Vale Chapter 4

Story by catsithx on SoFurry

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#4 of Vale

Vale Chapter 4

Disclaimer: I do not own pokemon. Just the ideas that they are used in. Pokemon are copyrighted to Game Freak/Nintendo.

Also this story contains scenes of sex if you are not of age or hate sex then leave. Other wise enjoy.

Vale once more wakes in the middle of the night, she looks around in panic and feels Kain next to her the large luxray is sleeping soundly. She slowly begins to calm down once more. Her dark dreams still come but as of late they fade after she realizes that Kain is there. She moves closer to the large luxray and curls up next to him, feeling his warm body. She can hear his heart beating soundly as he sleeps. Later that day he would fight. Not for power as Kain's brother seem to want. Yet he was fighting for her. Yet she felt so worthless. Here he was fighting for someone like her, who has given him nothing. She could not fight nor could she do any of her so called moves properly. Yet still he was going to fight for her sake to make sure she had a home.

Vale never had anything done for her, or that she could remember. Yet now he was fighting to make sure she was safe. She was told many times as she was taken by many of the mon who keep her in the cave. That she was a piece of trash and all she was good for was to be their fuck toy.

Yet now she was saved by this luxray, her savior, her hero. Yet she has done little for him as it seemed that he didn't want much from her. He did everything for her feeding her, sheltering her. She had many times offer herself to him yet many times he has refused her advances.

She had asked Arc and Bui why Kain didn't take her. It was alright in her mind for him to take her as he saved her. So he could have his way with her since she was willing. Arc would look away for a bit as Bui would just shrug saying Kain was not one to open up to many. He had love someone before yet he didn't know much about it.

Arc would say that Kain was hurt by many he loved so he tend to shut his feelings away from everyone. It hurt to much to lose something precious to him again. Arc told her that his younger brother Saber who now he must battle now. Saying that Saber's mother that espeon she meet the other day was the main reason Saber became so hateful of Kain. That before Saber evolved as a little eevee Saber adored Kain. It was when he evolved Saber's mother started to put things in her son's head that he was better than Kain.

From what she could tell that Kain outright hated his father. The alpha was an older luxray she had seen his for a bit when she went to find Kain with Fira. The elder luxray had seen her , she was terrified of him as he seem to stare right thru her. She wonder even if Kain won would anyone really accept her. She was weak had little power. She had nothing to actually give to the pack.

Bui laughed at this as he stuffed his mouth with Vale's share of food, despite having plenty of food she still was a light eater. "You make him happy Vale. Despite how he is I have never seen him smile till you came, and actually felt warmth behind it. He loves each of us but Cara's children are pulled away from him not to be corrupted by Kain's weakness. Bah that ..., make sure you never tell her this, that whore is nothing but trouble. I do understand why Kain outright hates her. She wants power here. Yet she knows better as most of my tribe and the arcaines here would never follow her even if she took power. Also the grass types here only follow the Alpha. She would have to prove her power in battle. Trust me when I say this she would never dirty her paws by actually fighting out in the open."

The female manectric seem to know Kain but had cower before Fira. Their was something between them yet when she had asked Kain he told her not to worry about her.

Vale knew better as she seen something in Kain's eye a faint glimmer of something lost. She was going to ask him what he felt for the manectric. Yet her timid side keep her from asking. She was afraid, even though he had told her to ask him anything. She was afraid of asking at all as if the worng question would anger him.

She moves from the warmth of the Kain's body as the cold of the night air whips around her body. She shivers a bit as she wants to retreat to Kain once more but his voice comes to her as to make fun of her. 'My little one you will never become strong if you keep hiding near me for warmth.'

With that tears come to her eyes as she begins to cry the memory comes to her as the voice is familiar but yet she cannot place it. It pains her as she cannot understand why these memories hide from her. Yet the dark memories of her captivity still linger. She tries to stop crying as it would wake Kain. As much as she would to have the luxray comfort her she knows one day she will have to stand on her own. He would not be there for her.

She look to the rising moon as it was at it's height looking down at her as she basked in its light as would a umbreon would for power from it. That was a strange thought she had cross her mind something she had not thought about for a long time as a voice come to her once more telling her that is where its power came from. Images flood Vale mind as she closes her eyes trying to grasp this images that have hidden themselves from her. Yet once more she can't grasp them as they slip from her as the flow of the sea they are carried away to the void they came from. A lone voice stays telling her she is loved. The pain of the words make her choke on a pain in her heart that is worst than any physical pain that has been inflicted onto her.

As she is about to close her eyes they snap open due to a sound of crushed leaves. She looks around in panic as she is about to run back to Kain. Yet as she is about to turn around she sees a large manectric glares down at her. Vale cowers before her. The large canine looks at her with a deep loathing as she circles her.

"You seem weak. I can smell it from you. I can tell how you seem to cower from me. Not because I can take you down. After all I do have the advantage her." She pokes Vale with her forepaw, a light jolt of electricity is sent into Vale as she yelps in pain. Vale is about to call to Kain. As the manectric moves closer to her making her go silent.

"No weakling you will not ask him fo help you don't deserve anything. What can you give him? Your body? Ha! You're so small even for a vaporeon. No you don't deserve anything!" She growls at her. "I should kill you for him. To show what you really are nothing." She growls as she bares her fangs readay to attack the cowering vaporeon.

"Yet that would only piss me off Maylene." A deep angry voice comes from behind Maylene as she is about to attack but to late as she rammed from behind and sent flying over a cowering Vale.

Vale opens her eyes as she feel someone over her. She sees her protector. Kain is glaring at Maylene. "Why are you here? You know full well how I feel." His voice is clam but the anger behind is can be heard as his fur seems to be charging an attack.

Maylene looks at Kain in surprise. "Kain why are you being this way. I thought you would b.."

Kain cuts her off. " Happy to see my friend who left with out a word. No goodbye? No I am sorry but I have to go? NO WORD AT ALL!!!!" He roars waking many of the pidgy and other birds around the area. As they chirp loudly and some fly off. "How dare you come here and act like nothing has happen. As if you left to go see some one across the valley. You dare attack Vale like this as if you are my lover or mate. HOW DARE YOU TRY AND DO ANYTHING TO VALE!!!" He steps over Vale as he moves closer to Maylene who is cowering before the angry luxray who's body giving off electrolytic as if he would attack her.

Maylene looks at him with fear in her eyes. " I I..I didn't have.. I was afraid. .. Why are you protecting her? She is weak." Maylene stumbles over her words as she tries to understand his anger. "I never meant..."

"..hurt you ?" Kain finishes her words. "No you never meant anything. You never thought about anything. I CRIED OUT FOR YOU!!! I SAW YOU LEAVE AND YOU HAD YOUR BACK TO ME AS I CRIED FOR YOU TO SAY SOMETHING!!! YOU FU..." He stops as he hears crying. He looks at Maylene who looks terrified of him but she was not crying he turns around and to see Vale curled up crying. She was crying over how Kain was acting. Kain calms down and walks over to Vale and curls around her as she is still crying he tries to comfort her. Telling her he is sory for scaring her.

Maylene is shocked by this. Here he was just yelling at her and then comforting this weak bitch. "How can you pamper her like that?"

Kain does not respond as he makes sure Vale is fine as begins to snuggle up to Kain feeling the warmth from his body. It brings much peace to her.

"Because Maylene she has not left me." He looks up at her with his red eyes glowing. Maylene backs up from him. She realizes that she has seen this glare before. The Alpha of the pack ...his father. He looks so much like him. At that moment she knows the path she had hope was there for her was now gone. Now what stood there was someone that was not her friend from her childhood. She turns to leave as Kain comforts Vale.

Maylene hears Kain whisper to Vale kind words she wishes he would say to her as tears begin to form in her eyes. Her head is bowed as she runs into a giant fur wall. She looks up and sees the elder and Arc both glaring at her.

"You still do not listen do you? You truly believe if she was not there you could just walk back in his life? He loves you no more Maylene. Kain's heart is with Vale. You have no place in his heart . Come dear you are to be someone mate tomorrow most likely the one who told you to go away."

Maylene looks up at Fira with a glare in her eye. "How do you know I won't win?" She growls fiercely at the great ninetails.

Fira smiles at her as lowers her muzzle next to her ear. "Because you are broken already. You were hoping he would tell you he would fight for you to his mate. Yet you know where his heart is. Nothing you do will change where is heart is. You could defeat everyone tomorrow and Kain would still not love you."

Maylene tears come hard as she tries to choke them back.

Fira just smiles at this. " Come dear you need sleep you have a fight to be ready for tomorrow." Maylene walks forward her head bow as Fira and Arc follow her back to where kind are at.


Kain finally is able to get her back to his tree and gets comfortable as he curls around the vaporeon. She snuggles next to him as she murrs a bit. He looks at her as she begins to drift off. He didn't want to ask her anything knowing she would close up more again about what happen or what she was thinking about when she move away from him. He became a light sleeper when he took her in to care for her. He would know when she move from him. He figure she just needed time to sort out her feelings out. He never wanted to push her to do anything. Yet at the same time his feelings were coming out more. Especially tonight with Maylene. He could have just told her to leave yet all the feelings he has suppressed for so long came out and Maylene was the one to take the brunt of his anger. Yet something else made him release that anger. The vaporeon who was asleep now next to him. For her he would do anything to make sure she was safe. It was becoming more than him taking care of her just because he saved her. He was ....he never wanted to admit it yet he did feel for her. More than a friend. Yet he still felt that he was going to take advantage of her.

No he would never do such a thing. Yet she never was comfortable around anyone but him. Despite Bui and Arc always being there she only was calm around him. Now he would fight in time for her. To protect her form the others who would try take advantage of her. Yet even if he won the leadership of the pack would she stay with him? He didn't want to force her to be his mate. Yet he wanted to keep her safe.

Her breathing becomes regular as she is in a deep sleep now. He looks at her knowing he will protect her. He knows that no one would do what he is done so far unless it was love. Did he love her? She was innocent despite what she had been thru. She was someone he could be close to with out her judging him. He knew he would fight for her, because you fight for the one you love. With that he knew what he must do as he had said he would not fight to win but he knew there was no other way to make sure he keep her safe even with what the golduck had promised to do. He would fight to win. He laid his forpaw over her and began to sleep for the coming fight.


Many gather where the fight will be held as it is a crater where it is said a strange mon had landed from the sky. To this day it was unknown what kind pokemon it was. Yet they held much reverence for this place It was later used to have those who would be alpha fight for all to see. They gather around their champions slowly arrive. Saber is there already trying to get many to cheer for him.

Bui's twin tails were twirling as he began to panic not seeing Kain around. No one seem to be able to find Vale nor that worthless brother of his.

The large arcanine watch his love pace back and fourth in a panic. Arc knew Bui was not a fighter nor a calm mon. Yet he knew he would fight and most likely lose. Not to say he was weak but he was not fully evolved yet. Bui's strength was always making sure he had someone else fight for him. Bui was bullied to fight for the leadership. Now the said bully was not here and Bui was freaking out.

"Calm down my little water weasel. You will dig your self into the ground like a sandshrew." Arc's guff laughs at Bui.

"That loser of a brother of mine forces me into this stupid bid for power. Just to have me get my ass kicked so he can have a booty call. I WILL NOT STAND FOR IT I TELL YOU I WILL HAVE WORDS WITH HIM!" Buis' arms flail as he becomes flustered.

Arc shakes his head as he looks behind Bui and smiles. A large paw rest on his head and dread hits Bui.

"What do you have to say to me little brother?" A deep voice says behind him. Then a spark is felt though his fur as it is now standing on its end making him look puffy.

Kain walks past his brother laughing as Gendar the golduck shows up looking at Bui as he is trying to push his fur down.

"Well I can see you are both ready." Gendar suppress a laugh. "Still it does not look like the secptile will be allied with anyone. He seems to be battling on his own That works for us for Saber will have two parties that he will have to fight with. What about that manectric maybe we can..." Gendar looks at Kain as he sees a hint of anger in the luxray eyes. "Though I think about it maybe it be best if we left her alone. Still she would have brought ..hey." Gendar is dragged by Bui near Arc.

"Look I know you want to win badly. With Kain on our side I can see our side winning. Yet you keep bringing the manectric up. Just let it go. She is by herself and I can see no reason how she could pose any trouble." A treecko walks and tugs on bui's tails. Bui jumps as his fur stands up once more.

The little treecko laughs at the buizel. "The fight is to begin soon. Come meet the others to greet leader.' He skips ahead of them. Kain and Gendar begin to follow the treecko as Bui stays behind to talk to Arc.

Kain feels bad as Bui is not a fighter. He hates battle or any kind of fighting. To force him to fight in this for power makes him feel bad. Seeing Bui and Arc together makes him realize the emptiness in his own heart. Maybe he could have that happiness that Arc and Bui enjoy. Despite both being male they openly love each other. They truly love each other despite the hate they receive from others around them. He knew at one point that Arc had loved him but Kain rebuffed him and then he and Bui became close after that. He felt a bit of guilt for saying no to Arc as he was a friend after Maylene left. He help him through a painful time. Yet he just didn't have the same feelings Arc had.

Kain is brought out his thoughts as he bumps into Gendar. He sees everyone already gather there in the crater that the Alpha is at the highest part of the crater looking down at them. Saber and his two allies seem to be already planning their attack. Something he wish he had did with Gendar but it would be best just to take out Saber's cronies. Kain knew they be the best warriors could get to fight, so Kain could not underestimate them. Kain looks over his shoulder and sees the sceptile and Maylene both walk in as it seems they are working together. As they are talking and seem to have made plans for the up coming battle. This was not good now there were two other teams to fight. Knowing Saber he would use this chance to attack Kain side. He would use that fire type to keep them at bay and try and defeat Kain.

Their were to many pieces to try and figure out what anyone would do. As Bui is the last one to come into the crater as he tumbles in. Many laugh at his entrance as he waives to his mother who is next to Kain's mother who looks proudly at her own son.

Kain sees Cara and the loathing look that she is giving Kain. He knows better to do anything as his father would just take her side. The fool. As the groups seem to be set as they are before the Alpha and many of the pack who look on.

"Silence everyone!" The Alpha states loudly as the mon gather go silent. " I will keep this simple. Be the last one standing and you win. Show everyone why you deserve to the leader of our pack. Fight till your heart is content. I would appreciate if you didn't kill each other. Especially my sons." He looks at Saber and Kain when he says this. "Yet it will happen. Even when you protect this pack. What are you willing to sacrifice to win. What are you willing to prove that you are the strongest. BEGIN!!!" He roars loudly as they are taken off guard by this. Yet Saber is ready as is Kain who both react the fastest as a shadow ball is sent towards Bui who was not expecting the battle to begin this soon.

Kain is able to get Bui away from the initial blast. As it hits where he just was standing at as blue streak flies past Kain Genar was using aqua jet trying to take out his opponents fast. Right before he reached the leafeon who was not clearly ready to defend himself. Two vines come out and snatch him and pull him away as his attack is broken up. He is pulled away into Maylene range as he is hit by an electric attack. Yet even after the first attack he still tries to stand. Maylene attacks him again taking down the golduck.

Kain only thought that the odds are not in his favor now. Saber also seeing this knows he must change tactics as neither side saw those two teaming up. Saber roars at his team mates to attack as they do that they type advantage. The flareon and leafeon both charge at Maylene and the sceptile. The sceptile does something no one expected and digs into the ground as if he was a diglette. The two eeveeloutions look around in dismay wondering where he would come out at. Maylene attacks the two with some electric attacks. As they try to avoid them the sceptile erupts at random from the ground and uses a bullet seed attack then digs into the ground once more. The sceptile is going for a hit and run option as they can't hit him while he is underground.

This was not going to work as Saber continues to fire off shadow balls at Kain and Bui keeping them at bay. Kain knew full well that one hit from Saber and Bui was out. Bui was not built for combat. If he had evolved... no can't worry about what could have been.

At once he knew what he had to do. "Bui attack Maylene just don't get near her. Keep her away from me for now. I will see what I can do about Saber."

Bui is shocked by this. Yet he knew he was screwed either way as Saber was out for blood his attacks intent to take them out with one blow. Bui swallows hard and uses aqua jet but to not to attack Maylene but get her attention as he darted everywhere in the crater. Maylene attention split between both the eeveelutions and the darting buizel she didn't want to leave her self open. She tried to keep them at bay now firing off various attacks making all three of her opponents at bay.

Kain had more worries as Saber was out for blood. As he charged at Kain. This took him of guard as the umbreon rammed harder than he thought the smaller mon could. He skidded across the ground. As Saber yellow rings glow brightly as glares at his elder brother.

"You are not worthy to be alpha you run from everything." He fires off a few more shadow balls trying to confuse Kain as the explode around him picking up dust. Yet Saber forgot that Kain had the one ability that his bothers didn't. Kain relaxes as he lets his sight change to a different type of vision as he could see through the smoke as see Saber clearly as the umbreon seem to dart back and fourth as to avoid any attack Kain might release.

Kain did listen to his father never rush into battle always fight on your terms never on their terms. Kain waited till his brother was close and acted as if he didn't know what was going on. At the last second he was going to end this with one attack. When a vine come from the smoke and wrapped around his neck and dragged him from the cloud of dust. He now sees that the sceptile has them both as he is half the way out of the ground. He can hear his brother cursing the sceptile with both of them in his vines as they slowly were being chocked to death as he had a death grip on them . Saber taking a chance and charges at the sceptile. The large plant mon smiles anticipating this as Saber comes closer the sceptile pulls on his vine and pulls a surprised umbreon towards him faster and punches the vulnerable umbreon as he had no time to brace for the attack as he is hit in his gut his body skids across the ground his body limp.


Bui is trying his best to keep his three opponents away from Kain as they all try to take down the water weasel as he darts around them using aqua jet. Yet it was getting hard to keep this up as he knew one hit could spell doom for him. He was not built like Kain and take punishment. Maylene seems intent on taking him down fast. What Kain ever saw in this bitch boggles his mind. Bui was not one to hate someone but in the middle of battle like this it was hard not to feel hatred towards someone trying to hurt you. As he dodges flames electricity and razor leaves all around him. Kain better kiss his fucking foot pads after this.


Kain unable to much as the vine seems to tighten it's grip around his neck. He is unable to do much as charging would only get him the same as his brother had just got. He could barley breath to get Bui to help. One option left to Kain and he hope it would work as he tried to bite the vine. The sceptile comes form the ground completely and tries to stop Kain.

Kain smiles as the secptile is trying to stop him yet makes him vulnerable " Fool." To late as the secptile realizes what is happening as fur on Kain and Saber start to stand up to the electricity gathers up around them.

"Check." A large bolt of lighting comes from the sky and strikes the ground where they stood.

The blast hits everyone in the crater causing the ground to shake from the violent explosion caused by the attack.


Many in the crowd look in shock as the field of battle is obscured with smoke unknown who is stil standing waiting to see what is happening.

Vale next to Arc is whimpering loudly as she looks around for Kain. Arc trying to calm her down is also worried about Bui. Arc looks toward where Kain and Bui family also look on worried as something Arc never expected to see was a look a worried from Cara. As she look for any sign of her son. This day was full of surprises. Another one was the smoke clearing slowly as many gasp at what they saw.


The leafeon looks around still dazed as his flareon partner took the brunt of the attack as he looks around to see where everyone is at. . He sees the manectric looking dazed but up and around. Yet she does not see him as the dust is still thick he tries to move away not wanting to fight her if she survived the attack that most likely Kain delivered to the sceptile. That attack should have taken the sceptile down. From the power of the attack Kain really wanted to win. Many did say he was the strongest. Now the leafeon saw why. As much as he fear Saber and his power, he feared Kain more after this. Small wonder why many wanted Kain to be the next alpha.

The dust finally settles as the leafeon sees to his horror a very burnt sceptile who is not moving at all. Kain was standing over him. The leafeon knew the battle was turning and what happen next would determine the victor. As more of the dust settle he can see that the buizel is down and so is the golduck. He smiles as the odds are not in Kain's favor. He finally sees Saber as is slow to get up with a vine around his neck still. The leafeon runs towards him in hopes to make sure he is fine when a yellow and blue creature clamps down on the side of his body and begins to dig into his side. He howls out in pain as the manectric looks to take him down with extreme prejudice. The leafeon tries to lash out at her with his vine whip and razor leaf but they do little to deter the manectric. Then he feels the electricity go through his body making him go limp from the attack.

Maylene throws the limp leafeon to the side. She spats out the blood form the leafeon's wound. As she looks around for her partner. She never thought she would team up with the sceptile yet he promised her that he would not take her as a mate. Stating that she was not his type. To furry. She laugh a bit until she jumped away from the large body that landed before her. The secptile is looking as if the flareon had just toasted him. Walking over the sceptile is Kain looking a bit haggard but still standing.

Maylene wants to say something to him but the words are lost as he glares down at her she cowers before him. She wasn't harm much by the attack but more the explosion that followed it. She was in most sense the one in the best shape yet she was terrified of Kain at the moment. Yet with what was at stake she could try and overpower Kain. She takes a stance before him ready to attack.

"Don't do it Maylene. You know I will take you down as hard as I can and I will make sure you do not get back up." His statement sends a shiver down her spine as she knows what the elder says is true she was broken if it was anyone else she would have fought yet against him she was broken. She was already defeated. She shakes in anger as she tries to once more gather her courage but is unable to do anything as she backs away and lowers her head in defeat....." I concede this battle I c...give up."

Many begin to cheer as she says this yet Kain is blasted by a dark pulse that hit's the luxray hard. He tumbles across the ground to the other side of the crater. Saber is up and looking pissed.


As Kain gets up weakly trying to see where Saber is as he is hit by Saber's faint attack over and over. None of Kain's attacks are working as he is still dazed from his previous attack that he released onto everyone.


Vale watches in horror as Kain is being beaten by his brother. She wants to say something but what can she say? What could she say to make him do anything to fight the onslaught of attacks?.

Fira walks next to Vale and sees the conflicted vaporeon face. "Call to him dear. Tell him what he must do."

Vale looks at the great ninetails. " I ...don't... I am not.." She starts to curl up a bit trying to hide again.

Fira face becomes stern as she roughly makes the vaporeon to look at the battle. " Look there. He is fighting for you not his sake, but yours he cares not for this battle nor what what he will recive for winning. If he had his way he would still be in his tree sleeping. He is fighting for you. You must make him know you care that he is fighting for you. Youmust give him the strength to fight."

Vale watches Kain put up a pitiful defense against Saber's attacks. She opens her mouth and nothing comes out. She lowers her head in defeat. A voice is heard by her in her mind a memory.

'Little one you can only be heard if you speak what your heart says. Once you speak from there everyone will hear you no matter what.' For a brief second she sees a female umbreon before her. At that moment she knows what has been suppressing the memory of her mother. Her fear was suppressing them. She begins to cry as the memory comes forth as do many others. Yet the only thing now in her mind is the luxray who promised to protect her. Now it was her turn to speak up to let him know she cared, that she knew what was at stake.

"Fight Kain. Do not give up" The ninetails smiles at this as many look in surprised at the vaporeon's voice and declaration.


Kain needs something to win but what he has nothing left and his brother is ruthless. As Saber has yet to let up on his attacks as Kain tries and fails to gather any power in his body as it is batter with hit after hit from Saber.

Then a voice he thought he would never hear.

"Fight Kain Do not give up"

He knows that voice of the one he saved. He smiles as he takes another hit yet he can barely feel it. With that he finds what he needs to pull that last ounce of strength to fight back. As he feels another faint attack hit as this one is weaker than the last one, his brother must be tired also from the numerous attacks he has done to Kain.

He gathers all he has let to do this it is a long shot but Saber must be also exhausted as Kain is by now. Kain plants his feet to ground hard and braces himself . As he takes a deep breath and lets it go from the depth of his lungs he lets out a mighty Roar that catches Saber in the middle of his attack as he stumbles from the shock of hearing his brother roar.

Saber tries to gather his wits from the sudden move but to late as Kain pounces him to prevent him from trying anything as both now begin to claw and bite each other as all attacks are forgotten only looking to end each other. The ground slowly begins to be color with their blood as they both continue to fight. Wounds become clear on their body as they fight on.

It seems neither are able to gain the upper hand until both ram into the wall of the crater. Both lay there unable to move as their breathing is shallow , their bodies have been pushed to the limit.

Cara is screaming for her son to rise. Saber is trying to do just that yet he seems unable to do that. Kain lays there his body moves slowly but he is yet to rise. The next one to stand up will win many see that now.

Many begin to shout an yell for someone to rise.

Kain lays there unwilling to move or do anything. He just wants to sleep.

'If you sleep who will protect me Kain? I need you to rise once more. I may not be what you want but I do love you. Will you fight for me once more?'

Kain's eyes open at the sound of the voice. Was it Vale? No it couldn't be as he hears the distant sounds of the crowds voices. He sees Saber still trying to get his feet under him. No he would not lose he would not give up to his brother. Nor his step mothers whims. He would win for that vaporeon.

Kain slowly gets his feet under him. He can hear his step mother screaming in his mind to stay down. He gets strength from this. Anything to piss that pink bitch off. Kain stands on his feet looking at Saber who still struggling to stand. Kain walks over to Saber who looks up at Kain, with a glare in his red eyes.

" I ..will never yield to you brother." He spats out at Kain.

Kain just smiles as his puts his forepaw onto Saber's head.

Saber eyes grow wide knowing what is about to happen next. Kain release an electric shock that is sent thru Saber's body. Usually this attack would not do much, Yet in Saber's weaken condition it is enough to take him out. Saber falls over unable to do anymore. Kain looks around.

"So anyone else?"

The gather mon cheer for the winner. As his family come to greet the new Alpha. The elder is not far behind with Arc and Vale.

Vale walks up to him and nuzzle his leg. Kain smiles as he sees her. Knowing it was her words that gave him the strength to fight on. Arc and Bui's mother go to make sure Bui is ok. The rest of the day was a blur as many celebrated his victory. Many party until darkness fell on the land.

"I am proud of you my son. You have proven what I have always know you have. The power to take your place as the alpa of this pack." With that his father bows before him as do the rest of his family and the other members of the pack who have gather here.

Kain looks towards Cara who is glaring at him but just gives him a slight bow of her head as she looks at her son in disgust at his lost. Saber his head bow not in respect for Kain's new position but for the shame he is feeling for losing.

Kain had had enough he just wanted to rest. Maylene was happy that her kind was accepted back to the pack. Yet he could see in her eyes she was not the same. She had lost more than her freedom. She was his as a mate yet he had yet to show any feelings towards her. He had keep his distance from her. What he was happy for was that his brother Saber came up to him and congratulated him on his victory. Saber seem more subdue after the battle. Mostly he had heard that his mother had insulted him and then walk off with out another word. Cara had no power now. She knew it as she was not there for Kain's party. He knew his father look at him in a different light now.

Though what surprised him the most not that Bui and Arc had been openly showing their love for each other . Some were going to say something about it yet who would they say it to Kain? For many knew Kain accepted what Bui and Arc had. Yet what caught him most off guard was that Vale was talking to his sister Lin. The little eevee ton of questions to ask the vaporeon. Though Vale had done her best not to answer any of them. It did not stop lin from asking them. It go to a point that Saber of all mon there step in and pulled his sister away from any more questions for the timid vaporeon.

Finally Kain told everyone to celebrate in his place as he was exhausted and just wanted to sleep. Maylene was about to follow him but with a look she stop. She had not earn the right to follow him yet despite being his. Vale follow close by with a sad look in her eyes towards Maylene.


Kain arrives at his dwelling with Vale. Looking at the old tree he realizes he will have to move out as much as he loves it here. He knew his new family will grow as he has Maylene as a mate...but what about Vale. He fought for her and yet has never asked her to be his mate. Yes she called out to him as his love but he has yet to know what she really wants.

The moon rises as it cast a light on the clearing where Vale and Kain are. "Vale..I need to ask you something."

Vale looks back at him with a small smile on her face. Something about her was different about how she look at him. She seem to be more at peace with him, with herself. She gets up to move closer to him as she nuzzles his leg. " Yes Kain what is it?"

"I have never asked you what you wanted . I know what you had said to me during the fight but... I don't want to force you into something...murh" Vale places her paw on his muzzle to stop Kain from speaking.

"I have said the words I have been meaning to tell you. The words of thanks. The words of love. For you gave me a chance at a new life. You could have treated me as a prize yet you never did. You have treated me with the respect and kindness no one has shown me since I was an eevee. Yes I do remember things now not much as I would like to. I have a mother an umbreon who had loved me. It was when you were fighting that I heard her words that allowed me to say what I have keep from you. I love you Kain you have done so much for me and I have done so little for you. Before you say anything else know this. I want to be your mate. I only care for you and you alone. I wish to have your children and raise them with you. I do not care about that you have Maylene also as a mate. I know that you love me as I love you." She rest her head on to his thick mane as she inhales his scent. "I am happy now that I have said what I been holding back all this time. Though I believe I think you should claim me now. As is your right.' She turns around, and raises her tail showing off her pussy as she looks over her shoulder and looks at him lustfully. "Please master pleas claim your mate as a true alpha."

Kain would have said no as he feels his cock has gotten a bit harder but not enough. He moves forward and licks her pussy making her gasp as laps his rough tongue over her pussy making her moan loudly. Vale's hind legs buckle a bit as she is blasted with such pleasure it wracks her body as it shakes with pleasure.

She had never knew what pleasure as she was always just taken her body just took it she received no true pleasure from it. Yet now being with Kain she wanted she want her master ...her true master to fuck her claim her as his, so no other could. She shivers once more as she feels Kain's tongue begin to plunge into her wet folds. She moans louder as she begins to push her hips back trying to get him to go deeper as she feels his forepaws on her hips as to keep her in place as she feels her body wanting to release as Kain's rough tongue hits all the right spots.

Kain licks her inner lips with his rough tongue. He taste her sweet juices that are slowly seeping from her as he can feel her body shaking in pleasure. Her small yelps and moans of pleasure telling him that she is enjoying it all. He wants her to happy and he tries his best to do that please his mate his love. The vaporeon who he took in. Now he was going to claim her as his own. He stops before she can cum. She whimpers in displeasure as Kain stops his tongue bath of her pussy. She looks back at him with need in her eyes. Kain now rock hard from eating her out. Her scent of need fills the air as he wants her more than ever. To claim what is rightly his.

" DO not worry my love your master will now take what you had promise to give me the first night." She blushes as she remembers trying to suck him off and then raising her tail for him. Both he refuse to do. Now as she was willing to let him have her. As it was not lust or trained movement that she was told to do for males. She did this for the need to have him inside her the need to have him take her as was his right.

Kain moves over Vale her tail to the side as his barbed cock twitches with anticipation. He tries a few times to push into her wet fold s when finally he plunges into her. She is a bit tight bit not as he would expect as she was abused all this time. Yet she tries her best to clench his cock . She moans in pleasure feeling his barbed cock rub her inner walls.

Kain is surprised how she seems to know when to massage his cock with her walls and how slick she is as he beings to thrust into her. Now wanting to take her as he has been pent up for so long.

Vale meeps as she feels Kain thrust into her as she hugs his cock with her pussy. She does this as she was trained to do. Yet for once she is receiving pleasure from it, no disgust from it only pleasure. She moans louder as he beings to thrust into her harder rocking her hard as forelegs give out making her fall to the ground as Kain pounds away at her. Growling lustfully as he fucks his mate.

Kain is in heaven as he take Vale. Yes he has had other females. Yet she was different. The other females only mated him to sooth their heat. There was no love no real connection. Yet here with Vale he could feel the warmth of her body against his, hear breathing her small moans of pleasure. As he rocked her hips hard with sharp thrust. He feels her fall forward as he moves over licking her neck lightly. Nibbling her head fin as she beings to beg for more though her loud moans.

Vale wants more, more of this feeling the pleasure she has always been denied. She wants more as her body seems to bulid up to a powerful orgasm. She has had them before yet they only lasted for a little while as she received little pleasure. Now she wanted this she wanted to enjoy what she was about to receive from this mating. Then it hits like a giant wave of pleasure as her body shakes in pleasure. She throws her back moaning loudly as her tongue hangs out. She rides the wave of pleasure as she still tries to make it last by trying to thrust back weakly trying to make Kain fill her with his seed.

Kain looks in panic as she screams out. He realizes be her expression that she is enjoying it. Yet he has yet to reach his climax as he can feel her trying to thrust back trying to make him mark her with his seed. He keep up pounding now only being driven by lust as she still cries out his name and that is what makes him go over the edge as he cums hard as he shoots ropes of his seed into Vale. He continues to thrust into her slowly but hard thrust to empty out all his life giving seed into his mate his love. Kain's breathing is labor and body aches badly as he can barley stand now. All the injures he has today have caught up to him as he fall over bring Vale with him as he is still in her. She meeps as she feels the large luxray fall pulling her with him.

Vale lays there for a few seconds before looking at Kain to make sure he was alright . He was fast asleep. She feels his cock slowly pulling out as she tries to keep it in her. Not wanting to lose his seed. She wanted to keep him close to him now and forever she never wanted to away from the one she loved. He alpha, her mate , her love, her master.


Cara is near the edge to the valley borders as she looks into the darkness of the trees. " I am sorry I was unable to have my worthless son take leadership. I will try better maybe..."

"No you have done enough for now. We do not want them to know yet that we are growing stronger. Your pack is still to strong to fight head on. Yet with time we will strike, and then this pack will be no more . As for you Cara you will go back and make sure to make more distrust Kain. Though I don't think many will care for you." A alakazam comes from the shadows as he pets Cara as she flinches from his touch.

"What is wrong dear I thought you love my touch. Was it that you realize what I truly am when I let you in my mind? I told you not to do that." He laughs at her fear. "It is so delicious that you betrayed your alpha for me just to get back at his son. You always believe he never cared for your children. Yet you know now you can not turn back. You belong to me. Do not worry your kind will be spared. As promised though any who try and stop me will suffer." His laughter is heard in her head as she cringes from the dark voice as nidoking walks up next to him with a down trotted mightyena.

"What about that bitch he took from me? I want her back this one is starting to be worthless." The nidoking kicks the mightyena who cries out pitifully.

"Do not worry my friend we grow stronger. The one I care about is here in this pack and he will feel my vengeance. He will know what it is to lose a family this time."

Cara begins to cry as she knows what is coming and it is all her fault.

Author's End notes: I am truly sorry for taking so long with this one. I will endeavor to do better with the next chapter. As always read comment and give me stars.