A Strange Adventure Ch One

Story by Oros Triago on SoFurry

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#1 of A strange Adventure

Been really excited to get this out and I hope everyone enjoys it. Fair bit of warning, there is no real sex in this. It looks as though it might but it explodes into emotional stuff right after it happens. In the end though I will plan on putting some kinky stuff in the next part. Keep in mind this is pure story oriented.

Derrick Aura is a man with an abnormal power: He can use the powers of a Pokemon but of which he does not know. However the visit of a strange Pokemon causes him to confront his mother and learn of who, or rather what, he is. Upon his discovery he decides to leave to go on his own Pokemon journey to find himself. However the strange Pokemon from before seeks to know him more and decides to go with him. She also decides another way to...better know him.

Light shone in the darkness of the cool river and yet far below movement could be seen. Slowly, a small figure huddled into a ball began to reveal its form, the seaweed around it slowly brushing softly across its skin.

Soon the purple eyes of the six foot seven inched tall Mewtwo were open and she, for it was a she, felt a familiar presence. A presence that had brought her here some time ago. While she had felt many psychic wavelengths before this one, none had ever caught her interest like this. Its power was incredible, so powerful, that it could rival even hers.

*Who are you?* she asked slowly to it only to feel the energy begin to ebb away. But she wouldn't let it for not a moment later the legendary Pokemon used her psychic powers to launch herself out of the river located in Lumiose city, startling a nearby couple as they relaxed under the moonlight. Many weeks she had been alone, at least, as a one of a kind pokemon. *Wait...please.*

Not a moment after she whispered that plea that blue flames surrounded her, a single horizontal line tracing the flame from top to bottom. Before long both disappeared to show she had transformed. She was now slightly shorter, her two blunt horns now located more towards the front of her head and pointed while a bandana like appendage appeared just behind them. Her thick purple tail was now located on her head while her hands were more round, the fingers straight and purple without bulges on the rips. Her hips even appeared to have a strange protrusion that shot straight upwards and yet she paid her transformation no heed as her speed doubled, her more feminine form shooting straight and true through the night sky.


Dee awoke in his house with a gasp, his body trembling and shaking as a cold sweat rolled down his head. His hand promptly shot to his black hair where he shivered at the pain just underneath it. His powers were going wild yet again and slowly he stood on his shaky legs.

Stumbling through the darkness and nearly tripping over his Growlithe Sam, Dee flicked on his nearby bathroom light. Almost falling in agony from the pain, he made his way to his medicine cabinet where he pulled out a bottle of pills, popped the cap, and tossed two red and blue pills into his already wide open mouth before swallowing a nearby cup of water.

"Dammit. Why me?" He whispered as he closed the cabinet, his mirror soon revealing the rather normal yet handsome face he had while his pink eyes watered from the strange tingling sensation just in his head. "Why in the world do I have to have psychic powers of a damn Pokemon?!"

And that was also something his professor wished to learn as well. For a long as he could remember he had these incredible powers to do things with his mind that no other could. Dee was unique, he was powerful, hell he could even fly but only went on the darkest of nights. If word got out he had these incredible abilities his life as a normal man would end.

Spitting into the sink, Dee turned to leave and quickly went into the kitchen where he grabbed some food out of the fridge. He was up now, may as well have an evening snack. Shoving a piece of bread into his mouth, he looked over at his nearby clock to see it was three in the morning. But out of the corner of his eyes, from his bedroom balcony, he saw movement.

Closing his fridge carefully, Dee quietly pressed his back against the wall. There he held his breath before slowly looking around the corner and back into his bedroom. There was nothing save for Sam, still snoozing at the foot of his bed. Everything was normal. Slowly the young man relaxed only to tense up when he saw movement once more from outside.

Figuring it was nothing, Dee stepped out and went to the balcony where he stared outside of his house to watch as something darted about. Because of the darkness he could only see its general shape but he knew it was just a Pokemon. A Pokemon he had never seen before but it did not matter. With a small grin, he turned to look back at his bed as he pondered whether or not he should head back to bed. Shrugging he turned to look back out the window.

Only to jump when he saw purple eyes staring at him through his own window. "Holy sweet mother of Arceus!" Dee swore loudly as he stumbled backwards only to trip over his own bed and practically cartwheel over it. He landed on the other side with a loud whump and laid there for several seconds. He heard something like a click and than the sound of his glass door slowly open.

Slowly Dee sat up, his hands going to his bed to help him support himself as he stood. And there stood the strange Pokemon or rather floated as it stood almost two feet off the ground, its purple eyes scanning the room only to brush past him like he was nothing.

Dee had never seen anything like it, its body rather feminine yet also strange. It was maybe around his height at well over six feet. Its body a odd greyish colour only to turn a light purple at a weird shaped headband-like body part on its head. On the back of its head was what appeared to be a thick purple appendage, like a tail, that swayed slowly behind it. Its hands were rather large with three purple fingers while its forearm and shoulder was thinner. On its chest was a printed tuft that he only suspected was also flesh and blood.

But it was the eyes that attracted him most. All his life Dee had thought that his eyes were unique, that he was one of a kind. But here he was, standing before a Pokemon with the same shade of gorgeous pink eyes. "What...what are you?" He whispered out of both curiosity as well as incredulously.

*i...am Mewtwo.* a beautiful voice of a woman whispered in his head and he watched stunned as she pressed her hands together as though in prayer. Blue flames brushed from her body and a horizontal blue line appeared that went from the top to bottom. Not a second later and she had transformed to what he assumed was her real form, a much plain version of her other self.

*i have answered your question now answer mine: what psychic Pokemon do you have under your care.* she slowly asked and Dee blinked. He didn't own any psychic Pokemon. Hell the only Pokemon he actually had was good old Sam but evens then he only carried the ball just because Professor Aura insisted on it. Not to mention he was slightly shocked she just spoke directly to his mind but than again he also knew psychic were capable of such things.

Dee shrugged. "I honestly don't know what you're talking about lady." He replied before pointing behind her. Sam had awoken not long ago and was now sitting on Dee's bed, staring up at Mewtwo out of curiosity. "Fraid Sam's the only Pokemon in this apartment."

Mewtwo spun in the air to look down at the Growlithe. Sam gave an excited little bark and she leaned forward to begin petting his head, a small smile on her just as small mouth. A moment later and she began to fly towards the window, waving once behind her.

*farewell.* she said before slowly floating up into the air. Dee blinked incredulously once more before running up to the window and out onto his balcony. Who in the world would just randomly barge into a persons home and ask for a psychic pokemon only to leave? He sure as heck did not care if this particular person was a Pokemon! No one gets away for such a thing with him.

"Hold it!" He cried causing Mewtwo to stop and look at him. "You can't just say good bye after barging into my home like that! Explain yourself!"

Mewtwo snorted. *For one I said farewell to Sam not you.* her eyes narrowed dangerously *And second I have my reasons.* she turned to leave once more only to be stopped by Dee once more.

"I said explain yourself! Who's your master?!" He roared out. Without warning Mewtwo spun about and thrusted a three fingered hand at him, her purple eyes glowing a light blue. Startled, Dee felt himself lifted off his feet and the next moment he was sent flying back into his bedroom, slamming into the wall on the other side of the room.

Falling to the floor with a groan, Dee heard her voice once more in his head. *I serve no one.* he heard her growl with anger resounding throughout his skull. With a wheeze he slowly stood up to his own feet. Now he was pissed.

"Alright fine...ya wanna play tough guy? Fine by me." Growled Dee as his own eyes began to glow blue. "You're not the only one with powerful psychic abilities." His body gently rising up as though by nothing, Dee carefully concentrated on his trajectory. A moment later and he shot out of his bedroom window at super speed.

He caught up to Mewtwo quite easily having not been flying as fast as she could. But she sure as hell was warned when his psychic powers became exposed. Spinning around, her pink eyes went wide in surprise as the man tackled into her body and sent her cartwheeling through the air towards a nearby skyscraper. Before she slammed into the wall, Mewtwo slowed her speed down and pressed her feet gently on the side of the building to look up at the floating human. *How...?*

Dee only sneered at her angrily. "Now apologize." He commanded as he crossed his arms across his bare chest. "I hate conflict and I sure as hell won't like beating you up. Apologize and I won't have to."

His answer was only a large black sphere of energy aimed directly at his head. Flipping backwards, Dee barely managed to avoid the attack. *How do you have such abilities?!* he heard Mewtwo hiss in his mind and he only shrugged in reply.

"Lady, I honestly don't know." He said before rolling his eyes. "Look, from what my professor said I've had these abilities since I was a boy." He brought his hand up a similar sphere of darkness formed in his hand. "And I fucking hate it."

He suddenly brought his hand back behind his head. "But I'm still gunna teach you a lesson!" Dee roared before throwing the ball at Mewtwo. "Aura Sphere!" The ball of energy shot forward at Mewtwo who only narrowed her eyes before raising a hand. A field of dark pink light surrounded her and the sphere exploded, leaving not a scratch on her.

*Do you really think such an attack would do such a thing?* She mused only to blink in surprise. Dee was gone. *Where...?* Mewtwo began to look about but did not see the man. A cough however made her look down.

Dee was standing right in front of her, atop a window. "Boo." He grinned only for it to disappear when Mewtwo took off into the sky. Shaking his head he followed after her only to send yet another sphere after the Pokemon. She merely swirled before spinning and swinging her arm out. Several stars appeared and shot straight at him.

"Swift huh?" Dee laughed as he brought up his own pink barrier. Both flew past Lumioses pride attraction: Prism Tower. Even during the day its glowing visage was like a beacon of hope to this large city. But neither Mewtwo nor Dee looked away from each other, both determined to end this.

Dee only sighed as his shoulders slumped. "Look could you at least apologize?" He murmured before shrugging. "Honestly. You need to understand that you can't just invade on people's home. It's not right."

Mewtwo clapped her hands in what he assumed was a prayer. *I won't apologize to a human!* she cried before her body erupted into the blue flames once more. A moment after and she was in her other form, her darker pink eyes glaring at him angrily before she brought her hand to her side outstretched. *And I won't lose!*

Swinging her arm at Dee, a pink blade of energy shot out at him like a blade of darkness. Dee shot up in the air to avoid it but as soon as his eyes shot to Mewtwo she vanished. "What?!" He gasped as he spun to look about.

Without a single sound Mewtwo appeared right before him. *Boo* was all she said before Dee was slammed hard by an Aura Sphere. Flying through the air, Dee watched the world spin only for pain to wrack his body when he slammed into the Prism Tower, several lights flickering as he fell down to a ledge.

"Damn that hurt." He groaned only to look up to see Mewtwo standing over him with a smug look. Dee tensed, preparing to fight back should she do anything. And sure enough she did, her hand glowing once more with the aura sphere she was creating.

At the last moment, Dee rolled to the side as she swung her fist. Mewtwos closed hand smashed into the metal of the tower and left a very noticeable dent in it. "Would you just..." He began as he tackled her into the wall, his hands grabbing hers and pinning her to the wall. "...calm the fuck-!"

Dee paused mid yell, his eyes widening at the Pokemon he had pinned. Mewtwo had one pink eye open staring at him as a small but noticeable blush crosses her face. Her chest was rising and falling with each heavy breath that washed gently across his face. *What is...wrong?* she panted at him. *did you...not say...you wished to teach me a lesson?*

Dee's nose promptly exploded with blood and he scrambled backwards in mid air before turning and shooting off into the sky. "SOOOOOOOOO CUUUUUUUUTTTTTTEEEE!" Was all Mewtwo heard as she fell to her knees, her eyes watching stunned as he flew away.

*such a...strange man.* Mewtwo gasped as she stood back up shakily. Dee smashing her into the wall had made her lose most of the air in her lungs. But it wasn't just that either, he was stronger than he originally appeared. Who was he? But the most important she was curious was...

Slowly, she brought a hand up to her cheek. Mewtwos blush suddenly intensified and she looked up at where Dee disappeared. *I'm...cute?* she whispered as she changed to her former self.


Dee slammed his door shut behind him, his face furiously blushing and a trail of dried up blood under his nose. Sam the Growlithe came walking up, wagging his tail as he expected to be pet. "S-Sorry Sam." He stuttered as he pulled out his poke ball and sent the Growlithe within. "But I really need to be alone right now."

Once the small orange canine had vanished, Dee began to stroll back and forth in His apartment as he thought furiously as to what to do about his already high libido. What really was embarrassing was the fact it all started with that damn Mewtwo!

*Okay, okay.* thought Dee as he stopped and began to inhale. *Clear your thoughts Dee. Inhale.* he deep breath in through his nose. *and exhale* he breathed out through his mouth slowly. *Inhale.* yet another inhale. *Exhale.*

Suddenly a rather sexy posed Mewtwo appeared behind his closed eye lids. *Did you not say you wanted to punish me?* He heard her question in a heated voice as she shook her bare rump at him. Dee's eyes shot open and he felt his nose explode with blood once more. Pinching his nose, the young man ran straight into his bathroom where he grabbed Kleenex to keep the blood at bay.

"What is wrong with me?!" He yelled out in a helium like voice as he leaned his head forward over the sink. "I had never had such thoughts about Pokemon like this! The hell is going on?!"


The next morning, Dee awoke to the gentle sound of fletchlings and pidgeotto. Flipping over, he sighed happily as he tried to go back to sleep. His eyes shot open however and he jumped out of bed, realizing what time it was. "CRAP!" He roared out as he quickly ran about to get ready to go. Grabbing a pair on joggers, the man tripped as he made his way into the kitchen where he made himself a slice of buttered toast.

After that everything else went by quickly. Quickly grabbing his bike, he ran out the door and down the hallway and around the corner. Just as he expected, Dee watched dismayed as the elevator door closed full of people. He was on the fourteenth floor! He didn't have time for this! Left with no choice he began the pond descent down the nearby stairs.

Once on the ground floor, Dee didn't even give himself time to take a breather and instead sped up his speed and out the doors before hopping onto his bike. Afterwards he began to pedal down the road quickly towards the nearby Pokemon centre. Of course like the rest of his unlucky morning, it quickly went even more downhill when a officer pulled him over exclaiming he was biking dangerously. It was twenty minutes later when he burst through the front door of the centre completely devoid of emotion.

"Oh good morning Derrick!" Nurse Joy piped as the young man stumbled in. "Late again I see. Miss aura is waiting for you in the usual room." Dee grumbled a hello to her as well before heading down the all too familiar hallway. Seeing as how he walked down it every Saturday seemed to have something to do with it.

"Morning." Dee grumbled as he pushed open the room he knew the professor was in. Spinning in her chair, Aura looked at him with a cold glare with her blue eyes before pressing her spectacles up on her nose.

"you're late again Derrick." She pointed out as he closed the door behind him and removed his shirt before walking to a doctors table and laying down on it. A kindly woman, Professor Jennifer Aura was a mental professional that specialized not only in those criminally insane but also those that involved brainwaves. Luckily for Dee, Aura gave him free of charge on his examinations for one simple reason.

"Same reasons as last week, Mom." He grinned sheepishly only to be smacked on the head by her. While they shared very little in common, there has often been disputes on how they look. In fact, many said to Dee (much to his displeasure) that if he was a woman he would've looked exactly like his mother. Save for the pink eyes of course.

"Woke up late, tripped in your own bedroom, missed the elevator AND pulled over by a cop?" Aura asked before shaking her head down at him when he grinned yet again. "Honestly, if I wasn't your own mother you would've lost me as a doctor for sure!"

Dee laughed when she grabbed several pads and attached him to his forehead. "Yeah sure!" He giggled. "You know for a fact you would've dare lose me as a patent! You've told me numerous times of how my brainwaves are the strongest you've seen in years!"

His mother smiled at that perception he had. "You are right on that boy, I'll give you that!" She laughed as she spun in her chair to a series of computers. Immediately several colourful graphs appeared and her eyes scanned them quickly. She stopped over one in particular, a section raised dramatically to tower over the other bar graphs.

"Derrick?" She mused slowly turning to face him. "Did you use your powers again? More specifically last night?" Dee flinched, forgetting that one graph in particular graphed a certain brain wave length that indicated how much and when telekinetic energy was used.

"Yes." He murmured and Aura shook her head in disappointment at her son. Dee knew what was coming. One of the old mother-giving-a-stern-lecture-to-son moments. He hated these so much but this time he was certain he would win this time.

Aura opened her mouth to begin his lecturing but was stopped when Dee sat up. "But I had a good reason!" He exclaimed before throwing his legs over the side. "Mom! A strange psychic pokemon suddenly invaded my bedroom shortly after I had one of my mental attacks! I think it said its name was Mewtwo..."

Dee blinked when he saw his mothers hands clench for a split moment. "Are you sure you weren't dreaming about her?" She whispered and flinched when her son looked at him hard.

"I never said that it was a she mother." He whispered angrily and she spun about to look at the computers yet again. "You know something about her...don't you." His mother remained silent and he stood up, swinging his ar, in a angered and wide arc. "You also know we have the same powers don't you?! Mom tell me what the hell is going on here or so help I will-!"

"You'll what Derrick?" If there was anything he expected from his own mother it sure as hell wasn't to see her spin around with tears in her eyes. "You'll what? Read my mind? You may as well do it Derrick because it will sure leave me from facing my own painful memories."

Derrick stared at her for several seconds before relaxing his body. "I'd..." She made a very audible gulp. "I'd...rather hear it from you with your own free will." He looked down at his feet. "I'd more than likely take it the wrong Mom."

Aura sighed as she looked away for several seconds. She knew that this day would come, when Derrick, her own child, would learn of his true origins. "I will first have to explain the origins of Mewtwo." She muttered before turning to him yet again. Dee took a seat, knowing it would be a long one.

Aura took in a deep breath before beginning. "One year ago there was a group located in the Kanto region named Team Rocket. In a massive search for power, they discovered a fossil they believe was from Mew. As the legend states, Mew was the first Pokemon ever to have been created so this discovery was incredible. However, they did not want a fossil but a Pokemon so they began research into cloning."

Aura looked into his eyes at this. "But they decided that wasn't enough. During the cloning process they tampered with its genes and made it more powerful. Thus the first Mewtwo was born." Dee raised his hand at that.

"Wait, hold on." He gasped. "The FIRST Mewtwo? You mean there's more than one?"

Aura nodded at his question. "However it grew into a fit of rage upon learning it was not born but made. It destroyed the lab it was in during the process and shortly after went missing. No one knows to this day where it went." She sighed as she continued. "Then in Unova, a group called Team Plasma created yet another. This one was female, made specifically this way for they believed a female would be easier to control. They were wrong like Rocket, the Mewtwo escaping followed shortly after by several insect Pokemon created from fossils called Genesect."

Dee breathed a shuddering breath before asking his next question. "So..." He slowly licked his lips. "So...how did you get this information?" He asked slowly and nervously. He didn't know why but he was very afraid all of a sudden.

"This...this is where you will hate me Derrick." She whispered with a shuddering lip as tears filled her eyes. "Sometime later, here on Kalos, a group called Team Flare tried something else. Using both human and Pokemon DNA, they created a creature that had the body of a man but the abilities of a Pokemon. Abilities just like Mewtwos."

She closed her eyes and gave out a small sob before moving on. "However, the woman that gave the DNA required to begin this experiment saw what they wanted to do to him and snuck away with him in tow." She began to softly cry. "While she did not truly give birth to him, he was her child, her baby boy. She could not stand by and watch as her own child was turned into a living weapon."

Dee sat back on the table, his eyes staring around him in utter bewilderment. Slowly, he brought his eyes down to stare at his hands which began to clench against his joggers. "So..." He said coolly. "So...I'm the clone aren't I?" He clenched his fist even harder until the white of his knuckles showed. He suddenly felt the urge to whip out with his powers, smash everything in the lab.

*Dont do it.*

Dee stopped for a moment before looking over his shoulder. He could've sworn he heard her voice. "And...what about my memories?" He slowly asked as he turned back to his crying mother. "There is no way twenty one years just suddenly appeared in my mind. Especially if I was technically born less than a year ago!"

Aura wiped the tears from her eyes as she looked at him. "That is something I cannot answer." She smiled sadly. "But wherever they came from...I'm grateful for it. When you first began to 'remember' you kept telling these wonderful stories, stories that I was always so glad that you had. It in a way made you a good person."

"But I'm not a person!" Dee roared out as he ripped the pads off his head and stood up. "What am I? I don't even know anymore!"

Aura looked at him sadly before standing g up and taking his hand in hers. "You are my son." She whispered to him with a small smile. "You may have been born human and you may have the powers of a Pokemon..." She slowly placed her hand on his cheeks, her thumb beginning to caress it lovingly. "...but you are still a person Derrick."

Dee stared at her for long moments, his hand slowly going up to gentle grasp hers. "Mom..." He whispered slowly before looking at her with a grim determination. "I'm going to see Professor Sycamore." He turned to look back at the door. "I'm going to go to become a Pokemon trainer."

After that he moved away from her and began to place his shorts back on. "I need to understand myself. I need to learn how to control my powers." Dee walked back to Aura and brought her into a hug. "I am grateful for everything you've done Mom. I love you."


It was some time later when he walked into his apartment, practically tossing his bike off to the side as he walked in. So much has happened to Dee since he registered at the Centre and went to the Pokemon lab to see Kalos regions own Pokemon Professor Sycamore. There he was given the choice between the three starters, Froakie the water type, Fennekin the fire type, and Chespin the grass type. In the end he took Froakie as he already had a fire type.

Now that Dee was finally home all he wanted to do was to relax. He would leave for Santalune City and the first gym tomorrow morning. *I was wondering when you would return.* Dee jumped at the sound of the feminine voice in his head and he looked about to see nothing wrong. The hair on the back of his neck stood on end and he looked up to see Mewtwo standing upside down on his ceiling, a small smile on her cat like face.

"Uhhhh." Dee began as he raised his eyebrow at her. She flipped over and landed softly before him. "The hell you doing back in my house?"

*I heard you were going to become a trainer.* she mused as she crossed her arms over her chest, her tail swaying behind her once more. *And that you wanted to control your powers. So...* she leaned forward far enough so that Dee was forced to lean back. *...I want to go with you.*

Dee jumped back in shock. "What?! Why the hell should I take you with me?!" He roared out only to stop when Mewtwo began walking around him, closing the door softly. Using her mental powers however she also locked it silently without his aware.

*Because who else can teach you to use them better?* she purred, making it sound as though she whispered on his ear. *A scientist? a human? Even you must see that is the wrong direction!*

Dee wasn't a idiot and he damn well knew she was after something but he also couldn't deny her logic. She was the beat chance he had in understanding his powers. "Fine." He huffed as he crossed his arms, his eyes slowly watching her as she continued to walk around him. "Than what do you propose to do?"

Mewtwo smiled, finally seeing her opportunity. *close your eyes.* she instructed and Dee slowly did so. Her tail twitched in eagerness but she calmed herself as she knew that she would have to do this very carefully. *In order to better understand your powers, keep your mind clear no matter what.*

At that point she carefully swiped her hand across his arm causing him to shudder. *Dont move, keep your mind clear.* she scolded and he grimaced when she swiped carefully across his chest. *Remove your clothes. They will only impede my lesson.*

Dee eyes went wide open and he looked at her with a look that said that he refused. *Our powers are not only in our heads.* Mewtwo explained as she stopped I front of him. *our powers flow out from out brain and into our bodies. This enables better control over our psychic abilities such as our aura spheres.*

Dee stared at her for a long moment before complying and removed his short. After that he removed his pants but did not remove his boxers. *Duckletts. How...adorable.* the young man blushed profusely at the comment, his hands going down to hide it. *but sadly it needs to go too.*

Dee shot his head up to look at her. "Hell no!" He shouted. "There is no way I'm removing my freaking underwear!" Mewtwo only smiled at the blushing mans face.

*And why not? Are you embarrassed?* Her pink eyes went down to look at where his private parts were. *Or are you afraid of your own manhood? Ohhhh that's it isn't it?* she began to laugh at him. *Its small isn't it? You consider yourself a small man because you have a small penis!*

Dee flinched before grabbing his underwear. "F-Fine." He muttered angrily as he began to pull them down. Centimetre by painful centimetre of his skin soon revealed itself to Mewtwo. While she had the previous night, out of curiousity, watched a human couple mate, she still felt surprised to see his manhood. Even now he was flaccid but saw it was quickly becoming erect. That alone excited her more then anything and she couldn't explain why.

*Good.* She whispered on his head, not slowing her pace as she walked around his now naked form. Dee kept a suspicious eye on her lithe yet bulky hipped form, his hand tossing his underwear off to the side. *Again...close your eyes and begin to take slow, deep and calming breathes.*

Dee nodded before closing his pink eyes, bringing him back into darkness. around him, he could still hear her moving along with her minds voice. *breath...in and out...in and out...*

Dee followed her instructions willingly, breathing when she said to and out when she commanded. He was however unaware of the Pokemon slowly descending to her knees, her own eyes never leaving his shaft. Slowly she began to quietly crawl her way towards him, her tail and hips swaying without her meaning to. Once at his still form she brought herself up until her face was level with his groin. *Keep your mind clear. No matter what.*

Dee snorted. "Okay okay." He grumbled sorely as he flipped his head a small bit out of anger. "No need to-" Mewtwo opened her mouth wide and took his still soft manhood into her lips, giving a fierce suckle that made his eyebrow twitch as his arousal awaken. For a long moment, he didn't say anything but his mouth moved as his own cock began to grow and engorge.

"Mewtwo?" He slowly asked, his eyes still closed. In a way he did not want to know what it was she was doing exactly. But when she gave out a low purr of wanton lust, his own dick feeling it and growing even more quickly, he knew what was occurring. "Do you have my penis inside your mouth right now? At this exact moment?"

When the Pokemon didn't answer Dee opened his pink eyes only to moan out of both anger and despair. "Yep. Yep you have my cock in your mouth." His fists up up to his eyes as Mewtwo sank even more of his meat into her mouth, the back of her throat practically overlapping his head now. "Ohhhh Arceus. My dick is inside your mouth. Oh man, you are sitting here and you are sucking on my most priced treasure oh man-"

*S-Shut up...* he heard her whisper inside his mind and Dee blinked, removing his hands to look at her. Mewtwos face was scrunched up and it became even more scrunched up when she pushed forward, Dee moaning as his hands went to her head when he slid right down her throat. *M-My throat...*

Dee stared at her for a moment, his face filled with worry. "Look, if you can't handle it then-"

*I can handle it!*

If his sex wasn't deep in her throat right at that moment, he would've taken a step back when her eyes shot open filled with anger. He held his hands up defensively. "Okay okay!" He mumbled with wide eyes before he looked about. "C-could we at least bring this to the bed first?"

Mewtwo contemplated his request before nodding, making him whimper as his shaft rubbed against the moist walls of her mouth. Slowly she began to pull off of him, Dee quite impressed with how she went straight down to his base. He didn't mean to brag but, nine inches certainly is quite a bit to handle.

"Hey." He murmured as he knelt down next to her, Mewtwo having started to cough from the exertion. She glared at him and he seized, afraid for a split moment. Before frowning. "Look, if you don't want me to participate you may as well get out and find pleasure somewhere else." And with that he made to leave only to pause when she grabbed his wrist, stopping him.

*Im sorry.* He heard her say almost inaudibly as he turned to face her. *its just...now ones ever said anything that was physically nice about me.*

Dee cocked his head out of confusion. "Physically nice...?" He muttered dumbfounded before realizing what she was talking about. "Oh you mean when I..." He began to laugh and Mewtwo snorted out of embarrassment. "Look, that's not something you should go on about having sex for. I mean, yeah I like sex as much as the next guy but even I do it out of love."

Dee suddenly found himself flying against the wall, wheezing as he fell down to his hands and knees. "The hell...was that for?!" He wheezed as he looked up angrily only to see tears in her eyes. Slowly he began to stand back up and reached out for her. "Hey, I'm sor-"

*Dont!* Dee felt himself slammed into the wall once more when she raised her hand up at him, the other going to her eyes. *Just...don't.* she looked up at the balcony window! obviously contemplating whether to leave or not. *I knew this was a mistake...not even a clone like me could ever want me to be with them.*

Shaking, she brought herself to her feet where she stumbled slightly. Mewtwo continued to cry yet her face showed only a blank stare as she began to walk towards the window. However she was suddenly tackled from the side and she felt herself land on something soft, her eyes going wide when Dee pressed his lips against hers.

Dee broke the kiss a moment later, his lips hovering over hers for several moments. "What is with you?" He whispered as he opened his eyes to stare at hers. "You show anger, hate, lust, and other such things in a matter of moments. Do you have a mental problem or something?"

Mewtwo sniffed. *and what about it?* She retorted. *As your mother said, I'm a clone from a Pokemon believed to have been the first. Of course I have mental problems.* Her pink eyes stared at him coldly suddenly. *Now for my question? Why do you still call that woman mother? She never gave birth to you. You're a freak...Just. Like-*

Now it was his turn to interrupt her, his hands clenching at each word until Dee finally snapped. "SHUT UP!" He roared in Mewtwos face, the Pokemon flinching and digging her head into his bed so as to get away from his rage. But she stopped however when he began to cry, his tears falling onto her cheeks. "Just...shut up..." Dee's head fell forward and he began to sob next to her head. "My whole life...my whole life is a lie. Do you know how that feels? To have these memories only to learn I am a clone? That I'm not..."

Dee didn't finish, his voice choked as he began to wail into his bed. His tears streamed down his cheek only to begin to pool on his sheets. All the while, Mewtwo stared blankly at the wall as the man cried on top of her. Not long after she began to slowly wrap her arms around his sobbing shoulders.

*im sorry.* Mewtwo quietly apologized, bring his head up to her own where she placed his forehead against hers. *Im sorry...I didn't mean to say those things.*her pinks eyes looked away when Dee regained his composure, his own looking down at her with now very little moisture. *its just...I'm sick of being something humans just look at and think 'just a Pokemon.' I want to be recognized as an equal.*

Dee watched her for several moments before wiping his eyes. "I'm sorry as well." He smiled at her warmly and assuredly. "I'm...I'm just...I'm just under a lot of stress okay? Besides learning that I wasn't actually born, have frigging Pokemon DNA AND have a freaking legendary trying to get into my pants...I'm just not really in the mood." He closed his eyes and chuckled. "That's the reason why I exploded on you. I'm sorry."

Mewtwo sighed at him before smiling up at him. *Im guessing...there's no way we'll be doing it now huh?* Dee only chuckled before kissing her gently on the tip of her nose. Soon after he removed himself from on top of her only to lay down next to her and pull the Pokemon close.

"Look, I'm flattered really but..." Dee brought his eyes up towards the ceiling. "...I'm just one of those guys that likes taking it slow." Mewtwo watched him with her head pressed against his naked chest before smiling when he looked back at her. "But now I'm suddenly excited about my adventure tomorrow. I'll be able to see everything the Kalos region has to offer not to mention I'll be with you along the way."

Dee blinked when she suddenly snuggled deeper into his arm which was draped around her shoulders. *Then I guess you're not the only one.* he chuckled when she suddenly yawned loudly. *im sorry for everything Dee.*

The young man watched as Mewtwo slowly fell asleep in his arms, a small grin on his lips. But it slowly disappeared, Dee's mind reeling at a thought that had creeped its way into his skull. This by no means an ordinary start to just about anything involving relationships and an Pokemon adventure. He had a friend that told him it was only a means to become stronger, to become closer to Pokemon as friends. Not fly through the sky fighting them and then having a goddamn sexual relationship!

"Well...shit." Dee cursed as he rubbed the bridge of his nose before wrapping an arm around the sleeping pokemons shoulders. Despite what he thought just a moment ago he couldn't help but think of how beautiful she was. Dee was often told he was tall for a man yet here was Mewtwo just as big as him and that surprised him. Not often he saw someone bigger than him then again she wasn't exactly a human either.

*But what am I?* Dee thought depressed to himself. *Am I a human or am I a Pokemon?* he raised his free hand up to stare at the palm. *Somewhere out there is the answer. I mean to find it.* and with his goal set Dee soon fell asleep withe Mewtwo nestled comfortable against his body.


The first Thing Dee noticed was that his bed was now empty, his body sprawled across it like he had just plopped on it while falling asleep. Blinking sleepily, he checked the time to see it was early morning. *May as well wake up.* he thought as he yawned loudly, his hair a tangled mess.

"Mewtwo?" He called as he hopped out of bed and into his bathroom. Dee shrugged when their was no reply. Grabbing his things together, he readied himself for his journey. Since it was a few days walk to Santalune City he decided to take once last shower before heading off. And yet as the warm water flowed down his body. He wondered where Mewtwo was.

"I suppose she didn't really want to come." He muttered sourly after several minutes. He hopped and quickly dried himself off before brushing his teeth.spitting into the sink he walked back into his bedroom only to begin to get ready for his journey.

He changed into a rather plain journey attire. A black and white cap meant to look like a pokeball symbol, a white t-shirt, and a red traveling jacket with several pockets. For bottoms he wore pair of black cargo pants and a belt mean to hold six poke balls, the maximum amount required for trainers. He worn finely made boots meant for hiking yet also meant to make sure the traveler was well for any distance.

"Hmm." He hummed to himself as he looked in a human sized mirror, tapping his toe on the ground as he inspected himself. "Not bad, if I do say so myself."

*Well I for one don't like it at all.* Dee smirked as he slowly turned to see Mewtwo land on his balcony, a bag on her back. He chuckled as she walked in and tossed the bag off to the side, her pink eyes inspecting his new attire. *look better naked.*

Dee laughed as he walked over to look at the bag she had brought in. Picking it up he idly dumped the contents onto his neatly made bed. Reaching down he picked up a potion used to help wounded pokemon. "Now where did you get all this then?" He mused as his eyes roamed over the various other medical and food supplies she had somehow procured.

Mewtwo tapped her head gently. *Fraid that's for me to know Dee.* she giggled as she floated over his bed to land gently next to him. *Besides, at least I'm helping to get ready for our Journey together. I could've just sit down and watched as you scurried about like a ratatta looking for food.*

"Oh that reminds me!" Went Dee as he pulled out a pokeball. He held the small red and white orb on towards her. "I'm afraid that if you want to come..." He suddenly shrugged. "...you're gunna need a pokeball."

Mewtwo immediately began to shake her head, her arms swinging in a cross pattern in disapproval. *Oh no...* she argued at him. *...no, no, no! I didn't agree to anything about me being stuck in a damn pokeball during our journey!*

Dee only shrugged day her response. "I didn't say you'll be stuck in it." He replied to her outburst. "Its only during visits to the Pokemon centre. Any other time and you'll be out and about doing whatever it is you do."

Mewtwo growled at him. *Swear to Arceus, if I wasn't trying to get into you pants...* Mewtwo murmured while placing her three fingered hand on her face. She looked up at him with an irritated expression. *Well hurry it up and get it over with already!*

Dee grinned as he fought the ball back behind his head. "Alright here we go! Go pokeball!" He said as he tossed the ball. It smacked off the top of her head, making it shoot back before she disappeared in a red light which vanished inside the small ball.

"Whoops." He murmured as the ball shook three times before finally stopping with a bing to indicate she had given up. Walking over Dee picked the ball up. "Didn't mean to throw it that hard." He finished before throwing into the air. Mewtwo reappearing in a flash of light with a rather angered look and red forehead. Next thing he knew was that he was suddenly sent flying backwards into his closet, his hanging shirts falling on top of him in a heap.

*You didn't need to throw it that hard!* She roared as the trainer sat up to brush a shirt off his head. The Pokemon raised her hand to gently place it over her small red spot. *Jeez, that hurt more then you know.*

Groggy Dee stood up and rubbed his own head. "Look, I'm sorry." He apologized before walking up to the Pokemon. Mewtwo only turned away with a huff, glaring at him from the corner of her eye. Dee grabbed her shoulders and pulled her into a hug. "I didn't mean to okay? Here, I'll let you pick a new name for yourself alright?"

*What in the world kind of apology is that?* she laughed as she turned in his arms. She looked up at him and giggled as she held him, her cheek pressed against his chest. "Throw in a kiss and I'll accept Dee.*

Dee smiled as he held a finger up. "Name first, kiss after." He laughed and he felt her grip suddenly tightened. Mewtwo nuzzled against him before chuckling.

*Fine.* she huffed as she pushed away. *from now on I wish to be known as...Clair. Sound fair?* she blinked when he began to laugh and she placed her hands on her large hips. *Whats so funny?!*

Dee bent over before raising a hand at her. Slowly his laughing ceased and he stood back up only to wipe tears of glee from his face. "Oh Arceus, that's rich." He giggled before looking at her with a grin. "Sorry, guessing you didn't mean t have them rhyme huh?" She stared at him blankly and he shook his head at her. "Never mind, Clair it is then. Now then..."

Clair's eyes went wide when Dee pulled her close. "Now for that kiss..." He whispered before suddenly pressing his lips against hers. Her tail twitched once more and she pull back a moment later with a very large blush on her face.

*O-Okay...* Clair exclaimed as she flew over his bed and towards his door. *...let's get going already.* and with that she threw the door open and rushed away leaving Dee all alone in his apartment. Shaking his head he pulled out his trainer ID card, his finger swiping the screen to rotate the hologram of his picture.

He couldn't believe it, he was going on his own Pokemon adventure. He felt like a ten year old boy, excited and felt absolutely free to do whatever he wished in the world before him. But he also knew the risks, his reason for going on this. Deep down he knew it was abnormal compared to other trainers life's but in the end he still looked forward to it.

Dee looked up to see Clair rush back to the door with big wide eyes. *Are you coming or not?!* she exclaimed before vanishing once more. Dee shrugged as he pocketed his ID and began to move to the door. Abnormal. Definitely abnormal.


Dee leaves on an grand adventure with not one but three Pokemon with with him. His first objective is to defeat the gym leader Viola who lives in a small city to the southeast of Lumiose City. He knows that, with the strange Mewtwo Clair, he will win but he also understands what it means to be a Pokemon trainer and to fill the pokedex. What strange wonders await him in the future?