The Lost Lie (Chapter Two)

Story by Sanus on SoFurry

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#2 of -The Lost Lie-

"Stop it Josh, your smudging the glass!"

"But they are sooo cool!" said the lanky tiger before pulling his face from up against the large window.

"They're just jets man," the husky stated, chuckling, "I am sure they are just amazed by you as you are of them."

"Oh shut up Tobe." Josh said jokingly, "I mean just look at them. They're just so big and fast and . . ."

"Airplaney?" Tobias asked in a childish tone.

With that, the feline ran over to and tackled his friend to the terminal floor and started wrestling the canine. Several furs who were waiting for the arrival of their loved ones and acquaintances looked from their newspapers, books, and phones to watch the interesting encounter that was taking place before them.

"Will you guys stop?" Ky said, watching for the Easter's plane. "They are going to be here soon."

After getting in a couple of more 'love taps,' they two furs got up and composed themselves. "When were they supposed to get here again?" questioned the husky.

"Ten minutes ago," replied the lupine.

Tobias padded over and stood in front of the huge pane of glass next to his mate. "Damn airports," he said, "they're almost as bad as doctors."

Ky chuckled before subtly brushing his paw against his mate's. "I feel weird."

"Yeah, I understand," the husky replied.

"I really hope things work out okay," said the lupine, "for once."

Two heavy arms fell on the couple's shoulders. "I am sure things will 'work out.'" Josh stated, full of optimism, "They are both awesome furs, so things will be fine."

"Yeah," replied the wolf.

Tobias started to giggle as he lightly elbowed the feline's chest. "Look at that," he said, jerking his head in the direction of a snooty-looking otter who was scrubbing Josh's breath and slobber of the large window with a squeegee.

The wolf laughed as Josh started to blush. "Oops," said the feline, rubbing the back of his neck.


Mixed feelings roamed through Kale's brain as he looked out the jetliner's small window and watched the landscape swoop out from under him, only to be replaced by more. He already missed his home; a lot. He missed Jesse, he missed all of his other friends, he missed his house, and, despite him not wanting to, he missed his school. The wolf was homesick, and they had only left several hours ago. The feeling of dread that was starting to overcome him faded as his thoughts turned to Ky. Kale could hardly wait to meet him. And he already felt accepted by both him, and Tobias. Confliction churned his thoughts and stomach as the plane dropped rapidly for the landing. The wolf knew that if his mom wasn't already planning to move somewhere and made the choice for them, he would not have been able to decide.

"Um, sir," rang a soft, but piercing voice in Kale's ear, "buckle your seatbelt please. We are landing."

The lupine looked up at the cheerful fox--who was wearing handsome stewardess suit, displaying the airline's colors. "Oh, I am sorry. 'Was kinda spaced out," he said, clicking the two straps together.

"Thank you," said the vulpine as she walked down the aisle, looking for more spaced out furs.

Kale's eyes met his moms and he forced a casual smile before returning his gaze to the window.

The wolf felt a feminine paw pat his shoulder as his mom's soft voice came rolled into his ears. "I know you are kind of conflicted about this move, but I am sure this will be great for us."

"Yeah, I know Mom."

Kale jumped slightly with surprise as the plane landed on the tarmac. He watched the flaps on the massive wings open and twitched his ears as the enveloping roaring sound of the aircraft reversing thrust flowed into them. As the plane slowed to a taxi speed, the wolf unbuckled himself and gathered the 'knick knacks' that he had brought to keep him entertained.

The plane finally stopped and furs started piling out of the large fuselage. After standing, Kale reached above his head and yawned as he stretched. The lupine helped his mother remove their carry-ons and checked their seats for missed objects before following the flow down the small aisle. As they transferred from the plane to the tunnel that connected the aircraft to the terminal, the wolf awkwardly accepted the overly exuberant stewardess fox's 'thanks for flying International Alpha Airlines.'

The two furs made their way down the tunnel and Roxanne looked back at her son, smiling, as the entrance to the terminal neared. Kale responded in kind sheepishly, and then started searching for his half brother in the enormous crowd of various bustling furs. This airport felt way more crowded than the one they departed from, adding to the sick feeling in the wolf's gut.

There he was. Kale held his breath as he saw his half brother approach him. Before he could greet Ky, the larger wolf wrapped his loving arms around him. The nervous sick feeling he was experiencing before was literally squeezed out of him by the older lupine.

The short, but intense hug ended and, once again, Ky beat Kale to the punch. "Hi!!! It's so awesome to see you!"

"Hi," Kale responded skittishly, still feeling a bit nervous--despite their background, "it's great to see you too."

Not wanting to be rude, Ky brought his attention to Roxanne. "Hello!"

"Hello Akkia!" she responded, "It is so good to finally meet you."

"Likewise," he stated, "and it's Ky."

"Okay Akki-. . . Ky," the female vulpine corrected herself.

During the brief interaction between Ky and Roxanne, Tobias and Josh had introduced themselves to Kale, and soon did the same with his mother. The five exchanged pleasantries and slowly became comfortable with each other's company.

After grabbing their bags from the luggage carousel, the group journeyed towards the parking lot.

Tobias pulled a large suitcase behind him as he talked. "So, I know you have worked all of this out already, but what is your plan about getting a job, Roxanne?"

"Oh, well I am qualified to practice both adult psychology and pediatric psychology, so I am thinking of applying myself in the latter," she responded.

"Whaaa?" exclaimed Josh, completely lost by the adult lupine's phrasing.

Everyone laughed before Ky 'dumbed' it down for him. "She means she can help both adults and children, but she is going to focus on the children."

"Ah," he responded, understanding now.

"Anyway," Tobias said, trying to resume the initial conversation, "that's really cool. I think it would be super amazing to work with children in that aspect."

"I agree," Roxanne state, "hence me applying myself in it. Kids' minds can be just as complex as adults and they often suffer from a lot of the same core problems. But I love kids, so that makes it all the better. Anywho, I have already called around and found an office, so I should be able to get back to work soon."

"That's awesome," Josh said before running to the van and yelling, "SHOTGUN!"

"No you idiot," said the husky, jokingly hitting the feline on the back of his head, "Roxanne gets it."

"Oh yeah."

After loading the luggage in the back, the Tobias and Roxanne got into the driver and passenger seats, while the rest piled into the back seat--the smaller lupine in between the two older furs. When the canine started the engine, the radio engaged and hardcore music started blaring--a result of the previous session of listening to music. Everyone jumped in their seats before Tobias was able to turn it down and profusely apologize.

The group continued conversing as the two wolves in the back continued to loosen the tension. The husky looked in his rearview mirror several times and chuckled to himself, seeing the progression of the brothers' relationship.

"So, it has to have been a long time since you have eaten," Ky stated aloud for everyone to hear, "would you like to stop somewhere?"

"Oh yeah!" Kale exclaimed, "I am staaarving."

"Yes, I would like that," agreed Roxanne.

"Awesome, I know a great place," Tobias stated.

The group soon stopped at a reasonable restaurant and dined there. All the furs were now very comfortable with each other, resulting in a great time of fellowship while they ate their meals. They talked about the flight and figured out the little details about the Easter's move. After splitting the check, they left the restaurant, feeling very satisfied.

"Oh wow," Roxanne simply said to describe the awe the setting sun stirred in her after walking around the corner of the building.

The sun was falling below the skyline, casting beautiful sunset that danced from the horizon, coating the sky and clouds in a plethora of brilliant colors.

Kale too was awestruck. "Yeah, wow."

Ky laughed and said, "If think that is beautiful, you should see it from the beach that is a few hours from here."

"I bet," Roxanne responded.

After admiring the sunset for several minutes, the furs again piled into the van and headed for Ky's house to drop off the wolves. The Easter's were planning to stay there one night and move into their duplex the next day--when their stuff was supposed to arrive from being shipped. Ky's aunt was a very excited to meet the 'new' family members and was happy to let them stay at their house.

They arrived at the large house and everyone helped carry all of the luggage into the guest rooms.

"Get yourselves situated," Ky said to the Easters, gleaming, "I am going to go see Tobias and Josh off. Oh, and remember; Mi casa es su casa."

The wolf left the room as Roxanne explained to her son what that meant.

Ky walked outside just as the husky closed his driver door and started to turn up the volume of the music that was vibrating through the van. The wolf ran up to the open window and quickly looked around before grabbing the paw that was hanging out the door and planting a kiss on the teen's cheek. "I love you."

Tobias turned, squeezing his love's paw, and kissed his mate passionately on the muzzle, breaking it after the lupine returned it. "I love you too. I don't know how I am going to contain myself around Kale."

"I know!" agreed the lupine, "It's going to be really hard."

"Yeah, but we have to," said the husky, "I don't want to find out by himself. I want to tell him."

"Yeah, me too," he agreed, "Well, anyway, I have to get back to them so, call me."

"Definitely," responded the canine, "Bye gorgeous."

"Bye beautiful," said Ky, smiling, as the van slowly advanced, gently pulling the two paws apart.

"SEE YA KY!" yelled the feline from the passenger seat as the van raced of.

"SEE YA JOSH!" the wolf shouted in kind.


Kale lay in the unfamiliar bed and let all of his emotions sink in. He no longer felt homesick, though he still missed his home, but those feelings had been overcome by all the love that was shown to him and all the excitement he contained about having Ky for a brother and those awesome older furs for friends. It was a great feeling.

Due to his hard day, the young wolf slipped into a deep sleep very quickly as he thought about his future in his new home with his new family member and friends.


Sunlight slowly slid into the room and crept up the bed till it rested on the wolf's face, gently waking him. Kale rubbed the warmth off his face and flicked his ears, feeling a slight breeze tickle them. He sat up and stretched, and then wiped the sleep from his eyes and focused on the landscape outside of his window.

It was the most beautiful back yard he had ever seen. The enclosure kind of fell into a valley as trees painted the ground--getting thicker the further they got from the house. A single weeping willow was slowly dancing in the wind, resting at the deepest part of the 'valley' and a very slight stream trickled next to it, disappearing in the dense forest at the end of the landscape. There were so many vivid greens and brilliant blues that seemed to warm your insides and envelope you in a soft blanket of color. It was simply beautiful.

Kale reluctantly took his gaze from the window and rotated sideways, so that he was sitting on the edge of the bed. He stood up, feeling the shag carpet fill the crevices between his toes, and stretched his whole body. The navy blue boxer briefs he was wearing rode up on his crotch as he lifted his arms, filling every contour and accentuating every bulge, just as Ky walked in.

The younger wolf quickly lowered his arms and relaxed his body, knowing how exposing his briefs were when he was in that position, and couldn't help but notice his half brother glance at his crotch and grin. Before Kale could think on it or say anything, the older wolf spoke up.

"Just wanted to tell you that there is a bathroom with a shower down the hall on your left that you can use whenever you want," the lupine said, still with a slight grin on his muzzle, "Oh, and breakfast is almost ready so you had better hurry."

The wolf's stomach growled at the thought of breakfast. "Thanks a lot. I will try to be quick."

"No problem. And if you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask," Ky said as he left.

The lupine crouched next to his suitcase and grabbed the clothes he desired to wear and headed towards the bathroom. He found it with no problem and closed the door behind him upon his entrance. It was a very nice bathroom--like the rest of the house--and was still slightly hot and steamy from the previous user.

Kale turned the water on and quickly found the right temperature before slipping out of his tight boxer briefs and jumping under the steady stream of hot water. It felt great. The wolf closed his eyes and lifted his head so that the stream was directly hitting his face. He just loved the feeling of water hitting his cheeks and maw.

After getting over the wonderful feeling of the water, the lupine looked around for his body wash. "Damn," he said, realizing he had left it in the room. He contemplated getting out and getting it, but decided just to use the wash that was already there. He removed the dark blue bottle from the rack and squirted some of the liquid in his paw, instantly deriving that it was Ky's, based on the scent--which was a very sweet and slightly musky smell.

Kale rubbed his paws together before lathering the goo into his fur. He made sure to get everywhere and when he came to his sheath, his member immediately slipped out, begging for some attention. The wolf gently wrapped a paw around his sensitive shaft and slid it up and down the length a couple of times before squeezing it slightly and pulling his paw away. He was extremely horny, but he didn't feel quite comfortable doing the 'dirty deed' in Ky's shower, and plus, they were waiting for him, so he couldn't take too long.

He rinsed all of the wash out of his fur before turning the shower of and shaking as much of the water out of his fur as he could. He stepped out, grabbing a dry towel from the rack, and dried his body of the remaining moisture. Kale slipped on another tight pair of boxers and put on his remaining clothes--consisting of some light, torn up jeans and a preppy blue shirt with the grungy brand name sewn onto the front. He looked at himself in the mirror, shook his head in attempt to fix his hair, and used his paws to correct what the head-shaking didn't complete.

As he opened the shower door, the smell of breakfast almost knocked him over, and his stomach instantly responded with a loud grumble. "Okay, okay, I'll feed you," he said aloud before chuckling to himself.

He walked into the dining room and was happy to see that Tobias and Josh were seated at the table, eating, as well as Ky and his mom.

"Hey there sunshine," Tobias smiled and said to the young wolf before taking another bite of his yogurt.

Hearing that her son had arrived, Roxanne turned around and too greeted him, "Good morning Kale."

"Good morning everyone," he said, smiling.

It was then that he noticed the food. It amazed him how much there was and how big the variety was. His stomach growled again.

"Sounds like you are hungry," Ky said, "Why don't you sit down."

The wolf immediately took the invitation and sat in the last empty chair.

"So, school hasn't started yet?" Kale asked, directing his question to his half brother.

The wolf responded by giggling and saying, "Um, yeah, it has. We just decided to skip today and show you around town before we help you move in."

"I still don't approve of this," Roxanne stated after swallowing her latest bite.

"You don't need to," laughed Josh, "It's not like we do this often or anything."

Kale noticed the husky looked at his Ky and wink, getting a laugh from his half brother. He didn't pay much attention to it.

"Well," Ky said, "dig in."

And that he did.

After the group finished their breakfast, Roxanne stated that she had to go make some final arrangement with the tenant of the duplex she was looking at and get some information on the whereabouts of their stuff, so she would be busy all morning and most of the afternoon. This excited Kale because it would give him time to hang out alone with the guys.

"Well," said the female wolf, getting up from her chair, "I best be off. Kale, be sure to be on your best behavior while I am gone, okay?"

"Of course mother," he reluctantly responded.

After a few chuckles, everyone bid farewell before Ky got up and saw her to the door.

"So how did you sleep Kale?" Tobias asked.

Kale looked up from his food to answer. "Really well," he said, "But of course it wasn't hard because of yesterday. I was completely worn out."

"Yeah," Josh piped up, "it sure looked like it.

"Awesome," the husky stated, "I haven't got to sleep in that bed yet--I usually sleep with Ky--but it looks really comfortable."

After a short pause, the wolf replied, "Yeah, it was very comfortable."

Ky soon returned and, after finishing their breakfasts, Tobias got up and said, "Okay, let's go now."

"Where are we going?" questioned the younger wolf, flicking his ears inquisitively.

"The mall of course," laughed the tiger, "where else are we supposed to go when it is freeze-your-balls-off cold outside?"

"Good point," Kale agreed.

"So get your hoodie on," the husky said, "or do you wanna become a frozen likeness of yourself."

"Oh, okay. I will be right back," said the wolf, hurrying off to his room to grab a hoodie.

"Man Ky," Tobias said to his mate, "I can't get over how cute he is."

"I know!" he agreed with exuberance, "I already love him."

"Me too," the canine, "and he is really sexy too."

"Tell me about it!" Ky said, "Like I know he is my half brother and all, but today I walked in on him when he was in-"

"Guys!" Josh interrupted, "Please, oh please can you refrain from this conversation till you guys are alone. I can't get over how often you guys talk about that kind of stuff when just thinking about it makes me . . . BLEH!"

"That right there is exactly why we do not refrain from it. Your reactions are so ridiculous," the husky explained, giggling.

The tiger made a face of distaste. "Anyway, no more of-"

"I'm ready guys," said Kale, almost shouting, as he ran back into the room, "let's go!"

"Okay, okay," said the wolf's half brother before turning to the feline and winking, "Let's go Josh."

The tiger shuddered before following the rest out the door. "SHOTGUN!"

"Fuck!" Ky muttered.


Tobias pulled into the parking lot of the mall, turning down the music to allow conversation, and made his way down the rows of spaces.

"Man," Kale said, "When you said 'the mall,' I didn't think you were referring to a mall in a different town."

"Heh, yeah," Tobias said, "our town is both way too small and way too gay to have a mall, so we go to the next best thing, which is pretty good I might add."

"I see," replied the wolf, feeling excitement build in him, "Why aren't there hardly any furs here?"

Josh laughed and turned from the passenger seat, "School is still in session and most of the 'Mall-ers' are teenagers. Of course there is the small percentage of drop-outs, scary old people, shoplifters, et cetera that like to stop by around this time, but school still withholds most of the mall's customers within its walls."

Kale laughed aloud. "Awesome."

The husky pulled into the closest parking spot he could find to the mall and turned off the engine. "Well, let's go have some hardcore fun. First one to get kicked out gets his meal paid for by the rest of us."

The young wolf nervously chuckled and asked his half brother discreetly, "Is he kidding."

Ky laughed and answered, "Nah. Have you never been kicked out of a mall? It's so much fun!"

"No I haven't," he said hesitantly.

"Well it is a shitload of fun," Ky said, grinning, "Just stick with me and you will be fine."

Kale felt a warm, happy feeling envelope him, realizing that the older wolf was taking him under his 'wing.'

The group then got out of the van and headed to the towering building.

"But remember," Josh said, "we don't want to get kicked out too soon. I wanna get some clothes first."

"Ooh, ooh," the husky said excitedly as he grabbed his friend's arm, "I have the perfect store for you. It will broaden your style hardcore, trust me."

The tiger looked at his friend and raised his eyebrow. "Do you?" he said sarcastically.

"Yes," Tobias responded with all seriousness, "I do."

Upon entering the mall, older furs and store clerks immediately started staring the foursome down--something they were used to, with the exception of Kale, for the furs tended to be judged based on their appearance quite often. They ignored the looks and continued their journey to nowhere.

"So, where is this amazing clothing store?" asked the feline.

The husky winked at his friend before looking over at Kale and asking, "Are you planning to get anything?"

"Hmm," hummed the wolf as he thought, "I guess I could, but I wasn't really planning to. I don't really know anything about what this mall has."

Ky patted his back and said, "Well, we will be roaming here for awhile, so you will have plenty of time to 'browse.'"

"Okay Josh," Tobias said with a completely serious face, "here we are." The tiger stared into the windows of the female's lingerie store before turning and hitting his friend in his shoulder.

"I didn't know you were into this kind of stuff Josh!" said Kale sarcastically before bursting into laughter. The feline conjured an artificial frown for being burned by the younger fur and growled.

Ky too started laughing and gave his half brother a enthusiastic high-five before saying, "Brilliant!"

After Tobias was able to get over his laughter, he explained, "Sorry man, but you have to admit that was good. Anyway, I was just kidding, this isn't the store I was talking about. It's quite a ways down here."

Josh sighed and jokingly muttered, "I hate you guys."

After walking up and down a couple of ramps and browsing in a couple of stores that Kale found interesting, the furs finally came across the store the husky was referring to. It was a hardcore scene/emo/gothic/alternative store full of all kinds of clothing and paraphernalia with band names painted all over them. Extremely heavy music was playing and all the clerks had all sorts of crazy hairstyles and piercings.

"Umm, I don't think so," said the feline, turning to walk away.

"Umm, I do," said the husky, grabbing his friend by the gruff of his fur and pulling him back.

"I am going to have to agree with Josh," said the younger wolf, "this is pretty intense.

Ky smiled and turned to his half brother, "Don't let the environment fool you. I was skeptical at first too, but they actually have some pretty cool clothes."

"Yeah, Josh" said Tobias, "just give a try."

The tiger reluctantly gave in and the group entered the store.

Kale was surprised by how friendly the clerk greeted them and asked if they needed any help with anything as they entered the store. They politely said they didn't and began their search.

"Okay," said the husky to his feline friend, "I am not going to let you leave until you buy one thing."

"We'll see," said the tiger.

The young wolf laughed as he eyed some of the extreme clothing and looked for something he might like. A wall covered with custom band tee shirts caught his eye and he scanned the many shirts for something he might like to get as the other furs scattered throughout the store, looking for something for themselves.

"Hey Ky," said the husky, holding up a pair of black plaid shorts, "what do you think of these?"

"Oh, I definitely think those would look sexy on Josh," he said before turning to the tiger and saying, "You should definitely try them on."

"I have to admit," Josh said reluctantly, "those are pretty snazzy."

"Snazzy?" laughed the husky, "More like, BADASS!"

Kale joined his friend in the laughter. "Yeah, I like badass better."

"Hey, in my mind," said the tiger, pointing at his head, "snazzy is such a more snazzy word than badass."

"That still could mean that badass is a better word, right?" the wolf sarcastically asked.

"Um . . . fine!" Josh said, "I will go try on these 'badass' shorts."

The three furs laughed at their friend's comment and Kale resumed his search for a shirt. He finally decided on one he thought was really cool, and before he could grab one from the rack, Ky grabbed his paw.

"You should try getting a size smaller than you usually would," the grinning wolf said, "If girls are all over you now, you won't know what to do with them if you wear a tight shirt."

"Who says I am looking for girls falling all over me?" Kale said in a teasing tone, "But I guess it won't hurt." So the wolf grabbed a small size of the shirt he was looking for and brought it to the cashier. As the clerk scanned the shirt, Kale couldn't help but look at all the piercings scattered about her face and ears.

"You like 'em?" said the cashier, who was skinny raccoon with her hair dyed hot pink, "It took me three years to get 'em all."

"Um, yeah," he responded nervously as he handed her the money, "they're really cool."

"Well, here is your shirt," the raccoon said, handing him a bag with the store's logo on it and his change, "Have an awesome day!"

"Thanks," he said, "You too."

The wolf turned and happily headed towards Tobias and Ky to show them the shirt, but stopped in his tracks. Kale's mind went completely blank as he watched his half brother kiss the husky passionately in the back corner of the store.


~Hi! So, I know it took awhile, but here is the second installment of my new series. I really enjoyed writing it and I hope you enjoyed reading it just as much. If you feel like it, you should definitely comment and tell me what you think, cause it is always good to hear from the viewers! Anyway, thanks again for reading and keep watching for more!~