Secret Meetings

Story by Akeisha on SoFurry

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Disclaimer thing: okay, if you're under 18 (or maybe 21) or you don't like the thought of two tigers yiffing in a forest, go away. I mean it, leave now. Otherwise, please enjoy. This is my first story, comments would be great!


It was always worse during the months her father was home. She was running again, as fast as she could. They knew she wouldn't be back for nigh on an hour, then she would finish her homework and go to bed. That was the way it was. It was 9:00 now, and very dark out, the sickle moon barely reflecting off the light dusting of snow. In about half an hour they would start for bed. And by the time she got back all the lights in the house would be off.

Running, it was the only way to get where she was going. The wind was whistling along beside her, millions of tiny prickles broke out over her body, she smiled and kept running as her fur grew, then her tail stretched out. Her fingers were getting shorter, her fingernails moulding into claws. Her legs were starting to change now, this used to be the hardest part of the run, now it was her favourite part, she had learned to keep balance with her tail and kept running.

She thought for a moment about the feeling. It was an all over feeling, sort of like the mix of warmth, tension and relaxation she felt right before a climax. She grinned to herself at the perfect metaphor she had discovered, then stretched out and began to run on all fours. She let her mind slip into thinking again as she ran. She could only morph like this while running and she could only morph back when slowly walking or when still. She could part morph if she concentrated... like last night.... She shivered. Better not think about that, Akeisha she reminded herself. She slowed to a walk and pushed through the bushes and into the centre of the clearing.

She circled in the middle and scented the air. Odd, usually he's here before me. She laid down, hind legs beneath, forelegs out front. Maybe he was hiding. She laid her chin down on the back of her paws and let a tear leak out. A gentle breeze blew, the magic wasn't gone yet. She thought back to when she first came here.


The air had been so heavy, that's why she had stopped, it almost felt like an embrace, she had cried then, quietly. When the first breeze came, she knew she was alone. She had stopped crying instantly. She never cried alone. Then he had walked in. She leapt up as soon as she saw the other, he was huge, but then again, so was she. She had backed up a little and crouched, snarling. He made no motions of fighting, he wasn't an ordinary tiger, she knew, it was in his eyes. She had stopped snarling and simply watched him with a scowl. The tiger had begun to walk towards her, pleading with his eyes. Her whole body was coiled for the spring, but he still came closer. She had smelled his breath but he still came closer. In one move she could have killed him, he was less than a half-foot away. He had reached out and licked her forehead. She relaxed slightly and the tiger backed away. 'I won't hurt you' the tiger had seemed sincere. She had relaxed completely then, standing and moving towards him. That was their first kiss, first they gently touched noses, then began to kiss, somehow, as they kissed she had started to change back, she had barely noticed when he picked her up and pulled her to him. Soon she realised that he was no longer fully animal, and she was no longer a full tigress. They still had fur, and paws, but they were standing together in an embrace. She slowly opened her eyes to look at him. He was smiling, but his face looked concerned. They had sat down then, not speaking, and Akeisha let herself cry in the tiger's embrace.


Since that time the tiger had become her safety, she would run here and the tiger would either be waiting or come soon after. His name was Ky. Like her, he was mostly an outcast, when someone in his town had discovered his tiger-life he was no longer welcome. She was an outcast for different reasons. They made plans, when she was done high school they would live together. It was perfect but only a dim light on the horizon. She still had a year of school left.

A warm breath and a gentle lick roused her from her reverie. "Ky!" she curled up next to him.

"What's wrong my pretty kitty?" He gently stroked her fur as he held her.

"Just the usual, I miss you."

Ky smiled and scratched her ear. 'You know you can call me anytime.'

"Mmmmm" was Akeisha's only reply

Ky's face fell, "what aren't you telling me, my kitten?"

Akeisha whimpered and curled tighter.

Ky stopped petting her and gently looked into her eyes. "Akeisha..."

Akeisha whimpered again and tried to avoid his piercing gaze.

"Baby, did you hurt yourself again?"

Akeisha cringed as if she had been struck.

"Sweetheart, I'm not mad at you, I just wish you would tell me, come to me. That's why I'm here." Akeisha curled up again in his lap and he stroked her fur some more and murmured softly. "My kitten, my Akeisha, I love you"

The rhythmic stroking and murmuring relaxed Akeisha more than she ever thought possible, yet the touch of Ky's hand was arousing her. She started to purr and felt Ky shift beneath her. He crouched beside her and continued to pet her. "Damn it, Akeisha, did you have to do that?"

Akeisha giggled and bounded away. Ky chased after her. The two raced around the clearing, Ky caught her and they began to wrestle. Akeisha was giggling so hard that she lost rather quickly. Ky looked down at her and licked her nose. "Got you now," he smiled. Akeisha murred and licked her lips. He smiled down at her and began to trace the neckline of her sweatshirt. "Now, how do I get you naked without letting you go?" Akeisha growled softly and bowed her head. Ky licked her forehead "Good girl" He got up and she rolled over, but stayed lying down. Ky started to tug off her shirt, then the tank top she had underneath. He nuzzled her neck and murmured in her ear, "no bra today?" Akeisha shook her head and moaned softly as Ky toyed with her breasts, gently pinching her nipples.

With one smooth motion he slid her pants and panties off and gently massaged her rump. She fell against him, powerless. He laid her down, face up, and began to strip off his own clothes. His muscular chest and broad shoulders made her shiver. He tugged off his pants and crawled towards her. He stopped and gently moved his hips forward, gently brushing the head of his cock against her lips, she spread her legs wide and looked up at Ky plaintively. He responded by pushing into her roughly and falling onto her breasts. He fondled one gently and licked at the other one.

He started to move in and out of her as he continued to suckle her breasts. His motion was slow and gentle, but it was building. He stopped caressing her breasts as his motion built. Akeisha clawed at the ground and thrashed her tail. Everything was focused on that motion, the forcing in and withdrawing. Ky was grunting with each thrust, Akeisha started to moan as she felt herself being pushed higher, she wrapped her arms around him. Ky knew and gave up all hope of rhythm and slammed into her. Akeisha yowled to the stars and Ky grunted as he felt her moving. He kept on, his cock throbbing. Akeisha managed to control her tail and caress Ky's rump, gently toying at his balls. Ky grunted and howled as he unloaded into her, wave after wave. He slowed and gently licked her breasts, causing her to convulse again and him to squeeze out a bit more. They lay there together for a while, breathing heavily, lazily licking each other.

Akeisha was the first to speak, "I have to head home"

Ky nodded and pulled out of her. "Akeisha, I love you"

Akeisha gently licked his cheek as she pulled on her pants. "I love you too"

Ky lay in the clearing, watching Akeisha dress. She stretched and crouched down to kiss Ky once more. "Good night love." She pushed through the branches and began to run home.