Flexible Survival; Journal Entry 4

I think I've finally had some good luck! A part of me had had my doubts these last few days. Doubts about rescue ever arriving. Doubts that there would be a cure. Doubts that I could escape this hell. I have no reason to doubt anymore, though! Let me...

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Flexible Survival; Journal Entry 3

That was... that was amazing. Amazing and horribly wrong. I know what my new infection did to me now. Part of me, the part that I have to keep buried, loved every second and craves for more. I... can't give in though, as tempting as that thought is....

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Flexible Survival; Journal Entry 2

I made a mistake. A stupid and careless mistake, and my body paid for it. My mind is still reeling from all of the chaos, but writing everything down might help sort out what exactly happened. I suppose I will start from the beginning. I couldn't...

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Flexible Survival; Journal Entry 1

It's been days since I've heard of the infection that spread throughout the city. I could hardly believe my eyes when I saw the news reports of people...changing. It felt like a dream. Something like that just couldn't be possible. One of the last...

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The Outbreak - Jake's Story

Jake had heard of the STT virus. Every news station was reporting it like it was the next Birdflu virus slated to spread across the world. Though it was a shock to hear that the infected were "mutated", it was downplayed by scientists worldwide as...

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