Tiger Blam

Story by Medkit on SoFurry

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"Tiger blam?" Allan muttered out loud, as he re-read the label of the small white octagon shaped container in the deserted locker room.That's probably just a misprint. The box it came in seems fine.. Allan looked over the pile of clothes sitting on the bench, a striped yellow box sitting amidst the jungle of untidiness.Okay, so the box isn't it's usual color and it's square rather than octagon-shaped like the container. I'm being paranoid just because it was on sale, aren't I? Allan shrugged his aching shoulder muscles, only to hastily undo the cap of the plastic jar; jabbing his hand into the strange-smelling orange concoction.Allan hesitated as he lifted his hand to his left shoulder, noticing a bizarre tingling in his fingers. Is that normal? I think it is. Whatever, it's probably nothing. Allan continued, rubbing the stuff over his shoulder, his neck and his arm, until his hand became sticky and dry, bare of the ooze. As Alan stuck his hand back into the container, he noticed something off. Each finger on his right hand had swollen, his entire hand taking on a tanned hue as Alan struggled to apply pressure with his fingers. That's.. weird. I could've sworn it was easier before. Man, my hand is really starting to swell! Maybe I'm allergic or something.. Allan did not hesitate to continue however, applying the waxy stuff to his chest and other shoulder. After a little while, the overpowering smell of latex or plastic of some sort filled the locker room. His shoulders felt much better, although strangely, still a little tense.Allan shrugged his shoulders again, starting to massage the orange balm over his pecs and abdomen. That is, until his fingers grew numb and unusable,  as his hands both had swollen to the size of large mits; his finger tips morphed into simplistic pink spots on his yellow-orange palms, fingernails simply fading into the orange hue of his latex skin. Allan's shoulders gained a gradually darkening stripe pattern that seemed to continue flawlessly over each of the anointed muscles, growing squishy and hollow with air.Okay, so maybe it's not an allergy. What's the worst that can happen? This is pretty cool, actually.. Allan began spreading the salve over each arm and shoulder, his chest and armpits, all the way down to his feet, legs, and beneath his underwear. The muscular man's skin tone seemed to turn a vibrant orange while black stripes grew and patterned his airy and light skin. The feeling seemed to entice Allan further, drawing him to apply more of the balsam to his inflated paws, rubbing it all over his body a second time, his body growing tighter and bulging with the trapped air and latex replacing his skin.Every move prompted a noisy squeak, as Allan attempted to reach for his large and

unstable hind paws, formerly his feet. He fell forward and off the bench as a result. His face; having been coated, although scarcely, had also changed. Adapting the cartoonish shape of a tiger's muzzle, painted expertly over Allan's useless inflatable head.Allan struggled to stand, his arms and legs deflating and shrinking beneath him, while a tail sprouted ticklishly from above his now missing rump hole. A white nozzle sprouted from his stomach, only to merge away into a simple glossy bump, then into another bit of latex as Allan went from ferocious inflatable tiger, to a smaller balloon tiger. A new alien sensation came about. Although, it wasn't too alien. Alan recognized it as bloating, but it felt a lot different from how he remembered it. He could feel something building inside. His arms and legs, now just tiny 3 or so inch cylinders with little paw decals printed over the flat ends, had become stiff with air. A strange crease, that until now, Alan hadn't noticed, had begun to merge back into his inflatable flesh, as his body shrunk and deformed to match his tiny legs.The tiger's abdomen groaned and bulged, before Alan shot to the roof, bumping against the painted prick ceiling. He was only about a foot and a half away from the nearest light, caged but still menacing to something with such vulnerable skin. It was odd to be afraid of something so mundane. But that wasn't the only thing Alan feared.A tightening sensation in Alan's round chest had started to make him anxious. It wasn't quite as worrisome as it would've been provided he was still human. In fact, it was almost a pleasurable feeling. His fragile cavity continued to fill with air, his limbs starting to creep into his body while his head morphed into an even simpler shape, a very simple circle, with a tiger's happy face printed over it. His expanding body, just another, slightly bigger oval balloon, was growing gradually more transparent by the second.Until finally, his body creaked and turned spherical. His inflatable limbs poking out of sphere, while it's tail stuck abruptly outward, along with it's head on the opposite side. The tiger's happy head now just a couple of bumps on the latex balloon, which continued to be attacked with stress.Oh boy, I hope this doesn't hurt.. I can feel it coming now! Oh.. Here it comes.. Alan could feel his wonderful toy body reaching it's climax. The toy's creaking, having started but seconds ago, came to an abrupt end, along with all of Alan's thoughts and feelings.Krss- Blam!Left discarded on the floor was an empty, upturned octigan container, marked 'Tiger

Blam'. All over the floor where burst orange scraps, shriveled and now defiled by sweaty, putrid water. The janitor was very confused the next morning.