Training The Dog

This story is copyright myself, no taking etc etc If you're not 18+ or whatever the laws are in your country, read at your own risk. * * * "Mike, I'm packing up for the day!" Karrie called across the hall to her co-worker, who was currently...

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First out of six pokémon stories for the "Give a Gift" theme at AGNPH. I have to post it on Christmas Day, but I figured I'd post here on YS for you all to enjoy whilst I pull my hair out. Just as the general disclaimer, I don't own Pokémon, nor...

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One Bear of a Santa Claus

Okay, so, bit of a lengthy one-timer, but hey, life is an adventure. Remember, if you're under 18 then you probably shouldn't be reading this, and please note that it does contain elements of pedophilia... ish. A story I originally wrote for...

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Friend In Need

So, this is a short story I wrote about two dragons. XD Yay. Just as a warning, the dialogue may be hard to catch. I'll probably come back and edit that later on, but just for now, you might have to read a little closely. ...

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The All-Nighter, Part 2

Thursday. It's funny how- no matter how many video games you play or movies you watch- whenever you hear about how quickly life can change overnight, you just simply shrug it off as a fictional cliché. But there I was, seemingly trapped in my school,...

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The All-Nighter, Part 1

Wednesday. To be honest, I don't really have much of a life besides school and playing video games online with my friends... although, when you're merely fourteen years old I suppose it isn't all that abnormal. My Wednesday nights generally mean...

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On the Mezzanine

Leonard glided rapidly through the doorway, closing it gently as he surfaced on the other side. The lights of the large room were dim, which accented the moonlight that entered through the wall-less opening in the far end. The first thing that Leonard...

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Not With a Fizzle

Lezarre had sensed an unusual hunger from his cohort this dark winter's evening, but that only served to fuel his insatiable lust for her. With the flick of one claw, the ribbon that tied together her tight-fitting waist strap surrendered and...

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Ramsay and Elegance - Chapter One

"You haven't battled much lately," his mother stated. "Is it because of that altercation with the gym leader?" Ramsay clicked his tongue, "It wasn't an _altercation_! Jayce was just being a bit frustrating, is all." "Frustrating how?" "Just...

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A Story as Good as Gold

Anthony tossed his keys on the counter as he entered; he didn't need to use them, since the door to the apartment had been unlocked. His mate, it would seem, was already home. "Ales?" He called out. "I'm home, love." The drake removed his neck...

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Ramsay and Elegance - Chapter Two

The fireworks of Festivia City occurred on a nightly basis; where in the Aurrom regional budget the money for these nightly shows came from, nobody really knew. But the colorful backdrop always made it that much more exciting for Ramsay. There was...

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