Unrequited Love?

Story by Aria Kitsune on SoFurry

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Alicia has been hiding the fact she has a crush on her father until a moment presents itself for her to tell him how she feels after he presents her with enough leverage to make him her lover.

Alicia, a young mare rested her arms on the porch railing, smiling slightly to herself as she took in the scene in front of her. The last bad storm had left the old rotted tree in their backyard leaning at a precarious angle. Her father had declared that it was finally time they brought it down, before it came down on it's own and damaged something. He'd enlisted the help of her friend Zack, who lived next door and now the two of them labored under the hot sun, and while she would never admit it, it was a show that Alicia enjoyed watching.

He was so handsome. The way that his muscles rippled under his fur as he worked shirtless, the shine of the sweat as it clung to his fur, the stark black stripes against the bright orange, and his warm smile as he turned to look at his work buddy for the day. He was just perfect. "Too bad he's taken though." She thought as she sighed dreamily.

She was so lost in her day dreams that she never heard the sound of footsteps coming out of the house behind her.

"He's pretty good looking isn't he?" The newcomer said echoing her earlier thoughts, and startling a soft yelp out of her. She spun so quickly that she lost her balance and was saved only by the wood of the railing digging into her back. She stared at her mother blankly for a moment then tried to wipe the guilty expression from her face.

"I don't know what you mean." She lied, not daring to admit to the thoughts that had been in her head.

Her mother laughed softly "Alicia, my dear, you've been staring at him all morning with stars in your eyes." At Alicia's horrified look at being caught her mother laughed again. "Oh don't look at me like that. I was young once too. I stared at my share of boys, and Zack is good looking." Her mother gave her a conspiratorial wink "Don't worry, I'll try not to embarrass you in front of him."

Alicia let out a relieved breath, though it was for a completely different reason than her mother likely thought. She had been sure that her mother had finally figured it out, but it seemed that she was still safe.

"Here." Her mother said handing the two glasses of iced tea she had been carrying. "Why don't you take these over to the boys?" Her mother grinned at her. "Give you the chance to flirt a little."

"Umm... sure mom." Alicia said as she stared at the glasses with a blank expression, then turned from her mother and walked slowly toward where the two guys were hard at work.

They didn't notice her as she first approached them so she had plenty of time to stare. She shouldn't have been so paranoid. It was obvious that her mother would think she had a crush on Zack, it made a lot more sense than the truth did, that was for sure. She glanced at Zack for a few moments and frowned. It wasn't that he was bad looking or anything and he was nice enough, it was just... well he was so skinny. She guessed that hyenas just weren't her type, as shallow as that sounded. Tigers on the other hand though... she turned her attention back to the well muscled back of her father and started to daydream about things that a good daughter had no right to think.

She wondered what her father was like in bed. Was he any good? She supposed he had to be, her mother had often called her and her sisters happy accidents, there wouldn't have been any accidents if he wasn't good enough to keep her mother coming back for more. Was he the dominant one?... No probably not, mom most definitely wore the pants in the family.

She frowned slightly to herself, as she tried to figure out if the thought of her parents sleeping together made her jealous or if it was sexy, before she could decide though, the guys finally noticed her approach. "And here comes the best thing I've seen all day." Her father said cheerfully as he put his tools down and took one of the glasses from her. Alicia pretended he was talking about her, though she knew he meant the cold drink he was now downing.

She barely paid any attention to Zack as he took the other glass from her, even though he had finally managed to work up the nerve to ask her the question that had been on his mind all morning. "Um... I was uh... wondering if... you'd like to, maybe, go to the movies with me this weekend?" He played with his glass awkwardly, barely able to bring his head up to look at her.

When Zack finally did he realized she hadn't even heard him. "Alicia?" he tried again hoping for her attention.

"Huh? What? Did you say something Zack?" She asked pulling her mind away from her daydreams and back to the here and now.

Zack just sighed and shook his head "Never mind, it wasn't important anyway." He said with a sigh.

Alicia gave him an odd look "Well if you say so I guess."

Zack just sighed again and downed his drink, wishing he could drown his embarrassment in it.

When Alicia took the glasses and wandered off again her father, Vince, gave Zack a reassuring grin "She knows you exist, I promise you she does. She is just too busy with her school work to be interested in any boys."

"If you say so." Zack said with so little feeling that Vince couldn't help but laugh.

"Don't worry I'm sure that when she notices boys you will be first on her list, you've known each other since you were kids." He assured the boy "If it helps, I will put a good word in for you."

Zack managed a grin "Thanks, I guess that kinda does help." he said, his spirits rising some.

"Good, now back to this stump before we waste our whole day." Vince said turning his attention back to the project at hand.

Alicia entered the house just in time to be nearly deafened by her mother's voice echoing through the house calling her sisters for lunch. By the time she had placed the glasses in the sink the sound of running feet had resolved into her two little sisters skidding into the kitchen, throwing themselves on their chairs and attacking the plate of sandwiches with all the ferocity suiting the tiger side of their heritage.

As she leaned against the sink she mused again at how much they showed the mixed heritage and how little she did. The older of the two, Amber, had just turned fourteen and took after their father. She was a tiger, but with a coat of fur so dark brown that her stripes barely showed through.

The nine year old, Amy, looked like she was going to grow up to be like their mom, except for the fact that her coat was a shocking shade of bright orange.

Alicia by contrast looked every bit the purebred horse. From her glossy black coat, to her tall build, to her well developed chest, she was her mother's daughter all over, or at least her father always said so.

"Are you sure you don't want to join us?" Her mother asked. "Your aunt says their is plenty of room for one more if you do."

Alicia shook her head "I wish I could, I would love to see the new baby, but I have a test I haven't studied for and a project I have to get done by next week."

Her mother gave her a sympathetic smile and nodded "Well at least you have your priorities straight. Maybe you can join us for a girls weekend next time."

Alicia nodded "Maybe next time." She said trying to sound at least a little sincere. Girls weekends usually bored her to tears, and babies were just smelly little balls of noise.

Her mother grinned practically reading the thoughts on her daughter's face. "Well if you need any help with that homework, your dad is the best person for the job anyway." She glanced at the now empty plate that had once held the sandwiches "And without these two beasts around, you might actually get something done."

"Hey!" Amy exclaimed "I'm not a beast."

"You my dear, are the most ferocious of them all." Her mother said playfully, "Now go wash your face. You have mustard all over it."

Amy scrubbed at her mouth, stuck her tongue out at her mother then hopped off the chair and ran off to the bathroom.

Alicia just laughed and shook her head at her crazy sister.

It had been a quiet evening. After everyone had left, Alicia and her father had ordered pizza for supper, eaten it in front of the TV then she had wandered off to get some work done on her project. She, however, only managed a few sentences of the report before she was ready for bed.

Most of her time had been spent staring at the computer screen and daydreaming about the weekend she would really like to have with her father.

It was with a depressed sigh that she closed her laptop and got ready for bed, pulling on a pair of loose pink shorts and a matching tank top. She knew she could never have her father in the way that she dreamed of, but she just could not get the thoughts out of her mind.

Knowing she'd just make herself worse if she continued to dwell on it she crawled into bed and made herself push the thoughts away until she eventually fell asleep.

Alicia stirred slowly as a steady dripping gradually pulled her out of a rather pleasant dream. She opened her eyes seeing nothing but the underside of the comforter that she had pulled over her head as she slept. As she sat up, pushing her blankets off of her, a fat drop of something cold and wet landed on the top of her head, square between her ears. Another hitting her in the face when she looked up out of reflex.

"What the hell..." She muttered as she leaned over and flicked on her bedside lamp. She stared at the spreading water stain just above her bed in confusion for a few moments until the sound of the rain hitting her window finally sunk in and she realized that the roof was leaking all over her bed.

With a wave of near silent swearing she climbed out of bed and went in search of her father. A quick peek in his room showed that he wasn't there. A little more wandering and she soon found herself following the sounds of the television down the stairs to the family room. "Dad?" She said softly as she poked her head into the room "My roof is leaking."

A little grumble from the couch was the only response that she got. "Dad?" She tried again as she entered the room, stopping when she kicked one of several cans that lay scattered about the floor.

Picking up the can she sighed. It was a beer can. Her father was a notoriously light drinker, tipsy after only one or two beers. The fact that there were four cans now laying about meant that she was getting no help for her leaky ceiling that night. With another sigh she tossed the can back on the floor and left the room, stopping in the kitchen to grab a bucket she retraced her steps back to her room and propped the bucket under the leak hoping that it wouldn't overflow and ruin her bed.

She stared at the setup wondering where she was suppose to sleep now. It didn't take long for her to come to the conclusion that her father would likely be out for the night and therefore had no use for his bed.

The thought of the whole king sized bed to herself was too good to pass up and within moments she was in her parents room and crawling into the bed and under the covers with a content sigh. She pulled her father's pillow to her, happily burying her face in it, and surrounded by his scent soon fell back to sleep.

Vince groaned as he sat up. Falling asleep on the couch had left a kink in his back and neck. He stretched carefully, wincing as his back cracked, only sort of noticing the dizziness that came with the motions. He grunted as he lurched to his feet and stumbled upstairs to his bedroom. As he went from the bed to the door he stripped down to his fur, leaving a trail of clothing behind him. He slid under the covers and pressed himself against the sleeping form already there.

He only lay there for a moment before his hands started to wander over the shapely form that shared the bed with him. He kissed her neck as his hand slipped under her pajama top to massage her perky breasts. Her top refused to stay where he put it though, and after it got in his way one too many times he gave in and spent a few minutes working it off of her. With it gone he took one naked breast in his mouth and used his free hand to work over the other. Once he had the nipples good and hard, one of his hands wandered lower, under the waistband of her shorts and under her panties.

He found his goal as his questing fingers brushed up against the small bump, causing a shiver out of his still sleeping lover. Smiling to himself he slowly teased her, enjoying the sound of her soft moans, until she'd had an orgasm.

Figuring she would be wet enough now he slid down the bed, removed her shorts and panties and lined his cock up by feel.

Between the drunken haze and the darkness of the room he never even realized that it was his daughter, not his wife in front of him. Even after he slowly slid his cock into the tighter than usual hole, all he could think about was how great it felt as he started thrusting.

As Alicia came awake she couldn't quite figure out what was going on. Her body felt hot, and waves of pleasure seemed to crash over her at random.

She finally woke up enough to get her eyes open, to find herself staring at her father, his head thrown back in pleasure. She started to speak, then as what was happening clicked in she cut herself off before uttering a sound.

Her father was fucking her and if he realized who she was, he would definitely stop, and with how turned on she was right now that was the last thing she wanted.

So she kept quiet and wrapped her legs around him. He looked down for a moment and she could just make out the grin on his face. "Finally woke up, did you?" He asked, his voice slightly slurred. "Just in time for the good part."

With that he leaned forward bracing himself on the bed and started thrusting fast and hard. Within only a few minutes both were cumming, her with a loud moan, him shouting his wife's name.

As he flopped down beside her, and pulled her into him, Alicia found herself kind of disappointed that it hadn't been her name he had shouted. She stared at the wall moodily for a while then smiled, now she would have enough dirt to make him do this again and next time it would be her name he cried out in ecstasy.

Vince grunted and rolled away from the sunlight coming through the blinds he'd forgotten to close the night before. He rolled right into a warm body, which he automatically cuddled into. It was several minutes before his sleepy mind remembered that his wife was at her sister's. His eyes shot open and he found his face buried not in his wife's blond hair, but in long black hair... like Alicia's.

He lifted his head and stared blankly at the teenager wondering what she was doing in his bed. His movements disturbed her enough that she rolled away causing the blankets to slip from her shoulders. He stared at the smooth naked curve as the slow realization kicked in that she wasn't wearing any clothes... and neither was he.

As bits of the night before flashed through his head Vince leaped out of the bed as if there was a snake in it, a look of complete horror on his face.

"Dad? What's going on?" Alicia asked fuzzily as she sat up giving him a sleepy, confused look, the sheets sliding the rest of the way off. As she stretched slowly, arms over her head, Vince's eyes locked onto her breasts and he could not bring himself to look away until her arms once again rested on the bed.

"Did we... I mean you and I..." He suddenly realized he was standing there naked in front of his daughter and quickly covered himself with one hand, while groping behind himself with the other trying to figure out where the closet was.

Alicia stared at him for a moment then giggled. "This is why I love you so much Dad. Yes we did." She said then asked offhandedly, "What do you want to have for breakfast?"

Vince froze and stared at his daughter. "That's it?" He asked incredulous "I... Raped you... " He said the words as if they pained him. "And all you care about is what's for breakfast."

Alicia crawled out of the bed, smiling at her father as she stood. "You did not rape me. We made love."

Vince opened his mouth to speak but no words came out. He couldn't believe what he had just heard. "We what?" He practically squeaked.

"We... made... love." Alicia punctuated each firm word with a step towards her father, who tried to back away but quickly found himself against the wall. "And it was as wonderful as I always dreamed it would be." She added softly as she pressed herself into her father's chest and kissed him passionately.

He was too stunned to even consider pushing her away at first. When he finally did all he could do was hold her at arms length and stare at her. "You... wanted to do that?" He asked trying to sort out what she was telling him.

Alicia smiled and nodded at him. "I love you Daddy, maybe more than a good daughter should but I don't care." She suddenly looked away, blushing some. "I've never been with another boy because I really wanted you to be my first."

Vince stared at her for a few moments longer then groaned and rubbed his face. "Your mother is going to kill me."

"Why do we even have to tell her?" Alicia asked innocently. "I liked it, you liked it, it's all good..." She hesitated "You did like it right?" Alicia asked giving him big eyes.

"I... don't remember." Vince lied not wanting to admit out loud that he had indeed enjoyed using his daughters body. "I was drunk."

Alicia's sudden grin reminded Vince of his wife's the last time she'd tricked him into agreeing to something kinky. "Maybe I should remind you then." She said lovingly sliding her hand down his chest to his crotch and caressed the tip of his cock which was just peeking out of it's sheath.

Vince couldn't suppress the soft moan at her touch. "Alicia wait." He said huskily. "This isn't right."

"But it can't be wrong either." She smiled as she lowered herself to her knees, her body still pressed against his.

"How could it not be?" He moaned again as her other hand joined the first in teasing him.

"Because I love you Daddy." Alicia smiled up at him with mock innocence, then licked his now hard cock from base to tip.

Vince stopped breathing for a second and whatever reservations about the situation he had went unsaid as each time he tried to speak Alicia's flexible tongue would find a new sensitive spot to tease and the words would die before he even managed to form them.

Alicia looked up at her father, very pleased with the fact that she had him so completely off guard that all he was able to do was moan incoherently as her tongue swirled around every inch of his cock.

Not one to miss an opportunity she kept her hands active as well. She used one to hold him to her somewhat, caressing his ass lightly. The other was completely occupied with his balls, as she rolled them in the palm of her hand and squeezed them lightly.

Vince had forgotten for the moment who was sucking his cock, lost in the wonderful sensations until he reached down to run a hand through her hair. The longer length than he expected brought him back to the moment and he looked down.

Alicia looked up at her father with an innocent smile as she felt his eyes on her, then seemingly without a thought, took his cock into her mouth and sucked on it.

Vince moaned again, but didn't try and stop her. The sight of his teenage daughter sucking him off wasn't something he could bring himself to end, especially when she, without any prompting from him, slid farther down, taking his cock into her mouth right down to the base.

Encouraged by his moans Alicia sucked lightly on him for a moment then started to bob her head, slowly at first then picking up speed. She kept a close eye on her father's reactions, as she tried to work him almost to an orgasm, but not get him there. She wanted more than to just give him head and she knew he'd be more willing if he was left hanging.

When she was pretty sure he was ready to cum at any moment, she slipped his cock out of her mouth. If the moan of frustration and the slight pressure her father's hand was putting on the back of her head was any indication she had timed it just right.

She stood sliding her body along his and taking his hands. "This isn't fair." She said softly looking into his eyes. "You are getting all the fun and I'm just left sitting here. You don't want it to be unfair do you?" She asked him giving him the big innocent eyes again.

Vince tried to speak but he was still pretty unfocused and only managed to shake his head. Alicia smiled brightly. "I didn't think so. You're the best, daddy." She said happily as she walked backwards towards the bed taking him with her.

Once she felt the bed behind her she let go of his hands and dropped back onto it. She spread her legs and smiled at him.

She had expected him to go right to fucking, but he had apparently taken what she was saying in a different way and knelt between her legs. His rough tongue and experienced hands soon had her moaning as much as she'd had him moaning only a few minutes before.

Vince no longer really remembered that it was his daughter in front of him as he worked two fingers into her pussy. The only thing he was thinking about was it had been a long time since he had got to play with someone this tight. The half remembered night before didn't count, he'd been too drunk at the time to really enjoy it.

As he fucked her slowly with his fingers, his tongue lavished attention on her clit, his actions made all the more eager by the lust filled moans that he teased out of her.

He only had enough will power in him to work her to one orgasm, her scent all over his face as she came making his own need more than he could stand.

He pulled himself up and braced himself on the bed over her with one arm, as he lined himself up with the other. There he hesitated a moment as he felt a flash of guilt, looking down into his daughter's eyes. Then she pulled him closer and lustfully whispered "Fuck me." and all guilt was gone. She wanted this... probably more than he did.

With a sound somewhere between a growl and a moan, he thrust into her, hilting himself in one smooth motion. He hadn't taken her virginity with the thrust of course, he'd done that the night before... Hadn't he? He couldn't remember if she had been a virgin or not when he'd fucked her and he wasn't going to try too hard to remember either, since he wouldn't like either answer.

Alicia cried out and arched her back, her pussy squeezing her father's cock tightly enough to make him moan. He resisted the urge to thrust for a few moments, though when he saw no sign of pain on her face he started a slow thrusting that quickly had them both moaning.

"Faster..." Alicia begged breathlessly. "Go faster."

Vince chuckled dryly "No." He hissed softly. She might have started the teasing but he was going to finish it, now that he was inside her he could go for hours. He did however shift his weight so that he could thrust deeper and harder. This drove Alicia wild, all she could do was moan incoherently and cling to him.

It was easy for Vince to tell when she had cum, between the way she milked his cock and the adorable face she made, which looked almost exactly like her mother's sex face.

He held her close as he waited for her to catch her breath. "That felt great." She mumbled into his shoulder.

Vince nuzzled her hair then whispered to her softly "It's not over yet." and before Alicia could really work out what was happening now, she found herself on her hands and knees in the middle of the bed, her father was once again sliding his cock into her.

Alicia moaned again as the barbs on his cock teased the walls of her still sensitive pussy. Vince took hold of her hips and started thrusting again, a few slow ones to find his rhythm then quickly picking up speed. For a little while the only sound in the room was the steady slap of their bodies and the sound of their moans, then Vince crouched over Alicia growling softly as took her breasts in his hands kneading them roughly. He nibbled along her shoulder briefly then, spurned on by the sound of her needy moans, bit down on the back of her neck.

A few rough thrusts later the two of them orgasmed within seconds of each other. Vince shouted his daughter's name as he filled her with his cum, after he laid down and pulled Alicia down into his arms.

After a few minutes of silence, Vince spoke. "If your mother ever finds out about this I am a dead man."

Alicia giggled a little "Well I wasn't planning on telling her. Can we do this again?" She asked.

"I don't know..." Vince started to say, having second thoughts about what they had done.

"Please Daddy." Alicia begged, giving him a big eyed look.

Vince looked at her for a moment and all he could think of was the sight of her sucking on his cock. The thought was too much for him to resist and he agreed. "Alright, yes, we will do this again... but only when your mother and sisters aren't home." He added before she got any more ideas in her head.

Alicia just smiled at him. "You're the best dad ever." She said nuzzling into his chest. Somehow Vince could not bring himself to believe that.

Alicia sat at the table, her head resting on her hand as she watched her father cook breakfast. He wore only a pair of boxers and a t-shirt. More than she would have like to see him in, but he was cooking bacon at the moment. The ringing of the phone interrupted her happy little daydreams about the father daughter time she wanted to have later.

"I'll get it." She told him as she pushed herself away from the table.

Vince looked over his shoulder as Alicia picked up the phone and said hello.

"Oh hi mom." She said cheerfully "How is everything?" Vince could just barely make out the voice of his wife on the other end of the line. "That's good to hear." Alicia said when her mother finished speaking. "Things are fine here, Dad's cooking breakfast, nothing much going on really, though we do have a leak in my bedroom." There was another pause as she listened to her mother, "Yeah it's right over my bed, I ended up shoving a bucket under it and sleeping in your room." Her mother said a few more things then Alicia laughed softly "He had too much to drink and fell asleep in front of the TV."

Vince sighed as he heard his wife laughing at him through the phone. He was going to hear about that when she got home. The two of them spoke for a few minutes more then Alicia smiled "Alright, I'll tell him. Bye mom, love you." Alicia's smile changed causing Vince to blush and quickly turn back to the stove, preferring to stare at the frying pan then see the lustful look his daughter was giving him as she told her mother "And don't worry, I'll look after dad until you get back."