Pleasure of the Wild North

Story by Atmik on SoFurry

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#3 of Short stories & One-offs

Ron Matthews have packed their bags and headed north, to escape the Ever-wilder West. With him, he has his son, who always orders him around and associate with dangerous people. Just settled in their new home, Ron is collecting firewood - unaware of what lurks behind the trees...

This story contains semi-consensual gay sex, elements of body/mind control, of sexual submission, and of transformation. If this does not suit your fancy, well... uh. Also, if you strongly oppose incest and/or father/son relations in fiction, you might want to refrain from reading the story. Because that's essentially what the requester, and pitcher, of this story wanted.

It was written based on a pitch from Alex Wolfheart, and thus the plot-line is not quite my own. Nevertheless, all the details are written by me, all the actions are mine; and therefore, I would love any feedback. On the formatting (over-the-top?), the pacing, the character development, or any other aspect (such as the pornographic elements, or the dialogue), any little thing is appreciated! Be it negative or positive, a vote, a favorite or a watch!

Ron, 23:00 p.m. October 1

Chop! The axe sent small debris flying in the hard breeze, cleaving the logs with force. Chop! Chop! Ron Matthew's strong self rested on the axe's shaft, letting out deep breaths into the Autumn night, his bare upper-body soaked in sweat. His muscles ached with pride: They would do fine living in the Cold North, even if Dan will complain when he finds out.

They used to live in the West, but it had become wilder. The bandits roamed the villages, the sheriffs looked the other way. And when they didn't, and brought one to the cell, the one would be gone without trace the day after. Ron Matthews trusted no one, and his son had begun acting like a do-no-gooder. Dan ordered Ron around as if he was the son, acting as if he was the man of the house. In a way, he was. Ron did not want to disappoint his remaining family, so he silently bit his lips and listened to Dan. Seeing an opportunity to move, he took it, hoping that the Cold North would teach his son manners, and hard work.

The dark came thicker, earlier, up north, a thing Ron was quick to observe; never having seen dark like that, alone and surrounded by age-old bush. A bright half-moon lit the area just enough for him to see the black contours of their cabin. His mind started to wander; what lies right outside his sight - is it safe? Behind that tree - a native waiting for an opportunity to spear him? Ron shrugged away the thoughts, and a pack of wolves howled in the distance.

He seated himself on the tree stub he had been using to cut the logs, and looked up at the stars. Above him was Pegasus - which he had named his first horse after. He did not know much of the myth, just that it was a white-winged horse.

Ron jumped up from the tree stub, startled by a loud rustle in the wood to his left. He stared at where the sound had come from. A large shadow, of what looked like a large man, passed by and a twig broke.

"Who's there?" He asked, gripped his axe and moved with reluctant steps towards the sound. Dan was already well in his sleep. Ron's blood started rushing. "Show yourself!"

But it did not. Perhaps he had been mistaken, and it was just your ordinary deer, curious of the human and then scared witless when he proved to be alive. He stood inside the forest, where the twig had snapped, and chuckled at his paranoia. The North was rich with wild-life, after all. When he stopped staring into the woods, and turned around, he heard a sudden thud on the ground. And then he was on the ground, someone holding him down. He could not see who, or what, before he was struck in the head.

Ron, 23:45 p.m. October 1

Ron woke up next to a fire, laying naked and unguarded on a hay bed, his pants nowhere in sight. There was a heavy scent in the air, rich and strong and sensual, and he found that it soothed him. The uncomfortable bed was not as uncomfortable, and his head did not hurt quite as much. Yet, he rubbed his head, stood up, and took a step away from the fire and away from his captor. But, a growl came from behind, and a sharp native's voice. Despite trying, he could not move a finger. As if commanded.

The native walked up next to him, and fur tickled his back. He sensed the source of the scent now, it was from the native behind him, it was an old scent, a wise scent, a scent that he could trust. It calmed him a little bit. A hand, it too feeling of fur, pressed against his upper back. The native said something, and Ron's upper-body slowly moved downwards, his knees bending slowly until he was on all fours. He shivered, trying to struggle against the hand pressing him down, but his body refused to move an inch from its position.

Ron stood on his fours, and presented himself to what was behind him like his wife used to do when she was alive. His limp dick swayed in the air, together with his filled balls.

His urge to run off become more intense, before the native started speaking soft words. The urge dissipated little by little, and when the Native removed its furred hand from his back and stopped talking, it was completely gone. And he could finally move again.

He stayed on his fours, waiting for something that never came, before standing up. Realizing running was not an option, at least not one he was considering, he decided to face his perpetrator and the source of the soothing scent.

Ron was startled by the sight. Five yards away stood a huge wolf-man, werewolf, two feet taller than he. It stared at him deeply with knowing yellow eyes, and he wanted to run; he could run, but he did not. Instead, he listened to the sweet melody of the werewolf's voice as it took a few slow steps towards him. Ron's eyes involuntarily moved downwards, to the werewolf's crotch. A red shaft, a standard canine shape, poked out of a sheath, showing itself little by little. It was big.

Staring at the werewolf's bouncing testicles excited him; it was forbidden to even think of it, and perhaps that's why the blood rushed to his own hardening cock. A cock, while modest, he used to be proud to have. It looked pitiful. The muscular body's sway felt of power, of dominance, of reassurance. Of _I will fuck you until you know nothing else._It did not matter that he was straight. That he had a son. That he'd lose his hard-earned spot in Heaven. He wanted the werewolf inside of him.

The werewolf motioned for him to get down on his fours again, and he met its yellow eyes before turning his gaze downwards and complying. He presented himself like he had done before, this time with excitement and a hard cock, and waited.

His ass cheeks spread slightly, as they conformed to the werewolf's cock poking at the entrance. The werewolf's large paws grabbed a hold of his stomach, holding him in a fast grip. Ron snapped out of the dazed state the scent had sent him to: What am I doing, about to get fucked like a woman? He wanted to flee..

The grip loosened a bit as he struggled, claws piercing his skin. The tip of the cock rubbed itself against his asshole, exciting Ron despite himself. When the werewolf was sure Ron had stopped, it eased itself into Ron, and he roared in protest.

The werewolf kept calm, continuing to ease itself inside, and soon Ron didn't know if it was pain or pleasure he was feeling. The werewolf said a word, and he could not help himself - he pushed back towards the cock to get it to enter quicker. When the werewolf moved away, he felt empty. When he came back in, he felt full. Whole.

Ron grabbed a hold of his own cock and started stroking it at the pace he was being fucked. It started slow; became quicker. Moving his hands back and forth - he hated himself for loving it, feeling harder than he ever had before. His cock had a long lost, but familiar, tingle that he had never felt without his wife on the other end.

Now he was on the other end, and he let it be heard. The werewolf did not speak English, and likely didn't know the words, but any man would understand the "Fuck me harder, make me your bitch" that came from under Ron's breath.

The soothing scent had changed, it had become stronger, more intrusive, it had something to tell. That it belonged to a leader. Someone who should be followed. His leader, his alpha. And his alpha continued to fuck him, humping him harder and harder, barely pulling back before pushing back in, starting to swell at the base of its cock.

Ron started stroking his own cock faster, the tingle stronger than before, wanting to relieve himself, when suddenly the werewolf stopped, fully in and tied. Spurt after spurt of cum filled his ass, and he in turn felt his balls release their pent up emotions. He was in a bliss, grinning happily and resting peacefully.

The cock was still deep inside of him, knotted to him, and he knew he could not pull himself off of it. He didn't want to, either, the embrace and scent of his alpha feeling wonderful. The werewolf, however, grabbed him by his arm pits and moved them both to the fire pit, laying them both down there. It caused Ron's cock to stir again, but he stayed still in the warm embrace, and soon started to doze off.

Ron, 07:35 a.m. October 2

When he woke up, he was alone and the sun had just risen. Ron stretched his back, his pants and shoes thrown in a pile beside him. He barely managed to get his legs into the pants, and his feet into the shoes. It was as if they had shrunk. But they fit, even if tight. And he felt incredible. Other than his hurting ass, which made his first steps turn into circus struts, his body had its best sleep in years.

He walked west, something told him that was the right way, taking in the scenery. The birds chirped their mating calls, the flies buzzed around him, and deer could be seen in the distance, running around. He had been a bit skeptic moving to the wild, but he found himself loving it. The green lush was a paradise, and he could not wait for Dan to experience the beau of the forest.

Whilst the forest smell was wonderful, he himself reeked of sweat and dried cum. Ron contemplated finding a water stream to wash up, afraid his son might notice, and he thought he heard water pouring nearby. But he decided against it. He would need to find his way home before Dan realizes that he has been gone.

Dan, 08:20 a.m. October 2

Dan woke up to the slam of the outer door closing, he groaned and turned around in his soft bed, trying to ignore the light and sound coming from the window. He had never liked mornings, which he made sure those around him knew.

He reasoned that it was late morning, because else his dad would not dare make such noise. A woodpecker hammered on a tree outside. Dan quickly dressed into his leather chaps and jacket; Dad had told him that they weren't fit for the place, but he didn't care. They'd be there for a short while and then head back home. And his dad would not argue - Dan would get his way eventually.

"Morning!" He shouted, a rough voice replied with the same. "Is my morning meal ready?" Dan was hungry, as he always was and he was used to the service. Despite eating all the time, and never lifting a finger, he never gained a pound. Ron took a while to answer, Dan using the time to think on how to berate his father.

"Coffee is brewing and beef is cooking, son." Without the affirmative 'son', which he seldom heard used, Dan would have thought the voice belonged to a stranger.

And indeed, when he stepped out of his room, there was a man similar to his dad - but taller, a defined body, and pants that were stretching thin. "Dad?"

"Uh huh?" His dad barely glanced his way, looking intently at the small fire brewing.

"... you look different." Dan did not like it. There was an aura around the man, an aura of being assertive, knowing.

His dad looked himself over as if seeing the changes for the first time, confusion in his eyes as he furrowed his eyebrows. "Oh, the woods- woodcutting. Perhaps your lazy ass should try it some, son? Put some meat on your weak bones." The tone turned from confused to commanding in the matter of a second.

"You know you can't tell me what to do, besi-"

His dad was quick to move the distance between them and grabbed a hold of Dan's throat, holding him against a wall. He growled like a feral animal. "I can't tell you what to do? You? Look at yourself!" Dan didn't need to look at himself to understand the meaning. His dad was taller, and the muscles on the arm holding him by the throat were impressive. The eyes of his dad looked off, but he could not place it. The meaning the eyes gave were clear, though. "Now, if you want your morning meal, pretend you are ten years younger, that your mother is still alive, and sit quietly waiting at the table. Get it?"

A desperate need for air had risen, and despite not getting it, he nodded - and the hand left his throat. His dad had gone mad. Dan scurried towards the table, afraid. Never before had his dad dared take that tone with him. Something more than his body had changed.

His dad put the beef on a plate, and poured some coffee in a cup, and placed them on the table in front of him.


"Yes, son?" Ron replied.

"How did you think I would eat it?"

"Hands, mouth. Who cares? I threw away the utensils, don't need them."

_Don't need them?_He knew better than to argue after what happened before, but he could not believe his dad. Dan grabbed the beef with his hands, and blood squished out of it and ran down his arm. "It's raw! I can't eat this!"

"You will. There's nothing wrong with some red meat to build your bum." The dad gave him a scornful look before smirking, "You need it."

Dan ate it with a grim look of gloom, wondering what had happened to his dad. This was not like him. In fact, his Dad _hated_red meat. Afraid of blood, and violence, rather not wanting to be reminded of his wife. But here Dan was, watching his dad gulp the meat like he had never been hungrier; he himself taking deliberate slow bites and trying hard to swallow it all.

"I don't like it," Dan said.

"I like it." Ron replied, not bothering to look up from his meal. "Now eat up, there is still some wood to cut."

It was a tiring job, chopping wood, but Dan thought his dad would be satisfied with the job. It was not late, perhaps close to dinner, and the sun still rested up high in the sky; but he needed a rest. The few, and tiny, muscles he had ached with pain, and his dad had not helped him one bit. He hadn't even seen his dad all day. It was a boring job, chopping wood. Cut the wood, place it where it should be, after placing his dad's work from the night before there, and then do it over. Dan decided to see if his dad had calmed down.

A strong odor attacked him when he opened the door and stepped inside the cabin. Dank and oppressive. The smell lay thick; it was the smell of a man who had been out all day, working hard in the sun. A man whose body was melting - it was a deceiving smell, since his dad had not stepped outside.

"Dad, I've cut a lot of wood now," Dan said carefully. "Not the most fun I've had..." he added under his breath, not meant for his dad's ears.

"Should have chopped it yesterday," Ron answered from the back, "You should pull your weight more often, it's not much, and stop whining like a little bitch."

"I didn't whine! Besides you _forced_me to do it, and my muscles are aching!"

"Do you want me to come out?" Ron's voice shook the walls.

"N-no, Dad." Not when you are built like that.

"Then what were you doing?"

Dan twisted his legs, as if a kid caught in a lie: "I was whining?"

"You were whining."

"I was whining."

The odor was getting to Dan's head. He didn't like it any, but he was getting used to it. It was oddly relaxing to him. What did it matter if he actually whined, or didn't whine? It didn't matter and it was easier for him to agree with his dad. Letting himself go. And it felt good, as if he had missed something in his life, as if he had missed bowing down to an authority. He had long ignored his dad, despite his dad's route more often than not being the sensible one. Now, he didn't want to.

Ron stepped out of his room, and his stature had become even larger. Dan's dad was gone and replaced with a muscular beast, taller than he by far. Bigger than any other human Dan had seen - wearing just a blanket to cover himself. "Dad?"

"Be quiet. We don't need you yapping, we need you working. You'll love it once your lazy ass does it some more. Fuck, I'm having dinner. Go back out and finish up, when you're done you can come and eat with me."

"But I have finished..."

"You have finished? There is always something more you can do, useless filth. Go work if you wish to call yourself my son."

Dan gave a heavy sigh, and rubbed his growling tummy. He did not wish to call himself his dad's son, not right now, but he was hungry.

He barely noticed the odor, but he did not feel that it was his dad's. It was something else entirely, a power which he should submit to. It came from his dad, but it was not him. He was sure of it. But he knew he could not let it see him as useless.

Ron, 09:00 a.m. October 2

Ron laughed when he saw he saw his son back chopping wood; at how easy it was to control him. _Why didn't I do it sooner?_It felt good, really good. His son looked pitiful, he thought, trying to chop the wood. The technique he had down, but he was barely able to carry the axe, let alone swing it. Nowhere near finished.

Ron didn't bother with the fire this time, taking the beef straight out of the ground. He ripped a piece off with his sharp canines, feeling the savory bloody taste on his tongue as he chewed; it was delicious. He used to hate it, blood, but he could not remember why - it was wonderful. The true taste of an animal. When he was finished with the first, he took out a second, and a third, until they were all out.

He didn't feel the need to clean himself when done, letting the blood seep into his body-hair. His hair: he had more of it than he used to, and it had turned into different shades of gray. It was thick, and getting thicker, slowly spreading over his body. Ron had shaved his beard two days prior, but it looked like it had been two weeks. It was almost like fur on him, he liked the look. Ron moved to his bed, where he had spent all day, and tried to stretch out. The bed had become awfully cramp, he found. He threw himself back off the bed and looked down at his body.

He had become huge, and was getting bigger. Hidden under the hair, the fur, the muscles worked, pulsing up and down. Even where there should be none. Muscle pockets, similar to those on his chest, but smaller, had formed along his body, stretching down to his stomach. Ron ran his hand through the fur and along the new muscle pockets, stopping when he felt something. A little nub, much like a nipple. His hand quickly moved to another of the small muscle bumps. Another nub. He quickly pulled his hand away.

"I-I'm becoming a dog, a wolf?" He said, suddenly uncertain and divided. The look was not unpleasant, the ever thickening fur beautiful (if a bit blood-stained), but it was not human. It was not him - it wasn't his blood-thirst, they weren't his hairs, the bouncing muscles belonged to someone else. To a leader, not to Ron Matthews. To someone like the beast he called his alpha. The memory of his alpha, of being fucked, caused his still human cock to harden.

It was wrong, it wasn't right. But he grabbed a hold of it, his heart responding by sending more blood, making it pulse in his hands. It had become bigger, perhaps adding three inches to the length - it had never been much of an issue to others, his cock, but whenever he had taken a dip in a lake with his friends - he had to take a peek. And he didn't like the results. Now his package would by far be the heaviest; if they saw it, they would be as ashamed as he was next to his alpha. Images of standing in a ring with his friends, stroking his cock while they stroked theirs, and then comparing the sizes, flashed in his mind. Biggest winds. Biggest decides what the others have to do. He started stroking himself slowly, forgetting his changes, imagining the scenario real.

Each time his hand hit the base of the cock, a little bit of his skin stayed behind, and when he moved his hand up, the tip grew slicker, redder, pointier; until a sheath had formed, and his cock had a canine's anatomy.

He stopped, leaving himself on edge, admiring the wonder. He touched the tip of it, to see if it was real, and then shuddered. Ron, he didn't think the name fit him any more, could not wait to show Dan. Dan was still chopping wood outside, oblivious to what had happened. Ron walked out of his room and to a window where he could see his son. The way Dan bent over to collect the wood he had cut, legs straight, excited Ron. Giving him ideas for later: he could not spend himself yet.

Narrator, October 2

Over the next few hours, he continued to change - a tail grew (which he immediately took a liking to), the fur grew in fully (and he could not help but scratch the itches that came with) and he became impatient with the smallest tasks. He wanted to go out, run into the forest, hunt for deer - but he wanted a companion, someone by his side. He had to wait - just a little while.

It was late evening when his teeth started to hurt, all of them, at once. He accidentally bit his cheek, causing blood to flow out of his mouth. He listened to the blood drip, drip, it became louder and louder as his ears started to change. Listening to the blood drip took his mind off what was happening - his cranium was getting smaller, his jaws were pushing outwards, the fur quick to envelope it all. At last, the intense pain of his skeleton remodeling itself, caused him to scream. He looked at the door, determined, waiting.

The door screeched as the outside light came pouring in, and Dan stepped inside and sniffing the air. He opened his mouth to say something, having not seen his father's state yet, but never got the chance. Ron moved his large body with swiftness and grace to Dan, grabbing his arm and covering his mouth. Muffled protests escaped from his son, as Ron dragged him towards his bed. But Ron stayed calm, knowing by instinct how to make it go quickly, and bit his son's neck softly before throwing him onto the bed.

Dan, 20:30 p.m. October 2

"Who-what are you? Where's my dad?" Dan felt numb where he had been bitten and his thoughts were dimmed. It didn't hurt, but the presence of the bite was there, pulsating. He didn't care who had bit him, who had dragged him to the bed. He smelled nice. But he didn't want to be there. He didn't want to be near the vile creature, no matter the smell.

The beast did not answer right away, instead ripping the clothes off of Dan, not giving Dan any time to react. Dan would have screamed, but he couldn't. And no one would have heard. The smell soothed him a little, and his will to scream quickly perished.

His eyes, that had been staring at the beast's wolf-head, moved downwards. Tracing the majestic body, the muscle top invoking a sense of awe. A well-defined, not over the top, body. It was covered in blood. Dan was jealous and scared of the beast in front of him, wanting its body for himself, if only more human.. _Will he eat me?_His gaze continued down the beast's body, and to its cock, encased by a sheath hiding the size, and balls that hung heavy.

"You can call me Daddy," the beast, Daddy, said.

_Dad? That's impossible!_Dan knew the beast was lying, but he went with it. "Daddy," he said, still staring at the cock in front of him. He did not desire it, did not want it to fuck him - he wanted it for himself. The sheath hid the size, but still told tales of something big. He wanted it, to fuck a woman and sire children. "Daddy," he repeated, "and _what_are you?" Dan tried to sound tough, as he lay naked before a... werewolf... larger than he, and staring at its crotch. The bite continued to pulse, a feeling of remorse spread through him.

"_What?_Your Daddy. Your Alpha. Address me as I am." There was a silence. "Now. _What_am I?"

That wasn't my question! But the words rung true, unless the smell lied. Of course the beast was his Alpha, his leader. The alpha is the strongest, the smartest, the tallest, the caretaker - and by proxy that makes the alpha a daddy.His Daddy. "You're my Daddy and Alpha. My leader."

"And that makes you..." Daddy trailed off, waiting for Dan to fill in.

Dan tried his best to think of it, but the smell continued to numb and relax his mind, rendering his critical thinking useless. "I'm sorry, Daddy... I don't know." Dan half-whispered, blushing for not knowing. _His child?_He did actually care - but it felt as if he should know.

"It makes you my Omega."

Of course, it made sense; but the words hurt. The lowest caste in a pack - but he wasn't even the same creature. It made sense that he was the Omega, if he was a part of the pack. "I understand, Daddy. I'm your Omega. But you have to tell me... what kind of _creature_are you? See, I'm human and-"

"-and again, an Omega. I don't have to tell you anything. You will know it yourself soon enough, become my little bitch. You already are, aren't you?" The alpha's cock started to poke out of its sheath, the red color contrasting against the gray fur. Dan licked his lips and nodded. The balls continued to sway in the air, and Dan continued to follow them with his eyes. He didn't feel like a bitch, as he said: he's human. The heavy musky smell still surrounded him, and the wound where he had been bit continued to pulse. Perhaps I can pretend being a bitch - but I won't let the balls sway me.He can't change me. He still didn't desire being fucked by the tool. Dan let out a mock bark, his Daddy responding with a hearty laugh which made Dan smile like a fool.

"Too bad you barely ate today, huh?" What do you mean?"Considering your role, it doesn't matter, I guess. You know what a bitch does?"

This one Dan knew. He nodded. "A bitch takes care of the Alpha's needs." Sexual needs. He didn't want to, though. Daddy's erect cock moved a bit, but the beast stayed still. His back had started to tickle.

"What are you not doing?" Daddy said, voice booming.

"Taking care of Daddy's needs." I'm not going to.

"But you want to, don't you? You want to take care of..." He grabbed a hold of his cock, "...this." Dan nodded again. "Yes," he said. No, was what he wanted to say. Not because he didn't like the idea, it had grown on him as the smell reassured him that the beast could be trusted, but because the idea felt wrong. He wanted, could, pretend to be a bitch, not act like one. There was a distinction there, but it was becoming fuzzy to him.What's the difference between acting, and pretending? Our actions define who we are, choosing to pretend is choosing to act. There was something interesting about the prospect of acting the part. It smelled wonderful, it looked beautiful. Perhaps he should take care of it, for now. He could run away later.

Daddy growled, "Well, bitch, get going!" He sounded angry, but he stood in place, waiting. He looked fierce with his red-tinted, blood-stained, fur and his barring teeth.

Despite himself, and afraid of his life, he rose from the bed. Dan thought that the alpha looked a little smaller than before, when he fought to get away from his grip, and a little weaker. Perhaps he had overestimated him, perhaps he could run away, right away. The bite continued to pulse, his back continued to tickle, the tickling spreading, and send signals to his body. His cock started rising - submitting will feel good, the signal told him. You will like, it told him. It's your duty as your Daddy's bitch.

"What a pathetic little thing, let's hope that becomes bigger, at least."

It's not that small! Dan had never before seen another man erect, but he knew it wasn't that small. At least on par with his own, real, Dad. He trailed his fingers down Daddy's stomach, tracing the nipples, yielding no response. His alpha stood still, tall and strong and grim, and Dan's belief of being able to escape quickly left. The cock poked him in the stomach.


An alpha's command was an omega's law, and if he couldn't escape... I'm not going to like it. He went down on his knees, his eyes an inch from the cock. Dan still wanted it for himself; he was not small, but he wanted to be big. He gasped. He did not dare look, but something odd was happening to his cock. It was being stimulated, moving up on its own accord, touching his stomach. Something warm starting to surround it. Daddy's hands moved to his back head, I'll have to pretend. No weakness, or I'll be hurt. The heavy scent that had been in the house since dinner time, was at its strongest next to the crotch.


Daddy pushed Dan's head closer to his shaft, and Dan opened his mouth quickly. Something's wrong. The strange sensation that had previously emmanated his cock, had moved to his tailbone. He touched his cock, the covering skin gone, and quickly removed it from the sensitive flesh. What's happening? It was hurting, but he did not want to show doubt in front of his alpha. Without thinking, he took half the large cock in his mouth.

His jaws were stretched to their limit, and he fought against the strain as he tried pleasing his Alpha. He didn't know how. Should I lick it, and meanwhile play with his balls? Dan started bobbing his head a little bit, eyes closed, and he felt his Alpha respond. Pretending was coming easier to him, he felt, as he decided to take Daddy's balls in a hand, fondling them. A pleased murr came from above him. I seem to be doing right. At least I like it, a little.

Ron laughed, "Would you look at that!" He pulled out of Dan's mouth, letting go of his head. "Soon part of the pack, eh?" Dan quickly moved his hands to his back, feeling a long stump there.Shit. "Lay down on the bed, this needs celebration."

Dan took a peak at his body when moving to the bed - at some point, his nipples had multiplied, and he had muscles where Daddy did, even if they were smaller. People say stuff's like watching hair grow. I'm watching hair grow. Gray hair. The hair was quickly spreading up his arms, covering them like fur... He stopped, and pinched his now lean body, sending a shiver through his spine, from where he had been bitten. "What'd you do to me?"

"You deaf? I said the bed, omega." The words stung him, he did not want to be an omega any longer. He'd show him. He was changing - but that didn't mean he wanted to be treated poorly.

Dan was just a little taller than he was when human, though, and he had barely gotten stronger. He decided to try, it used to work on his real dad, why not on this one? "You think I'm afraid of you? I'm_not_ your bitch."

Daddy, the alpha, just stared at him in disbelief, at the ridiculous half-transformed thing - saying nothing, but grinning.

"Fuck off, I'm going." Dan tried to push past, but was grabbed by a hand and slung onto the bed. The Alpha was quick to hold him down.

"Going? Going? Stop struggling." The Alpha's scent was becoming yet clearer, richer, more intoxicating. Dan wanted to fight it, but his mind was numb. Yes, he could fight the Alpha holding him down, but why bother? What's wrong with being an omega, really? I did like what I was doing... He shook his head, but his cock still pulsed. "Your fur hasn't even grown in yet, and you are already fighting. Remind me of what you are."

"Your bi- Omega, Alpha." Dan was about to say he was his Daddy's bitch, but did not want to admit it. He felt it. If he was not, he would have run away, he would have rather died, but there he was. Still alive, still there, and wanting the alpha's cock in himself.

"You were about to say something else."

It took Dan a few seconds to respond. "Y-your bitch?"

"Yes. Raise your tail a little." Dan, looking away from his Alpha and staring into the wall, with his ass in the air tried raising his tail, failing, and trying it again. The new appendage was hard to control, but he managed at last. Something pressed against his ass-cheeks. A cock. "Ask for it, bitch."

_I'm not. He can fuck me, I'll let him fuck me, I'll like it, but I won't ask._He felt the hair, the fur, creeping on his skin, spreading itself thicker over his body. His cock gave another jump at the thought of being fucked, at the indignation of having a cock pressed against him, But the Alpha wasn't moving. He tried to push back to the cock, but was met with laughter.

"No, ask."

Just a little. "Please..." Dan's voice trailed off. Don't make me ask.


"Fuck me." The words came quick.

"That's not asking, bitch." Dan's alpha started pushing a little, just a little bit, just a little tease, making Dan squirm. "Why would I fuck you if you can't even follow an instruction?" He was clearly amused.

"Stop fucking with me, and fuck me, please?" Dan tried pushing onto the cock again, "I want it!"

"If that's the case..." Ron pushed himself in, slowly, the wolf-creature-in-making shrieking as a result. He grabbed a hold of his son's hips, pressing them towards his own. "You'll like it soon."

Dan didn't say anything, just fighting the intense pain, his body doing the opposite of what he wanted. _Away, not to it!_But he soon forgot the pain, as his body started to itch fervently, all over, and as the Alpha started moving out, and in, out and in. It became an easy, and slow paced, rhythm, to take his mind off the itching. It took all his focus, and he didn't notice the fur stopping, fully covering him.

He wiggled his ass a bit, trying to get the cock in deeper. I can't believe I'm doing this. He started panting like a tired bitch in heat, but kept pushing back, demanding more. I can't believe I'm loving it. Daddy moaned above him. I can't believe I want to live like this, with a pack of werewolves like him.

"Just one little thing to go, my bitch, one thing." Dan was confused for a second, before he felt a sudden pain throughout his head. Bearable, but there, shifting and changing him. But he quickly swayed his thoughts away from his head, and to the fucking, to the pleasure.

"Don't even remember who you were, huh? Just a little cock squeezer now - no need to demonstrate, you slut: This will be your life, you know. As I gather more into the pack, you will remain omega. Remain the bitch. Remain what you've treated me as. Dan, my son, my bitch. My pack's bitch. My subservient little thing. And you don't even seem to care, as the fur covers your body, as your hands become paws, and as you become more eager to serve."

"To think, that I ever called a slut as you my son. Used to think you were hanging out with the bad guys to act like them, realize now that they let you hang out with them because of your slutty ass. Perhaps we should recruit them, let them see the right side of the law. You won't mind, I'm sure. Can't help it, can you? Just love the feeling of cock? Good, or you'd have to learn-"

Dan let out a loud scream, unprepared for the sudden pain; his jaw became thinner and started to protrude outwards, his teeth became sharp, his hearing better. The pain rested itself, and he had stopped fucking, and his Alpha had stopped fucking, staying half-way in. "Why'd you stop, Daddy?" It was true that he didn't remember fully, but he was sure he had never been fucked before. Even if he wished he had, now.

Narrator, October 2

"Cute ears." The Alpha resumed his duties, fucking the thing in front. Harder, easier, slower, quicker, he went through the motions of pleasure, listening to how his Omega responded. "H-harder! Fuck-- slower! Nngh." The tiny werewolf continued to fuck the cock, his own cock hard as if being fucked itself, until the Alpha with a final yell pushed in and tied itself, letting cum flow freely into the Omega's ass, once, twice, thrice, the balls emptying completely. The Alpha grabbed a hold of the Omega's cock, and after one tiny little squeeze, the Omega came.

"Th-thanks, Alpha." They lay down together, on the bed, stuck together for a little while. The Omega had finished growing, but was still much shorter than the Alpha. The Alpha held his hands around the Omega.

"Thank you, Omega, my bitch, my play-toy."

Gracias por leer! Thank you for reading! If you enjoyed the read, I've written other stories in the same vein: The Witch's House, A Different Sort of Sword: and other short stories in different veins!

As said, pacing, flow, word choice, characters, the sex, the transformation, the dialog, was it good? Was it bad? Did it work, did anything in particular catch your fancy (or the opposite)? Any feedback is always appreciated, a long comment, a short comment, a favorite, a watch, a vote - positive, negative, whatever! (Do not be afraid to be harsh.) It will hopefully help me improve and do better next time :)

Oh, and thanks to Raedwulf for reading through this right after I posted it, pointing out several errors and strange bits! If you're still reading this text, and I don't know why you would bother, I would seriously implore you to go read his fantastic stories Walls Book 1 and Everwinter.