Campion's Visitation

Story by Tristan Hawthorne on SoFurry

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#2 of Up on the Down

This is a story based on an Anthropomorphic Post Apocalyptic Adaptation of Watership Down I'm working on, Compiled of the Book, Movie, and TV show.


Campion had left Darkhaven in the dead of night. His only traveling companion his shadow cast from Inle's light, reminding him of who he now served. He entered the overrun park, his ears sweeping to hear if he was being followed, his black leather armor allowing him to silently blend into the shadows of the woods. He stopped occasionally to sniff. These woods held Elil and he did not want to stop tonight. He thought of his goal, where he was headed, and sped onward. Soon he saw where the forest had encroached into the old city. He followed this line uphill until he reached the crest. He looked about. One of these doors was the one he had staggered out of, half dead, a few weeks prior. He sniffed the air. There was the faintest catch of the scent of Rabbit. Campion smiled, following it until he saw it. The old facade was split by a giant beech tree breaking through the very brickwork, before branching out of the building. The roots were splayed widely and a gap between them came up to around chest level right in front of where the door had once been. There was an old sign, like one showing a pub, hanging from one point from its bar reading "The Lone Beech Tree" The irony of that old name was not lost on Campion. As he approached it, he noticed another sign, an older sign of metal that was nearly corroded away by grime and the elements. All that was left of it was "WA" "D" and an arrow pointing down. He looked at it inquisitively, before moving on to the doorway. The scent of Rabbit was coming from inside. He bent down and entered under the arch, before finding himself in an old pub. The place was totally deserted. He frowned, he did take notice in the fact that the barstools, chairs, tables, and even the bar had been removed. That may have been the work of Rats, however. They had swept through the city soon after its fall. He heard something behind him. He spun round to see Hazel stepping into a beam of moonlight. "Its true. You are alive!" Hazel launched himself, closing the space in between them quickly.

Campion found the young chieftain in his arms and for the first time in a long while he felt a smile creep across his disfigured face. "It is good to see you too, Hazel." He softly stroked the smaller rabbit's ears. "I bring tidings in these dark times."

The clouds shifted and Campion's face came into full light, showing his damage. Hazel gasped softly and reached a paw up to stroke the scarred furless flesh that made up a good deal of the left side of his face, seeing that his eye was permanently sealed shut. In addition to this, his left ear was torn severely. "You survive but not without a price." Hazel said softly.

Campion turned his head so that his whole side of his face faced Hazel, "I understand if you no longer want me the way you did before. I don't expect you to. I've come to tell you of the dang-" He felt Hazel's paw on his face again, gently turning his head to face Hazel head on.

"You think us at the Down are as shallow as that?" Hazel stood up onto his tiptoes and kissed Campion on the lips. "Your beauty lies within, Campion, in your strength and your love."

"Hazel, I-" Campion started again.

Hazel had placed a finger on Campion's lips, "Shhhhh... We're together again, my Captain." Hazel used the old term of endearment, reminding Campion once more of his old life and his new purpose, but he softly exhaled and held Hazel closer. Hazel pressed his paws against Campion's chest gently, feeling the defined muscles under the black leather, before making their way to the straps holding the armor on, slowly tugging the buckles free and removing one piece of Campion's shell at a time. Campion could smell the other buck's excitement as he stripped him down. Campion cooperated in a daze, moving his arms so that his braces and gauntlets could be removed.

Soon all that was left of the armor on Campion was his leather codpiece covering his undergarment. Campion let out a deep murr and a moan, feeling his own length straining against the black leather. Hazel smiled and removed his own more simple clothes, soon standing naked before Campion in the cool moonlight, his member already most of the way to being erect. Campion beheld his love, tracing his supple yet lithe form caressed by the moonlight, as if instructing him on what to do next.

Campion reached behind himself and deftly undid the strap holding his codpiece on, letting it fall to the floorboards with a low thunk. Hazel looked over his male, glad that his body was still as strong and muscular as before the accident. A few scars were scattered throughout his coat, but on the whole he was intact. Hazel's eyes widened at the sight of the bulge in the cloth underwear Campion now stood in. It seemed larger than last time!

Campion strode over to Hazel, seeing his cock stiffen the rest of the way upon looking at his bare body. He slid his large paws around Hazel's hips and whispered in his large ear, "I must warn you, dear one, That I have been touched by the Black Rabbit"

Hazel cupped the heavy package with one paw, "He can molest me all he wants if this is what it does..." He slipped his other paw into the waistband and pulled down the offending garment, releasing the beast between the larger buck's thighs, swinging out to slap against Hazel's lower thigh. He gasped and fell to his knees, lifting his arms to cradle the still flaccid and growing cock. The thick shaft throbbed with Campion's heartbeat as it grew in the young chieftain's arms, pressing against his neck and chest. Hazel scooted forward, feeling it rub in his chestfur, before pulling it around to rest on his shoulder. He licked the shaft softly, getting a moan out of his lover. He leaned back on his knees, stroking the cock as it grew thicker and harder, moving more upright. Campion gasped as he felt Hazel's warm tongue tracing along the underside of his cock. He reached down to pet the smaller buck's ears lovingly as he tended to Campion's maleness. Hazel gently pulled away from the massive shaft, "Mmm... I need this in me..." He turned around and got onto his paws and knees, lifting his tail up invitingly.

Campion felt his cumslit leak a bit of pre from the very sight of Hazel's exposed tailhole. He got ready to mount the smaller buck, before pausing. "Are you sure you can take me?"

Hazel looked over his shoulder at Campion's third leg. "Well, either I'll be crying out in pleasure or you can curse Inle for your massive cock when he comes for me." Hazel said in a playful tone, wiggling his bunny butt. Campion still looked worried as he pressed his preing cockhead up under Hazel's tail, and the thin buck's gasp at the initial pressure did not help his worrying. "Don't worry, love, I can take it." Hazel pressed his hips back, his tailhole stretching as his thick cockhead popped in audibly. Campion chuured deeply at thee familiar warmth of Hazel's insides and leaned over him, starting to thrust into the smaller buck. Hazel gasped, feeling inch after inch of thick shaft sliding into him. He bucked back his hips to get more of it inside himself. He felt pre get squirted in himself and he felt more loose, more able to cope. He muured and bucked back again. Campion groaned at Hazels motions, pressing deeper again. Soon he found himself hilted in Hazel, his heavy balls pressed up against Hazel's smaller but still respectable sac. They stayed like that panting nearly in unison for only a few moments, but they seemed to stay there forever. Campion gently pulled back with a soft squelch, before thrusting forward again, moaning out. Hazel dug his claws into the floorboards, letting his body be owned by the mass in his bowels. "Oh Frith, yes! Take me Campion! Fill me with your seed!"

Campion gasped for air, thrusting harder into Hazel's thin frame. "I will, love..." He panted. His hindclaws made tracks in the floorboards from his hard thrusts. They felt the boards rattling beneath them, but did not care. Hazel felt a burning build up behind his balls. He cried out and his cock sprayed his spunk out all over the floor beneath them. His tail hole clenched reflexively around the thick thrusting shaft. Campion shuddered before hilting, his cock pumping thick rabbit cum into Hazel.

They stayed together for a moment, before they both fell onto their sides in a gentle embrace. They panted softly in afterglow, close together. After a moment Hazel spoke, "I want to cuddle facing you..." He pulled himself tenderly off of Campion's cock, holding his bowels shut tight so as not to leak all over the place, and turned around, scooting into Campion's warm embrace. They nuzzled softly until they both fell asleep.


The next morning, Hazel found himself in his own bed, Fiver sitting on the edge of his cot, staring at him. "Morning Hrairoo." Hazel called Fiver by his Lapine name, "Er..."

"No, you didn't dream last night." Fiver answered before Hazel could ask, "Yes you had sex with Captain Campion." Hazel blushed. "I woke up around Ni-Inle and found you two cuddling with the smell of sex everywhere. I woke Campion and he helped me clean up and carried you down to bed. I then sent him back to Darkhaven so he would get back before he was missed."

Hazel smiled and pat Fiver on the head, "You did well, little brother."

Fiver looked to one side, "There's two things you should know, Hazel. They were the other reasons Campion came here."

Hazel furrowed his brow, then remembered that Campion had tried to say something the night before. "What is it?"

"Woundwart has taken chieftainship of Darkhaven, and he brought Silverweed with him." Fiver said, barely above a whisper. "As of now, Blackberry is in no immediate danger, but she will be interrogated, according to Campion. I know not if they will use Silverweed to probe into her mind or not, but still, we need to be extra careful."

Hazel looked as if he had been kicked in the face. They were all in mortal danger and he had acted like a total slut to the one trying to help. He sighed and laid back down for a moment. "Was there anything else?"

"No, Hazel." Fiver figited. He looked at his older brother, seeing the guilt wash away into the determination that made him chieftain of Watership Down.

"Call a meeting in the Honeycomb, Fiver." Hazel sat up and began to dress himself. "We must be prepared."

"Yes," Fiver said moving toward the door. He stopped at the door and respectfully bowed his head, "Hazel-Rah."


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