Secrets - Part 1
That's not necesarily a bad thing though; means i get the chance to get my balloons out. my tiitchy little living room's almost so full with balloons i can hardly move, but i know i can always make room for more.
Blissful Ballooning - Kinktober 2021, Day 26
Second, royal blue balloon before him.
The Balloon cake
Her stomach changed all that by expanding, swelling up and ballooning her slender figure into a squishy round ball. "ah! what was in that cake? damn it aouzy!" she said, bewildered at her case.
Bryce's Balloons
I see why bryce likes balloons.
Balloon Boy
So it has become a popular theory that balloon boy is a hallucination, and i personally have my doubts as well as beliefs in that.
The Balloon Fraternity
"let's make some more balloons!" said the coon happily.
The Balloon Pops
#1 of the balloon fraternity the balloon pops by kodak\_disposable chapter 1- strange going-ons brian johnson sat in his office, "the world is not enough" by garbage playing on the radio, writing a long report on his computer about his most recent
Birthday Balloons
Birthday balloon this story contains body inflation by air, and does include a messy end for balloons. mild brother/brother incest. in the conway home, birthdays are very important to joey. and that's just what today is.
Balloon Mare
Of uninflated balloons lying in her lap.
Renamon Smoking
#1 of renamon's arc this story follows renamon's first introduction to balloons by rika, following her reaction and her subsequent interactions with them, including rika taking out her frustrations on something new.
Artie's Balloon Time
He loved the way balloons felt against his feathers, the soft latex squeaking and creaking whenever he squeezed or rub it was fantastic. he especially loved balloons that could be necked. he thought those were the best of all balloons.
Rubber Dolphin Massage
"how much longer is this balloon going to keep me here?" he thought to himself.