Life of a Thief ch.2

Story by Eotross on SoFurry

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#2 of Life of a theif


Yay! part two of the series... if you are not of legal age and or just don't like the male-male situation I suggest that you turn tail now and don't burn yer mind.


I awoke the next morning to find Embroth watching me intently, "I see that you slept well." Chuckling and nuzzling me gently. At first I didn't know what to think of this, I just nodded weakly. Embroth rose to his feet, a portion of his dragon member hanging out of it's sheath, swinging and bobbing between his legs as he walked to another area of his den. My mind blank and my jaw agape, I watched in wonder at its size. Embroth turned his head and looked straight back at me, I turned my head quickly hoping that he did not notice that I was staring straight at his dragon hood. My face was burning as I sat sheepishly in the dragons bed, and I had to adjust as I had suddenly become very restricted in the crotch area of my clothing, I couldn't believe it I was rock solid down there and grabbed a pillow to put on top of my nether regions hoping that Embroth would not notice. All that I could hear from his direction was a low murr that came from him, and I also noticed that I was not in my clothing that I was in the night before. Instead of the leather and scrap that I had to bring together and called my clothing, my body was now adorned with elegant blue silks embroidered with fine strands of silver on the edges.

Embroth thought to himself as he returned to walking through one of the many tunnels, "So he is attracted to males, hmmm interesting" he paused still thinking "I..., I wonder if... no... No I shouldn't" but his mind was betraying him and his lust for Mohlwani's body growing with each passing thought as he continued to trod down the labyrinth that was his home. "I wonder if there would be any chance that he would be willing for an encounter with me later on" With his member fully erect from all of the thoughts that he had of me, he arrived at his destination, a small forest clearing. With tall grass and many unusual flowers and plants that were in full bloom. As well as a few ancient rune stones, some were my size and others were twice as tall as me, but a few things that all of the stones had in common were the runes that covered every inch of the stone glowing a soft white blue light, as well as the stones themselves being made out of an enchanted blue granite. All of the stones were set up along the edge of the clearing, and hummed a very faint magical note, and glowed a deep pale blue that was almost hypnotic combined with the vibrations that were emanating form them.

Too curious for my own good, and filled with an inexplicable urge to see the dragon with his enormous member again, I had followed him through the tunnel, 'till I reached the entrance to the clearing. My heart jumped when I seen what the dragon was doing, and I couldn't help but smile. Embroth sat with his legs spread open, I watched him work his tongue around his shaft, wrapping and massaging it down to the base slowly enjoying every bit of the moments and all of the actions. He pulled his head back slowly enjoying his taste with the full length of his tongue.

Watching this I slipped a hand down into my clothing and began to message my own shaft, stroking it slowly mimicking the dragons rhythm, and decided to move to a more discrete outcropping of rock and continued to watch the dragon please himself and was held in awe as I seen him begin to slip his cock into his mouth. His head started to bob as he sucked his member, his mouth over the top end and his paw messaging the bottom of the shaft. I dropped my pants and continued to stroke myself squeezing and messaging as I watched the dragon. What happened next captivated me, I watched as the dragon took the whole length of his member into his mouth. I watched as he continued to bob his head and watched the bulge form and recede to and from his throat. I could hear small moans of pleasure escape from the wyrm as he started thrusting faster and harder he pleased himself starting to climax. Felt my own body shudder as I had seen his do the same, a few final thrusts hard and deep into is maw, he had reached his climax and so did I. torrents of pleasure washed over my body, starting form my member and flowing through every limb. Hot seed burst from my own member coating a small area of stone in front of me, while I watched the colossal dick leave his mouth and point straight away from his body. I slumped against the wall of the tunnel so I wouldn't fall over into the mess that I had just made, out of breath, breathing hard and fully exhausted I gave my paw a content cleaning purring quietly to myself. As I worked my tongue between my digits to lap up any of the cum that I had gotten onto my hand. After I finished attending to myself I looked at the dragon one last time as I pulled up my trousers. I turned and began to walk back through the tunnel back to the main chamber, my pants had a little wet spot in the middle from the precum that had escaped me before the dragons and my own little activities.

Embroth breathing hard, murred contently as he usually was unable to give himself this magnitude of gratification, he began to clean himself -what little mess he had actually made- licking around his member with his large rough tongue, cleaning up any of the remnants of cum that were still down there. He smiled happily, seeing that there was no mess left to clean and looked around at the flowering plants and the rune stones' who's ancient enchantments were still keeping the surrounding plant life lush, green, and beautiful. And sighed a hearty sigh of thankfulness for finding this place and the cavern that was so suiting to his nature, soft, conserved, complex, hidden away, and virtually unchanged through the passage of time. Embroth rose to his feet weakly, still recovering form his unusually powerful orgasm, and walked over to a crystal clear spring, that was no larger than one of his paws, close to the edge of the clearing and drank deeply as the water bubbled up from the ground and had done so for untold millennia. Once he had his fill of water he paused for a moment and looked back towards the tunnel suddenly remembering that he had a guest. He walked through the tunnel till he reached the large cavern where his bedding was and found me resting there. "You okay?" He asked and my eyes widened "had he seen me in the tunnel?" I thought guiltily and could only look up at him as he remained stoic and patient in his expression, eyes aglow with a kindness I hadn't seen before they seemed to glitter in the dim light of the cavern, but after a moment and did not respond he asked he looked at me curiously. "Is there something that you had wanted to tell me?" My mind raced as I tried to think of a way around this and could not, "I mean, he probably saved my life with that balm and his care for me I at least owe him a small amount of honesty on my part."

I replied sheepishly "I... uh seen you in the clearing." He nodded and replied "Yes I seen you over there in the tunnel trying to hide, and it is nothing to be ashamed of." My eyes widened in disbelief, "But I hardly know you... and it is not right to eavesdrop on people... err dragons" he just nodded and smiled at me "perhaps, yet I said that I noticed you, and I could have chased you of if I had not wanted you to be there, so you see. Your company was welcome." All that I could do was sit there in stunned disbelief of what I had just heard... "your company was welcome" I thought over and over again, what did he mean by this, was he gay? Was he attracted to me? ...Does he wish to mate me? What does he have in his mind? Does he plan to do anything to me at all? All these thoughts and more began to fill my head as I sat in wonder. I heard and echoing "It's alright, I didn't mind at all" coming from one of the tunnels, I didn't even notice him leave when he was standing less than ten feet away from me! This gave me a little start and I hopped to my feet

My mind was working in overtime; I didn't know what to think of this or even if I should at all... I walked through the tunnel light-footedly -and old trait that would die hard- and approached that forest clearing. My chest filled with the fresh clean crisp air as I strode out into the clearing where I decided that I would rest and chew over the thoughts that were buzzing in my head uncontrollably. As I walked out into the clearing an inner peace flooded over me and washed away all of the worry and doubt that was clenching my mind. It was like all of my troubles and the troubles of the world had suddenly melted away into nothing, here everything was all right, here I was happy, and here I knew was where I wanted to stay. I walked slowly over to one of the large white boulders that were in the clearing and sat at its base and let my mind roam. What I was thinking about the most was what the dragon meant. My mind began to drift and wander around all of the things that the Embroth had said to me even though he had said very little indeed. I had began to daydream about him... His excellently formed body, his eyes full of the fires of life, how his wings were an iridescent blue green color, all that this led to was me thinking of just how beautiful he looked in the sunlight. Shining scales, magnificent wings, excellent muscle tone, eyes that burned bright with an inner radiance, his huge throbbing cock, and all that these amounted to in my eyes was beauty in a pure form. And then I started to think about just how I got here, and remembered the other night that I had broken into the kings castle and stole some magical items that would be of high value, no doubting that, but how would I get around to selling them and what was the purpose of money anyways, was it just an easier way for others to say "I have more money than you, I am more important than you and I matter more to others than you do" I just couldn't see the point in it anymore, there was no need for it if I could stay here with Embroth, but I was getting ahead of myself. I didn't even know if he had wanted me to stay or not. I mean he was definitely kind to me, and it felt like he was coming onto me in some subtle ways. Why else would he say that it was okay that I had watched him pleasure himself? And that my company was welcome as I spied on him? The only logical explanation that I could think of to all of this was that he had hidden intentions towards me. But I welcomed them blissfully as I lay against the white boulder taking in some of the radiant sunlight, thinking to myself that it might not be that bad after all, that things might actually be able to work out between Embroth and I. So having thought of this for a while I had began to daydream about Embroth, about how I would crack open that annoying little chest... "CHEST!" I leapt to my feet and turned around and about had a heart attack when I found that Embroth was sitting there less than an arms reach away, smiling happily down at me.

"You don't need to worry, your possessions are in my den." He grinned "they're safe in one of my private chambers along with other treasures that I have built up over the years."

I started to say something but my mind failed me when I heard the word treasures. "Wait, I can still have them back right?" Embroth looked at me, obviously a great deal amused by my panicked question, "Of course" he said chuckling, "You may be a thief, but those are your possessions are yours... err well at least they are now, seeing how you managed to keep your head and life and got away from a full squad of guards no doubt!" There was a cheerful sound to his voice that sounded almost proud of me, and I couldn't help but to swell with pride that I had survived my little ordeal. So, full of pride that I had made it, I turned to Embroth remembering the mysterious stranger that had come to my aid right before I had passed out a few nights ago and said "I probably wouldn't have made it if you did not help me, so I guess that that means that I owe you a thank you... doesn't it? ...Well thank you for helping me out back there." I received a nuzzle in response "Lets just nap out here and sunbathe of a while, well worry about the more important stuff tomorrow" So we laid out in the sun for a bit, then I remembered that I had been thirsty and it had come back to haunt me so I asked Embroth if he had anything that I could drink around here, at first he just paused at my question then gestured at his crotch. My eyes widened, "you SERIOUS!?" I said in disbelief, he just laughed and shook his head no, "I wouldn't do that to you, there is a natural spring over there" and he nodded to a small patch of well-treaded ground to his left. So I got up and quickly found the well, now that I seen it I was so thirsty that I didn't think about anything else and quickly submersed my whole head in the spring and swallowed the sweet cold water in greedy gulps till my thirst was quenched. After that I just plopped back on my rear, my belly very full of the water from the spring, and was suddenly aware of a giggling Embroth. I just blushed which only made him laugh harder than before, "take it easy! The water isn't going to run away from you ya know." And just chuckled some more and padded the ground right up against him. Accepting his invitation I joined him in a short, but peaceful slumber, the sun glistening off of his scales and my micro-scales, a gentle thrumming coming from Embroth as he and I slept.

We woke a couple of hours later and went to the main cavern where we proceeded to swap stories of our lives back and fourth till it was time to eat, once again he disappeared through one of the many tunnels and came back carrying what was to be my meal. I followed him outside where he launched himself into the air with amazing strength and started to soar on some thermals that he had found, "How I wish I could do that." I said to myself in a dumbstruck wonder from watching him fly. So beautiful and free up in the air needn't worry about the world or others, just him and freedom on the winds up there. After he flew out of my sight then I sat down to attend to my own hunger. This time however there were juicy meats along with a little fruit and some berries and with the food was an empty chalice, which I had assumed would be for the water so I went and filled it to the brim and ate. All the while wondering what it would be like to fly, to be free from the worries of economy and society, how I longed to be in flight with him! After I had finished my meal I just sat at the entrance to the den, waiting like a puppy for his return, and I did not have to wait for long, he had had a successful hunt and was quite full. So when he returned we both went to his chambers and laid down and fell asleep, happily dreaming of the days activities and continuing to slumber.