The Harem Girl

Story by zanzio on SoFurry

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#6 of Golden Retriever Puppies for Everyone

A gecko girl is the favorite harem slave of a powerful dog. She has just discovered that she is pregnant, and fears what that will mean for her future.

Notes: Myria the Tokay gecko belongs to Casanova

Myria's footsteps echoed off the polished marble tiles as she made her way through the palace corridors towards her master's bedchamber. Flickering torches kept the darkness at bay, but the night air chilled the Tokay gecko through her thin silk outfit. While she walked, she noticed the usual palace guards posted in the halls at regular intervals. They stood still and alert, as their duty required, though their eyes followed her hungrily. Their leering didn't bother her much. A harem girl was meant to be put on display, and she had long ago become used to lustful, envious looks from any male that crossed her path. She accepted it as her lot in life.

The guards weren't worth her consideration, and they disappeared from her thoughts once she reached the ornately carved door to her master's chamber. There were more important things to worry about, like the fact that the next few hours would probably decide her entire future. The gecko paused at the door and took several deep breaths as she prepared herself, putting up a sensual, ingratiating façade that hid her tiredness and her insecurities.

The master expected a night of pleasure, and she had to give him that regardless of her state of mind. Even so, she found it difficult to focus on her duties. Lately she had barely slept thanks to a bevy of worrisome ailments: bouts of nausea, fatigue, and tenderness throughout her body. At first she assumed it was a mere illness, something that would go away after a few days of rest, but eventually she came to an important realization that would forever change her life and her relationship with her master. She was pregnant.

The news came as a tremendous shock. She and the master were so different. Reptile and mammal - she had never heard of such a union bearing fruit. It made her worry for her child's health. What would it look like? How would it be born? Would she lay an egg, or would she actually go through that bizarre mammalian process of live birth?

Even if the child survived, and she survived, there was still the matter of court politics. Years earlier, she had been sent here as tribute to end a conflict before it escalated into open war. Her entire value lay in her status as an exotic beauty from a faraway land. If she lost her figure through the strains of motherhood, if the master no longer found her attractive, what would become of her? Would they send her back to her homeland in shame? Would they simply abandon her on the streets of the capital city? Or would they just kill her? And would that spark the very war she was meant to prevent?

Each question filled her with fear, and she knew she could only hide her condition for so long. It would be best if the master heard the news from her directly, before anyone else found out and spun the story against her. Maybe he would show compassion and allow her to stay in the harem.

Either way, she couldn't keep him waiting any longer. She took one more calming breath before knocking on the door. A voice called out: "Enter."

The gecko stepped into the chamber and found a familiar sight illuminated by several large candles. A golden retriever reclined on a huge bed covered with satin sheets and overstuffed pillows. He wore nothing; she met his friendly brown eyes, and then glanced down his lean body to where his furry balls and sheath were clearly visible, the tip of his red member barely peeking out. She bowed low. "I am here to serve you, Master. How may I fulfill your desires tonight?"

"It's always wonderful to see you, Myria." He seemed in a good mood. That would work to her advantage. "Why don't we start with one of your lovely dances?"

She nodded, mentally running through the movements of the many sensual dances she had been taught when she first joined the harem. She settled on one of the simpler ones, easing into its teasing rhythms. Her bright silk skirt flowed around her as she swayed and twirled. Each step, each hand movement, each sway of her hips or lash of her tail was designed to show off her body in the best way possible, and kindle the primal desires that resided within every male.

She reached the part of the dance that involved removing her clothes. She turned away and let her top fall to the ground, revealing her bluish gray scales and the pale bronze spots that dappled her back. When she turned around again, one arm covered her chest. She was supposed to pull her arm away slowly, exposing herself little by little to any onlookers. It was probably an erotic gesture for a mammal, but for her it made no sense. Geckos didn't have breasts, and she thought the fleshy mounds that hung off the mammal girls' chests looked ridiculous.

It was here that things started to go wrong. Myria began to second guess herself at every turn. She felt so bloated and unattractive lately. Was her belly already noticeable? Were there other outward signs that her body was changing? Her uncertainty made her self-conscious, and in turn her movements became hesitant and awkward. She made mistakes, forgetting entire sections of the dance and tripping over herself until her master stopped her.

"Is something wrong, Myria?"

"N-no, Master."

"You're normally so graceful. Do you not wish to dance for me tonight?"

"I wish for whatever pleases you, Master."

"Don't give me that line. There's clearly something on your mind."He patted the bed invitingly, a silent command to join him. He didn't seem angry. At least not yet. She climbed into bed next to him, and he drew her close, pulling the soft sheets over them until they were comfortable.

"Tell me what troubles you, my dear."

She didn't answer right away, instead losing herself in thought. The other girls reported that the master was often rough or perfunctory.He used them to sate his urges, and then sent them back to the harem. But she had never seen that side of him. He was always so gentle with her, and he always bade her to stay the night. Memories rushed through her mind. How many times had he held her close to his fluffy body? How many times had she felt his warm breath on her neck as they cuddled and drifted to sleep? How often did she wake with the first glimpse of dawn to find him smiling at her?

The thoughts gave her courage. She decided to trust him with the truth. "I... I am with child. I don't know how it's possible, but I'm carrying your pup."

As her words sunk in, his expression became unreadable, and he fell silent for a long time. Too long. Myria's eyes filled with tears. The gecko began to shake, her composure slipping away like sand through fingertips, until she finally broke down and cried. Surely his silence meant rejection. It was devastating, after convincing herself that he would understand.

But then she felt his hand against her, gently rubbing the tiny hint of a bulge beneath her silvery belly scales. He nuzzled her so lovingly, and his body heat enveloped her and protected her from the cold night air. A whisper passed her ear: "Please don't cry. This is joyous news." She buried her face in her master's fluffy yellow fur. Slowly, her sobs abated while he cuddled her.

"I care about you, Myria. Perhaps more than one should care about a slave."

"You won't send me away?"

"Never. I want you by my side. I want to know our child."

Relief washed over her. The gecko relaxed and let the golden retriever simply hold her. For a moment, she could almost forget that they were master and slave. The feel of his soft fur against her smooth scales was so comforting. Her breathing steadied. Without meaning to, she fell asleep.


Myria woke in the pre-dawn darkness. The candles had burned out during the night, but her large, sensitive eyes gave her excellent night vision, and she adjusted quickly to the lack of light. Lying there, snuggled into her master's warm body, momentarily free of the nausea and cramps that had so often affected her recently, she felt content.

Then she felt something hot and hard pressing against her thigh, and she realized she hadn't performed her duties as a harem slave. The master would probably tell her not to worry about it, but she reached down and gave his shaft a few light strokes anyway. Mischievous ideas ran through her head. She knew what she wanted to do - not had to, wanted to.

She carefully shifted her body, trying not to wake the golden retriever. Soon she had turned around completely, with her head near his hips and her legs where her head had been. From her new vantage point, she gave him a generous lick along the entire length of his shaft. She worked him from head to sheath and back, first along one side, and then the other, ensuring that every part of him got the attention it deserved.

Before long, the dog's breathing changed. Light groans and gasps told her that he was awake and he approved of her actions. Salty pre-cum trickled onto her prehensile tongue as she twisted it around him in exotic ways that the females of few other species could match. Her tongue tugged and caressed him until he twitched and bucked beneath her.

Suddenly, he grabbed her hips and shifted her so she was completely on top of him. He kept a firm grip around her waist as he began to lick and tease her inner thighs. Each wet brush moved closer to her sensitive mound, until that broad canine tongue finally passed over her slick slit. The unexpected pleasure forced a moan from the gecko's throat.

Quick and eager, her master lapped at her, never letting up for a second as he bathed her outer lips with his saliva. Myria's breathing quickened, and her tail thrashed wildly, repeatedly smacking into his nose. She tried to steady herself, but then his talented tongue snuck into her passage and curled against her most sensitive places, making her entire body quiver.

The gecko's moan was long and loud. All she could think of was her master's muzzle buried in her nether lips, where his hot breath and frenzied licks were driving her to a precipice. She could only hold on for so long, so she decided to pull him over with her. She took most of the dog's member into her mouth and wrapped her long, flat tongue around him tighter. One scaly hand fondled his fuzzy balls, while the other gripped his swollen knot. As she sucked and squeezed him, she heard his desperate growls and whines beneath her.

His mouth pushed her to a new height; her mouth pulled him along with her. They moved ever closer to the edge, neither certain who would fall first. From the way his shaft throbbed, the gecko knew the golden retriever was close to losing it, but she turned out to be closer yet. She screamed as she finally let go and tumbled into her orgasm. Moments later, her master barked, and jets of hot, sticky seed splashed against her chest and his stomach.

"Oh, Master..." She sighed, still trying to catch her breath.

They lay there until they calmed down, and then the retriever helped the gecko turn around so they could be face to face. Then he kissed her, and said something surprising that made her heart flutter. "Myria, whenever we are alone, you may call me Connor."

"Mas- Connor... Thank you." For the first time in days, she smiled.