwhile, in the inky darkness above him, Toothless' puckered hole settled against the tip of his nose, making the heat and smell so much stronger. It wasn't bad, like he expected. It was hot and pungent, like the rest of his body at the moment, but there was something else about it. Something intoxicating. He found himself breathing more deeply, sucking more of the tainted air into his body at once. He felt his chest tightening against the hot flesh draped over it as his lungs expanded. The way it shifted and stirred above him, with heavy weights sagging against his skin, he knew it could only be Toothless' balls against him. In fact, every time he took a breath, pressing his face a little closer to Toothless' flexing pucker, the dragon would rumble around him, making a strange sense of pride well up from inside him. Toothless was really enjoying it, and he liked to see his friend happy. Maybe it wasn't as bad as he thought.

Toothless could feel every little wriggle and nudge Hiccup made against his pucker, and every single one made him groan in pleasure. It was truly amazing, feeling his hot breath blowing up his tunnel, causing him to reflexively clench down and kiss the tip of his nose with his anus. At the same time, the human's breathing rolled his chest, and in turn, gave his balls a basic massage as they bounced with him. He loved every little bit of it, the way Hiccup smooth, warm skin felt deep between his rump, the way his own scent grew stronger around him the more he grew aroused, and how the human's faded away at the same time. The boy would smell like him for days, a constant reminder of how he'd been dominated by his dragon. The control made Toothless moan out again, the idea of riding the rider amplifying each jolt of pleasure he received. Hiccup was the steed now, and he was going to ride him hard, starting with his face.

Hiccup found himself groaning as the dragon ground down upon him, forcing his face even tighter to the skin. There was just enough give in Toothless' ass for his face to squeeze in comfortably, but keep him entirely immobile at the same time, leaving the dragon to decide where things went from there. Hiccup yelped Toothless' pucker slipped backwards off his nose and pressed down against his mouth, kissing him square on the lips. He tried to pull his mouth away, afraid of what he was doing with his lips pressed to a dragon's ass, but he was stuck fast. In fact, every time his shifted, Toothless would moan twice as loud as before, and press down harder against his head. This was exactly where Toothless wanted him, and until he was finished, Hiccup would just have to get used to it. Every time his lips moved, the dragon would flex his pucker with it, keeping their lips constantly locked. His taste, much like his scent, tingled on his lips, and a deep, burning curiosity grew rapidly in his mind. He wanted to know what Toothless tasted like. Even with such a strong interest in his head, he still moved hesitantly as his tongue crept up from between his lips to tap against the edge of Toothless' pucker. Even with such a simple touch as his tongue tip, his mouth was immediately awash with thick, potent flavor, warm and earthy. The wrinkled opening quivered and yawned wider against him, moving his tongue tip closer to its gaping interior. Meanwhile, Toothless cried out in ecstasy, rumbling all around him. Instead of pulling his tongue way, Hiccup pushed down harder, pressing the flat of his tongue down against the active muscular opening. He could feel each little quiver the flesh made beneath his sensitive body, spreading its unique flavor all over his taste buds. He loved every second of it, and had long moved past being mad at the dragon. In fact, as soon as his mouth was free of Toothless' ass, he was going to thank the dragon any way he could. In the meantime, however, he was entirely committed to the dragon's rump, and would do nothing else until it was satisfied.

Toothless turned his head up and roared into the sky, loving the feeling of the boy's face up against his hole. Hiccup was no longer afraid of his advances, and seemed to be completely submissive to his ass. He was in control now, the boy was putty in his paws. He rolled his hips forwards and back, grinding into the human's lips, nose, and chin. His small, rounded face slipped perfectly between his cheeks, with his sweat there to make the gliding painless and pleasurable for both of them. The dragon continued to gyrate without rest, huffing and puffing as pleasure rolled like soft waves through his body. He looked down between his legs once more, and grumbled with pleasure when he saw more than half of his tapered cock free of its sheath. The pink flesh rapidly filled with blood, swelling and beginning to stand despite its growing weight. His balls continued to roll across Hiccup's flat chest, and a pair of small, weak fingers gripped tight around the sides of his haunches. The boy was trying to pull him down tighter, but he was afraid there was nowhere left to go. Unless he took Hiccup's whole head into his ass, he was pressed up as tight as they could be.

Hiccup's lips pressed deep into the spongy flesh of his dragon's ass, pushing and pulling against the pucker of equal strength. He'd never kissed like this before; never this passionately, even with Astrid. He was putting everything he had into it, but it wasn't enough. He knew there was something more he could do for his dragon. Toothless had always been there for him, through thick and thin. He hoped his friend was enjoying it even more than he was; he deserved every bit of it. He redoubled his grip around Toothless' wide thighs, and reached up with his tongue, dragging the flat face along the dragon's pucker. He was rewarded with an immediate roar of pleasure, and the dragon quaked all around him. This was exactly what Toothless wanted, to be pleasured by his best friend. It didn't matter if Hiccup didn't know what was right or not. This was just between him and Toothless, and there could never be anything wrong about that. He continued to swipe his tongue back and forth over his hole, slicking it with his saliva. The deep, earthy taste of raw musk burned on his taste buds, dulling whatever scant inhibitions remained. He wanted to experience everything that Toothless had to offer, including everything inside him. Under his constant, firm lashing, the puckered hole began to wink at him, yawning wide open before clenching down tight. When the ring was at its tightest, he used the tip of his tongue to rim the hole in wide circles. The constant stimulation made Toothless shudder and moan, his hole clenching and unclenching rapidly. Every revolution, Hiccup's tongue would get closer and closer to the center, where the dragon's gaping insides were hidden. He could feel its heat on his face whenever it opened its widest, giving him a brief taste of what he would experience from it. Slowly, teasingly, he ran his tongue around the inside edge of the expanded hole, and held his tongue in the center when the tunnel clamped down on him. He chuckled when the pucker began to suck on his tongue, flexing tightly around him and trying to pull it inside. When it next relaxed, he gave it exactly what it wanted, and drove his tongue as far as he could.

Toothless' roar stirred the birds from the trees, and could probably be heard as far away as the village. The feeling of Hiccup's tongue, short and wide, driving into his ass was incredible. He could feel the tiny bumps of the boy's taste buds against his sensitive walls, drinking up his raw masculine flavor. The way it ran in slow circles, touching every bit of slick anal flesh, it truly showed how dedicated his rider was to him. He moaned out loud once more, and watched his long cock stretch to full height. He was ready to proceed now, but he couldn't imagine standing up from this. Hiccup felt too good between his thighs, under his ass and balls. He was sure that he could reach the same result if he just remained there, although it would take longer. There would always be time for it later, he supposed.

It felt like his tongue was on fire, the tingling sensation was so strong. Toothless' rippling tunnel clenched down on him twice a second, squeezing and rubbing all around him. It was an amazing massage, one that he would love to experience again and again. He was moaning just as much as the dragon was, although the heavy, muscled rump did an excellent job of muffling him. All around him, the flesh vibrated and shifted, constantly grinding and shuddering to draw the maximum amount of pleasure from his eager tongue. He found himself immensely disappointed that he could not go any deeper than an inch or two. He wanted to fell it all, to tongue and taste the deepest, muskiest reaches of his friend's bowels. However, as his tongue was fully extended and compressed by Toothless, the dragon leaned forward and rose to his feet, dragging the soft, muscular pucker across the entire surface of his tongue before popping free with a wet smack. Light and fresh air began to re-enter his body, and he found it to be strangely cold now. A foot above him, Toothless was still squatting over him, his tail flagged and his pucker winking its thanks. It was wet and shiny in the sunlight, drenched in saliva from his own mouth. Just looking at it, watching it move, made his cock flex and stiffen. In one fluid motion, Toothless spun around above him, placing his face next to his. His snout dipped down and sniffed loudly over his face and neck, drawing in his own deep scent from where it was engrained into his rider's skin. A dominating smirk split the dragon's face, and Hiccup just lay there, waiting for the dragon's next move. He looked down his sleek, black body, large and menacing at such close proximity, and was immediately drawn to the dragon's groin once again. He was already very familiar with Toothless' heavy balls, but his sheath was now curled back around the base of a long, tapered, pink shaft of flesh the length of his forearm, and a bit thicker. The cock bobbed at him, taunting him with its dance and musk. He began to sit up, trying to move closer towards the dragon, and as he did, Toothless moved with him. As he moved into a sitting position, the dragon sat back on his haunches, allowing his shaft to stand at its full, foot-long length and bend gently under its own hefty weight. Staring down at him with a hard gaze, the gaze of an alpha, Toothless flared his wings out to the side to make himself look enormous. It would be, under normal circumstances, a very intimidating sight, but to Hiccup, it was more like a display of affection. Toothless wanted to protect him, to surround him in his warm body and love him as only a dragon could. Hiccup rolled onto his knees in the grass, its softness cushioning him and he reached forward to brush the dragon's cock. It was so warm and alive, pulsing in time with his thumping heart. He looked up at Toothless with his face so near to his throbbing member; the dragon like a massive monument staring down at him. Their eyes met, Toothless' hard and dominant, Hiccup's soft and innocent, and the dragon rumbled in approval. He smirked at the small human between his legs once more, and licked his lips slowly. There was no confusion as to what he wanted.

Hiccup brought his hands down to grip around the base of the shaft, neither one large enough to wrap all the way around the girth on its own. It was slick under his hands, oily like his scales and rump, but with a much thicker coating that left clear chains of fluid between his fingers. He could feel the blood moving against his fingers, making the flesh stiff and sensitive to his touch. Whenever his fingers tightened on the shaft, he heard Toothless hiss, drawing his gave up from the vibrant tool to his friend's face. Even with so little contact, Toothless' pleasure was plain to see with eyes half-lidded and back stretched upwards. He smiled sweetly up at his dragon, and began to slide his hands up and down the base of the shaft, only going up a few inches before coming back down. The purr that resonated through the dragon's chest vibrated through his hands as well, helping him learn the most sensitive spots on the dragon's shaft. With the opportunity to look so closely at it, he could say that it was a truly impressive display of masculinity. It was roughly triangular in shape, with the corners rounded into soft curves. The top section of his shaft was rounded in the same way his was, but as it rolled over the edge to merge with the underside, it angled into a soft point, wrapping around the dragon's urethra. He could feel the tube stiffening and shifting under his thumbs as he massaged against it, delivering pre-seed to the dragon's slickened slit. Large veins ran alongside the urethra, moving blood about to keep it fresh and turgid. He slid his thumbs overtop of these blood vessels and traced them all the way to the head of Toothless' impressive shaft, standing at eyelevel from where his kneeled. It was an intimidating implement, with a pointed head like that of a dulled spear. The flesh protruded into a tip just below the messy slit, designed by nature as a plough to break through the defenses of any breeding hole. Tiny rounded bumps of flesh added texture around the base of the dragon's head, which seemed to be the most sensitive part when he rubbed his fingers down hard against their edges. Toothless was moaning and groaning with every stroke now, his tongue on the verge of draping over his lips and drooling. His sagging shaft bent and followed Hiccup's kneading hands, drawing it upwards until it stood perfectly straight, before running back down and allowing it to slouch once more. All the while, he was further covered in the scent of the dragon's arousal, wafting off the cock in his hands and filling the air like the encompassing odour of a fresh-baked pie. His face crept closer and closer with every breath, and his eyelids drooping as if he were going to fall asleep. Without him even realizing, completely caught up in the routine of softly fondling his dragon's impressive shaft, the tip of his nose slotted itself against the underside of his cock. The soft flesh rubbed gently against his cheek and forehead, twitching against his skin as he nuzzled the underside. The slippery oil worked its way over his face and under his nose, filling him with the warm scent of dragon straight from its source.

Toothless was impressed by Hiccup's inquisitiveness, exploring all the lines and ridges of his cock with curious fervor. To have the human submit to him was almost as pleasurable as the touch itself, filling his heart with pride and desire. Everything Hiccup did brought him closer and closer to the release he'd been missing for so long. He hadn't seen another of his own kind for as long as he could remember, and none of the other dragons were right for him. The breeding season was a cruel time for him, so pent up with unreleased lust that he had to hide himself away and gnaw an island empty of trees until the time was up. He had been lucky to have the excuse of finding Hiccup's helmet the last time, along with the new tail he'd so unceremoniously destroyed afterwards, otherwise he never would have been able to slip away from his rider. It had only taken him a day to find that helmet, but the rest of the time was spent alternating between bathing in the icy waters and bashing trees over with his skull, all in an attempt to keep his raging libido in check. Now, though, now he had the perfect mate. He'd never have to skip a mating season again, and while he could never father children, that was the least of his worries at his young age. Toothless had many long years to find himself a suitable mate for child-rearing, but for now, Hiccup could sate his lusts. The boy would sate his lusts, whenever he needed or wanted, and as the young human progressed into sexual maturity, he would return the favour. However, while Hiccup was in control in the air, on the ground, he would always be the one on top. The young rider controlled his broken tail in flight, but the dragon would control his rider with it while the mated. He would grow a little larger as Hiccup did, making sure his soft face always fit perfectly beneath his rump.

Hiccup's eyes closed softly as he continued to stroke the dragon, repeating the same pattern of strokes as long as Toothless responded to it. Up and down, one hand just above the other, squeezing gently against the soft back while his thumbs rubbed across the more ridged underside. Every moan Toothless made was like music to his ears, a constant reminder that his best friend was enjoying himself. No one deserved this like Toothless did, always working so hard for him. He always felt like the dragon did more for him than he did back, despite keeping him aloft in the air with his custom tail. That was just something he had to do, as his friend. Toothless was always getting him out of trouble, protecting him, being his constant companion. He wanted to do something for Toothless, something that meant more, and he was sure that this was it.

"Thank you, Toothless. For everything," he mumbled softly into the underside of his friend's cock, and kissed it gently. His tongue brushed against it for the briefest moment, filling his mouth with the intense flavour of the dragon's natural, musky lubricants. Toothless' reaction was immediate, feeling the warmth of Hiccup's tongue against his most sensitive place and feeling pleasure spark up through his body. With a roar of satisfaction, the dragon rocked forward, coming back onto all fours with Hiccup beneath him. The boy was rolled back with him, yelping as he lost balance and tumbled into the grass on his back. With a wet slap, Toothless' floppy cock drooped over his face, smothering his mouth and nose under its length and dripping pre into his hair. His large, musky scrotum was pressed up against his chin, with the testicles split by his neck to keep the slick skin wrapped around him. The heat all around him was immense, and musk saturated the air with so many sources nearby and little room to move beneath Toothless' body. The dragon growled softly, rumbling all around him, as he began to slide his cock back and forth over his face, humping gently against him. Every time it came back at a slightly different angle, smearing more and more slick lube over his face. He seemed to be especially interested in his mouth, crouching lower to push its tangy payload against his lips. Even closed, there was no way to stop the slick liquid from seeping into his mouth and onto his tongue. It seemed pretty clear to him what Toothless wanted. He wanted Hiccup to return the pleasure he'd given him in the first place; to suck on his massive member. He was happy to oblige, and when the dragon pulled back far enough for his tip to be centered over his lips, he wrapped his hands around the base and opened his mouth. Toothless' thrusts ground to a sudden halt when he felt the boy's soft hands around his cock, and he roared out to the sky when he felt his tip fed into the gaping mouth of his rider.

Hiccup hummed around the thick head of cock spreading his jaw, keeping him pinned beneath Toothless' haunches. The shaft was only a few inches deep inside him, but it was more than enough to make him worry about choking. There was no room to breathe around the massive fleshy spire, forcing him to take long draws of musk straight from the dragon's pungent groin. His tongue was buried under a slab of cock meat drenched in copious lubricants and pre-seed. He could not escape it; everywhere he tried to wriggle his tongue was touched by the smooth flesh. Saliva slobbered all around the massive cock, mixing with its natural juices to make them drip from the underside of the edges. The hot fluid tingled with the intense flavours of spice, and it only seemed to grow stronger the more Toothless enjoyed it. He pulled back slightly, leaving only the very tip between his lips, before slowly pushing back inside his mouth. He could feel soft balls dragging over his neck with every thrust, and no matter how gentle and restrained Toothless was, it was still a massive discomfort. When his tongue was not pinned beneath the underside of the shaft, it lingered up to tease at Toothless' tip, flicking over the fleshing tip and beyond. Beneath his tongue tip the soft slit of the dragon's member quivered and spit, dripping pre-seed all over it. The more it was forced onto him, the more he wanted it in his mind, negating the issues with Toothless' dominant behaviour with his own desire to submit. He wanted the dragon to claim him, to show him how powerful he really was. He and the other riders had spent so long trying to integrate dragons into their own culture, and yet they had very little contact with the dragons' customs. Hiccup wanted to know everything there was to know about Toothless, and this was the best way to do it. He wanted be close with Toothless, to spend their lives together, and this was a strong step to cement them together as partners for life. He began to actively flick his tongue against whatever piece of flesh he could reach as the dragon gently humped his face, and massaged the base of the cock with his clenching hands. Every movement, no matter how soft or short, brought a groan from the great dragon, and he could feel the cock clench and stiffen between his lips. He wanted desperately for Toothless to feel the same sensations of pleasure he had given him, not just today, but since they had met. The dragon had turned his life around completely, from the outcast of his village to a well-respected and important figure of change. He and Toothless were always changing the way the others thought about dragons and their relationships with humans. They all had seen the dragon's natural instinct to protect them, but this was on an entirely different level. Toothless was showing something more than defensive instincts, it was love. This was the dragon's special way of showing Hiccup how much he cared for him, and pleasing his body was Hiccup's way of accepting those feelings. The boy's mouth vibrated around the dragon's cock in a deep moan, drawing a similar sound out from Toothless' throat.

Toothless was beginning to feel it, the stirrings inside his drooping testicles that had been plaguing him for months. It was not just the desire to release his pent up load, but the desire to mark someone with it. Finally, after such a long wait, he would finally be able to realize that dream. He was a virgin just as much as Hiccup was, although he was not so nervous of the prospect of losing it. No moral ambiguity clouded his judgement; a willing hole was a willing hole, no matter which gender it belonged to. In fact, he was glad Hiccup was a male like him. It was far more satisfying to intimidate him with a comparison of virility than it would have been with a female. The boy would always know that he was an inferior breeder to him, and he was about to learn the reason why firsthand. With an achingly slow tug, Toothless pulled his shaft free of his rider's mouth, slipping it free with a wet pop and loud smack of the boy's lips. The head flopped stiffly against his chin, sputtering pre-seed over his lips and cheeks. Hiccup's tongue would not leave him alone so easily, and left the boy's mouth to lap up the leaky tip of his shaft. The boy moaned in delight at his attractive masculine flavour, and as much as he loved to feel and hear Hiccup submitting to him, his cock was needed elsewhere. He pulled his cock back farther still, his shaft completely rigid now as it dragged over the boy's chest and stomach, leaving a slick trail of clear fluid behind it. Hiccup stubbornly followed it with his hands, still rubbing and massaging it until it slipped between his fingers. When Toothless finally halted, his cock was resting on top of his rider's which was also fully erect. He glanced down between his legs and saw Hiccup staring at the display, his dragon's cock more than doubling his own in both length and girth. His swollen testicles entirely engulfed those of the small human, wrapping them in musky warmth that would surely block out his scent there, too. When the boy's head turned to look at him, a crimson blush tinted his fair skin. His reaction only made Toothless' smirk widen. If Hiccup thought he was big in this position, he was in for quite a show in a few moments. He stretched his head down and licked the length of his rider's face, picking up his own flavours and scents from his skin, much to his delight. He was so close to taking his rider and claiming him in the only way he knew how. He would finally end his life of sexual loneliness, and enter a new, wonderful world with his mate. He pulled his shaft back, making Hiccup release a breathy moan as their cocks rubbed together, before his tip slipped over the edge and held itself before the boy's exposed anus. Toothless rocked forward slightly, sliding his tip between Hiccup's cheeks and spreading his pre against the small, hot hole. His rider suddenly tensed up, clenching his hole tight against the prodding of his cock, and whipping his head back to face him.

"Uh...Tooth...Toothless? Wh...what are you doing, bud?" Hiccup asked shakily. The dragon growled down at him, fixing him with a hard stare and a fierce snarl. Perhaps this wasn't as innocent as it had first seemed. Rubbing his balls against him, smothering with his soft ass, making him suck his cock, those had all been generally harmless activities. This, however, did not seem so harmless. The dragon's shaft was enormous, and he wanted to put it inside him. He was no female dragon; he was not built to take something like that inside him, especially through his backside. Maybe Toothless was taking this just a bit too far.

"Um, Toothless? Buddy? That's enough, now. I...I really enjoyed what we did together, but we can't do...this. You're just too big, bud."

Toothless' eyes widened in surprise. Was his rider really talking back to him now, on the precipice of his victory? After such an eager blowjob, he hadn't expected any resistance now. To be entirely fair, he was very large and intimidating, and he could understand if the boy was nervous, but he failed to understand a key point of this little event. By claiming the boy, he would be under his protection from all other dragons. They would smell his potent scent on the human's skin and leave him be, unless they wanted to face his wrath. He, the last nightfury, who defeated their tyrannical mother the Red Death. All other dragons would know his face, and come to know his scent as well. Despite being a cripple, his honour among the dragons would only flourish, and Hiccup was to thank for that. The kind, sometimes foolish, sometimes remarkable human who had shot and freed him in the same day. He had kept him aloft, kept him alive, and now, would keep him satisfied. In return, Toothless would protect him, and satisfy him as well. His pain would be short-term, but once it was gone, their pleasure would last forever.

"T...Toothless? Let me up now, buddy. don't have to take a bath if you don't want to. Just don't let my dad smell you like that, okay? He may banish the dragons from the island again," Hiccup said, half-joking as he rolled onto his stomach and began to crawl out from under the dragon's belly. Toothless smirked at the back of his head, and dropped a forepaw firmly over the human's shoulder, holding him fast. Hiccup tried to push up against the dragon's weight, but he was just too heavy. A deep growl rumbled around the boy, making his skin shiver in response against the warm body around him. He turned his head to the side to see Toothless' smirk, and cringed when he felt that massive, fleshy spire prod against his rear again. He tried to scramble again, to shift his hips away from the inquisitive cock, but they would not budge. With the cock tip pressed between his cheeks and the paw on his shoulder, it was more than enough to keep him immobile. "Toothless! Bud, I know you want to but, we can't! It won't fit! It won't-"

Hiccup's mouth went silent as Toothless' opened wide, shouting his claim to Valhalla itself. His cock surged forward, the pointed tip hitting just the right angle on the center of his clenching anus, and spreading it open. It was just as he had expected it to be. Too much. His tunnel burned as it was spread open by the slick spire of flesh, widening dramatically as Toothless slowly filled him. It may not have looked that way to the human below him, but the dragon was being extremely careful with his rider. The sparking pleasure through the first inch of his shaft was enough to bring a deep growl to his throat, but one false move could seriously hurt Hiccup, and that was no way to treat his rider. The human was under his protection now, and just as no other dragons could hurt him, neither could he. He warbled softly and licked the back of the frozen human in an effort to comfort him, hoping the warmth of his body would relax his body and mind. If the boy did not relax, then after it was all said and done, neither of them would be enjoying it very much. The taste of the boy's sweat, the way his body squeezed against his cock and kept perfectly still, it was very much what Toothless had wanted from his rider all along, except he wanted the human to enjoy it as much as he did. If his friend did not enjoy his love, than not only would they not be mates, but it was unlikely they would remain friends any longer. Toothless had lain their friendship, his biggest prize, out on the bartering table.

"Toothless," Hiccup groaned, feeling his urge to move slipping away as Toothless' cock drove deeper and deeper inside him. Inch after inch of smooth, hard dragon cock, fed into his tight virgin hole against his wishes. He should be angry. He should yell and scream and sock that dragon right on the nose, but he wouldn't. He didn't feel mad, just the opposite. The deeper the cock pressed, the looser his penetrated ass became, making it easier to accept the larger sizes afterwards. Being so close to Toothless, to feel his heartbeat pounding through the shaft of flesh inside him, he found it strangely soothing. Being on Toothless' back with their bodies entwined with cables and wires was one thing, but this. This was something natural, and wonderful. He could not replicate this with fire and steel; the rumbling chest against his back, the beating heart within his rear, and the loving tongue caressing around his neck. He could feel Toothless weight lift from his shoulder, no longer pinning him forcefully, but rubbing him thoughtfully.

"Toothless. This...this feels amazing," he grunted and cringed through his statement. It may have felt amazing, but that didn't mean it didn't hurt, too. There was still a pillar of flesh the size of his arm being worked into him.

Toothless trilled in delight, licking the side of his rider's face affectionately. He'd done it; he'd convinced his friend to accept him. They would be mates for life, and they're happiness would never cease. He wanted to soar into the sky and do flips of joy, but not with Hiccup perched so precariously halfway down his cock. No, they could do loops once they were done. With Hiccup's stomach pressed down into the soft grass and his hindquarters hiked upon his shaft, he was ready to be bred like a true female. Once the boy was thoroughly stretched out, Toothless would hold back no longer. He tightened his claws around Hiccup's shoulder and began to push again, with a little more force behind the movement. The virgin tunnel easily spread for him, the lubricants from his cock and his dripping pre-seed making it easy work to keep it wet and slippery. The inside of the tunnel was spongy and warm, flexing and fitting perfectly to the shape of his cock. It was as if Hiccup was made just for him. Deeper and deeper he pushed, his tip leading the charge into the boy's aching depths. It grew hotter the further in he went, and it made Hiccup clench and moan more as well. The human's most sensitive place was down there somewhere, and he was going to find it before their time was up. He would have his rider moaning and begging for release before he finally marked him.

Hiccup gasped at every inch he stretched, almost equal with every inch that sunk into his ass. Toothless had looked big in his hands, but to actually feel him sliding inside him, it felt unreal. Surely he could not take the whole thing, as much as he would have liked. As much as the stretching burned and ached, he could feel sparks of pleasure burst up from his deepest points, awakened by the prodding head of the dragon's shaft. He sighed, huffed, and moaned each time another jolt broke over the constant background ache, and closed his eyes slowly. He just focussed on Toothless' body moving around him, and everything the dragon influenced around them. The air, the gentle breeze that slipped down into the basin, blew to his nose with the scent of the dragon's musk upon it. The rich, earthy aroma kept his mind senses warm and whatever trepidation he had left at bay. All he wanted know was his friend's cock deep inside him, pumping back and forth into him with all the strength the mighty dragon possessed. He'd seen the dragons be territorial, and Toothless was going to mark him as his territory with their sex. He could feel soft, wet pre-seed dribbling inside him, like a teaser of what was to come at the end. He wanted to turn around and see how much of the dragon's cock was left to go; to see how long it would take before those heavy balls were knocking against his rump, but he couldn't see around his own body. He didn't want to wait any long. Clenching his eyes shut, he pushed himself backwards, driving his ass back against the slow-moving cock. Toothless warbled in surprise, and a ragged gasp escaped his lips as he felt the bunched-up folds of the dragon's sheath press around the outer rim of his stretched hole, and the hot flap of his scrotum wrap itself around his rear and inner thigh. Both dragon and human moaned as one as his ass began to clench spastically around the massive cock inside him, giving it a rippling massage that left Toothless' legs quaking. They both knew it was time to really get started. Hiccup rested his forehead and against the grass and panted into it, waiting for his tunnel to adjust to the mighty length and girth within it, but he felt one of Toothless' paws wrap around his midsection. Before he had any time to ask, he was flipped over and dropped back down onto his back, moaning out as loud as the dragon as he was twisted around the cock inside him. With the padded grass against his back, he could look up and see the dragon's face smiling sweetly back at him, and see the base of the dragon's groin in the shadows. He shivered as he realized that he could watch it all happen, watch as that monstrous spire of flesh pounded in and out of him. He could watch the dragon's face screw up with lust while he ploughed against him, and watch his own aching cock bounce against his stomach with every thrust. The very thought of it all kept him achingly aroused, even without the cock inside him to stimulate all the tiny, hidden points of pleasure, and the more aroused he was, the tighter he clenched around Toothless. He knew the dragon would like that.

He closed his eyes and let out a soft sigh, feeling the smallest twinge from Toothless' cock inside him. It was about to start. The cock, lodged so deep inside him, began to retract at twice the speed it had entered. It had gone in so slowly that it still felt too slow for his lust-addled mind, but he was thankful for the dragon's care and patience. That being said, he was sure that patience wasn't going to last very long now. As each inch slid back out of him, those tiny points fired bolts of pleasure out at him once more, making him moan and groan aloud while he clung to the warm shaft with his clenching tunnel. Toothless was moaning above him as well, deriving just as much pleasure from the experience as his rider was. It was the most amazing feeling either of the virgins had experienced, and they were only in the opening stages. The void left by the dragon's cock inside Hiccup felt strange, but it brought him great pleasure rolling up his body as the shaft slammed back inside him, sinking in to the hilt in one fell swoop. His moan was unabashed as every nerve tingled with pleasure, and his own cock leapt on its own. Toothless' moans turned into growls of lust and exertion, vibrating all around him, even through the dragon's shaft. Hiccup couldn't take the dual sensations of vibration and thrusting, and collapsed limp into the grass. He would give his best friend complete control, and instead fix him with half-lidded eyes and a stupid smile while he was washed away in a sea of pleasure.

Toothless roared as his rider flopped against the grass, using no muscles besides the ones in his ass. The human was ready to receive pleasure, and so he was ready to take it. He stared down at his rider's face, painted with the signs of willing submission, and that only fuelled the fire in his loins. No more waiting, no more holding back. Hiccup was his, and he was going to show him why. His thrusts continued to double in pace, sawing back and forth through the human's tunnel while it clenched rhythmically around him. It didn't take long before he was pounding into the boy's well-lubed insides, grunting and panting with every thrust. Extra lube from his sheath squished against his tightly-sealed with a satisfying squelch, which only helped to enhance the experience. On top of that, every time his swinging balls rocked into his mate's rear, a wet slap echoed through the clearing, adding to the audio of their session. The best part, however, were the moans that rang out from below him, where Hiccup was busy enjoying every single pulsing inch of his member. They moved together, sweat together, filling the basin with the sweet sounds and scents of their passion. Toothless loved the smell of his rider in heat, exuding a thin odour from his body that demanded a larger male come and coat him in their dominance. He leaned forward and nestled his thick snout into the crook of the boy's neck, huffing in his smooth scent with every panting breath. His own scent wafted in as a heady backdrop to the human's like a looming cloud in the distance, threatening rain. He occasionally slipped his tongue out to lick across his bare chest, lapping up the salty drops that delivered that wonderful odour to him. In response, Hiccup reached up and clung to his head, holding him close in the throes of their passion. As amazing as this experience was for both of them, it was only the first of many, and every one had to come to a climax. They were both freshly released from their virgin state, and their bodies could only handle so much pleasure before it was too much. Next time, Toothless knew, they would go much, much longer. He could already feel his testicles stirring with an urge to release so strong he was not sure how long he could contain it. He growled into Hiccup's neck and squeezed his eyes shut, feeling every part of him begin to tense.

Hiccup couldn't take much more of this. The constant, powerful force of the rapid thrusts pounding against his hips. Toothless' balls slapping wetly against his body, dripping with their combined sweat and filling the clearing with the dragon's incredible scent. His own cock was leaking pre-seed almost as fast as Toothless' was. He clung to his friend's head for support, moaning into the bridge of his nose while the dragon puffed warm air against his bare body. Every second his body was exploding with pleasure. Every time that massive cock came and left he was frozen with bliss. He could not hold it back anymore.

"T...Too...thless," he stuttered, burying his face against the dragon's warm skull. "I...I...I!"

He didn't get a chance to finish his sentence before he was overwhelmed with pleasure, filling every inch of his body with it, before it all came flooding back and out his cock. Past the dragon's head, he could see his cum arcing through the air above him, before splashing down over his chest and stomach. He squeezed himself tight the whole time, clenching down on the dragon's cock harder than he had ever done before. Toothless' eyes shot wide open, and the growl in his throat began to grow. In the span of one thrust, he picked himself off of Hiccup's writhing form and planted both feet down on his shoulders, holding him firmly in place. With nowhere to go and his legs spread wide, Hiccup gasped as Toothless ploughed him with more force than ever. All the while, the dragon stared down at him with a snarl on his face and a fire in his eyes. Every thrust rattled his bones, but he could feel something else inside him. Toothless' shaft was getting hotter, slicker, and it pulsed more frequently. It throbbed inside him, making him gasp and moan aloud as he knew what was coming. The dragon's head aimed to the sky one last time, and as his final thrust filled every last crevice of Hiccup's passage, he let loose his loudest roar of all, sending the birds in the surrounding forest into the sky. Hiccup felt an amazing pressure building inside him, moments before it was all released as a gushing torrent of warm, sticky dragon cum. It filled whatever space was leftover from the dragon's pulsing cock, but it did not stop there, moving into many places even Toothless could not touch. He felt it squirming upwards through him, forced along by the incredible backlog of incoming semen, until it burst through into his stomach. His eyes went wide when he felt his belly fill to the brim in two bursts, and could even see it beginning to expand visibly. Knowing that his load would be too much for Hiccup to handle, despite the amazing feeling of his clenching tunnel, Toothless pulled himself free just as his third spray of semen had ended. Hiccup was left staring at the gaping slit of Toothless exposed cock, dripping with white fluid, and managed to clench his eyes closed just before the fourth load spewed from the tip. It splashed against his chest and splattered from there, instantly coating his face and stomach with creamy seed as well. Two more large blasts followed, hitting him in the gut and between his spread legs before the stream tapered off and became a slow drip. When he no longer felt the pressure of cum against his skin, Hiccup open his eyes. His entire body was painted in the dragon's semen, and Hiccup stood proudly above him with a smirk plastered over his face. Hiccup watched as the dragon's still soaked and dripping cock drooped between his legs, spent and ready to retreat. Like a retreating snake it slithered back into its sheath, leaving a trail of stark white cum over the black balls that hung empty below. Toothless didn't seem to care, however, as he stepped forward once more and began to circle around Hiccup's weary, cum-soaked body. The dragon leaned forward took a sniff of his body, saturated in his own virile scent. It was done.

The dragon circled around him, padding down the stained grass before laying on his side. The dragon wrapped his forepaws around the boy's and pulled him sideways, laying him against his belly and hugging him close. Toothless' grip was too strong, and even with the slick cum to lubricate him, Hiccup could not slip free. He stared up into the dragon's eyes, no longer hard with lust, but soft with compassion. He smiled, and Toothless smiled back.

"I guess you won't let us take a bath now, huh bud?" Hiccup asked. Toothless warbled softly in reply, his eyes slowly sliding closed with exhaustion. He reached forward and licked the cum from the boy's face, eliciting a laugh from the equally exhausted human. "In the morning then."

He cuddled in closer to Toothless' body, tucking himself underneath the sleepy dragon's chin. He could hear his heart beating softly within his chest, a far cry from the tempo he'd experienced earlier, but an excellent beat to fall asleep to. Toothless purred gently, and took in one last smell of his former rider, now his mate by all accounts, before they drifted off to sleep. From now on things were going to be different between them, and Hiccup couldn't wait to tell the other riders about it.