Sean wakes up his boyfriend and gets him ready for the first day of the semester.
Sean smiled softly to himself as he eased Colton's door open, slipping carefully inside. The buck's daily workout kept his body youthful, even as he grew closer to thirty than twenty. He took a brief second to admire himself in Colton's mirror, standing there in just the tight boxer briefs that he had worn to bed. He turned back toward the bed when he heard Colton mumble softly in his sleep.
Sean moved over to the curtains and pulled them open, letting the morning's sunshine in to the room. Colton began to stir more and Sean walked over, pulling back the covers to reveal the German Shepherd in his baby blue footies with baseballs and bats all over them.
"Good morning!" Sean said cheerfully, setting his paw on the dog's puffy bottom. He was soggy.
"Five more minutes, daddy." Colton mumbled, rolling over and hugging his pink bunny plushie tightly.
"Not today. It's the first day of a new semester, remember?"
"I don't wanna go." The German Shepherd whined, trying to pull the blankets back over him.
"Get up or it'll be a spanking, mister." Sean said, trying to sound as threatening as he could, even as he fought a smile over how adorable Colton was being. "I'll count to five, Cole."
"No." Colton whined.
"One." Sean said. "Two. Three." He purposely stretched out each number, watching Colton squirm.
"No!" Colton whined and squirmed.
"Four." Sean said. "Four and a half. Four and three"
"Fine!" Colton sat up and got out of bed, his thick soggy diaper giving him a bowed stance. Sean nodded approvingly.
"Good boy. Let's get you changed and ready for school!" Colton nodded and followed the buck over to the changing table by his closet. Sean nuzzled the German shepherd's cheek before unzipping his footies, revealing his puffy diaper. "My goodness! You're soaked, aren't you?" Colton nodded meekly. Try as he might, he could not get the hang of staying dry at night. Sean remembered the first time he had convinced Colton to spend the night, the usually confident German shepherd blushing and stammering as he explained his nighttime problem. Sean's heart had melted and he had been nothing but understanding ever since.
Colton wordlessly climbed up onto the changing table and Sean got to work untaping his diaper. The nineteen year old's body was gorgeous, even with the unorthodox puffy underwear that he was wearing. Sean's grin widened as he saw that Colton sported the usual morning wood.
"Do you like my underwear?" He said with a wink.
"Yeah." Colton said with a smile. "I bought you those."
"That you did." Sean replied as he wiped around Colton's cock. "They're my favorites." He kept working, humming to himself. "Are you going to be a good student this semester?"
"Yeah." Colton mumbled.
"How good?"
"Straight A's, hopefully."
"Only hopefully?" Sean said with a raised eyebrow.
"Definitely." Colton said nervously.
"That's right. I think we're going to double the punishment this semester."
"Double?" Colton's eyes widened. That meant two spanks with the paddle for a B, four for a C, six for a D and a whopping ten for an F! Sean nodded seriously.
"We're going to get your grades up one way or another." He said. "No boyfriend of mine is failing out of college!"
"Yes, sir." Colton mumbled. Sean smiled and finished up with his front. He lifted Colton's legs. "But I'm clean back there!"
"I'll be the judge of that." Sean said, thoroughly wiping between the dog's plump cheeks. Colton had such a beautiful bottom that Sean sometimes pondered keeping him naked except for in bed, but Colton was too bashful, despite being well-endowed in practically every way. "Alright." Sean said slowly. "You're clean." Colton smiled a bit too proudly for a nineteen year old who had just been told his bottom passed cleanliness inspection. "On to your underwear."
Leaving Colton on the changing table, Sean walked over to the dog's dresser, fully aware that Colton was admiring his butt every step of the way. He returned with a pair of tartan boxers in his paws.
"My favorites!" Colton said cutely. Sean nodded and slipped them up the German shepherd's legs.
"There we go." Sean said, helping the German shepherd to stand, kissing him. Colton smiled and kissed him back. "Let's get you dressed the rest of the way." He took Colton by the paw and led him over to the closet, where he grabbed a black t-shirt with one of Colton's favorite bands on it. He slipped it over his head, smiling at the German shepherd's dopey grin. "What's next?"
"My pants." Colton said with a chuckle. Sean grabbed a pair of saggy black jeans and held them out for Colton to step into them. Colton did so and Sean pulled them up, Colton's boxers visible over the waistband of his jeans.
"How's that?" Sean asked. Colton looked at himself in the mirror and adjusted his bangs so that they fell properly over his forehead. Colton looked so mature compared to how he had looked ten minutes earlier. Sean went over to Colton's bed as he was admiring himself in the mirror and grabbed the stuffed pink rabbit. "Give Bunny a kiss before you go to class." Colton blushed but did as he was told, kissing the plushie. "Have a good day at class, Cole. Love you." He hugged the German shepherd.
"Love you too."