Pathfinding: An Adult Choose Your Own Adventure, Thirteenth Entry

Story by Gideon Kalve Jarvis on SoFurry

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#13 of Pathfinding-CYOA

Despite the votes, there wasn't any father/son naughtiness...this time. It will happen in the future, though, provided Rufus survives the ordeals ahead of him. In this chapter, Rufus enjoys the company of his mother, his father's mate, his father...and also his daughter. Two new babies are made, but soon Rufus must head forth once more, on the road to adventure. But he will be back.

Pathfinding: An Adult Choose Your Own Adventure

Thirteenth Entry

By Gideon Kalve Jarvis

Vote Tallies

A) 0

B) 16 - Yes to Incest (15), yes to hastened term (10)

C) 1

D) 1

E) 12

Additional Votes:

Keep Ryg - 5 - done and done, so she's sticking with us.

Breed Ryg - 2

More information from the High Alpha about current events - 1

Meet Rufus' pup - 5

Have Leta stay with the Blue Feather as a liason - 1

Scene-shift to what the Warlord is up to - 1

Information on the state of the North - 1

Get a cart - 1 - I intend to work this in.

Continue to keep Marlene's name as "Marlene" - 1 - this is my intention, now that the big reveal is done

Species to meet (and possibly mate) - sheep sheep-dogs bunnys cats horses cows chickens; Minotaurs, Centaurs, Humans, Felines, Hounds, Badgers, Otters, Ferrets, Hares, Mice, Moles, Shrews

Author Notes

A bit of Pathfinder information that I wrote up a while back: - this is a collection of erotic spells for Pathfinder, many of which I like to reference regularly. Some I stole (with proper referencing), some I made up myself, but they all tend to show up rather regularly in my erotic fantasy work, like the Windsar Journey.

Please bear in mind, I only list the first preference of readers in the vote tallies above, not any additional ones. Still, when everything is added up, it looks as though we'll first be hanging around a little bit, doing some family fun as Rufus meets the parents and finds out how his own babymaking activities have gone, while hastening the pregnancies of the girls in the party, then heading off to face some slavers. Rufus' kid is 44% likely to be male, 46% (45-90) likely to be female, and 20% (91-100) likely to be a herm, the last option added because of interest. Aaand, rolled a 52 - Rufus has a daughter at the ripe young age of 14.

This is how I will roll up the random sexes of offspring in the future.

Presently, the chance of pregnancy for non-pregnant females is set at 20%. This will be rolled when "things" happen.

Pathfinding Thirteenth Entry

Rufus sat legs akimbo in his father's large tent, puffing slowly on a peace pipe. The Blue Feather were of the opinion that peace was generally best achieved through good communication and good sex, so the herbs in the pipe were a pleasant, mild aphrodisiac. Since Rufus was naked in the tent, as a sign of his good intentions (it was hard to conceal weapons when you didn't have any clothes on, after all), the swelling in his sheath was quite obvious, as was the plump head of his cock as it peeked hopefully from its confinement.

Across the tent, Rufus' father, Windtooth, the High Alpha, reached over to take the pipe from his son, then took a few long draws on it himself, to better meditate on the long life tale that Rufus had shared, revealing everything he'd done up until that point, from his early days as a mercenary and tracker, to his battles against evil wizards who wanted to become conquerors, the success of which ventures spurred him to try his hand at stopping an actual Warlord, rather than just wannabes. Unlike Rufus, who seemed to be holding himself back, the High Alpha didn't bother, instead letting his heavy, dark red penis rise swiftly to full erection. Despite this visible sign of his arousal, however, the older male didn't make any move toward the only other being in the tent at that time, but only smiled at his son, his expression pleasant, interested, and earnest rather than lecherous.

"You've come a long way to meet with me," said the High Alpha. "A long way for a quest that doesn't really have much to do with you personally. That's not the sort of behavior I expected from you, Rufus Redeye, no, not at all." The older male's smile grew wider, and he reached out a massive paw, patting his son affectionately on the inner thigh. "I'm proud of you, my son. Don't ever forget that I said it, and meant it. Throwing off your selfishness is the first step to becoming a great leader, especially when your focus is on what needs to be done, for everyone."

"It was kinda an accident, Pop," Rufus admitted, scratching the back of his head self-consciously. "I was just supposed to be the hired help, a guide for some babes in the woods, I guess you could say. 'cept, when we got into the middle of things, I decided to keep going. Just didn't think about it, really - it was just the thing to do."

"You'd better think about it now," Windtooth said not-unkindly. "After all, you've got babies on the way...sooner, rather than later, unless I'm wrong," he continued, glancing up as the muscular and busty grey she-wolfen, Skysong, entered the room. "Besides a daughter already here. You've got to start planning for your future, now that it's been thrust upon you."

"Daughter...?" Rufus began, trailing off as Jael, his father's mate, stepped into the room. Next to and slightly behind the slim, golden-furred she-wolfen was another she-wolfen, younger, her slightly skinny, but nonetheless quite fit and healthy, body revealing her obvious youth, just a pubescent pup really, though that put her around the ages of some of the girls in Rufus' present party - girls that he'd been more than happy to breed. "Huh, well...hey," said Rufus with a casual shrug, patting a spot on the cushions next to him, smiling at the younger gold-and-cream she-wolfen pleasantly. "If you wanna, you can sit with your old man. Though I suppose I'm a little late to be called your daddy."

The gold-furred wolfgirl giggled, and walked over, promptly seating herself directly on Rufus' naked lap, her tail curling around his semiswollen sheath.

"I don't mind calling you Daddy," said the wolfgirl with a cheeky grin over her shoulder at her father. "Every so often we'd get bards out here, and sometimes they'd share stories about what you'd been doing out there in the rest of the world. I know all about that fight with the five-headed venom hydra of the Poisonswamp, and I heard about how you defeated the Fire Witch and her four wicked daughters at Brimstone Tower. I loved those stories! I'm really proud that you're my daddy!"

Then, suddenly and before anyone could stop her, Rael bent forward to scoop up the peace pipe just as Windtooth had set it down, and taken a few puffs. Since the young wolfgirl, like her mother and the two males, was jaybird naked, this gave Rufus a very good look at her dainty pink parts, which soon started to grow plump and moist as she enjoyed the stuff in the pipe. Rufus noticed his cockhead starting to peek more out of its sheath, until a good quarter of his shaft was bared to the warm air of the tent, and he glanced at his father and Jael with a look that was part questioning, part apologetic. Windtooth just grinned at seeing his granddaughter smoking on a peace pipe, which was normally adults-only behavior, marking the girl as a naughty pup indeed, but Jael, always a serious sort, scowled, and reached down to take the pipe swiftly away. Suddenly deprived of the pipe, Rael pouted cutely, plunking her cute little tuckus right down on Rufus' cock, so that the bared part of his shaft was squeezed between her fluffy cheeks.

"Make her give it back, Daddy," Rael demanded, making Jael look grouchy, but making Windtooth and Rufus chuckle, before Rufus ruffled his daughter's headfur.

"Mother knows best, I'm sure," he said with a shrug, doing his best not to pay attention to how every one of the teenage wolfgirl's wiggles (and she was a hyper little thing - she wiggled a lot) rubbed her fluffy buns against his shaft. Instead, he began to knead her neck and shoulders, making the slim wolfgirl moan happily, arching her back into his hands. "Besides, it's probably better if we all have clear heads, and if you haven't been sneaking the pipe before, even a little will go a long way."

"Mother does know best," said another voice, before Skysong, the large-muscled (and also large-breasted) she-wolfen from before stepped into the tent, letting the flap close behind her, and took the pipe from Jael's hand before giving it a few puffs, then handing it back to the older golden wolf. "And mother knows that a little fun never hurt anybody, as long as it's used in moderation." She then gave a long, slow stretch, thrusting her generous double-handfuls of bosom outward, making Rufus' eyes grow wide despite himself, his groin starting to ache to an almost painful degree, before seating herself next to the High Alpha, on his right side, the weapon arm side. Jael paused a moment, her expression still slightly sour, before her face relaxed into a wry smirk, and she took a few puffs on the peace pipe herself before settling down on her mate's left side, nearest his heart.

"Business first," said the golden-furred female, ignoring the look of disappointment on her gold-and-cream-furred daughter, as well as the looks of amusement on Windtooth and Skysong's faces; as for the look of embarrassed discomfort on Rufus' face as his overly perky daughter continued to work her booty on his lap, her only response was a wicked little smirk before she continued. "There's no worry about your little band earning their keep, thanks to that fox of yours. He's quite a good bard, all-told, and most of the tribe is presently listening to him sing some of our ballads."

"Which is good," Skysong chipped in, rolling her eyes, "since it means they didn't notice where I put the gnolls. As long as those spotty bastards don't stick their noses too far out of their tent, at least for the first few days, there shouldn't be any trouble."

"In the meantime, I understand that you're leaving most of the female members of your party with us, before you head east to settle matters with that slaver, Praxis Venator," Jael continued.

"That's the plan," said Rufus with a nod. "I'm leaving all of them except Urta, and that's just 'cause that she-'yena doesn't trust magic. Otherwise, Ryg's working with the girls, and they're going to start having babies in the near future."

"Handy thing, shaman magic," remarked Jael dryly, glancing at Rael with an affectionate little grin. "It would certainly have been a lot easier, having Rael here born in hours instead of months. But I was still too angry with, well, everything then, and speeding things up would probably have made me miscarry." Then she shrugged, her expression changing to one of affection as she looked at Rufus. "I've had a lot of time to think things over," the older gold she-wolfen admitted. "I've made up with your mother...many times," she added with a slight flush to her inner ears, one which was mirrored by Skysong, "and I've resolved to be a better and kinder mate as well as mother and advisor of the pack. Together with your father, we've decided to aid you in your quest, Rufus - you have an army of wolfen at your disposal, one of the largest in these parts. It's going to take some time to get everyone together, of course, but within the changing of two moons, the full might of the Blue Feather and our allies will be ready to smite the Warlord." She looked at Windtooth, who nodded solemnly.

"This is the decision of the Pack," he said formally, the seriousness of his expression somewhat lessened by his proud and prominent erection, standing straight up from his slightly thicker and shaggier pubic fur. "We see the danger of the Warlord, and will face him together. I only hope, son, that you can gather other allies than just us, though, and soon." The High Alpha's expression softened, and he reached forward to rest a hand on Rufus' shoulder. "My pack is strong, and we have many seasoned warriors and skilled strategists, but we are only one army, and the Warlord has many. We are all counting on you." Then Windtooth leaned back, grinning from ear to ear. "No pressure, of course."

"Yeah," agreed Rufus with a chuckle, followed shortly thereafter by a wince as Rael, bored with all this adult talk, smiled mischievously over her shoulder, and then started to rub her moist little cunny against Rufus' shaft, deliberately this time, her eyes widening with a bit of surprise as she felt it growing to full length and hardness against her moist lower lips. "Um," Rufus continued, looking down at his daughter, "hon, what're you doing? I'm trying to talk war and blood and death and stuff like that with your grandfather, mother, and, um," he glanced at Skysong a moment before continuing, "auntie."

"Mom said I should find a good male for my first heat," Rael replied sweetly, looking up at her father with an expression so innocent, she might as well be wearing a halo over her pointed ears. "I asked Mom if it was all right if I did it with you - you're my daddy, so of course you'd want to make my first time good, and you're not really a part of the tribe itself, so there's nothing wrong with it." Then she tilted her head up and licked the bottom of Rufus' chin, the gesture at once affectionate and teasing. "You're really cute, too."

"Mating sounds like a lot more fun than war and blood and death," commented Windtooth with a slow motion of his head to one side and then the other, before he leaned back, giving his son a teasing wink. "Besides, I think we've already finished up the important details. Tomorrow, after you and your party have rested, you'll leave. In a few days to a week or perhaps two, you'll return, triumphant and laden with the spoils of battle." Arching his hips upward slightly, his powerful, straight shaft pointing toward the ceiling, the dark-furred wolfen nodded to Jael and Skysong suggestively. "If her mother has no objections," Windtooth added with a slightly ceremonious wave toward Rael and Rufus, "then I certainly have none. Life is for living, and loving, after all. War is an unfortunate interruption to the paths of the Earth Mother, Matra, and I wish to have as little to do with it as possible, both before and after." His next grin was more vicious, the grin of a wolf about to sink his teeth into the neck of a rival. "Just enough time to make sure we win, with as few losses on our side as possible."

"No objections from me," said Jael, lowering herself much like Marlene (or was it Guiomar now? Rufus wasn't quite sure) had just a few hours earlier, head down, rump up, tail hiked, spreading her scent through the large tent - aroused, though not in heat. "My daughter made a good choice," she added, winking at Rufus and licking her chops before turning to face her mate's strong shaft, openly drooling in anticipation. "As I know well from personal experience."

Rael eagerly rubbed herslf against Rufus' hard, uncircumcised shaft, biting her lower lip and whimpering as her pink lower lips just got more and more slick with her aroused juices. Then, suddenly, she frowned thoughtfully, leaning forward again to watch close at what her mother and Skysong were doing with the High Alpha's penis. At first, Jael greedily engulfed the dark-furred male's dark lupine cock in her muzzle, mmm-ing to herself at the taste of it as she bobbed her head, obviously not wanting to be patient, wanting her mate's seed coating her tastebuds as soon as possible. Then she paused, feeling the taller, grey-furred female's hand gently stroking her shoulder and then her cheek, and looked up guiltily before pulling up, a line of spit connecting her muzzle to Windtooth's cocktip as she released him.

"Sorry," she murmured softly, blushing a little at her eagerness. "I keep forgetting to share."

"It's all right," said Skysong with a tender, motherly smile, before tilting the gold-furred female's chin up with one finger, then bending to kiss Jael's lips. Both Rufus' and Windtooth's cocks visibly throbbed at the sight of the sexy, powerful females locked in that tight embrace, their perked nipples dueling right along with their tongues. Windtooth's erection was soon leaking quite heavily as Jael and Skysong lowered themselves slightly, so that Skysong's large breasts and Jael's more modest ones engulfed his long shaft. Jael suddenly reached down, making Skysong moan loudly as the gold-furred she-wolfen roughly mauled the other she-wolfen's breasts, making sure to squeeze them tightly together as the sexy pair gyrated their bodies against each other, stroking Windtooth's shaft in the process.

"Get in closer," growled Rufus softly in his daughter's ear, giving her a pat on her perky butt. "You'll see the action better. Maybe they'll even let you join in."

Eagerly, her tail wagging, making her cute buns wiggle all the more, Rael crawled on all-fours over to where the two beautiful, mature females were servicing their alpha male, looking the very picture of the eager little pup. Rael leaned in close as first Jael and then Snowsong wrapped their lips around Windtooth's cock, bobbed their head, taking him in, their tongues visibly swirling around his length, before they finished with a final lick and passed his shaft to the other wolf woman. Whining cutely, Rael leaned in to nuzzle her grandfather's heavy sac, then leaned up a little to give a few tentative licks around the base of his shaft, where it emerged from the tight-stretched ring of his sheath. Rael had reason to be cautious, of course, since this was much like trying to sneak meat from a kill before the alphas had finished eating their fill, and her body stayed tensed, ready to hop back if she was repulsed, not wanting to challenge the more powerful females. However, instead of rejecting the teen wolfette, Skysong turned her head with a smile at the younger female, letting Jael take a longer turn fellating Windtooth, then stroked Rael's cheek gently. That hand soon continued down Rael's back, stroking her fluffy gold-furred and cream-tipped tail upward, before gripping her perky little booty firmly. Jael noticed what Skysong was doing, and let Windtooth's cock pop from her mouth as she grinned, then reached over to grab Rael's other cheek, the two females spreading the younger she-wolfen's buns wide.

"It looks as though the little wolfie doesn't know her place," said Jael with a wicked grin at her daughter, who lowered her ears submissively, and would have lowered her tail as well, if the two older females hadn't pinned it to her back. "I think she needs to be taught a lesson."

"Perhaps a little tongue-lashing will teach her some respect for her elders," said Skysong with a grin that was nearly a laugh.

Rael looked up between the faces of the two she-wolfen, at once nervous, a little scared, and visibly more aroused than she'd ever been in her entire young life. Soon she began to tremble with sexual excitement as the pair started to first stroke their hands over her body, running fingers through her puppy-soft fur, before teasing fingertips against her nipples, squeezing them, tugging on them gently, soon following their hands with their muzzles, making little Rael squeal loudly, a small orgasm shaking her sensitive body as they sucked on her perky pink nipples, standing clearly out through her cream-colored chestfur. Then both older she-wolfen were pushing Rael's head to the thick, soft carpet of the floor, their hands grabbing her booty tightly, spreading her cheeks apart, making her whimper like the adorable puppygirl she'd been only a few short years ago, fearing a spanking from Mommy on her poor, tender little tushie. But this time, instead of a spanking, she felt Mommy's tongue burrowing its way through her tender cunny lips, while Skysong mirrored her gold-furred partner's actions from the other direction. Whimpers growing louder, Rael bit into her tight-clenched fist as she felt one of Skysong's fingers teasing her tiny pink tailhole, making her whole body tense up, her bottom visibly flexing. Then both females were moving their muzzles lower, and suddenly they were doing to Rael's clitoris what they'd been doing with Windtooth's cock just a short while ago, first one and then the other leaning in to swirl their smooth tongues against her throbbing little lovebutton. Suddenly, it was just too much! Desperately, Rael buried her muzzle in her hands, holding her mouth tightly shut against the scream that threatened to escape as she was suddenly suckled by three_greedy mouths instead of just two, Rufus suddenly joining in the fun to just _engulf her poor little pussy with his big ol' muzzle, his powerful hands squeezing her upturned tushie so tightly, it almost hurt.

"D-daddeeee!" squealed Rael in ecstasy, her head jerking up for a moment as her back arched in orgasm, her whole body feeling charged, almost like lightning, before Jael reached around and put a gentle yet firm hand on the back of her daughter's head.

"I think this pup hasn't learned her lesson yet," she said with a knowing nod. "What do you think will teach her, Skysong?"

"Well, Jael," said Skysong, drawing out the little wolfette's tension, even though it was obvious she knew what she was going to decide. "That's a hard one...oh! I know," she smiled, trying to look wicked, though she didn't quite pull it off like Jael could. "Since she wanted to steal our treat, let's make her into a sort of treat herself."

"Yes," agreed Jael, suddenly lifting a leg to straddle Rael's back, facing toward Rufus as she grabbed her daughter's bottom and spread it open wide for him as he straightened up, cock standing straight and rigid before him. "A spit-roast!"

Pausing a moment to grab a jar of something off one of the shelves in his tent, Windtooth gave Skysong the time she needed to deftly shimmy her way beneath the all-fours teen, her large breasts squeezing tightly against Rael's precious breastbuds as she kissed the younger female, making Rael moan loudly into the older wolfen's muzzle, feeling Skysong's tongue caressing her own with such incredible skill. Crawling back into place, Windtooth rose to his knees before Rael just as Skysong ended the kiss and reached back and up to cup and caress the dark-furred male's heavy balls, then guide his cocktip into place at his granddaughter's pursed muzzle.

"Here," said Windtooth with a tense voice as he tossed the jar to Rufus, his son catching it easily. "Rub this on her - it'll make it so she doesn't feel any pain, just pleasure." He grinned widely as he looked down at Rael's pretty amber eyes as she looked up at him, obviously so eager to please as she slowly, almost tentatively closed her muzzle around his hard shaft, starting to suckle almost like she had at her mother's teat in the not-distant past. "It'll make her pretty needy, actually, so watch out."

Rufus noted the slightly rueful nods of the two older females, who obviously knew the truth behind Windtooth's words, and grinned, reaching into the jar and getting a copious dollop of its sticky contents on his fingers. Once he felt he had enough, he pressed his palm against Rael's juicy little cunny, spread wide by her mother, putting the precious dear's hymen clearly on display, and then arched his hand upward, his fingers working firmly into her cunny. Giving a muffled cry as Rufus worked the thick gel into her folds, stretching her hymen in the process (though not breaking it yet), Rael seemed to go wild with need, losing all her trepidation as she began to eagerly bob her head, humming to herself around her grandfather's cock in her intense pleasure, making the powerful High Alpha grit his teeth, grunting loudly at the sudden rush of pleasure. Trusting in the potency of the potion he'd just used on his daughter, Rufus grabbed her perky little buns, arching his hips forward as Jael reached down, guiding him, slotting him into place at his daughter's tight slit. Gritting his teeth, Rufus gave a single, smooth, powerful thrust forward, feeling his daughter's cherry pop, feeling her whole body tense up as she was suddenly and very thoroughly stuffed to the brim with more hard cock than she'd ever imagined in her entire young life. A moment later, Rufus also grunted loudly as he felt his daughter's inner walls clamp down on him. She was so tight! She wasn't squeezing down in pain, either - oh no, Rufus could tell that right away as he watched his daughter sucking greedily on her grandfather's penis, even daring to take him deep enough that his balls bounced against her chin every few thrusts. She was cumming in pulses and bursts, her cunny stroking him in waves as she came, again and again and again, her whole world spinning in a maelstrom of pleasure. Taking a moment to admire the sight of the most adorable little wolfette in the world's tiny pink cunny visibly rippling around his hard cock, her tailhole winking at him with each pulse, Rufus sank his fingers into the wolfgirl's supple flesh, gritting his teeth as he met his father's eyes, before the older male gave a short nod.

An instant later, as Jael watched on top and Skysong from beneath, both she-wolfen gaping in awe at the incredibly erotic sight, their own cunnies juicing heavily, Rufus and Windtooth started to thrust with their hips, gripping Rael's bottom and head as they began to properly and completely stuff the dear little wolfpup from both ends. Rael's cheeks bulged out, her eyes glazed with pleasure as she did her best to keep sucking on grandpa's penis, even as Rufus made her buns bounce with his savage thrusting, both males intent on screwing the darling little she-wolf silly.

With such intense tightness, to say nothing of Rael's eagerness to please, and her own obvious pleasure, there was no way either male could hold himself back for long. Their eyes locking once more, Windtooth and Rufus timed their thrusts, each of them feeling the tension of the other through their shared partner, before they both felt it, felt themselves hitting the point of no return...and going over. Snarling like savage beasts, both males felt their balls bubble inside, before they began to cum, a powerful gush of thick, creamy liquid filling the little wolfette right up to the brim, and beyond, as she just couldn't swallow fast enough, and her cunny just wasn't deep enough to handle all the copious wolfcum, great dollops dripping onto the carpet.

As their orgasms slowed, both males slowly pulled free, making Rael shudder in another orgasm or two before she almost collapsed, her fall to the ground stopped only when she rested her head on the soft pillows of Skysong's plush breasts. Both males then looked at each other for another moment, then down at the older she-wolfen panting in arousal at the show that had been put on for them. Rufus knew full well that his daughter had been in heat, and that he'd almost certainly gotten her pregnant. Now that he was paying attention, he could also tell that his own mother was in a heat of her own. There was the chance that it was a false heat brought on by sheer arousal, but Rufus' cock didn't care, quickly regaining its full surge of erection. An instant later, he plowed his shaft downward, making Skysong squeal like a puppy herself as her aching cunny was suddenly stuffed full of her son's shaft, making little Rael rise on her chest as the busty she-wolfen's back arched in a sudden orgasm of her own, she'd been so worked up before. Jael similarly cried out as Windtooth plunged his own erection into her from behind, pushing her forward over Rael's slender back, the gold-furred she-wolfen's fingers grabbing tight hold of Rufus' chest and belly fur as she was almost brutally bounced back and forth.

The night would be long indeed, and there would be little rest for any of those in the High Alpha's tent. Little rest, but much joy.

[Rolled 93 for Jael - not ovulating; 19 for Rael - knocked up; and 15 for Skysong - knocked up.]


The next day, despite the workout he'd received the night before, Rufus set out from his father's tent, walking a little bit funny, but keeping his back proudly erect. The gnolls were waiting for him in the camp square, as were Urtan, Spark, Cassidy...and Ryg. Rufus gave the pale-furred shamaness a puzzled look, which she returned with a grin.

"Surely you didn't expect me to stay behind when there's an adventure afoot?" she asked, quite reasonably. "I haven't had this much fun in years."

Shrugging, not really feeling up to arguing much of anything right then, Rufus waved the party forward, and they started toward the edge of the mobile village. Before they'd quite reached the edge, however, Rufus heard his name called, and turned to see Rael come running toward him. He smirked as he noticed she also was walking a bit funny, and that she'd only thrown on a light shift, which exposed her nudity beneath with each step, before his eyes widened as she leapt into his arms and kissed him hungrily.

"Come back when you've finished," she said softly, urgently. "I know you can't promise, since nobody knows if they'll live or not in a war. But come back if you can. I can't promise that I'll keep my cunny reserved just for you - Grandpa has needs, after all - but I've got another virginity that I didn't give to you yet." She grabbed one of Rufus' hands, and guided it down to her perky bare bottom beneath the shift. "That belongs to you, Daddy," she whispered in his ear, before giving his ear a playful nip and stepping back, waving as the party made their way into the woody hills surrounding the village.

"Please come back alive," Rael whispered to the wind, hoping it would carry her prayer to the gods.

Path Choices

There are several ways to approach the slaver camp. Its general direction and location is known, but not the exact specifics, so some scouting will have to be done. How should Rufus and his party approach this situation, in general terms? There are no percentage rolls here, but the choice made now will influence what choices are available in the future, and how well they are likely to work. Our methods will also influence how we're perceived by others, so there are potential social advantages to an approach that doesn't seem as effective from a strategic point of view.

A) Boldly, like true adventurers! Let's go out there and kick that panther slaver's black-furred booty in style! Incidentally, this will also get us there a lot faster.

B) Silent like the wind and night. This will take a little longer, but we'll be a lot less visible on our way.

C) Do your homework first. Don't just head straight for the goal - stop off at settlements and wayside taverns on the road, and ask around about Praxis Venator and his band. This will take quite a lot longer, and may give our quarry time to prepare for us (asking about someone does tend to let them know someone was asking, after all), but it will also give us some potentially useful information about the one we seek, which might help us fare better in battle.