Club Benefits

Story by Wisty on SoFurry

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Well, what do you do when you're the owner of a lucrative club, but you're bored? You check on your customers; and what if your club happens to be sparsely populated in a down time? You entice people to share the stories of their experiences at the club woth their friends! How do you do that? Well, everybody loves free shows...

That started Lesle's thinking along a new track; why just entice her own patrons when it would be much more effective to bring in business from her competition... that way she's also not losing any money because of her "free" shows... though the other clubs may be short a few patrons and in possession of an excess of reproductive fluids from a particularly fertile lynx~ oh well, she wouldnt have to clean it up!

This was a short vore story done for negativetheory involving his character Lesle doing what she does best - ensnaring customers with the hypnotic sway of her hips and using them to give the rest of her patrons quite a show. It was tons of fun to write. But I know I have a few things i'd like to fix in here when I get some spare time. This was supposed to be more porn than plot, but I'll always welcome suggestions and feed back! I love hearing from my watchers!

"MMPH! Don't be shy! There's nothing worse than an unsure blowjob!"

Lesle bucked her hips forward insistently, bumping her drooling folds against the small white dragon's eager snout, smearing more of the musky honey over his lips. She let out a low growl, the fire welling inside her needing to be loosed, but the damn boi just wouldn't make up his mind. She brushed the hair out of her face, the few wisps of ebon thread having slipped free from her ponytail when she slipped out of her shirt. It was distracting, annoying and downright infuriating. Her folds rippled again as the dragon pressed his snout inward at her begging, the pressure still much too light to even get close to tickling her in the right way.

The lynx closed her emerald green eyes and shook her head. Damn twinks, so coy and playful when all she needed was a fuck. God, why couldn't they just man up and give it to her? She let out a few sighs, jerking her hips forward again with a more insistent need, just trying to coax the dragon into being a little more bold.

He would pull away. Figured.

Unable to really take the dry spell of some twenty-two hours, she just lashed her tail around behind her before curling her legs over the boi's back. A small smile crossed her face as she flashed every single tooth at the brightly blushing little dragon. She would have her fun, one way or the other, but her patience had worn too thin. Nearly fifteen minutes and she hadn't even given a single throaty moan. Time to fix that.

Her breasts bounced a little as she redistributed her weight on the bed, her legs tugging the small male back toward her, his scaled form making quite an interesting indent against the plush fur of her toned thighs. Playfully, she winked before squeezing her legs around him once more, holding his snout against her drooling folds, letting out a soft coo. "Now, let me teach you how you pleasure a woman. This dicking around is nice for some girls, but sometimes you just need to be fucked. Got it? Mmm, I would have loved to tap that twinky ass of yours too, but this lesson is much more important."

A malicious growl echoed from her throat before she arched her hips forward, forcing the dragon's snout back into her tight, hot sex... only she didn't stop squeezing. The dragon squeaked and began to struggle as he felt his snout, muzzle, and then entire _head_slip into those folds, the tight chamber squelching closed behind him and giving a light squeeze. The throaty moan that filled the room, in addition to the fresh spray of hot femmejuice that coated his head suggested that was what she really wanted...

Only she didn't want *just* his head. He felt those folds grow hotter around him before they gave another hot, tight squeeze, the rippling sensation akin to the peristaltic motion of swallowing cum dragging some of his slender neck into those burning labia. She bucked again, forcing more of him in with a wet slurp, until fear got the best of the dragon.

Reaching up with his paws, he put the digits of his claws against her slickened thighs, groaning as the supple flesh formed perfectly to his paws. He could feel the fur getting wetter by the second, his grip loosening as he tried to tug his head back - he could even feel some of his neck beginning to slide out!

She moaned again and clenched, her insides on fire now! This was really hitting the spot, though her self-control was quickly fading. Another clench of her muscles and a rough thrust forward sent the dragon's neck back in, pressing his shoulders firmly against those eager labia. Idly tracing a finger along the spots on her stomach, she watched as the bulge that was the dragon's head traveled slowly upwards into her stomach as she continued to clench and tug - it was great fun to tease these fembois in the same way they teased her.... but after a while, she couldn't help but grow a little tired of the game, especially when that insatiable hunger, that ever-present desire to be full to the brim with something - anything! - loomed in her body.

Enough toying, if one could consider a minute and a half of clenching and tugging "toying." She smirked, gripping the dragon's wings with her hands and forcing them together, giving a euphoric moan of delight as the next thrust sent his shoulders and wing tips squelching into that greedily slurping sex. She was in heaven!

It felt as though the floodgates had been let loose, her pent up lust and sexual frustration welling forth in the form of a nearly bone-crushing clench by that tight pussy and a hot gush of femmecum splattering along the dragon's slender body, drenching it with more of the slickening fluid. She licked her lips now, rubbing over her clit with the dragon's wings and tail, letting him feel her desire and lust as she slowly satiated it with his body.

"Mmph, now that!... is how you pleasure a woman." She smirked quietly running a finger along the dragon's body to collect a few globules of her own musky cum, dragging the viscous strands to her maw before clamping her sultry lips around them. Lustful moans of delight escaped her lips - for a disappointing fuck, this was a surprisingly good orgasm - before she curled her tail around the dragon's hips, giving a small tug. She felt her entire sex vibrate as some muffled noises emanated from the trapped morsel... but it didn't really matter what he had to say. She wasn't letting him out to disappoint another woman. But, that muffled vibration did feel heavenly - it was even enough to draw out another small ripple and a gush of warm cum.

Purring quietly, Lesle just shook her head before curling her tail around the dragon even more now, pushing him inward with deliberate motions, resisting with all of her might to not thrust. She was going to make the poor creature just what it felt like to be teased for something you know was inevitable - only she was going to follow through with her tease, much unlike him. She licked her lips more and more as she felt that plush fur matting down against her flexible tail as it collected every drop of cum from the dragon's body. Unable to really help herself, she did give another small clench, the thrust very tempting, especially when she felt the dragon's cocktip prodding at her stretched folds.

"Oh, does someone need something? A shame!~" Lesle crooned, her tail loosening from his hips to tease against his crotch, rubbing slowly and collecting the beads of precum that had formed. It was surprisingly cool against her fiery body... oh well, another delicacy she would have loved, but would have to pass now. A matter of principle, of course.

Giving one final thrust, she smirked and moaned as she felt the widest part of his hips slip into her hot, rippling folds, the rest of the dragon soon to be history. She felt the pressure of the dragon's snout pressing against her cervix after a while, the bulge that was the cramped and compressed creature making her stomach bulge quite nicely. She smirked, just imagining the poor thing squirming and wriggling inside of her for a little bit, until he was finally absorbed. She reclined slowly on her back her fingers idly rubbing against her still sensitive clit as the last of the dragon's vanished in a wet schlurk moments later. Now was a waiting game, mostly because if she went to the bars now, people would ask too many questions. She'd love to show them the answer, but she felt as though that might be a little more tiresome than it was worth.

Pulling her hand free after a few idle minutes of fingering, she used the slicked palm to gently caress her throbbing-but-restrained shaft, pouting to herself as every touch made it twitch and ripple. It was jealous, if such a thing could be possible, that it didn't get fed too. Though, the gurgles had stopped at least, which meant it would be another fifteen minutes before the delectable little dragon would be hers completely - just enough time for a nap.

Lesle awoke some thirty minutes later and groaned as she shifted to her side, hissing and jerking her hips forward needily as she felt her sensitive shaft rubbing against the satiny sheets of her bed, splattering them with some pre. Her nostrils flared as she sat up, the stench of her cock filling the room now, and no wonder why - the massive beast had grown another three inches during her nap. Well, twink is as twink does, she supposed, but it was going to be hard to hide this new beast.

Shuffling to the edge of the bed, she groaned as she stood up; her breasts were much heavier, just a little larger than an F cup now, though the real weight was from her sack. Those heavy nuts had grown nearly three inches in diameter, enough to match her lovely new addition in length; it was just a shame that size didn't really matter as she'd make most any meal fit, though she supposed it would be a useful lure. She giggled, the action quite uncharacteristic for the lynx, as she tucked her cock away between her breasts, purring as the thick, throbbing, veined length pulsed lazily between her tits, drooling more of its viscous, pungent precum over her beautiful mounds. She gave them a squeeze, feeling the perky and firm flesh mold around her pulsating head, engulfing it with a warmth it simply adored, the teasing making her nuts tingle needily. She'd best stop teasing or she'd have to masturbate to even be able to think straight.

Her cock agreed, spurting another precum onto the floor at just the thought of stuffing it full of some poor hapless squirming snack.

God she was horny.

Turning to search for her clothes, which had been carelessly tossed aside in her eager strip for the dragon, she couldn't help but notice the still soaked spots on her satin sheets, the fabric stained dark with splotches of fluid, covering most of the bed. Not the biggest, but bigger than most of those coy little teases could pull from her, she had to give him that! Now, her clothes... she couldn't think of where she'd placed them, though they were probably soaked anyways, or they likely wouldn't fit. Perfect.

She sauntered over to her wardrobe, practicing the seductive hip-sway she'd despised for so long. If she was going to wrangle in a customer, she should at least try to have some class long enough to get them on their knees. After that, they'd best know what they want and what she liked... She idly brushed the thoughts aside, ditching the stupid gait for her more customary stride, a dominant swagger of sorts that let her patrons know just who was in charge...

That would be the problem though. Her patrons knew better, and it was never as much fun when they were willing. It ruined the fun squirms and squeals she could coax from them. No, she needed to venture outside her normal comfort zone - not that she'd never done it before, it was just easier to put on these types of shows in her own establishment. But, where there were no rules to be broken, there was little fun to be had being rebellious. No, her target would be from somewhere a little less accustomed to her undercurrents, from a location unbefouled by her lustful tendencies... from a pool of potential customers, eager for the darker pleasures that life - and she - could offer.

Lesle lazily fingered through the various tops before letting out a small smirk of delight. She pulled a low-cut, navy blue v-neck that had been tight on her before her most recent growth spurt. She could only imagine the stares and calls for free liquor she'd get for wearing this beauty! She'd also not need to worry about a bra, which was always a plus - less clothing to take off meant a faster time she could be getting pleasured!

She stepped back from the wardrobe and looked in the mirror, her eyes glancing over her body lustily as she visually devoured herself. Her form had become quite a bit curvier, her breasts, hips and ass forming a nice sine wave. Her waist was offset by the noticeably large orbs, roughly the size of rather large grapefruits now, protruding from between her legs. She had looser-fitting clothing that could surely contain those beasts, but for now, this top was her quarry.

Lifting the top above her head, she felt the fabric fall lazily over her arms. Guiding them into the sleeves, she just let the fabric crumple up around her shoulders before she could squeeze her head through. So far, so good! A chuckle escaped her lips as she tucked her cock away again, using her elbows to smoosh her supple breasts around that girth before pressing down on the fabric.

It groaned in resistance as it stretched to fit over her buxom chest, flesh making small rolls in the fabric as she squeezed it over her chest. Panting quietly, her cock pulsing heavily now as the wobbling breasts massaged and rubbed over the spire, she slowly forced the shirt downward. She moaned quietly as her sensitive nipples were rubbed by the shirt, the sensations making her body burn and ache a little more for attention. It would be worth it, though a few moments later she let out a sigh of relief as the fabric practically snapped into place around her plump tits, making the entire mass wobble and bounce.

She stood back, slightly ashen-faced, to survey herself in the mirror. The shirt barely doubled as a bra, with only a small portion of the shirt extending to about her belly button, bulging quite noticeably with the shaft that was tucked between her breasts. A good four or five inches of cockflesh could be seen below the bottom of the shirt, though that wouldn't be a problem. In fact, that would be absolutely perfect!

She reached into her wardrobe again and pulled out a pair of denim shorts that she gingerly slipped on. Taking extra care, she hefted her heavy orbs, one in each hand, and stuffed them into the rough fabric before zipping it shut. Finally, she gingerly buttoned the top clasp, smiling mischievously as it threatened to blow at any minute. She stood back from the full-body mirror, examining herself once more with a smile - navy blue stood out proudly against creamy brown fur, the taut fabric drawing attention to her every curve. As the eyes followed the curves, they would notice a bright flash of throbbing pink exposed just briefly before being tucked away into a pair of dark denim shorts that barely contained the monsters. Irresistible.

If this outfit didn't scream for attention, they were blind.

Well. That was an interesting bus ride. The stares, the drools, the occasional flaring snouts inhaling her scent. She loved it all... except for the goddamn horn dogs approaching her when she had a mission, especially because she would have loved nothing more than to pin them against the wall and let every bump in the road drive her aching spire deeper into their tight asses.

But it would be alright. The Cellar, one of the most renown bars in the region, loomed in front of her with gaudy neon lights advertising in-house bands and cheap booze on tap and a "variety" of drinks on special. Probably just screwdrivers and watered down whiskey. But the cheap drinks weren't her prerogative this.

She pushed open the polished chrome-laced glass doors, feeling the thick, woody haze of smoke washing over her, the repugnant odor assaulting her nostrils, mingling weakly with whiskey and sweat. It seemed even higher-class establishments attracted the classless, and that's exactly what she counted on. Lesle licked her lips before sauntering over to the bar, just gingerly hoisting her leg up to sit beside an obviously inebriated rabbit with a set of breasts to rival her own. She couldn't help but notice the glances the creature was throwing her way, though she pretended not to notice. She was more than eager, and she could sense that this was the one she'd be taking home as a trophy tonight... but a little subtlety would get her a long way. Earning more vinegar with flies than honey or something like that.

Flashing the sign that meant "the house special," which was essentially a tap on the bar in front of her, Lesle pretended not to notice those around her. Instead, she focused on staring the bartender down, as if he wasn't making her drink fast enough, which was true. A look of impatience from her a few moments later, followed by a drawn out stretch where she arched her back and leaned back from the bar just enough to show off her bulging bits a little was enough to gain the attention of the female beside her.

"Something wrong?"

She had a sweet voice, though it was laced with a need that Lesle practically feasted on. "Oh, of course not. Just looking to drink the day away. Maybe pick up a date for the night, if I'm lucky. Getting drunk is key though, unless you'd care to help with either of those?" She flashed a smile, gripping the bar stool and twisting her back to "pop" it, though more of the intent being to flash the peeking pink flesh of her rock-hard shaft to the rabbit.

The drool almost flowed from the rabbit's mouth as she nodded and readjusted her shirt a little as if trying accent her own breasts in a sultry, seductive manner, though the motion was clumsy at best. Lesle gave the girl points for trying and bonus points for maintaining her balance on the stool while trying to do that. "I'd love to, miss. Harris, a round of Belvedere for my new friend and I."

Belvedere? High-balling to impress, hmm? She wasn't much a fan of vodka, but if the rabbit wanted to throw money away, it wasn't her problem. Well, it wouldn't be the rabbit's problem for long either, but that's how it went. She smiled and placed her hand on the rabbit's shoulders, flashing another sultry and playful smile. "Oh, how kind of you! Perhaps we could discuss the evening plans with each other at a table a little more private." She leaned forward and smiled to the rabbit, whispering quietly into her ear as her pungent musk washed over the lapine's senses. "As much as Harris is a friend of yours, I don't think you'd want to talk about escapades we would have in front of him? Perhaps we should move to that table over there?" Lesle said, pointing to the table that was partially obscured by a support pillar so that it was rather dark and quite secluded.

"Ssssure!" The rabbit slurred at the suggestion, her tone giddy. "Uhm... you... want to get..."

"Of course, I'll bring the drinks. Just get that cute rump of yours over there and I'll bring them over in a second."

Nodding eagerly, the rabbit practically hopped up from her seat and staggered over to the table; she managed to remain upright, but barely. The moment she was out of earshot, Lesle turned to the barkeeper and shook her head. "I'm worried for her, so I would just hold the drinks. Give them to the next person who comes to the bar." She didn't want her playmate passing out from alcohol poisoning, because an easy meal was hardly any fun at all.

Catching the eye of the rabbit, Lesle nodded and walked over to the table, a look of dejection on her face. "Well, they were out of the Belvedere, so I told him to hold the drinks. Besides, I wouldn't want you to be too out of it if we're going to be discussing things, you know. But... hmmm, you look quite bold and audacious." She smirked and leaned back, lifting her shirt a little to show more of that throbbing, pink flesh. "I like audacious, quite a bit. So, how about we play a little game?"

The rabbit nodded, smiling a little before swallowing. "Well... uh... I guess we can. What did you have in mind?"

"Those paws of yours on my cock under the table. Mmph, give me a foot job, nice and passionate, and let's see how long it takes for someone to notice what we're doing, or before I cum. If you manage to..." She smiled and leaned close. "Tickle me deep down; I'll have a special surprise in store for you. So, whatcha say?" She crooned, rubbing those paws gently with her tail, the soft, smooth fur gliding easily over the plushy soles.

Blushing brightly, the lapin nodded and giggled, to which Lesle looked around and wasted no time in ensuring the coast was clear. She shifted her shirt around, hoisting her breasts up enough to allow that massive girth to slip from her tits, which she promptly tucked under the table. The look of sheer awe and desire she received upon unveiling that beautiful length was more than enough to let her know the female was hooked. "Now, just be a good girl and put those paws to work?"

Shaking her head giddily, the girl shifted in her seat a little before Lesle felt those warm toes wrap clumsily around her cock head, making her grunt in pleasure. The sensation of being touched by something that wasn't her own hands was enough to draw out yet another hot gush of precum, most of which gushed over the rabbit's paws and legs. "Oh, that feels absolutely lovely! Just what I need, now get to work!" She growled, leaning across the table a little bit. Her body just loomed over the rabbit's as the shy but dutiful lapine pushed her entire long, arched paws around that massive member, barely covering a third of it in soft, supple warmth. Lesle pushed her hips forward just a little more, scooting the table closer to pin the rabbit against the seat, a sly smile crossing her face. "Good girl. Now, talk to me so it seems like we're having a normal conversation. Don't want to attract unwanted suspicion and get kicked out, do we?"

Nodding quietly, the rabbit smiled. "Well, my name... is... uhm... Carliah, and I... like... well, I'm a bit of an a fish... uhm... a of the flesh. Yours feels... so good."

Lesle felt Carliah jerk her hips a little as that rigid spire rippled between her paws, the sound of droplets hitting the floor becoming noticeable now as that meat continued to leak more musky precum. She could feel her desire growing ever stronger with each inch of fleshy foot paw that engulfed her member, even jumping a little when one of the paws broke free and cupped her heavy orbs.

She felt those toes, wide and dexterous, spreading around that grapefruit sized orb to squeeze and massage it with a lustful appreciation, almost as if it were a diamond being examined for flawless facets. Though, the squeezes just made the orb jerk upwards and splatter Carliah's thighs with more of that hot, slick fluid. She bit her lip, wanting more of that now, but her entire body ached for release.

"A little faster, Carliah. Mmph wasn't expecting that, and it's... good." Don't hand out compliments too freely, Lesle. You'll make her feel entitled. "But... have you ever... mmph, sounded before? It's one of my biggest kinks and the surest way to get me to blow. Your paws are great, but I can't help but wonder what they'd feel like tickling along my innards." She smirked again, doing her best to whisper, her voice but a low, husky growl now.

The rabbit seemed to enjoy that sound quite a bit, even nodding and giggling a little more. "Mmph, I Don't think I could pull my feet back far enough to get them in there, but I think that..." without another word, she slipped free from her pinned spot against the table, taking great pains to unpin those large breasts from between the cushioned seat and polished wood of the table and wiggled her way under the table.

Lesle felt a set of warm paws grip her shaft and rub it quite needily now, though the real surprise was the feeling of warm, wet lips kissing her throbbing cocktip in a vain attempt to try and swallow it. After a few tries and multiple spurts of precum, Carliah apparently gave up and just made love to that tip, pressing her lips against that drooling cumslit while her tongue snakes ever deeper into the lazily pulsing shaft. She liked this girl!

Just letting Carliah have her fun, she smirked cockily as she noticed the bartender looking her way. She winked and gestured for him to come over, feeling Carliah get to work now and quite eagerly too. The hot breath flowed easily over her fleshy pink prick, the lynx just coyly waggling her fingers. Harris took the bait, and now it was time to take hers.

She thrust her hips forward again, just as Carliah had pulled back to take a small breath, grinning as her cockflesh met with the lovely resistance of that snout. Thankfully, the loads of precum had slickened the fur so much that the rabbit's snout slipped in with barely any issue at all, leaving just those long ears the only trophy of her head sticking out.

Carliah gave a muffled squeak in protest, the vibrations making that attention-starved shaft ripple and pulse more. A clench tugged her in even deeper, and Lesle just crooned quietly in pleasure as she got the reaction she strove for: The struggle for freedom! She felt the rabbit begin to tug back, even placing her hands against that flaring cockhead to try and get enough purchase to pull her head out, but the member was simply too slick from the saliva and preseed to do much more than allow her hands to slip forward against her neck.

Perfect! Lesle jerked her hips forward again, the table beginning to shake as the rabbit struggled more and more, her hands slipping in up to the elbow. Muffled and angry squeaks emanated from her shaft, the lovely bulging length just slurping and undulating with each lewd swallow. A smirk crossed her face as Harris stopped and then turned around as if to call a bouncer. It was much too late now!

She pushed the table aside and grinned, another thrust forcing the squirming, soaked form of the rabbit deeper into her shaft, the massive length bulging and writhing now as the rabbit's breasts slipped in with a wet slurp. Always loving to give a show, just as if she were back at her own bar, she splayed her legs nice and wide for the patrons to notice, and she was sure she had all of their attention now.

The table lay across the floor, the clatter it made drawing all attention to the creamy-furred lynx and that pulsing pink spire. Large puddles of precum dotted the floor as the bar patrons could only watch as her flared tip opened wide and swallowed more and more of the rabbit, soon her hips vanishing and adding to the wriggling, squirming mass that was the lynx's pride. She licked her lips again, reclining lazily in the chair while using her delicately sized hands to massage the massive monster, hoisting it into the air so they could watch as the rabbit's body made her nuts and entire length bulge. Silence followed, barring the unstoppable greedy slurps of that shaft.

"Mmph, another satisfied customer, it seems. Now, if you're like this fine girl and... Love to explore the deeper and darker aspects of life; I'd welcome you to my establishment." She purred, gently rubbing herself more and more as her orbs expanded and engorged themselves with the squirming mass of the rabbit. She patted them gently, hissing in delight before taking both paws and wrapping them around her shaft. "But I'll give you a deal. First two customers to massage me not only gets a permission to approach me, let alone touch me, but will also get the privilege of being the first to sample the fine load of cum this lovely girl will become. Mmm, so, any takers?"

It wasn't surprising that the rest of the patrons just sat abhorred and aghast at the spectacle they were witnessing, though Lesle was sure it was more likely due to the fact that nearly every single one of them had become aroused at watching her feast. She scanned the audience, chuckling to herself. A lot of desperates, it seemed, but no takers. Well, she'd break them in with time. There was no doubt that they were hers now.

"Oh, no one? A shame, I guess I'll just have to... mmph, leave my calling card then... You boys will surely find Lesle if you know how to look.." she said, grinning as she lifted her shaft up to her lips once more and gave it a small kiss, watching as Carliah's paws vanished into the drooling length. The massive organ pulsed and squirmed, writhing with its new captive... but Lesle didn't want to waste time. A good way to be remembered was to be scarce enough to tantalize, but prevalent enough to be unforgettable. And that's what she was.

Unable to really contain herself much longer, and actually quite surprised she'd made it this long, she finally just rubbed her balls with her plush tail while both hands worked along that member. She let out a small groan as it only took a few passes in front of a captive audience to make her lose her mind.

A growl escaped her lips as she bucked her hips upwards, each thrust making the jiggling mass of the rabbit slip deeper before her cock just stopped. The tip flared once more before the guttural growl turned into an all-out howl of lust, her orbs jerking upwards as the entire length of her glorious rod pulsated, then erupted in a hot spray of pungent cum. She groaned as she was heaven, the lynx's hands a blur on her cock as each pass caused more of the hot seed to splatter across the room, even landing on the ceiling and a few of the patrons. Her emerald green eyes stayed open during the entire endeavor, quite pleased to see a few people shifting uncomfortably and standing up, their pants tented or moistened with needs they'd have to take care of in a matter of moments.

"Mmph, don't be shy! Let Lesle take you away... or, if you'd like, you can just follow me back. There's always room for more at Lesle's."

She smiled and reclined in the seat a little more, being sure to let the patrons get a good look of the massive, veined shaft as it pulsed lazily, cum still spraying from its tip. She let out a chuckle as a few of the more effeminate looking boys approached her, their eyes wide as they visually devoured that lovely load and length. Why was it always twinks that found her most attractive first?

Nodding quietly, she reached up and collected a small rope of her own jizz before bringing it back to her maw, her sack still squirming heavily as the rabbit vainly struggled for freedom. She slurped up the slimy fluid and grinned, quite pleased to feel the bois delicately stroking along her length.

The ice was broken and soon more would follow... She just hoped they were bolder than the resident twinks. She felt her pussy clench a little at the thought of twinks.

Oh well, at least she knew twinks were a satisfying meal if the rest of the patrons didn't want to bite the lure right away... but for now, she had a bunny to digest. She smirked and patted one of the bois on the head, motioning for him to rub her sack to which the small, perky-eared fox nodded and eagerly leaned down to give those massive balls a smooch.

The kiss sent a ripple through her cock and body, making her grin with delight. Well, they were diligent at least. She kept a close eye on him as he splayed his fingers wide and massaged over the slowly struggling bulge, watching a little as the contours of the rabbit's breasts molded nicely with the sack's flesh under his fingers.

A gurgle emanated from the pouch now, making her grin. She tapped the other fox on the head, grinning in a sheer dominant pleasure that she absolutely reveled in. He too nodded and placed his hands against that supple flesh as she felt her sack grow warmer under their touch, the rabbit's struggling finally dying down.

She could feel herself growing heavier by the second, her nuts clenching and squeezing around the lapine's form as the once fine and perky flesh was molded into more of her beautiful, musky ooze. She grinned, just watching as the two foxes rub and massage eagerly, each press against her lovely gems rewarding them with another gurgle and the soft sloshing of a full sack. Reaching down, she rubbed over their heads gently as her orbs began to shrink a little in size along with the massaging paws, the eager and clumsy trailing paws making her simply squirm with delight. Her sack slowly rounded out, groaning quietly as she felt the two foxes blushes as the once-full sack had been reduced to the size of two very heavy beach balls. She grinned and nodded to them appreciatively before standing up, groaning in delight as the weight in her crotch felt so lovely. She felt them sway slowly between her legs, their weight rubbing and brushing against her legs as she slowly staggered forward.

"Mmph, good bois. Now, back to my place if you want the taste~ and I'll be sure to give you a good show for your hard work. Anyone else interested in exploring their inner desires feel free to join us, though your time with me may be limited. Priorities to loyal customers, you understand." She winked, her beautiful green eyes flashing in the dim light as the bar almost collectively rose to their feet.

They were hers now, and soon they would likely be her. It was going to be a fun night.