Lykos - Lone Wolf pt. 4

Story by argouru on SoFurry

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#4 of Lykos - Lone Wolf

I hate cliffhangers more than most, so here's more of the fateful first day. What will Ben choose? How will he adjust? And is there something special happening? Special thanks to Leo for his help getting the guest star's dialogue right, as well.

And yes, we FINALLY get to the naughty, or should I say "Knotty", bits.

Thanks again to Leo_Todrius. Please support the origin of the mythos "Lykos" and it's other spin off "Lykos Wild Things" here on sofurry.

Lykos - Lone Wolf

Chapter 4

Ben stood in a fog, a literal one that spread out in every direction from him. He looked around, making out the dim shapes of trees within the mist. The ground felt wet beneath his bare feet, submerged to the ankle in water that covered the ground, and as he looked down, the man got a shock as he realized that he was completely naked. Embarrassed, he covered himself with his hands and looked around; wondering where he was and how he had gotten there. He began to walk, feeling lost, when he noticed that there was a slight haze of sunlight trying to break through the dense fog that surrounded him. As he walked, the ground became less damp and squishy under his feet, the water receding, and he moved from what had felt like a swamp to what now appeared to be wetlands.

"Hello?" he called out, not expecting an answer. One came anyway.

"Hello." The voice was peaceful, almost melodic. It came from a young man as he emerged from the fog, walking slowly through the swamp. He appeared to be dressed in clothing that looked like it was out of ancient Rome, or maybe Greece, and the facial structure matched that region. His hair was a light brown, his chin fair.

"Um... Hi," Ben replied lamely. He looked down at himself. "Sorry, but I don't know what happened to my clothes." he admitted. The man smiled with a bit of mirth.

"It is alright, it isn't anything I haven't seen before." the man said kindly. "My name is Nyctimus." he said with a hint of class.

"Ben," he answered uncertainly. "Where am I?"

"At a crossroads, of sorts."

Ben looked around. "I don't see a road."

Nyctimus chuckled. "It's really more a metaphor than an actual road."

"What do I do now?" Ben asked, then jumped as he heard a noise. Something was out there, hidden in the mist.

"That, I am afraid, is up to you. This is a dangerous place out of step with time," the man said. A dark shape moved behind him, circling them like a shark.

"What is that?" Ben asked weakly, glancing at the shape nervously.

"It could be you... the other part of your soul, at least until you accept unity." Nyctimus answered.

"I'm scared," Ben admitted. Nyctimus nodded.

"I know... If you weren't, you wouldn't be in this place... But it is up to you to decide if you will give into fear, or overcome it." he said, his voice carrying on the wind as Ben spun around to look for the source of the noise.

Ben grew nervous and turned to look for Nyctimus, feeling panic at being left alone with the beast, but the other man was gone. He turned back, fighting hard not to tremble. He swallowed hard, fighting to find his voice. "Why are you hiding?" he called out, surprising himself with his boldness, as well as his choice of words. He grew bolder. "Show yourself." He nearly screamed when the monstrous form emerged from the fog, materializing before him. He stared at the creature, fighting hard not to scream and run. The thing was massive, at least the size of his sedan, and covered in fur that was half gray and half brown; but the truly disturbing thing was the way it kept changing. It was as if the creature was trying to be two different things at once. One moment it was a twisted beast, a mockery of a wolf, then next it was sleek, elegant despite its size, and powerful, yet natural in its own strange way. The eyes shifted continually. One second they were golden, the next they were blood red.

"Who are you?" Ben asked nervously. "What are you?"


The answer wasn't spoken. It wasn't even a thought. It was a strange, factual knowledge that suddenly popped into his mind the moment he asked the questions. "Why do you look like that? What's wrong with you?"

::You're afraid. You can't decide what you want me to be.::

"So it's my fault you're so messed up?"


"I'm sorry."

::Don't be sorry. Be certain.::

"What do you mean?" Ben asked weakly.

::Are you afraid of me?::



"Because I don't want to be a monster."

::You want to be loved?::

"Yes. If I just go around hurting people... If I become a monster... No one will ever want me."

::But you'll be strong! Powerful! No one will ever be able to hurt you ever again! You won't need anyone!::

"NO!" Ben shouted, tears in his eyes. "I hate being alone! I'm not alone by choice! It's just less painful!"

::But no one will ever be able to hurt you again! You'll be the one with the power. You can make people fear you... Respect you... You'll be a god!::

"NO!!!" he shouted. "I don't want that! I don't want to go around hurting people!"

::Why not? They have no problem hurting you.::

"Because if I do that, I'll be no better than they are. Then I really will be a monster."

::So what? What does it matter what other people think?::

"Because I want them to like me. To respect me. Being a monster won't get me that. They'll just hate and fear me. That's not the kind of person I want to be!"

::But you'll be powerful. Feel how powerful you will become!::

Suddenly, the power of the creature flowed through him, filling him with strength, confidence... He was like a god, a massive, invincible mountain of fur-covered predatory power...

He felt invincible. The power was intoxicating, and he gasped, his flaccid penis growing erect as the power stimulated a wash of erotic pleasure within him.

::Just think what you could do with this power. No one will be able to stand in your way! Those who do will die by your teeth and claws and be scattered to the wind!::

Mixed in with the pleasure and power was a seething hatred, one that began to cloud his reason, filling him with rage. He hated everything around him, from the earth, to the trees, to the fog, to the world as a whole. Part of him wanted to rip it all to pieces.

"NO!!!" Ben screamed, shoving away the notion, feeling revolted at the obscene desires that tried to take over his mind. He felt a sense of surprise that came from outside of himself at that.

::Don't you want my power?::

"Yes, but not like that!"

::Then how WOULD you use my power?::

Ben thought on that, realizing that all he really wanted to do was to run, to hunt, to feel the wind in his fur, the glow of the moon bathing his fur in its shining radiance, to smell the wind, the trees, the rich tang of the soil beneath his paws as he ran, to howl with joy, He wanted to be at peace, free from rage and pain...

With that, the darkness, the taint of rage that had tried to suffocate him, dissolved away, and there was only a sense of harmony within him, like he was connected to the world around him, rather than warring against it.

::Very good. You have made your decision... And so have I. I don't want to be a monster any more than you do.::

The power drained out of him, clearing his mind and leaving him feeling somewhat empty inside. "Then why did you do that?"

::We were uncertain... I needed to see how you would use my power. I would much rather be in harmony than at war with you. Let there be peace between us.::

Ben opened his eyes to meet the gaze of the wolf, who had settled into the smoother, healthier form, his eyes literally glowing with golden radiance. Sensing what to do, Ben hugged the werewolf, holding it close, the wolf's head draping over his shoulder as it sighed in contentment. The form of the wolf became less solid, then as intangible as mist as it seeped into his body, being absorbed into his being.

The fog cleared away slowly, revealing a vast forest settled into crystal clear waters. Every branch, every leaf was reflected in perfect clarity... and so too was every wolf. There had to be nearly fifty of them around him, perched in the branches or standing in the waters. Much like the dual forms of his own wolf, some were healthy and vibrant while others were dark and brooding. Ben looked around at the trees surrounding him, feeling connected to them deep inside. In the distance, he saw Nyctimus watching him, smiling in what looked to be relief. Ben heard a howl sound out, joined by another, and another. Something in the sound called to him, and Ben tilted back his head and let forth an answering howl from his human mouth, feeling at one with the unseen wolves around him. The sun flared brighter, and faded away...


Jack stood at the foot of the bed and turned when he sensed Steve trembling beside him. "You don't have to be here, you know. He could be out for quite some time."

Steve shook his head, his eyes never leaving Ben's unconscious form. "I need to be here. I need to know..."

"Steve, I know what you went through was bad, but you need to let it go. It won't happen again. We won't let it."

"If you'd been there, you'd understand," the werewolf said simply and left it at that.

Ben shifted on the bed, drawing their attention. Suddenly, there was a groaning sound, a moan rising from his throat that turned into a low, groggy tone as though Ben was howling under his breath. Part of Steve stirred at that, wanting to howl in response, but he forced it down as he and Jack circled the bed from either side, Steve on Ben's right and Jack on his left. Ben's eyes opened, revealing golden corneas that nearly glowed, they shone so vividly, and the howl faltered in his throat in confusion as he came to more completely. The man moaned, closed his eyes, and rubbed them with his right hand. when the hand came away and he opened his eyes once more, they had returned to their original hazel state. He cleared his throat and slowly sat up. "Oh man," he grumbled, trying to remember what had happened. He remembered the dream clearly, it was what had happened just before that he had to sort out.

"How do you feel?" Jack asked him gently.

Ben groaned, tilting his head to crack his neck in a loud chain of deep pops that made Jack wince. "I, uhhh, feel like I've been asleep for a year. What time is it?"

Jack looked at his watch, being one of the people who still found them practical. "About seven thirty," he said.

"WHAT?!? SHIT!" Ben exploded with shock and horror. "I forgot to go to work! Dammit!" he swore, throwing himself back down onto the bed and burying his face in his hands. "I never even called!" he moaned through his hands, the sound muffled slightly. "I'm gonna get fired!" he groaned in despair, dragging his hands down his face.

Jack felt a surge of sympathy and patted Ben's shoulder gently. "We'll get that sorted out later," he said soothingly.

Kyle popped his head into the room. "So he's awake," the werewolf said, sounding disappointed.

"Yes, Kyle, Ben's awake," Jack answered with a frown at the wolf's wording. "Why?"

Kyle wilted. "Now that means there'll be less for me," he pouted.

"Don't be greedy," Jack chided him, standing up smoothly. "You share the food with everyone else."

"Fine," Kyle muttered, and disappeared.

"Wolf-born," Jack muttered, shaking his head in annoyance.

"Wolf-born?" Ben asked in confusion.

Jack turned to their guest. "Kyle is the son of two werewolves. He was born a werewolf, unlike you and Steve here, who were born human. As a wolf-born, Kyle lacks the... Well... You might say 'restraint', that human-born wolves possess. He tends to be more instinctual that logical, much of the time."

"I know what it's like to change species," Steve said to him with an encouraging smile that seemed somewhat nervous. "If you have any questions, just ask."

"Uh, thanks," Ben responded, feeling suddenly awkward as Steve met his gaze. He broke eye contact with difficulty. It was then that he noticed a wonderful aroma in the air.

"What is that?" he asked distractedly, his mouth beginning to water.

"Luke and Ken snagged a deer today, so we're having it for dinner. Are you hungry?"

Ben's stomach felt empty, and the saliva pooled in his mouth eagerly before it spilled down his chin, jarring him back to awareness. "Oh fuck," he mumbled, covering his mouth to wipe away the drool. "I'm sorry," he said quickly, feeling embarrassed.

"Don't be," Steve said kindly. "It's perfectly natural. Come on, Let's eat."

Feeling odd deep inside in a way that confused him when Steve spoke, Ben rose up and followed him out to the dining room with Jack trailing behind. Already seated were Kyle, the woman who had slapped him earlier, and two other men that Ben recognized as the ones who had been with Jack last night. One was Asian, and might have been the 'Kenchi' that Ino had mentioned, the other was the one Ben had zapped. The man glared at him darkly, looking as though he wanted to get up and punch Ben in the face.

"Ben," Jack said. "This is my cousin Jessica," (who nodded curtly), "Ken," indicating the Asian man, "and his mate Luke."

"Hi," Ben replied hesitantly as he sat down slowly to the cold reception from the trio. He gazed at the table, but feeling eyes boring into him, looked up to see Luke glaring at him.

"You shocked me with a Taser," Luke said in a literal growl.

Something stirred in Ben deep down inside, and his eyes locked onto those of the other man. "I thought you were trying to mug me."

"It hurt," Luke snarled.

Ben's gaze grew sharper as his eyes narrowed, a part of him feeling that it was important that he not break his gaze. "I'm sorry," he said curtly, feeling an odd tension begin to build between them. Luke continued to glare and him, and the rest of the table grew silent and still, seeming to wait for something to happen. "I said," Ben said again, feeling a desire to pour as much power into his gaze and voice as he could, "That I'm sorry."

Luke's eyes twitched and he looked away, dropping his gaze to his plate. "Fine. Apology accepted," he said simply, a trace of resentment in his voice as he spoke.

Ben felt a sudden surge of triumph at that moment, as though he had just won something important, though he didn't understand what it was. Confused, he lowered his gaze, blinked, and looked around at the food laid out upon the table with renewed interest, but something was nagging away at him, disracting him from his hunger.

While he did so, Jessica exchanged a knowing look with Jack, showing a trace of concern, but said nothing. The rest of the table was lost in thought, mulling over the exchange that had just occurred between the two werewolves.

Ben sighed heavily, his interest in the food being eclipsed by a sudden swelling of guilt. "I'm sorry... To all of you," he said, gazing around the table and meeting the eyes of everyone, Luke meeting his gaze only briefly before looking away in a timid fashion. "I know, now, that you were all trying to help me... And I was a jerk about it. I'm sorry."

"Damned right you were a jerk," Jessica muttered quietly, but Ben caught the comment anyways. "I said I'm sorry, alright?" he told her with an edge to his voice.

Jessica met his gaze without flinching, and something about that irked Ben in a way he couldn't describe. He stared her in the eyes intensely...

And jumped in shock as a sudden impact shook the table. He spun around to look for the source, and Jack, refusing to meet his gaze, cleared his throat and picked up his fork. "Sorry. My foot slipped," he said simply. "Jessica?"

Ben turned back to her, but the woman wouldn't look up at him. "Fine," she said airily. "Apology accepted... But I'm not sorry I slapped you."

After that, they settled into their food, the wolves not seeming to be very chatty while they ate...


After dinner was over, Ben was full and content, and despite having been asleep for hours already that day, he became drowsy, longing to sleep some more. The werewolves of the house were all feeling the same, and they trailed off to their beds for a nap. Ben sat down on the couch, and without meaning to, fell asleep quickly. Jack and Jessica cleaned up the table and took the leftovers into the kitchen to store away, bones and all, for the wolves to enjoy again later. As they washed the dishes, the hiss of the water masking their voices so that Ben couldn't hear them, they talked in near whispers.

"Why did you stop me?" Jessica asked Jack with annoyance.

"Because you don't want to challenge him," he said in reply. "We don't know what kind of wolf we're dealing with yet."

"I could've beaten him," she said flippantly.

"Or you could've lost and been branded as weak in his eyes for the rest of your life. Taking a chance like that isn't just risky, it's downright foolish."

"But you said his wolf eyes were gold. That means he's not a dire, right?" the woman asked with concern.

"Maybe..." Jack answered hesitantly. "But until we know for certain, we don't dare take a chance. Don't get into a staring contest with him, at least not until we've earned his respect and he's had at least one full moon under his belt. Besides, you're not a werewolf. You shouldn't even let yourself get drawn into something like that with him. With the boys, yes, but not with Ben. It's too risky right now. We'll know for certain after the next full moon and get a report on his behavior from the pack."

"Why do we have to wait until after the full moon?" she asked, puzzled.

"The full moon is the time when a werewolf is at his strongest and his animal instincts are at their most dominant. It's only once his primal wolf has manifested that we'll know what kind of wolf he truly is. He already has one victory to him, having successfully stared down Luke, so he has at least one wolf he has dominance over. We need to take this slowly and carefully. There's still a chance he can turn dire."

"What about Ino? Can't she read him again and get a feel for what he's like, now that he's no longer fighting against his wolf side?"

Jack shook his head. "Kioko's gotten worse, so Ino's flying to Osaka tomorrow to take care of her," Jack said, thinking of Ino's older sister, who had been of poor health for the last few months. "We'll have to make due without her."

"I just hope she'll be okay," Jessica said, having liked the happy older woman she had met several times, who seemed to have inherited all of the humor that Ino had never received to go along with her own. Kioko had always been the kindly, ditsy, old grandmotherly type of person who laughed at herself as much as at life in general, and it would be a deep tragedy to lose her.

"Me too," Jack said simply. "Promise me you won't try to play dominance games with Ben. You cannot afford to look weak in his eyes. He needs to learn that he can't dominate us like he can other werewolves. Keepers have to avoid playing into inner-pack politics. We have to maintain a fair amount of independance from that if we are to fulfill our role as Keeper successfully. "

"Alright, but we have to be dominant with the guys. What's the difference with Ben?"

"From what little I can tell so far, it looks as though his wolf is much stronger than theirs..."


"I still think I should go to work," Ben said with a frown, feeling odd to be wearing only a pair of denim shorts and nothing else, not even shoes.

Jack shook his head. "That's not a good idea. Your animal instincts are growing swiftly and it's possible you can lose control. We need to teach you to recognize when your instinctual side is growing dominant so that you can keep yourself in check."

"Is it like this for all werewolves?" Ben asked, frowning with worry.

"Well, your wolf side is more aggressive than some, and your human side looks to be rather passionate, so for you, the urges within you require discipline to make sure you don't do anything you'd regret, like yelling at someone," the keeper said.

"Lovely," Ben answered with a heavy sigh. "But I can't afford to lose my job."

"You already told them you were out with food poisoning. It'll be fine."

"Well I -did- throw up the other night," Ben said thoughtfully.

"You did?" Jack asked in surprise. "What from?"

Ben shrugged. "Well, I got some ribs for lunch, then did some shopping and went home, had a candy bar, then next thing I knew, I was paying homage to the porcelain god."

"Was it chocolate?" he asked.

"Yeah. Why?" Ben asked.

Jack shook his head sadly. "You're a canine now. Canines can't have chocolate. It's toxic to your kind."

"What?" He wilted. "But I love chocolate," he said sadly.

"Then I'd recommend only eating tiny amounts. Have too much, and well... You already know what happens."

"That sucks," Ben sulked.

"Don't beat yourself up over it," Jack told him kindly. "Being a werewolf isn't all bad. There's far more benefits than there are hindrances. Some of those hindrances just require that you recognize when you're becoming aggressive so that you can reign yourself it. Just consider it a learning process."

"So what do I do?" Ben asked.

"For now, just hang out with the guys. Get to learn what it means to be a werewolf and learn about what all you can do now. Just pay close attention to how you feel and don't be afraid of your abilities. Embrace them."

"Ben!" Kyle called out, grabbing his attention. "We're going running. Want to come?"

Running had never held any interest for him before, but he found himself full of nervous energy and wanted to burn it off.

"Have fun," Jack said, so Ben jogged over to the pack to join them.

"Oh," Kyle suggested when Ben reached them. "Let's get better aquainted. Besides, if we get separated, we can find each other by scent when we know what everyone smells like." He walked up and began to sniff Ben all over the way a dog would when meeting a new person. Ben felt a strong compulsion to do the same, and began sniffing back, obeying a strong urge to memorize the way Kyle smelled. There as a heady muskiness combined with the aroma of male skin and hair, with an animalistic overtone that was tangy... Almost sweet in a strange way, while extremely pungent.

Kyle suddenly licked the tip of Ben's chin as they finished emorizing the way each other smelled, and he felt an overpowering desire to return the favor, so he gave the werewolf a quick lick on the cheek. Kyle chuckled midly at that. "I like the way you smell," was all he said before he backed away twitching his hips slightly from side to side in a manner that seemed automatic. Ben realized that if Kyle's tail were formed right now, it would be wagging.

Steve walked up to him next, looking very bashful. He leaned in tenatively, as though unsure of how Ben would react, and began to nervously sniff him. Ben sniffed back, and Steve seemed to lose some of his nervousness, slowly becoming more eager. They spent several long minutes sniffing each other over, Ben noting that there were subtle undertones that made Steve's scent different from Kyle's. This one seemed to have a slightly more masculine quality to it. He realized that he loved the way Steve smelled and kept snuffling away, losing track of time...

They continued to sniff each other over, Ben wishing he could sniff away at Steve for hours on end, but Luke cleared his throat impatiently. "We'd like to get to know him too," he said with trace of mild annoyance in his voice.

"Sorry," Steve said quickly in embarrassment and moved away quickly, as though spooked.

Luke walked forward, looking at Steve and shaking his head sadly. He came up and began to snuffle away at Ben, who did likewise. Luke's scent had a good deal of masculinity to it, but there was another mixture of smells on him that were the faint, lingering traces of dirt, grease, old car parts and the creamy artificial scent of hand degreaser.

"Do you work on cars for a living?" Ben asked as he recognized the mix of scents on the wolf.

"Yeah, sorry about that. It seems like no matter how hard I try, I can't get all of the smells off of me after work."

"I actually like it. It makes you smell butch," Ben told him honestly.

"At least someone appreciates it," Luke replied a bit loudly, glaring over his shoulder at Ken, who merely rolled his eyes. Luke gave Ben a long lick on the bearded cheek similar to Kyle's greeting, and Ben drug his own tongue along the mechanic's smooth cheek, the tang of the man's flesh dancing on his tongue as his heightened sense of taste made the werewolf's flavor tingle within Ben's mouth.

"I like the way you smell too," Luke said with a small smile as he stepped back.

"Finally!" Ken said with exasperation as he came forward, earning a dirty look from Luke. He moved in close and began to sniff Ben over, who returned the favor. Ken smelled similar to the others for the most part, but there was an odd, spicy quality to his smell that the others lacked. Ben sniffed away, feeling puzzled before realization dawned on him. *Is that his race I'm smelling? A can actually smell what race a person is?* He memorized that quality, storing it away in his mind to test in the future to see if he was correct. Ken also seemed to smell like lots of various different foods for some strange reason, making Ben feel slightly puzzled.

Ken licked his chin as they finished, Ben doing the same in return, though aiming for the jaw line to avoid the goatee. "I like it," he said casually. "At least you don't smell like an Auto Zone."

"I heard that," Luke said with annoyance.

"You were meant to," Ken said sweetly over his shoulder with a grin. Luke growled under his breath, but kept silent.

"Okay," Kyle said eagerly. "Now that we know each others' scents, let's get going!"

"Alright," Ben replied. "But I'm not the best runner. I tend to get winded easily, so don't whimper if I slow everyone down."

"Was that when you were human?" Ken asked, causing Ben to nod. "You might be pleasantly surprised at how much your body has improved. Come on," he finished, and they broke into a full run through the trees.

As they ran, Ben realized after a few moments that he wasn't getting tired or short of breath. Before, when he had been human, his lungs had been weakened from growing up around heavy air pollution and his stamina had been pathetic. Now he felt as though he could run for hours, if not days. Still, they moved slower than they wanted to, and Kyle skidded to a stop. "We'd make better time if we change," he suggested.

"How?" Ben asked.

Steve smiled and walked over to him, then placed a hand on his bare chest. Ben felt the hand tremble against his skin, and an odd, pleasantly musky scent began to radiate from the other wolf, making Ben feel the first stirrings of arousal. "Close your eyes," Steve said gently, and Ben did so, noting that he could feel Steve's pulse flutter inside his body through the palm against his skin. "Imagine a pool of energy deep inside your chest. Can you feel it?" he asked, a slight quiver in his voice. Ben nodded distractedly. The touch felt so personal and the sensations he felt from Steve's closeness made it hard to think. "Make the pool of energy spread out through your body all the way out to the tips of your fingers and toes, send it throughout your whole body."

Ben took a deep breath, and did as instructed. He felt like a balloon was swelling in his chest as power flooded through his body. His muscles pulsed, growing stronger and more defined. His ears stretched to points and a tingling feeling in the tips of his fingers and toes triggered the growth of his nails, which sharpened and lengthened, forming a set of deadly claws. The palms of his hands and soles of his feel swelled and darkened slightly, growing tough, leathery calluses on them that would protect him from harm. He felt his teeth and jaws swell, and his lips parted involuntarily as his mouth pushed forward, causing his nose to tilt upwards as it darkened and changed. His upper and lower canine teeth swelled, growing sharp and long to form his fangs as his mouth pushed forward into a short proto-muzzle. A bristling feeling covered his body as the body hair grew thicker and covered more of his body. Ben's beard seemed to grow thicker, covering more of his face, and his eyebrows grew bushy as his brow thickened. His muscles became well defined, full of power and putting professional athletes to shame. His body spasmed in a pleasurable way, and he felt a stirring in his shorts, as though things were moving around down there. There was a final pulse as everything settled into place, and he shuddered in erotic euphoria.

He opened eyes that were so vibrant and bright in a golden yellow color that they almost seemed to glow from within. He looked down at himself, and gasped. *Fuck,* he thought. *I feel so strong! This is amazing! ...And it felt so good!* He flexed his muscles, getting a pleasurable feeling from the way they flexed and swelled as they shifted under the hair-covered skin. He looked himself over, running his hands down his body, his claws raking through the thick layer of body hair he now sported. It wasn't actual fur, like wolves had, but it was fair denser than that of anyone he had ever seen. *Man! even Robin Williams isn't this hairy!* He thought to himself with amusement and pride. The skin was still visible beneath but not by much. He looked around at the others, who had all shifted to match his current form. He noticed that he was the largest and hairiest of them all, with only Steve as a close second to his physique. Then he frowned, feeling as though something was wrong, or rather, missing.

"Where's your tail?" Ken asked him in a voice that was somewhat deeper than before and possessed a growling undertone.

Ben twisted around and saw that his backside, while hairy, was distinctly tail-less. He realized then what was missing. Without a tail, he felt incomplete. "What happened? What went wrong?" He asked with concern, his voice now containing a deep growling tone that made his chest and throat vibrate from it's untested power.

Kyle chuckled kindly. "You just didn't channel your power all the way. Take the energy that Steve talked about and focus on making it come out of your body," he said, moving close and placing a clawed, savage-looking hand at the base of Ben's spine, just above the buttocks. "Focus it here," he added. "Wait," he said, then carefully pulled Ben's shorts down until the rode as low as they could while still covering him. "You'll need space for it to come out," he explained. "Now try it."

Ben closed his eyes and did as instructed once more, then gasped in shock. The skin bulged and surged forward as a long, whip-like appendage shoved its way out from his body, triggering a feeling of such ecstasy that he fell forward to land on hands and knees, growling and gasping in bliss. It felt so amazing! His grin swelled within his shorts, and he gasped anew as another sensation, even more intense that that coming from his forming tail, made he dick practically sing, causing the werewolf to spasm and twitch as he crouched on all fours. An intense, tingling, like an explosion that felt made entirely of fuzz, blossomed from his tail, and fur grew rapidly from the base, spreading in a rapid wave that went all the way to the pointed tip. The sensations were too much to bear, and he howled loudly in ecstasy as his penis pulsed, filling his shorts with sperm as he spontaneously orgasmed. He groaned and growled in bliss as the orgasm continued for several minutes, causing him to fall over onto his side, where he laid there, convulsing in orgasmic fury for nearly ten minutes from the most mind-blowing orgasm he had ever experienced, which turned his brain into jelly, his now canine tongue drooping out the side of his proto-muzzle as he panted like the canine he had become from exertion.

As Ben changed the rest of the way, Steve moaned in need, the thrill and pheromones driving him wild; and he yanked down his shorts to reveal a throbbing red dog cock that protruded from a fur-covered sheath, gushing spurt after spurt of clear, sweet and musky precum as if he were already ejaculating. He jerked himself off shamelessly, showing no concern hat he had an audience, and howled in near unison with Ben as his lupine member gushed forth a rich, thick torrent of yellow canine spunk that splattered across the forest floor, bucking his hips into his hands with abandon.

The rest of the pack were more controlled than Steve, but they all felt stirrings in their groins at the double display of sexual release. None of them masturbated the way that Steve had, but they all enjoyed the show immensely, sighing in contentment and feeling happy for the new wolf. He was finally starting to understand and embrace his new life and power. They moved their gazes back and forth between Steve and Ben, knowing smiles forming on their muzzles. The also knew something else. Ben was going to be a lot of fun to have around!

Ben laid there, panting for several more minutes before rational thought returned, and his long, flat canine tongue moved reflexively to lap up the droll that had dribbled down the left side of his muzzle. He sat up with a groan, then looked down at himself and gasped in shock, then pulled himself up into a fetal position as he blushed furiously with shame.

"Oh shit!" he exclaimed looking around at the pack. "Fuck! Guys... I'm sorry! I don't know what came over me! I didn't mean to gross you all out like that!"

"Dude!" Ken growled in amusement. "Calm down! It's okay! My first time was nearly identical."

"Really?" Ben asked, looking up at the Asian wolf with a stunned expression on his muzzled face.

"Ben," Kyle chuckled. "Its fine! You didn't gross us out, or anything. In fact, it was really hot watching you get off on changing forms."

"What?" Ben asked, looking around in confusion to see that all of them were smiling at him with amusement.

"We're all gay here," Kyle explained. "Every one of us. That's why we formed our own pack."

"Oh," Ben answered simply, then stood up slowly.

"Fuck you're big!" Luke growled with appreciation. "You're like a tank!"

"I guess," Ben said thoughtfully, checking his new form out again, running a hand over his now washboard abs.

"But seriously," Ken added. "We're all gay and the wolf brings out our lustful side. In fact, we'll sometimes play around with each other."

"You guys have orgies?" Ben asked in astonishment.

"Not all the time, but if you ever get the urge and one of us is in the mood, then feel free to go to town, even if it's right in front of the rest of us. Not only will we not mind, but we might even join in if you're willing. Luke and I play around with our pack mates even though we're a mated pair. Neither of us gets jealous about it, so don't be afraid to have some fun with us if the mood strikes. Sex is perfectly natural for werewolves, and not something to hide or be ashamed of. Just... Tone it down around humans, even Keepers. They try to be open-minded, but Jack and especially Jessica tend to get embarrassed if we start humping each other in front of them."

"Alright," Ben said, wondering what sex with another werewolf would feel like. Would it feel even more incredible than what he'd already experienced? It had been so long since he'd been with anyone... In fact, even though he had just cum, he felt the stirrings of arousal rekindle within him. The others saw Steve take a whiff, catching the scent of Ben's musk, and he had to fight hard not to growl in lust. His tail swished from side to side anxiously, betraying his need. He walked over to Ben, trembling slightly. The others saw this and decided to give the two some privacy, smiling to one another as they snuck away unnoticed.

Steve walked right up to Ben, his tail thrashing back and forth sharply, then put a hand to his chest and pushed him back slowly until Ben's hairy back pressed up against a tree. He shuddered with need, his muzzle parted slightly as he panted lightly. "You're amazing," he said, and leaned in slowly, then gave Ben a tentative upward lick across his lips, lapping gently at the larger wolf's muzzle.

Ben's body trembled, and he growled savagely with need, grabbed Steve by the back of his neck, and crushed their muzzles together passionately. They went wild, their long tongues sparing within their interlocked, elongated mouths, and Ben pulled Steve close, grinding his chest hair against that of the other werewolf. Steve responded by squeezing closer, pressing himself tightly against the larger wolf's torso and grinding his hips lewdly against Ben's groin, frotting with him as he humped Ben like a dog in heat.

They stayed like this for several minutes, lost in passion, then Steve pulled away, lowered his head and began to bathe Ben's hairy torso with his long tongue. As the tongue drug across his rock hard nipples, Ben gasped in bliss, and growled in lustful abandon. As Steve worked his way slowly downwards, the euphoria in the new werewolf build slowly like a bonfire, making his chest swell and his muscles strain in anticipation. Steve worked his way down the man-wolf's body, past his navel, then using his clawed hands with great care, pulled down Ben's shorts. Ben looked down eagerly, wanting to see how much bigger his dick had grown, for it had definitely swelled larger than it ever had when he'd been human, but his mind derailed in shock at what now dwelled between his legs. Where his penis had been before, there now existed a long fleshy tube covered in fur, fused to his belly so that it now permanently pointed upwards. It was covered in thick, fur-like hair that covered his groin... And emerging from the tunnel of furry meat was a long, slick red tower of flesh possessing a narrow pointed tip, rather than the recognizable helmet head of a penis. Ben recognized the sheath for what it was, but having never seen a canine phallus before, stared at it in shock.

"What the fuck is that?" he gasped.

"You've never seen a canine dick before?" Steve asked with concern. Ben shook his head. "Well you have now. Don't be afraid of it, enjoy it. See?" he said, leaning back. "Mine's the same way," he said, showing Ben his own engorged dog-like cock, precum dribbling from the tip at what looked like the bottom edge of the narrow end of his penis, where the flesh tapered to a spear-like point. "This is what a wolf penis looks like," he said, reaching for Ben's alien-looking shaft... "And this is what it feels like," he added, dragging his wide, wet tongue along the underside of Ben's shaft in a slow, diliberate motion.

The sensation was so intense, Ben nearly blew his load right then. He threw his head back and let out a roar of shock-filled passion. Words failed to describe how intensely pleasurable it felt. Ben stopped caring about what his dick looked like, and indeed, stopped thinking anything at all. He threw his hands up and drug his claws down the truck of the tree, creating a series of deep gouges in the bark as his claws sliced through the wood like knives through warm butter, and he roared and growled, lost in a haze of passion.

The scent of pine increased dramatically, adding to the perfume of of the forest that mixed in with the moist, residual scent of already eaten bacon and eggs that came from their mouths as they panted, along with the heady, musky pheremones and the aroma of the wet flesh of their rigid phalli that poured off of the werewolves in waves, making their heads swim and their noses twitch as the drank in the scents that filled the air around them. Ben's sharp hearing picked up the groan of contentment from Steve as he sucked away, making wet smacking and peeling sounds as he bobbed his head on Ben's shaft, the sounds mixing with the shaking of the tree, the crunch of the grass and leaves beneath them and the call of a bird in the distance.

Steve sucked him down, taking advantage of his extra long mouth to get as much of Ben's shaft into him as possible, concentrating on making the other wolf feel so good that he would overcome his shock and learn to love his lupine shaft. It had shocked him too, the first time he had looked down at himself to see genitals that looked so different from the ones he was used to. Ben would learn that his transformed appendage could bring him so much joy that he would accept it without reservation. He murred in contentment as he felt the blood-red phallus spasm and jerk within his mouth, spraying out wad after wad of ambrosial precum. Meanwhile, Ben was lost in sexual bliss, thrusting his hips eagerly as he pistoned his slick penis rythmically in and out of the warm, wet muzzle that gulped it down with enthusiasm. Ben growled and panted rhythmically as he humped the eager mouth, lost in sensation and no longer thinking, only feeling.

Ben came out of his revere as he felt a strange swelling begin in his shaft, near the base where it poked out of his sheath. As he looked down, his instincts told him that something important, something special, was about to happen.

As Steve sucked on the tip of his raging crimson meat, the base of it began to push outward to either side, making his eyes bulge in shock. He could only stare, feeling confusion war with euphoria as his penis swelled, forming two lumps near the base that looked for all the world like a second set of testicles, only these were growing right on his shaft.

Steven opened his eyes and stared up at Ben's face with a look of pure adoration. Ben pulled his attention away from the bizzare growths to stare down into Steve's eyes as he drooled freely at the look in those golden eyes, filled with such tenderness and compassion that Ben felt his heart skip a beat as something flamed into life within the core of his being. This wasn't just lust that he felt, it was something more; much more. And not only that, it felt like it was something meant to be. Like destiny, although that was something he'd never believed in before. Emotions swelled within him, finally finding a name.


Steve was his mate, and always would be. The connection that they made in that moment, created without a single word spoken between them, felt so strong that it was like a physical force between them, binding them together. Steven reached up, their eyes locked together, and slowly took the swollen, testicle-like growths into his paw and stroked them, soliciting a growl of passion from the other wolf, who spasmed at the intensity of the contact. Ben drooled copiously, saliva pouring from the end of his muzzle to drip down onto his shaft, making it even wetter and more slippery for the wolf who sucked it. Then the kneeling wolf's hand slid back and squeezed the base of the shaft behind the growth, caressing the most sensitive section of the shaft.

Ben lost it.

He lifted his head and howled in bliss as his shaft pulsed and his fur-covered balls drew up close to his body as he blew his yellow canine jizz into Steve's eager maw. The orgasm seemed endless, and after a few moments his sharp hearing detected the muffled moans of his mate as Steve's shaft sprayed his sperm onto the ground and covered Ben's feet in his essence, the musky scent of it filling Ben's nose to mix with the smell of his own spraying spunk.

Their orgasms lasted for some time before they faded, and the pair collapsed to the forest floor, panting with effort as they moved into a spooning position with Ben pressed up close behind Steve. He lifted his head and licked Steve's right ear affectionately before exhaustion overcame them and they fell asleep, still pressed close together...