Drako’s Power and Ariel’s Attack

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#7 of Drako Wolf

Drako's Power and Ariel's Attack

Drako ran as fast as his legs would carry him. Ignoring the stitch in his side and the screaming of every muscle in his body. Even once the trucks disappeared in to the oncoming darkness and the sound of his crying son died away. All he knew is that as long as he followed the strange tracks the humans trucks had left.

Drako was about to give up when he finally came to an open aria in the woods and reviled a large building like the one he and the others had been trapped in so many months ago. He could see the trucks that took his son parked in front of the building. Drako growled as he slowly walked up to the place. His son was inside and he knew that it was up to him to get him out.

"I'm coming my son just hold on." Said Drako to himself

Drako could hear the humans inside laughing and talking to themselves. Drako walked around the place looking for anyway in he could find. He went around the place many times but couldn't find a single way in to the large cave like building. Drako found many ways he could get in if he could only open the doors.

Drako then heard one of the doors opening. Drako hide behind the trash cans and watched as one of the men come out. He used a chair to keep the door open as he walked off lighting a cigarette. Drako smiled and moved his way in to the building moving the chair as he did locking the man outside.

The hallway he entered into was empty and dark. He could hear the same men he heard earlier still talking and laughing in the room down from him. Drako sniffed hard searching for the smell of his son. Drako almost through up at the stench of the place. After a few more sniffs he found his son. He was next to the room the men were in.

Drako moved slowly down the hall making sure that no one could hear the taping of his claws on the tiled floor. When he reached the room his son was in he looked around it first waiting for a human to come and attack him. Once he could see that all the humans were in the other room he walked in.

Drako thought he stepped back in time as he walked in the room. It was exactly like the place they had been taken to and met Ti. Only this time only one animal was in the cage at the end of the room. Drako's son was at sleeping on the floor shaking slightly as he slept. Drako remembered how Ti had told Ariel to step on a button on the table to let them out. Drako wondered if it would do the same thing as before.

To Drako's relief the door swung open and he ran to his son. Before he woke his son up he looked him over looking for anything that looked like harm. He looked fine but he could not figure out why his son was shaking so hard. Drako leaned forward and shook his son trying to wake him up.

Ray's eyes snapped open as he got up screaming "NO not again help me..."

Drako covered his son's muzzle and said "Calm down son it's me."

"Daddy." Said Ray

"Yes I've come to got you but you need to stay quiet or the humans will come back in and attack us." Said Drako

"I'm scared dad."

"Why Ray, I'm here with you."

"They did something to me something that made me hurt a lot." Said Ray starting to cry

"What did they do to you Ray." Said Drako a growl escaping his lips

Crying harder than ever Ray said "They put something up my tail hole and didn't take it out for a long time. They laughed as they did it."

Drako growled more as he thought of the evil humans and what they had done to his son. Right then a man walked into the room and turned one of the lights on. For a split second he looked at the two wolves in the cage before Drako lost all control of his body. Drako was so angry at what they had done to his son that Drako ran at the man and before he could call for help Drako grabbed him by the throat.

Blood spilled everywhere as Drako took the man down ripping out his neck. More men ran in to the room and stopped at the sight of the enraged wolf and the dead man next to him. They tried to pull out guns but were too slow as Drako attacked and killed six of the seven men. The last man fell to the floor begging for his life as he watched the wolf moving slowly toward him.

Drako's eyes had gone completely black as he advanced toward the man. The man yelled "Don't kill me."

Drako stopped as he understood the man. Drako didn't know what had happened but the man's strange speech now made sense to Drako. He smiled more hoping that it would work the other way and he said "Why should I let an evil man like you live."

The man stopped begging and looked at Drako with wide eyes then said "Did you just speak?"

"Stop talking human and listen to me if you can understand what I'm saying. You humans are a parasite on the land and I can't take anymore of your destruction you leave everywhere you go."

To Drako's shock the man shut his mouth. Drako smiled more as he realized that he may be able to make the human do what he wanted. The thought of it made Drako laugh and advance more on the shaking human.

"Now human tell me what is this place for and why do you keep taking the animals from the woods?"

The man opened his mouth and said in a flat tone "We use the animals to test products for different companies."

"How do I stop the company from doing this?" said Drako looking deep into the humans eyes

"There is a safe guard on the buildings just in case we betray the owners. All the companies can be shut down from one location and kill all employees with a gas that comes from vents." Said the human a tear running down his face

"Ok then I want you to get up and kill the man that I trapped out side then come back to me." Said Drako

The man did as he was told and got onto his feet and slowly picked up his gun. He then walked to the door and let in the man Drako had trapped outside when he snuck in.

"Thanks Bill I have no idea what made the door closed like that." Said the man that had been trapped outside then he said "Bill what are you doing..."

A loud gun shot reverberated around the hall as the man Drako was controlling shot his friend. He then walked back to Drako and set his gun down by Drako's paws. The mans face was splattered with blood and fresh tears.

"Good now I want you to turn on the system and kill every one here and at all the places in the aria. Once you're done I want you to lock up and sit in the room waiting for your chance to die." Said Drako

"Do I have too." Said the man his face covered in tears as he was forced to do as he was told

"Yes but this is what you get for living an evil life." Said Drako and he walked back to his son

"What did you do to make him do what you said dad." Said Ray still sitting where his father left him

"I don't know son but we can leave now come on." Said Drako

They both left as the man started to enter something on the computer sobs filling the room as he did. The door was still open because the man that had been shot had fallen in the way of it. Drako ran out closely followed by his son neither of them looking back at the place of death.

After they had walked for about a mile Drako turned to his son and said "Why were you out in the wilderness by yourself Ray?"

"I was looking for you dad. Mom's really sad that you're not with her and Tella and I wondered why you aren't coming to see her." Said the small pup trotting along at his fathers side

"I've been trying to find all of you for a long time but I couldn't pick up the trail."

"I can show you where we're staying if you want."

"Well that would be a good idea, but son next time don't leave your mother like that. I bet she's in tears as we speak wondering where you are and if your safe." Said Drako looking down at his son

"Ok father I won't do it anymore." Said Ray letting his head go down as he walked in sham

"Don't worry too much well come on son which way to your mother?"

Ray perked up at once and said "This way..."

Back at the cave Ariel sobbed harder as the night fell once more and there was still no sign of the black pup. Bain, Ti and Ariel had looked all over but found no sign of him. All she could hope is Ray would find Drako and Drako would help him get back safely.

"Ariel I know you're worried but you need to rest. Tella is getting scared also Ti and I need to go hunt so we can have a nice bite to eat." Said Bain

"Ok but take Tella with you so she can learn something about hunting. I think I'll stay in the cave and wait for Ray to come back." Said Ariel letting her tears run down her face

Bain looked at her with knowing eyes then said "It's ok Ariel you rest. Ti and I will take care of Tella for now."

"Thanks a lot Bain." Said Ariel turning to head back to the cave

She laid herself down looking outside the entrance of the cave. Small sobs shaking her form as she thought about her son and more when she thought of her mate. Even after what Drako had done she couldn't help wishing he was by her side right now. Right then a sound echoed around the cave. It was small but close.

"Ray is that you?" said Ariel getting up slowly

The sound of two approaching paw steps grew even closer. Ariel knew it must be Drako with Ray at his side. She jumped up to her paws and began to run toward the entrance of the cave. She stopped at the edge of the cliff just outside of the cave looking around. No one was there and she thought she must've imagined it when the sound echoed from right behind her.

Ariel turned fast around and saw two wolves from Sheba's pack standing in the mouth of the cave. She smiled a little then said "Tenga, Shank what are you doing here?"

The two wolves just smiled, their eyes as red as blood. They started to walk toward her as they began to laugh. A crazed laugh that made Ariel know that something was wrong.

"Tenga do you think we should take care of her now or wait till the two pups show up." Said Shank giggling

"Sheba told us to take care of her and the pups but not at the same time. Lets get on with it and then find the traitor." Said Tenga

"What are you two talking about I'm your friend." Said Ariel

"Sorry Ariel but Sheba gets what she wants and we must obey." Said Tenga grabbing her by the back of the neck and throwing her into the cave wall

Ariel gasped for air as she hit the ground pain shooting through her body. The two wolves laughed more at the pain Ariel was feeling. Ariel knew that something was wrong with them because she knew the two wolves weren't usually so insane.

Ariel's limbs wouldn't lift her from the ground. She tried many times to make her paws work but every time she tried she would fall back down. She watched in horror as Tenga advanced on her again with Shank right behind him.

"You know Tenga we could have fun with her before we let her die." Said Shank giggling more

"Sheba told us to kill her."

"Yes but she never said how fast we had to do it. We both haven't mated in years and could use a nice young female. Who knows when the chance will present its self again." Said Shank

The two stopped next to her then Tenga said "I think you're right Shank lets have some fun first."

"Please don't." cried Ariel knowing what they both had in mind

Tenga took a paw and smacked her making her quiet down. Then he said "If you stay quiet we may let your pups get away unharmed."

Ariel didn't make another sound as Shank walked around to her back side and with a sharp pain put his stiff hard wolf cock up her pussy. Ariel shuddered as the member slid in and out hard at first but getting easier as he moved. The wolf's cock wasn't as big as Drako so it did not hurt much.

"Now that is one interesting site." Said Tenga watching his friend fuck the helpless female under him

Ariel looked up at the evil red eyes of Tenga then said "Why."

Tenga didn't answer but walked up to her and laughed before going to his friend. He told Shank to lock himself with Ariel. Once Shank had rammed his knot deep in to Ariel and tuned around Tenga advanced. With Shank turned Tenga had easy access to Ariel's tail hole. He climbed on top of her back and while Shank still fucked her pussy Tenga put his larger wolf cock deep inside Ariel's ass.

Ariel screamed as she felt the other cock hit her tail hole hard. Now she had two males fucking her trying to make her cum before they did. Ariel's body wouldn't move as she waited for the ordeal to end so she could die and escape this pain. The two wolves didn't fuck her like a lover would but only used her for their own evil pleasure.

Ariel tried with all her strength not to orgasm before them but with the two cocks in both her holes and making her hurt so much she still came hard. The shaking orgasm was not from love of the sex she felt but from the nature of the mating her body know it needed. Ariel knew she was in heat and her body was not cooperating with her mind as she came more and more.

"Now you see what it is like to be a real bitch." Giggled Tenga

"You could eat your own scat for all I care." Said Ariel

"Now watch what you say." Said Tenga and he bit the back of her tail hard drawing blood

She screamed and howled in pain as she could still feel the fucking she was being given. Her tail hole wanted nothing more then to give up and make the cock leave it. But no matter how hard she tried to stop them her body wouldn't let her. Shank's body began to shake as he got close to shooting his load inside her.

"Don't you dare cum in me." She yelled and using all her anger she kicked her back leg out making Shank pop out of her and spray cum all over Tenga

"You bitch." Said Tenga with anger as the white cum hit his ass and balls

Shank was too wasted to do anything and Tenga wouldn't lose his mating spot to hurt her so she knew she was safe for the time. Tenga was not happy about being covered in his friends cum but didn't get off the female he had clutched under him.

"I'll make you pay for that when I'm done." Said Tenga

The ass fucking went on longer that Ariel thought it could. Lasting almost forty-five minutes of none stop pain. Ariel wished the wolf would finish up and kill her to put her out of her pain and sorrow. Shank was now up and had come over to watch the ordeal getting a hard cock once again as he watched the female being mated.

Watching the other wolf grow hard again made her think of a way she could get away from the two. Ariel looked at Shank then said "If you want me to make use of your erection I could."

Shank looked at her face and said "What do you mean."

"I need a nice cock in my mouth and cum to running down my throat before I die. If you come to me I'll suck your erection until you cum like you should have earlier." Said Ariel

The wolf grinned at her then walked up and sat down putting his nine inch cock with in centimeters of her face. Letting her tongue flap out she licked the tip of Shank's cock making a moan come from the wolf. She then took her lips and put them around it moving them slowly as she sucked he member.

"Shank, don't let her do that." Said Tenga panting hard

"Why not?"

"She could be trying to trick you." Said Tenga

"I don't care you take care of your end and I will take care of mine." Said Shank moaning more as Ariel sucked harder on his enlarged member

Soon she finally felt Tenga hump harder and shoot his load deep inside her ass. The wolf did not tie her and he pulled out and fell to the ground for a moment as his cum leaked from her ass. Soon after Shank showed signs of getting ready to cum.

Ariel readied her self and once the hot cum hit her muzzle and tongue she bit down hard. The male howled in pain as blood mixed with his cum with in Ariel's muzzle. She didn't bite it off but she made Shank hurt for a long time so she could run.

Letting the cock go she jumped to her feet and began to run from her two attacker's, her legs uneasy from what had happened to her. But she only got a few feet before Tenga tackled her and standing upon her he giggled again.

"That was a mean trick but it almost worked now I think it's time for you to die." Said Tenga and he put he head down teeth inches from her neck

Before he could bite down and kill Ariel a streak of dark gray filled the air and what ever it was made Tenga roll off Ariel. Ariel got up and looked around looking for Tenga and spotted him a few feet away. In front of him and standing between Tenga and her was Drako.

"How dare you attack my love, my soul, my one, and only mate." Yelled Drako

Tenga seemed to be scared of the wolf but in a calm voice he said "I was sent here to do so by Sheba. Her word is law and I must do what ever she tells me."

"I know the spell she has over you and most males in this world but did she tell you to Rape my mate?" asked Drako

"No." said Shank walking up to Tenga slowly, blood still flowing from his bitten cock

"Then why did you do that to her?" asked Drako rage filling his eyes

"We wanted to." Giggled both wolves

In a flash Drako attacked the two, teeth and claws ripped into each other. Within a few minutes Drako was able to rip the neck out of Shank leaving him dead on the ground. Tenga put up a better fight for Drako using every bit of knowledge he knew to fight off Drako.

But Drako wasn't given the name of the god of war for just any reason. Using his size and strength Drako was able to crush two of Tenga's legs. The wolf fell to the ground in pain as Drako walked up to him a grin on his face.

"I'm sorry, please don't kill me great one."

"Why not?"

"Sheba I can tell you what she plans to do." Said Tenga shivering under Drako's gaze

"Tell me."

Tenga held back for a minute then said "She plans to use her power over males to take over the human's and their world. No one can stop her and she wants you as her mate. You should do as she commands I beg of you Drako."

Drako pondered his words for a moment then said "I have already done what she wanted even under her evil spell. I plan on killing her and then the humans that mean us harm. Never again will I let Sheba confuse my mind." Then with out warning Drako grabbed the back of Tenga's head then he twisted it hard, braking Tenga's neck.

Drako then turned to his mate and Ray who had walked up to his mother's side as Drako fought the two assassins. He then looked away and said "I'm sorry for what I did my love. If you could find it with in your self to forgive..."

Ariel ran up to him and wolf kissed him for a moment then said "What you did was wrong but I know you must have been enchanted. Even if you did it on your own I can forgive that for now. I'm just happy to have you back my love. Thanks for saving me again.

Drako stud by his lovers side, happy to have her back but deep inside him something burned. The thought of the power that had taken the minds of the humans scared him. Drako didn't know if the power was good or evil. Throwing the matter from his mind for the time, Drako sat happy next to his mate, his son, and soon Bain, Ti, and Tella as they arrived back from hunting.

Once they all had walked back to the cave Drako's eyes turned black as he thought of the future the old man had told Bain about Drako. Letting the strange power subside Drako followed the rest in to the dark cave...