Featherheads: ...Are Why We Can't Have Nice Things

Story by Winter Raptor on SoFurry

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#4 of Featherheads

With the three-chapter-long sex scene concluded, this story can move on! So, what happens when a naked, foreign avian and a troublesome raptor come across other travelers?News!: Want to see a picture of Kenki? Check out her character profile!This chapter's sexual agenda: - Female Feral Raptor solo

  • Male Human x Female Anthro Avian

The sun had moved a couple more hours by the time they had at last cleared the humid jungle core, entering a large clearing. Far off in the distance, the jungle resumed, but signs of civilization were seen in the form of a stone road splitting the clearing right down the middle. Making their way through the tall grass, the small raptor had nearly disappeared, only the tip of her tail sticking up as she took point several seconds ahead of them.

Uneventfully reaching the road, the sound of two leather shoes and four bird feet clacked along the stone laden Crown's Road, its carved tiles the work of countless constructs laboring for decades. Weathered stone pillars stood every hundred paces, each hosting an artificial, arcanic flame to provide light should it be needed. Bobbing her crest in wonder, Kenki spoke. "It is most impressive, this river of stone. To try and achieve something such as this in my world would surely only lead grievance and death," she commended, lifting her crest half mast as her eyes followed the highway off into a distant bend.

He gave a nervous smile at her praise at first. Wanting to get to know her a little better, he prodded her to go on. "The more you tell me about Morinia, the worse it sounds. Is that why you left?"

"Back your words, dear Finley, for I have never claimed this."

"Right," he nodded, staring down and avoiding stepping on the cracks, "This pilgrimage of yours."

"If that is what you wish to call it," she only said, tilting her head a bit.

"Will you ever share with me your burden?" he asked the obvious question, still unclear on why Kenki only wished to follow him around.

"Oh Fin, my poor beak has not the words to describe this journey with but a simple answer," she oddly answered, turning to look towards him. Wanting to steer the conversation elsewhere, she directed the attention back onto the human. "Tell me, lovely, are you still so ruffled by the power of lust?" she asked, citing the human's aroused state all day. Her keen avian eyes fell down to his waist where her question was pointlessly asked.

Without words, his expression clearly said, "Do I look like I'm better?" He shook his head and smirked, recalling last night with better clarity now that Kenki had helped his memory. His libido felt as though it had become unsealed, and where he had once only had the occasional, healthy desire for sex, now he was only wondering and waiting when the next time would be, like some sort of addict. Wandering eyes kept an impure gaze on Six every time she bent over to nose at something, and the naked Kenki within arm's reach was just as bad. He grinned and began to chuckle, "This is fate getting back at me," he nodded, recalling a tale for a silent moment. "Back in the guild, a friend and I once tricked our peer into drinking a nasty concoction sold by a traveling merchant. Poor kid was so horny he, eh...," he trailed off with a nervous cough.

Kenki listened, interested pique. "Share on," she prodded.

Cheeks glowing red at the hole he buried himself into, he figured he might as well finish. "Oh...well he sneaked into the bestiary wing and...," he paused, eyes shifting about. "Gave the gryphon hens a time to remember, I'm sure. It's funny, back then I was repulsed by the notion. But now, not far from being in his shoes, a gryphon...," he cut himself off, and suddenly pursed his lips, thinking he may have over spoke. "Apologizes, Lady Kenki, I've said too much."

They walked in silence for an awkwardly long time, until Finley looked up at her, only to see her looking back. "W...what it is? Why are you looking at me like that?"

"Does a gryphon arouse you, Finley?" she asked. Her tone was difficult to discern, as if it could have been intrigue, or shockingly offended.

He stalled, eyes shifting away. "No," he replied flatly. He could feel the strongest sense of Kenki staring at him closely. Very closely, as if analyzing his very soul. It lingered on and on, until he couldn't take it any longer, and he turned to look back at her. Just as he suspected, she was staring at him with piercing, studied eyes, picking away as his conscious without saying a word. "...M...maybe a little," he cracked, speaking softly.

Ever the voyeur, Kenki smiled just the slightest, and was curious to see how far the human would confess his standards. She nodded, "A most curious development. What of a deinon, would that arouse you as well?" she asked, citing another form of raptor.

He felt himself flushing again as the avian kept poking at the borders of his comfort zone. "A deinon..." he considered. It would essentially be a man-sized version of Six, except that they did not usually speak as she did, which begged the question of acceptable levels of sapience. He would have normally said no, but now..."Any port in a storm, as the saying goes," he gave her a devilish smile.

Kenki smiled a bit more, and kept lowering the bar, "Any port? Hm, what of a goat?" she tried.

Finley just chuckled, and declined himself from entertaining the idea. "Come on Kenki," he tried to downplay her question.

She lifted her crest as she bent her neck forward to study the human's face. A subtle guilt and redness only discernible to her keen eye gave her the answer she sought, no words needed. She let out an conclusive exhale and fell back into formation, considering this for awhile. Her companion had been horny all day, but was that normal? That stressful feeling of guilt flared up in her once again, replacing her playful teasing with feelings of accountability and discipline. As she stared at Six, an idea began to brew in her mind. "Curious, Fin, a chirping in my mind wonders if these desires are your own..." she said in a scholarly tone, then looked away, off into the sky.


Kenki whistled for Six's attention, and signed a few gestures. Finley didn't get a translation, but whatever she said, caused the raptor to become spooked and attempt an escape, running forward. After getting a few strides head start, he suddenly saw Kenki move swifter than anyone he's ever seen, lunging forward a couple of tall steps and scooping the raptor up. "Onk!" she honked in protest as her bird-like legs continued to run in place, being lifted, as if stubbornly trying to move forward. With the giant wing around her body, her back was pinned up against Kenki's chest, and she resigned her struggle to defeat, showing off a pouty face.

"Calm your crest, little one, it will return to you," Kenki assured the raptor as she liberated Six of the ethereal goggles around her neck. Whining, the raptor's little winged hands reached for it as it was taken away from her, briefly holding on but overpowered by the larger bird. Kenki set the raptor down and held a lenses up to her eyes. The world before her became a black and white blur, barely able to make out its features. Down below, she saw one grumpy veloc and her own lower body, fuzzy forms of themselves, represented by a light grey. Turning to Finley, the human was grey as well, but a few shades blue.

Finley arched his eyebrow as he noticed what happened, quite surprised in learning that not even Kenki could control Six. A part of him was relieved, as he now didn't feel so singled out, though another part of him worried that Six was more chaotic than he realized. Wondering why Kenki wanted to view an ethereal projection, he asked "What are you looking for? See anything?"

Kenki replied by pursing her beakish lips together, returning a hard to read expression for fleeting instance before tossing the toggles back down to the raptor. Six clutched the goggles tightly to her breast and ran off in retreat, keeping her distance as she took point a ways down the road.

"Hey, I wouldn't mind you giving those back, you know," he frowned as it was returned to the wrong owner.

She turned away, not answering him, and resumed walking. Finley was orally prodding and poking at her from the side, demanding an explanation, but she wasn't listening, drowning him out as she pondered her theory for a long while.

"Hello? Kenki? Hey! What's wrong," his words came back into focus as he reached out and tugged her wing.

A potential solution began to formulate in her feathery mind, stopping once more. Without replying yet, she extended her left wing and searched along the upper arm, parting her feathers. Finley took a step ahead to watch, and noticed she had a jeweled, silvery arm band hidden under her long feathers. Watching as she delicately touched it, her hand left it a few seconds later, holding a small jar containing a clump of alien looking roots soaking in their own juices.

"Well, you're just full of secrets now aren't you," he told her, understanding her use of the void space accessory. "Was wondering where you pulled that little bottle from last night, I was sort of afraid to ask," he chuckled, grinning. "So what's this?" he asked.

She turned to face him, and hunched over more to present him the jar. "Kasem. The flock prepare this for our Gejara... warriors... to counter illusory deception," she spoke solemnly and paused, giving him a vivid sorry expression, crest flat and eyes tired.

Taken aback by how she was looking at him, he stuttered as he curiously took the jar. "Kenki? W...what's wrong?"

With the direct question, heavy throws of guilt began catching up with her, sapping her strength, both mentally and physically. The realization of how exhausted she was suddenly weighed heavy along her frame, as though her fortitude had suddenly tripped over itself due to this distracting conversation. She let out a long sigh and drooped her shoulders, then turned around and slowly walked over to a nearby roadside pillar. Hearing herself pant, demanding rest, she leaned against the pillar and slid down onto her bottom. Though Finley was giving her a concerned look, she resumed the conversation about him instead. "Oh Finley, I extend my wing of sincerest apology to you, truly" she explained and let that sink in before continuing. "Bust my beak, for I have swore upon it that I would not cast ill upon you again, and I have broken that promise to satiate my own desires. I see... a resonance within you. It does not belong."

While he certainly noticed something was physically distressing Kenki, her statement was demanding greater attention at the moment. He considered this, focusing inward. There were a lot of questions and few answers. "Kenki, I don't know what you're talking about. Countering 'illusory deception', huh? What, am I under some sort of illusion? And what resonance?" he cocked his head, confused, and took a few steps closer to her. After he didn't get a response right away, he added, "Hey, are you alright?"

Ignoring his last question, she shook her head. "I speak of no illusion, friend. However, just as illusion may trick the body into behaving wrongly, your body appears to resonate with an unnatural energy. My worries that your being manipulated to sate my desires cry a squawk of truth. Your burden is my doing," she explained, looking him in the eyes at first but then dropping down to the road towards the end. "Kasem calms the nerves, and will put your mind at ease. Drink only the juice," she instructed, though her voice had lost its usual lilting accent, now just seeming hallow.

The afternoon air hung quiet as he processed her theory, only the noise of Six's scratching and nosing about down the road to be heard. Returning a serious, still gaze, he sighed, confessing to himself that it his arousal had lingered for a suspiciously long time now, and that she may be right. He smirked, "Some adventure. I walk this road all the time... was supposed to be uneventful and boring."

Pausing, he looked down at the depressed looking avian. She had always looked so composed, and was perky just moments earlier. Wanting to cheer her up, he continued, "Hey, don't get your feathers all ruffled up over a little arcanic blunder. It happens to the best of us. One time I showing off how compressed air could create music, and I got a little overzealous and ended up breaking my friend's arm. Anyway, if what you say is true, I'm sure I'll be back to normal soon. Besides, it's not like I'm suffering or anything. It's kind of fun, if anything," he said as he held up the kasem and studied it, swirling it around. "This stuff is supposed to calm my nerves? Silly bird, here in this world we just use booze for that."

Still not getting much of a response from her, he went on. "Hey this isn't another one of your crazy sex drugs is it?" he joked, though she just looked up at him with betrayed eyes. "Joking, joking!" Quickly aborting his sense of humor and extending his trust, he opened the jar, and downed the juice. "Phew, now that's dirt," he said, smacking his lips and making a sour face. Though the deed was done, Kenki continued to rest, not budging. Finley walked over to her side and sat down next to her, legs crossed, taking advantage of the serene environment. As he handed her back the jar, he noticed the rising and falling of her chest. "You never answered me...you doing alright? You look winded."

He watched as Kenki unhooked her water flask and quench her thirst, and then refill the jar. She remained quiet for awhile longer, passively meditating and trying to pull herself back together. "Your words are kind," she only said.

Finley's eyes ran along the ground, thinking. "For what it's worth, I forgive you. I mean, no hard feelings, right? It was well intended," he said, and already he was feeling some early effects of the medicine, allowing him to think with a lesser distraction.

She lifted her crest a little and turned to face him, locking eyes with a subtle smile. It helped, and she closed her eyes again and let out a long exhale, deciding to finally address his question. "This world's heavy pull tires me, and..."

"And...? You shouldn't have eaten those poisonous berries," he finished for her in a told-you-so tone.

She shook her head, "No, that is not it. After you fell asleep, the dove and I ate lordenberry extract. I trust you are familiar?" she asked as she met eyes with him again.

He raised an eyebrow, processing that. The peculiar medicine was meant to address mana sickness, which resulted in consumption of magically spawned substances, usually desperate people trying to manifest food. The resulting sickness, even with the medicine, outweighed any benefit, much like drinking salt water for thirst. And then it struck him a moment later what sort of "food" she was referring to, arousing a chuckle out of him. "Mmmhmm, I see...not something most people carry with them unless they were planning on it. You thought this through, you naughty bird," he teased.

"Truly, it was but one of many medicines I store in the void to lend aid when my wing cannot," she explained as she lifted her arm up, showing off her accessory. She then pressed the kasem jar back into it, wisping away into a black cloud of nothingness.

"Kenki, I gotta ask you...do you honestly have fools eating magic where you're from, or were you planning on this from the start?" he prodded her once again, heavily laced in skepticism.

"Birds always prepare for the unknown storms beyond the horizon, dear human," she returned a smile, only answering vaguely.

"Hmm," he hummed, staring back at her in study. A part of him was beginning to question if this whole pilgrimage's innocence, prompting him to press the subject. "I'm starting to think you're here trying to escape your order's rules, specifically the ones regarding sex."

Kenki seemed quite amuse by the accusation. "Your wisdom falls short, dear Fin, for if that was true, you would have never left the cliffs this sun. Not with this feather on top of you," she lidded her warm eyes.

He felt himself salivating somewhat towards her words, and huffed. "You're not helping, you know," he squirmed about.

Her crest lowered again, as if she had only just now realized she slipped a tease. "A chirp too many, friend," she apologized.

Still, her order's rules pained him the longer he thought about it. With a sour face, he asked, "What's the Terioxan order have against sexual relations anyway?"

Kenki went quiet, turning away. Off in the distance, coming around the bend, she spotted a saw a couple of oncomers. "A conversation for another time, perhaps," she aborted, motioning a wing forward to redirect Finley's attention.

"Ip!" chirped Six, down the road a ways. She stood tall, tail pointed straight behind her as she watched the oncomers with wide, alert eyes. Doing her duty, she turned tail and scampered back to them. "Ip ip!" she alerted them as she circled around, clicking her sickle claws to the stone, as if they didn't already know.

"Be calm, sweet dove, we are in a peaceful land," Kenki spoke to Six, though Finley only saw her gesture a single sign.

Finley would have liked to resume this conversation, but as he held a hand to his brow and squinted, a groan escaped him after making out a couple red foxes. "Just our luck...a couple of spiteenies," citing how this would not be a simple polite nod as they passed one another.

"Danger?" she only asked, tilting her head.

"No," he said with a long exhale, rubbing his eye with precognitive irritation. "No, they just like to talk. And talking is not what we need. Not what you need," he noted. "Just let me deal with them," he said as they stood back up.

With Six having rejoined them, Finley looked her over. Squeezing in one last question before the encounter, he asked, "Hm, Six seems fine for someone with mana sickness," he asked.

"As like many creatures, doves mask their ailments well," she explained.

As their forms began to become more well defined in his vision, Finley looked over at Kenki and let out a disappointed gawk in reaction to how she was holding herself. Though she was mostly back to normal now, Finley could still make out her femininity slightly peeking out of her plumage. "For crying out loud, Kenki, will you put a wing over yourself, they're getting close," he complained.

Kenki mentally rolled her eyes, but went hand over hand, forming a shield of pinions over most of her exposed body. Finley gave an approving nod, as this at least disguised that fact that she wasn't wearing anything from the waist down. Although her being naked only made up a fragment of his concerns, hoping that the strangers wouldn't immediately recognize her race.

Resembling feral red foxes, but with slightly longer legs and a stubby, upright build, the duo approached. At half the height, but traveling just as fast, their legs moved with a quick, perky gait, illustrating their energetic personality. Finley looked them over as they approached within shouting distance. Presumed to be mated, and both wearing chest revealing open vests, the male had a needle like rapier at his hip, while the female wore a crossbow on her back. Behind them was a convey of three glossy black, hovering disks, each carrying several small crates or bags.

"Greetings greetings travelers!" the male greeted them with a flailing wave, canine snout permanently locked into a suspicious smile.

The female immediately followed up, "Hiya!" She slowed down, and along with her companion, she began giving the trio a closer observation.

Finley lifted a waving hand, about to address them both before before he was cut off by the male. "Wonderful weeping wyverns, what is that thing?!" pointing to Six.

"Oh! Forget the combat goose," the female elbowed him, then pointed to Kenki, "Look at the size of that beak face! She's a beast of a bird!"

"Hah, we'd need a third just to stack up!" he replied with a highly accelerated accent, then ending with a matching rapid, pitchy laughter.

Already disobeying her instructions, Kenki lifted a clawed finger up to her beak in self reflection. "Hm, I suppose I do have a beak for a face..." she thought out loud, as though she had never considered this before.

Finley turned to give Kenki a scolding face as she immediately blew her cover story, but he was still denied a turn in dialog as the male spoke up again. "I'm Jyn!" he introduced himself, bumping a fist to his chest proudly.

"And I'm Wincy!" she announced long and theatrically, holding out her arms.

"Merchant extraordinaires, at your service! Hey, where yous all headed? Bleak Rock? I bet it's The Rock!" Jyn asked.

The pair of spiteenies finally paused, though their demeanor remained active as ever as they twitched their long ears and whiskers, fluffy tails whipping all about behind them. Not much appreciating them making a spectacle over his companions, and trying to get a word in to take control of the conversation, he quickly replied, "First of all, that 'combat goose' is a veloc named Six. Second, this 'beak face' is Kenki, and I'm Finley," he introduced everyone accordingly. "No, we're not heading to Bleak Rock, but--"

"Yes yes, it's mighty dangerous back that ways, the ildin out in number now!" Wincy loudly butted in, waving a finger around.

"Meddlesome rats, all over! All over!" Jyn agreed with no shortage of body language.

"Almost got us, theys did."

"Mm mm, but theys no match for Mighty Jyn!"

Wincy made a barking yap in protest, ears falling flat. "'Mighty Jyn' my tattered tail, you didn't even do anything you sorry sack of fleas!" she argued, turning to face him with a frown.

"Did too!"

"I shot them alls, every last one!" she claimed, poking him in the chest to the rhythm of her words.

Finley frowned, quickly losing his patience, and Kenki and Six just tilted her heads in awe as they watched the yapping couple bicker. "Excuse me!" he interrupted them, stepping forward. "What's all this about about ildin?" he asked, interest now piqued as they offered some useful information.

Jyn nodded enthusiastically as he took a step towards the human. "Is true, yep yep! But not those mangy brown ones no no no. This...this swarm is as bushy and white as the clouds, and meaner than a bag of bumblebees! Mm, maybe thinking theys--"

"What!?" Wincy cut in, taking a step up to Kenki and around to her side, looking at her closer as she saw the sides of Kenki's naked hips. "Hey Jyn! This talking chicken is as naked as a pair of tongs! Naked!" she proclaimed, arm as extended as it could be in point.

"Really?" Jyn's voice was dripping with curiosity as he abandoned his conversation with Finley step into a better point of view.

"Talking chicken...?" Kenki wobbled her crest, putting no effort into preventing the foxes from flanking her, simply maintaining her placid and pacifistic state.

Finley, on the other hand, was growing a bit red in the face. "Whoa whoa whoa, back off. She's not a spectacle, you two..." he cut himself off in censorship, trailing off with an irate grunt and wedging himself inbetween them and Kenki in block, holding his arms out.

Wincy fought back a few giggles but also looked upset, as if torn on how to react. She looked up at the tall bird and asked, "Hey lady, why ya' letting the human parade you around? Oh! You're not a slaver are you? You pervert!" Wincy scolded him, waggling her dainty finger to him and making gross assumptions.

This conversation was going about exactly as Finley predicted, and he frowned and fired back, "No, do I look like a slaver?" he replied in a cocky tone.

"Calm your whiskers Wincy," Jyn piped in before Finley could explain, taking his mate by the shoulder and pulling her back a step. "I've half a mind to do the same to you," he teased and implying some jealousy as he looked up at Finley with an unspoken man-to-man understanding.

Drowning out the yapping bickering that spawned from the crude tease, Finley noticed Kenki was looking at something. Following her gaze into the background, much to his horror he saw Six, who had abandoned the conversation to instead satiate her kleptomania, nosing about the cargo on one of the hovering disks. Her long, pointed snout sunk itself into a loose bag and extracted a grapefruit-sized, polished bronze sphere. With a mind worn thin by the bickering duo, he only had a moment to process this realization, trying to come up with a reaction. But the pestering words of an impatience fox interrupted his thoughts, demanding focus, before he could take any action, forcing him back into dialog.

"Hm?...hey....hey!" Wincy kept yapping towards him, and he suddenly gasped, returning his focus to the conversation, eyes wide open and blushing with second-hand guilt.

"I'm sorry, what?" he asked, missing their last few exchanges.

"I asked ya' what happened!" she asked, impatient as ever.

"Dids ya' get robbed? Are the roads unsafe?," Jyn chimed in, stepping forward, just as eager for some useful news.

"Huh? Oh... yeah. Back in the... jungle," he gave a distracted reply and stretched the truth a bit to form a convenient excuse, though his eyes kept shifting into the background. Six waddled slowly across the street with her wings subtly held out for balance, maw wide open and tilted up as she awkwardly carried the strange metal sphere. Guilty, nervous sweat began to bead up on his brow. He didn't know what to do. If he tried to stop her, he knew Six would run off, and only alarm the foxes to what happened.

"Stick to the road, stick to the road, stick to the road, stick to the road, that's what they always tells ya'! Serves ya' right! Not a coin on ya'? That's a shame, yes yes it really is!" Jyn replied, then turned around to look at his convey just as Six disappeared into the tall grass. "Lotta nice things we coulda' sold ya'! Ivory lined belts, wool robes, leather robes, silk robes, cookware, dinnerware, flatware, metalware, silverware, stoneware, earthenware, tinware, glassware, tableware, and other wares I'm unaware. Maybe even a toy for your pet," he motioned to each crate as he made his pitch, then turned back around to point at Six right as she slyly rejoined her allies. "Even got some toys for you and your feathery lady friend here," he spoke sideways to Finley and gave a suggestive wink.

Finley rubbed his forehead as the fox rambled and made wild assumptions, and upon seeing Six return to Kenki's side, he wordlessly cursed at her. She had allegedly hid her loot in the grass, there and back without any suspicions, as though she knew exactly what she was doing. Worse, she even appeared to be actively trying to be cute, returning a feral smile as the fox pointed at her, lifting her crest and letting out a subtle chirr.

As much as he would have wanted to clarify on a number of particulars, right now he only wanted to terminate this encounter and move along. "Right," he said conclusively. "Well, like you said, no money, so, I needn't waste any more of your time," he said while trying to subtly edge past them before Six pulled another stunt, or before they had any more time to determine what Kenki was.

Kenki seemed a bit spaced out and unfocused on her surroundings during the conversation, but she suddenly snapped back to it. "Oh foxkin, you ruffle the crest of curiosity. Tell me, these ildin of white, did they make use of curved blades?" she asked for confirmation.

"Curved? Yep yep! Seen them, have ya'?" he perked up.

"As the wind blows, I have," she nodded calmly, though she seemed to be talking more to herself as she looked off into distance.

"Then yous should know what to expect," he replied, then looked back to Finley, noticing him try to proceed past them. "Welp, best of luck, friends. Stick to the roads!," he nodded, and motioned for Wincy to part.

Finley nodded in confirmation and took his arm around Kenki, trying to her coax her to keep moving. "Thanks for the heads up!" he said as they passed by.

Six, however, wobbled her crest curiously, head twitching back and forth between the two groups as she fell behind her companions. The pair of foxes gave her a curious look as they walked past her, and the magical humming of the cargo disks tailed the merchants as if they were on an invisible tether. "Irp?" she chirped curiously, extending her neck forward to watch the strange transports with an utmost interest. As the two groups separated, she stood tall, and watched as Kenki and Finley were going on without her. "Ip..." she cheeped quietly, turning to face the oblivious merchants again.

Assuming that Six was just behind him, and distracted by the recent dialog, he looked up at Kenki. "Nice, they didn't recognize you. But, what was that all about regarding the ildin? Did you two come across some already?" he asked. It wouldn't have been too surprising, as the rat-like race was a public enemy across all nations, and all planes. But he was more curious at Kenki calling out a specific sect.

She nodded, looking straight ahead, replying, "The small fox speaks of the Jargathi clan. While I have not laid eyes on any here, they are truly quite the local mischef for my flock back home," she explained.

He furrowed his brow in thought, piecing together the correlation and recalling lessons on interplanar travel. Those who practicing plane hopping would often cite that it needed to be done during specific windows of opportunity, lest you end up porting yourself over an ocean. Kenki's being here would suggest such a window had made itself available. "Hmm, seems you brought along a few stowaways," Finley concluded, rubbing his chin.

"Your wisdom may ring the bell of truth, this time, dear Finley," she replied, turning a gaze towards him. "The alignment between our regions was inevitable, and the Jargathi expand their influence at any given opportunity."

Finley lifted a finger to reply, but was cut off by a sudden fox-like yipping behind him. "Eh?" he turned around, and promptly gasped in horror.

Instead of seeing Six right behind him, she was instead holding her wings out like a pair of sails, riding one of the hover disks. "Onk onk!" she honked in alarm as her illicit ride veered out of formation off to the side, scraping along the stone road due to the raptor perched on its edge, throwing it out of balance. The arcanic device began to let out a loud, magical thrilling whine as it increased its power, trying to stabilize itself, but instead only causing it to swiftly sweep across the road and into the tall grass.

As the pair of alert foxes hustled after the misguided disk, with no shortage of protesting yaps and exclamatives, the invisible, ethereal tether snagged the two other disks it was connected to, jolting it with enough force to coax then to follow Six into the grass.

"Oh fates have mercy, what is that featherhead doing?!" Finley gawked, grabbing two fistfuls of his dirty blonde hair as he could only watch.

Jyn and Wincy both took hold of the disk closest to them and pulled it back forcefully. Off in the tall grass, the wide eyed veloc began flapping her wings as the whining disk suddenly jolted her forward with a halt, but the disk only twisted sideways and pushed itself in another direction. Six wobbled her crest, seeing the mountains off in the distance spinning around and around as the disk spun out of control. Stubborn and persistent, she found better footing up on the disk, causing it to push itself sideways back towards the road.

Within a few seconds, Six emerged from the tall grass, demonstrating a surfing stance upon the disk as it scraped and bounced along the stone tiles. "Mreee!" she let out a playful whistle, enjoying herself with an amused expression and oblivious to the cargo that was tumbling off the disk with each bounce.

"Turn it offs, off off off!" Jyn commanded in a panicked tone, struggling to hang onto the last disk in the tethered convey.

Wincy sidestepped around to the other side of the disk and pressed her palms up against a controlling jewel. Just before Six made her way back into the grass again, all three disks suddenly fell flat to the road with a strident thud, as though a tremendous weight of metal collapsed.

Six flapped her wings as she nearly lost her balance, and then looked down at the dead ride. "Irp?" she bounced her crest, poking it with her sickle claw in wonder.

"Get off there, ya' foul feathered foolish fleabag!" Jyn started racing up to her, flailing a pair of irate arms about.

"Uh, Kenki?" Finley urged her to intervene, fearing the angry merchants may retaliate.

She nodded, and let out a hawkish whistle to summon her ally.

The troublesome bird held her wings out, enlargening her profile against the approaching fox. Hearing Kenki's whistle, she crouched down low, and suddenly sprang towards and around the antagonized fox in a speedy blur of white feathers, fast as lightning.

The two foxes shook their fists towards the trio down the road, yapping angrily before formulating a sentence. "Keep that tiny terror away from us, you fiends!"

Finley rubbed the back of his neck, embarrassed, trying to give them a distance apologetic wave. "Sorry! Sorry! If it makes you feel any better, she's a menace towards me too!" he hollered back.

They only frowned for a few moments, then turned around to begin putting their convey back together. He was relieved they weren't as hostile and protective as some merchants. That could have ended poorly. It was probably for the better they not find out about the stolen item, at this point. Finley looked down to scold Six, but noticed her halfway through signing to Kenki.

Nodding, Kenki met eyes with Finley, "She wants to know if she can 'have a riding circle'," she relayed, her expression and tone provocatively in contrast to Finley's, as though she were trying to rile him up.

He had to fight back a chuckle, and forced a frown in response, trying to get her to recognize the seriousness of her antics. "Kenki, you've got to get her under control as we get closer to town. We're lucky they didn't try and shoot her with that crossbow. It's likely to happen to a less understanding caravan," he warned. "Not to mention that thing she outright stole," he frowned.

"Very well, what would you like me to tell her?" she complied with an obligatory tone, slacking her posture as the conversation shifted into drama.

Finley realized that Kenki had no intention to reason with Six herself, instead only acting as the translator. Furrowing his brow, he played along anyway. "Tell her she needs to leave people alone or they might hurt her."

Kenki gave a confirming nodding and formulated a number of hand gestures to Six. The raptor watched and twitched her head around like a bird for a few moments before replying. "Hm, roughly she argues, 'I didn't do anything to them'."

He realized she was differentiating between the foxes and their cargo disks. "No, you can't mess with people nor their transports," he clarified.

She looked skyward for a moment, considering how to put that into the right words for a few moments before exchanging signs. "'It flies without wings. I must investigate'."

He huffed. "You'll see a lot of those around here, leave them alone," he replied, and watched the translation.

"'They are not dangerous. They are fun.'"

He sighed towards her reasoning, and tried wording it another way she might understand. "They aren't your territory, and you'll be attacked if you touch them," he warned.

She clicked her sickle claws against the stone road a few times, considering this, twitching her head about. Eventually replying, the translation was, "'It has curiosities. Did you see?', closest translation I could come up with," Kenki noted.

He clenched his teeth, frustrated at her carefree theft. "Don't take anything from the disks, or wagons, or off other people. You'll get in trouble."

She went quiet, then twisted a step to observe the foxes down the road for a silent moment. Turning back, she replied, "'They can't catch me'," the raptor even holding a degree of smugness to her posture.

He frowned and pursed his lips. "Yes, they can," he said with confidence. After they shot her, that is.

But Six only stood tall and pinched her fingers together, signaling a disagreement.

They stared at each other for a tested moment. He had just about enough of Six's thieving antics by now. Stealing from him was one thing, but he wasn't about to be dragged through the mud if other people were involved. This veloc needed to be taught a lesson that she wasn't as invisible as she thought herself to be. He debated it for a moment, but decided now was a prime time, while the conversation was still being understood and fresh. He calmly lifted a cupped hand, which began to glow a faint blue. Six perked up as she watched, holding her wings halfway out with unsurety. Before she could react further, Finley flicked his hand forward and spread his fingers as though he were letting go of something.

"Awk!" Six squawked as she felt an invisible kinetic force smack her in the breast. She leaped backwards and flapped her wings, spooked well enough to shed a few feathers in the process.

"They can, and they will catch you if you keep this up. That was just an example, not meant to hurt you, but it could very well defeat you," he explained, motioning for Kenki to translate.

Kenki replied with surprised look about her, as though she couldn't believe he would be so foolish. As she expected, the veloc hissed and started approaching the human with a threatening recourse, but Kenki extended a wing out and blocked the critter's dangerous advance. "Be still, little one, and listen," she tried to intervene. "Wisdom suggests to never try that again, friend," she quickly warned Finley before signing to Six a long string of gestures.

Finley winced, intimated towards the angered raptor, showing her teeth and holding her claws out. It was a brief glimpse, however, as Kenki cut off their line of sight with a large wing. "I was just showing her--," he started.

"You are in no position to discipline a guardian wing, Finley," Kenki sternly replied without looking, engaged in two conversations at once.

"I didn't mean to hurt--,"

"To include harm in friendly dialog is a wasted concept in the eyes of a dove," she cautioned.

"I'm just trying to look out for her..." He gave a nervous grin, rubbing the back of his neck while watching the two birds exchange words. Kenki did her best to defuse the situation. That chaotic aura surrounding the veloc returned to him, reminding him of when he first saw her perched on the branch above him. In retrospect, he thought, his action was a bit hasty and he should have gone about it differently.

Kenki finished unruffling Six's feathers after a time. "Lucky eyes, you have, dear human, for Six-and-None is an understanding feather," she explained.

"Mrip!" she chirped towards him, extending her head out and giving him a hard to read expression with wide eyes. She then suddenly trotted off into the grass.

"Where's she going?" he asked, turning to watch her depart.

"Around," she only said, tilting her wings in shrug.

All things considered, he scratched his temple, anxiously wondering how risky it'll be to bring her into town. "Has Six ever been to a city before?" he asked, turning to resume the walk down the road.

Kenki went quiet for a while, as if questioning her response. "A city...?" she asked.

Finley smiled, "I'll give you a pass on not knowing what a camp fire is, but I know for a fact Morinia has cities."

"The barrier of language is a thorny one, dear Finley. With two minds, they are not alike. Do you refer to a congregation of buildings? If so, then no," she shook her head.

"What, you don't have cities where you're from? I've seen paintings of Morinian cities though," he arched a brow.

She lifted a wing, replying, "Truly, I hail from the northern Wastelands of Harloda. We've no trees, and stone as stubborn as millennia ice. Structures are scarce, the flock instead residing in vast natural shelters," she explained.

Finley made a face, listening and imagining what it must be like. "Phew, I couldn't imagine a worse place. I guess I can see what you mean now about fire being a luxury. How can you stand it?"

"Its paucity drives our strength, dear human. Where others grow complacent and weak with luxury, we thrive with nothing," she turned to him with a subtle look of pride about her.

He nodded, thinking about that for awhile. He started seeing a pattern, the more he thought of it. "So, let me get this straight...you're a...non-materialistic monk, of a materialistic affinity, revering a materialistic great dragon, while residing in a non-materialistic region. That is mighty confusing," he grimaced, trying to understand that.

Kenki lifted her crest, "You believe materialism to be my affinity?" she asked.

"Well yes, of course. You're a healer, aren't you? Healing arts fall under materialism, seeing as how you weave body tissue and such," he explained his reasoning.

"Your wisdom assumes too much, but truly, you are incorrect," she denied.

"Hah, I don't think so. We're talking about the same thing here, right?" he doubted her denial, maintaining confidence in his arcane education.

She once again shook her head. "Materialism is but a practice of my following, not this feather's inborn affinity."

Finley pursed his lips, upset that he was apparently wrong. For most, it was only possible to be exceptional in your inherit affinity, and anything else was but a side study. "You've masked your talents, then. So what are you, dare I ask?" he looked up at her.

"Mm, we must all have our secrets, my dear Finley," she rejected his question, looking forward.

He furrowed his brow at her suspicious answer, once again being given another riddle to occupy his mind. Backing up a step in the conversation, he asked, "Well, in any case...rather ironic for a non-materialistic monastery to practice materialism," he chuckled.

"Can you guess why that is?" she asked him.

"I was only joking," he dismissed her, recognizing the difference between being materialistic in wealth and being able to render materials with magic. Bound by countless limitations in what it was capable of, such talents wouldn't make a man wealthy any time soon.

"A shame, dear human, it seemed as though your prey was in striking distance. Curious, do you know who Terioxa is aside from a great dragon?"

"A few years ago, I would, but it escapes me now," citing his forgotten lessons many years ago. Foreign religions were never quite his forte.

"Raww," she let out a squawking hum, "the 'Wing of Greed', as he would be known by most," she explained while lifting a wing.

He narrowed his eyes. "Ah...that's right, now I remember. The most materialistically aligned of them all. Why would a monkish order follow this? How contradictive," he asked, intrigued.

"Consider this, what to do you gift the dragon whose den overflows with a world's riches?" she asked.

"A red zap between the legs?" he joked, still feeling a touch frisky.

"Your humor is not appreciated, human," she pursed her beakish lips, as though he struck a nerve.

"Sorry," he flinched, not used to seeing her ever react. He considered her riddle for a few moments. "Hm, I'm not sure, what?"

Kenki let out a subdued chuckle. "Oh human, the fanfare of understanding would be so trivial if we foolishly divulged such erudition, as it would then be of no true benefit to you. This debate is for you to understand at your own pace, dearest friend," she gave him an open beak smile and playfully ran a wing over his hair, messing it.

Finley returned a silly grin as he defended his hair, but soon the two of them slipped back into a silence, save for the noise of their footsteps. His mind was filled with riddles to ponder, and the kasem was working well at allaying his lust, though replacing it with a feeling not unlike inebriation. He wondered if Six would behave in town, and the mysteries surrounding Kenki. And now the conundrum with the ildin. "Hmm," he hummed, a new scheme beginning to come together in his mind. He looked over at Kenki, giving her a one over once again.

"What troubles you?" she asked.

Rubbing his chin and staring at the road as they walked, he dwelt on his plan a moment longer. "Tell me, Lady Kenki... are you martially trained?"

"Truly, I am."

He nodded slowly, considering this. "Hm, how would you feel about going rat hunting with me?"

Kenki bounced her crest once in wonder. "Explain," she asked, interest piqued.

Finley stopped walking, and side stepped closer to Kenki. He pointed off to a mountain in the distance. "See that mountain? That's Mount Juno, where we're heading," he then swept his arm off to the right. "It's a gem mining mountain, and if there's truly a swarm of ildin scurrying about, we're sure to find some scavenging the defunct mining posts. I'm thinking we go off road and sweep through foothills on our way to Juno Village," he explained. The plan had a secondary advantage of avoiding more travelers.

She tilted her head, listening. "I confess, this motive escapes me," she replied.

"Oh, right," he was reminded of her alien ignorance, "You see, ildin have a crown's bounty on their head. Its been quite effective at discouraging their settlement in this nation. Between the three of us, I'm seeing this as a way to make, or should I say recover, some easy coin. After all, I'm not even sure if my friend still lives in Juno."

Kenki remained quiet for a while, considering this. "Truly, how easy it is to rend life while bearing the flag of preservation, but here the hunter would destroy these beings seeking only prosperity in exchange?" she asked.

Finley smirked towards her preaching. "Oh come on, you killed three men yesterday because you were lost," he argued. "You're not about to defend ildin are you? Besides, these rats are from your world," he reminded her, as though she had an obligation to help.

She turned sideways to face him fully, hunching over to lock eyes with him, as if studying his mind. After a time, she closed her eyes and let out a resigning breath. "Very well, you've my talon in culling the Jargathi from this world," she agreed, though with a thick tone of caution. "And, my Finley, this feather did not slay those men," she corrected.

His smile towards her agreement turned into yet another small smirk, "Look, I don't care that those scumbags were killed, their days were numbered anyway. All I'm saying is that having Six do the dirty work doesn't excuse your involvement," he argued.

"Truly, Six's actions were her own, I was but a spectator. Do you doubt the dove's perception to such a point that she is unable to act on her own?"

Finley winced nervously at the revealing news. "Yikes... I'm starting to wonder who's in charge between you two," he said, shaking his head, then looked around for signs of the raptor. "Don't get me wrong, I'm thankful that you saved my ass, but," he lowered his voice, "I'm not sure I trust Six's judgement to make kill commands on her own around here," he said, making a face. He took a step back and looked to the sky, imagining the raptor misunderstanding a playful shoulder punch as a hostility and going for the throat. "Look, if we're going to be traveling together, we need some command structure. Seeing as how I'm the resident, and the one being followed, can we agree not to kill anyone unless I give the okay?"

Kenki seemed far too amused by his assertive statement and delayed her response for far longer than could be expected. "This feather will not obey your rules, dear human, but she may recognize their good intention with fastidious wisdom. However, I will lend a suggestive chirp to the dove," she nodded as she lifted a wing in muddy acknowledgement.

It wasn't the answer he was looking for, but it would have to do. He nodded slowly, as he wasn't greatly concerned about Kenki's sense of judgement, but rather Six's. He checked the sky and determine they had about five hours to make this sweep and get to Juno by dark, and so he picked up the pace. "You doing okay?" he asked Kenki, concerned she may be growing too fatigued.

"I will endure, worry not, I will be of no burden," she assured. Though she was in no peak condition, her energy was far from running dry.

He cautiously accepted her answer, though held back his pace regardless. They crossed the grass fields once again and soon found themselves back in the jungle. Without the tall grass to hide her, Six rejoined the party. As she passed by them, Finley noticed her clutching the stolen bronze sphere to her breast. "Hm," he grunted, squinting and trying to get a closer look. "What do you got there?" he tried to get her attention. Without the distraction of the foxes, and briefly getting her to turn around, he deduced the strange sphere was a magical device of some kind. Skittish as ever, she wouldn't let him get too close to her while she was carrying a prize, though.

"Probably just a child's toy," he dismissed towards Kenki, considering it was only found in a loose bag on the cargo disk. He fell back into formation next to Kenki, leaving Six be with her ill gotten goods.

Mind wandering free, Finley watched the little raptor scurry about in front of them, debating his feelings. While they had sex last night, and a lot of it, it wasn't what he'd call passionate or particularly all that meaningful. The veloc had enough sense to know it was purely recreational. She remained somewhat standoffish still, not rubbing against him with affection as she did with Kenki. Though she had a number of character flaws, his eyes softened, watching her hop about, thinking how it would be nice to perhaps cuddle up with her in a soft bed one day. Maybe even with Kenki too.

He thought for awhile on how she communicated. He recalled a couple ferals back in the guild that could communicate through non-traditional methods. They always had such funny things to say. "Hey..." he blurted out, considering a way to pass the time. "We have awhile until we reach the mountain. Maybe you can teach me the basics on signing to Six?" he asked Kenki.

Kenki looked at him with one eye, considering his question. "Bestial signing is no casual lesson that can learned over the course of a trek through the wilderness," she informed him.

"I know, but, aren't there just a few basic signs I can learn? Especially if we're going to be fighting together," he pleaded.

Kenki ran a wing over her crest and let out a long exhale. "'Basics', you chirp again. You must understand, dear Finley, her language is one of great assumption and mutual understanding. Truly, it requires months to understand the signs, but years of kinship to understand the words not signed," she said, then paused before adding, "But, I suppose this feather could demonstrate a few simple signs."

As they walked, Kenki taught him how to sign simple commands, one word responses, and a few nouns deemed most relevant. What he hadn't noticed until now was that Kenki had to emulate having three fingers, to match Six's hand, and that took some getting used to. Together, they had accomplished a descent amount of training by the time their pathway shifted into rocky inclines, marking the base of the mountain. As they climbed, the foliage gradually thinned until the canopy above them was gone. The foothills were dotted with the occasional palm tree, splotches of ferns and bushes, and the rest of the ground was stolen by rocky, vine laden outcroppings.

"Take a sit, give me a moment," he said. Gazing off, Finley looked off in the distance, higher up into the mountains. Signs of old abandoned mining posts were spread far and wide, traditionally known as being hot beds for ildin activity. While Finley put down his backpack to consult the map, Kenki took a moment to rest on one of the many outcroppings, squatting on the edge like a gargoyle.

Having satiated her alone-time with her prize, Six trotted up to her ally. Wings pressed together on the bronze sphere, she held it out, an expression wordlessly saying, "Look what I got!" to Kenki.

Kenki arched a feathery brow as she looked down from her perch, then leaned over to pluck it from the raptor's grasp. She held it up close to her face, studying and trying to make sense of the foreign, polished instrument. It was virtually nondescript, with only a groove running down its center and an emblem at the base. As Finley finished determining their location, she tapped on it with her claws. The metal reverberation hinted that it was not hollow. It reminded her of Finley's "watcher", which she spent but a time trying to invoke last night. She tested her theory, cupping her scaled hands around it, and testing out a few common invoking methods.

Finley walked up to the birds, seeing Kenki studying the device. "Hey, careful with that, you don't know what--,"

The sphere's groove suddenly lit up and emitted a magical thrill. "Rawk!" Kenki squawked, dropping the ball to the ground to grasp her head with both wings as if trying to drown out something.

"Awk!" Six followed up as well, shaking her head and holding her feathers on end.

Finley grunted, turning his head and holding his forehead, feeling the effects as well. "Oh no..." he groaned, feeling throws of arousal flushing hotly throughout his body. He recognized it within seconds. "Oh... you featherhead, you just lit up a bliss ball," he proclaimed over the birds' squawking with a forced frustration.

Squatting up on the rock, Kenki was twitching about, shielding her head behind both wings and letting out a moaning squawk. "What... is this?" she could only ask, losing her calm composure.

Finley stepped forward and picked up the aphrodisiacal device. He could feel a ringing activation somewhere in his brain, the magical device trying to trigger an artificial orgasmic state. "This must be that '_toy'_Jyn mentioned earlier," he thought outloud. He looked up at Kenki, who looked to be feeling the effects with a greater potency. "Sex toy, that is..." he clarified to her. All he knew was that these things were favored by women, and he recalled seeing a couple of prostitutes making use of one during the session. Perhaps it was due to kasem clouding his mind, or the fact that he was male, but unlike the birds, he was wasn't having much trouble resisting its effect. He tried to deactivate it, but couldn't. It needed to run its course, so instead he threw his arm back, preparing to hurl the device out of range.

Kenki let go of her head and reached out, grabbing his arm before he threw it. "No, this is my burden to experience," she stopped him, feeling as though she were about to melt into a puddle of feathers. Either proving her commitment to accepting consequence, or secretly enjoying the effects, she slid her grasp down his arm until it found the ball in his hand, and seized it.

Six, meanwhile, had quickly come to embrace what was happening. Finley looked down to see her rolling around on her back, slacked jawed and snarling euphorically as the effects quickly overwhelmed her small feral body. Very quickly, in fact. Waves of orgasmic sensation spread down her frame, soon reaching her sexual organs, and Finley witnessed the sparkling sight of the raptor squirting a fountain of femcum from her cloaca. A howling warble was announced to the foothills as she tried to air hump, body easily tricked into an intense sexual release.

Finley just watched, wide eyed, feeling his pants tighten once again as Six just kept cumming and cumming, gushing and squirting along her tail and occasionally even beyond it. Her cries only got louder, and more intense, but his attention snapped to Kenki as she let out another loud squawk. Still squatting, she had fallen onto all fours, though one of her hands was resting its weight on the bliss ball, which was now beginning to smoke. "Oh, I don't think it's supposed to smoke like that," Finley warned.

Kenki's head was hanging, looking down at the stone, focusing inward as she felt the invasive aura of the device forcing her mind into an orgasmic stipulation. She felt its effects bleeding across her nervous system, little by little, traveling from the head down. Her feathers stood on end as it descended, lighting her insides aflame, feeling its effects grow more and more potent the lower it got. She lifted her head a little, and saw Six down on the ground below her, rolling about, happy as could be, making a mess of herself. Her gaze continued to rise, until it met Finley, standing there before her.

He watched Kenki locked eyes with him, a look of helplessness in her expression. As the sensations reached her hips, her crest fanned out wide and one of her eyes closed, the other still holding onto Finley. She let out a crackling, moaning squawk as the magically induced orgasm struck her hard, without any lead in. Her lower half began to jerk about as as she uncontrollably ejaculated against the rock below her. Finley peered down, at first thinking she was urinating, but as his eyes focused, he knew that not to be the case. Milky clear streams of her feminine cum blasted the stone below her, squirting against it with enough force to splash droplets in every direction.

He slacked his jaw, watching the large avian cum such an intense volume that the stone below her was quickly slathered in her juices, forming a pool and dribbling off the sides. He knew why Six was unable to keep up with her, now. Kenki's deep squawking moan grew louder and illustrated her loss of control, tail feathers spread wide behind her. Feeling some of the raunchy aura's effects on him, he felt a perversion possess his arm. Not one to be entirely left out, he stepped forward and pressed his palm against Kenki's feathery breast, gave her a dirty smile, and gave her a suggestive shove.

As if understanding the unspoken intention, Kenki let herself go, falling back onto her buttocks and into a pool of her own nectar there on the outcropping. Legs spread and leaning back on her hands, she looked skyward, seeing the clouds blur up with tears of sexual release. Finley, at about eye level with her cloaca, caught a delicious eyeful of her spread form, but within a second his vision saw nothing more than a feminine squirting making its way straight for his face. He closed his eyes and flinched as her hot juices bathed his flesh, hit by a stream no shorter than his forearm. Another one coated his forehead, then his hair, cheeks, necks, and beyond that felt as though she were spraying femcum all him from the neck up. He opened his mouth to taste an avian's femcum for the first time, and evidence of her fruit-heavy diet the past few days soaked along his taste buds.

"Raww," Kenki moaned, squirming about, beginning to shed feathers in dishevelment, "Oh, Fin, I cannot...I cannot stop," she cried, struggling to speak clearly and feeling as though her pussy were on fire as well as sucking her to a state of dehydration. She was certain that she'd be unable to resist the device's effect even if she exercised her monkish discipline, at this point. In a way, the loss of control over her body was exhilarating, and a part of her didn't want it to ever stop.

Finley wasn't sure what got over him. To bathe himself in sexual fluids was not in his usual sexual agenda. It wasn't long before his green and brown shirt started soaking up her juices running down his neck. It was irresponsibly messy, but he didn't care. Relishing and sharing Kenki's orgasmic experience was just too tempting to pass up. He turned his head and looked down, feeling his ear take a hot squirt as he did so. Down below, Six was laying on her side, heaving for air, feathers a mess, but seeming as though she had run dry now. And after a while longer, Kenki did as well.

Just like the raptor, Kenki was panting hard. Though she had quit squirting, the device was still purring, and maintaining its hold over her, teasing her pussy into leaking a great volume of juices. The feathers between her legs and around her tail gradually absorbed all it could, soon becoming a dripping, sopping hot mess. She looked at the bliss ball, seeing it still lit up. "How long...how long will it live?" she asked, struggling to speak as orgasmic waves overwhelmed her body.

"I don't know," Finley shrugged, rubbing the femcum from his eyelids, "Not long, I think."

Wanting to remove herself from the puddle of lust she was soaking in, she forced herself off the rock, legs shaking with each throw of orgasmic release rattling her tall frame. She just about fell over upon landing, but Finley was there to catch her. "It escapes me, how are you in control?" she asked, shocked the human was seemingly outclassing her in willpower.

"I don't think those things are made for men," he told her, "But I can still feel it a little bit. Lay down," he held onto her, lowering her to the ground next to Six.

Feathers all a ruffle and struggling to stand, she allowed the smaller being to guide her to the ground. She looked over at Finley with one eye closed, the other squinted. "Riches riches, you are quite wet," she looked at him, noticing the raunchy mess she made of his youthful face, even soaking some of his hair.

"Mm, well, you are a very...vivacious birdie. What goes around comes around," he flirted back, sitting next to her and wrapping an arm around her back, running a hand down her feathery coat. Six's head rested next to his foot, letting out a pleasured whined, thumping her tail along the ground, the rest of her body hardly able to move. He reached out and pet her softly in the crest, coaxing her eyes to open and look up at him, returning a feral smile. Between his own legs, he saw a large circle of pre-cum forming, and he wanted nothing more than to penetrate either one of them right now and fuck them featherless. But he resisted, not willing to exploit the accident for his own jollies. He was, in fact, a bit proud at himself, for finding he had the willpower to resist. For now, simply cuddling up next to the birds and sharing in their pleasure was good enough.

Kenki closed her eyes, and let out a brief cooing exhale for the first time around Finley, still in an orgasmic state. By now, the two birds had acclimated against a sensory overload, and had drowned out some of the effects, though they both felt their vaginal muscles quivering and trying to gush just the same.

As Finley ran his hand and arm down her frame, he could feel her body tensing up with each attempt to cum further. The heat pouring from her feathers was intense, as was her rapid breaths. Not entirely able to resist further involvement, his hand snaked around her far side and crept up on her nether lips. Her entrance felt like a volcano of heat, with lava-like juices oozing out. He looked up at her, and found her looking back, a look of pure relaxation and bliss strewn about her face, a testament to the sex toy's name. As they locked eyes, his fingers began to fondle the wet gates to her sanctum.

"Fin," she blurted out, closing her eyes and tensing up. Her beak parted in a muted squawk, and she melted into him, pressing her feathery face against him and wrapping one wing around his back in embrace. As if set off by the simplest caressing touch, her body found one last reserve of lust and began gushing and squirting against his hand. But despite the powerful pressure of her climactic squirting, the fondling digits didn't let up, instead sinking into her burning sex a small ways in tease. "Rawk," she squawked in alarm, unable to stop herself from cumming with a rebounded effort. Glandular muscles working harder with each contraction, her most powerful squirt was strong enough to penetrate paper. She jerked her hips forward, taking his fingers even deeper into her forbidden passageway, furiously cumming even last drop within her.

Finley was briefly alarmed that Kenki was trying to penetrate herself on his fingers, but he wasn't about to object. Leaning tightly into one another with close embrace, he couldn't see, but could rather feel her intense squirting, as if she had years of pent up lust to release. She continued to jerk forward, but he suddenly felt the back of his hand being taken into her own, guiding his fingers all the way down into her pussy. "Kenki?" he asked, taken aback what she was allowing, but otherwise overwhelmed by what he was feeling.

Two fingers buried inside her sex as far as they would go, he was granted the privilege to feel around her mysterious organ. It didn't feel at all like a regular vagina, but rather like a device intended for delivering intense pleasure, with reproduction only being a secondary function, lending credibility to her explanation on sexuality amongst her kind. Numerous sophisticated, softly textured, friction inducing protuberances lined the walls of her vagina, and it felt as though they were waving on their own accord. More alarming was the realization that she ejaculated from multiple points, on all sides of his fingers, as though her anatomy was designed to slather a male's phallus in natural lubrication. However, his adventure into her alien passageway was brief, as his hand was promptly removed from her sex. He felt the last few squirts collect in his palm, and run down his arm to drip off his elbow by the time she finally settled down.

Panting, she backed off, and pulled the sphere around forward to check on it. The device hadn't been running for some time now. They looked at one another with an awkward silence for a moment, Kenki seeming quite disturbed. "Are you alright?" Finley asked.

She didn't reply right away, and took a moment to clear the drool from her mouth with a big gulp. A shiver of afterglow ran down her frame, causing her to fluff her feathers and letting them resettle. Though she heard his question, she needed a moment to compose her thoughts as she stood back up... or tried to stand up, collapsing back down on her first attempt. She tried again, with a greater, focused effort, whole body trembling as her nervous system was trying to recover. Six stood up as well, shaking herself not unlike a dog would when trying to dry off. "I am well," she only said, looking down at the human, leaning up against the outcropping to stabilize herself.

"But I..." Finley started stating the obvious.

Kenki held up a wing to stop him. "Sincerest apologizes, my dear Finley. By my beak, I had no intention to sing you a deceptive song," she paused, looking off to the side before resuming. "As this feather sees it, you were but helping a hostage navigate the mental storm inadvertently summoned. Truly, anything else was but--"

"--a 'circumstantial reaction'," he said with her, and smiled with a wink. "I'm starting to see how this works around here," he uttered to himself, though he had to wonder at what point the device shut down. If she was inviting him to finger her after it had ended, did it "count"? Was her rationale still valid, thin as it may already be? But he soon shook his head, as it was a pointless debate. Her denial was slightly frustrating from his point of view, though it certainly piqued his curiosity on how it might develop.

He stood up and faced her leaning against the stone, then reached out to take the bliss ball from her hand to observe it. A little bit of smoke was still wafting from it. Pursing his lip, and twisting it about in pointless observation, he said, "I think you broke it. Were you invoking it over and over? I'm pretty sure it wasn't made to run that long."

Kenki just returned a blank stare.

"Mmhm, that's what I thought," he concluded, curling his lip. He took a few more moments studying the device. Though it was fun to watch its cheating effects, he wasn't a fan of these toys. In his opinion, they cheapened the significance of orgasmic achievement, although maybe he was only saying that because it didn't work on him.

"Truly, it will function no more?" Kenki interrupted his thoughts, leaning closer to investigate what he was looking at.

Finley looked up at her with a suspicious gaze, as the tone of her voice hid a sense of disappointment. "You...want to use it again, don't you?...ahh!" he yelped as Six's snout suddenly swooped in and snatched her prize.

"Ongh!" she tried to honk with a mouthful, defensively turning tail to scamper away.

"Calm your feathers, I wasn't going to steal it, you greedy thief!" he called after her, chuckling. With Six terminating the conversation, Finley pulled his pack around front and found himself a wash cloth to clean himself up. The smell of Kenki's femininity hung strongly around his nostrils, as well as her taste on his lips. His shirt looked as though he had released a pint of sweat from a day's labor in the sun from all the femcum that had run down his neck. "I sure hope wearing your scent doesn't attract any angry, male Sylvinians," he smirked.

"Truthfully, one would likely find you in good company instead," she lifted a wing in correction, then began trying to pull herself back together, brushing at her messy plumage. She brought up her water flask and fervently drank from it, working up quite a thirst from the afternoon delight.

He put the cloth away, as clean as he could reasonably manage. Burning precious daylight, the mountains called out to him. "Well, if you girls done having impromptu orgasms, shall we begin the hunt?" he quipped.