Hide and Seek 2

Story by wolfbane on SoFurry

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#2 of Hide and Seek

Second installment of Hide and Seek

Hide and Seek 2

Darryl watched breathlessly as Zero rolled the kit penis between his fingers. The member was highly sensitive, too premature for anyone to have touched it in a sexual way in the past. The situation was surreal, he had been charged to babysit the young kitsune, but their play time had taken a turn when Zero decided to use his powers. First he magically hid Darryl's wolf bits and forced him to frantically search throughout the house for them, only to find that they had been hiding in the kitsune's underwear the entire time. Then as punishment for losing the game Zero had decided to hold on to the wolf cock for a night which was bad enough except that he then decided to magically swap their genitals. Leave it to a young kitsune to want to be erotically mischievous. Now what used to be Zero's cock was spiritually but not physically linked to Darryl's body.

"Mine has never done that before." The kit stared at what used to be his member as he rolled it around, the tiny pink tip protruding beyond the sheath. All of the rubbing was arousing Darryl's horny adult wolf mind, giving the kit a first glance of how his own erection would look.

"Okay, that's enough. Give me that." Darryl reached out to make a grab for it but the kit pulled away, squeezing it tight in the process. Darryl nearly doubled over as his muscles twitched, the kits hand wrapped firmly and completely around the member. He hadn't felt such intensity since before he learned how to paw. Zero's cock was so small it disappeared inside the kit's hand. He probably didn't even realize how much he had been squeezing it as he clenched and unclenched his fist. Darryl knew though. He could feel it weakening him, forcing him to give in to the kit.

"Wow, it's as hard as a rock!" Zero exclaimed. Darryl began panting, his tongue hanging out of his mouth as he realized the cock was being milked for the first time. He tried to think of anything else to make it stop but the sensations were too overwhelming. He fell to the floor and closed his eyes, letting the moment wash over him.

"Hey, yours is growing too!" Zero pointed down to his pants where the bulge was growing bigger. Whether it was the kit hitting maturity or the newly enlarged balls attached to him doing the driving didn't matter, either way the boy was likely about to find out what being horny is all about.

"Please..." Darryl opened his eyes to see the young kit standing near him, still squeezing the foxlike penis in his hand. A mixture of emotions flooded through the wolf, he knew that it was wrong for him to be enjoying such sexual contact with kit he was babysitting but his horniness overpowered those thoughts with the want and desire for release. He felt it building up, usually he could last a lot longer but he couldn't even seem to hold himself back. All at once his mind exploded in sheer bliss, feeling once more the incredible power of a first orgasm. It lasted nearly a minute before it subsided.

"Are you okay? I'm sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you. Hey, it's getting soft again." Zero opened his fist and revealed the smaller member. There was no cum to be seen, his body still slightly too young to produce. The shrinking prompted the kit to begin squeezing it between his fingers once more just to prove how soft it was. If Darryl thought the kit's cock had been sensitive before, now it was downright painful. Every tiny touch sent his mind reeling.

"Ow, yours is getting too big, how do I make it soft again?" Zero rushed to pull off his pants and expose the wolf's cock. In his haste to remove the clothing before it ripped, Zero had stopped paying attention to the detached kit penis. Darryl watched as the member fell to the floor, the small orbs bouncing as they made contact. For a moment the world went purple but they recovered faster than his own would have from taking the same kind of hit. This was his opportunity, he reached out and plucked the tiny member off the floor. It might not technically be his, but it was at the moment and he was just glad to be in some amount of control again.

Zero let out a small whimper. Darryl had stopped paying attention just long enough to let the kit explore the fully erect wolf cock. The dick was huge on the little kitsune body, pointing straight up, it didn't seem to want to stop growing. Darryl knew that he was well endowed, but he never realized just how big he was. His long gray fur stood out against Zero's short golden fur, the juxtaposition was strange to say the least. Zero's eyes narrowed as he let out another short whimper, he was learning what it felt like to play with himself. Only it wasn't himself.

"This feels really good." Zero panted. Darryl just watched in disbelief as the kit continued to poke and prod at what used to be his cock. He knew all too well that it was too late for Zero to turn back now. The knot was slowly forming. Maybe it wasn't such a bad thing, this could be a learning experience.

"What's that?" Zero asked as he squeezed the knot, eliciting an immediate reaction from the rest of his body.

"It's called a knot. It's used to tie two people together when they love each other." He explained, blushing slightly as he realized that he was about to explain how sex works.

"I love you, could I tie you?" Zero asked, catching Darryl off guard. Even more odd was the fact that he realized he'd actually been considering that possibility ever since he managed to snatch the kit penis off the floor. He'd always wondered what it was like for someone to be knotted by him, and the thought of his own cock tying with him was enough to make the kit cock twitch back to life in his hands. Even though only a couple of minutes had passed since his dry orgasm, his new part seemed very ready and willing to go. Suddenly he couldn't help but think that he might have gotten the better end of this deal.

"Not tonight, it's getting late. But we might need to do something about that." Darryl pointed to the wolf cock attached to the kit's body. It was beginning to throb. Zero had both hands wrapped around it and was squeezing but didn't seem to know what he was doing.

"Here, sit on my lap." Darryl shifted his new kit penis into his left hand and pulled the kit onto him. He wrapped one arm around Zero and firmly grasped his former cock. From this position it was almost as though he were pawing himself. He rubbed the length of the member in ways only he knew would work, the only difficulty was not being able to feel the response. Luckily Zero's faster breathing and short whimpers were enough to tell him that it was working.

"What's... happening...?" Zero asked between breaths. Darryl didn't even attempt to answer, he would know soon enough. The kit cock was rock hard, but he didn't dare play with it for fear that it would make him too weak to help Zero. Darryl wrapped a paw around his knot and gave it a few rapid squeezes. Whenever he needed to get off in a hurry, this motion always seemed to do the trick. At the same time he accidentally squeezed the kit cock. His body shook in a second dry orgasm.

"Ah! Something's... happening..." Zero clenched up tight as hot wolf seed sprayed out onto his face and chest. Zero didn't know enough to close his mouth, much of the spunk spraying into his maw. Darryl thought he was going to spit it out, but to his surprise the kit swallowed instead.

"What is that? It's salty... and sticky..." Zero made a face that contained a mixture of disgust and curiosity.

"Let's get you cleaned up, you'll need a bath before your parents get back." Darryl carried Zero into the bathroom. "Also, how are you planning on hiding this from your parents if you plan on keeping it for the night?" Darryl was slightly hoping this would cause the kit to second guess himself and give his dick back. He was excited when he saw the kit's hands glowing purple, but after the spell was complete he was still left holding a flaccid kitsune penis. Zero's crotch was completely bare.

"It's safe. But I'm still holding onto it until you let me tie you, it's more fun than mine." Zero hopped into the drawn bath.

"That wasn't the deal, you said until tomorrow night."

"I changed my mind." Zero said defiantly.

"We'll see. And yours can be just as much fun, if not more fun." He held up the kit's cock to show that it had gone hard again.

"I can use that as a bath toy!" Zero yelled and snatched the kit cock from Darryl's paw. He dunked it under the water and dragged it across the floor, pretending it was a submarine. Darryl dropped to his knees as he was unwittingly brought to his third climax. This was going to be a long night.