The Fighter - Chapter 7 -

Story by Tornado Wolf on SoFurry

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#7 of The Fighter

-Chapter 7-

Dawn broke over the day of Sonya's next Championship fight. Sitting up in her bed the tiger stretches and lets out a big, feline yawn. Sam doing the same as she slowly pushes herself up off her pillow, only to slump back down onto it.

"Rise and shine sleepy head. We have a big day today." Sonya says as she tries to rouse the doe from her slumber. Getting her to roll over at least before sliding over and getting up out of bed. Walking over to her closet, she dressed, and made her way out into the kitchen to make herself some breakfast.

"Morning Wolf." She let out with a yawn. "Been there all night?"

"Yep. The henchman hasn't shown up yet."

"Is that a bad thing?" Sam asks. Wandering into the room with a stretch.

"It means that the master has all the information he needs." Wolf answered. Turning away from the window for the first time all night. Walking to the table and taking a seat at it.

"Like something to drink?" Sam asks, as Sonya was busy preparing her own bowl of cereal.

"Some milk will be fine." Wolf replied. Sam made a glass and set it down at the table before him before returning to the kitchen. "Thank you."

Sonya took a seat across from Wolf and proceeded to much on her breakfast. Sam soon joining her with her own bowl of oatmeal. The entire breakfast proceeded in silence as eat one ate and drank their fill. It wasn't until both of the ladies had finished their bowl before Sonya asked what was on her mind, "Wolf, I know you said I didn't want to know, but my curiosity has been bugging me since yesterday."

"You really want to know what will happen to you should I fail?" Wolf asked after finishing his glass of milk. Sonya nodded as Sam took both bowls and returned them to the kitchen making it back to her chair in time for Wolf to tell what will happen.

"The imps would have started the process, but as I stopped them, the master would do it himself." Wolf started, but stopped as Sam asked, " What process?" Sonya looked over to her lover with a stare. Sam keeping her mouth shut, and letting Wolf continue.

"The process of stripping your free will from you. The Maker's gift to all creation is free will to choose how to live their lives. And from the first fuck, your free will, will be stripped from your very soul."

"Fuck?" Sonya asked.

"This is a demon of lust after you." Wolf said. Sonya nodded and Wolf continued, "Demon seed does two things, strips away your free will, and it will take total control over your sexual desires from the inside out. Your cycle of reproduction, your period, all that, will be out of your control and be entirely subject to his will."

Wolf paused for a moment to collect all of this thoughts before proceeding, "Over the course of what would otherwise be your lift time, you'll slowly become everything he expects of a pet in you. You'll be forced to satisfy his desires all day, all night, seemingly without end. Until he has corrupted you to the point where you will not say "no", and take him happily whenever he chooses."

Sonya and Sam have locked their attention on Wolf completely. "After he has corrupted you, changed you to the form he sees fit, and used you to the point where he doesn't want you anymore, he'll discard you. Leaving you in your corrupted state in the second level. Where you will be subjected to the whims of his minions. His henchmen, his imps, even his other pets will have there way with you. And for eternity, you will be bred, fucked threw abortions, fucked threw pregnancies, baring more imps and henchmen that, when they reach maturity, will turn around and fuck you like you have been."

Sam and Sonya's mouths hung wide open. Almost in disbelieve at the words they were hearing. Wolf wasn't finished, "You two went at it for thirty minutes last night. Take that, and imagine it lasting thirty years. Without the satisfaction of climaxing. Demons seek to satisfy their desires that they are forever denied, and in there search for it. Bring others down to their level of corruption. Cursing souls to never ending pleasures of the flesh, from which nothing is gained."

Sam and Sonya stayed quiet as Wolf stood up and took his glass of milk to the kitchen. Setting it down into the dish washer before returning to the table. Sonya managing a gulp before letting out a breath, "You're right. I didn't want to know."

"The henchmen haven't made a move. Which means the master is coming to collect you by himself." Wolf said as he looked towards the window. He knew the demon would make its move soon. But he wasn't sure when. His thoughts, drifting away to ponder on when the demon would make his move.

Sam managed to collect herself and look at the time. "Oh, Sonya we better move soon. We need to get you to the arena before the crowd starts to show up. Remember there is a meet 'n greet with the fans before the show tonight." Sonya managed to pull herself away from the shock Wolf just threw on them and nodded. Getting up to go and get changed before grabbing her bag. Sam doing the same as she dressed in her medical attire and grabbed her bag. Leaving together with, "See ya later Wolf." "Catch ya at the fight. There's an extra ticket on our dresser for you."

"Stay out of the alleys!" Wolf shouted as the door closed. "Something not right here. They aren't this patient with triggering their plans. Unless...."