My First Time with Him

Story by Duran on SoFurry

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#1 of My Dark Lover

My Dark Lover

My name is Alex and I have a secret, I am 17 and I'm in love with a monster. His skin is pale as the moon, and his eyes are red as blood. He has long dark hair and a strong muscular body. He reads my mind and gives me whatever I desire. My name is Alex and I am his slave, forever.

I sat at my computer, looking up porn again, its sucks being a 17 year old without a boy friend. Yes I know what you guys are thinking, "Girls don't look up porn." Well I wont speak for any others but I do. The supply was terrible, I had seen it all, so I went to my good old fall back, yep that's right Only the best, and being a Dragoness it felt totally natural, I found a juicy story between a fox and a wolf and started to read. My tail teased at my pussy waiting for a good sexy spot to start playing with my self.

I found what I was looking for and sunk my tail into my waiting depths, ohhhh how I wished it had been a real cock. But it didn't matter it had the desired effect and by the end of the story I was in orgasmic bliss, my tail going crazy in my slit. I was breathing hard my juices flowing freely, it was all I could do to stifle a moan. Having satisfied myself I cleaned off and leaned back in my chair.

"That was a good one," I said to myself, I do that a lot, talk to myself, not cause I'm nuts I just like the sound of a voice, any voice really. I got up and walked across the room to my bed and crawled under the covers. I remember I was wondering why I couldn't for the life of me snag a male, I wasn't that unattractive was I? I mean my breasts could have been bigger, but I liked them the way they were, they didn't get in the way. I suppose my ass could have been a little rounder but I liked it too, it was strong and made it easy to run. I remember wishing that someone would take me, before falling asleep.

I woke up a few hours later to see two red orbs hovering in the corner of my room, concealed in a particularly deep shadow. I blinked twice to make sure I wasn't dreaming, but they didn't go away.

"Who are you, what are you," I asked it. To my utter shock it answered.

"My name is Paul," it replied in a voice so beautiful and so soft it felt like velvet on my scales. "I," he breathed, "I a-am so....weak, so...thirsty," he said it in slow rasping breaths, as though he were exhausted. I could have sworn I saw his eyes flash a brighter shade of red.

"I can get you some water," I offered.

"No," he breathed again, "I...need....blood," he said the last word a little louder but still not above a whisper.

"What," I asked, "I don't have any blood," I said in confusion.

"Your...blood...please," he was almost begging, "," he said. I had no right to trust him, I'm not really sure why I did it.

"OK, you can have my blood," I said strangely calm, I can't describe why, but I knew he didn't want to hurt me, I could feel it.

Paul stepped forward into the moon light, he was tall roughly six feet, bipedal, but like no other animal I had ever seen. He had no fur or scales, just flesh, very pale flesh, he did however have hair, long black hair that reached down his back to his waist. His face was like nothing I had ever seen, no snout, his nose was small and pointed, and his eyes, the pupils seemed to give of a red glow.

However different he was, he was still beautiful, in a strange exotic kind of way. He wore a long black coat with a black button down shirt underneath. He had black slacks with black leather shoes. He wore white gloves on his hands with odd markings on them.

He walked over to stand beside the bed, I covered myself the best I could as I was in the nude. He put his hands on my shoulders and bent low as if to kiss me, however he missed my head and went strait for my neck. He opened his mouth revealing two long peril white fangs. He plunged them through my steely scales like a hot knife though butter. I gasped in pain, then I felt him begin to suck the blood that welled forth, not spilling a drop.

The feeling of him sucking my blood was not painful, quite the opposite, it was pleasurable, almost orgasmic. My hands reached up to his head letting the sheet fall free, I entwined my talons in his silky black hair moaning softly as he drank his fill. All too soon it ended and he pulled away, his thirst satisfied. I felt a little dizzy and my head started to fall, only to be caught, ever so gently by powerful arms.

"Thank you Alexia, I am in your debt," he whispered in my ear, in that voice that sent chills down my spine. His voice was the last I heard as I fell back asleep.

The morning sun woke me, Paul was gone, nowhere to be seen, had it all been a dream? My hand went to my neck and found two small puncher marks, it had been real!

"Paul," I called out, no answer. Had he just left? Was that the end to the most sensual experience in my life? I got out of bed and walked to my closet, putting on a lose t-shirt and some panties, It was a Saturday, and I didn't have plans so I didn't bother with a bra or paints, the shirt made a short dress anyway.

My parents were out of town on their anniversary and would be gone another week, I hade the house to myself. I went down stairs to find all the curtains draw, had I left them that way last night? I shrugged off the question and turned to enter the kitchen, and there he was standing over the stove making eggs with bacon and sausage staying warm in the oven, with waffles on the Iron. I was frozen in the door way, was I dreaming, I pinched my self to make sure.

"I assure you that I am indeed here," he said without turning around, I didn't know what your favorite was so I made all the things you liked."

"Th-thank you, wait," I shook my head, "what are you doing here how do you know my name and what I like for breakfast?"

I drank your blood, a know a great deal about you, which brings me to why I am still here. I know that you are lonely, and one so beautiful should never be lonely," he said causing me to blush. He turned around and gave me a smile. "Sit, eat, enjoy."

"Don't you want any," I said doing as he told.

"No I do not require food, only blood, and I will never ask for yours again, that is my solemn vow, I was weak and desperate last night and what I took form you was wrong." I looked up at him, he was angry, not at me but at himself.

"You didn't do anything wrong," I said, "I said you could have it and I meant it, and you will never have to ask for it again."

"As much as I would enjoy talking to you, the day is quickly growing stronger and I must retire to a dark place to sleep," he said.

"Their's always the attic," I suggested. I lead him up to the entrance and pulled it open, causing a cascade of dust.

"This will do nicely," he said ascending the stairs. I followed him up the ladder, he was nodding his head in satisfaction. I leaned in and gave him a kiss on the cheek.

"Sweet dreams, Paul," said I. Paul looked over at me and smiled.

"With you nearby, always." The light around him shimmered, before long the rafters were lined with dozens of bats, and Paul was no were to be seen.

"Cool," I said, climbing down the stairs.


The hours passed by as I cleaned up the house watching the clock, waiting for the night, when I could see him again, my dark angel. I showered and polished my scales until they shined like sapphires, making sure that I was the best looking I could be. I picked out my best cloths, a wavy mini skirt that was a black and blue plaid. I found my best blouse , one that accented my breasts the best I could manage, found a cute pair of socks and decided against shoes. I let my long white hair down, and made sure every single blue scale was in order. Finally the sun started to set and sure enough, I heard the creak of the attic stairs coming down. I walked over to meet him, he looked like had had a restful sleep.

"Well don't we look nice tonight," he said, again sending shivres through my whole body. This man had me absolutely spell bound. Looking at him stopped my breath and his smell was the sweetest I had ever smelled. He walked over and took my shoulders in his gloved hands and kissed me on both checks like we were long time lovers. The scales on my face turned from sapphire blue to ruby red in seconds.

Paul went to walk by me, my hand snapped out and grabbed his wrist. I pulled him back and he spun back into my arms as I lifted my head to kiss his lips with a passion I had only read about in my love stories. To my shock and relief he retuned it as he let my tongue slide into his mouth. We remained locked at the lips for what could have been minutes or hours. When we finally broke part, he looked down at me with a mix of love and sadness.

"What's wrong Paul," I asked. His face betrayed a deep sarrow.

"You....remind me of someone," he said. "Someone I lost a very, very long time ago, in fact... you look just like her."

"Then let me be her for you, if for only one more night," I said, I truly wanted to be whatever this man desired.

"No, she is lost, never to be found," he said with such a sadness in his voice I almost started to cry, and I had no idea what happened. I looked down feeling foolish that I could ever replace someone this man loved, when I felt his finger under my chin, I looked back up at him, and saw warmth, a strong unmistakable warmth.

"Tonight, be you," he said and kissed me again. We walked to my parents bedroom without ever breaking our kiss. We laid down on the bed I was conceived in together, him on top of me. His coat long forgotten in the closet I started to unbutton his shirt. When I got to the last one he flipped it off his shoulders and let it fall form the his hands to the floor.

His chest was as pale as his face without a scare on his perfect flesh. I still hadn't gotten used to the feeling of his bare skin but it was warm and soft. He was pulling the zipper down on my skirt, I lifted my hips from the bed to let him take it off me. After disposing of it on the floor he ran his gloved hand up my leg, I moaned into his mouth. We broke the kiss so he could lift of my shirt leaving me in black lacy Victoria Secret underwear. I undid the button and zipper of his slacks and pulled them down, revealing black boxers, his manhood already pitching a tent in them, and straining against the elastic to be free. I released his erecting from its restraint and Paul stepped out of his boxers.

I didn't want to wait for him to undo my bra so I quickly undid the clasps and threw it away as well, my panties came next. We reengaged our kiss but this one didn't last long, Paul started to kiss my neck as I ran my hands trough his jet black hair. I moaned loudly as he kissed the spot he had taken my blood the night before, hearing my pleasure he ran his tongue across the two holes in my neck, I can only describe the feeling as electrifying.

Without me having to ask he pushed into my virgin folds, I cried out in a mix of pain but mostly pleasure, as he separated my tight walls. He lifted one of my legs so that it wrapped around his back as he skillfully, pushed in and out of me.

My breath quickened as he thrust into me, the feeling of him inside me was pure ecstasy, just like the feeling of my tail, only 10,000 times better. He wrapped his arms around me as he pushed forward, his breath increasing. I started to moan and grunt with every thrust of his cock into me, I could feel myself tightening around him which only felt better.

"I'm almost there Paul," I managed to breath in between his powerful but gentle thrusts.

"As am I, my love." hearing my say that put me over the edge, I screamed out it bliss as my juices surrounded his shaft. With one final plunge I felt him erupt within me, the feeling of his seed filling me was almost as good as my climax. He remained inside me just like I wished he would until he softened. He fell next to me sliding all the way out.

We rolled onto out sides so we could gaze at each other. He ran his hand through my hair and caressed my face. He kissed my nose, then my forehead, and finally my lips.

"That was my first time," I said, "and I couldn't dream of a better partner, I love you Paul." I said. He smiled and kissed my nose.

"I love you to, my heart."

"There is one thing I want to ask," he hummed in response. "How did you know what I wanted, before I did." I asked. He was quite for a short time, then answered.

"Centuries of practice," he smiled and said, "and in toughs hundreds of years I have met only one, I love as much as you." I smiled satisfied, if he was old as he said he was, and I had no reason to doubt, then I was one only two in his life to love him so patiently. I fell asleep in his arms that night, hopping he would never leave me, and that I could express my love for him every night, for as long as I was able.


My name is Alex, I am 17 years old, and my lover is a Vampire.