What once Was...Ch 8

Story by RCtheFox on SoFurry

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#9 of Origins

Chapter 8 in the ongoing saga of R.C. Fox Origin series

What once Was... Chapter 8

*********WARNING!!! This story is intended for MATURE and RESPONSIBLE ADULTS ONLY*********

The two foxes continue to look around afraid to answer and find out what the other would think. R.C. wonders what he just did by asking and felt he may have done it too soon. Joey, on the other hand feels that he would never get this opportunity, then again starts to second guess if the fox is actually toying or being serious. They both eventually look at each other then look down at their own paws. R.C. looks up and starts the car. "Um...well let's uh go drive more, yeah. I think I kind of yeah.." He stutters. Joey looks over at the fox with sad eyes.

"R.C.? I'm sorry, but I have to say, yes!" He exclaims.

The fox next to him doesn't realize what the fennec said just before and continues to drive. "It's ok, I guess I rushed things and I didn't realize you are hurt man..." R.C. continues to ramble on as he drives down 48.

Joey interrupts the fox, "R.C. I said YES you dumbass!" and then grabs the fox's free paw on the gear lever and squeezes it. R.C. sits at the light and looks over at the fennec. A tear appears in his eye and he flips his paw over to grab the fennec's paw. He looks at his face closely. He begins to lean towards Joey, but then a honk startles him and he immediately drops clutch and takes off down 48.

Joey giggles as the startled fox next to him panics driving. He continues driving down attempting to calm down before he hits the main intersection. He then turns into the parking lot of the shopping center and parks the car. He then turns and hugs Joey best he can in the car. The two embrace for a few minutes tightly. He releases and sits back then turns his head at him, "Joey, you just made my night."

"I did? I think you honestly made mine." The fennec replies back. "I never knew that you actually thought about being in a gay relationship. I've always seen you and you act so straight and you always have some girl hanging from you."

"Well...I never gave it thought. I just happened to...well I find nothing wrong with it at all. I do find you quite attractive and cute." The fox blushes. "I guess I just...well..." he then looks down.

"Are you afraid?" Joey asks quickly. "I get that from you because you were so timid and worried."

R.C. nods sadly. "Yeah, I'm just afraid because I keep hearing all this bad stuff that happens. I don't know, I really want to be with you, but I don't want us getting hurt."

"R.C. you don't worry about that. It's changing out there and they're getting more accepting." Joey attempts to sooth the fox down. "If you want, we can start off down low. We don't have to be open in public until you're comfortable with it."

The fox looks back and nods with a smile on his face. "I think that may be best, I really want to feel more comfortable." He then looks outside. "Well, I guess we should eat, I am kind of hungry." He says spotting the Wendy's there.

"Yeah, I'm cool with that. I guess it can be a date then, ha-ha." Joey says getting out of the car.

The two head into the restaurant, order their food, and find a quiet spot in the corner. The two make quick time in finishing their orders and leave quickly. When they get back into the car, the fox then drives towards Renzie Park again which is not too far from where they just ate.

They arrive at the park together then they get out of the car. He walks over to Joey and grabs the fennecs paw. He looks at him feeling a little nervous, "Joey, I wanna walk with you please."

"Sure, is there something you want to talk about?" Joey asks while the two walk to the pathway.

"Well, I just want to make sure you're happy. I'm just happy to be with someone. I don't see anything wrong with it, and I feel quite comfortable holding your paw here." R.C. replies. He stops and lightly tugs on his paw. He looks down and pulls the fennec close into a tight hug. "Joey, I like you a lot! I hope I will be a great boyfriend for you. I'll try to make it work, just will probably take time for me to be more comfortable in public like I am now."

"I understand, I just really find you to be a great friend and someone I could see myself with for a long time." Joey says while continuing to walk on. "So, if I may ask, how did you get into producing events?"

"Well, I met a friend not too long ago at a party. I went and they saw me not dancing, but standing there observing things and stuff. Then Ron came over to me and asked why I wasn't dancing or looking like I was having fun. I told him that I feel I could improve upon events and went through a list of how I would do such. Apparently, I made an impact because he added me to the group and now I'm associating with FoD, SoulJazz and others." R.C. tells his story. "I also learned how to manipulate records and instruments to perform as well."

"I've seen and heard you perform, you're pretty good at track selection. I missed your tag set with DJ Blue when you had that guitar hooked up. That was pretty sweet dude." Joey says.

"Heh, thanks man. Yeah, I was sort of curious as a lot of our tracks are just basic and not as anthem like so far. I think that one guy who works with that awesome team that did those events at Crane Bldg down in the strip may want to perform. He usually has a keyboard as well." The fox adds to his story.

"So you think I could learn to DJ like you guys?" the fennec asks looking at R.C.

"Sure thing, it's not too difficult, but I recommend being able to count measures and beats in your head for your basic 4/4 tracks." R.C. says. "Breaks and 4/3 tracks start to get harder, heh."

"Oh but the guys always make it look so easy." Joey protests.

"It's just being able to do math and dancing to it. When you DJ, ask yourself if you could dance to it and keep it going." R.C. says. "Everyone train-wrecks at some point. It is a part of manipulating records. I guess what's kind of getting me is the new CDJ-2000s that are taking over where anyone can put all their tracks on a CD. Takes the fun out, but kinda is nice only having to carry a couple CDs of about 8-10 tracks each."

"Oh I didn't know." Joey replies. "But are they expensive?"

"Yes, I think the one guy in our group uses both CDJs and regular MK2s." R.C. adds. "He does that because he writes tracks himself and it is way easier and cheaper to burn a CD instead of going to a vinyl cutter and making a Dub-plate. Dub-plates don't last long, maybe 5 plays before it becomes very scratchy."

"R.C.? How do you know so much about this stuff at your age?" Joey asks.

"I just got into it. One thing about me is that I love to learn how things work. I go to shows and have to know how they run, I could care less about the show itself." The fox replies back. "Well, you can learn a lot from me I guess. So, what do you do?"

"Well, I help out with home nursing. I'm looking to get experience to get in the medical field. I work some weekend mornings and a couple evenings a week. It pays good though and I get credits." the fennec said.

"Nice!" Exclaims R.C.

"Yeah, when I finish this year, I hope to get accepted into medical school."

R.C. looks over and smiles. "Heh, you're better off than me so far. Ah well, let's keep walking"

The two continue walking down the path as the sky gets a bit darker. Joey notices this as they walk into an area with more trees and a bench. "Come here." The fennec whispers to R.C. as they make their way to the bench. They sit down right next to each other and hold paws occasionally looking at each other. Each one seems a bit nervous waiting for the other to make the next move. Joey looks over at the fox who appears to be a bit beside himself quite occupied. He squeezes R.C.'s paw tight and lifts it up. He then places his other paw on top of it which gets R.C. to look over. Joey takes advantage and gives the curious fox a kiss. R.C. responds back by pulling the fennec towards him into a loving embrace. The two lock lips again as they start a small make-out session on the bench. Joey starts to wrap tightly around the bigger fox pulling him closer as he adjusts himself to get a bit more comfortable. R.C. closes his eyes, and he lets himself get deep into the kiss as he runs his paws all over the fennec's back slowly and sensually. The two start murring lightly as the drive further deeper into the kiss. The fox starts to realize in his mind that he is attracted to the male that he's locked in a deep loving kiss with. A slight feeling of guilt then hits him and he breaks the kiss. He then looks down at his paws.

Joey notices and asks the fox, "I'm sorry, are you ok? I didn't rush you did I?"

"No, I just ...I don't know. I just feel weird I guess." R.C. struggles to answer Joey. "I have mixed feelings I guess."

"I understand. Am I your first guy because I get that and you're having issues realizing it. I'm not going to force anything on you. "Joey reassures the scared fox. "I must confess one thing, I really like you a lot and I would love to be your boyfriend. I just want to help you find your true self hun. It's hard to be open about who you like thanks to what everyone teaches you anymore. It sucks!"

"Joey, I am afraid. If others find out I'm dating a boy, I don't know what would happen. I really don't know." R.C. starts to cry.

"R.C. I'm sorry." Joey looks back concerned. "I feel bad that you're scared. I want to make this work out for both of us. Is there something I can do?" He asks while consoling the upset fox.

R.C. leans forward with a paw over his eyes. He then moves his free paw to Joey's lap and places it on his upper leg. "Give me a second please." He says lightly while fighting back tears. He wipes his eyes and then looks at the fennec. "I...I want you." He then hugs the fennec tightly leaning his face over his shoulder. "I think I could...love you." R.C then slips back and gives Joey a small kiss on his cheek.

It appears R.C. has calmed down a bit feeling his inner conscious become more encouraging to pursue the relationship despite what it has previously told him. The fox starts to feel the ever familiar warm feeling of love start to build up inside him that he experienced in the past when he begins a new relationship. He looks at Joey directly in the eyes. He then grabs both his paws and holds them. "Joey, I really think I want to go serious with you. It just feels right." He then looks at his watch. "I guess we should get going. It's getting a bit late if that's cool."

"Yeah, I don't want to get in trouble myself." Joey says. The two get up and attempt to find their bearings in the dark. "Well, may be a problem?"

"We'll find our way." R.C. says with confidence. "Can I hold your paw?"

Joey smiles and extends his paw out under the moonlight. R.C. grabs it and holds it. They make their way under the moon's reflection. As they walk along the path in their attempt to make it to the car, an unknown figure which has been watching the two starts to follow them from a distance. R.C. stops and looks behind him, but sees nothing.

Joey asks, "What's wrong?"

"I thought I heard something? Must've been the wind." R.C. said with some concern. "Yeah, let's get going, Feels nice being with someone closer to my height."

Joey giggles, "Let me guess, all your girlfriends were short?"

"Yeah, I'm 6 foot even right now, how tall are you?" The fox asks.

"I'm 5-foot 10, not quite up to your height hun." Joey giggles back.

Eventually, they get to the car, there is another car parked next to them, but they don't realize it. Getting in the car, R.C. drive back to Joey's house to drop off his new boyfriend. After they leave, the unknown figure gets in the car next to them and takes off laughing while following them.

Later on, R.C. arrives at Joey's place. R.C. leans over to Joey and smiles, "Joey, thank you for caring and being patient. It's a new experience for me and I'm a bit scared still, but I really like you and yeah. I like you a lot. Can I ask you one thing before you leave."


R.C. leans in and grabs Joey's head to pull him in for a kiss. The two lock lips for a good minute in their loving embrace. R.C. gets a bit lost, but Joey has to break the kiss. In Joey's mind, he knows R.C. is very true to his self about this relationship. R.C. looks at the fennec, "Bye, please text me later."

"I will for you!" Joey says as he closes the door and frolics back to to his house.

R.C. watches him frolic back knowing he made his day. R.C. then pulls away and makes his U-Turn. He passes the one car that was next to him and notices it also makes a U-Turn. R.C. gets a bit suspicious. As he drives away, he keeps an eye on his mirror for the squarish headlights which are now following him on 148. At the end, he notices the car is getting closer. He decides to make a left at the intersection. The car follows him into the 10th ward section of McKeesport. He drives slowly to avoid the police at the stop sign. The car behind him also drives slowly. He then decides to stop at the Marathon right before the Mansfield Bridge. He pulls up to the pump and gets out. The car pulls in behind him at the rear pump. R.C. pretends not to notice and walks in to purchase his favorite drink, Turner's Tea. He makes small talk with the cashier and prepays his pump wondering if the person in the car is doing anything. He then comes out and starts to pump gas and wash his windows.

He walks around the car as he cleans windows taking glances at the blue car behind him. He cannot see inside, but knows there's someone inside. Once he's done, he hangs up the pump and starts to drive. The blue car begins to follow. R.C. notices and begins to pick up pace as he crosses the mansfield bridge. The blue car keeps up easily. The fox thinks in his mind of possible routes that could confuse the car behind him. He then decides to go past the Bettis Labs plant and back down the other side knowing there's a dark path he can hide in easily. He makes his way to the bottom and heads right towards the Foodland. He then makes a left just before the old train bridge and kills his lights. He throws the car into low gear and uses the E-brake to stop the car without detection.

Moments later, he watches at the blue car drives past on the main road. He waits about 15 seconds and slowly turns around back towards the road. He looks across at the BP gas station and sees the blue car there facing perpendicular to the road. R.C. still keeps his lights off knowing that he could be detected easily. He sits there waiting patiently. He also sees his one friend's car parked at the gas station meaning she is working. He knows she's alone and calls her phone.

The phone rings twice and Eva, a small lynx picks up. "Hello Fox!" She says.

"Hey Eva, can you do me a big favor right now? Please?!?" R.C. Pleads

"Fox, you know I'm no into guys." She giggles

"I know, but I am." R.C. says. "But that's another story, right now I need your help!"

"What's up?" She says as R.C. notices a figure coming out of the blue car with a hood on.

"There's someone coming in, they've been following me and I'm trying to get away from them. Can you tell me who they are?" Asks the fox.

"Ok? I'll try. I'll call you or text you when I find out. You stay safe, ok hun?" She calmly replies.

"Thanks, see you!" the fox then hangs up and then starts to drive away once the figure enters the BP station. He makes his way home.

Moments later, he arrives at home and his phone starts to ring. He sees it is Eva and picks it up. "Hey!" R.C. says.

"R.C., you'll never believe who it was." She talks, "You know that big wolf, what's name, Jason or something?"

"Oh yeah? What's his deal?" R.C. inquires.

"He seemed quite frustrated and bought some cigarettes, he was on his cell phone talking about having to find something out." Eva said.

"Oh, I probably could guess what he's trying to do. It's related to what I told you when I last called you." R.C. says, "He's been trying to crack my secrets for a long time now, probably because I don't really do anything with them."

"Oh so, I guess you're gonna come out of the closet?" She asks.

"Well, I dunno about that. It's not that easy, I wish. I just got my first boyfriend today and I'm still scared." He replies back to Eva.

"Ha, I know you would. It's easy for me to be out as full lesbian, although I wish guys would quit hitting on me. Most of them always want a threesome. Although you'd be the only one I would bend for foxy." She flirts a little with the fox. "Perhaps you two and me?"

"Haha, I dunno, I guess if you invite your girlfriend as well, we can make a date then?" R.C jokes back.

"We'll see foxy. You're always nice to me, perhaps I can convince her for at least a double dinner date." She quips back. "Hey I gotta go get some work done, I'll talk to you at school tomorrow?"

"Yes, sure thing. See ya!" R.C. hangs up and then gets on his PC opening up his applications.

He sees Joey already on and begins a conversation window.

RC: Hey you! Skykid: oh hey! you made it home I see. RC: Heh, yes I did. Skykid: Good im glad you came and spend time with me RC:Yeah? Skykid: it meant a lot for you, im happy you are mine now RC: Heh Skykid: You are kinda cute in person RC: I'm still blushing and I guess I have to say thanks, you're cute yourself ;-) Skykid: Hehe so how you feel having a boyfriend honestly? RC: Eh, it doesn't seem too bad I guess. It's different, but I myself don't see anything wrong with it. Skykid: That's good. There isnt anything else? RC: I just have to work myself out, I'm just scared of what others are going to do. Skykid: Oh yeah? i never had problems yet RC: Just see too much on the news, but never hear much from this area. Pittsburgh is quite open and nice it seems. Skykid: Oh yah. RC: yeah but I honestly think things will change as times moves on. RC: Hey, I'm going to hit the sack, I'm quite tired. Skykid: Aww, well I should too *hugs* RC: Thanks guess we have a date still Thursday at Pegs? Skykid: Yes I almost forgot, hehe. I'll see you then? RC: Yes, I'll get you and go eat first ok? Skykid: Bye bye my boyfriend. RC: Nice to hear that honestly, bye MY Boyfriend.

R.C. then shuts down the program and gets up. He then strips down and walks to the bathroom to relieve himself. He then washes his paws and looks in the mirror. He then thinks to himself, "Two guys in a relationship? I'm one of them. I really don't see an issue?!? Why is it wrong? I feel loved to be honest..." He then makes his way back to the room and puts on some clothes for the night. He then thinks if he wants to rub himself then decides not to as he puts his headphones on, grabs his fox plushie and goes to sleep. Tomorrow is going to be a good day.

The alarms goes off at the normal time, R.C. gets up quickly feeling fully energized. He grabs his clothes and starts his morning routine. He makes sure his mother is awake before he leaves for school.

A few moments later, he arrives at school and makes his way to his usual waiting spot. There waiting, are two wolves, Jason and John. "Look, here comes the faggy fox now." Says on of them. R.C. ignores and stands there saying hello to the two. John drops a pencil, "You, pick that up." He says.

"You dropped it, sir. Why would I?" R.C. asks.

The two wolves surround the fox along the wall. "Bend over fox. I know you do for guys, fairy." Jason demands of the poor fox who is quite confused, but knows that one of them was there. "Come one, pick my pencil up or you're going to get it."

R.C. starts to lose patience. "Get what? What do you mean?" R.C. drops his bag and starts to ball his right fist.

"Aww look the cute little faggy fox wants to hit me." Jason looks at John and teases mocking the fox.

R.C. starts to get angry and slowly lifts his fist. He closes his eyes and awaits the moment...