My New Roommate pt. 2

Story by Wounded Knee on SoFurry

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#3 of Stories that ChillFireWolf gave me the rights to

Read the title of the folder in my stories

Matt jumped awake as he heard the beeping of his watch going off across the room. He quickly stepped across the floor feeling around for where he left his watch. After tripping and nearly falling over his clothes, he finally felt his watch hanging from his guitar stand where he left it the night before.

"Why the hell didn't I turn this stupid thing off..." He growled under his breath. His room was still dark so he knew it had to be 5:30; the time that he normally would wake up during the week to work out. Matt trudged back over to his bed and sat down rubbing the fur on his head and his ears. He put his watch on and just layed back onto his bed.

"Well now there's no way I'm getting back to sleep," he thought with much disgust.

Remembering he now had a roommate, he didn't want to wake Alex up so that meant no guitar, no cooking, and no early morning gaming. "And it's a Sunday!"

Matt's only idea was to go work out. He cracked a grin, however the thought quickly put a frown on his face as he remembered the gym doesn't open until 9 on Sundays. He swore and crept over to his closet to find his gym shorts, t-shirt, shoes, iPod, and earbuds. He gathered his stuff and quietly left his room.

As he walked down the hallway towards the bathroom, he peered into Alex's room through his open door. Matt sighed as he saw Alex's large figure still lying down in his bed and breathing loudly. "At least he doesn't snore," Matt thought as he continued to the bathroom.

Matt closed the bathroom door and didn't turn on the light so he wouldn't wake Alex up. He opened his bottom door and tried his best to aim into the toilet only seeing by the faint light through the window. Finishing up, he decided to let the yellow mellow and quickly rinsed his paws off and splashed his face with the freezing water to wake him up. He put on his loose, black gym shorts and slipped into the black t-shirt. He put on some socks and then turned to head out.

The door slowly opened as Matt sneaked out of the bathroom and towards the garage door. He silently walked down the stairs and to the door in the garage. He slipped on his running shoes and grabbed his keys. He opened the downstairs door and stepped outside into the cold air.

The sun was just starting to cast light onto the city as he walked to the curb. He popped his earbuds into his ears and set his iPod to his "running playlist;" a mixture of hard rock and metal songs to get him pumped up. He smiled and put his iPod back into his pocket. He thought about which route he would take as he jumped up and down a few times and squatted down to stretch out his legs. He shook his arms and twisted his back to warm up and loosen his body.

After stretching for about 5 minutes, he started his stopwatch and began with a light run. This crisp morning air felt refreshing as Matt started to increase his pace after about 10 minutes. His usual run was about 5-6 miles in 45 minutes.

Instead of running through the busy area, he decided to cut through the park as he made another turn towards the entrance. Since runners and walkers get in for free, he just passed right by the gate and kept his pace running through the curves and winds of the park trail.

Matt wiped the sweat from his face as he looked down at his watch and saw that he had been running 20 minutes now. He lightened his pace a bit as he approached the end of the trail and started walking towards the main road to make his way back to the apartment. He could see the sun just peeking over the cityscape and makings its way into the sky. Stopping to cross the street, he hunched over catching his breath and smiled at the feeling of the blood rushing through his sweaty body.

The pedestrian light turned green and he sprinted off across the street rounding the corner onto the streets leading back towards his apartment. He clicked his earbuds forcing his iPod to the next song, a hard rock song. The sounds of heavily distorted guitars and drums filled his ears as he increased his pace again. "Only 3 miles," Matt thought as he continued his fast pace.

With his new pace faster, he made his trip back towards the apartment in about 22 minutes. As he slowed his pace nearing his destination, Matt crested the hill of his street and could see his black truck parked in front of the apartment and the blue figure of Alex's car parked on the curb. He reduced his pace to a slow jog as he cleared the last 500 feet left of his morning workout.

As he walked past the neighboring houses he looked around at the awakening street. Walking up to the apartment, Matt walked up to his truck and as was his tradition, he made a fist and tapped the driver's side door handle. He smiled triumphantly and turned towards backyard gate. Walking past the gate, he approached the garage door and opened it up quickly. He paused once inside as his breathing slowed down to normal. He listened for any signs that Alex was awake. He flicked his ear to the sound of water running and recognized it as the shower.

Matt looked at his watch as he took off his earbuds. "6:20. Damn, he's up early." His fur was still soaking wet with sweat and matted down everywhere. He ran his furry fingers through the fur on his head ruffling it up then smoothing it out. "Well who knows if he takes long showers. I could be waiting a long time. Great," Matt thought out loud. He paced in his garage a minute as he decided what he would do. "Punching something would be fun right now" He went to the corner of his garage; amongst the junk was his heavy bag that he often used when stressed out. He picked it up and carried it to the chains he had mounted on the top of his garage.

He slipped his shoes off and took off his outer shirt leaving him in his running shorts and his black a-shirt. He made two fists and started going to work on the punching bag. He started with quick jabs and kicks as he got his heart rate up. Matt let out a low growl as he started to increase the strength and intensity behind every punch and kick causing the heavy bag to sway and move around on its mount.

Matt alternated his kicks and punches for more speed and power as he stretched his tired muscles with every blow to the heavybag. All he could hear was the sound of his feet and fists smacking into the bag, along with the sound of his own grunts and heavy breathing as his heart rate increased and the sweat poured onto his fur. He looked down at his watch and saw he had been beating this punching bag for nearly 17 minutes now; his fists could have told him that. He started slowing his shots down and giving them more power as he decided to take the last couple minutes to finish.

Matt landed about 20 solid blows to the heavybag in the last minute as he finally stopped. He exhaled slowly and deeply as he swung his arms back and squatted down to relieve his aching muscles. He collapsed and laid on his back on top of the exercise pads he had placed on his garage floor. He laid there breathing deeply for a minute absorbed in his high of exercise for the morning. He closed his eyes as he controlled his breathing.

For what seemed like only 30 seconds, Matt just laid on his back. He slowly opened his eyes at the feeling of his leg twitching. Opening his eyes, he quickly found out it was not his leg twitching. The first thing he saw was a large figure standing over him about a foot away staring at him. "What the fffuuuu---" Matt yelled as he quickly rolled away jumping up into a defensive position glaring at the figure standing there. Matt's fists were clenched and his ears splayed back as his eyes adjusted back to the light.


Alex jumped back a bit as he watched Matt jump up and looked like he was about to fight someone. "Dude! It's just me man! I just showered and I heard banging down here so I got dressed and came down. I saw you on the floor and I didn't know if you were ok! So are you?" He felt a bit stressed out as he explained himself.


Matt dropped his fists and stood up straight looking Alex into the eyes. He relaxed as he heard Alex speak. "Sorry man, you just startled me. I was just lying there and I guess I started to doze off, so I'm sorry. I didn't mean to scare you or anything" Matt smiled a bit as he finished speaking. He looked at Alex as he stood there. His mind cleared up as he stared, Alex had just gotten out of the shower as his head-fur and ears were still wet. He wore some loose-fitting faded jeans and red shirt. Matt couldn't help but notice that crotch again as he look him up and down quickly; he noticed Alex's muscles showing through his shirt. "Not quite as defined as his own body, but a work in progress," Matt thought with a bit of pride.

Alex relaxed as Matt spoke and he let out a grin and chuckled, "I was a bit startled. What have you been doing? You look like you just ran a marathon!" They both got a laugh out of that joke.

"I pretty much did. I ran for nearly 50 minutes because I couldn't sleep this morning and I didn't want to wake you up. I love a good brisk run in the morning sometimes. So anyways I came back and I heard you in the shower so I decided to release some stress and rage in one of several ways I know how. I went to work on this punching bag."

Alex caught only the main points of Matt's explanation as he looked intently at him. He couldn't help but stare in lust at the sweaty, sexy wolf in front of him. He started by looking at the muscles on his sweaty, furry legs noticeably larger and toned than most wolves his size. He looked at his running shorts next. While speaking, Matt moved to go take down his heavy bag, so Alex looked more intently at his firm ass while he unhooked the bag walked over to the corner of the garage and set it down. Lust brewed up in Alex's mind as he saw him bend over to move the bag over. Alex tried to suppress those thoughts as Matt stood up and walked towards him. He noticed the muscles on his abs, chest and neck clearly visible underneath his sweat-soaked a-shirt clinging tightly to his body. He stretched his muscular arms.

Attempting to rearrange his thoughts, Alex quickly said, "well I hope you had a good time, If I was up I would have gone with you. Now whether I could keep up is a different matter; I'm not too fast."

Taken back by this statement, Matt replied, "That sounds good. We will have to do it sometime, just not now. I need a shower." Matt turned back towards the stairs as Alex followed. As tired as he felt at that moment, Matt felt very alive as he climbed the flight of stairs.

Alex could smell the strong male scent of Matt as he trailed behind him several feet. The overwhelming smell of his musk and sweat invaded his nostrils as he inhaled deeply though trying not to make it too obvious. He felt the stirring in his pants as he suppressed, or at least attempted to suppress, those strong sexual feelings.

Matt got to the top of the stairs and headed to the kitchen to make a quick protein smoothie. Strawberries, ice, milk, banana, protein powder, blend, and he had his breakfast made. He brought his cup and sat at the table where Alex was already munching on some toast. He inhaled sharply as his sweat-soaked shirt touched the back of the chair sending a chill all the way from the top of his neck to the tip of his tail and feet. He relaxed and sat back drinking thirstily at his breakfast. He quickly finished up and let out a sigh of contentment.

"Ahhhhhhh... What a good morning. And it's not even 7:00 yet. Well, two minutes till anyway.

Alex glanced at the clock, "Yeah decent start. I got nothing planned today except unpacking some stuff. What about you?"

"Well, I got several things to do. I need to head to the mall to get my new phone. My stupid phone has been giving me shit for the last 2 months and I need a new one. I also need to get some pool supplies, groceries, and a couple notebooks for class. It's Sunday and I got nothin' to do, so I figured I might as well get all my shopping for the week done. I kinda feel bad for leaving you here all day on your first day here though..."

"I can go with you - uh - if you want anyway. Unpacking will only take a little while, and I'd like to see more of your town. But, uh, if you don't want me to, then that's fine too. I can stay here."

Matt was a little surprised he wanted to go with him, "Um, no it's fine. Really. I was going to go at 8 right when the phone place opened so I don't have to wait in line. I just have to shower."

"Sounds great! I already showered so I'll do my unpacking now and I'll be ready to go at 7:45. Sound good?"

"Yeah. For sure. Now I'm gonna shower. I smell like shit." Matt laughed with his last comment as he headed to his room.

Alex returned the chuckle as he sat at the table and took a quick glance at Matt walking away, "I kind of liked it..." He thought to himself.

Matt quickly picked out some casual clothes for his day, grabbed his towel and headed for the shower. As he walked to the shower he glanced quickly in Alex's room. The bed was nicely made and his suitcases laid open against the wall. "At least he keeps his stuff clean." Matt closed the door to the bathroom twisted the knob for the shower and adjusted the water. He quickly stripped down and stepped in letting out a deep sigh of relief as he felt the warm water penetrate his fur and wash the sweat from his body.

He showered a bit faster than normal and quickly dried off so he could get ready for his day. As he brushed and combed his fur to smooth it out, he thought out his day. He put on his underwear and pants then pulled out his body spray to apply on his chest, arms, and neck. He inhaled a bit as he smelled the scent of the manly product. He slipped a black a-shirt on and a black shirt with logos of his favorite rock band on it. "Lookin good," he thought to himself as he gathered his sweaty clothes and towel. He opened the door and walked to his room to grab the rest of his belongings.

Alex watched from the couch in the living room as Matt walked out of the bathroom and to his bedroom. He had been sitting there for a few minutes after he got his stuff ready and just waited for Matt so they could leave. He sat up as Matt entered the room putting his phone and wallet into his pockets. "I'm ready to go when you are man," He said standing up and stretching.

"I'm pretty much ready, just have to grab my keys. We can take my truck if that's cool. I want to try some different music through the system." Matt watched as Alex stretched. He looked strong just not as defined as his own body.

"Yeah I'm fine with that. Let me grab some water and I'm good to go." Alex walked towards his room and retrieved a steel, black water bottle. He walked to the kitchen and filled it with water from the sink.

"I'll meet you outside, just lock the door on your way out."

Matt stepped outside and put on his black sunglasses as he breathed in the crisp air of the morning again. Walking down the steps quickly, he heard the door close behind him as Alex also stepped down the stairs towards the truck parked up front. Matt clicked the unlock button on his remote causing the truck lights to flash and a distinct Chirp Chirp sound to emit. The black doors unlocked as he lifted his body into the truck and started the engine. The other door opened as he saw Alex clamber in. "Watch your tail. It sucks to get it caught in the door."

Alex chuckled at this. "Yeah really. That would hurt. It feels strange to actually step up into a lifted truck then sink down into a smaller car." He buckled up and adjusted the seat a bit.

"Seriously huh? What kind of music do you like? I have some killer speaker upgrades and sub I bought from a buddy and I just got installed a few days ago. Haven't really had a chance to try them out. Any ideas for a jam?" Matt browsed through his iPod library searching for a good song.

"Ummm I listen to just about anything. Have any of that one rock band? I forgot their name - avenged something."

"Sevenfold!" Matt nearly yelled with excitement. "Finally someone else who likes them! We are playing that shit then!" He clicked the iPod to shuffle as he set it down and put on his glasses. He rolled down the windows a bit and hit a button on the radio controls as the song started playing. He shifted into reverse as they backed out and into the street. The song started with an orchestral introduction as they reversed. Matt shifted into first as they rolled down the street.

"Which song is this? I haven't heard it." Alex asked quizzically as the first 30 seconds passed. He didn't hear anything special with the speakers, they sounded pretty normal. Matt smiled as he said "Afterlife," THEN the guitars and band started. Alex gasped a bit as Matt turned sharply as the music increased in volume and he heard the full effect of the sub and speakers mentioned before. Matt pulled up to a red light as the music blared in the car.

Alex attempted to talk loudly over the bone-shaking music but he just decided to just wait. The song ended as the light turned green and Matt hit the gas speeding forward toward the freeway entrance. He turned the volume down a bit as he heard Alex start talking, "That sounds really good man. I like it!"

Increasing the RPMs to merge onto the freeway, Matt felt a bit of pride in his truck at Alex's comment. "Thanks. I've put a lot of work into this baby. You got any music you want to listen to? We've got about 15 minutes until we get there."

"Yeah sure," He plugged his phone in and switched to some techno music, "That good? I like this type of music."

Matt was a bit surprised, "Yeah, This is also a favorite music style. That instantly makes you awesome." They laughed at that comment as they went on their way.

"So I gotta ask man, if you don't mind my asking. How do you afford the stuff you got? I know you work but you've got some nice stuff." Alex hoped he hadn't asked too much.

"Nah no worries man. Among my many life mottos, I go by this one a lot: 'work hard, play hard.' I probably should save money though. I don't have hardly anything saved right now. But I try to enjoy life. Makes things more fun ya know?"

"I understand completely man. Not a bad life philosophy I think." He smiled as he thought to himself, "this guy is like cool. I really want to know if he is interested in dudes or not but how the hell am I gonna ask..." He ran some scenarios through his head as he watched Matt drive. So smooth and calm he looked as he drove his truck. "I've gotta know If I'll get anywhere with him." He stared out the windows at the cars in front of them traveling about the same speed. "So do you get any hot babes with your truck?" He cursed himself for sounding so stupid.

Taken a bit by surprise by the question Matt stuttered, "Uh - I um... No. Not really. Mostly just people who stare or smile or flip me off when I pass." He blushed

"Oh - well ok. I just wondered. No offense but you look like the ladies-man type." He let out an awkward chuckle

"I used to try to be. I was with my girlfriend for a bit. We had our fun times and ups and downs. And sure enough it didn't last. What a fucking waste I think. It's been about 10 months now and I can't say I haven't enjoyed being single. I guess its freedom. Sometimes I get lonely though. But that's why I beat off and exercise. It takes my mind off those feelings that I don't want to remember." Matt shook his head as he brought back some memories.

"So it was a bad breakup?"

"Yeah kinda. We lived together at the apartment and I made all the sacrifices to make life good for us and what the hell do I find? She is texting, and seeing other dudes while I'm fucking working. I was in denial for a bit thinking it wasn't really happening until I caught her with another guy at a party and she was getting ready to blow him. I tried to make things work even though she said she would only be with me. I was the one trying to make things fucking work and she took advantage of that."

Alex saw the anger welling up in Matt's voice and body as he held the steering wheel in a death grip as he increased his speed

"Eventually she just left one day. I came home from another long shift at work and all her stuff was gone and she left a note that said it's over. And next thing I see is a picture of the asshole she left me for. I almost fucking punched a hole in the wall," Matt noticed how fast he was going as he slowed down and unclenched his fists. "Shit, I don't even like fucking remembering it. Sorry for my raging. But I'm still pissed. That's why I'm single right now. I don't want another relationship like that. Leaving me hurting. I'm so fucking done with female drama" A single tear beaded out his eye and rolled down his face absorbing into his fur. He blushed as he turned his head to hide it.

Alex tried to think before he spoke. He knew this was a difficult topic judging by Matt's emotional response. "Wow. I feel so bad for you man. That's so wrong how she treated your hard work." He paused. "Now I feel like a real jerk for asking. It's none of my business.. I'm - uhh - really sorry for prying."

Matt controlled his emotional feelings as he changed lanes and slowed down, "It's fine man. I'd probably have eventually told you. Might as well get it out now. It's just that since then nearly 8 months ago I have lost friends and just become more of a loner now. People just don't understand me and how I think. Now a lot of my old friends are calling me gay because I haven't hooked up with another girl yet." He blushed again realizing he didn't want to insult how Alex might feel, "Now.. uh.. well.. don't get me wrong, I don't hate on gays, bi, lesbians, or whatever, to each his own is how I feel."

Feeling a bit of relief, Alex sighed, "Well I mostly feel the same way. I'm a bit different though because I've never been in a relationship."

"Never? You look like a guy that might have been in a few. Have you just never wanted to be in one or what?"

"Well, I have wanted to be in one for a long time now. I got bullied a lot in high school. All the bullies called me gay, or faggot, or more dirty names because I only hung out with my best friend and they said that means we were gay."

Matt hesitated a bit, "Gay or not what does it matter? It was your choice. But it wasn't a relationship? Just really good friends right?" He thought a bit, "if he is gay, I wonder if he wants me. Holy shit. What am I gonna say. What if..." Those nagging thoughts invaded his mind as he awaited an answer.

"We weren't in a relationship no. We had known each other since we were 6 or 7 and we just were best friends."

Not the answer Matt was looking for. "If you don't mind me asking, how would you consider yourself now?" Shit, that sounded too direct

"Ummm.. I would say bisexual. I look at both sexes. They both appeal to me. Now It's only fair that I ask you the same question." Alex smiled and blushed as he knew this was a lie. "I'm gay. Straight up gay and proud of it." he thought to himself.

"Ok. Well I'm glad to know that. And well... I am... well... shit, I guess I am also bisexual. There, I said it. I can't say one or the other." Matt remembered the feelings during that time with slight envy as he wished it could lasted longer.

Feeling a bit light headed at this response, Alex responded with a lighter, soothing tone, "It's totally ok. You're an adult and can make your decisions. I don't judge you for any decisions. I think it's great that you aren't biased against any orientation." He smiled warmly as Matt turned off the freeway. He could see the shopping plaza from where they turned. "I need to ask..."

Matt felt a bit of relief, "You don't know how nice it is to hear that. My family thinks I am wrong in my beliefs and don't really want anything to do with me now. So it's good to know someone understands. It really does mean a lot dude."

"That's horrible. Really it is. I can't imagine how hard it must be for you. I'm a bit similar, my parents don't care about me and I haven't talked to them in almost a year now." Time was slipping as they drove closer to their destination.

"That's horrible man. We have a lot in common man. It's a bit surprising actually but It's kind of cool I guess," he smiled as he turned into the mall parking lot.

It's now or never, "So would you ever get with another guy?" There, he had said it. Now it's out there.

"What? Oh, um... I... Errr..." His face flushed, "I don't know. Why? You asking me out?"

"Umm. No! Well. No... We are roommates. I didn't mean to sound like that!" Alex was at a loss for words and blushed hard as he tried to explain himself.

Matt couldn't help but laugh a bit as they parked and stepped out. They walked around to the back of the truck. Matt looked at Alex as he locked the truck. "I'm just messing with you man. You seem like a great guy. If you were asking me out and are just trying to cover it up, Don't feel bad. Maybe it turns out we hate each other's living habits and you decide to leave?"

"That would be impossible," Alex replied hastily.

"Umm. Ok man. Anyhow though. We gotta get through today man. You coming in with me? It shouldn't take long."

"Yeah I'll go in. I like technology so I'll check out some of it."

"Alright, let's do this." They both walked towards the mall entrance to complete their first order of business.

Alex and Matt walked through the awakening mall as they headed towards the phone store. Matt waited in the front to wait for a representative as Alex messed around with one of the nearby devices.

"These things are getting so small and fast! The screens are almost too big. For a guy with big paws, I need bigger and faster." Alex continued fiddling with the phone.

Not being able to help the opportunity, Matt retorted quickly, "That's what she said."

Alex's face flushed and he turned back to Matt who was now chuckling at his comment. "Wow man. Just wow. I gotta give you points for timing though."

Matt laughed out loud this time and jokingly punched Alex in the arm who responded with a shaking of his head. Matt waited for another few minutes until a few workers noticed him. He waved his arm out to get their attention. A minute later a skinny, red fox walked up to them with a device in his paws. He walked up and introduced himself.

"How's it going? I'm Jason." He shook Matt's paw warmly

"Matt. Nice to meet you. I actually ordered a phone over the internet to pick up here."

"Ok first and last name?" He waited to key in the information on his tablet.

"Matthew Caine. C-A-I-N-E" Matt always had to spell out his name because people always misspelled it.

Jason typed in the information rapidly, "Ok. And address?"

"628 Granada Place. Same city and zip code here."

"Alright we have you in the system and your phone is in the back. Did you order the 4S or the new 5?" Jason peered into his screen. "Ahhh, It's the 5. I'll get it and we can ring you up at the counter over there." He pointed towards the back.

"Sounds good. I'll go over there. Hey Alex, you coming?" He looked over and saw Alex still tinkering with the phones.

He called back, "Yeah gimme a sec."

Matt and Jason walked over to the counter as Alex followed a few seconds later. They both waited at the counter for Jason. Alex just stared around at all the technology around. "So they have everything you need?"

"Yeah he's getting my phone right now. You don't have to sit here dude. You're probably bored stiff by now."

"I guess I am a little bit. I'll go screw around a bit more with the tablets." He walked a few more feet away and started looking through the devices lined up on the table.

Matt looked up to see Jason walking back with a box in his hand. He smiled and set the box down. He opened it and pulled out the shiny, black, new phone out and powered it on. "Alright we just have to activate it and transfer numbers and you'll be good to go. It shows on your account you already paid so we're good there too."

He started using both phones and in a few minutes he handed the phone back to an eager Matt waiting to accept the new device. Jason pointed towards Alex, "Is he with you? One of the girls said he was but we wanted to make sure he had been helped already."

"Yeah we're together. But I'm the only one getting something today."

"Ok, got it. Alright. Everything is activated, numbers are transferred, and you're ready to go. Anything else you need today?" They both stood up as Matt picked up all the stuff from the table.

"I believe we are good Jason. Thanks for all your help." He shook his paw as he saw Alex walking towards them.

"My pleasure Matt, glad I could help."

At this point Alex walked up. "You done Matt?"

"Yeah everything is done. Finally I can get rid of this piece of crap." They all chuckled.

Jason shook Matt's paw and turned to Alex, "So is this your boyfriend? Name's Jason."

Matt's heart almost skipped a few beats as he struggled to find words, "I... um.. this is... My.. Um..."

"Alex. Name's Alex. Nice to meet you." Matt just stood there dumbfounded.

"Glad to meet you Alex. You two look like a nice couple. Have a great day. Keep it chill." Jason winked at them and walked away.

They turned and walked out silently as Matt fought to find words. "Well that was weird," was all he could come up with.

"Yeah, no kidding right. He thought that.. we.. well yeah..." Alex thought about it as they approached the truck.

Chirp Chirp. Matt climbed in and just sat for a second staring at his iPod. "Was this a good sign or a bad sign that people thought we were couple? Should we be? No. Yes? Would we be happy?" These thoughts flooded his head as he twisted the key and revved the loud engine to life.

Alex sat quietly as they backed out and drove through the parking lot. He knew they were both thinking nearly the same thing about what just occurred and what he would like to occur. "Where to next?"

--- After a few hours, Matt and Alex's shopping trip is over and they drive back to their apartment---

"Man that was a great song!" Alex shouted as Matt turned off the Truck and stepped out. They grabbed their bags of the back seats and shut the doors. "I don't see how you guitar players can play so fast."

Matt smiled and locked the truck. "It honestly takes a lot of practice to get those riffs and solos down really well dude. It's taken me forever to learn some of the songs I've learned. I don't really call it practicing guitar anymore. Now I call it playing. Because it's fun!"

Grabbing his keys, Alex walked up the steps and started unlocking the door. "That's really cool man, you really gotta try recording some of your stuff! Get rich and famous!"

Matt laughed, "I've thought about it, but I don't think I will get famous or rich." They both walked in and Matt started putting all of the stuff they bought away. Alex sat down on the couch as Matt yelled from the kitchen, "hey I'm hungry. Want some chips? Its already 1:30."

His stomach growled. "Yeah for sure. I'm starving!" Matt brought some chips and salsa to the table and sat down on the table propping his legs up on the edge of the table. They both dug into the salty, crunchy goodness. After browsing some channels on the TV and eating plenty of chips, they both were laughing at a tv show of stupid mistakes by stupid furs. Matt let out a drawn-out yawn and got up.

"Hey dude, I got up early this morning, so I'm gonna go crash out and take a combat nap. Try and stay a little quiet ok?" He started walking towards his room.

"Combat nap? Um. Ok. I'll make sure I crank up the TV really loud." He grinned smugly as Matt turned his head around and gave him a fake-serious stare and walked into his room.

Matt sauntered into his room and pushed the door closed behind him. He stripped out of his pants and shirt and slipped into some loose shorts and sat on his bed. Pulling out his new phone, he turned it over and looked at it admiring the new sleek feel to it. He set it to wake him up in 35 minutes and set it down. He laid down on his back and rubbed his furry chest and abs trying to relieve the soreness from his morning workout. He controlled his breathing and slowed it down as he felt his eyelids getting heavy. In 5 minutes he was sound asleep.

His "combat naps" lasted 30 minutes. At the end of that time, his phone's alarm was set to vibrate and started to move around on his night stand. He reached over and picked up his phone. "Perfect." He muttered as he felt the effects of just enough sleep. He swung his feet off the bed and stood up stretching his stiff body. Moving his tongue around in his mouth, he felt dry. "Water," he mumbled as he yawned deeply and moved for the door. His ear flicked as he heard movement in one corner or another of the house.

He pulled the door knob towards him and stepped into the hallway. He took several steps and turned the corner towards the living room as he peered into the Alex's room. Turning back towards the living room, he snapped his head to the direction of a low, deep growl. He looks over and almost drops his jaw open at the sight before him.

Lying back on the couch is a stark naked Alex with headphones shoved in his ears. He growls again as Matt stares at his rapid movement. In his paw, he is rapidly jacking his cock off. His swollen, throbbing member leaks a long bead of precome as he slides his paw up and down. Alex seems completely aloof and unaware to the fact the Matt's standing right in clear view getting front row seats to the show.

Struggling to find words, Matt walks over to the single-chair couch and grabs a pillow. "Alex..." He calls out barely audible. "Alex!" He calls out louder this time. Nothing again. Music's too loud and He's too into it. He moves over and bumps the Shepherd's furry leg. The heavy-breathing fur before him opens his eye up slowly and peers towards his leg. The fast jerking movement of his paw around his cock abruptly stops as his eyes open wide.

"Fuuuhhhh!" Alex grabs a pillow and slams it onto his erected penis attempting to cover himself. He sits up and yanks the headphones off his head. "OHMIGOD! I had no idea you were up! What did - how long- did" Words failed Alex as he sat up to stare at Matt.

They both had no words for what just happened. Matt was the first to break the awkward silence, "Well... I uh.. Was only here for about a minute. It's not like I was.. really watching." Matt felt the stirring of his crotch as he took in the form of Alex. The pillow he had was barely enough to cover himself. Matt could still see his fuzzy ballsac hanging loosely underneath. There were still drops of pre on his stomach fur.

Feeling embarrassed, Alex shifted in the couch, "Umm. Ok. I thought you were asleep. Damn. I'm sorry. This is so embarrassing." He noticed the growing bulge in Matt's loose shorts and felt his now-limp erection growing back to full pride. They both shifted nervously.

"Look man. Probably every guy in the world beats off once in awhile. It's not like it's something only you do. I'm a little confused as to why in the living room though." Matt's face flushed as he felt his own erection starting to grow again at the sight of Alex. He tried to conceal it.

Alex thought about the possibility, "I guess I've just been so lonely for so long that I tend to do it more often. Sorry about the sight." He caught the sight of Matt's growing tent. It's now or never. "I think we both have been lonely for too long Matt. Not being able to share love, no warm body to be with." He sat up on the couch, his bushy tail wagged a bit.

Was Alex implying something? Matt wondered where he was going with this. Did he? Can he see my boner? "I guess that's true. It's been a while. But are you tr-" He stopped short of his sentence.

Alex swung his feet off the couch and moved the pillow off of his raging erection. He sat nearly 3 feet away from Matt but he could clearly see the surprise in his face. Matt sat fixated on Alex as he let the pillow drop to the floor. The big Shepherd let out a grin as Matt stared for several seconds at his cock standing at attention for his audience.

The disturbed wolf broke his stare and looked up to the grinning face of Alex sitting there. He could smell the strong, pungant musk of the Shepherd's musk filling his nostrils. He shivered slightly at the sight of the red, veiny piece of canine meat facing him. "Wha- what the f-"

"Don't you get tired of feeling your own paws around your cock? I know I'm tired of it." He scooted a bit closer to the edge of the couch. "We are both adults. We can make our own decisions. I think you're insanely hot and sexy. You know, it's kind of easy to see that you're hungry for something more than what you have now." He stood up and walked up to the nervous wolf sitting there.

Matt's body was in chaos as he sat with the erected penis of the large Shepherd bobbing less than a foot away from his nose beckoning him to take a sniff or lick. He looked into the green eyes of Alex and uttered," Y-yes." His own sheath was growing at this point from the sight and smell of Alex. Lust.

The Shepherd saw surrender in the eyes of Matt and squatted down to his eye level. "Hey sexy." He grinned and set a paw onto Matt's knee. Why don't we both relax and enjoy ourselves? I know we can both use the stress relief. It's not like anything bad is going to happen to us."

Matt had a million thoughts racing through his mind as he fought to find words. He closed his eyes to try to clear his thoughts. A second later his eyes snapped open to the feeling Alex's paw grabbing his crotch and rubbing them gently. He felt the pleasure he had missed for months now and put a paw onto the shoulder of Alex who stopped, "Please don't stop."

Alex flashed a feral grin as he heard the words he wanted. He slowly started to pull off Matt's shorts. "It might help if you lose the shirt." He hinted to Matt who quickly pulled it off and tossed it to the other couch. Alex stood up and held out a paw to Matt who then took it and also stood up. Alex stood there naked as Matt stood there in his tight black boxers. Alex let a low growl as he pulled Matt's boxers down quickly.

Matt's sheath bulged out as his pink cock poked out and began to grow as Alex stood there. Alex reached a paw out and grabbed Matt's balls gently and started to feel his package. "You know, you can help me out a bit ya know." Matt reached out a shaky paw down to Alex's balls cupping them and thinking about the size. Alex murred deeply as he saw Matt's dick nearly fully erected. His tail wagged behind him hitting the table.

They looked deeply into each other's eyes as they both were fully hard. Alex moved closer to Matt's body and wrapped one arm around his back and brought them together. Their chests were pressed together. Alex moved to make the first move but was surprised as Matt let out his tongue and licked across his mouth and pressed their lips together joining into a deep kiss. Alex slowly reached his tongue out and explored through Matt's mouth as the wolf did the same.

The shepherd let down a paw and grabbed Matt's cock and slowly started to slide his paw up and down on it. He then grabbed his own cock and pressed them together. Two beads of pre dripped down his tip. His paw caught some of it as they kissed and murred. They embraced tightly at Alex

They grinned and then Matt started again, rubbing his cock against Alex's.

Alex looked him in the eyes and had an idea, leading him to a sexual stare. "What?" Matt asked, wondering what he was going to do next. Alex walked Matt backwards till the back of his legs bumped up against the couch. He gently sat Matt down and kneeled down in front of him.

Matt sat back against the three-person couch. His erection raging, standing at full attention for the kneeling Alex in front of him. He looked into the deep green eyes of Alex beckoning him to start what he knew they both wanted. He smiled.

Alex stared up into the blue eyes of Matt and bumped his nose against his erection taking in the musky scent emenating into his nostrils. He let out a deep growl as he ran his tongue across Matt's shaft iliciting a low mur from Matt. "You have such a strong musk wolfie..." Another lick.

Matt's leaned his head back and shut his eyes as he moaned with pleasure. He gasped slightly as he felt the full mouth of Alex over his cock. Alex dipped his head taking all 6 and a half inches into his mouth sucking and licking as he slowly raised his head till just Matt's tip was in his maw. The air hitting Matt's saliva-coated penis gave him a shiver running from his head to his tail.

A thick bead of pre made its way out as Alex spotted it and looked up. "Just can't wait can you?" Alex teasingly licked it off and continued to suck and lick at Matt's cock. Matt bucked his hips every so often forcing his erection deep into Alex's mouth. Alex raised a paw and grabbed the plump ball sac of Matt's and started to knead it and gently massage him.

Matt felt his orgasm on the horizon which quickly came closer as he felt the warm paws of Alex caressing and squeezing gently his balls. Matt dropped a shaky paw and grabbed onto the scruff of Alex's neck. "A-Alex. This f-fucking feels ssoooo good!" He leaned back again as Alex licked and sucked at his aching member. "I'm gonna come soon!"

Alex felt Matt's ball sac tighten closer to his body as pre leaked out from his cock. Matt let out a loud growl as he arched his back and threw his head back. The fur on the back of his neck stood up as he felt his release.

Matt's cock rose forwards as he raised his hips burying himself into the warm mouth of Alex. The sudden flow of Matt's warm, sticky wolf semen coated Alex's throat as he swallowed some of it and let the rest fill his mouth. Alex took his mouth off of Matt's now shrinking penis and looked up at him swallowing the rest.

Matt was breathing heavily as he opened his eyes to see a grinning Alex staring at him. "H-holy sh-shit Alex. I. I don't know what to say." Matt fought to find words for the sheer pleasure he had received. That is, until the large body of Alex stood up and leaned over to kiss him deeply. Matt melted into the kiss as Alex's tongue passed into his mouth meeting his tongue half-way. Alex broke it off first pulling Matt to his feet.

"How about thanks?" Alex smiled as Matt gazed into his eyes. "Geez you have a bit of a mess on your belly."

Matt blushed as he noticed a nice mess of his freshly released seed on his stomach. "Umm, yeah." He brushed it off with his paw. Now how am I going to repay him Matt thought. Alex leaned in and licked across his muzzle leading into another deep kiss.

"Matt?" Alex said as he broke off their kiss. "Yes?" He replied, thinking that maybe he did something wrong. "Do you think.... maybe... we should be a couple? I mean... we have so much in common.. your.. hehe.. adorable.. and your furry body and smell just fills me with excitement."

Alex got nervous, but at the same time was very happy to hear such wonderful words come from his new roommate. "I... I guess.. urm... maybe we should.. hehe.. I've been thinking about it all day." They both smiled. "I also don't know how to repay you. I'm not really an expert at this kind of thing."

Suddenly, Alex grabbed his sides and crawled his way behind him bringing them both to the couch of the living room. "You'll see," he muttered as he grabbed his cock and started getting closer and closer. He then bumped into his furry butt. Matt jumped slightly but only in excitement. He knew what Alex wanted. He wanted it was well. His tail wagged as he moved it over his side. He then bowed his head slightly and closed his eyes.

Alex growled at the wolf laying and waiting for him. He got onto his knees behind Matt and lifted his tail revealing the tight tailhole beckoning him to enter. "Doggystyle. Fair enough?" He asked Matt who nodded his approval. "Oh, and let me know if it gets too painful. I wouldn't want to hurt my wolf. OOH! Wait!" Alex jumped off and ran towards his room.

Matt stared for several seconds as Alex came back with tube in his paw. "You came prepared?" He watched as Alex popped the lid off and squeezed the bottle releasing some goo that he quickly spread onto his member. Fuck. I hope he doesn't go too fast. That'll kill me. Matt noticed the size and length of Alex's lubed cock. A good 7 or 8 inches.

"Alright. You ready wolf?" He rubbed some of the excess lube onto the tailhole of Matt causing his ring to tighten at the cool feeling. "Just let me know if you need me to ease up." Matt nodded.

Alex positioned his throbbing dick in line with Matt's tight hole. He bumped it against the entrance causing the wolf to jump slightly. "Just relax and enjoy it..." Alex moved forward slightly sliding his thick head into Matt's ass. He felt the tightness surround his cock as he slowly inched his cock in another inch.

Matt gasped in pain and pleasure as he felt another bit of the shepherd's cock go into him. Pain. Another inch. He groaned and gasped as Alex stopped. "You ok wolf? we can stop if you need to."

Matt moved his hips and repositioned himself slightly. "No! I mean. I owe it to you. And it doesn't hurt so bad now."

Alex let out a low growl as he inched himself into Matt who moaned and breathed in sharply as Alex completely hilted himself deep into Matt. "Ready for more love?" Alex started to slide out slowly as Matt relaxed a bit more to take in the pleasure.

Matt let out a low whine and moan as Alex forced his way back into the tight entrance. Matt's cock started to inch back out of its sheath at the feeling of Alex sliding in and out slowly.

Alex slowly slid his way into Matt's rear completely burying his large dick into Matt's butt. He withdrew slowly as he leaned forward to thrust deeply again causing the wolf to gasp in pleasure and pain. He leaned over Matt's bent-over body and continued his slow thrusts. He licked his neck scruff and gently nipped at it.

Matt started to move his hips in time with Alex's thrusts causing deeper penetrations. Alex started to increase the speed of his thrusts as he felt the pleasure he hadn't felt in months return as he fucked the sexy wolf repeatedly. He murred deeply as he leaned over and took Matt's paws in his and continued thrusting harder.

The erection of Matt continued to grow as Alex pounded his tailhole. Before he could reach a paw up to jerk it off, Alex's paws came down and took his paws. They both moaned as Alex continued.

Alex spotted the Matt's now-erect penis and released a paw to help him again. He started to pump Matt's cock in time with his thrusts. In and out. Up and down both of their canine cocks felt the waves of pleasure from their activity.

"God! Alex! I think I'm gonna come again!" Matt shivered and moaned as he felt his cock twitch in Alex's paw. He felt his orgasm coming as he growled loudly and gave in to the pleasure.

Alex closed his eyes briefly as he jerked Matt's cock quickly until he felt it twitch and release 5 more huge jets of his wolf goo on his paw and the couch. At the same time his ass tightened with his orgasm. This tightening drove Alex over the edge as he felt his orgasm quickly coming. He pulled nearly all the way out and slammed one more time hard into the ass of Matt.

The large shepherd moaned and growled as he hilted himself deep into the smaller wolf's ass. The hot, gooey canine cream erupted from his tip 7 times and filled deep inside Matt's ass as they both collapsed. Alex's cock started to shrink as his orgasm finished. He pulled out and just laid half-on top of Matt and half to the side.

They both breathed heavily as the feelings of pleasure lasted inside them both.

Matt broke the silence first, "I think I might be a little sore," He rubbed his butt dramatically. Both canines laughed a deep contented laugh.

"I hope I did you well wolfie. You took it like a champ..." Alex stared at Matt and kissed him lightly.

Matt returned the kiss and murred. "I- I think I'm a bit in love with you Alex..." He moved over on top of Alex and kissed him again.

"I wanted to do this since I met you yesterday. I believe in love at first sight. I really do love you Matt." He leaned up and kissed Matt who returned his kiss with his own.

They kissed for several minutes as the strain on their bodies called sleep on them. The lighter, smaller wolf fell asleep on the body of the larger shepherd. Two naked canines contentedly slept with each other while dreaming peacefully.