The Tail-Chaser's Lounge Part 6

Story by Nightmask1367 on SoFurry

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#6 of The Tail-Chaser's Lounge

The last (so far) part of the Tail-Chaser's Lounge series, with considerably more plot development and revelations for you all.

The Tail-Chaser's Lounge Part 6


Charles E. Terrell Jr. aka Nightmask

While Sakura was settling in to massage Brad in the other room Patricia in the meantime found her way over to the grooming table to deal with her fur before it dried too much. She knew he was in good hands so could focus on her unfinished tasks for the day while he was well cared for by her friend. There were a number of scientific papers she was either behind reading up on or contributing too, if she wanted to keep her engineering skills on the cutting edge, and she had some tricky design work she hadn't finished on her latest project. Oh well, the distraction from the work was worth it; she hadn't realized just how much she'd been neglecting her other needs between her dancing and engineering projects.

Settling her furry buns into the antique chair with a wriggle to get comfortable she picked out a pair of the coarser brushes and unscented fur oil and set about dealing with the fur on her legs. With a demonstration of exceptional ambidexterity she brushed out the fur on both legs at once, the fur taking on a glossy sheen as the oil was brushed in. Humming while she worked she tried to tune out what she heard from the other room, although she couldn't seem to convince her ears to not keep perking up and swiveling back around at the slightest sound.

If anyone were to have been watching as she groomed herself it would have become evident to most that she could seemingly work both hands completely independently. Few could have managed to actually brush and groom such disparate areas without the confusion forcing them to do one part at a time with both hands, yet she did it seamlessly. There was a certain pleasure in grooming oneself she loved to revel in, and wished she didn't have to rush things as she had to while she switched from the course brushes to a set of fine ones.

Once she finished up with her hair she gave her head a toss, sending it billowing around to splash around her shoulders in a silver rainfall and inspected herself in the mirror. With a tilt of her head from side to side she looked herself over, ears flopping about as she made sure she'd not missed anyplace visible with her sitting before she took the time to stand and finish her grooming and inspection. It didn't take more than a moment really to get her tail properly fluffed up and the fur on her buns as well brushed as the rest of her before she recovered her clothes from where they rested with Brad' and slipped into them.

Before slipping out she took a moment to delve into the mainframe to check for who was around and where, since she did have something else to take care of first. Since there'd been plenty of time for the med-bed to gather more than enough information for a preliminary analysis she might as well see if someone was around to go over it for her. Isis wasn't around yet which was unfortunate since she was the most adept in those areas, but she found that Karen was still around. It took but a moment to send a query off to her location and see if she were free to join her and once she got the affirmative set up the rendezvous in one of the smaller conference rooms that was free.

By the time she got down to the conference room Karen was already there and waiting for her, since she'd already been on the same level as it. With a cheery little wave in greeting she padded in while the door closed behind her with a soft sigh.

"Hi Karen, thanks for coming to help me out," she murred while finding herself a seat next to the mouse, then tilted her head in amusement as she looked her over. "Forget your glasses somewhere or are you going out?"

"Going out I'm afraid, I need to drop by the hospital and do some product quality inspections on the new cybernetics that have come in. Anytime a new shipment comes in I like to personally go over as much as possible for the safety of my patients," she replied, absentmindedly rubbing at the bridge of her nose as she actually missed wearing them, but couldn't many places outside the lounge without drawing unwanted attention. "So, what did you need me for?"

"Well, I thought it'd be a good idea to get a med-scan on Brad while he's here, like we've done with a few of our guests, and since Isis isn't around could you give the data a preliminary analysis?"

"Another med-bed massage?" Karen asked while trying not to chuckle.

"But of course," Patricia replied, making no effort not to laugh while she reached for the computer console and brought up the data link in the conventional session before turning it over to her friend's capable efforts.

"Give me a minute to transfer the raw data over and get it sorted into the various filter programs then, and we'll see what we've got then," she replied, fingers dancing over the keypad as she rapidly manipulated the icons, the virtual display expanding and shifting as she shuffled the data packs around. Both females couldn't resist some giggles and amused flicks of their ears as the program icons looked like various fantastic creatures and would literally eat a data pack before the processed information passed through it. Opening up several of the nuggets left behind she glanced through the various tables and charts before rocking back in her chair in surprise.

"Whoa, I don't think I've ever seen results like this, even in my days back in medical school when they tossed all sorts of improbable things at you," she exclaimed, hands flat out on the conference room table as she tried to make sense of the information up on the display.

"What do you mean by that Karen? What's wrong?" Patricia asked, looking concerned. She couldn't remember seeing the mouse that put out over anything before.

"Well for one thing he's got trace levels of more chemicals than I can recognize, and many that are labeled as toxins," she said, then let herself back forward and reached for the keyboard to zoom in on several areas. "Plus various heavy metals contaminating his system as well, including lead and mercury. The system notations and cross-referencing says many of them were byproducts of ancient manufacturing processes but it's been centuries since anyone's been exposed to them. Plus it'd take years of exposure to reach these levels. If I didn't know better I'd swear he was yanked here from centuries ago."

Or from another world where they still used those techniques, Patricia thought privately to herself. It added some burdens to her with the support it lent his claims, whether or not to mention them to the others for one, and what she or they might be able to do to help him, if anything. Then again she might not be able to keep it secret, after this.

"How harmful is it to him, and is there any way to remove it if it is?" she asked, concerned.

"I don't know how harmful it is, if there are any studies about these kinds of exposures it's in dusty records in some ancient vault at best. There'd have never been any reason to upload it into the net. If you want anything more detailed you're going to need Isis looking it over," Karen replied, then adjusted things to file the data for later analysis and looked over a few other results. "He seems relatively healthy otherwise, outside of his being obviously below-average in physical form compared to the average human, and the weak eyesight. I'd definitely like to know how he ended up like this, and what Isis can figure out."

"I'll make sure to let you know or arrange for you to be here when she gets a chance to look it over," Patricia promised her. "Is there anything else off the top of your head you can tell before you have to go?"

"An exercise regime wouldn't hurt, if you plan to spend a lot of time with him," she suggested with a wink. "You'd have to see what Isis or Minerva have to say in regards to any kind of bio-enhancing programs for speedier improvements, since my specialty is installing cybernetics and bionics not such medical practices."

"I'll see if he'd rather get hot and sweaty working in the gym instead of with us," Patricia replied, chuckling softly. "Well thanks for the help Karen and as soon as I can I'll let you know more."

"Sorry I couldn't be of more help, and I definitely want to know how he ended up like that," she stated, her expression softening as she thought about Brad. "I didn't get to talk to him much but he seemed quite nice, and it's a refreshing change being the taller one, even if it's just a few inches."

"If you get a chance I'm sure you'll find him to be even nicer than your first impression," Patricia said while she used her keypad to transfer the data currently gathered along with the incoming data still flowing in, plus the processed material Karen had ran, and forwarded it to Isis along with notes as to her wishes in regards to it. "He's been so sweet I think even Sakura's taken a shine to him, and you know her past trauma with humans."

"Really? That is surprising," Karen replied, quirking an eye at that revelation. "He must be special if she's overcoming even a little of that because of him. Then again after seeing those medical results I have to agree that he's certainly full of surprises so a few more shouldn't be such a shock."

"Yes, he seems to reveal a new facet every time you turn around," Patricia stated while suppressing a knowing smirk as best she could while she rose along with the mouse. Her hand brushed over the console to return it to stand-by mode on her way up, the only evidence of the computer set-up the keypads spaced around the conference table. Once Isis had had time to review everything and give it more detailed review if it gave full independent support to Brad' origins she'd ask him if he would allow her to tell everyone his nature. If anything it'd just increase his appeal, although a few might require some gentle restraint so that their scientific curiosity didn't leave him feeling more like a specimen than a person. God only knew how many of their ancestors had been treated like that and they had to be better than that.

"Sounds like that whim of yours is paying unexpected dividends," Karen commented before patting her friend on the shoulder. "Well I'll get going now and hopefully see you both later. Feel free to give him a hug from me while you're at it."

"Will be glad to dear, catch you later," Patricia concluded as she bid her friend goodbye, the pair going their separate ways as Karen headed for the exit and the lapine headed back to her private computer alcove. While there were faster connections in the lower levels she really didn't need them for studying and cross-referencing the material she had in mind. All she required was a comformo-chair, security-sealed door, and the interface with standard key access for the sake of appearances and she was all set up. As soon as she was ready she made herself comfortable and closed her eyes, mind delving into the system to immerse herself into all the journals she had in mind. In minutes she was lost in the web of information as she sought to absorb and comprehend it all.


It wasn't easy for her to get her mind off the test results as Karen headed out towards her car, the data was just so strikingly anomalous it kept mulling about in her thoughts. If it wasn't as illegal and as immoral as one could imagine she'd almost think Brad had been used as a lab animal from the stew of toxins in his system. Even with her limited understanding of more general medical data due to her specialization she knew there was something significant from the medical scans, even if she couldn't be certain as to what. If she could find the time she'd have to ask him what he'd been up to in his life as best she could without revealing why she was asking, since it wasn't like he'd been asked first before the scan had been run on him.

Karen pressed her palm to the ident-pad on the sleek little two-seater she favored once she reached its cradle, the crystalline composite for its outer shell in a nice robin's egg blue, as she preferred. The hover-vehicle began to warm up the moment the door slid up and out to admit her entry, the interior lighting up as the consoles came to life. Before her buns even came to rest in the seat it had already configured itself for her physical form, micro-sensors scanning and updating thousands of times a second with the minute shifts her body went through once she was seated.

With the advances in technology and manufacturing she'd been able like many to get the vehicle custom-designed for her, something she always found amusing considering how much Patricia had contributed to that. Some of the support systems and turbines for the hover jets had been the lapine's contribution to the personal transport field. She'd been quite proud of that before events had left her motivated to leave for more enjoyable pursuits. If they could see some of the latest work she'd been doing on the side for them they'd have likely been doing everything they could to steal the designs for themselves. Thankfully the lounge gave fine camouflage to those who needed it, with the public opinion of erotic entertainers bringing about dismissal that they might be doing anything of importance.

By the time she had typed her destination into the data-pad and slipped into the safety harness the vehicle had lifted out of the storage cradle. While the cradle dropped down into its storage bay her transport eased its way out the doors, a remote signal sent by it opening them smoothly ahead of her. Unlike most of the others she required the autopilot to do the driving for her; having never learned to pilot a vehicle herself, having just not felt the need with AIs being as capable as they were. It also let her use the time traveling to relax of work on other things instead of focusing on driving. Today it left her time to mull over the information on Brad and review the roster of new implants that had come in today.

Calling up the holographic interface and display she sent the query ahead to download all the info she required, including who be on staff today at the hospital for her to work with. A frown briefly turned down the corners of her muzzle and her ears flattened when she saw one of those on duty today. They would go having that arrogant furbasher on at the same time she was going to be in.

Malcolm Brentridge had to be one of the most irritating and difficult humans she ever had the displeasure of dealing with. Compared to Brad the only thing they had in common was being human and a Y chromosome. A long and prestigious bloodline combined with his upbringing left him with the unshakeable belief no 'animal' could ever prove as intelligent or skilled as a human. It brought her no end of grief having to deal with him, since she was undeniably smarter and better trained than he, and his doing everything he could to pretend it was the opposite.

"God give me strength," she softly prayed, she'd need it to get through the rest of the day even if nothing else went wrong. It was so tempting to just knock him across the room when he was particularly grating, and so hard to hold to that higher moral ground in not doing so. Losing the opportunity to be helpful when others needed it though wasn't something she was prepared to endure, not for the transitory pleasure of smacking the idiot like he deserved.

With a shake of her head she pushed those depressing thoughts away and put her thoughts back onto the task at hand. They had a variety of artificial organs, implants, and limbs to run final inspections on before they could be judged safe for use. Oh! There was a pleasant surprise; several of the bionic replacement limbs were from Cyberware Industries, where she used to work in their design lab. She'd have to see if they were still using some of her contributions to their overall design when she got the opportunity. She'd also have to resist the temptation to rub Malcolm's nose into it, since while he was admittedly a fine surgeon and could install any cybernetics or bionics with relative ease he simply hadn't the creativity to ever advance things save perhaps on a fluke.

There were times she wished travel wasn't as quick and efficient as it was, when she realized in practically no time at all it seemed she was pulling into her assigned spot at the medical center and settling into place. Sighing softly once again she extricated herself from the restraint harness and gathered up her things. At least there was one possible bright spot, she thought to herself as she headed inside, someone new around the lounge to spend some time with. Provided Brad wasn't too exhausted from everyone else thinking the same thing of course!


It was the soft, insistent poking at her sides that first came to Sakura's awareness as it drew her from sleep, the red panda's dreams evaporating even as she tried to cling to them to carry into the waking world. A feeling of deep contentment permeated her consciousness while she tried to remember where she was. Confusion dominated her sluggish thinking as she felt little of the familiar about her position, save the familiar taste of male on her tongue that suddenly snapped her awake as what she'd been doing before falling asleep rushed back into her mind. Heat flared all over her as the blush of embarrassment raced beneath her fur at having fallen asleep in such an intimate position with her temporary master.

Fully awake now she found her muzzle still locked gently around Brad' surprisingly firm member, with her arms wrapped around his hips and her mound resting against his lips from the ease with which she felt his hot breath blowing over the bare skin of her petals. She also became more aware of the fingers gently poking her and wriggled on top of him without thinking about it, trying to get away from them.

"This one is awake now Master," she murred softly as she let his member slide reluctantly from her muzzle, even more embarrassed at how much she didn't want to release it. "She is sorry for falling asleep on you Master, please forgive this one for her error."

"It's okay Sakura, I didn't mind, really," she heard him say while she lifted her head up and looked back over her shoulder, although couldn't see much beyond a small part of his head given the angle, even with her tail held out of the way. While she wasn't self-conscious about being exposed to him, she was self-conscious about falling asleep when she was supposed to be serving him and making him feel welcome. "You obviously needed the sleep and it wasn't uncomfortable, and I wouldn't have woke you up so soon but, uhm, well, some certain needs after that breakfast require it, to prevent something very embarrassing."

"Oh! I'm so sorry Master!" she exclaimed, her arms sliding from around his hips as she pushed herself up onto her knees and lifted her mound from his face as she sat up and wriggled backward. In seconds she'd lithely shuffled back and off of him and dropped off the table to stand at his head. "Let me help you down Master," she offered as she moved to stand beside him and held her black-furred hands out to him.

"Thanks Sakura," he said as he slipped his hands into hers, smiling up at her as he sat up, legs moving to dangle off the edge of the floating slab. Stumbling as he moved to stand he fell against the panda and clutched at her reflexively while she released his hands to catch and steady him, the disparity in their heights obvious as his face pressed into her cleavage. The moment seemed to drag on as they simply held each other, Brad' breath blowing between her breasts and stirring her scent up before his more pressing need brought him back to the here and now.

"Uhm I'd better get to the bathroom and take care of things now Sakura," Brad told her while stepping back as slowly as he could, too many years without being simply held by another for any need to make him move more quickly to relinquish that hold upon another. "Then we can get dressed and I can call Roger and let him know I'm okay and staying here this weekend before he thinks something's wrong," he added, although privately felt the todd would likely understand how easily someone could forget to call in under these kinds of circumstances.

"Whatever you wish Master, I'll have your clothes laid out for you when you're done," she murred richly to him, her ringed tail flicking about as she released Brad and let him go his way, her gaze locked upon him as he dashed to the bathroom. He might not have been the paragon of a male most humans were but he was pleasing enough on the eye for her, and even if he wasn't what she'd experienced of his heart more than made up for that.

With her various piercings and adornments chiming musically as she padded along behind him into the other room Sakura went for the clothes while the door shut behind him. By the time he was done she'd stripped down the bed to clean sheets and neatly arranged his freshly laundered clothes upon them, laid out her own outfit as well, and still managed to be ready and waiting for him beside the bed.

Considering his shyness she greeted him in a more modest pose than she might otherwise have done; knees together, hands resting upon them, arms drawn in against her breasts, pushing them forward, tail curled up behind her. Her jewelry and piercings sparkled and glittered in the flickering light as she knelt demurely facing him, furry buns resting upon her heels. Gazing up at him she rewarded him with a coquettish tilt to her head and a slow, languid closing and opening of her eyes before greeting him.

"Welcome back Master, may I see to dressing you now?" she asked, her smile and posture reflecting the honest delight she took in serving him.

"You don't have to Sakura, I can dress myself," he replied, although quickly relented as her crestfallen expression wiped out any reservations about letting someone else take care of that for him. "Oh alright, as a guest it'd be rude of me to reject your kind offer, do forgive me my gaff."

"Of course Master," she murred, then lifted up off of her heels although remained upon her knees, so as to remain apparently shorter than he was, to appear properly submissive to him. Considering his needs she picked up the underwear first, a light, satiny material in white that he quickly stepped into. His alacrity drew a brief smile to her lips, and a short burst of well-hidden delight that he managed to not curl up in embarrassment as she adjusted everything for a snug, comfortable fit.

As she dressed him Sakura couldn't help but reflect on that dark point in her life when she had no choice about doing such things, when she'd been a slave in truth, rather than a game she could chose to play or not play whenever she wished. More than a year had gone by as she was traded around, forced to serve whatever twisted desire her human owners might have had, and suffered terribly for the slightest offense on her part, and occasionally for no offense at all. Yet here she was, playing the role she'd wished to escape every day when she'd been forced into it. Willingly serving a human and actually enjoying it, would wonders never cease?

Then again he wasn't like any human she'd ever met, and not simply for his appreciation of her musk or his less than impressive stature. She was one of the more exotic species around (something that had contributed to her being targeted for enslavement), yet he responded to her no differently than he had Patricia or the others he'd met from what she could tell. There was a charming naivety about him that made him quite endearing, especially when she considered his obvious lack of experience with the female gender.

It was easy enough to see that as she dressed him, from his every twitch and blush and shift in scent, for the embarrassment was easy for one with her sense of smell to detect, even over her own musk laying heavy upon the air. It was so glaringly different from what she'd come to expect from humans (and males in general to a lesser degree), that it had almost completely disconnected her from those negative impressions about males she held. Things felt clean and bright and she enjoyed her role in ways she never had before, especially the feeling of being in charge even though she was supposedly serving him.

"There you go Master," she murred softly to him as she slipped his shirt onto him, after finally standing to finish up her task. Mindful of the nearly six inches of height in difference between the two of them she tried not to tower over him as she brushed his hair out and tidied it up, before impulsively nuzzling his cheek affectionately. "Do you wish me to dress now Master, or remain as I am?"

"Uhm, well, if you don't mind, Sakura, otherwise I'll definitely end up hurting myself walking into things." he replied once he regained control of his speech centers. She'd sat down on the edge of the bed in such an unconsciously sensual fashion it had derailed his thought processes as he simply stood looking at her. The panda would have found herself more than a little shocked though if she'd been able to read his mind at that moment, as the emotions and thoughts she'd evoked weren't of a sexual nature. She'd proven so breathtakingly beautiful he'd become lost in the intoxicating display, finding it even more of a high than the time when he'd driven through the forested ranges in West Virginia. "I mean, it's hard to look anywhere else with you like that," he added, blushing brightly.

"Of course Master, this one understands," she told him, and promptly set about slipping back into her harem silks and reattaching them to their appropriate areas. Embarrassed about how much of his time with them she'd used up sleeping on him she didn't draw things out as much as she otherwise might have. Instead she shimmied into them starting from the bottom up, so as to cover up the more distracting parts first, her tail fluttering about as she restored herself to how she'd appeared when she'd first greeted him that morning. As soon as she was properly redressed she lithely slithered off the bed and presented herself to Brad with a perky swish of her tail that freshened the air with her musk.

"You are such a work of art Sakura," he breathed, for once unhindered by the fear of censure or abuse he'd grown used to at home for telling a beautiful woman she was just that, beautiful. It was such a sad reflection on life that so many women felt that unless they found a man attractive any compliments they received were unwanted sexual advances on his part and took offense for it, rather than feeling flattered by the compliment.

"This one is just a simple panda Master," she said, although she was inwardly thrilled by the declaration, social evolution having not burdened her earth in some of the ways his had been. True it had other burdens, most notably the interactions between humanity and its creations, but at least in the interactions between males and females paying the other an honest compliment was appreciated rather than cause for attack.

"Nothing simple about you, or anyone else here," he declared while stepping forward to hug her tightly, head resting upon her bosom, glasses slightly askew from being pressed into her silk-clad chest. Startled she wrapped her arms around him without thinking and hugged him in return. "If it's like this here all the time I'd want nothing more than to stay here forever."

"We do our best to be one big, extended family here Master, although like any family we do sometimes have our disagreements," she murred, her eyes drifting closed as she continued to hold onto him. It had been much too long since she'd just held someone and savored the reassuring firmness of their body against hers.

"Master should call his friend before he worries too much and comes looking to find out what's happened to you," she reluctantly reminded him when it seemed like he'd once again lost all track of time. Not that she wished to release him but having monopolized so much of his time today as it was she knew she had to do her duty to him and ensure what he needed to take care of was dealt with promptly.

"Oh, right! Yes, don't want to forget that," he replied after jumping at the sudden ending of the silence, having been lulled by the sound of her heart beating and the warm musky feel of her in his grasp. "So how do I contact him? I don't see any terminals around," he asked while he stepped from her grasp with a sigh and adjusted his glasses with his left hand, the right seeking to clasp hers.

"All such things are kept hidden so as not to spoil the theme of the room so long as they aren't needed Master," she explained to him while she led him to the one blank wall in the room. "Ariel this is Sakura, please display audio/video interface and prepare for call details from my Master here."

"At once Sakura," a soft feminine voice replied, startling Brad as he jumped and clutched Sakura's hand tightly, and looked around to see where the voice came from.

"Who was that?" he asked, even as a section of the wall that looked no different than the rest suddenly displayed a 'waiting to connect' message in large block letters inside the boundaries of a huge display two foot from corner to corner that was now outlined by the black contrasting with the wall's white.

"That is Ariel Master, the central computer that manages all the house systems for the lounge," Sakura informed him, smiling softly as she felt his hand holding hers so tightly. "Simply give her your friend's code and she'll connect you."

"Oh, okay Sakura. Uhm, Ariel, please connect me with Roger Vulpis, I.D. code 67G451-Delta," he said towards the display, since it was the only thing he had to latch onto as a spot to speak.

"Seeking to connect now," she replied promptly, while a 3D virtual animation replaced the text on the display, showing to his surprise a near-perfect representation of himself sitting at a communication console while a cable connector raced away from it weaving around various terminals that popped up as if seeking a specific one. He didn't want to think about how the computer had pulled that off, and whether or not it had been watching him with Patricia and Sakura. Several minutes went by before they saw it plug into another terminal with a bright 'Connection Established' flashing banner in the background before it was replaced with the image of the fox he'd been seated with the night before.

"Brad! There you are, you're late calling me," Roger replied, eyes briefly opening wide and darting to the side of the screen, and eliciting a blush from the human as he realized Sakura was also in the viewing range of whatever visual sensors the room had. "Although I can see why it took you so long now," he added, confirming the fact and causing him to squirm in embarrassment.

"Uhm, well, Sakura's been doing a very good job making me feel right at home here," he said as he looked up to her, then promptly forgot all about being embarrassed as he gazed into those guileless brown eyes of hers. "I'm glad you brought me out to see the lounge and let me stay and accept Patricia's invitation," he added as he looked back to the fox's image on the screen.

"Not a problem Brad, you needed to get out and have a break, and the Tail-Chaser's Lounge is pretty much the best place around for a good meal with the bonus of good, relaxing entertainment," the fox told him, which elicited a feeling of pride hearing the lounge she and her friends had created spoken of in such glowing terms. Without thinking about it her tail curled around to loop around his waist in an affectionate embrace that was rewarded with some gentle petting from his left hand, since the right was still holding her left.

"The idea was definitely a godsend in my opinion Roger, I don't know how I can ever thank you enough," Brad declared, which evoked an amused chuckle from the fox.

"Nothing to thank me for, just glad to be of help. In fact now that I know you're okay I'll leave you to enjoy the rest of your weekend with the lovely red panda you're with and you can have someone drop you off Sunday night or in the morning Monday before it's time for us to return to the Institute."

"Thanks Roger, I'll see you then," Brad replied, just before Roger gave him a jaunty wave and wink before the display went to black, with 'Connection Closed' in morphing text took its place.

"Ariel, restore interface to normal status," Sakura murred before turning her full attention back to Brad, her earrings chiming softly as she turned her head. "Your friend seems very nice Master," she said as the display disappeared, the wall looking as smooth and unbroken as it had earlier.

"Yes, Roger's been very helpful, ever since he was assigned to guard me after I uhm, joined the Institute. We've only known each other about six months but he's always been helpful."

"It sounds as if Master's very good at making friends," she said, her tail tightening around his waist in an affectionate squeeze.

"I never used to be," he said, a deep sadness washing over him and draining some of the life out of him, before he was able to restore himself gazing up into her warm, caring eyes. "I guess I just get along better with anthros; you don't seem to have the same kind of expectations out of me like other humans do."

Sakura was rocked back on her heels, at least figuratively, when she heard that. While humans were always expecting and demanding the best out of each other she hadn't ever heard of it driving any of them into a more affectionate or comfortable position with any of their creations. They tended to fight harder to prove themselves to each other instead, much like the more aggressive anthros engaged in some very brutal and harsh challenges to prove which was better.

"Perhaps you'd like me to show you around and introduce you to the others currently in residence then Master?" she asked, an unexpected twinge of possessiveness tugging at her even as she suggested that. Try as she might she couldn't help but wish she could keep him for the weekend and learn everything she could about the unusual human unexpectedly placed into their company. It would be selfish of her though, and other chances to see him across the weekend would surely be available before he had to leave.

"That'd be nice Sakura, I haven't gotten to see much, and if the rest is as good as the little I have seen so far I'll likely be the happiest male since Adam," he declared with a smile.

"Very well Master, if you'll come with me then," she stated as she gently guided him towards the door, letting herself be contented in her role as his slave while with him and the pleasure of holding hands with him, while her ringed tail rested snuggly around his waist.


As his link to the lounge's central computer shut down Roger settled back into his chair quietly, watching as his own system ran through the complete list of anti-spyware and anti-intrusion sweeps before shutting down to do a complete system diagnostic and reboot. While some might have considered it paranoid the fox knew it was only prudent in the world he lived in if one wanted to live from one day into the next.

No one looking at him would have considered him anything out of the ordinary, and indeed he wasn't, from the outside. At six feet tall he was in the upper end of height for his breed of fox, with the standard red fur coat with black boots and gloves reaching up to his elbows and knees, and a tail-tip of tan fur to match that running from his throat and down across his bare chest. Long, lean digitigrade legs stretched out before him, their only covering the charcoal gray pants that he wore. The only outward evidence that more might lay beneath the surface came from the data plug tucked behind his right ear and the too-perfect blue of his eyes.

While he waited for his apartment system to reboot he sat so still that only the rise and fall of his chest and the occasional twitch of his tail revealed that he was alive and pondered events of the last few years. He'd seen his share of incredible things in his life, even become one during his time in the military, with the agonizing surgery he'd undergone for the combination of robotic endo-skeletal replacement and more conventional cybernetic augmentation, but none of that prepared him for what he'd seen at the Institute. His dedication and expertise had earned him one of the highest security ratings possible for anyone working there, and made him invaluable for overseeing things for their most secret project.

Now here he was, risking all that, for the sake of one human who wasn't even part of his world, save by accident. Oh yes he knew how unlikely it was that he'd be caught out or censured for it even if he was, but still, he shouldn't have taken the risk. It was just so wrong though; keeping Brad effectively a prisoner while they grilled him for every scrap of information they could on his world, and studied and dissected every nuance of his behavior.

While they treated him well enough physically Roger wasn't blind to the lack of any kindness or warmth towards their subject. He was too different, too imperfect, for them to see him as anything but a lab animal to be studied, and the only anthro on the project was reassigned for being too friendly. It was certainly a mistake, since she was the one who best understood the physics involved, and otters were almost genetically hard-wired to be friendly, but they'd done it anyway. Racial prejudice still frowned heavily on any kind of possible closeness between a human and an anthro, and both sides often worked hard to prevent it happening, but the project had to be hampered by her absence.

The house system's reboot chime derailed his train of thought before he could mull over why he'd gone ahead and allowed, even encouraged, Brad's weekend with Patricia, and apparently whoever else was in the lounge. That was something that came as a complete shock to him, considering he couldn't remember the last time anyone had ended up chosen by any of the women that worked there. As he fixed himself a drink he couldn't resist a few randy thoughts when he thought back to the night before, and to the amply endowed and silk-clad red panda he'd seen with Brad on the monitor.

"Here's to you Brad, a luckier man I've never met!" he toasted before drinking deeply via the straw protruding from the drink, since a muzzle, vulpine or otherwise, simply wasn't made to handle drinking as a human might. While many might have considered being effectively kidnapped and cut off from one's entire world the ultimate in bad luck, the fox couldn't see it that way, considering where the human was right now.

Glancing around the spartan apartment he maintained he felt a spurt of anger at how little he really had collected over the years to mark his existence, the glass in his hand suddenly shattering as he crushed it in his grasp.

"Damn!" he cursed to himself as he dashed to the recycler to toss the remains of the glass inside, blood dripping from his hand as he set about washing the fragments of nearly unbreakable plastic embedded in the cuts away. Gripping a towel in his hand to block the flow of blood he set about cleaning up the floor with the other, all the while an array of medical data danced virtually across his vision. He didn't really need to read the reports as the medical nanobots within him were sent along their way, so basically tuned them out as they scrolled along, tossing the remaining fragments and towel into the recycler as the cuts were already healing over.

"Ah screw it. Why should Brad have all the fun?" he said to himself once he finished cleaning up and searching for any missed fragments. Not feeling the need to dress up much more than he already was he dug up the gray shirt that was a match to the pants he wore and quickly groomed his fur and tail. "It's not like I've anything to do until he's back anyway, might as well go have some fun myself," he declared as he tossed the brush aside and strode out the door.


"What do you mean we've got a guest this weekend, Tori?" chirred the maturely figured raccoon as she stood talking to the white-furred wolverine who occupied the front entrance security post. Her multi-ringed tail swished about behind her as she regarded her friend curiously. A single-piece brown jumpsuit covered in dirt and rock dust fit snuggly to her curvaceous form, with various sized pockets spaced across her form, the bulging of each reflecting their non-empty state.

"Just what it sounds like, Patricia picked out someone in the lounge to stay the weekend, and a human at that," the wolverine murred huskily back. "Surprised everyone, Rebecca. From what I've heard from Ariel he's currently in Sakura's care while Patricia's busy with some other things," she concluded.

Unlike the raccoon the Tori had gone with far flashier attire, for the wolverine was clad from head to toe in glossy red leather. Thigh high leather boots disappeared into the hem of the tightly fitting red leather skirt that came down to mid-thigh on the well-muscled and sturdily built female. The huskiness of her form did nothing to deny her obviously feminine nature, from the red bustier that was fit to her torso and supported her breasts, while a matching red vest was buttoned up sufficiently high enough to provide modest concealment of what the bustier did not. Her love of tight red leather didn't end there either, with the red leather gloves with open fingers that reached up midway past her elbows, while her sturdy digging claws were painted red to finish off her ensemble.

"I'm not sure what surprises me more, that Patricia picked out anyone, human or not, or that Sakura's taking care of him right now," the raccoon replied, tail lashing about more energetically, reflecting the racing of her mind as she tried to wrap her mind around all of that. "Have you seen him yet?"

"Just when he initially came in, had a male fox for a companion," she noted, a lazy stretch coming over her as she flashed those wicked carnivore teeth a she yawned briefly. "Considering the ones who normally have reservations inside I'd originally thought them a couple, however unlikely that was, until I got the notification he was staying."

"Damn! He must be one incredible specimen to have pulled off a weekend invitation," Rebecca exclaimed, then blinked in confusion at the hearty laughter on Tori's part.

"I suppose you could say that, although I'll let you be the judge," Tori stated once she managed to get her laughter under control. "Ariel, display our guest for Rebecca, please."

"As you wish Tori," the AI replied, even as a holographic image sprang into being, the computer tactfully displaying Brad as he was, rather than a real-time display of the compromising position he was in with Sakura that they were just starting to sort out of as the raccoon arrived. Being the thorough machine 'she' was Ariel thoughtfully included a breakdown of various physical details and included a hologram of the raccoon for reference purposes.

"Well now I'm even more confused. He doesn't look like your average human; I mean, he's not even as tall as I am," she said, speaking her thoughts aloud as she motioned for Ariel to cancel the image. "I can see where he'd have drawn attention though; he definitely stands out, especially with that glasses. Here I thought only Karen had that quirky interest in those things."

"Planning on getting in line and seeing if he's worth the trouble?" Tori asked with a creak of leather as she leaned forward, mindful to remain within the limits of the air curtain at her station, since she wasn't wearing her musk-suppressing harness. She hated having to wear it when around any of the non-musky anthros and humans and avoided wearing it whenever she could.

"Fssst. As if. I'm not one of those throwbacks with little more than sex and whatever menial task I was assigned to on my mind," she snorted. "I'm quite fine with alternative means of dealing with things until I've found someone new."

"Up to you," Tori replied with a shrug. "If he was a more durable species I know I'd be trying. You know how much trouble it is for a wolverine finding a suitable partner."

"You're always free to come blow things up with me and take your frustrations out on something that doesn't bleed or die," Rebecca offered, chuckling softly. "Unless you're desperate enough to try and find some alternative ways to make do with a less-durable male than another wolverine or similar."

"Do you even have anything left to blow up out there in the mountains?" the wolverine asked rhetorically. "I mean you've been blowing things up out there since before we met."

"You say that like it's a bad thing," she replied, doing her best to look innocent. "I have to test my new explosives out somewhere, and besides with everything we all enjoy we could use the cleared space for a good-sized research lab. Especially since expanding the lower levels here would attract too much attention."

"Ah! So you're looking for a good strong back to haul off all the debris and clear the area," Tori tossed back with a good-natured chuckle to show she was just teasing. "I might take you up on the offer, provided your other suggestion falls through."

"What suggestion was that?" was barely out of her muzzle before the raccoon rocked back on her heels, taken by surprise like she'd rarely been in her life. "You can't be serious?! I was just joking about that."

"Shouldn't joke with a hard-up wolverine," came the reply, along with a wagging finger at the raccoon. "Not that I expect to have much chance to jump him, when he's got Patricia and Sakura already to occupy him."

"True, that'd be enough to wear out just about any un-augmented male unless he was exceptionally fit," Rebecca declared, eyes alight with laughter.

"I'd be more worried about the musk issue than how worn out he might be because of them," Tori pointedly reminded her. "One's partner having to wear a breathing mask tends to take the pleasure out of it."

"Evidence suggests that would not be a problem Tori," Ariel suddenly interrupted, surprising the both of them. "Observation has shown Brad enjoying the musk of both Sakura and Fatima, so there is every likelihood that he would not mind the scent of wolverine musk either."

"They don't have musk like a wolverine does though, Ariel," Tori told the AI, although found the observation and suggestion oddly reassuring. "But I do appreciate the input, thanks."

"You're most welcome Tori. It is my duty and joy to aid those of the lounge however I may," the AI replied.

"Which you do very well Ariel," Rebecca agreed. "So do be a dear and have a hot bath waiting for me so I can get cleaned up."

"As you wish Rebecca."

"Well I'm off to get cleaned up and take my turn helping with the take-out orders before we open up the lounge for tonight Tori," Rebecca declared after a sudden sneeze from the dirt and dust clinging to her. "Best of luck if you do make a try for our guest hun, plenty of time left in the weekend to make a go for it before back to business as usual."

"Thanks, take care and see you later then Rebecca," Tori tossed back with a friendly wave as she watched the raccoon pad off into the lounge, waiting for her to move out of sight before settling back into her seat with a sigh.

"I have got to get out more if I'm finding a human an attractive alternative to self-help," she thought to herself while her eyes surveyed the area around her continuously, ever vigilant even in the security of the lounge for something untoward. Not that she didn't get out fairly often, mostly to hit musk-friendly or musk-only public areas, but rarely found the boastful males interesting enough to lower herself to mating with. Engage in sparring and not-always-friendly competition with, but not mate.

Clearly not a problem the human had though; a boastful male would never made it through the night with Patricia, and Sakura would have left him needing medical care. A good vetting right there, and if he did prove tolerant of her musk it would be a welcome break from the artificial systems in the sub-basement. Most homes might have them but there were times a female wanted a partner with a heartbeat that wasn't artificial.

"Nothing ventured, nothing gained," she thought at last while she shifted around in her seat to get more comfortable, however impossible that was since the chair was intended to ensure its occupant remained alert by not being overly comfortable. With that in mind she called back up the image of Brad to study while pondering how best to arrange meeting him under better conditions than the night before.


Even as Tori pondered the inclusion of such an unusual male about the Lounge the object of her ponderings was making his way about the upper level hand in hand with his guide. There was little sound made other than the rustle of the red panda's silks and the chiming of her jewelry as she led him from room to room.

"In here we have the beach room Master," she informed him as she opened the next door down along the hallway, letting him gaze into a room that gave every appearance of leading outside onto a sandy beach with the surf lapping at the shimmering white sands while the sun shown down overhead. Other than the incongruity of the opened door it seemed to trail off into the distance whichever way he looked.

"That's incredible! It even smells like the beach!" Brad exclaimed, craning his head around and looking everywhere he could, although forced to shade his eyes from the sun overhead. "How'd you get a beach in here, and why?"

"Some of us do enjoy the beach Master," Sakura replied, silently amused by the wonder and delight he took in the room, even leaning down to let some sand sift through his fingers while he listened. He was such a refreshing change of pace from the jaded responses from past invitees. "The nearest open beach is reservation only and others too far for a casual visit, so we simply made ourselves a beach here. It is most relaxing to come here and lay in the sun while the virtual imagery on the walls lends weight to the illusion of depth and reality."

"How do you know where to stop before you walk into a wall then?"

"You can't see them from the doorway Master but there are subtle warning indicators near where the walls are, as the sand gives way to rocks or bushes, so as to keep one from an unpleasant nose-bump," she murred to him, while helping him dust the sand off his hand and stepping back out. "Since the themed rooms are quite large there is generally enough space dedicated to each that one needn't fear bumping into the walls when they're hidden like here," added while dusting the sand off the pads of her own feet while she was at it, and his as well, so as to not track it into the hallway.

"It must have cost a fortune to set up something so elaborate," he couldn't resist saying while the door slid shut behind them.

Sakura tilted her head as she gazed down at him, a confused and curious expression written across her features and the way she held herself. "Why do you say that Master? We supplied all the labor and the materials are relatively cheap, although bringing in the beach sand was somewhat expensive as we shipped in only the best."

"Sorry Sakura, I keep forgetting and thinking about everything as it is where I'm from, rather than the way things are here," he said contritely, eyes glancing down to the floor.

"Where are you from, Master?" While she couldn't have brought herself to ask that before, she couldn't resist asking once given the opportunity. She'd traveled across much of the world before she settled down at the lounge, from the North American Indian Protectorate to the Islamic Wastes but had been unable to place anything about him. He demonstrated none of the anti-anthro traits most humans still did and he wasn't 'optimized' like the humans favored referring to being genetically augmented.

"From the other side of the looking glass," he replied, drawing a confused look from her until he noticed it and smiled weakly up to her. "Sorry, a reference I should have known you wouldn't recognize. I was told I shouldn't tell anyone, although I went ahead and told Patricia. She probably thinks I was just making up what I told her and humoring me, but it was the truth."

"What was, Master?" she asked, outwardly as submissive as before, but inwardly a bit annoyed at his keeping her in suspense. Just because she was playing at being his slave he didn't have to let it go to his head.

"That I'm not what you could call a native human, that I'm from an earth a great deal different compared to this one." Sakura just blinked and stared down at Brad, certain he had to be pulling her tail and waited for the punch line, but her espionage training and years of experience soon dispelled the feeling it had to be a joke and that he was serious when he claimed to be some kind of alien.

"Yeah, I know, it sounds crazy, like something out of a science-fiction story, but it's true," he added when she didn't respond at first, nervously shifting around and gripping her hand tighter for reassurance. "I wouldn't have said anything but I just can't bring myself to lie, because I hate when it's done to me. I- I hope it doesn't change what you think of me."

"It's okay Master, what you've said doesn't change things at all." Which was true really, even if he were delusional he was far nicer and respectful than the so-called sane humans running around, she thought to herself. His stature and rejection for being a physical reminder to other humans of their past would be more than enough reason to reach for a more comforting fantasy world to live in instead. Remembering some of the things she'd done in order to keep her sanity and survive her time as a slave she didn't mind humoring him if it helped him cope, and when it gave her someone safe to dote upon. Just in case her words weren't enough to reassure him she stroked his cheek affectionately and squeezed his hand back.

Relief washed over Brad when she said that, especially when backed up by the more tangible reassurances of her touch, and he relaxed against her with a sigh. "Thanks Sakura. I don't think I've ever been as happy as I've been since Terri brought me here where I could meet you and Patricia, and I'd hate to think that all I'd get is a taste of acceptance and then back to being alone."

"No fear of that Master," she replied before leaning down to rub her muzzle against his cheek tenderly. "Although we should get going and finish the tour, before things start getting busy around here and we don't have the chance to."

"Oh, right, sorry! I didn't mean to cause problems," he said contritely.

"It's no problem Master, just carrying out my duties." He just didn't need to know that part of those duties included giving everyone available a chance to meet any new males invited to the private part of the lounge, she thought to herself. Patricia really should have done so since she did the inviting but the lovely red panda was enjoying herself too much to feel any annoyance over the task. "Shall we continue the tour now Master?"

"Yes, let's. I want to make the most of every minute of freedom I've got."