After Party 9 - The Visit

Story by Otter Miqmah on SoFurry

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#10 of After Party

After party 9 - The Visit

Legal junk: If you are under the age of 18... stop reading here. Are you still reading? WELL

STOP IT! Anyways, this is filthy nasty stuff that no one should ever set eyes on. It will rot

your soul and fill your head with immoral ideas. It's really sick crap. But this sick crap is

mine, no stealing!

Also, I would like to thank all of my inspirations. This story took a lot of inspiration from all

sorts of people, and so did all of my other stories. Without inspiration this series would

never have existed, and I would be a lot more bored right now. So thank you once again to

all of my friends and fans who did or said something to prompt me to turn it into a porn

story. :3

Allen woke up to find himself wrapped in the wolf. He slowly started to turn around, not

wanting to wake John up, but it was no use. He had already been awake for a while, and the

instant that Allen turned to face him he was greeted with a big sloppy kiss.

"Morning!" John said licking Allen's nose.

"Morning sweetie, how's the burn?" Allen asked.

"Ehh, could be better, but I'm fine. How's your bum?"

"Just fine. Wanna get some breakfast?"


And they both got up and peeked out the door. It was the weekend, but it looked like both of

John's parents were out doing something.

"How long will they be out?" Allen asked.

"Let's see... it's Saturday morning... so they are doing their bowling meet, so we still have a

few hours."

"Bowling meet? On Saturday morning?"

"Yeah... well it was the only time they could do it. Just don't worry about it and get your

cute butt into the kitchen!" John said giving the cheetah's rump a pinch.

Allen jumped and scooted into the hall, followed quickly by John.

"So what do you want for breakfast?" Allen asked the still completely naked wolf.

"How about bacon?" John said sifting through the fridge and holding out a package of the

sliced meat.

"I'm going to need an apron for that... I'm not working with burning grease in the nude."

"Well if you got burned, we would be even..." John laughed giving the bacon to Allen and

landing a kiss on his lips. "You can use one of my mom's. Just don't tell her."

John walked over to the pantry and pulled out a bright purple apron and handed it over to

Allen. The cheetah tied it around his lean frame and got a pan and placed it on the burner.

When it got hot enough, he placed the slick slices onto the hot surface and the room filled

with the thick sent of cooking bacon. John sat down at the table with a glass of orange juice

and watched the cheetah poke at the bacon with a fork; the sight of the cheetah's ass

sticking out of the back of the apron starting to excite him.

Allen turned around with a plate of the first serving and placed it in front of John.

"Ahh... I see you have some meat for me too..." said Allen noticing John's new erection.

John grinned at the cheetah. "Well I am hungry..."

Allen got down on his knees and worked his way between John's legs. He grabbed the large

endowment and stuck it in his mouth. He began sucking on the head and worked the shaft

with his paws. He massaged the large tip with his tongue making John moan loudly. He

started taking in the length, sucking and massaging the thick shaft as he went. Allen could

taste the drops of pre at the back of his throat.

He started pumping his head up and down the engorged member. He reached over and

began massaging John's balls in his paw and giving them a light squeeze every once in a

while. This made John shiver in pleasure as he felt him coming closer to his orgasm. John's

hips began gently thrusting forward as the pleasure took over.

Allen took the entire length into his muzzle and started to suck harder as he felt John's

oversized knot start to form. With a quick squeeze of his fuzzy sack from the cheetah, he

released his load; his hard cock pumping the hot seed deep down his throat.

Allen pulled away and gave the softening cock a light kiss as it slowly shrank back into his

sheath. He licked his lips, stood up and gave John another kiss and turned around to cook

the rest of the bacon, but before he could John grabbed him around the waste and pulled him

onto his lap.

"Why hello there," Allen said.

"I see that thing under your apron..." John said grabbing Allen's own erection through the

purple apron and giving a squeeze. Allen clenched in pleasure as his hidden cock got the

attention it needed.

John slid the soft fabric of the apron up and down Allen's hard dick until a dark patch started

to spread at his tip. He pulled the apron up to expose the dripping member. He grabbed the

throbbing erection again and started pumping at it.

Allen arched his back as the pleasure flowed through his body. He quickly felt the familiar

presence of John's endowment poking against his back side. He started to gently grind

against the wolf's lap as the hard lump grew. Soon John found himself shivering in pleasure

again as his sensitive cock brushed against the soft fur of Allen's ass.

Allen continued to ride up against the hard rod as John's paw moved up and down his

length. He felt John's heavy breath against his back fur. It moved up to his ear where Allen

heard a faint "I love you" come from Johns lips. He turned his head and their muzzles met

and embraced in a kiss.

John gave a tight squeeze as his tongue invaded Allen's mouth where it was quickly met by

the feline's. With a particularly intense jerking grind against John's cock, Allen' released his load which shot across the table and over the bacon in front of them. Allen went limp in

John's arms as his powerful orgasm took over.

"I... love... you.... too," Allen said between deep breaths as he gave another kiss to the wolf.

He slowly straightened out and stood up as he regained himself. He looked over at the jizz

covered meat. "Woops... didn't mean to frost your bacon," he said to John who was also

looking at the plate.

"It's better like this," he said reaching over for a strip and taking a bite. "It has the wonderful

taste of bacon with the even better taste of you!"

"Oh you... I'll make you some more," Allen said turning around and laying more strips of raw

bacon in the pan which already had a fair amount of grease accumulating in it.

"I hope the next batch is frosted too. This tastes great!" John said as he finished the last


"Well maybe... if someone helps me do the frosting..." said the cheetah leaning over for

another kiss.

"I think that can be arranged."

Allen giggled as he picked up the hot new batch of bacon with a fork and placed it on a plate

and continued to cook the last few slices that were left in the package.

As Allen stared at the sizzling meat a knock came at the door. John and Allen quickly

looked at each other; both still fully naked.

"Crap, who could that be?" John asked as he got up from the table and proceeded to look out

a window to try and see if he could see who it was. "Damn, there isn't a good view of the

door, and we don't have a peep hole. We'd better get dressed in case it is something


Allen nodded and they quickly ran to the bedroom and threw on their clothes and ran up to

the door.

"It's not my parents; they would have just used the key. We don't get visitors, and solicitors

aren't allowed in our neighborhood..." John said half to himself and half to Allen.

As Allen zipped up his pants, John opened the door a crack and peered outside. Allen saw

the fur on the back of his neck stand up as he tried to slam the door shut. But it was too

late; a foot was quickly wedged in the crack.

The door swung open and John got pushed aside and fell onto the floor. Standing there in all

his fury was Allen's dad.

The cheetah looked around and caught the sight of Allen's tail rushing into the kitchen. He

started to walk over but was stopped by John, who had grabbed his ankles and was trying to

trip him.

The wolf was no match for the strong cheetah and John found himself curled on the floor with

a quick kick to the chest as Allen's dad muttered something about queers burning in hell.

The cheetah walked into the kitchen and looked around. It was empty. He looked around

the room to try and find a trace of where Allen was hiding. He started opening the cabinets

next to the floor when he heard something from the other room.

"HEY! ASS FACE! LOOK OVER HERE!" The cheetah looked over to see John standing in

the living room with a fire poker tight in his grip. "You want Allen? Well, he's mine now, so

you can forget it!"

The Cheetah glared at the wolf, and John saw that same crazed look in his eyes that he saw

when he made the leap at him a few days earlier. He grasped the fire poker more tightly as

he held it out in front of him like a sword.

The crazed cheetah started to slowly walk forward, the intensity in his eyes getting worse

with every step.



the ground, his paws clutching his head in agony.

Allen had taken the pan full of hot bacon grease and hit it over his dad's head, the burning

contents covering the cheetah.

As he lay there squirming in pain swearing at everything, particularly the "butt fucking

homos", John and Allen made their escape through the front door.

"Nice move!" John yelled over to Allen as they ran. "But did you have to waste all that


Allen looked over at him and glared.

"What? I was just kidding..." John said as he pointed over to his neighbor's house.

They both ran over to the bright yellow cottage and pounded on the door. After a few

seconds the door opened and an older female kangaroo appeared.

"Oh, why hello John. What is wrong? You both look a little frightened."

"Mrs. Sena, can we explain inside? We need to call the police," said John dragging Allen

inside with him.

"Oh my... what happened?" Mrs. Sena said closing the door.

"You'd better lock that." John said as he closed the curtains of the windows in the living


"Now John, can you please tell me what is going on? You burst into my house, tell me to

lock the door, and you haven't even introduced your friend!" said the kangaroo hopping into

the living room.

Allen waved and introduced himself as he sat down on the couch

"Well it is nice to meet you Allen. Now what is going on?"

After peering out the last window and pulling the curtain tightly shut, John turned around and

walked over to Allen and Mrs. Sena.

"Well you see Mrs. Sena..." said John sitting down on the couch next to Allen and grabbing

his paw. "Me and Allen are... well, boyfriends."

"Oh... I see..." said the kangaroo giving them both a slightly strange look.

"And, well, Allen's dad didn't take the news very well, and basically Allen has been living at

my house for a while because he is kind of... dangerous."

"I see..."

"And well... he kinda broke into my house... and Allen hit him in the head with a pan, and we

ran over here. So if you don't mind, I want to call the police."

"Oh of course! The phone is right over there," the elderly kangaroo said as she pointed and

sat in a large overstuffed chair across from the couch.

John hopped up and ran over to the phone leaving Allen and Mrs. Sena alone in the room.

They both looked at each other awkwardly as they listened to the faint noise of John telling

the police what had happened.

"So Allen... how long have you and John been together?" Mrs. Sena said trying to break the

awkward silence.

"Well... only about a week now..."

"Ah, I see..." she said starting to tap her large foot. "So... you are... gay? What is that like?"

"Well... it's nice?" said Allen trying to answer the strange question.

"Well that is good."

"Yeah... it is."

The silence returned.

John walked back into the room and stopped as he felt the powerful awkwardness between


"Uhh... well the police will be over soon. They said just to stay pu..."

John was interrupted by a loud pounding on the door. They all turned to look.

"Well, he's back." John said staring at the door which was practically shaking with the loud

pounding and muffled yelling coming from the other side.

"What should we do?" Allen said nervously petting a pillow he grabbed when the knocking


Mrs. Sena looked at the two young lovers and slowly stood up from her chair.

"You boys wait here; I'll take care of this."

"No, Mrs. Sena, just wait for police to show up," said john making his way over to Allen, who

had begun petting the pillow harder as the yelling from outside the door got louder.

"Oh, those slowpokes won't be here until it is too late. If you want something done, you have

to do it yourself."

"No, Mrs. Sena, you don't know what you are getting into, he's crazed... you are going to get

hurt," John said as he watched the kangaroo dig around in the hall closet and pull something


"Ha! You are too quick to judge an old lady like me," she said walking over to the door with

the object from the closet.

She placed her paw on the handle and opened the door.

The yelling stopped. John and Allen listened quietly from the living room to try and tell what

was happening.

"Where the fuck is my son, old broad?!" Allen's dad yelled as he tried to make his way past

Mrs. Sena and into the house. There was grease caked in his fur with a little bit of blood

mixed in. John and Allen could smell the burnt fur from the living room.

"Who you calling an old broad?" said Mrs. Sena poking the much larger cheetah in the chest

with the object.

Allen's dad looked down and jumped back. It was a sawed off shot gun jabbing him in his

muscular chest.

"Whoa lady. I just want my faggot son," the cheetah said clearly nervous.

"Well he's not here." She said jabbing him harder in the chest.

"Look. I saw him and that manipulating butt fuck that turned him gay run in here, and I want

him back."

"I told you. He's not here. Now get off my property."

"GIVE ME MY SON!" he said starting to growl.

Mrs. Sena cocked the gun and brought it up to his nose and gave a quick jab.

"You want him? You are going to have to get past this bullet." The cheetah's eyes got wide

at the threat. "Now get off my property."

Allen's dad glared as he looked down the sawed off barrel and into the serious old eyes of

the kangaroo.

"Fine. But you tell that fag that he isn't welcome in my house anymore."

Mrs. Sena gave another quick jab to the Cheetah's nose and he jumped like a kitten and

backed away from the house. The kangaroo aimed the gun at the cheetah until he reached

the sidewalk.

Allen's dad took one last look at the house and yelled. "I HAVE NO SON!"

The kangaroo lifted the gun up again and the cheetah jumped and scampered away. John

and Allen slowly poked their heads out from the curtain as they watched Allen's dad's car

drive past slowly. He gave a cold glare at the two and sped off.

A few second later, the police pulled up and Mrs. Sena hopped up to the car and told them

that he had left, and the cars sped after him.

When they couldn't see the flashing lights from the cars anymore, John and Allen walked out

and onto the lawn to meet Mrs. Sena.

"Thank you so much," John said to the kangaroo.

"You are welcome."

"I have to know... is that loaded?"

Mrs. Sena laughed. "Well you don't get much done with an empty weapon!" She opened

the gun and showed two bullets loaded inside.

"Wow..." John said staring at the shells.

"Ok, well we are going to go back home. If there is anything we can do to repay you, please,

don't hesitate to ask."

"Oh, don't worry about it. I haven't felt so young in a long time."

"Well thank you," John said trying to hold Allen's paw, but he wasn't responding. John

looked over at the cheetah. Allen was staring off in the direction of the cars with a concerned

look on his face.

"Allen? Are you ok?" John asked trying to hold his paw again.

Allen woke up from his trance and looked over at the wolf. A tear ran down his cheek fur.

"Sweetie... is everything ok?" John asked pulling him in for a hug.

Allen gave a slight hug back. "Yeah... it's just... well... it's over..."

"Yeah, I know, isn't it great? We can feel safe again!" John said giving the cheetah a kiss.

"...I don't know... it is kinda weird..."

"What do you mean?"

"Well, boys, I'm going to go back inside. Have a nice night!" said Mrs. Sena leaving the

couple alone.

"You too! And thank you again!" John yelled to the kangaroo. He turned his attention back

to Allen. "What do you mean it feels weird? We are free!"

"It's just... weird..."

"Ok, let's go back to my house and we can talk about this."

Allen nodded and they made their way back to the house; it's front door wide open. They

walked in and looked at the pan and bacon mess on the ground. They moved to the couch

and sat down.

"Now... how is it weird?" John asked as he petted the cheetahs head fur.

"I don't know... it's just that... he doesn't love me anymore," Allen said looking away.

"Oh... well I love you now... "

"I know," he said giving the wolf a kiss. "But... he doesn't love me. I can never go home

again. I'll never see my parents again. It's all a little weird to me..."

"Well, this just means that you are part of our family now. We don't have to worry about him

anymore. We can be together forever now. Isn't it wonderful?" said John leaning in for a long


"Yeah... it is nice... I guess..."

"It's great!" he said leaning more forward making Allen fall back onto the couch; John's paw

finding Allen's pants zipper and undoing it.

Allen pushed him away. "I'm not really in the mood right now. I think I want to go back to


"Aww. But we should celebrate!" John said feeling his pants already getting uncomfortably


"No. I just want to go back to sleep," said Allen getting up and walking to the bedroom.

John sat on the couch as he heard the door close. He felt his heart sink. Seeing his mate

in such a sad mood when he should be so happy just didn't seem right. He gave a sigh and

walked over to the phone. He picked it up and called his dad.

"Hey dad. When are you guys coming home? There is something that just happened and I

need to tell you guys about it."

"What? What happened? Are you ok? Is Allen ok? What happened?" John's dad asked


"We are both fine... well mostly." John looked over at the closed bedroom door. "Just come

home and I will tell you about it."

"Well we are leaving now so we will be back in a few minutes."

"Ok, see you then."


John hung up and looked at the pan of bacon. He picked it up and dropped it in the sink. He

looked down at the grease and the large bloody paw prints on the floor. He sighed again and

plopped down in a chair and waited for his parents to show up so he could explain it all.

In no time at all, he heard the clank of the key in the lock and both of his parents burst in

and looked around. They saw the bloody greasy mess and saw John sitting in the chair.

"WHAT HAPPENED?" Adam yelled as he walked over to John looking at the catastrophe on

the floor.

"Well... Allen's dad showed up."

"WHAT?" Lucy said as she ran to John. "Are you ok? Where is Allen? WHERE IS

ALLEN?" She said looking around nervously for the cheetah.

"Calm down. We are both fine. Allen is in my room."

"Oh thank god," Lucy said in a breath of relief.

"So what happened? Why is there blood everywhere?" Adam asked wandering over to the

mess and kneeling down to examine it. "Is this... bacon grease?"

"Yeah... well you see. Allen was making me some bacon, and his dad shows up, but we

didn't know it was him so when I opened the door, he burst in and went for Allen, but I

distracted him, and Allen hit him over the head with the pan of bacon, and we ran to Mrs.

Sena's place."

"Oh my..." Lucy said also wandering over to the mess.

"Well, we told Mrs. Sena what was happening, and Allen's dad started to knock on her door.

So she opens the door and sticks a gun in his face and tells him to leave. He runs off and

the police follow him and here we are."

"Well..." Adam said as he got a towel and tried to wipe up the mess. "This is going to be

quite a cleanup. How is Allen taking all of this? It must be pretty tough on him."

"Yeah, he seemed pretty shook up about it all," John said giving another glance at the closed

door, his heart hoping to see Allen wandering out happy again. But it was still closed. "His

dad kinda denounced him as his son... which is good because we don't have to worry about

him bothering us anymore."

"Oh... well that is a good thing. But it must still be pretty hard on poor Allen. All that in one

day. You'd better go in there and comfort him," Lucky said to John.

"Yeah. I probably should," he said starting to walk off to his room.

He got to the door and looked over at his parents poking at the grease and blood stains

discussing the best way to get it out of the carpet. He turned the handle, only to discover

that it is locked.

"Allen?" He said softly against the door.

There wasn't any answer.

"Allen can I come in?"

Still no answer.

"I'm sorry Allen. I know that it isn't easy to go through what just happened. I want to try and

help. Can you let me in?"

He stared at the closed door and placed his paw against it.

"I love you Allen. Don't forget that. I want to make you feel better because I don't like seeing

you sad. I know you just want to be alone right now, but it is killing me knowing that you are

all alone in there going through all this with no one at your side. When I said I loved you I

meant that I always wanted to be with you, no matter what. I want to be with you Allen. We

don't have to talk; I just want to be next to you. But I can't do that because this door is


He listened for any sort of answer, but nothing came. He pulled his paw away from the door

and was about to walk away when he heard a click. Allen unlocked the door. John turned

the handle and slowly opened the door and stuck his head in.

"Hey you," John said as he saw the cheetah standing there. He opened the door a little

more and slid in. He closed it and turned around and walked over to Allen. The lights were

off but he could still see that the fur around his eyes were soaked with tears. "Oh sweetie,

come here," John said hugging the crying cheetah. "It is going to be all right. Don't worry.

We will take care of you." John gave him a kiss and he felt the cheetah tighten the hug.

They broke the hug and Allen pulled him over to the bed where they both sat down.

"Do you want to talk about it?" John asked.

Allen shook his head no.

"Do you just want to go to sleep?"

Allen nodded.

"That's just fine."

They both scooted under the covers and John warped the cheetah in his arms. Allen felt so

protected in the warmth of his embrace. The outside word seemed so cold, but everything

seemed perfect and right in his arms. He looked into the wolf's eyes and saw the love that

existed there. He gave a faint smile and John gave him a kiss.

"I love you too." Allen said.

John smiled and Allen nestled his face deep into John's fuzzy soft chest. Soon his mind

wandered off to sleep and the world became a blur of warm fuzz. He felt good under the

protection of John; and John felt good protecting him. Everything was as it should be, and

the world made sense for the first time in a long while.