Mind Over Matter (Formatted to Fap!)

Story by Zipeau on SoFurry

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#13 of Formatted to Fap!

Darkwraith's FtF featuring his mate Forestnashoba

Was a very interesting idea by the naughty panther so i just had to write it up. I don't think i really did justice to it though, but i hope you like it anyways.

The content may seem slightly light for these two, but they met recently and Syles made me make him be nicer to the sissy bunneh.

This is technically snuff but not really :P


The gunshot rang out.

Syles looked down at himself to see blood on his clothes. He turned to see his rabbit captive, the bounty hunter panther's latest catch, standing with a pistol pointing directly at him.

"Y-you s-shot me" Syles said in shock

The rabbit fired again with flame and hatred in his eyes. Syles fell backwards onto his small ship's control panel and knocked several buttons and sticks as another blood stain started to form on his chest.

"Fuck you panther, no one captures me. I've seen the kinky torture kit you have back there and I know exactly what you would have done to me if I hadn't slipped my bonds."

Syles didn't respond, he collapsed into the pilot's seat, breathing quickly and shallowly as he began to die. Suddenly a bright light emanated from the base of the seat and a mechanical voice sounded: "Soul containment system activated, seeking free spirit"

"Two souls found: Soul one, Rabbit, living. Soul two, Panther, 90% dead. Extracting final 10% of soul two"

Syles suddenly bucked in his seat; It was if lightening had struck him. He writhed and moaned in sheer agony and terror.

Suddenly all was silent, the light was gone and Syles was still, his head dropped to one side, his heart at rest - he was dead.

The former captive rabbit smiled and dropped the gun, its work done, but now he had to work out how to fry the ship and get to a friendly system. He sat in the copilots chair and looked at the dazzling array of controls. He rubbed at the heavy shackles around his wrists (similar ones were on his ankles, and his collar was also similar) before pushing a single small and seemingly unimportant button.

"Well well well" came Syles's voice from the speakers in the cock pit, making the rabbit jump in surprise "Well my little Forest, it seems your attempts to do away with me have failed. And you will pay the price!"

Suddenly a wire appeared from the roof, swung down and clipped its self magnetically to the slave collar that Forest still wore. He was tugged to his feet by the cruel cable and then the cuffs on his wrists also magnetized and locked his hands behind his back.

He was tugged forwards as the wire from the roof shot off, leaving the cock pit and heading for the rear of the small corvette where he had been bound earlier - the torture and 'play' area.

"What the hell is happening!" shouted Forest "I bet this is just another sick automated system designed to kill me if I take out the pilot"

"You couldn't be more wrong my little bunny..." reverberated the panthers voice through the PA system around the ship "...I'm not going to kill you; what would be the fun in that!"

"W-what are you" asked Forest fearfully as he was pulled towards what he dreaded the most in the rear of the ship

"My ship is fitted with a system that captures the souls of the dying, so I may torture them beyond death and then sell on the essences of their soul for use in military super computers, never thought it was save my life. There must have been a glitch, instead of implanting my soul in the storage files it's been implanted in the ship's core CPU, and I am now in full control of ALL the ships systems. Yes including that" finished Syles, referencing to the large machine that darkly dominated the play area, sensing that Forrest was terrified of it.

The rabbit was dragged that last few feet to the machine, refusing to go without a fight, and then the chord retracted upwards almost lifting Forrest off the floor. Form his near hanging position the rabbit had a frighteningly good view of the machine before him.

The seat was black gunbolt steel, adorned with deep red and worn leather padding. It looked like stain's dentist's chair, a heavy duty recliner with many devices or torment dangling from it and above it.

The wire moved again and deposited him square in the middle of the seat. It then unclipped form his collar and his hands also un-magnetized. He was free, he was loose, but it didn't last long.

The chair its self magnetized and Forest's ankles and wrists clicked into place, holding his arms on the armrests and feet to the foodpads. His head was even pulled backwards onto the soft headrest as his collar was attracted to the metal of the chair back. He was once again helpless and trapped, forced to endure whatever Syles and this chair of torment had to throw at him.

Forest's breathing grew shallow and fast in anticipation as everything went still. Suddenly things started to happen all at once - the chair reclined back, moving the rabbit into a more horizontal position. The armrests also slit out, holding his arms directly out to the side and the footrests also slid apart, spreading his legs.

Several small glass sphere's supported by thick snake-like cables then appeared from the bowels of the chair. The spheres were only the size of a golf ball but each glowed and crackled with inner purple energy - like lightning had been caught inside. There was a sphere for each foot, each thigh, each ball, his cock, his stomach, each flank, each arm and each paw. At the moment they just sat, suspended on their cables, wavering slightly just inches from their target.

The sphere near his left foot-paw suddenly buzzed and glowed intensely, then it moved closer towards him, not touching him but coming within millimeters.

The rabbit let out a thunderous cry as the glass ball discharged electric current into his tender foot. As soon as it had started the ball pulled away and whirred as it powered down to the same gentile glow that the others exhibited.

The rabbit panted and tired to recover from the shock as Syles voice boomed out again: "Now you've seen what my electro system can do, why don't we turn it down a little"

"Please yes, please don't shock me again"

Syles didn't respond but the orbs all powered up slightly and then moved into position, just a fraction from his fur. A powerful new sensation overcame Forest's system and he wriggled and squirmed uncontrollably.

The rabbit suddenly let slip a tremendous laugh, then a smaller series of giggles - he was being tickled!

The minute currents swept across his feet, legs, sides, arms, hands, cock and balls and stimulated his nerves just enough to make them think that a very thin feather was being drawn over his fur. He twitched in panic and giggled again, a louder laugh bursting out occasionally.

"Ahh no, stop, please hahah! Sto hahah! I can't take it, I'll do anything!" begged the rabbit in-between laughter

Syles didn't respond and the bunny gave up - after all what was the use begging to a machine. And relentless as a machine the tickling continued, causing Forest to cry and laugh himself raw.

Finally the electric spheres relented and backed off. Forest swore his thanks mentally and panted quickly - trying to clear the tears blurring his vision.

"Wasn't that fun! But I've realized there was one area I forgot about..."

As Syles spoke, Forest jumped. Something pad put its self to his exposed tailhole - his little tail offering no protection. At the angle he was reclined he couldn't see it, but whatever it was it then squirted a generous amount of lube at his rear at close range and in bursts as if it had cum. Syles voice let out a small shudder; as if he had cum.

The anal intruder began to push into the helpless rabbit. It felt to Forest to be a fairly normal anthro-cock, but it was big, really big! The head alone stretched him beyond his normal limits, but once it popped into place it kind of felt good.

It rested there for a moment, just the head inside, stretching the bunny's butt wide. The warm silicon seemed to be alive, pulsating with blood flow as a real cock would - but it was Forest's imagination, he though. Before he could think about it much more the machine slowly applied more pressure to the cock, sliding it slowly into the bunny's tight rear.

Once he was full penetrated and moaning in a mix of pleasure and discomfort at being shafted by the 10 inch cock, it withdrew to just the head in a quick smooth motion. Then it plunged back in again, then out, then in - all in smooth gentile motions. It was as if the cock had a mind of its own and was taking its own pleasures, its motions were those of an animal enjoying himself, not a machine on a program. Accordingly it began to speed up, its thrusting motions quicker, deeper and more powerful.

Forest whimpered in a strange mix of pleasure and pain as his tailhole was rammed by the machine chair, and, by his captor. Syles could still be heard to groan and moan threw the speakers - it was obvious he was getting direct pleasure from the work of his mechanical appendage.

As the bunny focused on the rape of his rear, his eyes closed, he failed to notice a new arm of the chair, bringing a strange looking glass tube with it. The tube was about the size of a cock pump, but inside was a latex skin that stretched the entire length of the tube. From its top wires and tubes protruded that disappeared into the bowels of the chair.

The tube descended over Forest's erect and bobbing cock. As the pre-lubed latex made contact with his tender furhood he began to squirm in fear, not wanting the tube over his cock. His struggles were futile though and milker smoothly slid onto his cock, its base sealing with his crotch and the latex bag stretching tightly around his meat.

The rabbit stared in horror as the tube vacuumed and all the air was sucked out - it clamping tightly to his crotch and sucking hard at his cock. It stayed in that state for several seconds while his ass continued to take a pounding. Then the fun started.

The air was allowed back into the tube and it released its suck on Forest then very quickly it vacuumed again and then let go again - it was sucking him off! The latex skin rubbed against his cock pleasurably as the changing air pressure stimulated him on a deeper level.

Syles moans through the PA system only grew louder as the milker and the silicon cock in Forest's ass began to work in tandem - the cock thrusting in as the pump sucked. Forest shook in pleasure as he got used to his situation and appreciated the stimulation of his body by the previously cruel machine. He didn't want to cum, just as he had not wanted to offer is ass. But the combined efforts of the machine would make sure he came soon enough, and that would be to admit defeat.

He tugged at his bondage and gritted his teeth as he focused, refusing to give into the chair, refusing to give into Syles. Just as he thought he was in control the panther tripped him up again...

The electric bulbs moved back into position (sans the cock one) and began to tickle Forest again. He shook and bucked, bubbles of laughter emanating from his muzzle uncontrollably as he fought his bonds even harder than before. The magnetic bonds did not let up and soon Forest was not so much fighting them as wriggling uncontrollably in sensory overload.

The combination of the tickling, milker and the cock fucking his butt soon began to hit Forest with its full effect. He was nearing orgasm, and based on the motions of the silicon dildo - so was Syles (if an AI entity could orgasm).

Suddenly, and totally out of his control, Forest came - squirting his seed into the milker against his will. Moments later Syles also came, the silicon dildo squirting more lube into Forest's ass and the former panther groaning in ecstasy over the speakers - unable to keep his arousal hidden.

The rabbit's breathing finally slowed as the tickler orbs backed off, the milker withdrew and the large cock slipped messily from his ass - lube dripping from the bunny's distended bum. He groaned as he relaxed his aching and abused body, still locked to the chair.

He began to grow nervous; Syles quiet and the room still. Nothing seemed to move or change, that was until the rabbit looked up.

On the roof large metal dome in the shape of a lens was beginning to glow red with heat. The dome was curved upwards towards the roof beam it was suspended from by rusty chains. It contained some form of solid, dark red substance - but it was too dark for Forest to get a good look.

Suddenly he felt something scalding hot drip into his head. He looked up only for another thick goopy drip to land on his muzzle. The substance smelt faintly fragrant, but a sharp chemical smell overpowered it - almost into obscurity.

As the inverted dome (or more a colander) headed up more the solid substance liquefied faster and began to pour through the holes in the metal and straight onto the trembling bunny below.

"You can't fight it boi, its wax, soon it will cover you from head to toe"

Still reclined the wax was quickly covering Forest as he struggled and tugged at his bonds. The hot red substance soaked over his fur and within minutes Forest was coated completely in the wax. He could still breathe through his mouth - just - but was the wax began to cool it hardened.

Forest whimpered and whined in fear as he was entombed, mummified in the rapidly stiffening red substance. As the wax hardened it caused another problem - Forest's head was completely covered as he couldn't breathe at all anymore.

"I would struggle if you want to breathe again little bunny, the wax wont melt on its own!"

Syles mechanical voice barely penetrated Forest's wax clad ears but he knew what he needed to do and he began to struggle frenetically.

He looked beautiful, like a giant bunny shaped candle. Or more like one having a current passed through it - for he wriggled and tugged, trying desperately to ether break or melt the wax.

As he struggled his breath rapidly depleted and his lungs began to burn badly. His body began to spasm, demanding oxygen, but it was not forthcoming, he knew he was going to loose this one and have to be helped out and then the dam panther would have won. That thought made him depressed, but more so it made him want to fight to the end, to show his strength and that he could beat this without his captors help.

As he began to feel faint and his struggles died down a new sensation of warm hit Forest's head - and miraculously the wax melted away. He took a deep breath and then another load of hot water hit him from above - it was far from a miracle, the water was simply melting the wax.

The wax covering the rest of his body slowly receded but some remained tarred on his fur and what fur was clean was now drenched.

"Well that was fun, and I'm not even wary - I guess computer entities don't get tired or need sleep. Why don't we start all over again?"

The glass spheres came forwards again and Forest gave a faint 'eep!'

The ship cruised through the void nothingness of deep-space, and Forest realized that he would forever be a captor of the ghost ship, forever a prisoner of Syles, destined for be tortured forever.