Wolf's Song

Story by Drakien on SoFurry

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Author's notes: Hi again, thanks for checking out my story, this is my second story ever on the internet :) But its my first ever gay story. This story contains consensual sex between a young male dragon and a young male wolf. So please enjoy.

I looked over the beautiful green rolling country side, as I watched perched upon a tree top high above it all. I loved to just site there in the lazy afternoon watching the sun burn off to night. Threw the dying light I heard something off in the distance, the slow sound of a violin, that moved like honey though my ears. It was beautiful so I took off flying over the valley in searching for the source of such beauty. I flew over the forest for maybe an hour before I got frustrated and landed down next to secluded pond, drinking the cool water at the edge. It took me a moment before I realized that exactly across the pond from me was the source of the beautiful violin. A young male anthro wolf was sitting on a branch over the water, one toe in the water with his back against the tree, playing his violin. He was beautiful too, with deep brown eyes and a sleek coat. He was still play, intent with himself and took no notice of me. So with the advantage, I slowly crept around the pond to lay down behind him listening to his beautiful music. About an hour had past, before he took up notice of me. The wolf jumped off the branch into the water. I quick jumped to his spot grabbing him by the wrists before his head and violin where to go under. I pulled him out of the water sitting on the shore next to a tree, where I sat on my hunches in front of him.

"I'm sorry if I startled you, would pleases keep playing." I said with a wide grin.

Nervously he started to play, his hands shaking in fear, as his music bleed from him in sharp almost painful sounds.

"No, no, like before, with your heart." I said pushing my head into his chest as he withdrew back against the tree becoming pinned, he whimpered softly.

He began to play again, this time its was as beautiful as before, I melted at his feet, leaning against his damp legs. He played for me until the sun set, after that we sat next to one another in the glow of the fire.

"You drying out ok?" I laugh running my paw through his fur.

"Yah I think so." He smiles shyly

I laid down on my side on the warm earth. Surprisingly I found that he laid down behind me. As I felt a shy paw finding it's way around my tail hole. I waited for a few minutes enjoying the gentle touch of his paw. I turned facing him kissing him on the nose before I trotted off into the wood giggling. He followed me with grinning, his tail wagging a little.

He caught up with me as I grabbed onto a random tree throwing my tail off to the side, spreading my legs a little. He was quickly upon me, I could feel his hot breath on the back of my neck as his firm cock probed under my tail. He hugged my waist and after a few thrusts he found my tail hole. I moaned a little as he push into me, giving me a good stiff thrust, pushing his knot into me. I mounded loudly as he continued to hump me, quickly I became erect. He gave me a few more good humps, his pace quickening, as he panted harder against the back of my neck. He squeezed me tight, pushing hard inside of me as he came. I could feel his warmth filling my tail hole as he slowly pulled himself out of me knot and all. I moaned as he withdrew from me, his warmth following him out, running along my tail. I turned around facing him with my back against the tree as I curled my tail between my legs. I spread my legs as the wolf slowly licked his cum from around my tail hole. He licked a line up to the base of my cock, continuing along my shaft up to the head. His rough tong felt wonderful against cock, as I spurted pre into his muzzle. He began to bob up and down a on my cock. Quickly I came in his muzzle as he suckled on my cock slurping up my cum.

If you liked this story or want to leave me some harmless feed back about this story, please, please E-mail me at [email protected] Thanks for reading. www.furnation.com/drakien for stories, animations, and yiff.