Desert heat : In to the Shade

Story by Beefy the Bull on SoFurry

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Desert heat : In to the Shade

This is the continuation of the first Desert Heat story.

" Finally." The brown minotaur sighed as he stopped walking down the road and waved a hand to the approaching carriage. He and his slave had found the road earlier that morning and started to walk along the side, hoping to be picked up and carried to town, and after hours of walking in the scorching desert sun, without any water, it finally seemed their plight was over. He turned and smiled reassuringly at his slave, he would need to reward him well for the hardships he suffered at his masters side. As the carriage slowed to a stop next to him sending up a cloud of dry dust, the side door was opened by a servant and a minotaur leaned out the door and said to the nude and sweaty brown minotaur:

"You need assistance I see- " then he spotted the slave " I suppose you two need a ride in to town."

" That would be most gracious of you." The brown minotaur responded. " Have you any water?" He then enquired. He and his slave boarded the already full carriage and squeezed in to a seat between two other minotaur's. Slave sat on the floor between his masters legs as the two other servants already in the carriage were. It looked like this was the daily public coach that ran between the desert towns and was filled with five other minotaur's and their servants. One servant handed a large skin of water to the brown minotaur, whom promptly handed it to his slave.

" Drink pet." he placed his hand on the slave's shoulders and rubbed them lightly. When the slave had his fill of water, he handed the skin to his master, whom took his fill. As the carriage started off down the road, they started a short round of introductions, then the brown minotaur satisfied the curiosities of the other travelers with his story, then his own :

" How far to the nearest town? And for that matter, what town would that be?" He asked

"It's about four hours ride away, the town-ship of Crestia, an half hours ride further is the city of Hicentia." One passenger offered.

" Well that is very fortunate for me, I was going to attend business in Hicentia. Though I am late, I believe my circumstances will be understood." That drew a chuckle from a few minotaurs in the carriage.

" Yes I should think so, bandit attacks in this area are becoming common, but so far all attempts to capture or destroy the bandits have been futile." Responded another.

The ride back to town was otherwise quiet, just the sounds of the carriage rolling across the dry and sandy landscape. When it did stop in the town of Crestia, he decided to get out there, where he and slave could board for low cost, and clean up. He had borrowed a old, worn set of clothes from a passenger on the carriage, so he was at least somewhat presentable, however both he and slave smelled of sweat, and he hardly looked the well respected business-bull he was. He also left the carriage with recommendations on the better hotels at which to stay, and following those suggestions he , with slave in tow, entered the 'Cool Shade Desert Hotel ' . Once inside he knew why it was so recommended. nice appointments , but most importantly it was cool inside, a great change from the searing desert outside. The rooms were lit with natural light from small windows high on the walls, and it made the place- well shaded . It seemed the hotel was aptly named. As he entered a servant bowed and asked to help him, and master quickly booked a suite, one with good baths, and asked for a concierge to help him get some new clothes later. The servant took the satchel from slave and disappeared to set things in motion.

" Well pet, you and I will get cleaned up, and then we can get something to eat." He rested his hands on slaves shoulders and smiled." I'm very proud of you, the desert is a harsh place." He lightly squeezed slaves shoulders. Slave smiled, happy to have made his master proud.

A servant approached and lead them to the 'Shady oasis Suite'. It too was aptly named, it consisted of five rooms, a parlor, a study/ library, a dining room and a bed room. The first four were in a luxurious style, but otherwise normal, if not boring wood-paneled rooms. The suite got its name from the bath room, it was more of a bath house. The room was rather large with several large baths and a pool, which proved to be room tempiture- not too hot ,but not too cold, and massive round planters that housed palm trees hanging over the central pool. It did rather look like a shady oasis. The servant showed them the rooms, the bed room had new but cheep clothes on a table, and the study had the day's news flyer, and hand posters from the local shops. Master, satisfied, sent the servant away and took slave back to the bath house.

" Help wash me." Master commanded to slave , whom most willingly did so. Slave got a bar of soap and a small soft brush and sat behind his Master in a cool bath tub, and started to scrub the Master's back. Master relaxed in the waters and rinsed his face, enjoying the wonderful scrub slave gave him. When he was done and master was feeling clean, it was slaves turn.

" Pet , sit down here." Master said as he stood indicating the place he had gotten up from. Slave sat down and master got in the water behind him and using the soap, he washed slave. When his hand finally got around front to slaves crotch, he felt the small (Only to a Minotaur!) hard-on sticking out.

" Seems you like this..." Master rumbled with mirth as he grasped the man-hood with a soapy hand.

" Yes master- " slave shook in pleasure.

"And it seems I haven't taken care of that in a while."

Master finished cleaning the human and stood up, and slave quietly followed . Master took a bowl and towel, and walked over to a planter under the palms where he lay down the large minotaur sized towel, then laying down on his back he beckoned slave to rest on his chest. Slave rested on masters chest his legs hanging on either side of masters hips. master reached in to the bowl with one hand and slathered its oily contents all over the palm of his hand. Then he grasped slaves member, causing him to moan. Slave snuggled up on his masters chest, both hands on the bull's massive shoulders, he slowly slid his man-hood out of master's oil slicked palm. Master put his free hand on slaves back, sliding down to his rump pushing it in to his hand when slave hesitated. Slave was excited when he realized what the master was doing for him, he moaned and trusted in to master's hand, over and over, he would call out his masters name, and pushed harder and harder, rubbing his face on masters chest; his master content to just watch and smile. Slave felt the end coming and he thrust as fast as he could , to take as much pleasure as he could before it was over. As he released he cried out in pleasure, and master stroked his back slowly whispering kind things to him.

" Good my Pet, Good." Master cooed to his slave whom was calming his breath and wallowing in pleasure.

"Thank you master... I -I love you master." slave lay his head on masters chest.

"I love you to, my pet." Master whispered to slave. After letting slave cuddle and rest, master sat up and roused him whispering in his ear:

"My turn." As his hands slid down to slaves hips. Master breathed in deep the smell of the human, his human. All of this lost-in-the-desert-and-bandits mess had been rather stressful, now it was time to relive that stress. Grasping his slave he slid in to the warm pool and leaned against the sloped side of the pool, placing slave in front of him.

"You know what to do, pet. Please me." And with a gentle caress he slid his hand down the back of his slave and through the crevice of his rear, guiding him down in the water. Then leaned back closing his eyes. His slave would do the rest. The first penetration was slow, but soon his slave was gaining speed, sloshing the water out of the pool. It wasn't long before the master decided he had enough rest and started thrusting in to his slave, and the bull bellowed when his time came, and fired in to his slave, whom he clutched lovingly as he regained his breath.

" Good, Good." was all he offered before getting out of the pool, and letting slave dry them both off for bed.

" You all ready want more?" The master asked unbelieving when he spotted slaves hard-on as they walked back to the bed room.

" Sorry master, I was just thinking about you..."

" Nothing to be sorry about pet. It's perfectly natural. Perhaps I will help you take care of that. But don't start expecting any more- I have business to attend in the morning."

" Yes master!" slave replied gleefully.



So I can't come up with a good Greek(ish) name for the master. Guess what that means? You get to! Just make a recommendation in the comments and / or vote on a name! Next time I post a desert Heat story it will have names, and perhaps I will fix the others!


So I can foresee possibly two more in this series. No guarantee, but I like it, it's fun to write, and I can take my time on it. Yes, I still promise to re-write the flawed first Desert-Heat

As always, please tell me what you think. And vote!