Gemini – chapter 13: Changes

Story by tsjca on SoFurry

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#14 of Gemini - Book 1

The thirteenth part of clovers adventure.

I don't own MLP

A loud bang echoed through his house as he startled from his sleep, the sun was still up, which was odd as he had only been expecting one pony and that would have been at night.

"(Yawn) Better go see whose there then." He groggily muttered to himself as he pulled himself from his bed and stumbled to the door, the echoing continued and as it did it played havoc with his hearing. "Ok, Ok. I'm here for crying out loud." He shouted over the thumping as he opened the door to find a sorry looking Applejack standing before him.

"Listen I'm sorry for what I said to yawl before, its jus' that I found out that my brother was... like you before you told me that, an' it was jus' too much to take in, and I took it out on you an' Spike" she had developed a great fascination with the floor below her as she grazed her hoof against it. "I'm really sorry for the trouble I've caused you."

Clover sighed to himself as he tried to see things from her view, "It's okay Applejack, yes I was mad at the time but I got over it. However it does mean a lot that you picked up the courage to see me." Clover said to weepy eyed mare. "Look, it's getting late," he signalled by pointing his hoof to the receding sun "you should go home and get some rest."

"Yeah, you're right, I'll be seeing ya." She said as she walked off. He turned back inside his house only to see to gem like eyes staring into his.

"I thought she would make a stop here, she had already visited me and spike." Said the masked Twilight. "You ready to go then?" she asked as she leaned against the open window she must have used to gain entry.

"Yeah, sure" he said wearily, as he was still partly asleep. And as if to make a point if what he said he coated himself in the strange goo once more. "Come on, let's go then." He sighed to himself.

They went for a different group this time, a group of five. Again they hid behind a corner and observed their actions. "O.k. I've got a plan, with you all in black it's going to be difficult for them to see you, so I want you to take out the two in the shadows and whilst the others are confused and in a panic I will swoop down and take them out. Alright?" she told him.

All went well and happened according to plan, but he felt a strange felling travel up his spine. It was as though he was being watched by an unknown entity was over his shoulder breathing down his neck. He turned to see a giant blob of black mass in front of him. "NO! NOT YOU! WHAT DO YOU WANT?" he screamed at his old self.

"We want what you took from us, we want the other part of us back." Its low smooth voice was filled with anger. It enveloped clover once more

"Stop this you monster." He heard Twilight scream from outside of his prison.

"My, My. You have made some strange acquaintances indeed, I think I show you what you really are, Clover the big bad monster. For it was not I who drew blood but you, you are the monster!" Clover could feel his body start to change, as fear overtook all of his senses as he tried to fight and gallop away from the beast. "And it's time that you realise this. Clover, the big bad," pain now took command from fear as he felt what he did the first time he transformed. "Wolf." A loud crunching noise could be heard as he was changed quickly and painfully.

Clover felt weightless for a few seconds before he collided with the cold hard ground. In front of him he could see a large bipedal monster standing there looking itself over before turning his attention to Clover. "It seems that you were more useful than I had originally thought. But now, I must bid you farewell." The colossus said before laughing manically and sinking into the earth, and then as much as he fought it, tiredness came once more.