Flexible Survival; Journal Entry 4

Story by SigmaFox on SoFurry

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#4 of Flexible Survival Journal Series

This is the Fourth chapter of my entry for the Flexible Survival writing contest. The story is completely based off of Nuku's game over at http://blog.flexiblesurvival.com/

And back to longer chapters. It fluctuates, really. There's more to come, but this is my first real story. Feel free to leave comments below. :)

I think I've finally had some good luck! A part of me had had my doubts these last few days. Doubts about rescue ever arriving. Doubts that there would be a cure. Doubts that I could escape this hell. I have no reason to doubt anymore, though! Let me start from the beginning though.

I woke up later in the morning than I wanted to. It must have been from last night's 'activities'. Unfortunately, I could feel more weight has been added to my stomach. I guess the eggs won't stop coming unless I can find a cure. I'm not sure I want to be cured though....after last night and how it felt...

I should stop thinking like that. I might wind up another mindless bunny wandering the streets of this demented city.

Anyway, the small bulge in my stomach actually felt natural regardless. It didn't really hinder my movement at all, surprisingly enough.

I gathered up my pack and supplies and scouted outside the library cautiously. I stuck to the usual alleys and ducked out of sight anytime I heard something out of the ordinary. I had my close calls again, but nothing unusual. I guess, that is, until I ran into one of those latex foxes.

I was ready for anything at this point, though, and had my knife ready to go when the fox whipped around a corner and leapt at my face. I dodged just in time to see him fly through the air, front paws outstretched and glistening black dick fully erect. He sailed right past me and crash into the alley wall. The fox squeaked as it quickly got back up and turned towards me, panting with lust.

Predictably, it leapt again, and I was ready. I rolled out of the way and thrust my knife upward. It sank into the latex fox's stomach all too easily as it once again soared by, its momentum pulling the knife and creating a gouge that ran the full length of his underside. When the fox crashed to the ground, a hiss of air escaped him and he... deflated. The latex pile didn't move after that, but I didn't dare touch it. I made my way around it, staying as far away as I could, and continued on towards Trevor Labs.

I was closer than I thought. Just around the next alley, I could see the building off in the distance. I almost ran to it then and there, but something told me to stay and hide just in case. My patience and instincts were rewarded when I saw a group of anthro hyenas walk across the path that led up to the hill of Trevor Labs. Their forms were the same cross between human and animal as most of the infected in this city. Large erections adorned their front side while a wet vagina could be seen from behind. I could almost smell the musk from where I was, and I felt my own erection coming on. I forced my thoughts elsewhere, though, and instead focused on the building. Strangely enough, the hyenas seemed unconcerned and disinterested in it and just continued on their way to where ever it was they were going. I stayed down for a few more minutes, just to be sure, before I made my dash towards the hill and the building sitting on top. I flinched the whole way there, just waiting to be found or hit with something, but nothing came.

I barged in the front door before I even realized I made it to the building. I nearly fell on my face from stopping so suddenly.

Looking around the place, I felt a pit of despair grow. The whole place was dimly lit, but I could see it was torn to shreds. New and expensive looking furniture were torn to shreds and stained with all manner of bodily fluids. The walls, and somehow even the ceiling, had gouges from claw marks and dents from impacts all over. Just like the furniture, large stains of several substances decorated the white walls of the lobby. My boots stuck to the floor a bit as I walked. The smell was even worse. I could pick up scents of primarily musk and cum, but it was only part of the nauseating aroma that assaulted my sense of smell.

"Hello. Can I help you with anything?" A voice behind me asked. I jumped and spun around and leapt backwards, all at the same time. It was a miracle I managed to stay on my feet. Who knows what would happen if I got my hands dirty with whatever was all over the floors.

A dragon. A fucking dragon stood there, only a couple steps behind where I was. It didn't look like it did in the movies or how books would describe them, but the similarities were unmistakable. Obviously originally human, she retained the basics of a human shape. She stood on clawed toes, her legs bent in a direction to support her upright stature. Black scales covered her body from head to toe. Her face was the most disturbing, but oddly alluring as well. It was twisted into the form of a reptilian snout, with several spikes jutting out at places around her head and along her spine to trail down to the tip of her tail. Her fanged mouth was curved into a smile as she saw me taking in her form. Most impressive, however, were her large pair of wings adorning her back and her massive lightly-scaled breasts.

"If you are looking for Dr. Matt, he's up the stairs and to your left." She said, sighing as I couldn't take my eyes off her. After a moment, she growled menacingly, smoke blowing out her nostrils. That got my attention and I snapped to.

"Uh... s-sorry..." I stammered out, wondering if she could breathe fire just like the stories. I began to think that I should start running.

"Listen. I'm just here to make sure none of the mindless infected make their way here. You seem to have your wits about you, so if you're looking for Dr. Matt, go up the stairs and take a left. Otherwise, you need to leave. Now." She said. She stared at me intently, awaiting my decision.

"Yeah... I was hoping he'd be... Is he uninfected? He's here?"

"Yes. As I said, he's upstairs. Just be sure to avoid going down to the basement."

"Sure. Thanks..."

"The name's Orthas." She said, returning to a desk in the corner of the room.

"Thanks Orthas."

I made my way up the stairs and followed her directions. The second floor of the building was in no better shape. Paintings along the hallways were torn to shreds and claw marks gouged every surface. What went on in there to cause all of that?

I arrived at a large brightly-lit room. The walls were adorned with all kinds of lab equipment and machinery. One wall was lined with racks of individual vials, each containing a white or transparent fluid. Underneath each vial, there was a label that I couldn't make out. Various computer terminals lined another wall and a large plastic panel led to an enclosed section of the room towards the back. It was probably used as an observation cell.

A figure in a full hazmat suit rested at one of the computer terminals. Since most of the city is without power, I guess Trevor Labs was running on their own generators.

"A newcomer? It's been a few days since we've had one of those. Since you made it past Orthas down there, I assume you've managed to retain your human thought and rationale. Take a seat at that table there and I will be right with you." Dr. Matt said, never taking his eyes off the monitor and not stopping to let me get a word in. Nonetheless, I did as instructed and sat down, quietly waiting for him to finish his work. Seconds passed by, then minutes, and almost half an hour flew by until he finally finished what he was doing and turned around with a clap of his gloved hands.

"So what's your name, sir? And I assume you are a 'sir' at least. These days, you never know." He said, staring at me and analyzing my body.

"Sigma, and yes, I'm a male... still..."

"Where's it hit you? Don't give me that look, this infection hits everyone in some way. I haven't seen anyone besides myself infection-free. Those pesky little nanites are everywhere."

I wondered what he meant by that. By the sound of it, he knew way more about the virus than anyone should. Since he seemed infection-free and wore a hazmat suit, my only conclusion was that he knew about this outbreak before it happened.

"It's... I got attacked a little while back by some bunny-girl. It's changed me and my... equipment." I responded. I could feel my cheeks growing red with embarrassment.

"I'm surprised you've contained the virus as much as you have. Undress and let me see the damages." He said with a practiced tone. Dr. Matt must have dealt with patients before, I imagine, but his people skills are far from refined.

I undressed completely and grunted at the tingling of pleasure as my shirt brushed against my chest again. As I undid my pants, it was a relief to have my furred sheath released of its confines. In fact, it felt too natural to be naked, I realized. The thought disturbed me as I turned around to face Dr. Matt.

"Hmm... How long have you been infected?" He asked, prodding at my slightly bulging stomach. His poking and shifting of my stomach caused the eggs to move and send a pleasurable sensation down through my penis.

"Ah! Twelve hours or so." I gasped at his prodding. I couldn't stop my body from building arousal. My penis, shamefully enough, started to emerge from the furred sheath and grow hard all too quickly.

"Was this the first change you've experienced? The only change?" He asked, moving his hands instead to brush against the furred sack, feeling the weight and asking me to cough as he did.

"Yeah. Nothing else yet, though if I... pleasure myself... it seems to progress. Is there anything that can be done? Any cure for this shit? Will help even be coming?" I shot off the questions long weighing on my mind, desperate to distract myself from the building arousal as the doctor now was poking around my erect penis.

Dr. Matt ignored my questions as he felt around my penis and groin, taking notes every once in a while. I stood there, staring at him and trying to contain myself until he finally finished up.

"I've got good news and bad news, Sigma. The good news is that yes, the military will be on the way soon. Judging by the last report, they are mobilizing their units to forcefully re-take the city ten days from now. The bad news is that I have yet to find a cure, though that's mostly due to the lack of suitable test subjects. Almost everyone around here has completely changed from the infection, or lost their minds to it. I'm still missing key samples and, with no one to help, I can't come up with anything that would help your condition. I'm sorry, I wish I could do more."

My heart shattered at that. I couldn't live with this thing between my legs, at least that's what I told myself, trying to block out any thought that whispered otherwise. Still, the military was on its way, so that's at least a little bit of positive news. I wondered what they would do with the infected. On that note, I wondered what they would do with me if I couldn't get this fixed. I shuddered at the thought and resolved to do anything I can to help speed along Dr. Matt's research.

"Is there anything I can do? If you need someone to test an antivirus on, you can use me. Please, I can't go on like this. If there's even a small chance that I can help, please let me!"

Dr. Matt considered the idea for a little bit, muttering to himself while glancing at his notes. "I'm just not sure I can help. I don't want to get your hopes up on an antivirus that may not even work, but if you give me a blood sample, I can analyze your DNA and infection overnight and I might have a more workable answer for you tomorrow."

Of course I agreed! I hate needles, but if I could go back to normal and get out of this city, it's worth the risk. Dr. Matt took a small vial of my blood and started running it through his machinery, completely ignoring my presence afterwards.

I wandered the halls and found a mostly in-tact room that I plan on crashing in tonight. I don't dare head out into the city this late just to return to the library.

Today was a great day though! I learned that help is on the way and that there may even be a cure waiting for me in the morning!