Carnal Confrontation

Story by Sonic Fox on SoFurry

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#5 of Chronicles of Sonic Fox

This story is rated "Y" for Yiffy. Reader discretion is advised. The blue tunnel opened up and thrust me and Gene out onto a small grassy knoll, closing behind us as suddenly as it opened. After a few days of rest, I felt another tingling sensation in my markings, meaning somewhere in the numerous dimensions someone needed help. After an hour of preparing for the excursion, I opened up an inter-dimensional gateway which engulfed me and Gene. As we stood on the grassy knoll, I couldn't help but think that I had made a mistake. A few yards from us stood the entrance to a large neighborhood, filled with many two-story houses. In the distance, I could hear children screaming in joy and a few dogs barking. Gene and I just stood on the grassy knoll, flabbergasted at the serene scene. "Are you sure this is the right place?" Gene asked. "It looks way to peaceful for there to be any trouble here." "I know, but this is where I was being pulled to; I know because my markings have stopped glowing," I replied, scanning over the area. "But you're right; everything looks fine. Let's be on the safe side and check it out anyway." Despite our bewilderment, the two of us headed into the neighborhood, looking around for any signs of distress. As we walked around the neighborhood, our suspicions slowly started to fade away. All that could be seen were beautiful two story houses, a few children at play, and two neighbors arguing about whose dog crapped on whose lawn; Gene was no doubt about to make a joke about the situation, but I gave him an annoyed stare and he quickly shut his mouth. Finally after two hours of hiking around the neighborhood, we stopped at a mailbox we had no doubt passed five times already. "I don't know how your powers work," Gene started, "But maybe you just had some kind of power hiccup or something, because there's nothing here that looks out of the ordinary except for the fact that it seems ordinary." As much as I hated to admit it, I think Gene was right. This neighborhood is too small, too happy, and way too serene for some great danger to be around here. But why would I feel the need to come here if there was no danger? "Yeah, I guess you're right," I said with a sigh, "But before we call it quits, let's just ask someone if anything weird has been going on." Gene nodded and we walked towards the closest house to us. "We'll just talk to whoever lives here and if nothing is out of the ordinary we'll leave." The house was similar to all the rest; a two story house with a porch and a neat front yard. We walked up to the front door and knocked, hoping someone was home. The door opened, revealing a small, chubby little dragoness with a black un-scaled hide, red stripes, blue eyes, horns, and black hair. "Hello," the little dragon said in a cute voice. I couldn't help but smile at the cute little dragoness; she had to be no older than eight years old. "Well, hello there," I said kindly, kneeling down to her level, "Are your parents home?" The little dragoness flashes us a smile and runs back into the house. "Mommy! A blue foxy and a man are here to see you!" "Cute kid," whispered Gene. As we stood in the doorway, a large red dragoness comes to the door. The dragoness was taller than the both of us and was a little chubby, but in an attractive way. The dragon was wearing oven mittens and an apron, the smell of cookies emanating from her. As she approached us, I couldn't help but notice her massive boobs straining against her apron. My God, they had to be the biggest pair I've ever seen. I stole a glance at Gene, noticing he too was staring at the busty dragon. As we gawked at the impressive cleavage, the dragoness came up to us with a smile. "Hello," said the dragoness sweetly, "Who are you boys?" I strained my eyes with great effort until I finally was able to look the dragoness in the eye. "Oh, hi," I said nervously, "My name is Nikolas and this is my partner, Gene." Gene shook his head and nodded. "Hi, Nik and Gene," replied the dragoness, "What do you boys need?" "We wanted to ask you a few questions about any goings on in the area. Do you mind if take a moment of your time, Mrs..?" I trailed off. "Hana," answered the dragoness. "What kind of goings on?" "Anything unusual? Anything dangerous or suspicious? Any strangers roaming about in black cloaks?" I said as calmly as possible. "Nothing unusual that I've seen, but I'll keep an eye out," Hana replies, "Now, would you care to come in? I'm baking cookies!" I let out a quiet sigh of relief. "Oh, yes. Thank you very much; those cookies smell great, by the way." Gene and I follow Hana into the house, shutting the door behind us. The house was exactly what you expected a suburban home to look like; pictures everywhere, lovely furniture, and there was this pleasing smell all around. "Fatima," Hana says to the little dragoness, "Why don't you go outside and water the flowers for me?" "Okay, mommy!" exclaims Fatima, racing out of the house and into the front yard. "Your daughter is lovely," I remark. "So, where are those delicious smelling cookies?" "Thank you," Hana said with a smile. "The cookies are over on the counter; help yourselves to as many as you like!" Smiling, Gene and I walk over to the counter and begin to feast on the cookies. I knew I was a guest in someone else's home, but the cookies were so delicious I couldn't help but gorge myself on them; Gene was no better, downing several cookies at a time. There was a sound of fabric falling to the ground and I instinctively turn around. My eyes bulged as I was met with the sight of Hana standing naked before me, grinning mischievously. "Mrs. Hana?" I utter nervously. Gene also turns around and gawks at the naked dragoness, dropping a few cookies in the process. Hana lunges towards us, knocking us onto the floor. Before I can move, Hana kisses me deeply, her tongue snaking its way into her mouth. I let out a muffled yelp as the dragoness kissed me, surprised by her bold move; my cock started to slowly slide out of its sheathe and poked through my underwear. Hana switches over to Gene and kisses him deeply. "Take off your clothes," Hana said between kisses. Unable to control myself, I immediately remove all my armor as fast as possible; Hana tore at the clothing underneath as well as Gene's street clothes. Once we were naked, Hana swiftly brought her head downwards and took my hardening cock into her mouth, lashing her tongue all about it. I moan as Hana sucks on my cock hungrily; I've never been with someone as fiery and ferocious as her. As Hana continues to suck on me like a straw, I see Gene moving behind her. The human kneels down to the dragoness rear and lifts her tail with one hand. Gene moves his head down and begins to lick Hana tail hole, causing the dragoness to moan around the mouthful of cock. I hold onto Hana's head as she bobs up and down my cock, her mouth acting like a powerful vacuum. Hana pressed her ass backwards, urging Gene to double his efforts as she moved her in between her legs and started to finger herself rapidly. With a grin on her face, Hana moves her head down my length and takes my entire cock into her mouth, balls and all. I clench my jaw as the horny dragoness slurped over my throbbing shaft and aching balls, my orgasm starting to dawn on me. Without warning, Hana bites down on my cock; her fangs didn't break the skin, but it still made me yelp in surprise. Gene gripped the dragoness's butt cheeks and spread them wide, burying his face in her plump rear. My head started to cloud as Hana flicked her tongue over my urinal opening, my climax building in intensity. "Ha...Hana...I-" was all I could say before I thrust up into the dragoness's mouth, literally shooting bucket after bucket of cum against the back of her throat. Hana let out an "urp" as her cheeks bulged with my cum, trying to gulp down as much as possible, letting the excess ooze out between her lips. I kept climaxing for nearly a minute; I had never had an orgasm so powerful before. Finally, I fired my last load and laid down on the floor, trying to catch my breath and thanking God that I didn't die in an orgasm; yet. I felt Hana release my cock from her jaws and lay down on her back, facing the other way. I rose to a sitting position and propped myself on my elbows; Hana smiled at the two of us, stroking her nether lips with her hand. "That was a nice warm-up, but how about we do something a little more interesting," Hana said seductively, "Gene; would you mind if you sat on my face?" Gene smiled broadly at the dragoness. "Why of course, ma'am; it would be my pleasure!" Gene moved over to Hana's head and sat down on her face, using his hands and feet to keep most of the weight off of her. Hana grinned and snaked her tongue up to Gene's ass, lightly licking over his anus. Gene giggled and moaned as the dragoness licked his ass, squirming on top of her when her tongue snuck up to his balls. As Hana licked Gene, I crawled up in between her legs, gazing at her wet snatch with lust. I could smell Hana's arousal emanating from her lips; I wondered what dragons taste like? Smiling, I brought my head down and gave Hana's pussy a good long lick, making the dragoness squirm in pleasure. Amused by Hana's reaction, I gave the wet cunt a few more teasing licks, smiling when Hana thrust her hips up to meet my tongue. My cock was stiff and throbbing once more, and a thought crossed my mind. I brought my cock up to Hana pussy, rubbing the tip against her entrance, waiting for a response. Hana's tail pressed against my butt, urging me to continue. With Hana's consent, I pushed my cock deep inside her quivering pussy, the two of us groaning happily. It was hot inside the dragoness's pussy, hotter than anywhere else I've ever dipped my rod into before. Once I was hilted in the blazing snatch, I wrapped my arms around Hana's legs and started to thrust at a steady rhythm. Hana moaned happily as her body rocked on the floor, pressing her tongue into Gene's ass and making the human squirm. I leaned forward and built up speed, staying at a normal tempo but gradually applying more pressure with each thrust. The three of us writhed in pleasure on the kitchen floor; I fucked Hana's warm pussy as hard as I could, Hana probed Gene's ass with her tongue, and Gene used his free hand to jack himself off. Hana seemed to tense up when I stroked my cock along her inner walls, nipping Gene's balls and causing Gene to gasp in pleasure. I realized I had found the dragoness's special spot and focused all my efforts into ramming my dick into that erogenous spot. Hana writhed with pleasure, her ass bounced on the ground with each hard thrust, producing an odd clapping sound; her huge round tits jiggled wildly. To add gasoline to the fire, I reached down and rubbed Hana's clit with two of my fingers. Hana screamed in pleasure, raising her hips to meet my thrusts with vigor as she slurped Gene's ass and balls. Hana was close, Gene began to moan loudly, and I could feel my balls tightening up as my sweet release came ever so close. Suddenly, the front door opened and shut, followed by the sound of footsteps. The three of us immediate froze and turned to see who had just walked in. "Honey, I'm back," called out a voice, "I hope those cookies you're backing are rea-" In the entrance to the doorway stood a massive black dragon, dressed in casual clothing. The dragon was enormous, about the same height as The Remnant's leader, had long black hair, huge muscles, enormous wings, and a surprised look on his face. A chill went down my spine; here Gene me and were, fucking his wife. I felt disgusted and frightened all at once. "Oh my God, I'm so sorry sir," I stuttered nervously, "I didn't realize...oh no." The dragon looks at the three of us, and then chuckles. "It's okay, kid. Hana and I have an open marriage. Ooh, cookies!" The dragon walks past the three of us and grabs a handful of cookies, eating them at his leisure. I was thunderstruck by what just happened. The dragon finishes the last of his handful of cookies and returns his attention to us. "So, am I too late to join in?" My draw dropped, bewildered by the dragon's question. "I-I, uh," I muttered, trying to find my voice, "well...she's your wife and, um." "Hana?" the dragon asked, gazing at his wife. Hana smiled and replied by fondling her breasts, indicating that she wanted a titty fuck. The dragon smiled and unzipped his pants, letting them fall the floor and stepped out of them. As he approached his wife's side, the dragon pulled down his underwear, revealing a massive cock that would put an elephant to shame; I was surprised that this mammoth of a dragon cock wasn't enough for Hana. The dragon sat down on Hana's stomach, scooting up until his cock lay between her breasts. Behind him, the dragon's tail flicked about happily, nearly striking me in the face on a few swings. "Sorry about that," the dragon said, laying his tail to the side. The dragon gripped both of Hana's tits tightly, causing milk to spurt from her nipples. Grinning, the dragon began to thrust between his wife's breasts, making Hana giggle. Seeing the dragon tit fuck his wife was the signal for me and Gene to resume our antics. Hana thrust her tongue deep into Gene's ass, gripping his balls tightly in her hand; Gene moaned and stroked his member faster and faster. I resumed my previous actions, ramming my cock deep into Hana's sweltering pussy, stroking her g-spot and flicking her clit with my fingers. The dragoness writhed and bucked beneath the three of us, screaming in pleasure and gripping her husband's butt tight. I began to sweat as I fucked the horny dragoness's pussy with all my strength, ready to blow at any minute. Hana screamed and tensed up, her pussy tightened around my cock and showered it and my hips with hot juices while her tits spurted milk up into the air and her tongue speared itself into Gene's ass. Gene groaned and came violently, spewing cum across the room and all over his hand. Hana brought her head to her chest and slurped the head of her husband's cock. The dragon thrust into her breasts three more times before cumming all over Hana's tits and tongue, moaning in relief. The four of us stood still as we caught our breath; I personally enjoyed leaving my cock inside Hana's full pussy. "So," panted the dragon, "I guess we should be properly introduced; my name is Nick, and I believe you've already met my wife, Hana." Hana giggled and contracted her vaginal muscles, squeezing my cock playfully. "Honey, this is Gene," Hana said, pointing at the human still on her face, "And the fox behind you is also named Nik." Nick turned around and flashed me a smile. "Pleased to meet you both; I'd shake your hand, but mine are covered in milk and cum. So what brings you boys here?" Averting my focus from Hana's pussy, I remembered why we were here in the first place. "Oh, right. Well, we were wondering if anything...unusual had been going on, like if you've seen any cloaked strangers running around." Nick shook his head. "Just JT Milkingham," Nick replied, "But he thinks he's Batman, so nothing out of the ordinary, per se. Might want to do an inspection of the city, though. Just let me get cleaned off and have Fatima visit a friend of hers, the we can pile into my car and have a look."

We drove around the city for three hours, scanning the streets inside Nick's car to no avail. Absolutely nothing was going on, not even a fire or a petty robbery. We turned off the highway and headed for the last place we haven't checked; Furrington University. We parked in the visitor's area and embarked onto the campus. All around us were young students, both furry and human walking about to their classes. A few people stared at us for multiple reasons; a few girls cooed at Nick, a raccoon and his rabbit girlfriend whispered about Gene's scar, many random people stopped to ask where I dyed my fur, and numerous boys gawked at Hana as she walked by. At about noon, the four of us had given up in searching. "Well, if we're done looking for trouble," Hana said with a smile, "Then let's take a little detour before we go to the car." With Hana leading the way, we walked over to the gymnasium and entered the swimming area. "What are we doing here?" Gene asked as we passed the pool. "We're going to the girls' locker rooms," Nick whispered, "I think Hana's still horny and she's looking for some new playmates; all the girls know the two of us quite well." I gawked at Nick; these were the neighbor that I wanted when I settled down. "Adopt me," I uttered. "What was that?" Nick asked. "Nothing," I replied. We reached the girls' locker room and entered without hesitation. Inside the girl's were getting ready for their swim meet. Many of them were stark naked and walking around without a care in the world. Bra's were flying everywhere as the girl's were engaged in some kind of bra war, flinging their bras at each other. One of the girls, a panda bear, turned towards us and smiled. "Oh my God," she exclaimed, "Girls! Hana and Nick are back with some friends!" All the girls stopped what they were doing and made their way to us, many girls hugged and kissed Hana and Nick while the others simply crowded around us. "Hana! Nick! It's so good to see you two!" the panda bear shouted. "We haven't seen you since last month," a cat girl remarked. "Yeah, Nick stretched my pussy out so wide I could lose a bowling ball in there!" a lizard exclaimed. "That's right, and Hana ate me out like an all-you-can-eat buffet!" giggled a vixen. "Hello, ladies," Hana said with a smile, "I've missed you all, too. Now, I want you all to know that I need some fresh meat and was wondering if any of you are free tonight. Of course, my husband will be joining us and possibly our two friends; Nik and Gene." Some of the girls switched their attention to Gene and I, looking us over and fawning over us. "Wow, look at this guy," a hyena murmured, tracing a finger over Gene's scar, "This guy looks like he likes it rough; I like that in a man, especially a human." "Yeah, but look at this true blue lover boy," a muscular wolfess said, giving my tail a playful tug, "Now he seems like the kind of guy to make a girl scream in pleasure all night long!" I blushed and so did Gene; I had never been complimented on my looks by so many girls in one place. Before I had a chance to speak, a girl screamed from the other side of the room, running towards the exit with a towel wrapped around her. "Pervert! Pervert!" the German Sheppard screamed, "He's going to rape me! He's a monster!" Suddenly all the other girls were in a panic, racing out the doors and down the halls crying out for help. Hana moved swiftly to the other side of the room and rounded the corner. Nick, Gene and I followed after her, wondering what was going on. We turned the corner and saw Hana barring the "Fire Escape" door. Standing before her was a massive figure in a black cloak with a bra on top of his hood; the figure was bigger than Nick and Hana, barley fitting in the room. I recognized this guy; this was the only member of The Remnant that was bigger than Omni Dragon. "None shall pass!" Hana exclaimed as she blocked the figure's escape. The figure growled, but there was something about his voice I didn't recognize from that one encounter eight years ago; his voice sounded electronic. "I command you, as a member of The Remnant, to stand aside!" the figure roared. "Back away from the door, Remnant trash!" I bellowed, brandishing my sword. Gene unsheathed his knife and Nick dropped into a fighting stance. The figure turned towards us, a strange red light emanating from under the hood. "Nikolas, the Sonic Fox," the electronic voice hissed, "I've been waiting for you; I actually had free time to examine some of these fine ladies until I got careless." The figure reached up with a massive clawed hand and pulled down the hood. What we saw was horrifying; the figure was a black and blue ursine, one side of his face was normal, but the other side was covered in metal, including a red artificial eye. "I assume my face is rather unpleasant to look at; it's all your father's fault! That bastard nearly killed me, and for what? Some little vixen whore?" "Shut the fuck up!" I roared, thrusting my fist outward and emitting a sonic boom. The ursine raised his arm up in protection as the sound wave struck. Sparks flew from his arm, igniting his cloak sleeve. The ursine seemed to panic, flailing his arm about until the flames died. As the sleeve was burned away, his arm was revealed; one metallic arm stuck out from his shoulder, complete with razors for claws. "Now see what you've done!?" the cybernetic bear bellowed, "You nearly burned me alive! Just like your bastard father! I don't care what Omni Dragon wants; I am the newly dubbed Metal Guardian Bear and I'm going to bash your fucking head in!" The bear charged towards us, metallic arm raised to strike. The three of us leapt out of the way, just in time as the bear's arm crashed into the lockers; the bear was slow and clumsy in this close space, but he was insanely strong and violent. Bear ripped his arm out of the lockers and turned towards me, readying his arm for another attack. Gene came running from the other side of the room and sank his dagger into Bear's side, dragging it downwards and slicing through the cloak. The cloak fell open, revealing Bear's half metallic stomach and the jagged metal where Gene' dagger sank into. With a roar of hate, the metallic bear back-pawed Gene, sending him to the floor. With the bear preoccupied, I ran towards him and swung my sword horizontally, aiming at his flesh. Bear quickly moved his metallic arm down, crashing against the sword and protecting his flesh. I twirled my sword and thrust it up at his face; this time the ursine wasn't as quick, the blade lanced across his cheek and pierced his ear. Snarling in pain, Bear kicked out with a metallic leg and caught me in the stomach, sending me to the floor, flat on my back. As I wheezed for a breath of air, the metallic ursine thundered towards me, growling in hate. From out of the blue, Nick swung his fist at the bear's fleshy side, causing him to double over in pain. Then, without skipping a beat, Nick swung his fist upwards and crashed it against Bear's chin. The bear staggered backwards, teetering on one leg; Hana ran up from behind him and leapt onto his back, sending him crashing to the floor on his stomach. As Hana held Bear down, the three of us raced over to him; Gene and I stabbed into his side, trying to find a spot that wasn't covered in metal, while Nick slammed his fists into the bear's unprotected face. Before we could do any more damage to the downed ursine, my body froze and my muscles tightened. "Wha-" I uttered with a stiff jaw and tongue. I looked over and saw that Gene, Nick, and Hana were also frozen in place, but not Bear. From behind a set of locker emerged a slim figure in a black cloak; another member of The Remnant, no doubt. However, Metal Guardian Bear did not seem happy to see his comrade; in fact, he looked nervous. "Rachel," Bear gasped, "What are you doing here?" The cloaked figure, Rachel, pulled down her hood and crossed her arms, revealing a blue tigress with emerald eyes. "That's Seductress Tigress to you, Guardian. The reason why I'm here is to keep an eye on you; Omni Dragon felt that you would be too extreme for the mission. I see he was right, and now I'm taking you back with me." Rachel snapped her fingers and a blue portal opened up behind her. The ursine glared at her through a black eye. "The bloody fuck I will! That bastard is mi-" Bear managed to say before he froze like the rest of us. "You seem to think you have a choice; sorry if I lead you to believe that," Rachel said, pushing Hana off of the ursine. Rachel then grabbed Bear by the leg and dragged him to the portal, pushing him into the blue vortex. Rachel stepped toward the vortex but then stopped, turning around to face us. "Your very lucky that Omni Dragon wants you alive; even more amazing is that he doesn't want me to take you with me. All he wants me to do is give you a little message: Thanks for showing me what a loose cannon Bear was; I'll have to "reprogram" him. In the meantime, enjoy what time you have, because you will inevitably be either my servant, or my trophy." Rachel then blew a kiss and leapt into the vortex. "See you next time, Sonic Fox." After the portal closed, the four of us were finally able to move. We simply laid on the ground, breathing the fire out of our lungs. We almost had him, but that woman stopped us, and with an incredible power. "Is it always like this with you guys?" Nick asked. "From what I've seen, yeah," Gene sighed.

The rest of the day was a bit of a hassle. The college locked down; the students were sent back to their families for the week, much to Hana's dismay. Nick drove us back to his home and allowed us to rest in the living room while Hana and himself prepared dinner; it was hard to relax with Fatima playing with my tail and hopping on my stomach, especially since I took off the armor and was now in simple clothing. About an hour later, the five of us were sitting at the table and eating dinner; Hana and Nick asked to hear my story, and so throughout the course of the meal, I told my tale while keeping it G rated for Fatima. "Oh, you poor boy," Hana said gently, "I'm so sorry to hear about your parents. So you're all by yourself?" "No, not really," I replied, "I have Gene here and a few others in another galaxy, but that's it." "Well, I know you boys want to leave soon," remarked Nick as he picked up Fatima, "But I wouldn't mind if you stayed the night with us; we can get you settled in and you could leave tomorrow after breakfast." "Well, I don't know," I muttered, mulling over the idea. "Please stay," Fatima begged with an innocent look on her face. "Oh, alright," I said, smiling at Fatima. Fatima cheered in her father's arms. "Well then, we'll get things ready for you after we put Fatima to bed," said Hana, walking with her husband to Fatima's room. Gene and I put away all our gear and walked around the house, wondering where we were going to stay. "Nik, Gene," called out Hana from a room, "Come in here and see your room." Gene and I move in the direction of Hana's voice upstairs. We spotted a room with the door ajar and a small flickering light emanating from it. We push the door open and my eyes nearly popped out of their sockets; Hana laid on a large bed, dressed in a skimpy nightgown. "I've got a present for you two," Hana said with a grin. The dragoness clapped her hands and Nick walked out of the closet, dressed in a feminine maid uniform, complete with ruffled panties; I couldn't tell if I was excited or about to burst out laughing. "This is your maid," Hana continued, "And he will serve your every whim." Gene nudged me and smiled, removing his shirt and pants. I slowly did the same and stood before the two dragons. "Okay, my lovely maid," Gene said with a snicker, "I want you to come over here and dust our mantelpieces." Nick smiled and approached the two of us, kneeling down on his knees. With a gentle brushing movement, Nick "dusted" our groins, paying special attention to Gene's already hardening cock and my bulging sheathe. It didn't take long for our cock to become fully erect with Nick's teasing. "Excellent," Gene said, "Now stand up and remove your panties." Nick giggled and pulled down his panties slowly, revealing his semi-hard cock and massive balls. "Right then, just stand still," Gene commanded, pulling me over to Nick. Gene knelt down and brought me with him, eyeing Nick's impressive package. "Such a gifted little maid," Gene said, reaching out and stroking Nick's cock, making the dragon moan slightly. Nervously, I reached out and fondled Nick's sizeable balls, feeling the weight of each nut. Nick's cock rose to full attention before our eyes. "Good," Gene uttered, "Now lie down on your back." Nick laid down on the floor and waited for instructions. Gene and I knelt down, our erections floating above Nick's muzzle. "Now I want you to spit polish both our poles until they shine," Gene commanded with an excited air about him. With a smile, Nick grabbed both of our cock and brought them to his lips, sticking his tongue out and licking over the heads, teasingly. Both Gene and I gasped and groaned as the big dragon licked over our erections, focusing on one and then switching to another. Without warning, Nick slipped both our cocks into his mouth, closing his lips around the bases. I grunted as Nick flicked his tongue over my cock, making it touch against Gene's and sucking on both our erections. Gene groaned as he started to hump into Nick's mouth. I looked up at Hana and was aroused even more by what I saw; Hana, bent over forwards, was licking her pussy with her long tongue, swirling it around her lips before driving it inside. Gene leaned forward and grabbed Nick's cock, causing the dragon to jump underneath us. Gene took as much of the cock as he could fit into his mouth, slurping over the dragonhood noisily. Nick bucked underneath him and sucked on you cocks harder, using his fingers to tickle our balls. I moaned as Nick brought me halfway to my climax; this dragon knew what he was doing. All of a sudden, Gene released Nick's cock and slid his own out of his mouth. "Good," he gasped, lying on the bed next to Hana, "Now give me that big thick dragon cock of yours!" Nick released my cock and approached Gene as he laid on his back and raised his legs in the air. Nick grabbed Gene's legs and pressed his cock into Gene's ass, stretching the human out. Gene moaned as the tick cock filled his butt, "Now fuck me hard!" Nick obliged and started to hammer into Gene's ass, making the bed shake with each thrust. Gene moaned and gasped on the bed and the dragon ravaged his ass, loving every minute of it. Upset that I was left unattended, I looked for an outlet to satisfy me; Hana was too busy with her tongue and Gene was full of dragon cock. Nick, however was a different story; the dragon lifted his tail up as he thrust into Gene, giving me a good view of his tail hole. Smiling, I moved as quietly as possible behind Nick, aiming my cock at his exposed ass. With a quick thrust, I sank my cock deep into Nick's ass as he pulled out of Gene. Nick gasped and shuddered, looking back at me with a surprised smile on his face. Nick wraps his tail around me and pulls me close to him, urging me to continue. I grab onto his muscular ass and thrust in and out of him, loving the sensation of him thrusting his ass into my groin with each thrust. I chanced a glance at Hana, who was now using a black barbed dildo to titty fuck herself as she ate herself out. All four of us moaned, the bed rocking violently beneath us. Gene pushed his hips upwards and, with a loud moan, climaxed all over Nick's stomach. Nick continued to thrust into Gene until he tensed up and came in the human's ass, filling it to the brim. As Nick tensed up, his ass squeezed my cock and sent me over the edge; I shot load after load into the dragon's ass. Next to us, Hana let out a muffled cry as juices flowed over her muzzle, drenching the bed. We relaxed and basked in the afterglow, all panting and sliding out of one another. "Wow," Gene panted, "That was one wild ride." "Yeah," I muttered, "Not a bad way to end the night." "End the night?" Hana said, smiling evilly, "Oh no, foxy, we're far from calling it a night." My eyes widened; Hana wanted more?! I knew the horny dragoness was deprived of any of the girls back at the college, but she still wasn't satisfied from the previous round and no doubt had some more "ideas" in mind. I flashed Nick a worried look; the dragon simply flashed me a weak smile. "Welcome to my life." Nik and The Remnant belong to Sonic Fox Gene belongs to abosrbentgene Nick and Hana the Dragoness belong to nickk So marks the end of another fun chapter. I would like to thank nick for waiting for participating in this series. I would also like to say that nick has been one of my top favorite writers since before I made an account on this site. His numerous stories and his big, beautiful dragoness, Hana, have always been my personal favorites here at Yiffstar. Thank you, nickk. Also, I would like to add that if anyone would like to join the series, now is the time. I'm only going to have one more person sign up on the list before I go to the solo chapters. First person to sign up at the appropriate journal entry gets the spot.