Story 1: Part 1- A Hedgehog's Revelation

Story by Fijuste Masoro on SoFurry

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#1 of Cyber Crisis

The young Vixen puffed harder as the wolf on top of her continued to thrust in and out of her throbbing lower hole. "Uh... oh god!" she shouted as she wrapped her arms around his back, pulling the wolf closer in an effort to get him deeper inside her.

Her moans of pleasure turned into surprised gasps of pain and ecstasy as the wolf's already enlarged penis began to bulge until the size of it matched that of a small fist. Throwing their heads back, the Vixen moaned with delight while the wolf howled in unison with her. Then, it stopped. Suspended in animation, the Vixen kept her head faced to the wall behind her, while the wolf had his head raised to the ceiling above. Their sweat glistened as the light above shone down on them, but even then, nothing seemed to stir.

All of a sudden, a small white arrow passed over the two bodies that were locked in intimate passion, and with a click, they were gone. Nothing but a blue area was left where the two once laid, embraced in each others arms. With a sigh, a figure on the opposite side of the blue area leaned back in his chair as he stretched his arms and legs before he pushed a button his computer, shutting it off for the night.

Standing from his chair, the figure walked to his bathroom and began to disrobe. Pulling his shirt from over his head, he shook his quills from the front of his face before yawning lazily to himself. Looking to the mirror, the figure stretched his bottom eye-lid down and examined his eyes to find that they were blood-shot from pulling another all-nighter. 'Great...' he thought to himself as he arched his back, hearing a slight pop in the process. 'My eyes look horrible, my hair's no better, and once again, I'm spending Friday night alone.'

Turning around to look at his back, the figured sighed as he pricked himself with his own quills. 'Then again, it's not like Hedgehogs were meant to get to close to others...' Looking away from the mirror, the hedgehog unbuttoned his pants and walked towards his shower, shaking his pants and undergarment off as he took each step. Twisting the cold tab slightly, the hedgehog shivered as the water greeted him with icy kisses all over his face before moving down his chest down to the lower areas of his body.

With the help of the cold water, the hedgehog shook himself awake then twisted the hot tab farther then he did the cold tab. Rewarded with warm water in return, the hedgehog stood in the shower for a bit before allowing himself to slide down onto the floor. Pushing his head against the wall, the hedgehog sighed peacefully as he stared at the ceiling, remaining motionless as the water pattered against his chest and stomach. As if it was having a rush if ecstasy, the water collected around his pelvis and gathered with other falling drops that were either stray or misguided. Growing higher and higher, the puddle danced and played before passing the hedgehog's symbol of manhood and down his legs to the floor below. Tired, the water retired to the opposite side of the shower floor before disappearing down the drain, never to be seen again, but hardly ever missed.

As the water went from lukewarm to icy-cold, the hedgehog took it as the signal that he was done doing whatever the hell he thought he was doing. Slowing the water flow to a stop, the hedgehog stepped out of the shower and grabbed a towel as he walked out the door, drying himself simultaneously. As his towel left his face, the hedgehog looked back to his computer screen and shrugged before turning it back on. As the black screen turned dark blue once more, it had a single name on the screen showing the hedgehog's name.

'Fijuste Masoro' it showed on the screen in front of him. Moving his mouse pointer to his name, Fijuste clicked on it and then put in his password. Moments later, another blue screen showed, but this one held many different buttons, one of which invited Fijuste back to the realm of cyber space.

Returning back to his favorite website, Fijuste scanned every inch of the page to find something that he has yet to see, but no matter where he looked, it all showed him that the website had given him all that it could offer. From lesbian threesomes to multiple gangbanging galore and even multiple species crossovers, Fijuste could only sigh as he realized just how much time he had committed to the site.

Fijuste knew what he had become; he was a pervert. He would spend countless hours watching others do things to others he could only imagine, in the morning, in the afternoon, or even in the evening, if Fijuste was given the chance, he would spend the time he had looking at others experiencing a joy he would probably never get to truly experience himself. But unlike most perverts, Fijuste didn't do it because he loved to see women getting creamed in every orifice they had, or for two to go at it in different or awkward positions...

No, Fijuste did it because he was never able to have friends when he was growing up. His parents made him live a very sheltered life when he was a child; brutally cutting him off from a social life that was outside of his home. With nothing else to do, Fijuste was schooled from a machine his parents called a computer, and from there, he was able to graduate at the age of 14. Though he was far ahead of many other kids in his studies, Fijuste would have given it all up to be able to live a normal life most other kids had. However, four months after his graduation, Fijuste learned what joy was, but where he learned it from came from a place where no one, not even his parents, expected.

What started as a simple pop-up, Fijuste was soon immersed into a world where men and women engaged in an act that showed intimacy and pleasure, either with one another, by themselves, or of the same gender. He soon taught himself that "sex" was the ultimate joy that anyone could have. He watched what the adults from the websites did to themselves, and sometimes, even imitated them. As he touched himself in ways he never thought about, Fijuste was delighted to find joy in his life, especially when it was in more ways than one.

But as time went on, Fijuste found less and less joy in what he was doing. The animals he saw always seemed to enjoy what they were doing to one another, but Fijuste could never figure out why he didn't feel the same way. He eventually figured out what was missing, but with little practice in charisma, coupled with the sheltered life he was force to live in, he could never figure out a way to find a girl, thus, he could never figure a way to make himself feel the happiness and joy he always wanted to feel.

Even now, at the age of 19 and living on his own, Fijuste was still unable to adjust to a life outside of his home. He periodically wandered about the city to look around, but most of his time was spent at home either working, or looking up more porn.

Exhausted, Fijuste turned off his computer once more and stood up from his seat. Making a turn towards his bed, Fijuste gave another yawn before falling on top of his bed, thus retiring for the night.

Fijuste twitched and tossed about on his bed, the more he thought about it, the more uncertain it became. 'What is true Joy, if not a brief moment of pleasure?' Fijuste thought to himself as he shut his eyes tighter in his dreams. 'People do it all the time, but what's the point of it all?'

'It's love Fijuste.' A gentle voice spoke out to him, startling Fijuste out of his slumber. 'There's no true joy without love.'

Looking about the room, Fijuste blinked the sleepy from his eye before rubbing it out. "I must be going crazy..." the hedgehog told himself as he stretched and yawned a bit.

'That may be, but that doesn't mean I'm wrong.' The voice called out again, sounding closer than ever. To Fijuste's surprise, a small glimmer of light began to dance in front of Fijuste before twisting into the face of a beautiful young Feline. As the light began to grow, the body of a young woman sat before Fijuste.

Unable to find the right words in the face of such beauty, Fijuste could only stammer in awe, causing the cat to chuckle at Fijuste's nervousness. "Wh... Who are you?" Fijuste finally asked, unable to think of anything else.

'I'm a messenger of the Goddess of love.' The Feline said in a soothing tone. 'Aphrodite has heard your question more than once, and wanted to ease your troubled mind. Therefore, she sent me here to give you your answer.'

"My... my answer...?" Fijuste repeated, utterly confused by the situation. "Wait... Is that what you said earlier?"

'Yes Fijuste, Love is the answer.' The Feline said with a smile before putting her hand into Fijuste's pants. 'Anyone can experience the simple pleasures of sex my dear...' She purred as her hand began to stroke Fijuste's penis gently, moving back and forth. 'But the only time it really means anything is when you can experience it someone you can honestly say you love with all your heart.'

Unable to resist her touch, Fijuste could only stare at the cat as she pulled Fijuste's pants down, revealing his erected manhood. 'You see Fijuste, it's easy to feel pleasure..' The cat purred before bending down to his waist. 'It can even be done with a complete stranger and still feel good.'

Rasping her tongue over his shaft, Fijuste thrust his head backward in ecstasy as he felt the touch of a woman's tongue on him. In the past, he had touched himself in these same sorts of ways, but to have another doing it to him, especially a woman, it made Fijuste feel like it was happening for the very first time.

Bringing her tongue to her muzzle, she licked the roof of her mouth before opening once more, this time embracing Fijuste's manhood inside her mouth with her tongue, startling Fijuste who was already feeling hotter than usual from this extra attention.

The cat's head bobbed up and down slowly as she sucked off the hedgehog, taking a little bit longer to let her tongue explore Fijuste's lower appendage. Unable to hold back the feelings of lust that was welling inside him, Fijuste sank his hands into his bed sheets as she began to deep throat him.

Fijuste breathed in suddenly as he felt a surge inside him. Feeling the disturbance from the hedgehog, the Feline began to move her head faster along Fijuste's manhood, eager to teach Fijuste his lesson. Reaching his Climax, Fijuste began to move his pelvis with the cat's own movements until they both moved oppositely in unison. Almost as if a switch had been triggered, Fijuste made a grab for the Cat's head and held her head down. With a final shout of pleasure, Fijuste shot his load into her mouth and remained still for a few seconds.

As the last bit of his juice flowed into the cat's mouth, Fijuste pulled away from her and sigh, exhausted from this new experience of his. Licking her mouth to get what was left over, the cat smiled as her pelt began to shimmer out of existence.

"W-wait!" Fijuste begged as he took notice of the cat fading away. "Don't go!"

'I must Fijuste,' she said silently before disappearing from his view. 'Remember; find your one true love, for only then will you know what true happiness and joy is.'

"But... you are my true love." Fijuste said to himself, staring in disbelief at the place where his angel once sat. "Please don't go..."

'I am not your true love Fijuste, for I am nothing but a messenger who came to your dreams.' The voice called back, fading away. 'You will find your true love one day, but for now, you must wake up...'

Opening his eyes, Fijuste leaned forward, panting steadily as the sun shone through his bedside window. 'Was it all... really nothing but a dream?' Fijuste asked himself, his ears sinking in a bit of depression. 'It can't be... I felt so real.'

As his AC continued to run, Fijuste started to feel cold down below, even with his covers wrapped around him. Looking toward the end of his bed, his face turned grim as he looked at the rather large spot on his covers. Looking between the covers, he checked his pants and just... stared at it.

'Great...' Fijuste thought to himself before pulling off the sheets. Dragging his feet to the washing machine, Fijuste stuffed the sheets inside before unbuckling the belt to his pants. Letting it slide to the floor, he pulled off his pants and undergarment and placed it inside along with the sheets.

Setting the dial, Fijuste retired to the bathroom and pulled off his shirt, tossing it aside as he passed through the door. As he turned the tab for the shower, all he could think of was the dream from last night. The message he was given played through his mind like a broken record, 'Find your true love, Fijuste... Find your true love... Find your true love...'

"Find my true love..." Fijuste repeated, letting the water run down his body. But no matter how hard he tried to figure out a way to do so, all he could think about was the beautiful feline that graced him with her elegance. Her gentle voice... her soft touch... and her body... oh god her body.

Opening his eyes, Fijuste blushed as he took notice of his erect penis. 'I can't believe I'll never see her again...' Fijuste thought to himself as he began to stroke himself slowly. 'I don't know how I'll live after that brush with paradise.' Squeezing a bit harder, his movement sped up as he remembered the cat, her lovely face, moving up and down along his rod, never missing a single part of him as her hips swayed side to side.

As his breathing quickened, he began to make fast, shorter motions along his head, squeezing periodically in rhythm with the woman in his thoughts. With a gasp, he bit on the lower part of his muzzle, trying to fight back the urge to moan, but the more he resisted, the hotter he felt below.

Before he knew it, he was thrusting while his hand continued to squeeze and move, almost as if it had a mind of his own. Unable to contain it anymore, he grunted and thrust forward a final time, shooting his load forward.

Almost eager for a taste, the water mixed in with his ejaculation before carrying down into its hole in the floor, never to be seen again. Panting, he leaned against the wall and relaxed, allowing the water to grope and caress him as it flowed down his body. Taking the heated moment of his lust and desire with it to the drain, Fijuste could only stare as the water disappeared into the darkness.

"I can't let it end this way..." Fijuste said to himself as he turned the tabs, shutting the shower off. "There has to be something on this 'Aphrodite' she mentioned..."

As the words escaped his lips, Fijuste perked up and snapped his fingers before rushing to his computer. Filled with new hope, Fijuste began his search for a way to call back the beautiful messenger he had fallen in love with...


To be Continued...

(I hope you all enjoy reading it as much as I did writing it. This little project has been worked on Sporadically over the course of four months. If this is a like-able enough piece, I'll do my best to continue working on it through part two, and possibly beyond.)