Training The Dog

Story by Valentines on SoFurry

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This story is copyright myself, no taking etc etc If you're not 18+ or whatever the laws are in your country, read at your own risk.

  • * * "Mike, I'm packing up for the day!" Karrie called across the hall to her co-worker, who was currently finishing off his daily cup of expresso. He tipped it back, draining the last few droplets, and set the cup down with a sigh. "Karrie, you think I don't know what time you stop working?" Books in arms and bag slung casually over her shoulder, Karrie McWinx winked cheekily at Mike, her black hair tumbling around her tiger-striped shoulders. The exchange said it all, and he laughed, giving her a hit on the rump as she walked past, causing the cute tigress to squeal and jump slightly, before hurrying on down the stairs. The car flashed the headlights at her and beeped as she unlocked it, swinging her keys around her finger and loving the jangling noise they made. She dumped her stuff on the passenger seat, and clambered across into the drivers'. The gearstick brushed against her as she moved, and a pleased grin shone on her face, eyes twinkling. Today was one of those days. Engine revving up, she reversed her little sports car out and quickly darted onto the road. The drive was a short 10 minutes, but Karrie rarely walked because of the terrible weather. As she drove now, the familiar yet irratating pitter-patter of rain reminded her of this. "Why can't I live somewhere sunny?" she sighed, running her fingers through her choppy fringe. Headlights flashed across the front door as she swung around into the driveway, parking quickly and slipping out of the door. She waved to her next door neighbour, a strapping young male cat who grinned at her and continued washing his motorbike. Karrie's eyes wandered down to his pert bum as she skirted the car bumper and opened the passenger door to collect her belongings. Her thighs tightened slightly as she bent down, and the feeling of it sent little shivers down her spine, so she grabbed her stuff and slammed the door shut, jogging up to the door suprisingly fast despite her 7-inch heels. Keys jangling again, the front door creaked open and her neat, clean house spun into view. Setting down her things on the coffee table beside her, she closed the front door by swinging her hips against it, and only when the loud slamming noise resounded did she relax. Skipping up the tall, spiraling staircase, she kicked her shoes off and yanked off her waistcoat and blouse as she crossed her bedroom to the ensuite bathroom. Trailing her clothes along the floor as she undressed was a sure sign of a stressful day, and as she shut the bathroom door she smiled at herself in the full-length mirror beside the sink. The cold weather had hardered her nipples, and now they were pert and erect. She fingered one gently, pursing her lips as she thought about the next decision; shower or bath? Opting for a quick but hot shower, she reached around the curtain and turned the water on. The soothing drum of droplets echoed in the small room, and Karrie smiled at the fact that this very noise masked others that may arrive soon. Stepping over the side of the bathtub, she stood, shivering, as the chilly water ran down her. The temperature was quickly adjusted, and Karrie tilted her head to keep her ebony hair dry, as she'd washed it that morning. Squirting some honey-scented showergel onto her stomach, she massaged it into her short fur gently, her hands moving across her stomach, hips and then around her bum and thighs. One hand slipped up higher, tugging her nipple gently and letting a soft moan escape her wet lips, Karrie's other hand roamed around her thigh and between her striped legs. The pink lips there were already wet, but not from the shower. Her clit quivering and begging for attention, her middle finger pushed inside her, another one fingering her folds around it. Hips bucked and another moan, slightly louder this time, and Karrie slowly pulled her finger out, bringing it gently to her lips. The taste was sweet and familiar, and a small smile formed on her pretty face. Switching the shower off, she stepped out quickly and gave herself a rub down with the towel, before bending down to pull out a key from her toiletries bag. The door was pushed open, and Karrie walked across her bedroom again, sitting herself on the double bed and pulling out a small box. She unlocked it smoothly, placing the key slowly on the bedside table before her hands darted back to the lid of the box. It opened with a creak, much like the front door, and the treasures inside awaited Karrie's decision. An egg-shaped vibrator was selected between two white fingers; the rest were shadowed agains by a closed lid. Karrie rolled onto her back, flicking the vibrator on with practiced ease and opening her twitching legs. It slid in slowly, the vibrations making the shivers running up and down her body increase. As they got faster, more moans, soft and pleasured, sounded across the room. Karrie bent one leg, feeling the muscles inside her squeeze against the vibrator and feeling something warm ooze out slightly from her clit. A short, curious bark interrupted her from the doorway, and Karrie sat up, the vibrator slipping from her and rolling off the bed. Her pet labrador, Charlie, pricked up his ears at the buzzing sound of the vibrator against the wood, and padded around the wardrobe the examine Karrie's toy. The sweet smell rising from the object aroused the dog, and his pink sheath harded, straightening slowly. He licked the vibrator clean, much to his owner's surprise, and panted as his erection became fully upright. Another smile crossed Karrie's face, and she patted the bed infront of her, calling, "Charlie! C'mere, boy. C'mere!" Charlie was also surprised, but at Karrie's behaviour. Usually, if he came in on her at this sort of moment she would shoo him out, but nevertheless, he jumped onto the bed and sat down on the soft duvey, still panting. Karrie drew a finger around her wet clit, and offered it up to the labrador. He licked it hesitantly, then his tongue quickly cleaned up the sweet juices. Looking down at his owner's clit, he sniffed the air delicately, then lowered his head and flicked his pink tongue out curiously. The touch against Karrie's skin made her muscles tense, and Charlie pushed his tongue right into her, droplets of precum forming on his sheath head. Karrie lay back, her hand covering her eyes as she moaned again and bucked her hips slightly against the labrador's muzzle. He drew away, standing up and moving over his owner, his own arousal becoming too much to bear. Lowering his hindlegs, he moved his sheath forwards and pushed into Karrie, who screamed with pleasure and grabbed Charlie's neck. Her pet dog thrust into her, panting and barking in equal pleasure as he fucked his owner. Karrie gasped, bringing her head up to Charlie's and kissing his creamy muzzle, her tongue pushing into his mouth. He thrust again, harder and faster this time, then a second and third thrust followed. The kiss broke as Karrie screamed, wrapping her striped legs around his furred back and squeezing her hips against him. The two writhed and pushed, thrusting against eachother and making sounds of utter pleasure. Karrie was the first to cum, her juices soaking Charlie's fur and quickly causing his own orgasm. He pushed away from her, licking up the liquids on the wet duvet. As he raised his muzzle, Karrie leant forwards to lick the last from his face, smiling. "Good dog."