Stripes and Chains 4 - The Alternative

Story by Silversmith on SoFurry

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#6 of Stripes and Chains

Benjamin has learned his lesson with use of the Trap Jaw, but Mistress Kelsura feels his attitude could still use some adjusting. An invitation to a party gives her the opportunity she needs to show him just what slave life could have been like had it not been she who bought him.

Original Concept: DragonTalon

Inspiration: Fates of the Unicorns


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Benjamin had barley slept in almost three days. His mind felt like a twisted rag with the juices leaking out onto the floor. The Trap Jaw had kept him from catching more than a few moments of sleep at a time before his mouth would relax in sleep and the pain of the spike baked panels would close down on him. His nose and jaw were pock marked with seeping wounds that, after examination from one of Kelsuras medical slaves, would do no more than completely heal over. Provided he remember to keep his mouth shut. The slave had recommended the pannels be locked open at night, his mind showing the effect of sleep deprivation.

"What do you think Toy?" She had been refering to him as that these past few days during the training. She would call him toy, refusing to refer to him as anything other than an object. The first day he was forced to practice posing. During this day he was not Toy, he was Statue, and he spent long hours in varies poses that she found pleasing. Poses that put his natural skill of contortionism to the very test. "Can you spend the night with your mouth closed of your own will?"

Day three of his training and he was still posed. A full vertical split against a tall poll that had been set in his spartan cell. The waiting room had become his home, ever allowed to leave it for any reason. He said nothing, just nodded slowly, head down as as he struggled to maintain the full vertical split, one foot on the stone floor the other directly above it and ankle lashed to the middle of the wood poll. She hmmed softly. "We'll see then" she said, turning to leave and exiting the room.

That night he was more than relieved. Juno had let a slave in who carried bowls of foot and water, setting them down first before untying his leg and letting him down. When she slid a rod through the side of his muzzle that held the spiked parts open and produced a key that unlocked it from his mouth. He ate ravenously, not caring that the food provided was nothing more than a wet mash of raw ground meat. He ate with out using his hands, still holding them behind his back as instructed that morning, mouth working into the bowl and taking large bite, swallowing past his reflex to gag. He drank from the bowl in much the same fashion, holding his breath as he thrust his nose into the water and sucking deep gulps in. When finished he opened his mouth again, the muzzle placed back in and locked. The rod was left in place though. The slave picked the bowls back up "Mistress says to sleep." was all he said before leaving. Sleep he thought. That was a good idea. He laid down on the bare floor, not even the straw from before there to provide bedding. His body didn't care, too fatigued. He closed his eyes and a moment later his chest rose and fell evenly.

Kelsura stretched. Her office a hive of activity as slave and dragon moved from one end of the other. She looked down at the papers in front of her, a sea of statistics and ink. Reports from with in the furry countries, observations, names of furs of interest. A dragon male set down a fresh stack infront of her. "Apologies Miss." he said, the look on her face from the sudden slap of papers making him pale just the slightest

There was a small war in the western provinces. A movement lead by yet another fur claiming royal blood had lead to an insurrection and eventually to an all out conflict. While she had been positioned as Master Overseer of the South-Eastern Consortium, line of information retrieval had yet to be full established. While contacts were being set up she had agreed to help a colleague with an issue in their area of observation. Troop movements and battle plans were all detailed in the forms the dragon had just put down. Dragons kept an air of indifference but the truth was they always had their eyes on such thing. Conflict meant weakness in defenses in the border areas. If there was a war in the west it meant that the western borders would be less protected and thus more ripe for raiding parties to capture new slaves. An information network of paid informants, loyal furs, and 'freed' slaves kept Kelsura and others in her position regularly informed over the changes of the physical and political land scape. While soldiers and slavers could take breaks between their respective conflicts Foreign Intelligence never took a break, always keeping the council informed on activities among the furs. Whether it was changes in trade with in the capitals, a shift in political ideals, or newly observed troop movements patrolling the border, Kelsura was among several whose sole job it was to observe and report on all of it. She waived a hand dismissively at the gray and black spotted dragon. "Be more courteous." she dismissed him with, lifting a parchment to study the notes.

She had turned to take a sip of a drink sitting on her desk, eyes still on the paper when she stopped mid motion. Not all the papers were about the western conflict. What she read made the corners of her mouth. One leaf of parchment contained details on one of the furry ambassadors living at the embassy in the capital. He and a friend he had made, a dragon male named Darka, had been observed meeting daily at a small cafe some blocks away form the embassy. They had talked in hushed tones from what her informant had been writing. Snippets mentioning trade, favors, and changing of money. The word asylum had been used several times. The out come was now laid bare. The ambassador it turns out had been speaking in code. Darka had been his lover, the new information before her was a detail of a dalliance between the two of them, a rather detailed one at that. The ambassador was now requesting citizenship, offering his clerical skills to work where ever he could best be put to use. She slipped the documents into a parcel, having them sent off to the proper hands who would either accept or deny the request or deny it. Either way the fur would be in a collar soon, and had at least found a dragon who would take him.

"Mistress." A green stoned servant slave, a small rabbit fur held out for her a special marked package. "This just arrived for you. Its marked urgent." He said, smiling as the dragoness took it from him and pat his head. A foot thumped on the floor as he tilted into her palm and then hurried away as he was dismissed.

She blinked at the single letter contained with in. It was an invitation to a gathering. Parties were constant affairs. Dragons loved showing off, prancing around and leading examples of their wealth by the neck to be sampled and teased by others. They had increased in frequency with the new influx of unicorn stock. She had hosted a few, of course. Her Sirens always the center piece at each, always then raffled off before the nights close to provide temporary entertainment to winning dragons and dragonesses. She knew the dragon who was hosting this one, a hoarder of sorts. His limits on slaves had been reached some time ago. No doubt he was throwing this party to show off his new acquisition of several unicorns. She looked up, looking about her busy personal office in her lair. With the Consortium cawing for trade and representation at the embassy, branching out into the furry country, she knew her job was going to grow more intense with the passing days. "Less time to spend with Benjamin." she grumbled. She wanted him fully broken so she could sit him next to her while she worked, pleasure her while she dictated. With how receptive he had been the first day she had hope it wouldn't have come to her need to be cruel. Unfortunately he had forced her hands. "Stupid cat." She sighed, rising from her chair. "I'm taint the day off. Gran, you're in charge." She commanded, tapping a short but stocky red dragon on his shoulder as she walked past his desk.

"Yes Ma'am." He said

Kelsura stretched her arms above her head. She had been working non-stop from dawn to dusk the past three days, breaking only when she thought of a new wicked pose to test her new pets flexibility with. Other dragons would be bringing their slaves. They would be dressed in the finest jewels and silks their masters could afford. Perhaps she should take Juno? The last time she took Clausius any where it had ended with a fist fight between him and another dragoness's Rottweiler. She had been forced to apologize and Claudius had nearly lost his red stone until Juno had explained that all he had done was defend the honor of his mistress. The Rotty had referred to her as an insipid, dishonest lizard. Caludius got his real revenge in on that one when Kelsura had issued a challenge to the other dragoness. The Rotty had been left bloody and near death, Claudius beating him with his bare hands long after all six judges had stood. It had taken three dragons to pull the Wolfhound off the dogs limp form. Kesura never questioned his loyalty again. But then, canine loyalty was always easy to garner. His ferocity though was a problem. "Not Claudius." She decided. There were a number of other slaves she considered. She could take all eight of her chauffeurs. They would look absolutely resplendent in shining leather straps and feather plumes, perhaps one of the many choreographed dances to what ever music was set to play. It meant, though, they would be more entertainment than an accessory. She gave it a bit more thought. She was still angry with the way her newest slave had mouthed off. The invitation had been sent by the head of her office, being the kind of dragon he was, Boreous might be just the thing to help the little kitten's mind set along.

Benjamin was already kneeling when Kelsura walked through the door. She regarded him with apprehension. He lowered his eyes. Had she come to inflict more pain, to twist him into more positions that threatened to make him snap to pieces? His jaw hurt, the rod that had held the contraption open removed and now dependent on him. "Come with me." She said to him coldly, wrapping her tail around his neck and leading him out of the room with a bow from Juno.

"I've been invited to a party" She explained as he was lead back to her room. "You're coming with me. You are going to be on your BEST behavior. Any out burst like the other day, and I will leave you there in the hands of the host. I'll take back what ever shreds remain, assuming he doesn't decide to devour you." Benjamin shuttered at that. He had learned through her that some times dragons ate their slaves, and not always because they misbehaved. Some times just because. It was one of the many things she had said to scare him into obedience. After three days of constant pain, lack of sleep, lack of nourishment, and threats, he had become quite obedient.

"You'll need to be presentable. While I pick out what you'll wear you'll take a bath. You will do so quietly. I have a private bathing room. It the next door over. Go, use the lavender soups."

The bathing room was indeed behind a second door, one he had not noticed during his last visit. It was much like a smaller version of the larger pools he had seen. A single spring fed by a stream of water, falling from a tilted pot held by the hands of a life sized and detailed nude statue elf. "Sho thash wha they rook rike..." The water here boiled though, a soft roll of bubbles and steam. He didn't too much like the look of it. Dipping a finger he yanked it back, shaking it. Yes, too hot. He set his teeth, the spikes having lowered just slightly from the gasp he let out.

"What part of 'quietly' didn't you understand?" He shot his eyes toward her. He whimpered. She advanced on him menacingly and then stopped when he looked away and to the water and then back, eyes pleading. "Oh! Yes, that would be problem..." She smiled, her anger vanished in an instant as she rounded the pool, pinching one of the elf statues nipples and giving it a turn. She herself would unbutton her leather dress, the one piece dropping around her ankles. "Give it a few minutes, it should be fine then." she said, stepping into the water. He blushed at her nude form. The water had stopped boiling. He knelt at the edge of the pool waiting. He tested the water again and was still quite hot, but tolerable. Climbing in, the dragoness would move behind him, the lock on the back of his head holding the muzzle to his collar clicked. Orange fingers pushed between the open holes on the steel cage over his mouth and the muzzle was pulled free. Even with out the plates though he felt the need to hold his mouth shut. "And that's why its called a Trap Jaw. It teaches slaves to keep their trap shut."

He nodded "Y-yes, Mistress." He chanced in a whisper.

"Louder." She admonished lightly.

"Yes, Mistress." He said normally. It was strange to hear his own voice with out slurring. Three days with the damned contraption in place had given him a trained need to remain closed mouth, and quiet. He started when her arms moved around him, her hands resting on his chest and his whole body pulled close to her. Like in the carriage she cuddled him softly.

"I take it you've learned a lesson about speaking out of turn?" she asked, pushing her chin down onto the crown of his head.

"Yes Mistress." he replied. If talking when he wasn't supposed to meant having to wear that infernal device again he was well reserved in the opinion that silence was golden.

"Then we'll try things with out it." She said, her tone still managing to sound like a warning despite the temper of her voice making her smile apparent. "I don't like punishing my slaves."

"Yes Mistress." Was all he said. He didn't like being punished. He didn't want to be here either.

"Did you ever have pets?" She asked. He blinked. It was an odd question to suddenly ask.

"I...Yes, Mistress." He intoned, just the same as before. He heard her sigh behind him.

"You may speak normally, slave. But choose your words with exceptional care."

"Yes Mistress. I...had a dog when I was young." He heard her chuckle. He rolled his eyes. "Yes. A cat owning a dog. The irony was a constant source of humor and a target of ridicule in my youth."

She laughed, tapping him on his cheek. "Tone, slave. Watch your tone. And while it is ironic, its also a cute choice of pet...for a cat. Tell me, when it was bad, did you punish it?" He realized where she was going.

"I'm not a dog." He said, keeping his voice even and passive, adding in "Mistress." There was a long silence. Benjamin started to ease from the brace he had tightened himself into, expecting physical correction, when a splash of hot water over his head caught him by surprise.

"No, you're a tiger. I'm not mentally invalid, slave." She teased. He felt himself completely relax. He had expected some form of punishment for what he said. Thrown from the tub, the torture device placed back on, any thing really. Instead all she had down was pored water over his head.

"And I suppose you wouldn't see your self on the same level as a domestic canine. Though, canines weren't always a domestic animal. And there are still wild wolves and dogs roaming the hills and forests of the furry country. A long, long time ago, tens of thousands of years, who ever did it could claim they domesticated the wolf through years of select breeding. Merging the strength and loyalty while weeding out the independence and ferocity, leaving just enough of the latter that the animal could remain self sufficient. But one wonders: what did the first wolves think when this funny looking two legged animal came walking up to them, luring them back to padlocks and pins with sweet smelling meat? Do you think they enjoyed being in cages?" She opened a vial and turned it over on the top of the tigers head. The lavender scented oil soap piling up in the middle of his scalp. Thick claws began working the oil through the hair of his head into a lather. It reminded him a bit of being back in the slave baths, Harp and her sisters cleaning him and working the knots and kinks out of his legs and shoulders. He began purring to himself as she spoke. "But, over time these animals came to rely on them in a way. They would even come to love them, to cherish them, to protect them with their lives because they respected them. In turn their masters treated them with respect, with loyalty, with love. So, I'll ask again. When you had to punish your dog, did it hurt?"

He gave a sigh. "Yes...but we are not animals. We are-"

"The wolves didn't think of themselves as animals, I'm sure. In their simpler, less evolved minds they were powerful pack hunters. The furries how ever proved them wrong. Through cunning, patience, and strength they dominated them. Your kind dominated what they saw as a lesser species. Was it wrong? Was it necessary? Some times right becomes irrelevant to whats necessary, to furries. But to dragons, what is right is always what is necessary. With the bugs that ceaselessly attempt to over run and devour every thin in their path it is necessary for us all to do our part. As the strongest species right now, and the only one with enough strength and ability to combat this enemy we have the right to decide what is necessary. If we say we need slaves, we have the right to raid your borders and take them. The fact we succeed so often is proof of that." The was a twisted way of looking at things. He of course didn't agree with it. He didn't agree the first time and he didn't agree now. He understood the part about strength though. They could and would make any they brought here submit. He could already feel his will faltering after three days. "Why not breed slaves?" he found him self asking, wondering just why he thought of it. He reasoned it away as if they already had slaves why not breed them to produce more, and leave the free furs on the borders alone. She shivered.

"Some of us do, and they produce some of the most obedient and intelligent slaves, but...that's very, very rare. Furries are...strange when new born. All the lack of coordination, all the crying and screaming. The involuntary shit and piss. The dependency...Dragons are not at all like that. We're one hundred percent self reliant hours after hatching. Your young seem...just...abnormal. Its the reason we don't take any one under a certain age." She shivered again, shaking her head. Then she dunked him. Suddenly and with out warning. Pushed his head right under the water and held him there a moment before dragging him back up. He coughed and sputtered and suddenly found him self roughly turned around. He cowed under the stern eyes of his Mistress. He HAD come to think of her that way, if only to make it easier to say it when speaking. He blinked as she studied him for a moment, a powerful predatory glare. "If you disappoint me during this party..." she let the words hang, letting him fill in the blanks.

"Yes Mistress....I understand." she pat his head, standing and lifting him to his feet with her.

"Good, go dry." she pushed him out of the pool and toward an alcove.

Once dry she had him kneel in front of her before a table she had set up in the middle of her suite. She held up two green jade ear rings. Simple small blocks. He didn't like where this was going. Curved metal clung to the back of the stones. When she affixed them to his ears he was relieved to find they were clip-ons. A jade pendant necklace was hung around his neck and the pendant sat on his chest. These were of master craftsmanship, built in the style popular hundreds of years ago with his ancestors. She lifted from the table another set of small jade jewels. This she hung from his nipples. He groaned as the pincher clips clung to his sensitive flesh, happy though that these, too, were clip-ons. He noticed that these were custom, recently made. Simple round stones attached to metal alligator clips that bit into his flesh. The ensemble was completed by a set of bangles and anklets, all jade. He had seen examples of her wealth but these...rare relics and custom stones. He looked over at himself in a mirror on the side wall. He blushed at just how feminine they made him appear.

The party was held at a lair some distance away. It was mid day by the time they arrived. Kelsura, being one of the many dragons with out a drake, arrived in her personal coach.

If he had though Mistress Kelsuras lair had been ostentatious in areas this one was absolutely gaudy. The hall that the party was being held in was set with glittering stones, pillars of gold and obsidian stretched to the cave ceiling. Statues of nude furs in various poses of submission and welcome lined the entry way in even rows. He was able to look around freely, thankful for one he was lead by a glittering silver leash instead of his Mistress's orange tail. While he wore nothing but jade stones and a collar he noticed other slaves were more heavily dressed. If sheer transparent silks that accentuated their form rather than actually covered them could be considered dressed. He was lead around on his leash, crawling on all fours. His mistress mingled, talking with other dragons. She received compliments for her dress, some lewd comments that she seemed to take more as a compliment than as a pass. He was introduced to each one. "My new slave. He's still rough around the edges, but is already making bounds in the right direction." She would say. Why in the world did he feel pride at that?

Benjamin wasn't ignored. Not just some accessory. He too was complimented on his accessories. "Jade. Ha, a good choice. I would have gone with ivory, the white would have looked much more fetching with the white and gold fur." one dragoness commented. " is he in the sheets?" she asked. Mistress Kelsura simply waived her away

"In time I might show you." she said, leading him away from the crowed and leashing him to a row of posts set between two of the gold statues, both of them each kneeling before an obsidian post. "You'll be fine by your self? Don't wonder off." she chortled as she left him. He took the time to once more look about his surroundings. Personally he found the whole setting tasteless The jewels and mix of gold and black clashes horribly. There didn't seem to be any pattern in dress of the attendants either. Some wore nothing more than simple kilts for the males, others in robes, a few in full armor. He did how ever appreciate the sheer detail put into the statues. They were almost life like, even irregularities in physical appearance had been taken into account. Not even master masons and crafters living in the central capital could hope to put such detail in their work. Something about them was unnerving though.

"Beautiful, isn't she?" a speckled yellow and brown dragon asked. He was dressed spartan like some of the other males. Little more than a kilt and a short cape on his shoulders. He held two flukes filled with a thick red liquid. He handed one to the tiger. Three days of raw meat had made him familiar with the metallic scent of blood. He curled his lip, but for the sake of his own skin to keep from embarrassing his mistress he took a sip and was surprised at how sweet it was. Have I really grown accustomed to this barbarity he thought to him self as he couldn't resist taking another sip.

"Thank you, Sir." he murmured. A hand touched his head and gently stroked his hair.

"Tula, one of my most devious slaves. A cruel heart but obedient to a fault. The statues had been her idea. She thought she was getting rid of all her rivals. Of course, being her idea, I had to give her the honor of joining them. The look on her little face was delicious. I just couldn't resist taking her one last time before having her smelted." Benjamin looked up in horror. That's why they had seemed so unnerving, so life like. At one point in time each of the twelve statues had once been living, breathing furs. He felt his stomach twist over, his whole body go numb. He held tight to his glass, trying to prevent from spilling it. His revulsion turned to anger.

"These were-" A hand wrapped around his mouth

"These were a brilliant investment. A beautiful addition to your already vast hoard. Councilor Odin was asking for you. He's convinced your hiding from him." Kelsura feigned a smile, her grip on her slaves mouth tightening painfully. The dragon laughed softly

"Of course, of course. This party is in his honor after all. I should have been there to greet him on his arrival. Thank you Kelsura. A fine slave you have by the way, was just telling him about my former servants. He had an eye for Tula here." He said, patting the gold statues thigh. "Whats his name?"

"Benjamin." she replied. "And yes, he's a good boy...arent you?" she yanked on his muzzle and he nodded.

"Well Benjamin, enjoy the unicorn wine." He smiled softly and gave him another pat, and then gave Kelsura a stroke along her cheek which she leaned into, mming softly. She waited until he was a distance away before yanking down hard enough to force him to his shoulders. He held the glass out forward, once more saving it from spilling. She was shaking, shoulders set and hands clinched into fists.

"Do you have any idea how close you came to insulting me? What he would have done to you, and then to me in retribution for your insolence? After I gave you one final chance, do you have ANY thing to say for your self!? Should I even care?" she spoke in a hissed whisper that came through clenched teeth.

"Thank you Mistress." He supplicated. She blinked, suddenly finding her self disarmed and off guard. She still shook with anger, but her shoulder softened and her fists eased to curled claws.

"For what?"

"For...for saving me from embarrassing you, and my self. I'm sorry Mistress. I just, are they, did he really-"

"Yes, he did. But this isn't the time or place to discuss it." She turned on her heel to walk away.

"Mistress?" He softly called after her, still face forward on the floor. She turned to regard him.

"Yes?" Her voice had warmed just a tad.

"Do I have to wear that...the Trap Jaw after..." he mmphed, just closing his mouth again. He was asking the wrong question at completely the wrong time he knew.

"No," she said, pausing for a moment to think. "No, but you will be punished." he nodded. "Finish your drink, get something to eat. You have my permission to take your leash off for that. Once you have your plate though, you put it back on." He nodded again. She marched away back into the crowed.

He wasn't sure if he could eat despite the light rumbling in his stomach. The look of the food table didn't do much to encourage an appetite either. Not for a fur at least. There was a dragon with a fork and carving knife, serving hunks of raw or slightly seared meat. Several unicorns were strapped down to a row of metal tables. Any time an order was made the dragon with the cutlery would stab down at one of the several and begin cutting. The unicorns, gagged and blindfolded, would squirm and scream through the rubber balls in their mouths. The blood from the wounds would drip down a metal trough that extended past the tables into casks on the floor. Ladles would dish this blood into flukes to be served out. Benjamin swallowed back bile. He looked down at his own fluke, now completely empty. He turned away, deciding to just let his stomach grumble, and fought back the urge to vomit.

Kelsura would forgive him, but only because she did not disagree with his impulse. She found the way Boreous treated his slaves living and...other wise, tasteless and without merit. She had known instantly upon passing the gold figures what they where, who they had been. It was an extreme waste of good slaves. With his earnings he could have easily afforded to have near exact perfect likeness of them carved from stone and then plated with gold, it would have cost far less as well fatoring in the value of the twelve he had needlessly killed. She curled her lip as she stalked one of the serving table. The unicorn here was on his belly. "Round steak." she grunted, the butcher nodded and stabbing into the unicorns back and pulling as he cut a chunk of the furrys hind end away. The fur groaned, sobbing and screaming into his gag. "It'll grow back. You'll live!" she snapped at the meat slave, smacking the back of his head as she took her plate.

She was in a mood. Very nearly had she just been ruined by her slave. It likely wouldn't have met with any major retribution other than having to give him over to Boreous for the next day, but the thought of having to apologize to a superior over the mistake of a slave, especially the head of the office she worked for, would have been an embarrassment she likely would not be ale to forgive her self for. Perhaps that would have been a good idea. Boreous would abuse him, horribly, maybe even leave him permanently disfigured, but not dysfunctional. A little time seeing how different other dragons could be from her.... She looked around. The party was settling in. Dragons were taking advantage of the 'party favors' Boreous had left out for them, or sampling the favors of those brought by others. The same dragoness from before was now next to her slave, tail curled under his chin and foot lifted and planted over her mouth. She nodded, finishing the soft meat on her plate, licking her lips.

"Distral." She called to the red and gold striped dragoness. "Still taken with my tiger hmm?" She asked, smirking darkly.

Distral turned, pushing her foot down, Benjamin still under it. His head thumped against the stone floor as he was pushed backwards, dragon toes pushed into his mouth. "Kelsura. I hope you don't mind?"

Kelsura shook her head. "No, not at all. In fact, you were asking about him earlier. Why don't you take him for the night and find out?" Kelsura smiled and her surprised expression. "Just don't leave any scars or lasting damage, and have him back in one piece. Other than as you please." Benjamin gave a whimper at the smirk on his Mistress's face.

Stripped of his decoration, save the nipple clamps (Distra had begged Kelsura to leave them), Benjamin was lead away from the party even as it was still going on. Distra did not live in lair, rather she resided in an above ground stone home much like the ones constructed in the Republic Capital. It was a single story affair constructed much like what he had expected seeing it from the out side. The halls did not wined and twist, but were straight forward. He did not have much of a chance to look around, lead right through the front door and down a hall to a room off to the right. A cursory glance told him this room was...some sort of sex dungeon. A cross of some kind was set up in one corner, a stool with a hole in the middle was along the wall. In the middle of the room was a table of some kind, one side was set with a higher box. It looked like a set of steps almost with a long platform. Shackles hung from the ceiling, and it was these he was placed. He hung from his wrists as Distra hummed softly, heading off to a table on which were set long tubular instruments, some intentionally shaped like various furry cock: dildo and sex toys.

"Here you go kitten." The dragoness said, standing in front of him with a ball gag with a hole through the middle. He gave her the inquisitive whimper he had been told to use when wanting to ask a question. She shook her head. "No, no talking. Open." she chided as she thrust the gag into his mouth the moment he opened. "Such soft fur." she murred, running her hands over his chest. She ran her hand lower, gripping suddenly and tightly to his balls. His eyes widened and he yowled through the gag. "We're going to have A LOT of fun. She smirked as she twisted, making him jump and kick. The movement only made the pain worse as she squeezed and turned her hand.

Benjamin yelled, screamed, and hollered through the hole in the rubber ball in his mouth. He bit down on it, the pain between his legs extreme. "Oh yessss." she hissed, pulling her hand up with his balls still in her vice like grip. She slipped a rubber ring from around her wrist, over her fingers and around the base of his ball sack. It shrank to a small ring and held his scrotum out painfully away from his body and constricting around the skin between his crotch and the sensitive balls. Lifted off his feet, just like before in the slave house, he was pushed, let to sway back and forth as the dragoness laughed at his anguish, closing his legs closed them around his parts, the slightest squeeze sending shock of pain up from his nethers.

He shook his head. "Nor, nor! Preesh! Nor, nor more!" He huffed in pain, drool now leaking through the hole in his gag. She pushed a length of dark fabric around his eye The blindfold made it impossible to see. His ears twitched, he could hear her moving around behind him, mumbling to her self about his lovely rump. She was behind him now, husky breath in his ear as hand roamed over his ass. He shook his head more, keeping his legs spread to reduce the pain as much as possible. His tail was suddenly and violently jerked up. He was pulled by it. She laughed manically as he swayed back and then forward. Bath and forth by his tail. Pain between his legs and now in his back.

"You cant be giving up so soon kitten. We haven't even gotten you warmed up yet." she giggled as his tail was pulled all the way up along his back and tied to his collar to remain up. "First," she said, now sounding farther back. "I'm going to whip you. All slaves should be whipped; good, long, and proper. Then I'm going to explore the limits of your tolerance. Once you're good and raw I'm going to ride you, and ride you, and ride you. You'll cum so much it'll hurt. Once I'm done with you I'll hang you back up, and just to be sure I'll whip you again."He was at her complete mercy and she was making it very apparent there would be none. He was scared, like he had never been before. "I'm going to start swinging. You're going to count each one understand? Ready or not...."

There was a whistle followed by a sharp smack. He twisted and wiggled as an instant later stinging pain shot through his exposed bottom. Another swing and another sting like a fire under his ass. He let out a screeching roar with each blow of the riding crop. "Nor more! Goz nor mooooore!"

"You don't get to tell me what to do you little whore. I don't hear you counting. I'm not going to stop until you start." She swung again, and with the connection he counted out a muffled 'tree.' She tutted with another swing, shaking her head "No no no kitten. That's one. You just started counting, the first two don't count." He gave a sobbing grown, twisting his hands around to take hold of the chains, trying to haul him self up. She smacked at his hands with the crop and gave a sadistic laugh. "Where are you going kitten? Huh? How are you going to get away from me like this?"

"Arm goen to kiw yoo..." he sobbed, dropped and coughing as his wrists slammed down in the metal shackles. She clicked her tongue, bending the crop and stepping in front of him. She swung hard and the crop whistled. He braced, ready to count another lash when the tongue of the crop stopped just under his chin.

"Did I hear you right? 'I'm going to kill you?'" she said it with a sardonic smile, faking a muffled voice to match his. He paled, going cold in an instant. She ran the crop under one of his ears and ran it slowly down and across his neck and back up and under to the other ear. "If you could, don't you think you would have already? If you had the strength, the ability to kill me I'd be in those chains." She hissed, closing a hand around his throat. She squeezed, closing his wind pipe and choking him. She held him in her grip and lifted him with a strength belied by her size, letting his weight do most of the work form her as she turned her hand up until his body pulled down on his own throat.

He gagged and desperately tried to inhale, to pump air into his lungs as they slowly began to burn. He twitched, shacking, he lifted his legs against the pain between them to try to kick her but she only squeezed harder. Kick after kick began to weaken until his legs were doing nothing more than wobbling. His eyes stung with tears, bulging under the blind fold and the darkness began to grow deeper and more complete. His focus weakened and his senses grew numb. Just as unconsciousness was ready to take him she let go. She held his head up by his hair as he heaved and gasped, sucking in air through his nose and the hole in the gag, making a sputtering noise through the leaking spit. "I could kill you for your words and your Mistress could do nothing about it." she said "Who controls you?"

"Mishtresh Kershura" he gasped, surprising him self with his answer. She tapped his chin lightly with her crop.

"I asked who controls you. Not who owns you." She swung low. The pain didn't completely register at first but a moment later he was jumping in the chains, legs kicking and swinging as he screeched once more. The crop gave his balls another lick. "Who controls you!?"

"Yur! Yur! Yur do! Yur do!"

"Who am I?"

"Mishtresh Dishra!" he sobbed, his head hanging and sagging in the chains. "Mishtresh Dishra..."

She nodded, tapping his shoulder gently and pushing his head back up by his chin with the crop. "How many was that?" He sucked in ragged breaths, gag hole sputtering. He took several long breaths, swallowing down his own spit and trying to compose himself, push through the pain.

"I...I didn cournt..." she giggled, rubbing the tongue of the crop around the bottom of his balls in soft circles. She licked her lips, murring and laughing in her own throat.

"You know what that means." She swung, pausing to let him count before swinging again. He cried openly, tears streaming from his blood shot eyes and staining the blind fold. He only just made it to a count of five with a warmth began streaming down his leg. "Did you just-ha...ha ha ha...Did you just piss your self? Seriously? And all over my floor, too! You little shit!" She laughed and then snarled as she dropped him down and flicked his shackles open. "Well if you like piss so much..." He didn't have a chance to stand before he was roughly dragged by the nap of his neck across the room. A thud followed by the swing of hinges and then a slam as something hit the floor; Benjamin was tossed onto his back into what felt like a box, the blind fold ripped from his eyes. He looked for but a brief moment to see Distra locking both his arms and legs to brace shakled bolted to the inside of the box like piece of furnature in the middle of the room. She placed a metal clamp of some kind on his nose that he could not dislodge no matter how much he shook his head. She then inserted a wide, clear funnel with a long neck into the hole in his gag that fit all the way through to the other side in his mouth.. The box was closed with the funnel pointed up into the smaller box now over his face. The top was made of glass with a hole in its center lined with rubber. She reached through the hole and wrenched his head to face him straight up and locked the edged of the funnel to several hard clips, again he could not dislodge it no matter how much he tried. She sat down on the box, her dress pulled up. He realized with absolute horror just what this box had been designed for. He could see every thing through the glass top and the clear funnel, being able to see it all obviously part of the torture. Her cheeks pressed down on the glass, her pussy directly over the funnel. She let out an exaggerated sigh as she began pissing.

Benjamin watched with revulsion as a yellow stream of liquid fell from her cunt and filled the funnel half way. The taste was beyond awful: acrid, salty, and bitter beyond compare. He couldn't close his mouth, and holding his tongue over the funnels hole helped not at all. With the clip over his nose he couldn't breath. He tried blowing up through it but the funnel was too high and large to do more than splash the disgusting contents. Distra chuckled. "That tickles!" she squeaked. "Wont be long now though, you don't have a choice. If you want to breath you better swallow it all." It was turning into a struggle. He fought his body as it began to shake again from lack of air. He held off for as long as he could but was tired, familiar with the sensation from nearly having been strangled by his Mistress. He had no choice. He let his tongue off and opened his throat, he groaned as his soar throat worked. His stomach turned as he began swallowing down the piss in as big and as few gulps as possible. Once the funnel was empty his groans echoed through the funnel, urping and coughing, very near vomiting.

She left him there in the box as she walked away. His breathing was labored. He tried spitting through the hole only to have the saliva drip slowly back down the funnel into his mouth. His heaving was quite audible, the shape of the funnel magnified the sound. When she opened the box again she was no longer smiling. She unlocked him and ordered, "Out!" The funnel had been pulled form the gag with the box top. He rose slowly. "Dont move." She said dengerously as she thrust a hand between his legs, not at all avoiding his pain filled balls. He groaned as he did his best to remain still, even as a finger slid up between his cheeks and dug into his ass. He could feel the single digit curl in toward his front, the tip stroking up and down. Her other hand began stroking his sheath, jerking softly. Against his own will his prick began rising from the protective furry skin covering, rising to a full and hard eight inches. She frowned when she looked at his full lenth. "Not as long or as big as I like, but I suppose it'll have to do." She said with apparent disappointment, running her hand up and down his length and then slipped another rubber ring around his length all the way to the base. The constricting shape held his length out and hard, keeping it from shrinking back down into the sheath. He was then lead him over to the large x-shaped cross. She turned him around roughly and forces him against the small padded front of the cross, pushing his arms to the top and kicking his feet apart to the legs, locking him in.

"You're going to like this part." she said in a husky whisper, pressing against him as she pulled the hem of her dress up. The lips of her cunt brushed the tip of his forced up cock and then she sank down slightly, enveloping him inside her. She squeezed his length with her insides, making him groan as she began grinding on him. She growled, her hips moving earnestness. Her efforts began rocking the cross and she planted her fit on the floor and held the top to keep it from moving. She was pressed against him hard, her nose touching his. She huffed through her nostrils and smiled as he began grunting. His eye were closed and he began to sigh through his gag as pain was slowly replaced with pleasure and then suddenly pain. His balls drew up on the ring, the skin retracting and the orbs with in closed down around. She laughed as he began screaming again, the muffled noise seeming to excite her. She groaned as she threw her hips down on him, sighing as her whole body pulsed with pleasure. She came on his prick and her trusts slowed, her hips gyrating. She murred and then began again.

Benjamin felt like his balls were about to fall off, the base of his cock felt like it was on fire. He had orgasmed twice now and the tight ring around his shaft held him closed, preventing him from flooding her insides with his seed. His cum seeped out of him though in slow rivulets of milky white, the load forced out slowly by the one behind it. After what felt like an eternity and two more orgasms, each one coming slower and weaker then the last and made his crotch throb his tormentor fianly relented. His head was foggy, mind spinning through the intense pain. He hung in defeat on the cross, sobbing softly, tears matted the fur on his cheeks. The cuffs on his ankles were opened first and when his wrists were released he fell forward. "Its getting late, but we have time for one more little bit of fun." She said, her feet in front of his turned face as he lay on the floor. "Up here." she whispered. He looked. He looked and wished he hadn't. Distra stroked the length of the strap on, the cock attached to the belt an odd shape he had never seen before. A solid length of soft material, as red as her scales, smooth but for the backward facing nubs on the bottom of the shaft. "Your first dragon cock, cast and molded from the real thing." She smirked sardonic as she dragged him by his wrists to yet another fixture. He was lifted and laid down belly first on a narrow padded board. His legs were seperated and pressed into shackles on other side of the metal frame. His wrists were bound behind his back and the D-ring of his collar latched to the junction of a y-shape at the front where two metal bars streched at a slanting ankle slightly forward on his head, bending away in opposite direction to form a set of wrapped bars. The purpose of this device became veary clear when both her hands gripped the bars and the thick shaft of the dragon cock strap on pressed up between his ass cheeks.

"Preaz...nor dat..." he whimpered, voice weak and even through the gag sounding hoarse.

"Shhh," she said. "I lubed it up, it should fit in nice...." she pulled her hips back, the slippery shaft flopping out strait and the tip pressed to his puckered hole "And easy." There was nothing easy about it as she slammed her hips forward, hilting the toy in a single stroke. His head shot up, eye wide open and pupils constricting to pin points as his ass was forced open wide. She held tight to the bars as she began to buck wildly against his screaming and writhing form. He cried out in pain, traying to twist and pull up, away. His form held to the frame by his neck and legs. She frunted with each forward thrust, a plug on the inside of the belt inside her pussy and pulling deliciously on her front wall, stroking her sweet spot. The back facing nubs were like stiff barbs that pulled back on his insides each time to pulled the cock back. His ass hole burned in the worst pain and violation he had ever experienced. She pulled her self forward by the bars, slamming the length back in and yanking it back sharply just behind the head of the dildo. " more...come one. One more." she was moaning as she rode his ass with every bit of strength she had left.

She reached down, pulling the ring off his shaft. Left over cum forced out of his length as it slid off, pushing it all out. "This is my favorite part." She said, nipping his ear as she leaned up over him, each thrust pushing the cock down. Each thrust and pull pressed on his prostate; a few more stroke and he moaned, forced to cum through an anal orgasms. His cock, mercifully, spurt freely. His load hitting the floor with just audible splatters. She continued pumping his back side until she began to shake, soaking the inside of the belt with her own orgasm. Pulling away slowly, she ahhed softly at how his ass gaped once empty. She spat into the open hole until he flexed, wincing, and slowly closed himself. His tail that had been thrust up out of the way now lowered swiftly, covering him self in a vain attempt at protection. He had expected to finally be released. He could hear her moving behind him, the jingling of the metal buckles that had held the belt of the strap on to her hips and legs. "Night" she said from a further distance away. The lights went out and the door snapped shut. He didn't even have the strength to whimper.

The next day, after an entire morning of more pain, torment, and humiliation, his mistress finally showed up at around noon to collect him. Before her arrival he had been dressed in a tight fitting sheer slave top, a silk transparent skirt hung from his hips as he was half lead half dragged on his knees to the front door. The range dragon was waiting in the door way, she looked down at him impassively as she took the leash from Distra. "I'll have the silks returned once home." she told the red dragoness, who smiled politely and told her to take her time. Nothing more was said as he was pulled into the carriage that waited them.

The inside of the carriage had once been a place of pain but now was a welcome sanctuary. Once inside he was ordered to bend over one of the benches and to spread his knees. Kelsura excersised care as she slowly worked the rubber ring from around the top of his balls. Urging him to remain still and calm as she gently and slowly worked one and then both his balls through the constricting circle. He breathed a sigh. The skin stung and a ring of velvet fur had been chaffed off, leaving him with a temporary reminder of the hell he had just been through. Kelsura tossed the ring out one of the windows, curling her lip as she did.

"What a nasty piece of work she is." She said, sitting next to him. He hadn't moved from the positing. She lifted his head soft and placed it in her lap, softly stroking her fingers through his hair. "She and Boreous both." He began sobbing again, never more happy to have a soft hand on him. He nuzzled into her lap, whimpering plaintively. He would lay down on the floor and lick her feet clean of every speck of dust if it meant never having to go back.

"Here," she offered, pulling his gag off. "Sit back, have a drink." she handed him a glass bottle. He took it, tilting it back on his lips and gauffed the water with in down so quickly he chocked. She took it from him, snatching it away quickly. He was allowed to have it back when he stopped coughing. "What happened...needed to happen" She sounded almost apologetic. He looked at her, blinking. She let out a frustrated sigh as she caught his chin on her hand, pulling him closer. The gold in his left eye was marred by red, a ruptured vessel leaking blood. "You were obviously not happy with how I treated you. I wanted you to see and to experience that there are dragons far worse than I. Boreous had his slaves killed and decorated because he had grown bored with them. Distra is a sadist and finds pleasure in torturing the only two she has. Both of them treat their slaves as mere objects. None of what they do or did is illegal...that doesn't mean I don't see it as wrong." she began pulling the silks away from him.

"Please..." he cried softly. His body was a mass of pain, a singular harsh throb with each beat of his heart. He was exhausted and simply wanted to lay down and sleep. Kelsura tilted her head, crossing her arms. Her expression hardening. "M-may I speak?" Her nostrils flared. "Mistress?" he added quickly. She raised a hand, waving him to continue, her look softening. "I'm never leaving, am I?" she shook her head and he gave a forlorn sigh, nodding. He looked out one of the windows, seeing the city slowly pass by. He remembered what Harp and Juno had said about Kelsura. Neither one of them held an ounce of fear or resentment toward the orange dragoness. Both of them sounded incredibly happy to be her slaves. If this was to be his home, if the rest of his life was to be at their mercy; now seeing just a small sample of the differences in attitude and opinion, he would rather it be at the mercy of a dragon who wouldn't have him covered in gold or violently raped when ever she grew horny.

"Mistress, are we going home?" She nodded, knowing he meant her home.

"Yes. The first thing you're going to do is bathe. You reek of rank sex and you smell too much of her."

"Lavender soaps?" he asked, trying to smile.

She just smirked as she pushed a foot to his mouth. He hesitated for only a brief moment before extending his tongue, lapping along the bottom. Heel to toe. He took the bottom of her heel in his hand, holding her foot steady as he turned his head to lap along the out side, tip dipping under between her little toe and the one next to it, drawing it into his mouth and sucking softly. He repeated with each toe and ran the rough pad down the inside and along her arch. Turning her foot down he ran his tongue from the tip of her toe in a long lick to her ankle. He finished and licked his lips, actually grateful for the taste of dirt and sweat. He found it far more palatable than the lingering taste of rancid, uncaring and painful debauchery.