The Wolves In me -Part 8-

Story by Jette on SoFurry

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#8 of The Wolves In Me

Here we go, the eighth part out of 10 of The Wolves In Me.

I think a lot of you will be relieved to read chapter 9, but if you're waiting for smut you might be waiting until chapter 10

I looked to the surroundings that I had once acknowledged as my prison and gazed directly into the eyes of every werewolf who had wronged me, one by one as Amira quietly walked through the cave's main room. The whispers and murmurs I had expected were nonexistent just as Amira said they'd be; apparently, I had grown to fill out the cloak of silver wolf's fur and everyone knew it. Amira made her way to the back wall, the empty centerpiece of the enormous room and pressed her palms against the wall, turning around only moments later to look down on me with a near empty expression. She was taller than me, noticeably taller, but a simple size difference wouldn't dare ruin the moment that Amira and I had spent long lustful days and nights preparing for.

Finally, there I was, about to initiate Amira's Clan's ultimate ritual in the form of mating the current Alpha's daughter to become the future Alpha all while the entire clan, or most of them, watched. I didn't care what Amira's clan would think anymore and I couldn't wait to get started. Though I didn't have a particular desire to lead a clan of werewolves, I did want to get back at Amira for getting me all riled up with her furry foreplay. I grinned inwardly at the thought as Amira slid down the cave's wall a bit, giving my cock a light stroke under the fur cloak.

Suddenly I stepped forward, slamming one of my hands beside Amira's body as dominantly as I could before I thrust the other one between her legs. She gasped only a moment later as I let my fingers delve into her soft forest of pubic fur, slowly combing my way toward her slit. I couldn't even imagine the look on their faces as I stepped forward once more. I shielded Amira's body from the sight of the others all while I fiercely dug into her body with a confident and slight smirk. Amira's moans were all I could hear, and her squirming body was all I cared to see, feeling my own body's temperature rise.

It didn't take very long for Amira's long awaited arousal revealed itself in the form of a steady trickle of her sweet fluids. Alongside it, she quietly moaned under her breath and shut her eyes tight as her tail raised itself between her legs, almost attempting to hide her dripping sex from human eyes. Alas, her tails attempts were in vain as I braced myself, tearing my groping hand away from Amira's hip to grab a shoulder of my robe, enveloping my body for only a moment before I tossed it aside, revealing my naked body and throbbing gender to the room of werewolves. The glowing eyes that I'd feared to death had become my greatest ally, only empowering me as I looked to the beautiful, furry body that none of them could ever have.

I stepped forward, nearly pressing our bodies together and using my knees to spread Amira's legs more as I pushed her tail away, pressing the head of my cock between her legs. As much as I wanted to taunt her as I did on occasion during our time away from her home, I kept myself serious and as forceful as possible for the sake of the moment.


The way she called my name sent chills down my spine and made my upper lip to quiver. I made a mess of her pubic fur with my precum as I stroked my member roughly. One of her claws migrated from putting deep marks in the cave wall to my chest and the other dug deeper in as I reached down and grabbed her thigh tight.

I could feel it, all eyes on me as I braced myself, pulling up Amira's thigh and gripping the base of my member tight as I forcefully prodded into her. She gasped for breath and raised her maw to the heavens beckoning me to continue, and I did at a slow, steady pace. My palms were starting to get sweaty and my grin grew a little wider as I sank into her tight, warm, wet sex with no intention of stopping until I was all in.

My heart and mind started to race with fear and excitement, as everything that had happened since seeing my first werewolf raced back into my mind. It had all led up to this moment and took me through some of the happiest moments of my life. I wasn't sure what the clan thought was going through my mind as I prepared to dominate their future leader in way they could only dream of doing, but I was positive that Amira knew. It wasn't dominance that I wanted to show her, but a burning desire to show just how much I wanted to be with her for the rest of my days. Being the leader of a clan of powerful werewolves couldn't ever compare to being the love of Amira's life.


Suddenly, I pushed forward and Amira moaned to the heavens as I slammed her lower back hard into the cave's wall. I braced myself, pulling Amira into position as she gripped my shoulder tight with one hand and ruined the cave's wall with the other. I grinned, leaning forward as I started up a steady motion of rocking her soft, furry body.

"A-Ah! Eric!"

She grunted as I continued to smash our bodies together with zero remorse. Her eyes were shut and her maw pointed to the ceiling, but she only beckoned me to go further, deeper, harder, and faster with her trembling body. Just as she wished, I fulfilled her desires with a feral growl, pounding her harder and faster, filling the cave with a subtle slapping sound.

What came next was something I doubt any of the werewolves expected. With Amira's body leaned against the cave's wall, I leaned forward and buried my nose in the fur in her neck. After a single, long, deep breath, I opened my mouth and gave her a hard, rough bite. I wasn't sure how hard I had bit her, but she moaned in pain, looking back to me and resting her muzzle over my shoulder as I gave her an extra hard thrust, stopping for a moment to feel just how wet she was...but I wasn't finished just yet.

In what I perceived to be a blur of speed, I gripped Amira's side and pushed her over, forcing her to use one of her hands to keep herself up while I continued to have my way with her. As I forcefully transitioned her into a doggystyle position, pulling her tail tight by its base and turning to the side, pushing her hard with my free hand to force her on her hands and feet, I caught a glimpse of a group of werewolves far off to my left.

I forced Amira's head down as I took my position behind her, looking up to the group then down to Amira with a devilish smirk. Another one of Amira's gasping moans signaled the start of a new position as I pulled back as far as I could before thrusting as hard as I possibly could in her slit. It wasn't enough that every werewolf in the cave had migrated to the main hall to watch their future leader take the pounding of her life, but they were forced to hear it too.

Amira panted hard as I relieved her tail of my grip and simply took hold of her hips. Looking back down to her perfect body, her ruffled, silver fur, I couldn't help but remember just how close I was getting. Normally I would have finished already, but I felt stronger than ever before. I was ready to force Amira onto her knees and then give the other werewolves a sight they'd never forget as long as I lived.


I kept up a steady speed as I gave her a rough prodding in a way that always managed to rile her up. Only moments later, she took a deep breath followed by a moan, filling the room with the sounds of heavy panting and claws scratching against stone.

Just as Amira's quivering body started to get the best of me, catching me in a trance of her beauty, I started up another forceful position change. She convulsed around my cock for a moment, gripping me tight, but I proceeded. With the help of a forceful push, her body sank to the floor until she was laying flat against it, digging her silver claws in the cold stone speckled with our excitement. She groaned and moaned as did I. The finale was coming.

In yet another swift motion, I pulled out, leaving Amira to pant hard before rearing back. I held myself up with one arm and used the other to roughly turn Amira over, roughly pinning her on her back. Afterward I took position over her in preparation for the next deep plunge and she slowly opened her eyes.

It was only then and there, pressed on her back in the middle of her home with her legs spread wide, did she smile for the first time since returning. She raised her hands and gripped my shoulders before raising her legs as well, crossing her ankles behind me to ensure that I wouldn't get away. With our new position I couldn't see any of the werewolves around us, but between looking at them or Amira's beautiful eyes, I could't complain. I didn't complain.

I started up another rough session of pounding my beautiful mate as Amira cheered me on with petit moans and a feverish convulsing, gripping my cock tight every so often. She was closer than I was and getting there much faster, and I intended to let her clan know it if they didn't already.

As we continued to mate in out new position, Amira reached forward, pressing her snout against my ear before taking a slow gasp, whisking cold air by my ear. I shivered.

"Don't forget to roar, my alpha"

I chuckled back as Amira began to show her usual signs of an imminent release. I turned my head to the side and gave Amira's muzzle a slight kiss before responding with a whisper of my own.

"After you..."

Only moments later, Amira took a shallow breath before screaming much louder than I had ever heard before. She trembled my body and the entire cave with her voice alone. Alongside her clearly over-exaggerated and deafening scream that left me in a daze, her entire body gripped mine tight, making way for her most notable orgasm yet.

Despite her overdramatic scream, her orgasm couldn't have been any less real, squirting forth and all around, making a mess of my thighs and the cave's floor behind us. She continued with a few heavy squirts before relaxing hard on the ground on her back, lapping the air for a moment as she panted exceedingly hard, starting to dig her claws into my shoulders and closing her eyes tight as her entire body vibrated.

I could only imagine the expressions on her clan's face as Amira's body fell limp, her legs, her arms, and her head to the side all to make way for my own release which came shortly after.


I followed Amira's example with an exceedingly overexaggerated roar of my own, picking up speed and force one last time, pounding her into the stone before I came. The sensation I partook in at least twice a day for the past few weeks raced back through my body stronger than ever. I thrust harder and harder, faster and faster as my entire body trembled in unison with Amira's before the first heavy pump of liquid pleasure escaped my shaft and filled Amira's dripping pink. A second pump later, I extracted my cock from Amira's furry body and took hold of it, backing off only enough to give myself a perfect sight of her body, stroking my cock hard and fast, but coming nowhere near close to the pleasure that Amira's body provided. Even so, with a heavy grunt and a lustful pant I let my tongue hang out as I came between Amira's legs, cumming over her slit and pubic fur, her lower belly then shaking off on her upper legs and inner thighs.

I chuckled and looked down to what I had done with a smirk that I knew wouldn't last too much longer. It was an honest rarity that Amira and I would stop after the first round, and after spending a mating session with a crowd, I severely doubted that she'd want our next to be with a crowd as well.

There was silence for a long while as Amira laid on her back and I knelt over her, then there was her beckoning gaze. I leaned forward and planted my palms beside Amira before lowering my head next to hers.

"Upstairs, last room on your right."

For a moment, I was confused by Amira's directions, then I smirked like I understood and rose up to one knee. I took Amira by her hand and helped her up before looking around the main hall to a ramp that led to an upper level of the cave and slowly, but surely paraded Amira around as my mate until we reached the base of the ramp.

As I made my way to the bottom of the stairs, I looked toward the top and up to two werewolves much bigger than the others. They stood confidently, almost expectantly, awaiting me to climb the stairs with Amira at my side. I hadn't seen either of them before since entering the cave, but looking at their silvery fur alone, I almost felt a little nervous. With all of my being, I hoped they weren't who I thought they were.

In the midst of my train of thought, Amira slapped my ass with her tail and I started forward again with a well-placed cocky smirk despite ascending toward the two nameless werewolves. As I ascended the ramp, I could hear a whistle before a third werewolf, clearly much smaller than the two at the top of the stairs, stepped from behind them and started down the stairs.

The look on my face must have been priceless, seeing Evan look down to me and Amira before looking away. Compared to how he looked when holding me down, he didn't look evil or angry, prideful or even strong. He looked pitiful, and it probably had something to do with a large, thin cloth that he was holding.

"Make it shine, Omega."

My eyes widened a bit, hearing Amira whisper to Evan as we passed him on the ramp. Suddenly, my good mood had intensified and I showed it with a half smirk and half smile, steadily climbing toward the duo that I should have been scared of.

I met the two werewolves at the top of the ramp without a word and they stood aside for me, looking to me as I chuckled all the way into the corridor behind them. For what it was worth, I hoped Evan enjoyed feeling strong while I felt weak.