School's Out!

Story by FreezerBurn on SoFurry

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#2 of Teenagers

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And now... for the second installment of the story of Alex Totman. Props to Drockan!

School starts next week. I have class every day, and the campus's soccer team has practice every day from 8:00AM to 5:30PM, come and go as you will. I'll probably be at practice most of the time I'm not at class, and I'll try to write as much as I can!

It was late in the afternoon when Alex finished all of his exams. He walked from the locker room shower to the hallway his academic locker was in, feeling very happy that school was over. Finally, he and his friend Matt had decided to buy a bunch of old technology and take it apart, learning all of the secrets the Japanese kept during the 80's. Last summer, probably the most exciting thing they had done was microwave some CDs and burn the glass cathode ray tube out of an old TV. He then realized that he no longer had a locker. Of course. The entire school had emptied out their lockers and taken their stuff home on Wednesday, the beginning day of exams.

Alex walked out of the front glass doors of the school and headed across the lawn to the forest on the other side of the student parking lot. He passed the red Corvette on his way across the street to his house. The 2008 Corvette is such a hot car.

Anyway, after Alex opened the front door, he saw his weekly allowance on the kitchen table, and he remembered that he had to get a new cell phone battery... those bastards took it and didn't even leave him anything for it...

He ran upstairs to his bedroom, grabbed his Zune, his phone, and his wallet and ran to the garage downstairs, lifting his bike off of the floor. Putting in his headphones and putting on his helmet, Alex took off down the street to the edge of the neighborhood where the commercial area of town started. The sprint store was conveniently less than two miles from his house.

Turning into the parking lot of the small strip mall, he parked his bike and locked it in place. The Westosha Prime Outlets was a small row of several of Alex's favorite stores: GameCrazy, Sprint, Kohl's, Best Buy... After walking past the game store, Alex turned into the Sprint store and walked up to the counter.

The bored looking cheetah said, "Can I help you sir?"

"Yeah, I need a new battery for my Katana, I lost the old one."

"Oh, sure. Here," she sighed, pulling a small plastic bag off of the shelf behind her. "That'll be all?"

"Yeah," Alex replied.

"Comes up to a total of 34.95."

Alex put his allowance down on the counter and sighed, holding his hand out for his change, which he placed in his pocket. He then began his walk to the exit, unwrapping his new battery. He placed the cellophane in the trashcan next to the door, pushing it open. He snapped the battery into the back of his phone and powered it on for the first time in several days. He flipped it shut and tucked it into his pocket, making his way over to Best Buy to look around, maybe play the RockBand display.


Alex shut his bedroom door and placed his Zune on its dock and his wallet on his desk. He sat heavily down in his chair, pressing the small silver power button on his PC. Looking over at his clock, he realized that he had been at Best Buy for two hours walking around and drooling over the stuff he couldn't have. Damn.

After Windows had finished loading, he signed himself in and opened the Zune software, enabled shuffle, and clicked play, leaning back. He let out a long, tired sigh. He had the rest of the summer to do just this. Lean back, and listen to his full 20GB of music he had collected. He reached over to his CD wallet and flipped it open, looking for Tachyon. With his other hand, he grabbed his SideWinder joystick and plugged it into the USB port on the front of his computer, when suddenly he felt his phone starting to vibrate in his pocket. He pulled it out and checked the caller ID. The number wasn't one he recognized, but he only refrained from answering the phone if it was an unknown number or a number like 000-0000.

He decided to answer the call, flipping his phone open.



It was a familiar sounding deep voice.

"Yeah? Who's this?"

"Let's say... I'm not an old friend, but you'll be glad to see me."

And Alex knew at once it was either Jared or Jason. God, he wanted to see them again! It had been a full week of showers after school and he had been longing for them to corner him again, but they never showed up.


"Go to the park on Chicago Street tomorrow at 11 o'clock and we'll pick you up for a 'night out'."

Alex heard the click of a phone being slapped shut and looked at his screen. The call had been ended. The way Jason had emphasized the words 'night out' told Alex that he wouldn't regret going to the park tomorrow night. 11 o'clock. Tomorrow. Two blocks from his house... Alex took that down in his head while he went back to flipping through his CD wallet.


Alex got out of the shower and grabbed his towel stepping onto the bath mat, slamming his head to some Helloween. He walked over to the mirror and examined himself before his... He didn't really think of it to be a date, but more of a 'night with the guys.' Drying himself off, he got out his blow drier and dried himself off, the nice way. He threaded his towel between his legs and scrub dried the bottom of his fuzzy nut sack. He wasn't sure why he did this... drying his package made his musk take longer to re-appear, and he really liked his own musk, so why shouldn't Jason and Jared?

He dropped his towel into the hamper and stepped naked into the hall, swinging his hips to the music making his dangling package swing freely about. The only thing he liked about not wearing briefs was the dangling feeling. But he would rather wear briefs than be naked any day.

Walking into his room and thrusting his crotch forward to the hit, he realized that it was 10:15.

"Shit, I gotta hurry up..."

Alex whipped open his dresser drawers, pulled up a pair of briefs, an undershirt, a polo shirt, and a pair of baggy cargo shorts. Alex knew that getting baggy shorts off is easier than a pair of jeans. Just planning ahead.

He grabbed his Axe and rubbed some on, making sure to not ruin the night with BO, spraying on some as well. He grabbed his phone and put it in his pocket, waking into the hall towards the stairs. He did some last-second fixings of his head fur and his collar in the window on the front door and turned the knob, walking outside.

It was a nice night. The air was a nice cool temperature and it wasn't too humid, making for a nice outdoor party. He walked to the end of his driveway and turned left down his street, towards the main street, admiring how nice the air was. He turned on Chicago Street and headed for the park about a block and a half down. When he was about 50 meteres away, he saw a red Chevrolet pickup truck with simply the biggest rims he had ever seen parked on the side of the road. He walked towards it and heard it roar to life with a stereo powering up, Nickelback quietly playing to allow conversation. Now, Alex knew that trucks always are loud and obnoxiously powerful sounding, but this one sounded like it was running at least a V12.

He walked along it and pulled the handle, opening the door and climbing into the passenger seat. He saw the wolf. Jason.

"Hey, foxy," he said with a very toothy grin.

"Hello, Jason. What's up?" Alex said, trying to hide a smile.

"Oh, just a small party with some beer and some friends," he said, shifting into first gear and accelerating onto the street.

"Sounds good," Alex said, buckling him self in.

"Here, have a starter. You'll need it," Jason said, handing Alex a Corona.

Alex had never had alcohol before, besides a sip of his mom's wine at thanksgiving and stuff like that. He twisted the top off and took a sip. do people drink this shit... Oh well. He took a long drink and swallowed it, trying to hide a grimace.

They roared down Main Street making plenty of noise to wake up the entire neighborhood. They drove all the way down Main Street to the edge of the suburb and turned towards the country, where there's just cornfields and cows. After about five minutes of nothing but trees and farms, they stopped at a fairly large house with only two cars in the driveway. They opened their doors and jumped out, Alex feeling a little nervous.

"Why so serious, Alex? It's just a party," Jason said, grabbing a cooler out of the bed of his truck.

"It's nothing, just thinking about how hot you are," Alex said with a smile rubbing his hand across Jason's ass.

"Wait now, you need to get drunk first."

They opened the front door and walked inside, dropping the cooler on the kitchen counter. Jason opened it up and pulled out two Coronas, handing one to Alex.

"Take that. You'll want it. Jared! Where the fuck are you! I've got him!"

He took a large gulp as he heard heavy feet thumping down the stairs on the far side of the room.

"Hello there, Alex! C'mon upstairs, guys. Blake is up here," Jason said, walking back up.

"Who's Blake?" Alex asked Jason.

"Blake is the hottest guy from the football team. Don't worry, he won't get too rough," Jared said, taking a sip of his beer.

They walked up the stairs and walked down a small hallway. They were greeted by some loud rock music before walking into a great-room with a nice telly against one wall. Sitting on the black leather couches was Jared and a cheetah, who must obviously be Blake. Jason walked over to the couch and sat down on the sofa that Blake was sitting on leaving enough room for someone to squeeze in-between them. Jason patted the spot, and Alex walked over and sat down, taking another sip of his beer.

After he had gotten a good look at him, Alex discovered that the stuff Jason had said was more than true. Blake was one of the most slick cheetahs he had ever seen, and was very muscular, especially his legs.

"So, this is the cute fuck toy you guys have been talking about," Blake said, putting his arms around him and pulling him up onto his lap. Alex blushed immediately; looking down into his Corona that he realized was empty.

"Yeah, he takes it tight and sucks it hard. He's a really good one," Jared said, walking over and sitting on the side of Blake Jason hadn't scooted over to. Blake rested his muzzle on Alex's shoulder and breathed heavily.

He whispered into Alex's ear. "Should I trust them? Are they telling me the truth, or should I find out myself?" Blake asked, rubbing his hands up Alex's stomach, slowly peeling off his shirts.

Alex let out a light moan and said, "Well... you'll just have to find out... won't you..."

Blake purred and growled. "I like the sound of that," he said, undoing Alex's belt. Alex simply moved his hands to either side, tossing his beer bottle onto the floor. Blake's nimble fingers moved to the button and zipper, undoing them both.

During this time, Jared and Jason were both stripping down naked, but Alex didn't notice because he was watching Blake's hands pull down the elastic band on his briefs, revealing his rock hard vulpine cock. Blake pulled it out and began to pump it, starting very slowly.

"Oooh..." Alex closed his eyes. He felt both of his hands being grabbed and wrapped around two warm hard... cocks. Jason and Jared had undressed and were jerking off, holding Alex's hands in place. Alex started going faster, hoping that Blake would notice and start pumping faster. Eventually, Jason and Jared completely removed their hands from their respective dicks and let Alex do all the work.

"Go ahead," he heard one of them say.

"And do what," Alex replied, before he felt Blake let go of his hard-on and stand up.

"Wait, what're you doing..." Alex pleaded. He turned back to look at Blake who was undoing his pants.

"Hands and knees. Now," Blake commanded. Alex was only too happy to oblige. He got down on his hands and knees, looking at the floor when he felt someone grab his tail. And quickly, he felt a leather belt being wrapped around his stomach and secured to the tip of his tail, so he couldn't move it down.

Just soon enough, Alex felt a slimy sensation on his tail hole. "Ooh, what's that..." he said dreamily.

"That's KY. Unless you want me to force it in," Blake was spreading lube all around Alex's tail hole, sticking in a finger or two to get Alex warmed up more.

Alex then saw some knees appear on the floor in front of him. Looking up, he saw Jared's hard cock bobbing in front of him once again.

"You want more of it, foxy?" He asked. Alex didn't even need words for his answer. Instead, a simple burying of the cock down the throat on Alex's part sufficed.

He began bobbing up and down Jared's hard-on like a pro, adding the perfect amounts of tongue, lip, and suction, making Jared groan. Then suddenly, Alex felt a cock head separating his ass cheeks. Again, he simply didn't care that someone was mounting him, all Alex wanted was the cock in his mouth, warm, hard, and throbbing.

The cock that was slowly sliding inside him seemed to go for a long time. He felt it touch something deep inside him before he felt it hilt. Upon going as deep as he could, Blake bent all the way over onto Alex's back, wrapping his arms around him, one hand grabbing Alex's hard cock. He reversed his motions and pulled almost completely out. Alex felt like it was more of a garden hose rather than a cock coming out of him.

At the same time Jason began to fuck Jared, Blake slammed his full unpredictably long cock deeper inside Alex than it had been before, making Alex gasp through his nose. Blake pulled out and pumped back in again, and again, and again, each time a sharp gasp coming from Alex.

All the while, Jared was moaning from the state of euphoria occurring above his knees and below his waistline. Jason's foot of meat was tickling and massaging his prostate, and Alex was getting 110% A+ on giving a blowjob was getting to him... he began to feel a tingle.

Blake was jerking Alex off fast now, drilling hard and long into Alex's depths, giving a grunt and hearing short gasp-like sexual moans was so nice. He heard Jared's moaning and said, "Jason, is it time for a bath yet?"

Alex heard 'Bath' and went off into a fantasy about the four of them giving chain anal in the bathtub, making him wander off into a fantasy. He saw himself getting railed by Blake again, sitting on Jared, who would be sitting on Jason...

Noticing that the squeak-like moans had stopped coming out of Alex, he said, "L-let's.. ugh.. let's just go inside him. Jared, I'm gonna go soon... I want you, mmf.. sexy, to let go your biggest load into Alex's brain..."

Jared responded with a long, sensual groan.

"Ok... three..." Blake started jerking Alex as fast and strong as his quarterback arm could go...

"Two..." Alex finally came too, with the sudden power boost on the magnificent hand job he was getting...

"One..." Alex opened his eyes, looking into Jared's pubic hair, wondering what they were counting for.

"Go!" Jason slammed and blew his enormous load into Jared, who in turn, let loose an even larger load, filling Alex's mouth after two shots and moving on to the face and eyes. Blake slammed as hard as he could, putting himself balls-deep inside Alex, feeling his nuts bumping up against Alex's soft fuzzy ones, letting loose a load deeper inside Alex than Jason had earlier that week, cum shooting out of Alex's tail hole around Blake's cock.

Alex had collapsed with a mouth and face-full of cum and his intestinal area feeling warmer than a nice fireplace, and wet dripping from his tail hole. He felt wet along his belly, realizing that he had lain down in a pool of his own cum.

Alex simply lay there, swishing around the sweet salty mouthful, letting it flow over his tongue and through his teeth. He didn't want to open his eyes, because he didn't know if cum was like water or lemon juice when it got into your eyeball, so he left them closed, allowing himself fall into a drowse...

"He's asleep..." Blake noticed.

"Yeah, he fell asleep after we fucked him in the locker room too," Jason said.

"Man, this one was nice. How come you didn't ask him out on a date or something for some nice one-on-one buttsex?" Blake asked.


"Because Jared would've gotten mad..." Jason said.

Jared snorted. "Don't fucking care, he a fucking fuck, whaddo I fucking care...

Jason thought suddenly... that if Jared didn't care, he could take Alex out for a nice quiet night in some motel.

"Hey, you guys wanna shower?" Jared asked.

Jason responded, "Uhh... you two go ahead, I'll have him in the shower when he wakes up," he said, pointing at Alex.

"K, whadever... C'mon Blake, let's go make out..."

As Blake passed Jason he whispered, "Geez, he only had two..."


A while later, Alex came too in a dimly lit living room he did not recognize. How the hell had he gotten here?

Uhh...Let's see. I went to Jared's house with Jason, they banged me hard... ooh... Alex then realized that he was naked, and that Jason was standing right over him.

"Hey there, little guy," He said with a genuine smile that Alex could clearly see, even in the darkness.

Alex tried as hard as he could to hold back a giggle. "Hey..." he responded with a smile.

"We got you pretty dirty. You wanna have a shower?" Jason asked, outstretching his hand.

Alex giggled, taking the hand he was offered. "Sure. But I won't be able to find the way to the bathroom myself..."

Jason smiled and pulled the fox up off the couch and put a hand on his back, pointing him towards an open door across the room. Alex started towards it when he was pulled against Jason's warm chest. He looked up into the wolf's glowing yellow eyes and smiled. The wolf returned his smile and softly but surely, let a long, warm, cum-flavoured kiss happen between them.

'More, more, more!' I hear you cry. Should I write more?