Under Cloak of Darkness: Chapter 7
#7 of Under Cloak of Darkness
Eveser jumped upwards, aided by his wings, and shot a huge ball of flames at the approaching Behaku warrior. It vanished and appeared behind him, prepared to swing its blade at his head!
He ducked and spun around it, bringing his arm to bear with a strong punch evident on his knuckles. Eve caught his opponent in the lower back, knocking the wind out of it and sending it flying back down to earth. It smashed into the ground with a burst of black ash and flames. The Behaku was dead.
"Good work, good work," Kimona congratulated, clapping from the other side of the field. The black ash reformed and became a beast that looked like a large dog with a leech for a head and no fur or eyes. It had black, slimy skin and a light blue patch on its back. On each foot, it had one toe and on each of these toes there was one sharp, yellow nail and black dewclaw. It wasn't a real Behaku obviously; it was a Lindix. An immortal, shape-shifting monster that was captured by the Omaki and used in training missions most of the time. It was argued if it could be used in battle, but was futile when discovered that it had no sense of sides. It would pretty much attack anyone who came near it.
"Thanks," Eve panted. He walked over to the towel rack and grabbed a towel. As he was wiping his face, he got a little too close to the Lindix. It snarled and ran at him. Eve heard the growl and turned around a little too late. It would have torn him to pieces if Kimona hadn't stepped in between them and held out her hand. The Lindix jammed its nails into the dirt, making it screech to a halt. His leech-like teeth clicked as he acknowledged his mother-figure as the one who was standing in front of him.
"Bad! I told you no attacking friends!" she yelled at the poor, confused beast. It sat there for a few seconds until it realized it was being scolded, after which it started making a hideous burbling noise from its throat.
"How'd you do that? I thought it didn't know sides," Eveser asked, amazed.
"He doesn't. I'm not a side to him, I'm his mother," Kimona said as she knelt besides the beast and stroked his slimy head. He stopped burbling and made no noise at all as she caressed and patted his smooth skin. Eve noticed a red collar around the Lindix's neck. It had a little tag hanging by a chain that read "Kimona's Lindix, if found please run". He chuckled as he read.
"Why does he think you're his mom?" he asked, confused.
"I found his egg before he was born and raised him. They're like ducks, the first thing they see they stick to," she told him. He nodded.
"So now he listens to you?" Eve asked.
"No, he'd kill me if I stood between him and a mate, or something to that extent," Kimona said as she continued stroking the Lindix's head and neck more. It sat, drooling on the dirt.
"Well, he seems tame enough," Eveser said and reached down to pet the sticky abomination.
"No!" Kimona shouted and pushed his hand away a split-second before the Lindix's teeth snapped shut. It leaped off the ground and landed on Eve's chest, snarling and drooling on his face. He pushed it off him and punched it in the face. It stood up and charged him again, dodging a punch and jumping up to bite his face. It would have succeeded, too, if it weren't for the magnum shot that blew half of its head clean off. It flew to the other end of the training field, hit the fence, got up, and started to throw its head from side to side, shaking off dirt and the wound as though it were water on a glassy surface. The Lindix looked as though it would charge again, but decided against it and walked away back to its pen.
"You okay?" a strong, deep voice asked. Eve had heard the voice somewhere before, he just wasn't sure where. He looked up and saw a tall, male tiger standing above him. He wore a black trenchcoat, a bowler hat, and brown gloves. He looked very familiar, but he wasn't sure where he'd seen him before.
"Yeah, I'm fine. Thanks," Eve stood up. He looked at the mystery shooter.
"Darrow! I'm so glad you're feeling better!" Kimona said and ran over to him. She wrapped her arms around him and held him tight. He returned the embrace and lifted her off the ground. When this ended, Kimona turned to Eveser.
"Eveser, this is the man who saved your life, Darrow," she said.
"Saved my life? How'd you save my life?" he asked.
"I found you before Dameon did, shot him when he was carrying you to the balcony, and got shot when I moved in," Darrow explained.
"Oh yea, I remember that. Thanks," he muttered.
"No problem," Darrow smiled. He had a crutch for his left leg, which had a large bandage around the kneecap. Eve winced.
"Sorry about you getting shot and all," he said apologetically, rubbing the back of his neck. Darrow held up his hand.
"Please, it wasn't your fault. I can heal," he said. Eve shrugged. He turned towards Kimona.
"So what do I do now?" he asked. Kimona shrugged.
"Whatever you feel like, I guess," she said.
"Alright, well I feel like breakfast right now," he said. He started walking towards the fence that blocked them off from the rest of the fortress.
Everyone in the fortress was already getting back to their normal lives after Dameon's brutal assault. The buildings caught in his incendiary cannon were being rebuilt and all the people who lost their lives in the buildings were being put to a proper burial. He shook his head as the slowly passed the pile of scorched corpses and blackened skeletons. As he gazed at their faces and tried to make them out, one of them stood out like a sore thumb. The blood-covered face of Hibarro Arronix. Eve sighed and kept walking.
"Psychotic bastard," he whispered sadly, letting his head hang down a bit.
Eveser got to the cafeteria and got a plate in his jaws. He walked around and got all of the things that looked good for breakfast, then lay down on a pile of cushions and began to eat. He was only just beginning to eat when someone else sat down next to him.
"So whatcha get?" Cyllea asked. Haze looked at her then down at his plate.
"Bacon, eggs, toast, potatoes, other stuff like that," he said. She smiled. He couldn't put his finger on it, but there was just something about her. Something beautiful, something that made him happy.
At the same time, Cyllea was thinking the exact same thing. She looked at him, examined him. She looked down his body, from his flecked horns and scales, his lighter underbelly, his powerful hind legs, his muscular front legs. He was altogether very handsome. But then her smile became a frown.
"Hey, I'm uh...I'm real sorry for what happened to your mentor, Arronix I think? He seemed pretty important, I'm sure he was a great teacher-" she was cut off.
"He actually wasn't my teacher, or my mentor. I honestly barely knew him," he said and chuckled.
"You liar! You were practically crying over his body!" she said in disbelief. Eve's smile dropped.
"I honestly have no idea why i got so sad...it just seemed like he had so much power, so much potential to help end this war...I think I saw something in him that I was supposed to find in myself..." he contemplated.
Under the guise of contemplating, he was gazing at her as well. Her solid steel gray coloring, her bright red eyes, her gray full-grown horns and her two smaller horns near the bases of the big ones. Her underbelly was still the same color, just a lighter shade. She had a sort of glow to her, too, a kind of light. What was it?
"So, you never told me how you fought Dameon. How you left that mark in his face," Eveser said, forgetting his thoughts for now.
"Well, when I was born, I had a very special...talent. I could manipulate metal to do whatever I wanted it to. It was a gift from my father, a very powerful dragon mage. As long as I breathe on it, I'm the only one who can move it. So Dameon, who is totally metal, is very susceptible to me. But, because he is totally metal he can reject the power and receives a sort of telepathy, so to speak, and I am very susceptible to that. So that's the story of my life," she said.
"That's really interesting! I never had anything that cool happen in my life," he said.
"Oh come on! You had to have something cool happen. Y'know? There had to be something," Cyllea prompted.
"Well, there was a time when I was young...but that isn't cool, it's just boring," Eve replied.
"Tell me! I wanna hear what happened!" she pried happily.
"Alright, when I was a very young hatchling, I got into a fight. I was about two years old and the other dragons were, like, twelve. So they wanted to harass me and take my money, even though I had none. They tried to attack me when they realized I had nothing, I thought I was done for. But then I felt like there was something else there with me, something that would help me, and I closed my eyes. When I opened them again, they were all on the ground. I thought they were just unconscious at the time, but a few months later I saw on the news that the same five dragons were actually dead and just found in the vacant lot where they attacked me. They all died the same way, too, with large slices and knife wounds all over them," Eve retold the story with a hint of sadness in his voice. Sadness from old memories. Cyllea's eyes widened.
"That wasn't boring! That was scary," she said.
"I'm sorry," he apologized.
"It's ok, I've heard much worse. Trust me," she responded.
Eve shrugged. "So what are you doing today?"
"I was planning on just hanging out in my room," Cyllea said. "You know, just chill and think about old times."
"Mind if I join you?" Eve asked. "I've got nothing to do today either."
"I'd be delighted! Stop by whenever you want," she said. He smiled and nodded his head.
"Thanks, I'll be there around one. I have to train for a little bit, but then I'll be over. Sound good?" he asked hopefully.
"Sounds great! See ya later!" Cyllea chirped. She got up and walked off towards the rest of the buffet of breakfast foods. She was about halfway there when she turned around and called out to Haze.
"Hey! By the way, Merry Christmas!" she called.
Eve looked around in surprise. "Is it really Christmas already?" he thought. He looked over at the calendar on the wall near his cushion mound. It said December 25! It was Christmas!
"Woohoo!" He shouted. A lot of other furs and humans looked over at him. He put his arms down and looked away sheepishly.