Sunny Days

Story by Felinix on SoFurry

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#2 of Days

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Sunny Days

The sun was blazing in the midday. A few sparsely leafed trees shaded the small white beach and crystal blue water lapped gently at the shore. A bird flitted through the trees, chirped a few times, and then flew away.

Jack's favourite spot in the world was his little beach. Completely secluded from the rest of the area save for a single path up a narrow and winding crevice in a rock. He had his towel lying on the sand, corners flat, a backpack complete with: a book, sun block, wallet, CD player, and lastly, a large bottle of pure tap water.

The sun rained down on this beach in the morning and became shady in the afternoon, a trait that kept Jack coming back every chance he got. No one knew of this spot, at least, he didn't think anyone else knew of it. His only evidence of this fact was the lack of cigarette butts lying buried in the sand. This was also a desirable trait as he neither smoked, nor wished to wade in other people's filth.

He lay on his towel, stretched so that his feet were in the sand and his arms up behind his head as a pillow. His eyes were closed and he was merely content simply to soak up the sun's rays (or what rays escaped the barrier of the leaves) and relax. It was his first day off from his bloody job at McDonalds down on Main Street in over 2 weeks. Sometimes part timers work longer hours than full timers.

At least he was.

He sighed and for a moment wished that some company would just spontaneously show up and sit beside him. Perhaps a cute blonde or a brunette.

Jack was at best a dreamer. Never had a real girlfriend, still didn't, at 18, wasn't nearly as muscular as the guys with beach babes hanging off their arms, and had scraggly hair adorning his head. He was a sleek 6'0" body with less than average build, though his bright red canine fur was always his most admired trait, if he were to be admired that is. What he lacked in body though he made up for in mind. Though on a beach, who really gives a crap if you can solve a trigonometric equation in your head? Even if it was possibly his only "real" desirable characteristic.

He was handsome in his own way. His features were nearly symmetrical, he sported a strong jaw line and high cheekbones and always bragged to the few friends he had that his "winning smile" would the thing that lands him his first girlfriend.

He had yet to test that theory.

He opened his eyes and took in the bright blue of the sky. His green grey eyes shone with peaceful tranquility and yet stared into the heavens with a longing that only he knew. Thoughts raced and soon he found himself slipping into a light sleep.

He awoke at several hours later, as his arms were completely numb from the shoulders down, and sat up slowly. He wiped the sleep from his eyes and checked his watch. Nearly five o'clock. It wasn't time for him to head home yet, but it was getting there. He had another hour before it would be time for supper.

He sat cross-legged on his towel; the dry sand between his toes slipping back to quiescence on the beach as he lifted them away, and then watched helplessly the horizon ripple with white foam and the shore tormented with the constant motion of waves.

There was a sound behind him. A kind of quiet rustling and what seemed like a small yelp. Though almost inaudible, his fox's ears picked up the sounds quite easily. They twitched as yet another sound came through the shallow crevice in the rock behind him. This time it was nearer, and sounded much like... a girl!

He froze, and waited for the sound to either come into view, or disappear. It did neither, but instead continued in a helpless and almost pathetic way. He finally got up from his towel, rumpling the corners and tread effortlessly to the narrow pathway.

As he peeked around the corner he caught sight of one of the most gorgeous things he had seen in all his life. A brunette! A pantheress brunette! All right, so it wasn't exactly like his dreams, but it was pretty close!

He opened his mouth as though to speak, but nothing wanted to come out. He was so stunned to see another... living being come here, let alone a female living being, that his tongue was completely useless, though he began to grow an immediate hard-on, something that he tried to hide by standing around the corner.

She noticed him almost instantly and whined, holding out a hand to him.

"Can you... give me a hand here? My foot's... fucking stuck!" She tried twisting it and only let out another pitiful whine.

Not that her presence was unwanted, but her whines were so utterly annoying that he almost turned around to give her the cold shoulder. Before those neurons connected however his hand instinctively reached for hers, grasped it and pulled her free of the rock and into the small, shaded beach.

"Wow. Nice place you have here. You alone?" she asked energetically.

He wasn't used to speaking with bikini-clad women before, so on his face came a blush and from his mouth came a squeak.

"Oh for crying out loud," she said sarcastically, and took his hand and placed it on her breast.

His eyes widened and had the scene been in an anime flick, his nose would have started to bleed. His mouth dropped open and he began to pant.

"There. Better now? Can you talk?"

He nodded meekly, not wanting to pull his hand away but knowing that if he didn't he'd appear a bigger pervert than she was.

"Good. Now--" and she spoke slowly, "Are you here a-l-o-n-e? Or are you with someone?"

"A-alone. Miss... Ma'am... Mrs... uh..."

"Do you need the boob again or what?"

"I'm fine. Thank you. I'm alone. One towel. Okay?" he spouted all at once.

Seemingly taken aback by his response she nodded and replied with, "Then can I join you?"

He didn't know what to say except "yes," but when he said it, it sounded more like a low hiss.

She looked at him weirdly and closed her eyes, taking a deep breath. "You haven't been around girls much, have you?"

He shook his head pathetically.

"Generally it's polite to close your mouth," and she took his jaw from where it hung and clapped it shut, "And my face... is up here." She moved his head upwards by the chin with her forefinger.

"Okay," he said weakly. "We can tit - sit... here. There's more shade..."

She giggled at his clumsy actions, speech, eyes... dick... The latter she seemed to zoom in on almost instinctively, the sheer length of it was enough to make her wet right away. Luckily she was wearing a scented bathing suit, her own creation, which masked the colourless odour that permeated the air around her nether regions.

He set up her towel for her, and moved his backpack out of the way. Sitting down seemed more a chore than a task, as his legs became weak even thinking about her. She joined him on the sand, but fidgeted almost ceaselessly. It was as if she drew energy from the core of the earth and had to spout it through her nostrils in order to sit still. Finally she got up, stretched, revealing to him that her breasts were indeed larger than he could hold with one hand, and her nethers were dripping wet (shown by a long trail of juices that flowed steadily down her right leg), and began hopping down to the water.

She splashed at first, then waded a little deeper and finally turned around to stare at him. "Normally the guy joins the girl when she goes for the water you know." He needed no more encouragement. Regardless of his throbbing hard-on, he stood tall and allowed it to bob up and down as he strode almost proudly towards the water.

She had to stifle a fit of giggling because instead of really looking more attractive, he looked so foolish that it was almost as if he were the high school geek with big coke-bottle glasses and tight flood pants strolling down the hall to his algebra class. The fact that he was was simply a fact unknown to her. Somehow though, even if he was a foolish nerd, he was about the most cute and cuddly thing she had seen in such a long time that... she wanted him inside her.

She didn't try to hide it either.

She did the hair flick, the clicking of the eyelashes, the bending over in front of him to scoop up shells, she even flashed him.

Still nothing.

He wasn't a goody-goody was he? No sex till marriage? Fuck!

At last she was tired of waiting for him to make a pass at her. It was obvious that he was going nowhere fast, so instead she became the bullet train.

"What's your name?" she asked, suddenly realizing that she was imagining his cock whipping in and out of her without knowing who was doing it.

"My name's Jack..." he replied hesitantly.

"Mine's Belle. I know, shitty name but--"

"I think it's a lovely name," he interrupted.

Without knowing why she blushed. It was the first complement she had ever received about her name. It was usually greeted with a sort of cold mockery but now... what was this?

Her energy seemed to drain from her and her voice grew almost timid. "T-thanks... Jack..."

This was an annoying feeling! She wanted to screw! That was all! But this guy... he was... he was disrupting the bureaucracy of the one-night-stand! She tried to regain her composure but then his hand took hers, his most forward move for the day and said to her with a broad smile and even broader innocence: "Come on. I know a great spot where you can sit just above the water line." He began to take her farther out; turning left around a bend and then swimming up to a rock. It was just barely peeking out from under the water, and when he was seated on top, he pulled her up too. It was a little slippery, but they were on top in no time and sitting shoulder to shoulder in order not to fall off.

"I come here just to sit... the beach works like that here. No matter how busy everything else is this little beach stays completely empty."

"Except for today," she snuck in shyly.

He smiled and looked her in the eyes. "I didn't mind."

God damn this feeling again! Her heart began to pound in her chest. It was as though she was hooked up to power cables in an electrical socket. Out of nowhere their lips met, and lightning seemed to stream through her body with such fluidity that she nearly lost balance. She had never felt anything like this before. It was more powerful that the biggest, wettest, most sensational orgasm she ever had.

And she liked it.

She released her urges and simply kissed him. The rush for sex seemed to melt away with every movement of their lips against each other, and their tongues, dancing between mouths.

He may have been a virgin, but he was a great kisser. Soon though, her earlier desires were being met. Except not by her. He moved his hands along her body in a way she had never been touched before. The massage and the embrace and the mere touch were enough to make her arch her back, pressing her breasts against his chest. It tickled, and yet she didn't laugh, it was too pleasurable. She found herself being enveloped within a bubble of nothing but what she desired, and yet didn't need.

What was this? Was this... love? No. It couldn't be! She had only met him an hour ago! There wasn't time! She only wanted a good, hard fuck! But... still.

She didn't care anymore, and with every motion either of them made, she was brought to peaks of pleasure she never knew existed.

Jack too, was thoroughly enjoying himself, though seriously, is there a straight guy in the world that wouldn't enjoy attending a woman like this?

He cupped her breasts, kneading them in his palms, gently rubbing his thumbs over the nipples with dexterity and gentleness. Their kiss seemed to last forever, and only ended when she moaned at his ministrations, gasping for breath as her pleasure heightened.

His hands left her breasts for a moment, moving down to her hips, caressing the flesh down there as well, before rolling over her rear and the coming back to the front to rub down between her legs. She spread wide with the stimulation, and with her arms around his neck she swung herself around so that she was sitting atop his lap, the only barriers between them being swimsuits.

Both were quickly disposed of and left to float around in the water. Even her top was tossed away, fully revealing her hefty breasts. His cock was upright and hard as steel. At least that's what it felt like as he entered her.

It was quick, entry, and he came almost as suddenly as it had happened. Neither of them was disappointed however, because though he had reached his first ever orgasm within a woman, he was a long way from finished. She did much of the work for him. Hoisting herself to a position suitable for bobbing herself up and down on his cock wasn't difficult, just slippery.

When they had achieved a rhythm, he began to thrust as well, pushing himself not only deeper, but also faster into her steaming depths. She moaned in ecstasy, as did he, but neither of them was content with simple pleasure. They wanted more. And with each ripple their bodies made in the water lapping at the rock, they came closer to that goal.

The sun was beginning its descent onto the horizon and still they pumped away. Their orgasms seemed so close, and yet never came. So much energy built up between them that they began panting into each other's faces, and kissed wildly and sporadically. It was a great length of time before they even realized that they were still thrusting at all. They became lost in bliss.

When finally they had nearly had enough of the constant torture they were putting themselves through, their bodies registered that they were ready, and in moments they reached an orgasm unlike anything either had experienced previously. His load sprayed into her cunt with volcanic force, and she came as well, with equal, if not greater, power than his.

She sank down on his shaft once again, allowing both of them to come down from the peaks of pleasure. They were breathing hard, and sweating through their thick, matted coats of fur, now soaking with each other's sticky fluid.

She backed up, her arms resting on his shoulders and smiled tenderly, the first time she had ever allowed herself to shed the defensive barrier of energy and sexual desire. There was more to it than that, she now thought to herself, and she would be damned if she let it go so easily.

They embraced once again, kissed, once again, and then she slipped off his softening penis, pulling him into the water to collect their bathing suits, which had floated right back to shore.

They sat down on his towel, shoulder to shoulder and watched the last rays of the sun disappear on the water.

"No one else knows of this beach," he said.

She smiled and rested her head on his shoulder, "Then let's keep it our little secret."

He could hear the hum of electric lights coming on from the street behind the many rows of trees and the bustling of the nightclubs that were just starting to kick into high gear for the night. Even with the new noises, sitting here with Belle made everything else seem distant and meaningless; even his mother's home cooked meal.

Oh fuck!