Middle Child Syndrome 2.

Story by Shishi Hikari on SoFurry

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It was the morning after Tye had made his arrival, the sun only just creeping over the eastern horizon in a blaze of red and gold. The light had slanted through a window and landed on a wolf brewing coffee. Tye's rescuer had refused to start talking until he had some caffeine. Tye didn't object, since he had a particular love for coffee himself.

The wolf finally sat down with two mugs. He slid one across the table to Tye.


The wolf made no reply, he sat and studied the lion for a moment before taking a sip.

"You start first." The wolf said with a smile to Tye from the other side of the circular table.

Tye sighed as he tried to pull his explanation into an order that made sense and started.

"I'm sixteen years old, and I'm a runaway." He stated, deciding a long explanation was unnecessary. The wolf thought otherwise.

"Why?" he asked with genuine concern.

Tye sighed again, thinking back to the times he wouldn't care to leave behind.

"My mom told me I would have to live with my dad."

"But how does that disturb you so badly?"

"Well..." Tye trailed off. He had never told anyone about his father because he didn't trust anyone that much. He finally decided that the wolf was probably the most trustworthy character to touch his life, so he continued.

"He abused me."

"I'm sorry." and the wolf was sincere, sadness showing through his eyes, or sympathy, either one.

"Why would your mother threaten to put you in that type of situation?"

"Because I've been handed an unfair shot at life." Tye said in a blank monotone, starting to feel angry thinking about it. He felt the heat build inside of his soul as he thought back to the times he suffered in silence, and it stuck in his past, he could never rid himself of it. Tye felt as if it had become part of his being.

"What do you mean?"

"What's it to you!" Tye suddenly burst out.

The wolf sat for a moment in silence, still looking calm.

"I found you unconscious, lying in a bush twenty feet away from a car wrapped around a tree, with six broken ribs, and a laceration in your arm almost a foot long. I took you home, dressed your wounds, and let you stay here."

"And your point?"

"I care."

The wolf's answer had surprised Tye into forgetting his anger. Tye sighed, he hadn't meant to blow a fuse on his rescuer, and he felt bad for it.

"I'm sorry." Tye half whispered.

"It's ok, if you don't-"

"Don't worry about it." Tye cut him short.

The wolf sat, looking intently at the lion. Tye sighed, and began.

Tye talked for about an hour and a half, telling the stranger about himself, his name, his problems, the animals in his life, up to last night.

The wolf sat still through the whole story, resolute. He only spoke to ask an occasional question, but nothing other than that.

As Tye finished, the wolf remained still.

He finally looked up at Tye, with true sympathy shining in his eyes.

"I'm sorry."

"For what? It was the life I was handed, but that didn't declare my fate, I wouldn't let it."

They sat for a moment, rain starting to hit the roof and two cups of coffee on the table, totally forgotten.

Then the wolf stood, sliding his chair back, and he snatched up the cold cups, and he put the dishes in the sink.

He turned to look at Tye, and he slid to the floor, landing in a seated position. Tye noticed the wolf's expression was one of great pain. He noted details about the wolf as he sat there, still only wearing a bathrobe, completely open, his junk still available for viewing. The wolf's arms were crossed in a curious way, like he was struggling to hold himself together. Then he looked up, and into Tye's topaz eyes.

"I've lived alone here for 5 years now." The wolf said, not looking away from the wild shade of the lion's eyes.

"My parents divorced, I ended up going with my dad. He was a drug addict. He would beat me, shoot up, and beat me some more. He was merciless."

"One night, when he had taken one to many hits, he beat me till I couldn't move. He threw me into a ditch, and left me for dead."

The wolf remained silent for a moment, perhaps reliving the past, for there were tears running down his face. Tye then noticed he, too, was crying silent tears. The wolf started again.

"At the time, I was fifteen. I lived in an orphanage for less than a year, than, after publishing

three books in a series, I got myself emancipated. I bought this mansion to live by myself since everyone knew me as being gay, I wasn't one of the flock. So I stay here, secluded to myself, away from society."

The wolf finished with his gaze lifting up to meet Tye's.

Tye was speechless. He wondered about his pain, a pain even greater than his. Tye then thought of a question.

"Why didn't you go to live with your mother when your father did that?" He inquired with pure curiosity to what kind of parent would stand by and watch while something like that happened.

"She died. Two days after my father thought I was dead, he went to her apartment, and stabbed her to death. The police found him there, simply sitting on the floor, stabbing into her corpse with an almost habitual manner, muttering under his breath about betrayal. She had over 500 puncture wounds throughout her body."

Tye sat in a sickened silence.

By then, the rain was coming down in sheets. Then, suddenly, with a clap of thunder, the lights went out, leaving them in the dark of the kitchen

They both stood up, the wolf started searching the drawers for a candle.

Tye decided to try and lighten the mood.

"By the way," Tye began in a teasing tone, "you never even told me your name."

The wolf turned, and in the dull light, the wolf grinned.


Tye smiled back at him, showing his straight row of white fangs.

Tye followed Akuma through the house. Wherever the wolf was leading, Tye wasn't sure until they turned a corner into a magnificently decorated room. The room had dark walls and white furniture, the contrast very appealing to Tye's eyes.

There, Akuma went to a table in front of a couch more than three times the length of an average one. He picked up a candle, lit it and two others, then sat down on the couch. Tye went and sat next to him.

They remained silent for a moment, but it wasn't an awkward silence. It was peaceful.

Akuma placed a paw high on the inside of Tye's thigh, and started rubbing it.

Tye growled deep in his throat, thankful for both of them being close to naked, say for their bathrobes. His sheath bulged and started sliding up his belly.

While Akuma played with a lock of Tye's red pubes farther up next to his nuts, Tye looped his tail around Akuma's back. He used the tufted end to sweep across the wolf's cock gently, just tickling him.

Akuma gave a playful bark and suddenly jumped away from Tye.

Tye looked over and saw Akuma shrug off the bathrobe, exposing the tussled fur on his back. He dropped to all fours and turned a circle, showing off his muscular body to Tye sitting on the couch.

Tye stood, took his own bathrobe off, and tossed it to the floor, leaving him bare. He stretched, making sure to show every detail of his body to the wolf, before throwing himself onto a thick rug on the floor. He rolled over till his back was to Akuma, leaving his muscular ass for viewing.

The wolf walked over, still on his fours, and walked around Tye a few times, looking him up and down.

The lion lifted his tail after a minute, leaving his pale pink pucker exposed to the air. Akuma stuck his muzzle up under his tail and inhaled the lion's musky scent. The odor was intoxicating, and acted like a drug on the wolf. Akuma took a lick.

A shudder ran through Tye's body, his senses tingling as the wolf bathed the red fur in his crack with his saliva.

Tye didn't know anything could feel so wonderful... Until the wolf pressed his tongue into tye's anus.

Tye groaned with pleasure as Akuma rolled his tongue around inside of his warm recesses.

The wolf was almost overpowered by the intense muck, his nose pressed under Tye's swinging tail. He explored inside of Tye till he found what he was looking for. He moved his tongue into place, and began applying a little pressure to Tye's prostate.

Tye roared. He released a little precum as the wolf pressed on it with a little more pressure.

Tye's tawny fur stood on end. He smelled his and Akuma's scents mixing together, setting his thoughts berserk.

The wolf's tongue gained speed as he worked inside of Tye. He reached up around the lion's back and grabbed his hard, throbbing cock in his paw. Akuma got a good grasp on the erection extending up parallel to the red mane, almost all the way up to his chest.

Tye felt Akuma's tongue pull out of his tailhole. The wolf came around front, still holding Tye's cock with one paw. He used the lion's pre to slick up his paws.

Akuma started sliding up Tye's erection, pushing the blood to Tye's cock head.

The lion watched as his dick would swell even bigger when the wolf's paws reached the head, and the wolf would then release, to repeat over. Tye immensely enjoyed watching and feeling his cock swell past its normal erected size.

Tye's thoughts flickered to the possibility of broken blood vessels, but he dismissed it. It just felt too good for something like that to be happening.

Tye leaned his head back and closed his eyes for a moment, savoring the strange tingling in his cock head. He turned his mind off to all thought and let his whole being revolve around the pleasure he was receiving, at least in that moment.

After a moment, Tye opened his eyes. He looked down. When he saw his cock, he almost yelled.

Akuma's continual rubbing and massaging had caused Tye's cock to swell till it was just mammoth. His full erected size before would have went up to the bottom of chest muscles, now it was past his nipples. He stared at the blood-red length as he noticed his girth had almost tripled. The lion was definitely couldn't wrap both of his paws around it's massive width.

Tye looked up at Akuma, wide eyed, to see the wolf smiling back.

"How in the hell!?" Tye exclaimed.

"Something I learned awhile back." Akuma grinned.

The wolf stood up and turned his back to the lion while lifting his tail. Akuma looked around and flashed a teasing smile at Tye.

Tye growled playfully, sticking the tip of his expanded, red cock head of his now pulsing 18 inches up to the wolf's tailhole.

Tye bent down, taking his cock away momentarily, just to inhale the wolf's strong musk. He swept his sandpapery tongue, drenching the grey fur, across the wolfy anus.

The wolf shuddered as Tye rose back up and placed his dick back up to the rose-colored wonder hole.

Tye seized the moment, and impailed the wolf down to the base of his head. Akuma howled.

Tye kept steadily sliding more and more of his new blood-pumped length into Akuma, but still trying to be careful, as to not hurt him.

Akuma started having full-body spasms as he felt Tye's thick penis inside of him. It felt very hot inside of him. He absolutely loved it.

Tye reached around and started stroking Akuma's hardened shaft. He liked the way it looked and felt, wide at the base with almost spiky looking grey fur. Tye wondered why he didn't notice how wonderful and beautiful this wolfy cock had looked before, after all, it was the one that took his virginity.

Tye kept swinging his hips into the wolf's ass, marveling at how big his erection felt, thanks to the masterful work Akuma had done to swell it up.

Tye then realized, as he fucked the wolf's ass, as he stroked the furry cock, as he moaned and roared with him, that he loved his wolf. He had saved his life, and had become a better friend to him than anyone else. He was bursting to say it now that he had had the epiphany, but he waited. All in good time.

"My GOD, heaven and hell, your AMAZING!" Akuma half yelled through his ecstasy.

"YOU'RE amazing!" Tye half whispered into the wolf's ear, as he was a little out of breath.

The wolf turned as the lion started bucking his hips harder and faster. As well as he could, Akuma strained his neck around enough to touch his nose to Tye's.

"I love you." Akuma said, with a passionate flame in his soft brown eyes.

Tye was shocked, but pleased, he continued to rock his hips into Akuma.

"You beat me to the puch." Tye said, still a little breathless, trying to sound just as passionate as the wolf had. The lion's tawney-yellow eyes locked onto Akuma's angular face.

Akuma grabbed Tye's face and began kissing him, with more gusto than he had used before. Tye resumed his pumping as he kissed the wolf back.

They broke apart after a moment, breathless.

"I'm gonna cum." Tye whispered into the wolf's pricked up ear.

"Bring it!" the wolf replied gruffly.

Tye slammed into the wolfy ass, roaring as he ejaculated into the wolf.

Akuma nipped the lion's red mane on his chest sensually as he took the load.

After a moment, Tye pulled out of Akuma.

Akuma rolled over, the lion's expanded cock still inside of him, and seed sprayed out of his throbbing dick. Tye put his paw underneath to catch what he could of the sex liquid. To him, it was better that the purest water from the purest stream, tangy and delicious.

Tye pulled out of Akuma's tailhole, sending a sea of his own cum leaking out of the wolf's ass.

They both licked it up, savoring every bit they could. Tye then grabbed the wolf's buff butt, his anus still looking slightly stretched. He saturated the fur with his saliva, as he cleaned his ass of his own cum. He let his tongue go into the wolfy ass a little, and he licked along the inside walls of his newly found mate. Akuma lay still, enjoying the sensation.

When Tye finished, he went rolled over Akuma's body to face him. They lay looking into each other's eyes as rain continues to hit the house in large sheets. It was a perfect moment.

"I love you."

"I love you, too."