A Failed Duty - Chapter 10

Story by Mewjen on SoFurry

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#10 of A Failed Duty

Sometimes giving into your heart is the only way forward. Wrap your arms around him and hold tight. Don't think, don't blink, and don't let go.

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Disclaimer: The following will contain homosexual individuals and relationships and may be an interesting commentary on life, death, immortality, God, gods and various religions. No offense is intended and if you cannot handle it, please discontinue reading rather than blaming me. This is copyrighted to me (mewjen(at)ymail.com), so no using it without my permission and no stealing it (any profits must be shared). This is a work of fiction. Any likenesses to persons, places, and so on, real or imagined, living or dead is purely coincidental.

Act II - Part 5

JUST being in his presence again brought back the old memories of what we once shared and what I did. I knew I shouldn't be here...near him again. His threats spawned some of the grimmer myths of our age. But that wasn't what scared me. Even at twenty feet away, his scent was intoxicating. His muscles were more defined than back then. His posture showed the confidence he gained back. My heart was pounding. He was just as gorgeous, and I was just as love-struck. All the pain I endured, all the pain I caused him wasn't enough. I still wanted him.

But I knew I couldn't. I wasn't here for that. I had to remember the pain I inflicted and the pain that was inflicted on me. I wasn't here to love him. I was here to help him save his love, not for me.

He had just started to hand-wash his dishes from his recent meal when I entered. It wasn't until he finished that I felt brave enough to speak. "An...?"

He did not wait for long to respond. "Horus didn't pass along my threat, did he?"

I swallowed several times, trying to rewet my throat. "He didn't send me."

He turned to me. "I know what he's doing." His stare was cold.

Despite trying, I couldn't look him in the eye. "I'm not here to try and mend what we had. I don't expect you to forgive me."

"Then why are you here?" The last time he asked that, he followed through with his threat. The fact that he hadn't yet, was enough to keep me going.

"I love you. And I want you to be happy. So I have to tell you something that I never wanted you to know. But if I don't, then Jaller can never be with you, regardless of how he feels.

"Your father.... Um....He, um...He.......Ra...." I took a deep breath and slowly exhaled, trying to calm myself. "God damn it. You would think it would get easier after telling someone."

I looked into his eyes. I wish I could say that I found comfort in them. But no. I had peaked his interest enough that he didn't look like he was going to attack me or anything. He was confused, and he was angry. If I hadn't...I could have told him, because he would have helped me through it. But now. I didn't have a choice.

I mumbled my apology, before I rushed him. When my hand touched his cheek, his hand was at my throat. I had an instant to choose whether to pull back or continue. But he had to know.

I pushed our heads together and I forced myself to remember. I showed him everything, before we crashed to the ground.

It was the first time since Ra confronted me that I had his arms around me. It didn't matter what I did to him. I just lost control and let my grief overwhelm me in the arms my heart told me I could trust.

As I lost myself to my pain, I gave way to the uncontrollable convulsions and contortions that raked my body. I'm not sure when or how, but our lips met, and we kissed as two lovers who had not seen each other for a very long time. Forgotten was the past. Forgotten was the sorrow. Forgotten was the world around us.

We grew feverish as our passion overrode us. Our hands explored our bodies, relearning every detail. Feeling the defined muscles of An's arms brought back memories of when he would complain that the problem with being the only guard was that it precluded the time required to maintain one's ability to guard. My response generally was that if he could find the time to eat, sleep, date me, and still complain, then maybe not going to the gym was purely a matter of choice. He always pouted after that.

My hand traced his chest, finding the places that would play An's groans as an instrument, as I nibbled away at his neck. His legs found their way around my waist, as he forced me onto my back and himself on top of me. I grabbed each cheek of his lovely rump and squeezed gently. He gasped at the unexpected touch, and then groaned as he threw himself into another kiss, bringing our bodies together. Our hardnesses ground against each other, as he took control of our pleasure.

My hands traced his spine, before I took hold of his shoulders and forced him back. He laid there gasping for air, as he trailed kisses down my chest, giving each nipple a soft lick and a gentle tug. My stomach fluttered, as his furry chin tickled my naval. My heart throb particularly hard when I felt his tongue guide itself around the base of my shaft, before catching one of my orbs and bathing it in affection. After spending what felt like several minutes on the one, he moved onto the next, taking the time to slowly caress my base again while making the switch.

I refused to take his teasing lying down, and so I projected myself behind him. His rear was just as beautiful as it had felt, even with his tail lazily hiding my goal. I positioned myself just right, so that when I gently stroked one finger from under his sack along his perineum, it caused his tail to jump right out of my way, and I gave his puckered flesh a long lick. It had been such a long time since I had done this last that it was like tasting him for the first time.

I lost myself in his musk. My nose was press right against the source, and An was slowly thrusting back on me, rubbing his scent into my skin. His pucker shuddered from underuse, as I tested his flesh. I felt his nerves ripple down his spine, into his rear, and on to my snout, as I pressed forward.

I barely penetrated him, before I pulled back. I gave the ring of flesh several long licks, as it tensed and released slowly, refusing to relax. I started to back away, but he forced himself backward, trying to force his body to relax.

It worked slightly, but he remained tight, possibly tighter than our first time. I took hold of his rear and began to massage his cheeks, trying to help calm him. I have never been on top of him. I always took him. It was his choice, even though I used to dream of him finally penetrating me. He never wanted to change his role. Not with me. Not with anyone. I used to know how to make every square inch of his body sing. Now everything seemed different, yet vaguely familiar.

He still refused to give me the attention I needed, so I decided to up the ante. My third facsimile was placed just in time to catch the drop of pre, as it fell from An's weeping tip. The taste was faint but heavenly.

I couldn't control the desire for more. Any plans I had to tease out my pleasure from him were gone, as I bend forward and took his tip into my mouth, covering my tongue with his flavor.

He pulled back almost immediately, as he gasped out his pleasure. He used his hands to keep me away from his shaft, as he panted, struggling to keep from spilling his pent-up load too early.

Not that I cared. I knew it had been millennia for either us. So while he kept one set of mouth and hands at bay, I just projected a few more. A full torso for his back to hold him close and bathe his neck in bites and kisses. Eight hands to stroke his chest, from collar to nipple, from breast to navel, and beyond, nothing was left untouched for long. Another six covering his legs from buttocks to soles.

I bent forward, grabbed his muzzle, and kissed him. I could feel his pulse racing. I could see his balls tightening and his shaft throbbing, just before he painted my face white. The first twenty shots were able to get by me, before I forced his hands out of the way and drove for the geyser. The taste alone was enough to cause me to begin to paint his chest white.

I couldn't handle the feedback of kissing him and drinking his seed, so I quickly forced his lips away and pushed his face onto my spewing shaft, which he swiftly took into his mouth, using suction and the twirl of his tongue to double my output. I struggled to use my two free heads to gasp in the necessary air, as I became overwhelmed. I had experienced nothing like this in a very long time, and parts of my body felt like they were giving out on me.

My illusions began to fade, as I lost control. My partial clones started to become whole, as my consciousness began jumping from body to body, unable to handle being stretched across them. Soon after that the energy I left to my clones failed, I found myself laying on the floor, with An collapsed on top of my chest, his legs over my stomach and his forehead resting on my chest.

We were both panting and enjoying the haze of our respective afterglows. I felt drained and energized at the same time, and despite the volume of my release, I was rock hard. I suspected An was in a similar state, though with the way he was crumpled over me, I couldn't feel the proof.

That changed when An began shifting downward. He unrolled himself slowly, gracefully reasserting himself. His tongue licked up my sternum, as his leg shifted, repositioning so that he ended up straddling my waist. Our shafts met once, as did our chests. His eyes twinkled, as his lips hovered just above mine. With his breath on my face, I leaned up to kiss him, but he pulled away, leaving me to whine at my unjust punishment.

My next move would have been to wrap my arms around his neck, but he grabbed my wrists and held them in place over my head. He then began an assault against my neck, biting, licking, sucking, and kissing at the sensitive flesh. At the same time, he began rocking his arousal against mine, creating such sweet friction. But every time I tried to aid our pleasure, he pulled away until I stopped.

I whimpered, as he took his time to explore all of my neck and shoulders. It was almost unbearable the way he controlled my pleasure. His next action was to shift his body, so he was holding my hands with one arm, with his sack draped over my shaft, as he turned his oral attentions to my chest.

The squelching sound that reached my ears shortly thereafter caused me to cover An's sack with a liberal shot of pre. I lifted my head as much as I could. The sight of An's hand reaching under his tail resulted in a second spurt. I closed my eyes and laid my head back, trying to remain in control, trying to ignore the feeling of An's tongue and the sounds of him stretching his hole.

I could feel the deep rumble in An's chest, as he took pleasure from his fingers. His incessant moaning was making me so jealous. The fact that he would deprived me of even the sight of his rump, while he did such lustrous work left me little course but to try to free myself. Unfortunately, the mere act of shifting my arms was enough for An to deduce my plans, so he made it worse.

He repositioned his legs so that my shaft no longer had a direct stimulus, and shifted his weight so that he could prop himself to hover above me, while not putting too much pressure on my wrists. He then decided to put on an elaborate show for my suffering. He gave me a wide smirk, before he began rocking into his fingers, moaning with ridiculous fervor.

Even from my limited vantage, it was an unbelievably hot display. The muscles of his chest showed every spasm of his pleasure, as his back arched into his thrusts. His face gave away what he was doing with his fingers. He started slowly with one, and then shortly two. He tried to take his time, but between acting and need, two became three, as the stroking of his hardness against my stomach increased in speed.

I waited until he was struggling between moaning and panting, when he was just at the tipping point, as he added the final finger. I slipped my hands free and quickly brought my arms around his neck. Pulling him down, I kissed him with all the passion his teasing had built up in me.

He fell forward, arms failing, as he came all over my stomach. When his body stopped jerking, his head came to rest next to mine, his gasping breaths passing over my ears.

I turned my head and nuzzled him, which he returned with a lick across my cheek. I was painfully erect and completely trapped under his weight, so I waited, holding him, as he regained his strength. I had to admit that if I wasn't incredibly horny, I would have been in heaven.

We stayed like that for longer than I could stand, but I never went soft. When An sat up, he chuckled at the prodding he felt just above his tail. Without any heralding, he scooted himself back and sat down on my lap, letting me slide completely inside of him, as we both moaned at the sensation.

I laid back and let him take his time to get use to my length. I'm not sure if it was because of the age of my memories or not, but he felt better than any time before. The pleasure made it so that I couldn't distinguish anything beyond the heat and pressure. Coursing pulses of muscle spasms ran along my member, as he took deep breath after deep breath. I laced the fingers of my right hand with his, and with my left, I slowly massaged his thigh.

His closed eyes opened and found mine. He smiled and took my hand from his thigh and brought it to rest on his heart. He then placed his hand on my heart and waited.

In that moment of calm, our hearts beat as one, and as they began to race, my jackal bent forward and kissed me, before he lifted his body until just my tip remained.

We cried out, as he fell back onto me. I took hold of both his hips and guided him up my shaft. The act caused him to fall forward. Barely catching himself, he smiled at the accident, and I returned it with a smirk, before I thrust my hips upwards, re-sheathing the part of my shaft that had slipped out.

An raised his eyebrow, giving me the chance to back down.

My smirk widened.

He leaned forward and touched our foreheads together. He took in three deep breaths, before I felt him nod, his fur stroking my temple.

We moved as one, him thrusting down and me thrusting up, our bodies merging for brief seconds, until we separated and repeated. We kept the pace calm for now, just enjoying the steady pace. No need to rush, not yet.

I let my eyes roam his body, as I fought to refocus my mind away from the pleasure, not wanting to end things prematurely. I watched the muscles of his neck tense, as he gritted his teeth trying to hide the spasm of pain from me. I shifted around slightly, searching for the right position, watching his face for the clues to his pleasure. I knew when I found his prostate, as he jerked forward, almost collapsing on me. I shifted again, finding that pleasure node once more, but he twisted away before I homed in a third time. Thus began our dance, each one trying to force the other over the edge, while not succumbing to the pleasure coursing through our bodies at the same time.

It became harder to stay distracted, as I spent so much energy trying to follow his squirming. Several times, I thought I had him beat, but he managed to predict my moves with greater success.

Our pace was lost, as our passions boiled, our game forgotten, as he threw himself onto me and I rammed myself into him. His sweat soaked fur dripped musky droplets down my face, even as my sweat was starting to cause my feet to slide on Horus' tiled floor. After the third time of losing my footing and having An land once again in a rather uncomfortable position, I growled out my frustration and flipped An onto his back.

He quickly wrapped his legs around my waist and forced his arms around my neck, pulling me down into a kiss, while at the same time, causing me to lose my balance, which in turn caused me to fall onto his stomach and slide almost completely out of him.

We both let out grunts of pain, as hard bone hit sensitive flesh, but we refused to let that stop us. I forced my legs back under me and lifted his rear into position.

He broke the kiss to let out a tremendous groan, as I thrust into him with all my might, hitting his prostate squarely. I could feel him spasming around me. He was close, just a few more precise jabs forward and....

I didn't feel the thread slip inside me, but I knew instantly what was happening. An's abilities were defensive in nature, so the manipulation of shields was a part of him. I gasped, as I felt the tubular shield expand. It had been such a long time since I had felt something inside my rear. My muscles were taut with the lack of use, but An was careful, moving with speed and yet never exceeding my tolerance, rubbing different areas, relaxing me, until he started thrusting into me.

I groaned, as I held myself to his body, unable to move, moments away from the edge.

I roared, as I came inside him, filling him with my seed, as he milked my prostate with that damn field.

I don't know for how long I flooded him, but I knew he hadn't released against my stomach. He was waiting for me, letting me have the moment before he took control once again.

He was gentle with my goo-like body, as he flipped us. He slipped me out of his tail, before laying his shaft on mine. He gave me three breaths, before he started rutting against me. Using my cum as lubricant, he was swift and rough. Our chests grew warm from the friction of his movement. Our balls collided on every upward stroke, as his chin fur rubbed against my neck.

I felt his body tense, squeezing me, as he gave five deep thrust, before he let out a loud relieved sigh, his seed firing between our stomachs.

We laid there for a bit, not really tired, just waiting for the next idea.

He jumped when my clone leaned over him. I didn't move until he nodded his permission, and then I positioned his body, before slipping back inside of him. He threw his head back, as he leaned back into my second, enjoying himself in my arms.

He jumped again when I positioned my shaft at his entrance, right underneath my second's. He looked down at me, smirking. I smiled back, and he pressed himself down onto me.

I let my second kiss him, as I took control of the motion, following the path our lusts carved, as the evening sky approached Horus' window.

WE sat across from each other on the floor, breathing hard. I was enjoying staring at his nude body, trying to memorize every part of him that had changed over the eons.

"So...."And it broke. He was always the first to act. I don't know if it was his history or just his personality that could never let the moment last.

I brought my gaze to his eager face, as he continued. "I guess we should tell Horus. He may want to replace a few things."

His smile was so sweet, as he tried to coax a smile from me.

When I didn't react, he pushed on. "We are going to have to figure a few things out..."

I tried to focus on his words and the future he saw, but my mind was rebelling.

I jumped when I felt the arm on my shoulders. I turned to find him sitting next to me, with that comforting smile and gentle squeeze.

"Don't worry about my father. I'll deal with him, after we figure out us."

This wasn't what I meant to happen. I wasn't supposed to fall for him again.

"You know there's a nice comfy bed, we could be cuddling in right now, instead of this hard granite floor."

He gave me a minute, before standing up, "As the guy with the sore bottom, I'm going to make this decision." And up he dragged me.

I clutched at his waist, as my legs shook.

"Ready already?"

I wish my brain could have given him the chuckle he wanted, just to let him know I was there.

"I am going to take you to my room, then clean up here, and contact Horus. He'll need to be warned there are naked males roaming his halls. And he'll need to tell Jaller."

Jaller...? He was the reason I was there. And my euphoria was gone. I was brought back from that heavenly possibility, down to where I belonged.

My first 'no' was nothing but a squeak, but the second was strong enough for me to push away from him.

My body longed for his warmth, but my mind stood steadfast. "This won't work."

And I was hurting him again.

"Why not?" he asked solemnly. "You haven't even given it a chance yet."

"Because you're feeling guilty," I answered. "You want to make up for the hurt you caused me and the hatred you felt. But it won't change what I did to you. The pain I caused you will not go away just because you understand why I did it."

He didn't know how to respond. I was shattering his hope. "I love you" was all he could come up with.

"And I, you," I said, truthfully. "But it's not enough and can't last."

"I'm sorry!" he shouted.

"You're the one who deserves that," I cried. "But there is nothing I can do to deserve your forgiveness. My remorse isn't enough. My misery isn't enough. I wasn't strong enough for you. I died so many times for you, but I couldn't last." Apparently, my tears had come back. "All you wanted was the freedom to love, but I couldn't do it. I let Ra win. I failed you. I just...."

His arms were wrapped around me, again. His fur soaking up my tears. "Stop," I felt the vibrations from his chest. "You are measuring yourself to an impossible standard. You did everything you could to survive him. Dad wasn't going to give up until he split us apart."

"I broke you," I moaned. "I took it too far."

"I wouldn't have let you go." He pulled away and leaned back against the counter. "At least not back then." He let out a loud sigh. "I'm going to kill him. He destroyed you! You were brave! You were funny! You were kind! I loved you! And now look at yourself! Who are you? Where is the Set who asked me to marry him?"

I couldn't look at him and answer, so I replied to his feet. "Gone."

"So my father still wins? I'm still alone? Why?" His frustration was taking over.

His back was to me, as I struggled to find my thoughts. "You don't have to be alone."

"I'm not bisexual!" he snapped, without looking at me.

"Jaller deserves his chance." It was easier to talk about Jaller. It provided enough purpose to let me focus on something other than my guilt.

"Jaller wants nothing to do with me!" With his emotions running high, his anger caused what remained on the island counter to be thrown to the ground.

"That's not true!" I retorted. "Do you think I am the only one he has tried to control? Jaller is infected."

"What?" He turned back to me.

"You saw him try and fail to infect me," I stated. "I'm immune, because chaos cannot be controlled. Jaller loves you enough that he is fighting insanity to be with you."

"How can you be so sure?" He asked, not wanting to believe the truth. "He's my father. I mean he's overly..., but to...."

I walked over and stood by his side, a clear reminder of Ra's brutality. "I have watched over Jaller ever since I broke us up. Ever since you entered this plane and confronted Jaller, his shade has been getting desperate enough to show itself. You have to confront Ra. For yourself, for Jaller, for every god and goddess under Ra's reign, you are the only one he will hesitate for."

An spent several minutes standing there, lost in thought. He turned away and walked several paces, before returning to stand next to me.

"Okay." He leaned over and kissed my cheek. "When this is over, promise me, you'll find someone. I can't bear the idea of you being alone."

"We'll see," I said, already knowing my fate.

"Is that a challenge, my friend?" He asked with a smiled.

"Friend?" I asked meekly.

"I can't love you. I can't hate you. Seems like a good middle ground." He took several long moments to focus himself, and then he stood there, as he formed a portal of swirling pale blue energy, looking as breathtakingly resolute as I had ever seen him. (Gawd, I'm an idiot.)

"I'll leave you to deal with Horus," he said.

And he walked through the portal, leaving me to handle the bird that had decided to come home and found his kitchen with semen stains and a very naked male, who had no idea how to explain himself.

Author Note: Well another week and I actually finished what I wanted to do, even though I accept the transition is painful. I wanted to challenge myself when I started this part. I wanted to have no dialogue during the sex. I hope that it is not apparent, but I do have a habit of writing the dialogue first and the chorography sometimes a month later, which does not always work. This time I forced myself to do something different and I think it was successful and showed some character detailed.

Four chapters left and next week begins the climatic action. I hope you have enjoy this and stay tuned for confrontation of the ages.

Thank you for reading this chapter. While you are here, please rate, favorite, and comment. Your feedback is the only way I know if the various parts and concepts are working or confusing.