Happiness in Slavery: Chapter 2

Story by Tanner on SoFurry

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#2 of Happiness in Slavery

A young German Shepherd stood by the window of his bedroom, looking out into the sunset that lay just outside his window. Even though he was in his late high school years he still had a strong puppy side to him. This was quite apparent as he found himself breathing onto the glass to create a fog and then used his wet nose pad to draw lines in it.

Giggling to himself a bit, he turned to face his room and looked as the cooler sunlight washed over it's finer wood furniture and the many books that he had collected since childhood. Since he was a bit of a pack rat as far as books were concerned he could never really seem to part with one once he had it, hence quite the collection had come to be. He loved reading. All of his family members and friends knew it and were more then happy to provide him with more books for his collection when the occasion called for it.

He moved over to his bed and sat upon it as he picked up the newest member of his collection, a slice of life book about a reporter and a child that she was to investigate. All though he was far more fascinated by science fiction, he still enjoyed to read more about realistic drama. He had never admitted it before, but he liked to read the slice of life fiction as he thought it would give him a better sense of reality as opposed to the sheltered and well provided life that his wealthy parents had provided him.

He opened the book in his soft paws and pulled the page marker aside, putting it back on the end table where the book once was. As he turned his attention back to the page where he had left off, he scanned over the words but for some reason it just didn't make sense. He could make sense of the individual words but when reading them in a sentence they just didn't come together right.

Thinking he must have just been tired, he set the book down in his lap, lifted his paws to rub his eyes, and then attempt to resume where he had left off. This attempt was no better then the first and he started to panic a bit, not able to figure out what was wrong. He scanned over the line he was on a little slower and squinted his eyes a bit but he still couldn't comprehend the words on the page.

"Sebastian? Are you up there honey?" He heard his mother call from outside his room, breaking his concentration.

He put the book on his lap and reached for the bookmark, putting it back in its place before closing the book and putting it back on the end table. He quickly made his way to the door and opened it so he wouldn't have to yell back so loudly, "Yeah mom, what's up?"

"Honey, your father just called and he says he is on his way home from work. He says that he has something he needs to talk with you about as soon as he gets home." She said with a nervous tone in her voice. The young shepherd knew that things didn't sound as well as they should and paused before his reply.

"Did he say what it was about?"

"No, he just sounded really urgent... and a little upset. Sebastian, do you know what's going on?" she asked inquisitively.

The young shepherd knew his mother had no idea what could be going on. Panic started to overcome him as he knew that he had done nothing really wrong recently and he didn't know what his father could be angry about... but what if?


The shepherd froze, his ears perked and alert as he dazed into his own thoughts and concerns, not hearing his mothers inquiry as he could only imagine the night that was to come. He nervously swallowed the saliva that collected in the back of his throat and a shudder came down his body as he ran back into his room, closing the door behind him.

"Sebastian?!" his mother yelled a little louder as she ran up the stairs after him, knocking on his door and only hearing a whimper from inside. "Sebastian, is everything alright?"




"Sebastian!" I could hear Vince whispering in the back of my unconscious mind. Then came the shake. "Sab!" the wolf whispered a little more insistently this time, trying to rouse me from my slumber.

I came to with a start and a scream, which nearly made me fall out of the bed that we had shared that evening. Vince grabbed me tightly, pulled me close to him, and I started to realize again where I was and what had happened. The only thing I could do was shake in his arms and I felt a tear stream down the side of my face.

"You were having the dream again weren't you?" Vince asked as he held me close, trying to console my shaken state.

I couldn't speak. When I was in this frame of mind I could never really come to words. I did the only thing that I could and simply nodded in reply. The tears in my eyes flowed a bit easier now and a small whimper escaped my lips. I knew that I needed to be as quiet as possible. Once before I had my nightmare in the middle of the night and woke not only some of the other workers, but Jake as well. The results were not pleasant. Just the same, I found it hard to control myself.

Vince just held me close and soon after he had calmed me, he checked the alarm clock, knowing it was some ungodly early hour in the morning. He was glad that he had caught me before I could wake anyone again. He held me close until I was calm once again, licking away my tears in almost a motherly fashion. It wasn't long until I was asleep again, secure in my close friend's arms.

Morning came too soon after the night's experience, and I clenched as tightly to the rest that I had while Vince tried to shake me awake as the alarm clock continued to buzz and fill the room with its annoying sound. One in the afternoon, a late time for most to consider morning and a time that most would only conceive to be had by the lazy or underprivileged. Just the same, sleeping in was always something that I could find a bit enjoyable about the job despite the fact that we were usually up until three or four in the morning.

Finally I gave in and let Vince shake me from my slumber. As consciousness continued to slowly set in, I lifted myself up a bit and I could feel the wolf creeping behind me, sitting behind me so that when I leaned back again it was against him instead of the bed. I guess it must have been obvious to him that I hadn't slept well after my nightmare, but I knew from the sparse times I got to sleep that we would have to be on our way soon. Our shift was about to start and I didn't need to make trouble for me, or Vince for that matter.

I let my eyes slowly open and take in the afternoon light, letting them adjust only for a moment before lifting myself up and attempting to escape the light hold the wolf had on me. To my surprise there was no such escape and I was pulled down once more into the wolf's lap. "Where are you going so fast? Not even going to say good morning?", he said in a rather chipper attitude, one that was a little rare for someone in our business this shortly after waking up.

Realizing that I wasn't going to break his grip on me as he snuggled me tighter to his chest, I responded quietly, "Good morning. Now don't you think we had better get cleaned up, sneak some food and get outta here before Jake starts screaming at us?"

"On the contrary my dear puppy!", the wolf continued in his chipper form, breaking only to give me a kiss on the forehead before going on, "I've been up for a little while and had a little talk with Jake this morning an-"

"And by some odd force of nature he stopped being an asshole?", I interrupted, not being able to resist any shot I could take at the bastard.

Vince just rolled his eyes at my poor attempt. "No, I don't think that will ever change. We did talk about a few things though and near the end he decided that he wanted to try something a little new this evening. There is a new club that opened up a few weeks ago and according to Jake it's a great place for hustlers to pick up easy business, so he wants us to go out there tonight and see if we can make a bit more money. Hell, being one of the few hustlers here we might finally get a stab at making real money like the bitches do around here."

My brows perked a little bit at the thought. Frankly it had amazed me that not only had Jake actually been organized about something, but that it was something for the hustlers. But I guess money is money for him and if there is a better way to make more of it, then he would have found it eventually. Plus I guess I couldn't complain, I already had a fake ID so I could get in, maybe get a couple drinks from a lonely guy, and it would be a lot better then standing in barely anything and facing the early spring night out on the street.

"Doesn't sound like that bad of a deal. When do we leave?", I asked.

"Soon, up until the club opens later tonight we still have to get out on the streets. Jake sure as hell isn't going to let us sleep all day. Get dressed, I'll try to sneak some food while you're in there and when you're ready we'll head out- Oh! I almost forgot!", The wolf exclaimed as he got up from underneath me, causing my head to hit the pillow again with a thud.

He went over to a bag he had sitting nearby on a chair and reached in, pulling out some denim jeans, a cool blue t-shirt, and a navy button down to match. They were definitely better then anything I had, which was a collection of whatever I could find and mostly tattered. After setting them down on the bed he explained, "I had these when I was younger and came across them in some stuff that I had put away. They aren't much but it may help you get some more business tonight, and since they don't really fit that well anymore I thought I might give them to you. Now go get cleaned up and put this on when you get out."

With that Vince took a couple steps back but waited for me to get up before leaving. I pulled the covers back and stood up with a stretch, exposing my naked body to the room like I had done before and had gotten used to. I had done this every morning for Vince because I knew he liked looking me over and never got much of a chance other then when I was getting out of bed.

With a run of my paw up my inner thigh, I couldn't help but grin as I gave Vince a bit of a show. I made my way to the attached bathroom that all the workers shared and got cleaned up. It was time to get ready for another day.


Alex sat quietly behind his desk in front of his computer, enjoying his evening off. The lights were dim in the room, which made the bright LED on his desk phone stand out, signifying that his speakerphone was turned on and confirming his contact with his close friend at the other end of the line.

"I bet things have been going really well since you dropped him off.", the caller stated in a very sarcastic tone.

"Oh come on Paul, you say that as if I had never dressed myself before. I'll have you know that things have been going just fine since I dropped Charles off at the airport. Hell, I bet he's more then three quarters of the way to Heathrow by now and I can assure you the house is still standing and in good condition at that.", Alex said in his own defense.

There was a small laugh that emitted from the phone's distorted speaker, "Well Alex, just be sure to find someone that could help take care of that place. Hell, with the money your dad had coming in it wouldn't surprise me if you never had to dress yourself. So what were you plans for tonight?"

"Well I'll have you know I'm actually just standing around in my office naked", the wolf laughed a bit before continuing, "To answer you question though, I think I'm just going to stay home and enjoy my night off."

"Oh hell no. You mean to tell me that you are taking your first stretch of time off in god knows how long and you are just going to sit around that big ass empty house of yours? Go out and have some fun, then get a good nights rest and that'll make it easier to go out tomorrow morning and go find someone to replace Charles, even though I still think you should go about this whole thing my way."

"What, go out and find a pup like Eddy? I really don't see myself as being that adventurous, Paul", Alex said, not really sure how he could react to having a pup or pet in his home.

"Alright, well I need to get going. Just in case you change your mind I'll e-mail you an address of a new club that I haven't been to yet called The Regency. If you feel so inclined this evening scope it out for me and tell me what you think.", Paul noted before they both said their goodbyes and hung up.

Although the wolf was joking about it he did find it rather amusing that he was in fact sitting around his office in just his bathrobe with the front open, exposing his fur. He had just been in his hot tub to relax a bit before coming to his office to break his little vacation and check a recent report. He figured that with a lack of a butler he really didn't have to be that modest and really only wore the robe to keep his leather desk chair from getting too wet.

He stood up out of his chair and took off his robe, tossing it aside as he walked over to a nearby open window. He really didn't need to worry about anyone seeing him, due to the location of his home, and preferred letting the night air dry his fur even though it was still a bit chilly outside.

He leaned up against the window pane, placing his folded arms in front of him as he looked over the lawn that covered his property which ended at the thick tree line. The calm atmosphere before him allowed his mind to wander before focusing on what Paul had told him. About him and his puppy Eddy, about the things that they did and how they both enjoyed it. He thought that even though it was a bit off the norm, it might have not seemed like such a bad idea. But who would really be willing to do something like that for someone like him?

A sharp gust came through the open window and brushed lightly against his genitals, lightly blowing air over the little spark of arousal in his mind and causing it to flare up into a small flame. His paw instinctively reached down between his legs and groped along the length of his sheath, pulling it down just a bit to expose the tip of his cock to the cool breeze.

Alex's ears perked sharply and his body jerked with a startle at the sudden noise from his desk. It was an alert notification indicating that an e-mail had just dropped into his inbox. After coming down from the shock, he had to laugh at himself a bit before looking down at his cock tip and giving a sigh before walking over to pick up his robe. Throwing it back on, he walked over to his desk and printed off a copy of the e-mail that he had received with the address for The Regency. Perhaps it wouldn't be such a bad idea to have a night out.